The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Fuerteventura windsurfing championship: Windsurfing: World Championship of Sotavento. Pájara

Опубликовано: June 26, 2020 в 11:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

The PWA event in Fuerteventura cancelled – Windsurf Journal


“Sadly we have to inform you that the Fuerteventura World Cup will not take place as planned for 2022.

Despite the best efforts of the PWA, Ayuntamiento de Pajara, the Rene Egli Centre and Melia Group, over months of hard work and planning, and despite the funding for the event being confirmed by the primary sponsors, some of the necessary permits required locally for the event to take place were still not available 3 weeks before the planned start of the event, preventing the final event contracts from being signed in good time. Due to the limited time remaining to make the final preparations for the event, the Ayuntamiento de Pajara took the unilateral decision to cancel the event for this year.

Although this is a frustrating decision for the PWA and for the Rene Egli Centre, and that there were still further possibilities to explore to safeguard the event from our point of view, we understand the decision of the Ayuntamiento and the practical reasons why they felt they had to take it.

The Fuerteventura World Cup is an iconic event that has spanned over 30 years and seen some of the best racing, speed and freestyle competition in the history of the sport. That longevity and pedigree is largely thanks to our partners at the Rene Egli Centre, who’s experience and expertise play an irreplaceable role in making the event run smoothly, efficiently and successfully year on year.

The event would also not be possible without the support of the local community and the Ayuntamiento de Pajara, who welcome us to their beaches, and provide the financial and logistic support to allow us to bring the highest level of competition to Fuerteventura, and we look forward to continuing these successful and prosperous relationships for many years to come.

We want to thank our colleagues at the Rene Egli Centre, Melia Group and the Ayuntamiento de Pajara, for their time, consideration and dedication to trying to make the event happen for this year and we are reassured to know that much of that work will be transferrable to the 2023 event, for which preparations are already firmly underway.

Although 2022 has not progressed as smoothly as we had hoped, there is still much more to come and we are looking forward to the Gran Canaria World Cup which will be the most explosive, highest jumping, most extreme event to happen since 2019. Gran Canaria starts on the 9th July.”


For more information on the PWA World Tour:


Source : PWA World Tour

Photos : Carter/

PWA World Tour Fuerteventura World Cup Sotavento

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En savoir plus

Registration for the FUERTE ACTION Windsurfing Speed World Championship 2022

Notice of Race
In collaboration with
Dunkerbeck GPS speed Challenge
30th June – 4th July 2022
Playa de Las Salinas, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain

A signature sport event by:
Orlando Lavandera & Bjorn Dunkerbeck
in co-operation with the
International Speed Windsurfing Class (ISWC)
1.1 The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) – Windsurfing Competition Rules (WCR).
1.2 The ISWC Class Rules shall apply.
1.3 No national prescriptions will apply.
1.4 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.
1.5 If there is a conflict between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions will take precedence.
2.1 Sailors may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organising authority. ISAF Regulation 20 ‘Advertising Code’ shall apply.
2.2 Event branding shall be worn at all times when afloat, and as requested by the organisers during media interviews and during the prize giving.
3.1 This championship is open to both men and women.
3.2 There will be prizes for the highest placed youths and masters.
3.3 A Youth shall be a man/boy younger that 21 years of age before December 31st 2022
3.4 A Junior shall be a/boy/girl under the age of 16 years of age before December 31st 2022
3. 5 A Master shall be a man over the age of 45 years of age before the event starts.
4.1 All entries shall meet the requirements of ISAF Regulation 19 – Eligibility Code.
4.2 Competitors shall be members of the International Speed Windsurfing Class. Membership formalities may be completed online.  
4.3 Eligible competitors shall complete an entry form.
4.4 Payment can be made via PayPal – credit/debit card required. Alternatively, a payment may be made on the day of the registration by cash and credit card prior confirmation from the organization.
4.5 The following shall be presented upon registration:
– Evidence of valid third party insurance is compulsory.  
–       Proof of age
–       Emergency Contact & Health Information Form – for those under age of 18
5.1 The entry fees are: 150 euro for men; 100 euro for women; 0 euro for juniors and youth.
5.2 Late entries accepted at registration, should there be spaces available may incur a 20 euro surcharge.
5.3 Entry fees paid at registration shall be paid in cash (euro) or credit card.
6.1 The event shall be an “open entry” championship.
6.2 One completed round is required to validate a championship.
7.1 Pre 30th of June Arrival & training.
Thursday 30th  of June 8:30-10:00 Registration at the reception of the R2 Rio Calma Hotel in Costa Calma, Pájara.  
13:00 Official opening & first skippers meeting at Las Salinas beach.  Win
13:30 First possible warning signal. First possible start at 14:00
Last day of racing  Monday 4th  of July
21:00 Prize giving ceremony & party at the R2 Rio Calma hotel.
7.2 Last possible start on Monday the 4th to be decided by the Race director.  
8. 1 There are no restrictions on equipment, except the ISWC reserves the right to prohibit the use of equipment deemed to be “unsafe” and /or likely to cause injury to competitors. Equipment inspections shall be made at any time.
8.2 Sail identification. Each competitor must mark his/her sails with his/her registered sail number. The number shall be at least 25 centimeters in height, displayed clearly above the wishbone, and above the area reserved for the event sponsor. The number shall be placed on the starboard side. Numbers must be clearly visible, in a solid contrasting color. Registration of the number can be done when you send in your registration via email, or at time of the inscription on the beach. All characters must be displayed horizontally and not in a column. A competitor may not be disqualified for infringing the provisions of this rule without prior warning and adequate opportunity to make correction.
The sailing instructions (SI’s) will be available upon registration. Any changes to the SI’s shall be approved by the Class Representative.

Courses will be as described in the sailing instructions or published on the official notice board (ONB).
All protests shall be done in the 15 minutes after each round is finished. There will be no protests allowed after this time.
12.1 Scoring will be according to ISWC Championship Rules, as amended by the SI’s.
12.2 Men and women will be ranked separately.
Coaches and support boats are not permitted.
If a weight jacket is used, it must prove to have neutral buoyancy when used with weight. The Beach Marshall will regularly inspect them on the beach. If found to be too heavy (doesn’t float) the rider will be disqualified from the round. Use of a helmet in both Juniors and Youth fleets is mandatory.
15.1 Trophies may be awarded to the first three competitors in each valid division.
15.2 The first man and woman shall be declared: “2022 Speed Windsurfing (Mens/Womens) World Champion”.
Competitors are requested to attend the event’s social functions; however, the organising authority may refuse entry to those whose standard of attire is not commensurate with the occasion. Prize winners may forfeit prizes for non attendance at the prize giving ceremony.
Competitors participate in the event entirely at their own risk, see WCR 4 – Decision to Race. The organising authority or any of their officials or representatives or the sponsors or their officials or representatives will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the event. In addition, in case of the the event not going ahead for any reason beyond our control, the organizers as well as sponsors and collaborators will not be liable for any economic or any other damages 
Each participating competitor shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of 1. 500,000 euro per event or the equivalent.
In registering for the event, competitors automatically grant to the Organizing Authority the right in perpetuity to make, use, modify and show from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproduction of them, taken during the period of the event, for the said Event as defined in the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions in which he/she participates without compensation.
20.1 Registration will be between 08:30 and 10:00 at the reception of the R2 Rio Calma hotel in Costa Calma.
20.2 For further information please contact: [email protected]
The following information is not part of the rules for the Event.
R2 Rio Calma Hotel, Official Hotel Partner of the event. Competitors rates:
Single room 105,-€ per night (incl. half board) or
double room 150,-€ per night (incl half board).
Reservations under: [email protected] /subject: DUNKERBECK22 and enroll on the program SOYR2 to beneffit from this discounted rate. This hotel is around 50 minutes by car form the spot you will need a car, Please plan accordingly.
There are many apartments and hotels available on the Costa Calma and Jandia area.
All sailors coming to the event are advised to make their accommodation arrangements as soon as possible as the island is getting booked up quickly.
Minimum Wind Conditions.
For all races in the Speed discipline, the wind minimum shall be 18 knots off shore. The race will be abandoned if the wind drops below the minimum of 15 knots over the course area.
The ratio between the course angle and the wind speed should be 5.5 or less. The below matrix shows an example for good ratios. The ratio shall be used as a guideline for suitable conditions.
90 degree————17 Knots average wind
120 degree———-22 Knots average wind
150 degree———-27 Knots average wind
No races shall be started if the direction is more than 150 degrees. Protests regarding wind strength and suitability of wind directions or wind conditions are disallowed.
The course will be a 250m.
The race director will determine if the wind is suitable.
Average local Conditions
Normally offshore wind average 20 to 40 knots. With flat and warm water. sunny with 25C average. A 3/2 shorty wetsuit or a long sleeve rush guard to protect from the sun are sufficient at this time of the year in Fuerteventura.
Don’t forget to bring Waterproof Sunscreen.
Storage and Facilities
There will be secure storage for all sailor´s equipment on site from the 29th of June at noon until the 5th of July at noon. Because of the nature of the venue being a Natural protected area, the storage area will not have a tent but will be a fenced opened air. Please plan accordingly.
A 250m course will be set on the beach (shown by two marks). To the
north of the beach there will be a gate set with 2 marks 
which each rider has to pass through in order to get access to the course.
There may be a jibing mark. Each rider will need to jibe after
that mark in order to return to the course and make his/her run. This is subject to change depending on weather conditions and race manager advice.
In case of a day of no suitable conditions with side and onshore winds. The organization will propose different format races such as Alpha racing, max, fun race, etc.
In collaboration with
Dunkerbeck GPS speed Challenge
30th June – 5th July 2022
Playa de Las Salinas, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain
Organised by:
A signature sport event by:
Orlando Lavandera & Bjorn Dunkerbeck
in co-operation with the
International Speed Windsurfing Class (ISWC)

Windsurf and Kitesurf in Fuerteventura

Canary islands
