The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Weather in tenerife in august: Tenerife South Airport August Weather, Average Temperature (Spain)

Опубликовано: March 29, 2023 в 11:09 am


Категории: August

Weather in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in August. Sea water temperature.

Average day temperature:


Average temperature at night:


Sea temperature:


Number of sunny days:

19 days

Day length:

12.7 – 13.5 hours

Number of rainy days:

1 day


15.3 mm

Air temperature in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in August, °С

Data for:





For the current year, we display on the chart both information for the past days and a forecast for the near future. The forecast is displayed as a dotted line.

Water temperature in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in August, °С

Data for:





The graph shows the sea temperature in August 2022. For the current year, we display the actual water temperature values ​​for the past days and the predicted temperature for the near future. The forecast is displayed on the chart as a dotted line.

Sunny, cloudy and overcast days

According to data collected over the past 5 years, most days in August are sunny. Cloudy days are less common. nine0008

Monthly precipitation, mm

This chart displays the amount of rainfall in a given month and will help you estimate the likelihood and intensity of rainfall in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in any given month.

Average wind speed, m/s

This chart shows the average wind strength for each month. With it, you can determine the windiest and calmest months of the year.