The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Average weather in canaries in march: Canary Islands Weather in March

Опубликовано: January 27, 2020 в 10:12 am


Категории: March

Canaries March Weather, Average Temperature (St. Lucia)

Daily high temperatures are around 83°F, rarely falling below 81°F or exceeding 86°F.

Daily low temperatures are around 76°F, rarely falling below 74°F or exceeding 78°F.

For reference, on September 11, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Canaries typically range from 79°F to 87°F, while on January 25, the coldest day of the year, they range from 75°F to 82°F.

Average High and Low Temperature in March in CanariesMar112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313172°F72°F74°F74°F76°F76°F78°F78°F80°F80°F82°F82°F84°F84°F86°F86°F88°F88°F90°F90°F92°F92°FFebAprMar 183°FMar 183°F76°F76°FMar 3184°FMar 3184°F77°F77°FMar 1183°FMar 1183°F76°F76°FMar 2184°FMar 2184°F76°F76°F

The daily average high (red line) and low (blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The thin dotted lines are the corresponding average perceived temperatures.

The figure below shows you a compact characterization of the hourly average temperatures for the quarter of the year centered on March. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the color is the average temperature for that hour and day.

Average Hourly Temperature in March in Canaries

Average Hourly Temperature in March in CanariesMar112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313112 AM12 AM2 AM2 AM4 AM4 AM6 AM6 AM8 AM8 AM10 AM10 AM12 PM12 PM2 PM2 PM4 PM4 PM6 PM6 PM8 PM8 PM10 PM10 PM12 AM12 AMFebAprwarm

very cold

The average hourly temperature, color coded into bands. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Fitii, French Polynesia (6,498 miles away) is the far-away foreign place with temperatures most similar to Canaries (view comparison).

© Esri, et al.

Compare Canaries to another city:


The month of March in Canaries experiences gradually increasing cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy increasing from 46% to 53%.

The clearest day of the month is March 1, with clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy conditions 54% of the time.

For reference, on September 27, the cloudiest day of the year, the chance of overcast or mostly cloudy conditions is 71%, while on January 13, the clearest day of the year, the chance of clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy skies is 60%.

Cloud Cover Categories in March in Canaries

Cloud Cover Categories in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310%100%10%90%20%80%30%70%40%60%50%50%60%40%70%30%80%20%90%10%100%0%FebAprMar 154%Mar 154%Mar 3147%Mar 3147%Mar 1152%Mar 1152%Mar 2150%Mar 2150%clearmostly clearpartly cloudymostly cloudyovercast

mostly clear
partly cloudy
mostly cloudy

The percentage of time spent in each cloud cover band, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds.

A wet day is one with at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. In Canaries, the chance of a wet day over the course of March is gradually increasing, starting the month at 19% and ending it at 21%.

For reference, the year’s highest daily chance of a wet day is 46% on November 16, and its lowest chance is 18% on March 4.

Probability of Precipitation in March in Canaries

Probability of Precipitation in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310%0%5%5%10%10%15%15%20%20%25%25%FebAprMar 318%Mar 318%Mar 3121%Mar 3121%Mar 1119%Mar 1119%Mar 2119%Mar 2119%rain

The percentage of days in which various types of precipitation are observed, excluding trace quantities: rain alone, snow alone, and mixed (both rain and snow fell in the same day).


To show variation within the month and not just the monthly total, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day.

The average sliding 31-day rainfall during March in Canaries is increasing, starting the month at 1.7 inches, when it rarely exceeds 2.6 inches or falls below 0.2 inches, and ending the month at 2.3 inches, when it rarely exceeds 4.7 inches or falls below 0. 1 inches.

Average Monthly Rainfall in March in Canaries

Average Monthly Rainfall in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310 in0 in2 in2 in4 in4 in6 in6 in8 in8 in10 in10 inFebAprMar 11.7 inMar 11.7 inMar 312.3 inMar 312.3 inMar 111.8 inMar 111.8 inMar 212.1 inMar 212.1 in

The average rainfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The thin dotted line is the corresponding average snowfall.

Over the course of March in Canaries, the length of the day is gradually increasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day increases by 23 minutes, implying an average daily increase of 46 seconds, and weekly increase of 5 minutes, 25 seconds.

The shortest day of the month is March 1, with 11 hours, 52 minutes of daylight and the longest day is March 31, with 12 hours, 15 minutes of daylight.

Hours of Daylight and Twilight in March in Canaries

Hours of Daylight and Twilight in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310 hr24 hr4 hr20 hr8 hr16 hr12 hr12 hr16 hr8 hr20 hr4 hr24 hr0 hrFebAprMar 2012 hr, 6 minMar 2012 hr, 6 minnightnightdaydayMar 111 hr, 52 minMar 111 hr, 52 min

The number of hours during which the Sun is visible (black line). From bottom (most yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and full night.

The latest sunrise of the month in Canaries is 6:20 AM on March 1 and the earliest sunrise is 20 minutes earlier at 6:00 AM on March 31.

The earliest sunset is 6:12 PM on March 1 and the latest sunset is 3 minutes later at 6:16 PM on March 31.

Daylight saving time is not observed in Canaries during 2022.

For reference, on June 21, the longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:37 AM and sets 12 hours, 57 minutes later, at 6:34 PM, while on December 21, the shortest day of the year, it rises at 6:23 AM and sets 11 hours, 18 minutes later, at 5:41 PM.

Sunrise & Sunset with Twilight in March in Canaries

Sunrise & Sunset with Twilight in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031312 AM4 AM6 AM8 AM10 AM12 PM2 PM4 PM6 PM8 PM10 PM12 AMFebApr6:00 AM6:00 AMMar 316:16 PMMar 316:16 PM6:20 AM6:20 AMMar 16:12 PMMar 16:12 PM6:11 AM6:11 AMMar 166:14 PMMar 166:14 PMSolarMidnightSolarMidnightSolarNoonSunriseSunset

The solar day over the course of March. From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray.

The figure below presents a compact representation of the sun’s elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon) and azimuth (its compass bearing) for every hour of every day in the reporting period. The horizontal axis is the day of the year and the vertical axis is the hour of the day. For a given day and hour of that day, the background color indicates the azimuth of the sun at that moment. The black isolines are contours of constant solar elevation.

Solar Elevation and Azimuth in March in Canaries

Solar Elevation and Azimuth in March in CanariesMar112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313112 AM12 AM2 AM2 AM4 AM4 AM6 AM6 AM8 AM8 AM10 AM10 AM12 PM12 PM2 PM2 PM4 PM4 PM6 PM6 PM8 PM8 PM10 PM10 PM12 AM12 AMFebApr001010202020303040405050506060708000010102020303030404050506060607080


Solar elevation and azimuth over the course of March 2022. The black lines are lines of constant solar elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon, in degrees). The background color fills indicate the azimuth (the compass bearing) of the sun. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries of the cardinal compass points indicate the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest).

The figure below presents a compact representation of key lunar data for March 2022. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the colored areas indicate when the moon is above the horizon. The vertical gray bars (new Moons) and blue bars (full Moons) indicate key Moon phases. The label associated with each bar indicates the date and time that the phase is obtained, and the companion time labels indicate the rise and set times of the Moon for the nearest time interval in which the moon is above the horizon.

Moon Rise, Set & Phases in March in Canaries

Moon Rise, Set & Phases in March in CanariesMar112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313112 AM12 AM4 AM4 AM8 AM8 AM12 PM12 PM4 PM4 PM8 PM8 PM12 AM12 AMFebAprFeb 11:47 AMFeb 11:47 AMFeb 1612:57 PMFeb 1612:57 PMMar 21:35 PMMar 21:35 PMMar 183:18 AMMar 183:18 AMApr 12:25 AMApr 12:25 AMApr 162:56 PMApr 162:56 PMApr 304:29 PMApr 304:29 PM6:57 AM6:57 AM6:43 PM6:43 PM6:19 PM6:19 PM7:13 AM7:13 AM6:22 AM6:22 AM6:22 PM6:22 PM5:54 PM5:54 PM6:29 AM6:29 AM6:18 AM6:18 AM6:48 PM6:48 PM6:23 PM6:23 PM6:26 AM6:26 AM

The time in which the moon is above the horizon (light blue area), with new moons (dark gray lines) and full moons (blue lines) indicated. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Mar 2022 Illumination Moonrise Moonset Moonrise Meridian Passing Distance
1 2% 5:36 AM ESE 5:26 PM WSW 11:31 AM S 230,810 mi
2 0% 6:22 AM ESE 6:22 PM W 12:23 PM S 232,913 mi
3 1% 7:05 AM E 7:16 PM W 1:10 PM S 235,571 mi
4 5% 7:44 AM E 8:08 PM W 1:55 PM S 238,592 mi
5 10% 8:23 AM E 8:58 PM W 2:39 PM S 241,740 mi
6 18% 9:01 AM E 9:47 PM WNW 3:23 PM S 244,756 mi
7 26% 9:40 AM ENE 10:38 PM WNW 4:07 PM N 247,395 mi
8 35% 10:20 AM ENE 11:28 PM WNW 4:53 PM N 249,445 mi
9 45% 11:03 AM ENE 5:40 PM N 250,745 mi
10 50% 12:20 AM WNW 11:49 AM ENE 6:30 PM N 251,201 mi
11 64% 1:12 AM WNW 12:38 PM ENE 7:21 PM N 250,791 mi
12 73% 2:03 AM WNW 1:30 PM ENE 8:12 PM N 249,568 mi
13 82% 2:53 AM WNW 2:23 PM ENE 9:03 PM N 247,651 mi
14 89% 3:40 AM WNW 3:16 PM ENE 9:52 PM N 245,214 mi
15 95% 4:25 AM WNW 4:09 PM ENE 10:40 PM N 242,470 mi
16 98% 5:08 AM WNW 5:02 PM ENE 11:27 PM S 239,644 mi
17 100% 5:49 AM W 5:54 PM E
18 100% 6:29 AM W 6:47 PM E 12:12 AM S 236,952 mi
19 99% 7:08 AM W 7:40 PM E 12:58 AM S 234,575 mi
20 96% 7:49 AM W 8:35 PM ESE 1:45 AM S 232,640 mi
21 89% 8:33 AM WSW 9:33 PM ESE 2:34 AM S 231,209 mi
22 81% 9:21 AM WSW 10:34 PM ESE 3:26 AM S 230,286 mi
23 71% 10:13 AM WSW 11:36 PM ESE 4:23 AM S 229,831 mi
24 60% 11:10 AM WSW 5:23 AM S 229,786 mi
25 50% 12:40 AM ESE 12:11 PM WSW 6:25 AM S 230,093 mi
26 36% 1:41 AM ESE 1:14 PM WSW 7:28 AM S 230,717 mi
27 25% 2:38 AM ESE 2:16 PM WSW 8:28 AM S 231,647 mi
28 16% 3:30 AM ESE 3:15 PM WSW 9:23 AM S 232,892 mi
29 8% 4:17 AM ESE 4:12 PM WSW 10:15 AM S 234,468 mi
30 3% 4:59 AM E 5:06 PM W 11:03 AM S 236,376 mi
31 0% 5:39 AM E 5:57 PM W 11:48 AM S 238,582 mi

We base the humidity comfort level on the dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night.

The chance that a given day will be muggy in Canaries is essentially constant during March, remaining within 1% of 99% throughout.

For reference, on May 1, the muggiest day of the year, there are muggy conditions 100% of the time, while on February 28, the least muggy day of the year, there are muggy conditions 98% of the time.

Humidity Comfort Levels in March in Canaries

Humidity Comfort Levels in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310%0%10%10%20%20%30%30%40%40%50%50%60%60%70%70%80%80%90%90%100%100%FebAprMar 198%Mar 198%Mar 3199%Mar 3199%Mar 1198%Mar 1198%Mar 2199%Mar 2199%oppressiveoppressivemuggymuggymiserablemiserable


The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized by dew point.

This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages.

The average hourly wind speed in Canaries is decreasing during March, decreasing from 16.9 miles per hour to 15.9 miles per hour over the course of the month.

For reference, on June 21, the windiest day of the year, the daily average wind speed is 17.8 miles per hour, while on October 2, the calmest day of the year, the daily average wind speed is 13.0 miles per hour.

Average Wind Speed in March in Canaries

Average Wind Speed in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310 mph0 mph5 mph5 mph20 mph20 mph25 mph25 mph30 mph30 mphFebAprMar 116. 9 mphMar 116.9 mphMar 3115.9 mphMar 3115.9 mphMar 1616.3 mphMar 1616.3 mph

The average of mean hourly wind speeds (dark gray line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.

The hourly average wind direction in Canaries throughout March is predominantly from the east, with a peak proportion of 98% on March 28.

Wind Direction in March in Canaries

Wind Direction in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310%100%20%80%40%60%60%40%80%20%100%0%FebApreast


The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than 1.0 mph. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries are the percentage of hours spent in the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest).

Canaries is located near a large body of water (e.g., ocean, sea, or large lake). This section reports on the wide-area average surface temperature of that water.

The average surface water temperature in Canaries is essentially constant during March, remaining around 80°F throughout.

Average Water Temperature in March in Canaries

Average Water Temperature in March in CanariesMar112233445566778899101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252526262727282829293030313178.5°F78.5°F79.0°F79.0°F79.5°F79.5°F80.0°F80.0°F80.5°F80.5°F81.0°F81.0°F81.5°F81.5°F82.0°F82.0°F82.5°F82.5°FFebAprMar 180°FMar 180°FMar 3180°FMar 3180°FMar 1180°FMar 1180°FMar 2180°FMar 2180°F

The daily average water temperature (purple line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.

Definitions of the growing season vary throughout the world, but for the purposes of this report, we define it as the longest continuous period of non-freezing temperatures (≥ 32°F) in the year (the calendar year in the Northern Hemisphere, or from July 1 until June 30 in the Southern Hemisphere).

Temperatures in Canaries are sufficiently warm year round that it is not entirely meaningful to discuss the growing season in these terms. We nevertheless include the chart below as an illustration of the distribution of temperatures experienced throughout the year.

Time Spent in Various Temperature Bands and the Growing Season in March in Canaries

Time Spent in Various Temperature Bands and the Growing Season in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310%100%10%90%20%80%30%70%40%60%50%50%60%40%70%30%80%20%90%10%100%0%FebApr100%Mar 16100%Mar 16warmhotcomfortable

very cold

The percentage of time spent in various temperature bands. The black line is the percentage chance that a given day is within the growing season.

Growing degree days are a measure of yearly heat accumulation used to predict plant and animal development, and defined as the integral of warmth above a base temperature, discarding any excess above a maximum temperature. In this report, we use a base of 50°F and a cap of 86°F.

The average accumulated growing degree days in Canaries are rapidly increasing during March, increasing by 864°F, from 1,699°F to 2,563°F, over the course of the month.

Growing Degree Days in March in Canaries

Growing Degree Days in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031311,800°F1,800°F2,000°F2,000°F2,200°F2,200°F2,400°F2,400°F2,600°F2,600°FFebAprMar 11,699°FMar 11,699°FMar 312,563°FMar 312,563°FMar 111,980°FMar 111,980°FMar 212,268°FMar 212,268°F

The average growing degree days accumulated over the course of March, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.

This section discusses the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents. Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation.

The average daily incident shortwave solar energy in Canaries is essentially constant during March, remaining within 0.2 kWh of 6.9 kWh throughout.

Average Daily Incident Shortwave Solar Energy in March in Canaries

Average Daily Incident Shortwave Solar Energy in March in CanariesMar11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425252626272728282929303031310 kWh0 kWh2 kWh2 kWh3 kWh3 kWh4 kWh4 kWh5 kWh5 kWh5 kWh5 kWh6 kWh6 kWh7 kWh7 kWh8 kWh8 kWhFebAprMar 16.7 kWhMar 16.7 kWhMar 317.1 kWhMar 317.1 kWhMar 167.0 kWhMar 167.0 kWh

The average daily shortwave solar energy reaching the ground per square meter (orange line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.

For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Canaries are 13.902 deg latitude, -61.065 deg longitude, and 39 ft elevation.

The topography within 2 miles of Canaries contains very significant variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 1,867 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 350 feet. Within 10 miles contains very significant variations in elevation (3,025 feet). Within 50 miles contains large variations in elevation (3,993 feet).

The area within 2 miles of Canaries is covered by water (51%) and trees (42%), within 10 miles by water (62%) and trees (25%), and within 50 miles by water (95%).

This report illustrates the typical weather in Canaries, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2016.

Temperature and Dew Point

There are 2 weather stations near enough to contribute to our estimation of the temperature and dew point in Canaries.

For each station, the records are corrected for the elevation difference between that station and Canaries according to the International Standard Atmosphere , and by the relative change present in the MERRA-2 satellite-era reanalysis between the two locations.

The estimated value at Canaries is computed as the weighted average of the individual contributions from each station, with weights proportional to the inverse of the distance between Canaries and a given station.

The stations contributing to this reconstruction are:

  • George F. L. Charles Airport (TLPC, 63%, 9 mi, northeast, -33 ft elevation change)
  • Hewanorra International Airport (TLPL, 37%, 13 mi, southeast, -7 ft elevation change)

TLPC, 63%9 mi, -33 ftTLPL, 37%13 mi, -7 ft

© Esri, et al.

To get a sense of how much these sources agree with each other, you can view a comparison of Canaries and the stations that contribute to our estimates of its temperature history and climate. Please note that each source’s contribution is adjusted for elevation and the relative change present in the MERRA-2 data.

Other Data

All data relating to the Sun’s position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus.

All other weather data, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and solar flux, come from NASA’s MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis . This reanalysis combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather throughout the world on a 50-kilometer grid.

Land Use data comes from the Global Land Cover SHARE database , published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Elevation data comes from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , published by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Names, locations, and time zones of places and some airports come from the GeoNames Geographical Database .

Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by .

Maps are © Esri, with data from National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, and iPC.


The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site.

We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands.

We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader.

Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page.


Anse-la-Raye, St. Lucia

© Esri, et al.

Gran Canaria Weather in March

Perfect weather for sightseeing in March in Gran Canaria

Although March marks the beginning of spring, in most places in Europe it’s still a cold month, with low temperatures and even snowfall.

But this is not the case in Gran Canaria.

The temperatures are slowly rising and the number of sunshine hours as well. You’ll be able to sunbathe on most days and the weather is also ideal for hiking and exploring since the temperatures are just right to walk the trails of this beautiful Canary Island.

  • What’s the weather like in Gran Canaria in March
  • Temperatures in Gran Canaria in March
  • Rainfall
  • Sunshine hours
  • Sea temperature
  • Can you swim in Gran Canaria in March?
  • Things to do in March
  • Events in March

Gran Canaria is a great destination if you’re looking for a warm holiday at the beginning of spring without having to travel too far from continental Europe. Where else so close by can you comfortably walk wearing just a T-shirt when the winter is barely out the door in most countries? You can get a head start on spring by visiting the island in March, while it’s not as hot and crowded as during the summer months.

Best time to visit Gran Canaria

What’s the weather like in Gran Canaria in March

The numbers mentioned in this article (temperatures, sunshine hours, water temperature, etc.) are from the GRAN CANARIA AIRPORT WEATHER STATION, but you can find info about other parts of the island in the table below.

The end of February and the month of March are sorts of transition periods, while the weather changes from winter to spring. Although winter in Gran Canaria is very different from winter in most places in Europe and the weather stays fairly warm, by the time March is here the temperatures are again on the rise and the amount of rain falls considerably.

February and March are usually the months when the carnival in Gran Canaria happens, so it is a festive time all over the island, with the largest celebrations happening in Las Palmas and Maspalomas. So if you’re looking for a spring holiday to a fun destination, that’s also sunny and warm, Gran Canaria should be at top of your list. 

Temperatures in Gran Canaria in March

The average high temperature in March in Gran Canaria is 22.2°C, while at night you can expect temperatures of around 15-16°C (average low temperature is 15.6°C).

  • Average high temperature: 22.3°C  (72.1°F)
  • Average low temperature: 15. 7°C  (60.3°F)
  • Daily mean temperature: 19°C  (66.2°F)

In Gran Canaria, the daily mean temperature is 19°C in January, which is calculated as a mean between the average high temperature of 22.3°C and the average low of 15.7°C. 

Record low & record high temperatures

The highest temperature ever recorded in Gran Canaria in March (at Airport station) was 34°C and the lowest was 6.5°C.


  • Average rainfall (mm): 12 mm
  • Average rainy days (>=1mm): 2

March gets an average rainfall of 12mm over the course of 2 days, which means that March sees a lot less rain compared to the previous months of the year.

Sunshine hours

  • Sunshine hours pers month in March: 229
  • Sunshine hours per day: 7.2

Gran Canaria gets an average of 7.2 hours of sunshine per day in March. The days are getting considerably longer compared to February, which means a lot more time to spend on the beach during your holiday.

Sea temperature

  • Average sea temperature in March: 19°C / 66.5 F

The average surface sea temperature in March at the Gran Canaria Airport station is approximately 19°C / 66.5 F, which is the lowest temperature of the year. From here on the water temperature will start to improve, but if will only reach its highest point in September – October.

Can you swim in Gran Canaria in March?

With an average temperature of 19°C / 66.5 F, the sea is will still be too cold for some visitors, but many people will be able to swim comfortably. In any case, if the ocean is too cold for you and you haven’t booked a place with a heated pool, you can always look for a nearby hotel that has one and ask at the reception if you can pay to use the facilities for the day.

Things to do in March

Although you might choose Gran Canaria as a destination in March due to the beautiful and warm weather, we recommend that you don’t spend all your time at the beach and also take some time to travel around the island. You can do organized tours, which are great if you don’t want to drive and plan everything yourself, or you can just rent a car or take a bus and do things on your own (see more recommendations).

Boat trip to see dolphins and whales

Explore the ocean around Gran Canaria with a boat or catamaran trip, which will take you to the best spots where you can see whales and dolphins. You can book excursions online or buy directly from the harbors or excursion shops.

BOOK ONLINEGran Canaria: 2.5-Hour Dolphin Watching Boat Tour

  • Break for a refreshing swim after approximately 1 hour.
  • Soft drinks included
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before activity starts

Go to the market in Puerto Mogan

There are many weekly markets in Gran Canaria, but the one in Puerto Mogan organized on Fridays is quite large and many people come for the day just to go to this market. You can buy some souvenirs and then explore the town, have a relaxed lunch and wander through the colorful streets.

Events in March

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Carnival 2021

The 2021 edition of the carnival in Gran Canaria is suspended due to Covid-19.

March is usually carnival month in the Canaries and in Spain in general.

If you’re in Gran Canaria and the carnival is on during this time, make sure to go there at least for a day, to see how the atmosphere is, party with the locals and enjoy the good music, drinks and overall experience. Each year the carnival has another theme, so no two years are the same.


  • MAY
  • JUNE
  • JULY

FAQ about weather in Gran Canaria in March

How warm is is in Gran Canaria in March?

You can expect high temperatures around 22. 2°Cin Gran Canaria in March, but when the sun is out it feels much hotter than this.

Can you sunbathe in Gran Canaria in March?

Yes, you can definitely sunbathe in March, and even swim, especially in the south of Gran Canaria, where it’s warmer than in the north.

Is Gran Canaria windy in March?

March is not a very windy month in Gran Canaria. Some areas of the island are more prone to winds, but if you are staying in the south, the wind should not be a problem in March.

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Weather in the Canary Islands in march 2023

How is the climate in Spain in march? Is it the perfect time to visit Playa de las Américas and Arrecife? Check this with our datas and informations here.

good weather across 100% of the territory

Best time to go to the Canary Islands

Weather in the Canary Islands in march 2023

Below, you have access to the weather forecast for march for most popular cities in Spain. These forecasts are statistics for the month of march from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in the Canary Islands in march?

Where to go in the Canary Islands in march: destination map

perfect weather
very bad

Climate in the Canary Islands in march

Climate in Tenerife in march

In the month of march, maximum temperature is 19°C and minimum temperature is 17°C (for an average temperature of 18°C). The climate quite enjoyable in this city in this month. With 22mm over 1 days,
it rains very little for your stay.
With good weather conditions, the month of march is a good time to go in this locality.

February March April
Average temperature 18°C 18°C 19°C
Highest temperature 19°C 19°C 19°C
Lowest temperature 17°C 17°C 18°C
Sea temperature 19. 3°C 19.5°C 19.7°C
Rainfall 34mm 22mm 23mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
1 day(s)
1 day(s)
Humidity 77% 79% 79%
Daily sunshine hours 11 11 12
Cloud cover 26% 25% 24%
Length of day 11:13 11:59 12:52
Our opinion at good good good

more information about the climate in Tenerife in march

Climate in Fuerteventura in march

In the month of march, the mean temperature in Corralejo is 19°C (maximum temperature is 20°C and minimum temperature is 17°C). The climate quite good there in march. It almost never rains during this month. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain for your journey!
With good weather conditions, march is a good time to go in that area in Spain.

February March April
Average temperature 18°C 19°C 19°C
Highest temperature 19°C 20°C 21°C
Lowest temperature 17°C 17°C 18°C
Sea temperature 18.6°C 18.6°C 18.8°C
Rainfall 20mm 17mm 9mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
1 day(s)
0 day(s)
Humidity 77% 79% 80%
Daily sunshine hours 11 11 11
Cloud cover 28% 27% 27%
Length of day 11:13 11:59 12:51
Our opinion at whereandwhen. net good good perfect

more information about the climate in Fuerteventura in march

Climate in Lanzarote in march

In march, the mean temperature in Arrecife is 18°C (maximum temperature is 19°C and minimum temperature is 17°C). The climate quite pleasant in this city in this month. does not rain (or really exceptionally) during march. You will therefore be at the shelter from rain throughout your trip!
With a good weather, march is an advisable month to go in that area.

February March April
Average temperature 18°C 18°C 19°C
Highest temperature 19°C 19°C 20°C
Lowest temperature 17°C 17°C 18°C
Sea temperature 18. 7°C 18.8°C 18.9°C
Rainfall 22mm 16mm 9mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
1 day(s)
0 day(s)
Humidity 77% 79% 80%
Daily sunshine hours 11 11 11
Cloud cover 31% 30% 31%
Length of day 11:11 11:59 12:53
Our opinion at good good good

more information about the climate in Lanzarote in march

Climate in El Hierro in march

In the month of march, the mean temperature in El Hierro is 19°C (maximum temperature is 19°C and minimum temperature is 19°C). The climate quite enjoyable here in march. With just 10mm over 0 days, rainfall is infrequent for your holidays.
With a good weather, the month of march is an advisable month to go in this locality.

February March April
Average temperature 19°C 19°C 19°C
Highest temperature 19°C 19°C 20°C
Lowest temperature 18°C 19°C 19°C
Rainfall 17mm 10mm 8mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
0 day(s)
0 day(s)
Humidity 75% 78% 77%
Daily sunshine hours 12 12 12
Cloud cover 19% 20% 20%
Length of day 11:15 11:59 12:51
Our opinion at whereandwhen. net good good good

more information about the climate in El Hierro in march

Climate in Gomera in march

In the month of march, maximum temperature is 20°C and minimum temperature is 18°C (for an average temperature of 19°C). The climate quite nice around this city in march. There is no rain during this month. You will not get wet during your holidays!
With good weather conditions, march is a good month to go in Gomera in Spain.

February March April
Average temperature 19°C 19°C 20°C
Highest temperature 19°C 20°C 20°C
Lowest temperature 18°C 18°C 19°C
Sea temperature 19.6°C 19. 4°C 19.8°C
Rainfall 20mm 12mm 11mm
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
0 day(s)
1 day(s)
Humidity 73% 76% 76%
Daily sunshine hours 12 12 12
Cloud cover 13% 16% 14%
Length of day 11:13 11:59 12:51
Our opinion at good good good

more information about the climate in Gomera in march

All cities in the Canary Islands in march

Weather in Gran Canaria in March 2022, Leading Into Spring

The weather in Gran Canaria in March is ideal for most as winter reaches it’s conclusion. Towards the end of March will be the arrival of spring which the Canary Islands are famous for. The name “The Islands of Eternal Spring” is a tribute to the warm yearly temperatures here and the other main islands.

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March Weather


Resort Temperatures

Other Canaries


Gran Canaria happens to be one of the hottest Canary Islands during this month with plenty of sunshine on offer. The average temperature for March is a warm 19 Celsius. March and April are two of the top months to enjoy a spring vacations on this beautiful island. Most will be heading south to escape the colder norther weather that is typical for this time of year.

The weather in Gran Canaria in March is usually better during the middle and at the end of this month. March sees a decent increase in temperature from February with the colder months now behind. The beginning of March usually yields a temperature of 19 Celsius on average. This will rise to 20 Celsius around the beginning of spring. March has seen much hotter temperatures than the average suggests. It’s not uncommon to experience a few days that are closer to 30 Celsius.

Temperature in Gran Canaria in March

The average high temperature for Gran Canaria in March is 23 Celsius. The daily low is around 16 Celsius which is plenty warm for most. It’s normal for a warm air from the Sahara Desert to the east to assist in warming this island. This same breeze can result in dust storms which leave a dense haze on the eastern coast.

Rainfall in March

Rainfall is at a premium in Gran Canaria during March. Much of the rainfall here tends to arrive during the colder winter months. Usually it rains on average for 2 – 3 days during March. April sees a similar amount of rain before a sharp decrease during May as rainfall becomes more scarce. The precipitation is quite low when it does arrive so do not let that put you off. Some parts of this island vary in terrain and do not see as much rain as others. The vast mountains such as Roque Nublo (image above) tend to shield some areas from the worst weather.

Weather in Maspalomas in March

The weather in Maspalomas in March sees quite an improvement from the winter months. The average daily temperature now increases to 18 Celsius. March will yield a daily high of 22°C with the low falling to 16 Celsius. One big difference from winter is the amount of rainfall which will be half that of winter. The temperature of the Atlantic will stay at 19°C but the amount of sunny hours will increase to 8 per day.

Average Temperatures in March by Location
  Maspalomas Playa del Ingles Puerto Rico
March Temp 18°C 18°C 18°C
High 21°C 21°C 21°C
Low 15°C 15°C 15°C
Atlantic Ocean 19°C 19°C 19°C

Other Islands In March


March Climate Summary

  • March sees an average temperature of 19 Celsius during the day
  • 19 Celsius is also what you can expect from the sea temperature
  • March sees 7 hours of sun each day
  • There will usually be 3 -4 rainy days during this month
  • 23 Celsius is the daily high temperature in March
  • The low temperature is usually 16 Celsius for much of the month
  • March is one of the top months for tourism as the weather improves

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Gran Canaria or Tenerife in March?

Gran Canaria has a slight edge over Tenerife during this month if you want the best weather. The temperature is 1 Celsius warmer with l day less rainfall also.

Sea Temperature

The sea temperature in Gran Canaria in March now warms to 19 Celsius. The beaches as a result will begin to see more activity. This island is popular for water sports, windsurfing is a big favourite here. The temperature of the sea will warm further towards the end of the month. When spring arrives the sea if usually at it’s warmest. This temperature continues to increase each month until the conclusion of summer.

Hours of Sun Per Day
You can expect to see between 7-8 hours for most of the month. The actual hours of daylight will be around 11 hours. Like the sea, the hours of sunshine will increase closer to April and the end of the month. The beginning of March will yield more overcast days than the end usually. The hours of sunshine will continue to increase each month until the end of summer.

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CLIMATE IN CANARY ISLANDS – January, February, March and April.

Home » Weather » CLIMATE IN CANARY ISLANDS – January, February, March and April.

Do you want to organize a holiday in the Canary Islands but can not choose the best period? Or are you already packing your suitcase and not knowing what the weather you are looking for? Or simply you’re curious because you’ve heard of it from a friend and you want to check if it really is the way it told you? Perfect below we will try to give you all the information you need. Let’s start by saying that in the archipelago of the Canary Islands the climate is pleasant all year round! The islands in fact are inserted in that band delta of the “eternal spring”.

Considered by many as the “best climate in the world” that of the Canary Islands always offers pleasant mild winters and hot summers but almost never too much.
But now let’s go to see specifically the Canarian climate in the first part of the year, from January to April.


January is clearly the period of the “colder” year in the Canaries. To be clear, it is very similar to our springs in Italy. So specifying that in this article we will refer more to the coastal and tourist areas of the islands and especially to Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, we can say that you will have absolutely pleasant weeks, where you can stay comfortably on the beach to sunbathe and enjoy the warm sun of the African latitude, alternating with more than a half-season weeks, with clouds, some rain and wind.

January in the Canary Islands, however, is a very popular month for families especially in northern Europe to visit the Canary Islands because only 4 hours away you can avoid the much stiffer European winter.


Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 15 14
Max (°C) 21 20 21 20

The situation in February in fact changes little, continue to alternate weekly “lucky good weather and early summer heat” with others more fresh. Clearly an advice is to remember to bring to carry even long dresses, a sweater and even a light jacket to be used especially in the evening or when it blows.

The waters of the sea in these months are quite chilly so, at least if you are not daring the bath in the ocean will not be very easy. Better pools heated in hotels.

Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 16 15
Max (°C) 21 21 21 20

Ask us for advice for your holiday.

If you have any idea to come on holiday to the Canaries, if you like, you can compile this form to ask us for any kind of directions. You can ask us for more info on accommodations, the best flights or the best areas for your holiday! We will reply as soon as possible (we often have in our hands fantastic flight offers and travel packages that could be for you).

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Marzo invece è difatto il mese nel quale si ha una sorta di svolta alle Canarie. E’ solitamente in questo mese infatti che si ha il passaggio verso una stagione più stabile, dove le precipitazioni iniziano a sparire e le giornate primaverili iniziano a farla da padrone.

In March at the Canary Islands you can almost always enjoy the beach and start taking a few more bathes in the sea because slowly the waters start to warm up slightly even if the Canaries will never be very hot.

In the evening pay attention to always go out in short sleeves (especially in the first half of the month) it is always better to bring something more pesante behind because some cooler evening could surprise you.

Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 16 15
Max (°C) 21 21 21 20

In April, however, the climate of the Canary Islands is entering its best phase with a view to vacationing the sea, swimming and plenty of sun. Despite the occasional wind still rises (typical of the islands in the middle of the ocean) the days are long and sunny, the rainfall is increasingly scarce and the waters of the ocean begin to warm up the most convinced way. April is a highly recommended month for a holiday on the islands of the eternal spring.

Even in the evening you can almost always go out in light clothing and thus have a clear early summer.


Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 16 16 17 15
Max (°C) 23 24 24 20

Santa Cruz de Tenerife climate: Average Temperature, weather by month, Santa Cruz de Tenerife water temperature

Santa Cruz de Tenerife are in the northern hemisphere.

Summer starts here at the end of June and ends in September. There are the months of summer: June, July, August, September.

The best time to visit are August.

The month with the highest relative humidity is August (79.01 %). The month with the lowest relative humidity is January (71.35 %).

The month with the highest number of rainy days is November (8. 00 days). The month with the lowest number of rainy days is June (2.93 days).

  • >>Weather by month // weather averages Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • >>Climate graph // Weather by Month Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • >>average temperature Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • >>Weather Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • >>Water temperature Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife’s climate is a local steppe climate. During the year there is little rainfall. This location is classified as BSh by Köppen and Geiger. The average annual temperature in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is 18.5 °C | 65.3 °F. The annual rainfall is 281 mm | 11.1 inch.

Climate graph // Weather by Month Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Precipitation is the lowest in June, with an average of 11 mm | 0.4 inch. Most of the precipitation here falls in December, averaging 40 mm | 1.6 inch.

average temperature Santa Cruz de Tenerife

At an average temperature of 21. 8 °C | 71.2 °F, August is the hottest month of the year. February is the coldest month, with temperatures averaging 15.5 °C | 59.9 °F.

Weather by month // weather averages Santa Cruz de Tenerife


  Avg. Temperature °C (°F) Min. Temperature °C (°F) Max. Temperature °C (°F) Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in) Humidity (%) Rainy days (d) avg. Sun hours (hours)









71&percnt; 5 7.0









72&percnt; 5 7.0


(60. 8)







74&percnt; 4 8.0









73&percnt; 4 8.0









74&percnt; 3 8.0









78&percnt; 2 8.0









79&percnt; 4 8. 0









79&percnt; 2 8.0









77&percnt; 2 9.0









76&percnt; 4 8.0









72&percnt; 6 7.0






(64. 9)



71&percnt; 6 7.0
  January February March April May June July August September October November December
Avg. Temperature °C (°F)

15.9 °C

(60.7) °F

15.5 °C

(59.9) °F

16 °C

(60.8) °F

16.6 °C

(61.9) °F

17.8 °C

(64) °F

19.4 °C

(66.9) °F

20.8 °C

(69.4) °F

21.8 °C

(71.2) °F

21.7 °C

(71) °F

20.7 °C

(69.3) °F

18.7 °C

(65.6) °F

17.2 °C

(63) °F

Min. Temperature °C (°F)

14.8 °C

(58.7) °F

14. 3 °C

(57.7) °F

14.6 °C

(58.3) °F

15.3 °C

(59.6) °F

16.5 °C

(61.7) °F

18.1 °C

(64.6) °F

19.5 °C

(67) °F

20.4 °C

(68.8) °F

20.4 °C

(68.8) °F

19.4 °C

(66.9) °F

17.5 °C

(63.6) °F

16.1 °C

(61) °F

Max. Temperature °C (°F)

17 °C

(62.6) °F

16.7 °C

(62.1) °F

17.4 °C

(63.3) °F

18 °C

(64.3) °F

19.1 °C

(66.4) °F

20.8 °C

(69.4) °F

22.2 °C

(72) °F

23.2 °C

(73.8) °F

23 °C

(73.5) °F

22 °C

(71.7) °F

19.8 °C

(67.6) °F

18.3 °C

(64.9) °F

Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in)

























Humidity(%) 71&percnt; 72&percnt; 74&percnt; 73&percnt; 74&percnt; 78&percnt; 79&percnt; 79&percnt; 77&percnt; 76&percnt; 72&percnt; 71&percnt;
Rainy days (d) 5 5 5 4 3 2 4 2 2 5 6 6
avg. Sun hours (hours) 6.9 6.9 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.6 8.3 8.5 8.0 6.9 7.0

Data: 1991 – 2021 Min. Temperature °C (°F), Max. Temperature °C (°F), Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in), Humidity, Rainy days.
Data: 1999 – 2019: avg. Sun hours

Between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 29 mm | 1 inch. Throughout the year, temperatures vary by 6.3 °C | 11.3 °F.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife weather and climate for every month

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in January

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in February

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in March

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in April

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in May

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in June

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in July

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in August

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in September

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in October

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in November

Santa Cruz de Tenerife in December

Hours of sunshine in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • avg. hours of sun
  • Total hours of sun

In September the highest number of daily hours of sunshine is measured in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on average. In September there is an average of 8.28 hours of sunshine a day and a total of 256.74 hours of sunshine throughout September.

In January, the lowest number of daily hours of sunshine is measured in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on average. In January there are an average of 7 hours of sunshine per day and a total of 216.85 hours of sunshine.

Around 2788.03 hours of sunshine are counted in Santa Cruz de Tenerife throughout the year. On average there are 91.61 hours of sunshine per month.

Water temperature Santa Cruz de Tenerife(Atlantic Ocean)

  Max. Water temperature °C (°F) Avg. Water Temperature °C (°F) Min. Water Temperature °C (°F)



18. 9























































73. 9


























  January February March April May June July August September October November December
Min. Water Temperature °C (°F)














69. 8











Avg. Water Temperature °C (°F)

























Max. Water temperature °C (°F)



















23. 2






In Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Atlantic Ocean), a water temperature of about 20.40°C | 68.72°F is achieved in the annual average.

The lowest water temperatures per month are reached in March at around 17.90°C | 64.22°F. The average highest water temperatures are around 23.30°C | 73.94°F and are measured during September.

At about 23.30°C | 73.94°F is the maximum water temperature of the year. This is reached around September 26. The minimum value is 17.90°C | 64.22°F and is measured around the date of March 03.

The following water was used as the basis for the specified water temperatures for Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Atlantic Ocean.

Airport close to Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The closest Airports of Santa Cruz de Tenerife are: Tenerife North Airport (TFN) 9.56km,Tenerife South Airport (TFS) 55.75km,Gran Canaria Airport (LPA) 102.60km

You can reach Santa Cruz de Tenerife from this Cities by Plane: London (LTN), Leeds (LBA), Glasgow (PIK), Copenhagen (CPH), Vienna (VIE), Paris (ORY), Birmingham (BHX), Edinburgh (EDI), Hamburg (HAM), Newcastle upon Tyne (NCL), Cologne (CGN), Oslo (OSL), Bremen (BRE), Graz (GRZ), Bergen (BGO), Alicante (ALC), Liverpool (LPL), Málaga (AGP), Nottingham (EMA), Funchal (FNC)
Porto (OPO), Casablanca (CMN), Stockholm (ARN), Kyiv (KBP), Santander (SDR), Nantes (NTE), Riga (RIX), Bilbao (BIO), Basel (BSL), Frankfurt am Main (FRA), Dakar (DKR), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (TFN), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (LPA), Geneva (GVA), Valencia (VLC), Salzburg (SZG), Maastricht (MST), Eindhoven (EIN), Groningen (GRQ), Luxembourg (LUX), Milan (MXP), Verona (VRN), Vigo (VGO), Barcelona (BCN), Saint Petersburg (LED), Torrejón de Ardoz (MAD), Zurich (ZRH), Erfurt (ERF), Dresden (DRS), Berlin (SXF), Paderborn (PAD), Düsseldorf (DUS), Seville (SVQ), Nouakchott (NKC), Lisbon (LIS), Amsterdam (AMS), Manchester (MAN), Limerick (SNN), Bologna (BLQ), Cardiff (CWL), Caracas (CCS), Bristol (BRS), Santiago de Compostela (SCQ), Dublin (DUB), Belfast (BFS), Cork (ORK), Nuremberg (NUE), Prague (PRG), Brussels (CRL), Hanover (HAJ), Stuttgart (STR), Pisa (PSA), Leipzig (LEJ), Moscow (DME), Bordeaux (BOD), Munich (MUC), Bournemouth (BOH), Billund (BLL), Santa Cruz de la Palma (SPC), Puerto del Rosario (FUE), Memmingen (FMM), Baden-Baden (FKB), Dakhla (VIL), Weeze (NRN), Hahn (HHN), Ranon (OVD), Laayoune (EUN), Bergamo (BGY), Torp (TRF), Arrecife (ACE), Charleston (NOC)

Weather in the Canary Islands in March / Sea water temperature / Weather map

World ResortsCanary Islands

Canary Islands in March on the weather map


Sea water temperature


March 9004 February









04 This weather map is fully interactive.

You can switch months, as well as zoom and move the visible area of ​​the map to view other resorts.

This table will help you determine which Canary Islands resorts are warmest in March, find out where there is less rain and more clear days.
Do you want to know where is the warmest sea? We also provide information about the water temperature in seaside resorts.

Resort name Air temperature
day / night
Cloudy Rainy days /
Sea water temperature Solar clock
Adeje 20.0°C 14.9°C 13.3%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 25m.
Guia de Isora 18.8°C 14.3°C 14.5%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 15m.
Golf del Sur 20.8°C 17.5°C 11. 1%

19.0°C 11 a.m. 40m.
Gran Canaria 20.8°C 16.6°C 14.9%

18.7°C 11 a.m. 13m.
canisu 17.5°C 15.6°C 38.7%

1 day (37.7 mm.)

18.0°C 08h. 21m.
Corralejo 19.4°C 17.3°C 28.1%

18.1°C 09h. 37m.
Costa Adeje 20.8°C 17.2°C 12.3%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 31m.
La Palma 18.9°C 16.6°C 29.2%

1 day (23.7 mm.)

19.3°C 09h. 30m.
La Orotava 18.8°C 14.9°C 25.4%

1 day (24.3 mm.)

18. 9°C 09h. 57m.
Lanzarote 19.4°C 16.7°C 30.0%

18.0°C 09h. 24m.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 19.7°C 16.6°C 29.0%

18.7°C 09h. 31m.
Los Gigantes 20.1°C 15.6°C 14.5%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 16m.
Los Cristianos 20.9°C 17.6°C 12.3%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 31m.
Madeira 14.8°C 13.7°C 41.9%

2 days (39.0 mm.)

18.1°C 07h. 58m.
Maspalomas 20.6°C 17.1°C 14.5%

18.7°C 11 a.m. 15m.
Playa de San Augustin 20. 8°C 17.0°C 15.1%

18.6°C 11 a.m. 12m.
Playa del Inglés 20.6°C 17.1°C 14.5%

18.7°C 11 a.m. 16m.
Playa de Las Americas 20.9°C 17.6°C 12.3%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 32m.
Porto Santo 17.5°C 16.6°C 47.2%

2 days (32.4 mm.)

17.7°C 07h. 20m.
Puerto de la Cruz 19.6°C 15.8°C 21.7%

1 day (19.1 mm.)

18.9°C 10h. 24m.
Puerto de Mogan 20.7°C 17.2°C 13.2%

18.9°C 11 a.m. 25m.
Puerto del Carmen 19.6°C 17. 0°C 28.5%

18.0°C 09h. 35m.
Puerto de Santiago 20.6°C 16.1°C 13.2%

19.2°C 11 a.m. 25m.
Santa Cruz de la Palma 18.9°C 16.6°C 29.5%

1 day (23.4 mm.)

19.1°C 09h. 28m.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 19.0°C 16.3°C 32.8%

18.9°C 09h. 03m.
Tenerife 16.7°C 12.4°C 27.0%

1 day (28.9mm.)

18.9°C 09h. 46m.
Funchal 14.8°C 13.7°C 42.1%

2 days (39.8 mm.)

18.1°C 07h. 56m.
Fuerteventura 19.7°C 16.8°C 25. 3%

18.2°C 09h. 57m.
El Medano 20.7°C 16.9°C 12.7%

18.9°C 11 a.m. 29m.

Sundial is an indicator that displays the average number of hours per day during which direct sunlight reaches the earth’s surface. This indicator is influenced by both the length of daylight hours and cloud cover in the daytime.

Weather in Tenerife in March. Sea temperature in march. Weather by months.

Sea weather / Spain / Tenerife weather / Weather in MARCH

February March April
Daytime average temperature +16°C +17°C +18°C
Average temperature at night +12°C +12°C +14°C
Sea water temperature +19°C +19°C +20°C
Number of sunny days 15 days 19 days 17 days
Day length 10. 9 – 11.6 hours 11.6 – 12.4 hours 12.4 – 13.2 hours
Number of rainy days 2 days 2 days 1 day
Rainfall 40.6 mm 28.9 mm 23.5 mm
Average wind speed 4.9 m / s 4.6 m / s 3.9 m / s

Weather on Tenerife for months









Weather in Tenerife now •
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Sea water temperature •
Air temperature •
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Weather in the resorts of Spain

Air temperature in Tenerife in March

The graph below provides detailed information about the daytime and nighttime temperatures in Tenerife in March.
Select the year you are interested in to see daily temperatures in March for that year.

The average air temperature in March over the past 5 years is 16.7°C during the day and 12.4°C at night.
To get data on the air temperature in Tenerife for other months, go to the “Weather by months” section.

Data for:






Tenerife sea temperature in March
The graph below provides detailed information about the water temperature in Tenerife in March.
Select the year you are interested in to see daily temperatures in March for that year.

The average sea temperature in Tenerife in March for the last 5 years is 18.9°C
To get water temperature data for other months, go to the “Weather by months” section.

Data for:






Sunny days in Tenerife in March
The graph below shows the number of sunny, cloudy and overcast days you can expect in Tenerife in March.

The forecast is based on information about the weather in this resort, collected over the past five years.
However, such a forecast cannot be accurate and should only serve as a rough guide.

Rainy days in Tenerife in March

The graph below shows the probability of precipitation of varying strengths in Tenerife in March.
The forecast is based on rainfall information for this resort collected over the past five years.
However, such a forecast cannot be accurate and should only serve as a rough guide.

Windy days in Tenerife in March

The chart below shows information on how strong the wind can be in Tenerife in March.
The forecast is based on information about the strength of the wind at this resort, collected over the past five years.
However, such a forecast cannot be accurate and should only serve as a rough guide.

Weather on Tenerife for months









Monday September 12

Time: 2:14 pm




9006 + 22 °C


Average daytime temperature:


September 13 23°C 1 m / s
September 14 23°C 1 m / s
September 15 23°C 2 m / s
September 16 25°C 3 m / s
September 17 22°C 1 m / s
September 18 20°C 1 m / s
September 19 20°C 3 m / s
September 20 20°C 2 m / s
September 21 21°C 2 m / s
September 22 23°C 3 m

Июнь +21 °C +22 °C
Июль +22 °C +26 °C
Август +23 ° C +26 ° C
September +24 ° C +24 ° C







Average water temperature:








Number of sunny days:

29 days

Average cloudy:

9. 1%

Day length:

13h 43m



Probability of rain:


Monthly precipitation:


Average cloudiness


Climate and weather in Spain 2022 – E1. TOURISM

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Here you can find information about the weather in Spain by months: average air and water temperatures, average monthly rainfall.

The climate and weather in Spain varies greatly depending on which part of the country you are in. Conventionally, there are several climatic zones in Spain. This is the northern part of Spain, central and southeastern. The northern part of Spain has a rather mild climate with gentle winters. Summer, however, is also not particularly hot here. In general, everything is in moderation, both cold and hot. In the central part of Spain, the climate is the most severe. In winter it is cold and frosty, in summer, on the contrary, it is hot and dry. There is practically no rain. The southeastern part of Spain is characterized by a subtropical climate. It has hot summers without precipitation and warm winters. Overall the swimming season in Spain opens in May and ends only in September. The most peak months in every sense are from June to August. This also applies to air temperature, it reaches +32°C. At this time, there is also a high season: Europeans, as a rule, prefer August, in June-July there are more Russian tourists. The hottest climate is in the Canary Islands, where the air temperature rarely drops below +20°C. One of the most popular Canary Islands is Tenerife. Detailed description weather in Spain for months see below.


    The Spanish winter is not capable of thirty-degree frosts and snowstorms. The weather in Spain in January is quite warm and mild. The average January air temperature ranges from +8 to +14. And in the Canary Islands it is even warmer, here it is always +20 and above! It is a little colder in the central part of the country, here it is only 5 degrees Celsius, sometimes the temperature rises to 10-13 degrees Celsius. Rains in winter in Spain…

  • The weather in Spain in February is the coldest and most changeable: sometimes the sun is shining, then suddenly it rains sharply, and it can even sprinkle with snow! The average temperature is 10-13 degrees Celsius. It rains a lot in Spain in February. However, in the Canary Islands, everything is also + 21 ° С.

    It is coldest in the central and northwestern parts of Spain. Here the air is warmed up to only + 13-14 ° С. But in the southern part weather in Spain

  • Spain in March – this is the beginning of spring, the beginning of the renewal of nature. In March, everything around Spain begins to bloom, and the weather in Spain in March pleases with spring warmth. The air temperature rises to +17-19°С. In March the weather in Spain brings more sun and less rain. It is still too early to open the swimming season, but in the Canary Islands in March the temperature already reaches +24°С, and the water temperature is +20°С…

  • April really warms up after the capricious winter months. The weather in April in Spain is mild and warm. The air warms up to +23°С. There is practically no rain in April, as a rule, in Spain in April it is dry, warm and sunny. On average, the water temperature still does not exceed + 15 ° C, but in Tenerife, Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands in April it is already quite possible to swim. The water temperature here is about + 22 ° С …

  • Spain this month will be remembered for its bright holidays, for example, on May 2, Madrid Day is celebrated – a very spectacular event. At this holiday you will be able to see the Spanish military parade with your own eyes. Undoubtedly, you will enjoy May Spain. And not only because mass holidays and fun await you.

    The weather in Spain in May is hot and dry, and nothing else is needed!
    In May in Spain you can see…


    The weather in Spain in June is even hotter than in May. The temperature warms up to + 27 ° – + 29С . Grape plantations begin to bloom, from which the aroma that stretches through the Spanish streets is simply magnificent! Precipitation in Spain in July is infrequent. The rains are short lived. At this time, the water temperature rises to +22°С, but in the northern part of the country it is about +18-+20°С warm. Weather in June in Spain

  • July Spain will surely please you if you like hot weather. The weather in Spain in July is a combination of a great beach holiday with excursion programs. Indeed, in Spain there is something to see. Let’s get back to the weather. The thermometer reaches +30°C, and finally we can say with confidence that a full-fledged summer has come in Spain. The water in the sea is getting even warmer and reaches a temperature of…

  • The weather in Spain in August still indulges with hot days. The air temperature is kept at +30 +35°С. It is so hot in the cities of Spain that it becomes more difficult for local residents to work than usual. The night coolness saves from the heat, the air temperature drops to + 26 ° С. And, of course, mainly water refreshes. Its average temperature is +25°C. Coastal breeze…

  • The weather in Spain in September allows you to have a great time! In September, it is still warm in summer, but the main flow of tourists has already “dispersed”, so you can enjoy a great vacation without the fuss and inconvenience. The average air temperature is kept at +28°С. The water in the sea is still kept at +24°C. Prices for holidays in Spain in September are already much lower. In almost all parts of the country…

  • Autumn – it’s autumn in Spain too! The weather in October in Spain is still warm, but not so predictable. In October, you can still afford a beach holiday in Spain, if it doesn’t rain. The air temperature rushes up and down, on average about + 20 + 25 ° С, and + 21 ° С for water. In the Canary Islands at this time the water temperature is the warmest (+23-+24°С). In October, there is no longer a sweltering heat, but the sun …

  • The end of summer doesn’t mean that Spain will be boring. Yes, the weather in Spain in November can no longer be called hot. However, November in Spain is the best time for sightseeing tours. In November, ticket prices are much lower compared to the summer period. At the same time, it is warm enough to make the rest comfortable. The average air temperature is +19°C, and the water temperature is +13°C. The swimming season is already closed…

  • The weather in December in Spain is, to put it mildly, not summery. The air temperature at this time of the year drops to +13°-+15°С, and the water cools down to +12°С. Tourists who especially want to continue the swimming season should go to the Canary Islands, but even there the water temperature is only +16 °C. But still, in December in Spain you will not get bored. In December, the Spaniards celebrate Christmas, so this…

Weather Canaria | Russian center on the island of Gran Canaria

Happy Islands

The Canary Islands, which form the archipelago, include seven large islands: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Gomera, La Talma, El Hierro and plus six small islands. The islands are located off the coast of Africa.

They are located in the Atlantic Ocean, territorially these islands belong to the state of Spain. All of them are of volcanic origin. The total area of ​​the archipelago is 7300 km2. It stretched for 450 km, so the weather on the islands can be different. Even the microclimate of one island can differ in different parts of it, and in Gran Canaria there are 18 climatic zones at all.

Relative humidity in January is 72%, and in July it is slightly above 77%. The average precipitation for the archipelago is 300 mm. The peak period for rainfall is from November to January. Most of it falls in the mountains. On the islands you can even meet snow, some of the high peaks are covered with it. The wind rose is dominated by northerly trade winds. Periodically they are replaced by the winds of the Sahara, the so-called Tiempo Africano. At this time, the air temperature warms up to +40°C. Even sandstorms sometimes reach the eastern shores of the Canary Islands. Of course, storms are practically losing their strength, because. overcome a long way, and the visibility of the eastern shores of the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura during these periods drops to 100 meters.

At an altitude of 400 to 1,500 meters above sea level, on the northern sides of the islands, there is a belt of evergreen forests of monteverde, which was formed under the constant influence of the northeast trade winds. Here you will take away laurel forests: Canarian laurel, Indian Perseus, fetid okotea, you will meet Portuguese bird cherry, honey spurge, Canary holly, broad-leaved holly, Canary geranium, Canarian willow, large-leaved St. , heather treelike. Significant areas are covered with Canarian pine forests.

Vegetation on the islands, depending on the height above sea level, is divided into 6 zones . At an altitude of 0 to 700 meters, xerophytes predominate, which are adapted to long periods of drought, scorching sun and strong winds. Here you will find wax ivy and spurge. At an altitude of 200-600 meters there is a transition zone characterized by moderate temperatures and occasional precipitation. This zone is dominated by dracaena, juniper, palm trees and other plants. Heights of 500-1000 meters are covered with dense laurel forests. Fog and rain are typical precipitation for this zone. You can also meet holly, wax, black and red trees. At an altitude of 1000-1500 meters, laurel forests are replaced by dry-loving plants. Tree-like heather, waxwort and holly grow here. At altitudes from 800 to 2000 meters, pine forests grow from Canary pine, broom, and sunflower. The height of more than 2000 meters is occupied by alpine vegetation, which is adapted to a dry climate and sharp temperature changes.


Wind and current map of the Canary Islands

  1. The Canary Islands are characterized by a trade-wind tropical and moderately hot, dry climate. The Canary Islands are close to Africa (100-180 km) and to the Sahara Desert. Therefore, a sultry wind blows from this side. Because of this, the eastern islands are drier.
  2. Trade winds constantly blow from the northeast, they soften the influence of Africa and bring moisture.
  3. The climate of the Canary Islands is also influenced by the cold Canary Current of the Atlantic Ocean. A permanent anticyclone over the Azores makes the climate in the Canaries region milder. Thanks to the cold Canary current, the beaches are not hot, and there is less rainfall.
  4. The Canary Islands have a mountainous terrain and mountains, which significantly affect the climate and weather. The highest islands of the Canaries are Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma. Here on the coast the air temperature is 20 degrees and above, and in the mountains there may be snow.
  5. The weather and climate of all seven islands of the archipelago will differ significantly. In the northern part, the climate is more humid and cold, respectively, the vegetation of the northern islands is lush and green. On the south side, the climate is drier.

Canary archipelago

In general, the climate of the Canary Islands is defined as follows: most days of the year there is dry and sunny weather. The temperature regime in summer is from 23 to 35 degrees in summer, from 18 to 30 degrees in winter. The difference between the average temperature of the cold and warm months is 8 degrees. Due to the mild climate, the tourist season lasts all year. The islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria became the most popular for tourists.


Tenerife is the largest island in the archipelago and is located next to Canaria. The last volcanic eruption on the island occurred in 1909. Mount Teide (3718 m above sea level) is located in the center of the island. The island is considered the highest in the Atlantic Ocean. As a result of the activity of the volcano, a ridge formed on the island, which divided it into two parts: northern and southern.

Tenerife is translated from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the Guanches “snow mountain” or is called “island with two faces” due to climatic differences. In general, during the year the air temperature varies from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. In the southern part of the island the climate is hotter, in the northern part it is cooler. The microclimate of the island is directly related to the height of the volcanic mountain of Tenerife, so it catches the clouds and creates shade even on the southern beaches. This is well expressed in the huge variety of plant life around the mountain. The temperature regime on the island of Tenerife by months presents the following picture (average air and water temperature):

  • January 22°C and 18°C ​​
  • February 21°C and 18°C ​​
  • March 23°C and 18°C ​​
  • April 23°C and 19°C
  • May 24°C and 20°C
  • June 26°C and 21°C
  • July 28°C and 23°C
  • August 30°C and 24°C
  • September 28°C and 23°C
  • October 26°C and 22°C
  • November 23°C and 21°C
  • December 21°C and 20°C


Tourists who have already visited both developed islands prefer Gran Canaria, as the average annual air temperature is 3-5 degrees higher, especially in winter. This is because the island of Gran Canaria is located just south of the island of Tenerife.

The mild favorable climate of the island of Gran Canaria is determined by its unique location in the Atlantic Ocean. Summer temperature reaches +35, in winter +30 during the day, +18 at night. The water warms up near the southern coast no more than +24, and in the winter months it does not fall below +20. This temperature regime is due to the Canary Current, which is a tributary of the Gulf Stream. There is no sweltering heat, so it is very pleasant to relax here.

Gran Canaria also has a mountain range that divides the island into two distinct climatic zones. In the southern part, the climate and weather are hotter, and the humidity is less, as the mountains hold back the flow of air that brings precipitation. The solar year in the south of the island is 350 days a year. The average annual temperature regime of air and water is as follows:

  • January 25°C and 21°C
  • February 24°C and 21°C
  • March 25°C and 21°C
  • April 26°C and 22°C
  • May 27°C and 22°C
  • June 28°C and 23°C
  • July 30°C and 24°C
  • August 32°C and 24°C
  • September 29°C and 24°C
  • October 28°C and 23°C
  • November 27°C and 22°C
  • December 26°C and 22°C


Gran Canaria

The most beautiful nature with different landscapes is determined by the climate. The nature of the island is diverse: in the south of the island there are more deserts, in the central part of the forest, in the west there are deep gorges, in the north there are volcanic mountains with green slopes and black volcanoes – the nature of contrasts. It is the island of Gran Canaria that is called a miniature continent for its qualities.


In January, going to the Canary Islands, you need to know that at this time there is sometimes wind here. Therefore, you need to have extra clothing if you want to visit mountainous areas, it can be cold there.


In February, it is most comfortable to sunbathe and swim in the very south-west of the island, during the day the temperature can be up to + 28°C, and the water is +21°C. In Gran Canaria, the coastal waters are warmer than those off the coast of Tenerife, as it is located further south, closer to the African coast.


In March, the average daytime temperature is +25°C, water +21°C. Short-term precipitation falls. Comfortable swimming this month is also best in the southwest.


In April, the water temperature begins to rise and reaches +22°C. It is still cool at night, but during the day in the south of Gran Canaria it is already + 26 ° C, the wind is extremely rare, it gets hot in the Maspalomas resort during the day.


In May, the holiday season begins, the air temperature is +27°C, you can sunbathe, it is still cool at night. This month there is no rain and no sweltering heat.


In June it rains only in the north of Gran Canaria. Day temperature +28°C, water +23°C. Across the island, the beach season is in full swing.


In July the weather is dry, there is no rain all summer. The air temperature can reach + 30 ° C, the water in the ocean + 24 ° C.


August is considered the best month for holidays in the Canary Islands, daytime temperatures up to +30°C, water +24°C, warm nights. In the middle of the day, you need to get out of the sun for a couple of hours.


In September, the “velvet season” begins. The weather is good for swimming and sunbathing. Daytime temperature +29°C, water up to +24°C. Showers may occur in the north of Gran Canaria.


In October the weather remains comfortable and you can still sunbathe even in the resort of Maspalomas, but the water starts to cool down. The air temperature this month is +28°C, and the water is +23°C. Rain is possible even in the south of Gran Canaria, there may be night showers.


In November, the temperature drops, during the day +27°C, water +22°C. All winter you can comfortably swim all day only in the southwest of the island, in the resorts of Puerto Rico and Puerto de Mogan. The amount of precipitation increases and the wind intensifies, especially in the evening and in the north of the island. Fog is possible in mountainous areas. In the evening you will need warm clothes, as at night it can be +18°C.


In December in the south in the daytime +26°C, water +22°C. Tourists relax on the beaches of Amadores and Anfi del Mar, in the southwest a beach day happens from 10 am to 6 pm, a small number of clouds, rocks cover the breeze.


In Gran Canaria, summer is all year long and everyone will find a suitable place for their desired holiday!


Weather in the Canary Islands:


Temperature in the Canaries






The “Islands of Eternal Spring” are called Canaries. The monthly temperature of is relatively constant throughout the year, due to the unique features of the climate of the archipelago. In 365 days of sunshine, the islands receive more than 3000 hours. As for European resorts, this is a record! Winter season – warm and dry, summer – comfortable without exhausting heat.

Although Spain owns the islands, they are geographically closer to East Africa. It is precisely its influence, as well as the influence of trade winds , of the Canary current and of the Azores anticyclone , that the archipelago owes beautiful weather all year round. But there are some nuances associated with the climate.

The average annual temperature in the Canaries is +21 °C. However, in the northern part of each island, the weather differs significantly from its southern half. The difference is most pronounced in winter. The temperature has a “run-up” of 5-6 degrees. The north is windy, densely covered with greenery, humid and cool. The south is warm, sunny, windless and deserted. It is there that it is more comfortable to relax in the winter months, enjoy a beach holiday and even swim.

The family entertainment industry also attracts travelers to Canary Islands. Temperature air and water, almost unchanged and stable, can reduce the seasonality of its work. Vacationers are offered numerous water sports, boat trips, water parks, excursions, hiking, spas, concert programs and much more …


Spring is a popular holiday season. The weather in the Canary Islands is getting drier and sunnier: an average of 26-29 “dry” days per month with a daily sunshine duration of 7-9 hours. From February to March, there is a slight increase in air heating. The average daily temperature in the Canary Islands is +22 °C. From April to May, this figure already reaches +24 degrees Celsius. Ocean water warming – within +22 °C. Although vacation rates have not peaked, there are a lot of tourists in the spring.


Summer months are hot, dry and very sunny. The average daily temperature in the Canary Islands is +27 °C. The sky gives up to 11 hours of daily sunshine. At night, sometimes the air cools down to +18 degrees Celsius. Precipitation is practically absent. Maximum heat – in July and August – up to +30 °C. The warming of the Atlantic water is about +23 degrees Celsius.

The archipelago is often affected by heat waves in summer. On such days, the maximum temperature in the Canaries may be higher than the average by 7-10 degrees. The rest period from May to October is the most popular among tourists. Prices are appropriate.


Autumn brings a slow decrease in the average maximum temperatures in the Canary Islands – about +22…+24 °C. By November, the archipelago becomes more humid – 21 dry days per month. Sunlight per day – about 6 hours. Water temperature – +23 °C. September and October weather conditions are almost similar to the summer months.


Winter is the coldest period in the Canary Islands. However, this is definitely “high” season . Tourists abound! The most inexpensive vacation is November and mid-December.

January and December have average daily temperatures around +21 °C. Night cooling is rarely below +8 degrees. The ocean is warm – about +19 ° C.

The Canary Islands are prone to the influence of dust storms from Africa. This phenomenon is most likely in February and March.
























© 2011-2015

Canary Islands – monthly weather

The Canary Islands are a group of seven islands of the Canary archipelago, which is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and is part of Spain. Millions of tourists from all over the world choose the Canary Islands for their vacation because of the tropical trade wind climate, which determines moderately hot and dry weather on the islands all year round. Therefore, in order to choose the ideal period for your vacation, you should familiarize yourself in advance with what kind of weather awaits you in the Canary Islands by months.

Canary Islands – winter weather

  1. December . The first month of winter cannot be called an excellent period for a beach holiday, although it can hardly be called winter. For the new year, the weather in the Canary Islands is more reminiscent of the September weather we are used to, when rains become frequent guests, and a light breeze also blows. The average air temperature during the day in the Canary Islands is +21°С, at night – +16°С, water temperature – +20°С.
  2. January . Despite the bright January sun, which can give you a bronze tan, there is snow in the mountains, which creates an amazing view, especially for bathers. Average temperature during the day – +21°C, at night – +15°C, water temperature – +19°C.
  3. February . The last month of winter, few people will be comfortable for a beach holiday. However, if it is better to swim in the hotel pools in February, then the weather in the Canary Islands is quite suitable for a good tan. The average temperature during the day is +21°С, at night – +14°С, water temperature – +19°С.

Canaries – spring weather

  1. March . The beginning of spring in the Canary Islands is a rather rainy time. However, the local precipitation is so short-lived that it cannot spoil your mood and impressions of your holiday. Average temperature during the day – +22°C, at night – +16°C, water temperature – +19°C.
  2. April . If you are tired of waiting for spring in your homeland and want to enjoy the gentle sun as soon as possible, it’s time to go to the Canary Islands. In April, real spring comes here: the winds subside and the temperature of the air and water gradually rises. The average temperature during the day is +23°С, at night – +16°С, water temperature – +19°С.
  3. May . During this period, the weather in the Canary Islands is great for a beach holiday, but not everyone wants to swim in the ocean in May, because all the same cold nights do not allow the water to warm up to a more comfortable temperature. The average temperature during the day is +24°C, at night – +16°C, water temperature – 19°C.

Canary Islands – summer weather

  1. June . Although the weather this month is not much different from spring, the onset of summer is still felt more and more. In June, there are still very few tourists in the Canary Islands, so you can count on a calm and measured rest with full confidence. The average air temperature during the day is +25°C, at night – +18°C, water temperature – +20°C.
  2. July . During this period, real heat comes to the islands, and rains are extremely rare. A real tourist boom begins. The average temperature during the day is +27°С, at night – +20°С, the water temperature is +21°С.
  3. August . In August, in the Canary Islands, the air temperature reaches its maximum. However, this does not hold back the flow of tourists, since the heat in the Canaries cannot be compared with the dry weather of the southern countries. The average temperature during the day is +29°С, at night – +22°С, water temperature – +23°С.

Canaries in autumn – monthly weather

  1. September . During this period, the weather becomes not so hot, and the temperature of the water in the ocean has not yet had time to noticeably cool down. There are fewer tourists as young people and families with children leave so as not to be late for the start of the school year. The average temperature during the day is +27°С, at night – +21°С, water temperature is +23°С.
  2. October . Weather conditions during this period continue to delight tourists: it is still quite possible to swim and sunbathe, the rains, as a rule, are short-lived, only the air temperature begins to gradually decrease. The average temperature during the day is +26°C, at night – +20°C, water temperature – +22°C.
  3. November . In November, the weather on the islands changes significantly: the air temperature drops, it rains more and more often and the wind increases. The average temperature during the day is +23°С, at night – +18°С, water temperature – +21°С.

You can also find out about the weather on other exotic islands – Mauritius or Mallorca.

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