The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Green lagoon bogor: Green Lagoon Residence – Kantor Perusahaan

Опубликовано: February 3, 2021 в 10:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Curug Ciampea Bogor, Review Harga Tiket Terbaru, Bumi Perkemahan, Serta Akses Jalan

Khususnya bagi masyarakat Jabodetabek, bahwa sebagian air yang diminum baik dalam bentuk kemasan, ataupun depot air minum, salah – satunya bersumber dari Gunung Salak Bogor.

Kelestarian alamnya masih terjaga, karena berstatus sebagai Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun – Salak. Dan kelestarian alam tersebut, berdampak terhadap kandungan air yang dimilikinya.

Curug Ciampea Bogor. Google Maps. Sumber :

Curug Ciampea Bogor, adalah salah – satu pesona alam yang berada di kaki Gunung Salak. Sebagai sebuah penegasan bahwa kawasan tersebut memiliki kandungan air yang melimpah, serta pesona alam air terjun yang banyak, dan layak untuk dikunjungi.

Lokasi Dan Alamat Curug Ciampea Bogor

Lokasi Curug Ciampea Bogor berada di kaki Gunung Salak. Alamat Curug Ciampea Bogor berada di Tapos I, Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jaawa Barat.

Rute Atau Akses Jalan Menuju Curug Ciampea Bogor

Rute atau akses jalan menuju Curug Ciampea Bogor jika dari terminal Baranang Siang, Bogor, hanya berjarak sekitar 25 kilometer.

Adapun waktu tempuhnya sekitar 1 jam 30 menit hingga sampai di area parkiran. Jalan menuju Curug Ciampea Bogor satu arah dengan Curug Luhur Indah.

Setelah sampai di area parkiran, maka para pengunjung harus melanjutkan perjalanan dengan cara berjalan kaki di alam terbuka, atau trekking untuk sampai di lokasi utama Curug Ciampea Bogor.

Trekking Menuju Curug Ciampea Bogor

Trekking menuju lokasi utama Curug Ciampea Bogor dari lokasi parkiran memang cukup jauh. Maka pastikan kondisi tubuh anda dalam keadaan prima.

Loket Tiket Curug Ciampea. Google Maps. Sumber :

Namun, meskipun jauh, jalurnya tidak terlalu curam. Hanya di lokasi yang dekat dengan Curug Ciampea saja yang cukup curam.

Sebagaian besar, trekkingnya akan melalui kawasan hutan pinus. Meskipun jalurnya masih berbentuk tanah, namun pemandangan alam sekitarnya sangat indah dan asri.

Jalurnya sangat lebar, leluasa bagi para pejalan kaki. Karena perjalanannya menyusuri hutan pohon pinus. Selain itu, udara sekitar juga sangat menyejukan.

Trekking Melalui Hutan Pinus. Sumber :

Sebagian besar kondisi jalur menuju lokasi utama Curug Ciampea Bogor akan terus menanjak. Dan anak tangganya masih berupa tanah yang dipadatkan oleh kayu, atau batang pepohonan.

Trekking awal akan melewati lokasi bumi perkemahan Curug Ciampea. Kaum milenial merupakan wisatawan yang mendominasi aktivitas wisata camping tersebut.

Perkemahan Di Curug Ciampea. Sumber :

Kondisi jalur yang menanjak akan segera berakhir saat sampai di lokasi yang banyak kantinnya. Dari lokasi tersebut, view Curug Ciampea Bogor sudah bisa terlihat dengan indah.

Lanjutkan trekking dari lokasi tersebut dengan menyusuri jalur yang menurun. Para pengunjung diharapkan berhati-hati saat di jalur tersebut, terutama saat musim hujan.

Tidak lama berselang, para pengunjung akan sampai di lokasi dengan beberapa kantin yang berjajar. Di kantin tersebut juga terdapat fasilitas mushola, dan itulah area utama tujuan traveler.

Pesona Keindahan Curug Ciampea Bogor

Saat sampai di area utama, traveler tidak hanya akan menikmati 1 spot keindahan air terjun saja, namun setidaknya terdapat 3  keindahan air terjun dalam satu kawasan sekaligus.

1. Green Lagoon

Ternyata, bukan hanya di Curug Ngumpet saja terdapat lokasi Green Lagoon. Tetapi di Curug Ciampea juga terdapat lokasi yang bernama sama Green Lagoon.

Sebuah spot dengan mini air terjun, kolamnya juga tidak terlalu lebar, namun memiliki kedalaman yang cocok untuk melakukan aktivitas Cliffjumping.

Green Lagoon Curug Ciampea. Google Maps. Sumber :

Kolamnya diapit oleh bebatuan besar, airnya jernih agak kehijau – hijauan, serta dingin dan menyegarkan. Tetapi, para pengunjung harus tetap mengedepankan aspek keselamatan.

2. Curug Cipatat

Terdapat spot air terjun lainnya yang bernama Curug Cipatat. Curug atau air terjun tersebut cukup tinggi, arus air yang turun juga cukup deras, serta airnya dingin dan menyegarkan.

Kolam utamanya cukup lebar, berpadu dengan kehadiran tebing batu, serta pepohonan, yang memberikan keteduhan selama beraktivitas di area tersebut.

3. Curug Ciampea

Selanjutnya, aitu Curug Ciampea Bogor. Kata curug, memiliki arti yang sama dengan air terjun. Dan Curug Ciampea Bogor memiliki ketinggian sekita 50 meter.

Kolam utamanya cukup besar, serta kolam Curug Ciampea terkenal sangat jernih, dan lokasi yang nyaman untuk melakukan aaktivitas berenang, ataupun mandi.

Pesona Keindahan Curug Ciampea. Google Maps. Sumber :

Namun, tetaap saja saat puncak musim penghujan tiba, debit airnya akan cukup tinggi. Dengan demikian, kewaspadaan harus tetap ada pada diri para pengunjung.

4. Pesona Alam Sekitar

Daya tarik selanjutnya adalah view alam sekitar. Sebagaimana dibahas sebelumnya bahwa lokasi Curug Ciampea Bogor berada di kawasan Gunung Salak, maka view alam yang masih asri adalah sajian view alam sekitar.

Dari mulai hutan pohon pinus, view daerah yang berada di bawah kaki gunung, serta ragam tanaman, atau tumbuhan adaalah pesona lain dari Curug Ciampea Bogor.

Pesona Alam Sekitar. Sumber :

Ragam Aktivitas Wisata Di Curug Ciampea Bogor

Ragam aktivitas wisata yang dapat dinikmati oleh pengunjung selama berada di objek wisata Curug Ciampea Tenjolaya Bogor, adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Berenang

Ragam aktivitas wisata Curug Ciampea Bogor yang pertama tentu saja berenang, mandi, atau bermain air. Dengan kondisi air yang jernih, dan menyegarkan, semakin menambah kenikmatan saat berwisata ke Curug Ciampea Tenjolaya Bogor.

Berenang Di Curug Ciampea. Google Maps. Sumber :

Spot terbaik untuk berenang adalah di lokasi Green Lagoon, dan spot terbaik untuk mandi adalah di lokasi Curug Ciampea.

2. Hunting Foto

Keindahan curug atau air terjun, yang berpadu dengan keindahan alam sekitar, menjadikan kawasan objek wisata Curug Ciampea Bogor menjadi spot foto yang sering dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan.

Hunting Foto. Google Maps. Sumber :

Tidak sedikit para pengunjung yang datang, sengaja hanya untuk melakukan foto prewedding. Atau para pemburu konten untuk media sosial, sering juga menjadikan Curug Ciampea sebagai konten utamanya.

Hal tersebut menjadi sebuah penegasan bahwa di objek wisata Curug Ciampea Bogor tersaji keindahan alam yang sangat instagrammable.

3. Camping

Aktivitas wisata selanjutnya adalah camping. Lokasi perkemahan Curug Ciampea berada tidak jauh dari lokasi parkiran, atau tempat registrasi tiket.

Seperti yang telah disinggung di awal pembahasan, bahwa lokasi perkemahan Curug Ciampea berada di jalur trekking, serta di tengah hutan pohon pinus.

Camping Di Curug Ciampea. Google Maps. Sumber :

Letaknya berada di ketinggian, sehingga dapat menyajikan view yang sangat elok. Dan para pengunjung wajib membawa jaket, karena cuacanya akan sangat dingin saat hari mulai sore.

Harga Tiket Masuk Curug Ciampea Bogor

Harga tiket masuk Curug Ciampea terbaru adalah Rp. 22.000 per orang.

Jam Operasional Curug Ciampea Bogor

  • Jam operasional Curug Ciampea Bogor buka selama 24 jam, karena terdapat aktivitas wisata berupa camping.
  • Curug Ciampea Bogor buka dari hari Senin sampai dengan hari Minggu.

Penginapan Di Curug Ciampea Bogor

Tidak ada penginapan di objek wisata Curug Ciampea Bogor, karena mayoritas para pengunjung melakukan aktivitas camping jika ingin menginap di Curug Ciampea.


Demikian info lengkap, dan terbaru Curug Ciampea Bogor. Semoga kelestarian alam Gunung Salak akan tetap lestari dari generasi ke generasi.

Utamakan keselamatan, patuhi protokol kesehatan, dan jangn membuang sampah sembarangan. Karena “Sampahmu, Adalah Dosamu”.

Green Lagoon di Curug Ciampea Bogor Jawa Barat

Wisata Air Terjun Bogor Jawa Barat 

 Curug Ciampea merupakan salah satu air terjun yang berada di
Bogor jawa barat di desa Tapos I, kecamatan Tenjolaya Kab. Bogor Jawa Barat.
  Curug Ciampea memiliki keindahan alam yang luar biasa. Saking indahnya, curug ini
ramai diperbincangan di dunia maya. Bahkan, para penggunan Instagram
(IG), menyebut Curug Ciampea sebagai Green Lagoon-nya Bogor.
 Mencapai curug ini, memang harus sedikit mengeluarkan keringat. Berada
di kaki Gunung Salak, Curug Ciampea diselimuti hawa sejuk dan dingin.
Begitupun dengan airnya. 

Untuk bisa sampai di lokasi, berikut ini petunjuk yang bisa Anda ikuti.

Akses dan rute menuju Curug Ciampea terbilang sulit. Kamu akan melewati
lebatnya pepohonan dan gagahnya bukit-bukit. Saran kami jangan datang
sendiri. Ajaklah taman atau kerabat agar tripmu lebih menyenangkan.
Karena belum ada di GPS, pertama-tama jika Anda dari kota Anda langsung berkendara menuju ke Tenjolaya. Bisa
juga yang menuju ke Curug Luhur. Setela melewati Curug Luhur teruskan
perjalanan Anda hingga bertemu dengan persimpangan empat. Ambil jalan
yang ke kiri menuju ke Curug Ciputri, lihat saja petunjuk jalan yang ada
tulisan Curug Ciputrinya. Terus saja berkendara lurus mengikuti jalan
memasuki daerah perkampungan. Jalan masuk ke daerah perkampungan
tersebut lumayan rusak, jadi lebih baik Anda kurangi kecepatan dan tetap

Perhatikan di sebelah kiri jalan, setelah Anda bertemu dengan lapangan,
di seberang lapangan tersebut ada jalan, masuk kejalan itu. Terus saja
ikuti jalan yang berkelok-kelok dan naik turun itu. Walaupun jalannya
kurang bagus, namun masih bisa di lalui motor dengan mudah. Namun jika
Anda menggunakan mobil mungkin sedikit sulit. Jadi sebaiknya jika Anda
pergi ke Curug Ciampea ini menggunakan motor saja.

Jika Anda tidak nyasar, maka di ujung jalan Anda akan bertemu lahan
persawahan, dari sana sudah tidak bisa berjalan dengan motor lagi. Anda
bisa menitipkan motor Anda di rumah-rumah warga yang ada di sekitar.
Dari daerah persawahan tersebut Anda harus berjalan kaki melewati jalur
yang sudah ada hingga sampai di lokasi Curug Ciampea.

Sesampai nya di lokasi rasa capek dan lelah anda akan terobati dengan kejernihan serta dinginnya air. Itulah yang
membuat Curug Ciampea ini menarik, warna air terlihat hijau kebiru-biruan, layaknya green lagoon

 Sepanjang perjalanan treking menuju ke lokasi curug sebenarnya Anda
sudah disuguhkan pemandangan yang cukup menyejukkan mata. Anda akan
melewati sungai yang memiliki batu-batuan besar. Di sekeliling Anda ada
hutan yang hijau dan rimbun. Di perjalanan Anda akan bertemu dengan
beberapa curug kecil yang cukup bagus untuk di jadikan spot berfoto.
Salah satunya yang populer dengan sebutan Green Lagoon airnya yang begitu bening membuat para pengunjung bisa menjadikanya menjadi spot underwater.
 Datanglah pagi pagi hari, agar bisa menikmati jernihnya air curug
ciampea secara leluasa. Jangan lupa bawa action kamera agar mendapatkan
foto menarik di spot underwater tersebut. Tempat ini masih asri dan
belum banyak pengunjung yang berwisata kesini.

 Pengelolaan fasilitas di curug ciampea ini makin hari makin baik di lakukan. Saat ini sudah ada fasilitas yang mumpuni yang bisa pengunjung nikmati, toilet dan ruang ganti sudah di sediakan sehingga anda takperlu khawatir untuk mengganti pakaian anda setelah anda bermain air, berendam dan menyelam di green lagoon.

Bagi pecandu adrenalin,
tentu akan menjadi pengalaman seru menyelam di dalam ceruk yang gelap
dan di bawah guguran air terjun. Tenang saja, pada saat debit air
normal, arus air di tempat ini tidak terlalu kencang. Yang wajib
dipastikan adalah, Anda tidak menyelam saat cuaca buruk atau curah hujan
tinggi, karena ada ancaman bah yang sangat membahayakan jiwa.
Bagi pemula yang ingin mencoba, pastikan Anda tidak menyelam sendiri,
wajib ada pendamping, dan coba di titik yang tidak terlalu dalam. Jangan
khawatir, menyelam atau sekadar berenang di sini sangat menyenangkan
lho, hitung-hitung kalian memulai olahraga mengolah nafas.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

 Untuk menikmati wisata indah indah ini anda hanya perlu membayar tiket masuk menuju green lagoon curug ciampea dengan harga Rp 20.000,- saja.Harga tiket itu sudah termasuk dengan asuransi. selain itu untuk biaya parkir kendaraan anda cukup membayar Rp 5000,- saja. cukup terjangkaukan?

Nah itu dia sedikit ulasan tentang green lagoon curug ciampea yang indah..
jika anda penasaran bisa datang langsung kelokasi, jangan lupa mempersiapkan segala keperluan nya dan pastikan anda berangkat di cuaca yang mendukung…😀😀😀😀

Bagi pecandu adrenalin,
tentu akan menjadi pengalaman seru menyelam di dalam ceruk yang gelap
dan di bawah guguran air terjun. Tenang saja, pada saat debit air
normal, arus air di tempat ini tidak terlalu kencang. Yang wajib
dipastikan adalah, Anda tidak menyelam saat cuaca buruk atau curah hujan
tinggi, karena ada ancaman bah yang sangat membahayakan jiwa.
Bagi pemula yang ingin mencoba, pastikan Anda tidak menyelam sendiri,
wajib ada pendamping, dan coba di titik yang tidak terlalu dalam. Jangan
khawatir, menyelam atau sekadar berenang di sini sangat menyenangkan
lho, hitung-hitung kalian memulai olahraga mengolah nafas.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

Bagi pecandu adrenalin,
tentu akan menjadi pengalaman seru menyelam di dalam ceruk yang gelap
dan di bawah guguran air terjun. Tenang saja, pada saat debit air
normal, arus air di tempat ini tidak terlalu kencang. Yang wajib
dipastikan adalah, Anda tidak menyelam saat cuaca buruk atau curah hujan
tinggi, karena ada ancaman bah yang sangat membahayakan jiwa.
Bagi pemula yang ingin mencoba, pastikan Anda tidak menyelam sendiri,
wajib ada pendamping, dan coba di titik yang tidak terlalu dalam. Jangan
khawatir, menyelam atau sekadar berenang di sini sangat menyenangkan
lho, hitung-hitung kalian memulai olahraga mengolah nafas.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”, https://travel.

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

Desa Tapos I

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

Desa Tapos I

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

Desa Tapos I

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria Hidayat

Desa Tapos I

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Sensasi Menyelam di Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor”,

Editor : Fikria HidayatKecamatan TenjolayTempat wisata ini mulai ramai di
kunjungi setiap hari meski libur panjang akhir tahun telah usai. Para
pengunjung berdatangan karena penasaran melihat foto-foto yang banyak
beredar di timeline media sosial akhir-


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Kawasan Konservasi Gunung Halimun-Salak memiliki potensi curug paling banyak didaerah Kabupaten Bogor, Curug Cipatat atau yang dikenal dengan Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon Bogor yang mulai naik daun, menjadi tempat nyurug yang kece dibogor, curug ini berada di Desa Tapos I, Kec. Tenjolaya – Kab. Bogor .

Karna gue lagi nginep di Highland Resort Ciapus, perjalanan gue ke curug ciampea sekitar 3O menit, jalanannya offroad parah. Akses menuju curug ini terbilang cukup ekstrim dan hanya bisa dilalui oleh kendaraan bermotor, menjadi sedikit terhambatnya wisatawan yang mau datang kesini.

Akses menuju curug ini bisa dengan dari beberapa rute, patokannya adalah Curug Ciputri, apabila dari arah ciapus gang nya ada disebelah kiri, gang curug ciputri sekitar 5km dari curug luhur, kalau dari arah cikampak atau cinangneng ada disebelah kanan, patokannya ada indomaret/pangkalan angkot 03 Ciapus, nanti ada plang arah ke curug ciputri.

patokan gang yang ada lapangan

Nah, setelah masuk gang ciputri beberapa ratus meter ada pertigaan, ambil arah yang lurus yang menanjak . ikuti jalan terus sampai ketemu lapangan yang sebalah kirinya adanya rumah yang sedang dibangun, disebrangnya ada gang yang bersampingan dengan rumah cat warna ungu, potensi kelewat emang besar, kalau lurus kita bakal ke curug ciputrinya, nah setelah masuk gang dekat lapangan, ikuti jalan utama yang agak rusak dan jalanannya banyak tanjatan dan turunan curam.

jalan menuju Curug Ciampea

Sampai ketemu pemukiman warga nanti ada belokan ke kanan, ikuti jalan itu , jalannya agak sempit ada kandang kambing, saat gue lewati gue juga tidak percaya kalau itu memang jalannya, karna jalan setapak yang pas-pasan dengan 1 motor, harus minggir-minggir dikit kalua ada motor dari lawan arah .

Nanti ikuti jalan itu sampai ketemu jalan buntu yang ada gubuk, itu tempat parkiran motor. Dari gubuk parkiran itu, petualangan kalian dimulai .

gubuk tempat penitipan motor

tempat parkir sekaligus tiket masuk

tiket masuk curug ciampea

Baru-baru ini terhitung sejak tanggal 4 Februari 2014, Curug Ciampea & Green Lagoon resmi dikelola oleh warga sekitar dengan HTM Rp. 5000/orang , dan parkir yang dipatok Rp 5000.

Sebelum kesini, siapkan cemilan dan minuman, karna dilokasi ini tidak ada warung dan jangan buang sampah sembarangan ya gaes.

Trek menuju curug ini terbilang unik, dengan jalan setapak kita melewati hamparan sawah, hutan pinus, dan turunan curam, keep calm and be careful yaa kalo kesini

jalan setapak persawahan menuju curug

trek hutan pinus menuju curug

Leuwi Cetek dan Curug Ciampea dari atas bukit

turunan curam menuju Curug Ciampea

suara curug sudah mulai terdengar dari sini

Jalan dari lokasi parkir menuju curug sekitar 30 menitan, ga akan kerasa jauh karna pemandangannya yang masih alami banget, ketika sudah melewati hutan pinus mulai terdengar suara curug dari bawah, nah disitu kalian harus hati-hati ketika turunan curam, apalagi kalua musim hujan, jalanannya licin, gue saranin pake sandal gunung atau sepatu running, dan siapkan jas hujan juga karna ga ada tempat meneduh disini kalua misalnya hujan .

area sekitar Curug Ciampea

Pas sampe bawah, pertama kalian ketemu Curug Ciampea, kalau Green Lagoon sedikit turun kebawah, jika mau trekking naik ke atas kalian bisa ke Curug Kawung dan Leuwi Cetek .

ini dia, Curug Ciampea

Curug Ciampea

Curug Ciampea

ngedome di Curug Ciampea

Saat udah sampe curugnya, pasti ga nahan buat nyebur, air nya emang jernih banget, cocok banget buat tempat nyurug, kolam di Curug Ciampea ini ga terlalu dalam, paling dalam hanya sekitar 1 meter saja, kalau Green Lagoon kedalamannya sekitar 2 meter .

Selain itu cocok banget buat spot foto pake dome nih, masih selain Curug Ciampea dan Green Lagoon, masih banyak aliran sungai ini yang bisa dijadiin buat spot foto underwater pake dome.

ini dia, Green Lagoon Bogor

Green Lagoon Bogor

ngedome di Green Lagoon Bogor

emang kece parah tempat ini, lelah perjalanan kita bakal kebayar kalo kita udah nyurug, airnya bersih belum ada sampah disini, karna belum ada tempat sampah diarea curug ini, buat kalian yang bawa makanan/minuman jangan buang sampah disini, silahkan bawa sampah kalian di parkiran motor atau tempat sampah yang ada selama perjalanan pulang kalian yaaa

jangan lupa nonton video trip nya di https://youtu. be/uG9dFn3dIZk dan foto tripnya di @adrianloa

selamat mengexplore dan nyurug, salam travellers

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CURUG CIAMPEA Tiket & Aktivitas September 2022

Harga Tiket Masuk Curug Ciampea : Rp22.000-Rp30.000 Jam Buka: 07.00 – 17.00No Telp: -Alamat: Tapos I, Tenjolaya, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 16370

Curug Ciampea Bogor salah satu air terjun yang sayang dilewatkan jika berkunjung ke kota hujan. Yang istimewa dari curug atau air terjun ini adalah kolamnya yang jernih. Bahkan, wisatawan sering menjadikan air terjun ini sebagai tempat menyelam.

Tidak hanya berenang, namun juga menyelam. Inilah yang membuatnya unik, menyelam sambil merasakan serunya air terjun yang mengalir.

Harga Tiket Masuk Curug Ciampea Bogor

Objek wisata ini sangat terjangkau bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Wisatawan hanya perlu membayar tiket masuk, yang mana sudah termasuk asuransi. Serta tarif parkir bagi kendaraan bermotor.

Harga Tiket Masuk
Tiket Masuk Wisata Rp22.000
Tiket Camping Rp30.000

Baca: Curug CIPUTRI Bogor Tiket & Aktivitas

Jam Buka Curug

Waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung ke wisata alam adalah saat pagi hingga sore hari. Karena di waktu ini, pemandangan akan terlihat lebih indah. Apalagi, daya tarik yang air terjun ini berupa pemandangan air. Serta kolam yang jernih dan pasti menggoda siapapun untuk mencobanya.

Jam Operasional
Setiap hari 07:00 – 17:00 WIB

Baca: 20+ Wisata Curug Terbaik di Bogor

Pesona Keindahan Curug Ciampea

Jernihnya Air langsung Turun ke Kolam yang Indah. Foto: Gmap/Adrian Hartanto Lokaria

Dibalik rimbunnya hutan di Gunung Salak, tersimpan keindahan pemandangan air terjun yang mempesona. Alirannya deras, namun tidak membahayakan. Airnya yang putih jernih, terjun langsung menuju kolam di bawahnya. Dimana, kolamnya begitu jernih, bahkan cenderung berwarna hijau kebiruan yang indah.

Di bawah air terjun sendiri, kolamnya tidak terlalu dalam. Bahkan, wisatawan dapat melihat batuan di dalamnya dengan jelas. Air di kolam dan air terjun terbilang sejuk dan cenderung dingin. Tak mengherankan, karena lokasinya berada di bawah kaki Gunung Salak, pada ketinggian 970 – 1.000 mdpl.

Baca: CURUG 7 CILEMBER Tiket & Ragam Wahana

Di sekitar air terjun berdiri tebing – tebing batu yang nampak mengkilap karena basah terkena air. Di sela – selanya tumbuh tanaman rambat khas hutan, serta rumput yang tak luput dari pandangan. Warnanya berpadu dengan indah, membentuk harmoni pemandangan alam yang memukau. Apalagi ditambah dengan gemercik air terjun yang turun tiada henti.

Menyelam di Kolam Air Terjun

Keindahan Batuan yang Melingkupi Air Terjun. Foto: Gmap/Wawan Setiawan

Tidak seperti daya tarik wisata air terjun lainnya. Di sini, wisatawan bisa menikmati tidak hanya berenang, tapi juga menyelam. Tepatnya di Green Lagoon dan Leuwi Ngumpet, yang tak jauh dari air terjun. Kedalaman kolam – kolam ini tidak lebih dari 3 meter, namun tentu masih perlu kehati – hatian ketika menyelam.

Air kolam yang jernih membuat pandangan mudah melihat kehidupan bawah air. Ikan – ikan kecil khas sungai, serta batuan di bawah sungai. Dan tak lupa tanaman – tanaman dasar kolam yang turut hadir memeriahkan pemandangan. Namun perlu diperhatikan, bahwa kolam ini berarus karena arus dari air terjun, dan berbahaya saat musim hujan.

Baca: CURUG PANGERAN Tiket & Ragam Aktivitas Menarik

Air di Green Lagoon tampak hijau kebiru – biruan, dan dasar kolam hampir terlihat jelas. Membuatnya menggoda untuk diselami lebih dalam lagi, dan tentu akan membuat ketagihan para penyuka diving. Sementara Leuwi Ngumpet, berada sedikit tersembunyi, namun keindahannya tetap tidak boleh diragukan lagi. Padahal keduanya sebenarnya adalah bongkahan lava dari letusan Gunung Salah yang membeku membentuk ceruk.

Hammocking dan Berfoto Ria

Jalur Hutan Pinus untuk Trekking. Foto: Gmap/Rini Risnawati

Jika belum mahir atau masih takut menyelam, tentu ada alternatif lain supaya di sini tak membosankan. Wisatawan bisa hammocking, atau tidur di atas hammock. Hammock sengaja ditempatkan pada pohon – pohon yang dekat dengan air terjun. Supaya wisatawan dapat bersantai sambil menikmati derasnya air terjun.

Wisatawan pun dapat bermain air di sekitaran air terjun. Karena kolam di bagian tersebut tidak terlalu dalam, dan tentunya lebih aman. Wisatawan dapat bermain – main di sini, atau mencoba kesegaran airnya. Benar – benar berbeda dan tentu sangat menyegarkan.

Baca: CURUG CILEMBER Tiket & Aktivitas Top

Yang tak boleh dilewatkan adalah berfoto ria. Posisi di dekat air terjun adalah posisi yang pas untuk berfoto. Bergaya di atas hammock atau bergaya di kolam pun akan menghasilkan foto instagenik. Apalagi latar belakang foto adalah Curug Ciampea yang mempesona.

Trekking di Curug Ciampea

Area Persawahan yang menjadi Jalur Trekking. Foto: Gmap/Bela Aris

Untuk menuju lokasi air terjun, wisatawan harus melakukan trekking terlebih dahulu. Jarak antara lokasi parkir dengan air terjun kurang lebih sejauh 1,5 kilometer. Dengan waktu tempuh kurang lebih 30 – 45 menit perjalanan. Tentunya harus dipersiapkan fisik yang kuat dan alas kaki yang nyaman untuk trekking.

Ada dua rute trekking yang dapat dipilih wisatawan. Rute satunya adalah rute melewati sawah berundak yang indah. Areal persawahan ini tampak hijau, dan menguning apabila sudah dekat dengan masa panen. Mengingatkan pada daerah Ubud di Bali, yang begitu indah dengan persawahan berundaknya.

Baca: CURUG LEUWI HEJO Tiket & Aktivitas

Jalur lain yaitu melewati hutan pinus yang begitu rindang. Tentu suasana akan berbeda dengan jalur sebelumnya. Di kawasan pinus ini, wisatawan akan menyaksikan tingginya hutan pinus yang tertata rapi. Dedaunannya mengumpul di bagian atas, seolah menghalau sinar matahari menembus area di bawahnya.

Lokasi Curug Ciampea Bogor

Objek wisata ini berlokasi di Tapos I, Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Titik keberangkatan dapat dimulai dari Ciapus atau lewat IPB Dramaga – Ciampea.


4.8 / 5. dari 6

Berikan Rating

Curug Ciampea, Wisata Alam Populer Di Bogor


Ncep Boink

Mei 30, 2022

Selain terkenal sebagai Kota Hujan, Kota Bogor populer dengan sebutan lain yakni kota 1000 curug. Tentu julukan tersebut bukan tanpa sebab, pasalnya di kota ini banyak terdapat wisata air terjun yang cukup populer dan mampu menjadi magnet bagi para wisatawan, salah satunya yakni Curug Ciampea.

Curug Ciampea merupakan satu dari beberapa curug yang ada di Kota Bogor. Karena keberadaannya di tengah hutan, membuat curug ini menawarkan pemandangan alam yang masih sangat alami.

Curug Ciampea ini memiliki ketinggian yang cukup tinggi yakni kurang lebih 50 meter. Dengan memiliki debit air yang cukup besar serta membentang layaknya sebuah tirai. Memiliki aliran air yang sangat jernih dan dingin membuat Curug Ciampea ini memiliki sebutan lain yakni Green Lagoon. Ditambah lagi dengan rimbunnya pepohonan disekitar curug membuat udara di sekitar bersih dan segar. Dengan hal tersebut tak heran jika tempat wisata ini selalu dipadati para wisatawan.

Lokasi dan Rute Menuju Wisata Curug Ciampea

Untuk lokasinya sendiri, Curug Ciampea terletak di Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Bogor, Jawa Barat, tepatnya berada di kaki Gunung Salak.

Untuk bisa mencapai lokasi curug ini dibutuhkan pernjuangan yang cukup extra, pasalnya medan yang akan dilalui cukup menantang. Serta lokasinya tidak bisa dijangkau oleh kendaraan umum. Untuk itu jika kalian ingin berkunjung ke tempat wisata Curug Ciampea ini disarankan untuk menggunakan kendaraan pribadi. 

Kunjungi juga > Bukit Si Kabayan Bogor. 

Untuk kalian yang datang dari seputaran Bogor, langsung aja mengambil arah tujuan Tenjolaya atau menuju Curug Luhur. Dari lokasi tersebut kalian meneruskan perjalanan hingga menjumpai perempatan. Kemudian di perempatan tersebut belok kiri menuju Curug Ciputri, melewati perkampungan. Namun kalian mesti hati-hati karena jalan yang dilalui lumayan rusak. Nanti di sebelah kiri jalan kalian akan menjumpai lapangan. Nah tepat di seberang lapangan terdapat jalan, kalian ikuti jalan tersebut hingga menjumpai persawahan. Nah dari lokasi tersebut kalian sudah tidak bisa menggunakan kendaraan lagi. Kalian bisa menitipkan kendaraan anda di rumah- rumah penduduk. 

Kalian meneruskan perjalanan kembali untuk bisa sampai ke lokasi Curug Ciampea dengan berjalan kaki. Di sepanjang perjalanan kalian akan disuguhi pemandangan yang cukup menyejukkan. Sungai dengan batu- batu besar dengan aliran airnya yang jernih, ditambah di kiri dan kanan jalan pepohonan rimbun tentu membuat perjalanan kalian tidak membosankan dan makin menyenangkan. 

Daya Tarik Wisata Curug Ciampea Bogor

Setibanya di lokasi Curug Ciampea, pengunjung akan disuguhi pemandangan alam yang masih sangat alami. Hutan yang sangat rimbun membuat rasa lelah begitu cepat mereda dengan menghirup udara yang segar. Air yang mengalir dari curug pun tampaknya begitu jernih tentu menyegarkan pandangan mata dan pikiran lebih rileks.

Tepat dibawah curug terdapat kubangan atau kolam yang cukup besar, tentu sangat cocok sekali untuk berendam guna memulihkan kondisi setelah melewati perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan. Namun, jika kalian tidak suka dengan kegiatan berenang, kalian bisa duduk- duduk santai di bawah pohon sambil menikmati pesona air terjun yang begitu mempesona.  

Kunjungi juga > Curug Love Bogor. 

Selain menikmati keindahan alam serta melakukan kegiatan berenang atau berendam, untuk kalian yang gemar dengan kegiatan swafoto, bisa memanfaatkan keindahan alamnya untuk latar belakang hasil jepteran kamera anda. 

Tidak sampai di situ saja, untuk kalian yang gemar dengan kegiatan di alam bebas. Di Curug Ciampea ini kalian bisa bermalam dengan mendirikan tenda (camping)

Harga Tiket Masuk Curug Ciampea Bogor

Setiap pengunjung yang ingin menikmati pesona keindahan Curug Campea ini akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 20.000 per orang. Selanjutnya ada biaya tambahan parkir kendaraan sebesar Rp. 5.000. Untuk jam operasionalnya, yakni dibuka mulai pukul 07.00 sampai pukul 17.00 WIB setiap harinya.


Seperti tempat-tempat wisata pada umumnya, dimana wisata Curug Ciampea ini telah dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fasilitas penunjang lainnya. Dari mulai area parkir kendaraan, kamar ganti, toilet, tempat istirahat, stand kuliner hingga mushola.

Tips Berkunjung

Jika kalian hendak berkunjung ke tempat wisata Curug Ciampea mungkin ada beberapa tips yang bisa dijadikan pedoman, diantaranya;

  1. Karena medan yang akan dilalui cukup melelahkan, maka dari itu disarankan untuk mempersiapkan stamina yang prima 
  2. Karena untuk mencapai lokasi wisata diharuskan untuk berjalan kaki, untuk itu gunakan alas kaki yang nyaman di semua medan. 
  3. Karena lokasi wisata yang akan dituju berupa wisata air, besar kemungkinan pakaian kalian terkena air dan basah. Alangkah baiknya untuk membawa pakaian ganti. 
  4. Karena destnasi wisata yang akan dikunjungi begitu indah, tentunya sayang jika tidak diabadikan. Untuk itu jangan sampai lupa untuk membawa alat dokumentasi terbaikmu. 

Rekomendasi Tempat Penginapan

Untuk kalian yang datang dari luar kota, setelah mengunjungi tempat wisata Curug Ciampea merasa lelah dan butuh tempat istirahat. Mungkin kalian bisa bermalam di beberapa tempat penginapan yang jaraknya tidak jauh dari lokasi Wisata. Salah satunya yakni De Salak Homestay Gunung Salak RedPartner yang beralamat di Jl Raya Gunung Salak Endah, Bogor, Jawa Barat . Dengan harga sewa permalamnya sebesar Rp. 518.699. fasilitas yang ditawarkan mulai dari area parkir kendaraan luas, layanan hotel 24 jam, akses internet gratis, hingga kolam renang.  

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Hampir kejebak banjir di Curug Ciampea Green Lagoon

Sudah lama rasanya saya tidak berkunjung lagi ke curug yang berada di daerah Bogor. Dulu teman saya selalu menjuluki saya sebagai Ratu Curug atau Setan Curug karena tiap weekend memang selalu mampir ke berbagai curug yang ada di Bogor.  

Bogor memang dunianya per-curug-an, Bagaimana tidak di tiap gunung pasti selalu ada curug nya. Gunung Bunder pun menjadi salah satu incaran saya untuk menjamahi curugnya satu persatu.

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017 Saya sudah merencanakan perjalanan menuju Curug Ciampea atau bahasa gaulnya Green Lagoon. Curug Ciampea terletak di desa Tenjolaya, kecamatan Ciampea, Bogor. Jawa Barat

Dari Jakarta saya menggunakan motor bareng teman yang bernama Rizki tepat pada pukul 07.30 AM. Memang sangat jauh untuk mencapai Gunung Bunder, Naik motor saja bisa memakan waktu sekitar 4 jam dari Jakarta. itu saja terbilang tidak macet yah. kebayang kan kalau macet bisa berapa lama saya dijalan. 


Disini saya tidak bisa menjelaskan rute nya ya guys. Karena saya cuma duduk manis dibelakang motor sembari megang handphone karena butuh bantuan GPS agar tidak tersesat. 

Saat saya menggunakan GPS arah tujuan saya menuju Curug Luhur atau Tenjolaya. Karena Curug Ciampea tidak ada titik kordinatnya. Makanya saya menggunakan kata kunci Curug Luhur Tenjolaya agar bisa menemukan gapura Curug Ciputri saat di perjalanan.

Nah sepanjang diperjalanan selalu lihat posisi sebelah kanan, karena kalian akan menemukan gapura untuk menuju Curug Ciputri. Kalau kalian bertemu Gapura Curug Ciputri langsung saja belok kanan dan ikuti jalan. Kalian akan memasuki perkampungan dengan jalan yang sangat hancur, belum lagi bebatuan besar pun menemani perjalanan kami sehingga terkadang ban selip akibat bebatuan. Kalian akan menemukan lapangan disamping kiri, Untuk menuju Curug Ciampea kita harus belok kanan. Masuk gang yang hanya cukup untuk dua motor dari arah berlawanan. Kebayangkan jalan gangnya seperti apa. Semakin masuk kedalam kalian akan memasuki perkampungan dengan pemandangan kandang kambing, banyak pohon bambu, jalan setapak yang hanya cukup untuk satu motor saja. tanjakan terjal dan turunan yang tajam. Ditambah lagi samping kanan dari jalan setapak yaitu jurang dengan kedalaman yaahh mungkin sekitar 3 meter. Belum lagi bebatuan besar yang tidak menempel sehingga batu yang kami lewati sering terlepas. Beruntungnya kami bisa melalui semua rintangan tersebut. kalau motor tidak kuat nanjak, Rizki yang akan turun dari motor dan saya yang membawa motor untuk naik. Hahahahaa…Gak apalah yaaaa itung-itung olahraga.

Motor harus melewati jalan ini (Photo Credit)

Sempat ragu dengan kondisi jalan yang tidak memungkinkan karena bagi kalian yang membawa kendaraan mobil sangat tidak disarankan untuk menuju Curug Ciampea. Kondisi jalan yang sangat tidak memungkinkan untuk bawa mobil. Selain jalannya rusak, jalanannya pun sangat sempit sekali. Benar-benar jalan setapak yang hanya bisa di lalui satu motor saja. Saya pun heran apa benar jalan ini menuju Curug Ciampea karena kita harus melewati area persawahan yang jalannya sudah di semen. Sehingga dapat dilalui motor dan pengguna jalan.  

Persawahan sepanjang perjalanan

Masih jalan terus sampai ketemu lapangan disamping kiri lalu kita belok kanan

Sejauh mata memandang hanya ada persawahan

Bingung karena tidak ada penduduk yang bisa kami tanya karena posisinya kami berada di tengah area persawahan. Jalan setapak itu hanya ada satu jalur saja. Jadi kami terus mengikuti arah jalan tersebut. Sampai akhirnya ada warga yang sedang menyisihkan dedaunan, Entah daun apa tapi yang pasti dikumpulkan dalam satu karung.

“Punteennn…Ibu ari ka Curug Ciampea teh palih die sanes?” Tanya saya dengan basa sunda seadanya
“Oiyaahhh muhun neng palih ditu, terus aja ikutin jalan neng” Jawab ibu muda yang sedang menyisihkan dedaunan

Ternyata benar, Kami terus mengikuti jalur setapak. Untungnya tidak berpapasan dengan motor lain. Kebayang gimana jadinya kalau sampai ada motor dari arah berlawanan, pasti ribet banget deh untuk lewat area persawahan tersebut.

Pukul 11.20 AM Kami tiba juga di parkiran Curug Ciampea yang mematok harga Rp. 5.000 untuk sekali parkir. Disana motor sudah berjajar banyak sekali. Curiga pasti keadaan curug disana sangat ramai sekali dengan pengunjung. Untuk masuk ke Curug Ciampea akan dikenakan biaya Rp. 5.000/orang.

Area Parkir Curug Ciampea

Masih harus berjalan kaki menyusuri hutan dengan kondisi jalan yang masih berupa batu besar membuat saya terus menundukkan kepala karena takut kakinya selip diantara bebatuan. Agak kesulitan berjalan dengan kondisi bebatuan. Lebih enak kalo kesini pake sepatu boots sekalian karena kaki kalian akan tetap terlindungi tapi ribet banget kalau sampai harus pake sepatu untuk ke curug saja. Makanya saya hanya menggunakan sepatu biasa aja, sampai curug ganti sendal jepit.

Bebatuan besar sepanjang perjalanan
Pintu Masuk Curug Ciampea
Tiket Masuk Curug Ciampea Rp. 5.000

Tak lama dari parkiran saya sudah menemukan Pintu Masuk Curug Ciampea. Dikira tinggal beberapa meter saja saya sudah sampai di Curugnya. Ternyata tidak…Perjalanan masih jauh. Menurut AKAMSI a.k.a Anak Kampung Sini, perjalanan hanya memakan waktu 15 menit saja. Ingat…Jangan pernah percaya dengan perkataan akamsi karena mereka sudah terbiasa jalan kaki cepat. Makanya mereka tidak perlu memakan waktu terlalu lama di jalan. beda halnya seperti saya yang jarang sekali berolah raga atau berjalan cepat. Saya tidak menghiraukan apa perkataan mereka karena saya yakin sepanjang perjalanan saya akan menemukan keindahan dibalik bukit.

Untuk mencapai Curug Ciampea, Saya harus menyebrangi sungai kecil dengan jalan setapak yang kondisi tanah merahnya agak becek akibat pijakan kaki dari para pengunjung sehabis menyebrangi sungai kecil. Jalan setapak yang begitu sulit dilewati karena harus memanjat keatas akibat tanah yang menjadi pijakan kami agak rusak sehingga tidak dapat dilalui sehingga saya pun agak kesulitan untuk melewati pijakan yang hanya setapak saja. 

Pemandangan yang saya lalui samping kanan masih berupa hutan alami sedangkan samping kiri saya sudah banyak persawahan yang menghijau. Gunung pun sudah tertutup kabut setengah, jajaran hutan pinus sudah terlihat dari kejauhan, Semuanya hijau tak ada gersang sedikitpun. Sungguh mereka beruntung bisa hidup di lingkungan yang berudara segar dan masih alami.

Gunung yang tertutup kabut
Ada hutan pinus yang berjajar
Hampir sampai di Hutan Pinus

Tak lama kemudian kami pun disuguhkan oleh pemandangan pohon pinus. Banyak sekali pohon pinus yang berjajar rapi menandakan bahwa kami sudah dekat dengan area Curug Ciampea. Memang hutan pinus ini membuat pemandangan seakan indah seperti lukisan dan rasanya sangat disayangkan kalau kita melaluinya begitu saja. tanah merah yang tidak tertutupi oleh rumput membuat saya kesulitan untuk melewatinya. Bagaimana tidak, berkali-kali saya hampir saja terpeleset #huft

Sesampainya di Hutan Pinus kami masih harus turun melalui tangga seadanya dengan pegangan yang telah dibuat dari kayu. Agak mengerikan untuk menuruni tangga yang seadanya. Tanah merah yang begitu basah membuat tangga sedanya yang hanya berupa akar saja licin sehingga diharuskan bagi para pengunjung untuk berpegangan karena akan sangat berbahaya jika terjatuh di tangga itu, masih banyak batu tajam yang tertancap ditanah.

Satu pohon pinus ada yang tumbang
Curug Ciampea sudah terlihat dari ketinggian

Saat akan menuruni tangga ada pengunjung yang membuang sampah botol sembarangan. Sempat kesal melihat perempuan ini membuang sampah gitu saja karena biar bagaimanapun sampah itu harus di buang pada tempatnya. jika memang tidak menemukan tempat sampah, ada baiknya simpan dulu dalam tas, nanti baru deh botolnya dibuang. Karena mulut saya terasa gatal untuk menegurnya, Akhirnya saya pun langsung menegur mereka

“Dek buang botolnya jangan sembarangan, pegang aja dulu tuh botol. jangan nyampah” tegur saya ke pengunjung itu

“Oh iya maaf” Cewe itu pun langsung memungut botolnya



Bisa dibilang wisata ini sangat murah, karena hanya dengan merogoh kocek Rp. 5.000 saja kita bisa menikmati keindahan 3 curug sekaligus yaitu Curug Ciampea, Curug Cipatat dan Leuwi Tonjong. Ketiganya memiliki perbedaan masing-masing.

Leuwi Tonjong memiliki ketinggian sekitar 4 meter. Banyak sekali pengunjung yang melakukan atraksi loncat indah disini. Untuk kedalamannya sekitar 3 meter. Jadi masih aman kalau memang mau loncat di Leuwi Tonjong. 

Curug Ciampea ini baru dibuka oleh warga setempat pada bulan April 2016. Belum terlalu lama namun namanya sudah banyak dikenal orang karena belum lama MTMA datang berkunjung dan melakukan shooting ditempat ini.

Leuwi Tonjong sering kali disebut Green Lagoon oleh para pengunjung tapi sayang orang kampung sini tidak ada yang tau apa itu Green Lagoon. So you guys kalau mau tanya Leuwi Tonjong gak usah bilang Green Lagoon yah. Karena percuma, Mereka juga tidak akan tau. Kalau mau tanya penduduk sekitar, cukup bilang Curug Ciampea. Mereka pasti akan tau dimana letaknya curug itu.

Leuwi Tonjong atau Green Lagoon
Beruntung saat kemari sedang agak kosong
Aliran sungai menuju Leuwi Tonjong yang berasal dari Curug Ciampea

Tidak lama saya bermain di Leuwi Tonjong, Hujan pun tak kira-kira turun dari langit. Deras…Langsung deras sehingga membuat semua para pengunjung sibuk mencari tempat berteduh. Kalau saya tidak mencari tempat teduh karena badan sudah basah kuyup dan tas pun pakai dry bag jadi gak khawatir kalau pun kena hujan. Tapi yang saya bingung adalah bagi pengunjung yang sudah basah kuyup tapi takut kena air hujan. Kenapa harus takut coba? Kan udah basah karena abis main air. Bingung juga sih sama pengunjung yang seperti itu. Mungkin mereka takut pusing kali yah kepalanya. Hahahahhaa :p



Curug Ciampea ini memiliki ketinggian 14 meter. Saat hujan deras saya sempat bermain di curug ini. Namun tidak lama kemudian penjaga warung satu-satunya yang berada di Curug ini memanggil kami semua yang masih asik bermain di Curug Ciampea.

“Mas..Mba..Cepet naik keatas jangan main di curug ini” Teriak penjaga warung dengan muka panik sembari bawa payung warna warni saya.

Saya bingung mengapa mas ini mukanya begitu tegang dan panik. Saya dan Rizki pun tidak mengabaikan apa yang dikatakan mas nya. Dengan cepat saya mengikuti jejak langkah mas penjaga warung untuk ke lokasi yang lebih aman lagi.

Curug Ciampea dengan ketinggian 14 meter

Dengan sigap memanjati batu besar lalu menyebrangi beberapa bebatuan yang jarang dan Rizki terus menuntun saya untuk bisa menyebrang. Kami tetap berusaha berhati-hati saat memijakkan kaki di bebatuan karena licin akibat lumut yang menempel. 

Saya tetap merasakan kepanikan yang dialami mas penjaga warung seakan dia tau akan terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan. Dengan muka penasaran saya pun tidak melepas pandangan sedikitpun dari mas penjaga warung. Saya tetap mengikuti kemana mas penjaga warung itu berjalan.

Roti penyelamat perut dikala lapar

Sesampainya di warung saya pun bertanya dengan rasa penasaran karena sepertinya mas penjaga warung ini pernah mengalami hal buruk di Curug Ciampea.

Roti yang menganggur di tas, saya ambil untuk dimakan sembari ngobrol dengan mas penjaga warung agar saya pun tidak ikutan panik.

“Mas tadi kenapa kok kita gak boleh main” Tanya saya sembari makan roti

“Bukannya gak boleh teteh tapi takut ada batu jatuh dari atas” jawab mas penjaga warung

“Oohhh gituuuu” Kepala mengangguk-angguk seraya mengerti sama apa yang dikatakan mas penjaga warung

Setelah panjang lebar saya bertanya ternyata benar saja kalau dua bulan lalu ada pengunjung mancanegara yang terjebak di Curug Ciampea dari jam 5 sore hingga jam 9 malam. Luapan air Curug Ciampea membuat mereka tidak bisa menyebrangi sungai. Ternyata mas penjaga warung ini lah guide yang mengantarkan kedua turis itu berkunjung ke Curug Ciampea. Makanya rautan wajah yang begitu kencang tidak bisa dibohongi. Kepanikan yang dirasakan mas penjaga warung ini sangat terasa dari mimiknya yang begitu tegang. Memang kalau mau ke Curug Ciampea sangat tidak disarankan kalau hari menjelang sore. karena debit air akan semakin tinggi dan berbahaya akibat musim penghujan masih belum berakhir. 



Curug Cipatat berada dibawahnya Curug Ciampea dan Leuwi Tonjong. Kondisi curug ini air sungainya sudah berubah menjadi kecoklatan. Hujan semakin deras, debit air semakin tinggi. Saya masih menyempatkan waktu sebentar untuk mengunjungi Curug Cipatat yang bisa dilalui hanya dengan beberapa langkah saja dari Leuwi Tonjong. 

Ketinggian Curug Cipatat hampir sama dengan Curug Ciampea. Saat air hujan belum turun, kondisi air tepat dibawah rintikan dari atas hanya sebetis saja. Namun karena hujan turun begitu lebat, Debit air pun sudah tidak bisa dipastikan berapa kedalamannya karena air yang awalnya begitu tenang berubah menjadi seperti amukan air yang begitu kencang dengan aliran airnya yang terus mengalir seakan mereka berebut untuk bisa melalui celah bebatuan.

Curug Cipatat
Amukan air yang begitu deras

Rizki memberanikan diri untuk menyebrang bebatuan
Tepat dibawah aliran Curug Cipatat

Rizki masih saja penasaran mau naik keatas untuk melihat keadaan air tepat dibawah Curug Cipatat. Saya pun menolak keras sama ide yang dilontarkan Rizki. Karena kita tidak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi jika memaksakan kehendak untuk bisa mengikuti keinginan sendiri. Berhati-hatilah saat kondisi curug sedang dalam keadaan hujan karena bisa jadi air bah datang dalam waktu sekejap.


Sudah lama saya tidak merasakan mandi hujan, Saya pun kegirangan dengan rintikan hujan yang begitu deras membuat saya ingin bermain air juga. Tapi sayangnya air sudah berubah warna, Saya pun malas untuk bermain air juga. Jadi saya dan Rizki cuma muter-muter aja keliling curug untuk melihat kondisi debit air yang semakin naik.

Air berubah kecoklatan
Payung cuma jadi properti aja
Derasnya air di Leuwi Tonjong

Sempat bingung dengan para pengunjung yang harus melintasi air sungai dengan seutas tali. Saya pikir mereka kurang kerjaan untuk melintasi sungai dengan debit air yang naik dan juga deras.

“Mas pada ngapain sih itu, bukannya jalan diatas aja” Tanya saya penasaran

“Tau tuh mba kaya kurang kerjaan aja” Jawab mas nya nyinyir

Saya bergegas membereskan tas bawaan dengan maksud memang mau pulang dengan kondisi basah kuyup. Ternyata mas penjaga warung memberitahu kalau jalan pulang hanya bisa dilewati dari bawah dan harus menyebrangi sungai. WHAAAAAATTT!?!!@#$%&

Saya tidak habis pikir ternyata saya hampir kejebak banjir di Curug Ciampea. Yaahhh benar kejebak banjir…Luapan air yang terus naik membuat saya bingung kelimpungan karena saya paling takut melintasi air sungai. Bukannya apa, Kaki saya tak cukup kuat untuk menopang badan dengan derasnya air yang terus membuat kaki saya tidak kuat menahan air.

Sandal sudah ditangan, Seutas talipun sudah saya genggam sekencang mungkin. Kondisi air setinggi paha membuat saya deg-degan tak karuan karena ingat video yang pernah di share teman kalau pernah ada pengunjung yang terseret air karena banjir bandang.  

“apa ini banjir bandang, pliiisss jangan banjiirrr pliiisss. Semoga kami semua selamat melintasi sungai” seraya dalam hati tidak ingin terjadi suatu hal yang tidak diinginkan

Debit air semakin tinggi

Genggaman tangan saya semakin kuat, beberapa langkah lagi saya akan sampai di ujung namun debit air semakin tinggi. Entah bagaimana caranya saya dapat melintasi sungai karena kaki saya terus terseret air yang membuat saya semakin kelimpungan karena bingung harus pakai cara apa agar bisa menyebrang sungai dengan debit air yang begitu deras. Beruntungnya mas penjaga warung menolong saya dengan mengulurkan tangannya agar sendal saya berpindah tangan lalu membantu saya untuk berpegangan tangan agar saya dapat dengan kuat memijakkan kaki dari batu satu ke batu lainnya.

“ALHAMDULILLLAAAHHHHHH….terima kasih ya mas” Ucap saya senang

Saya senang bukan kepayang karena apa yang saya pikirkan tidak terjadi. Saya dan Rizki dapat melintasi sungai dan bersyukur bisa pulang dengan selamat. Mungkin ini sebuah pelajaran buat saya. Kalau berkunjung ke curug manapun saat kondisi hujan lebat, ada baiknya langsung pulang saja karena kita tidak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi kedepannya.

Leuwi Tonjong yang semakin deras debit airnya

Akhirnya kami bisa melanjutkan perjalanan pulang. Beberapa pengunjung mulai berdatangan saat air hujan sudah reda

“Gak usah kebawah mba percuma banjir curugnya juga. Itu aja masih ada yang kejebak” Sahut saya ke pegunjung
“hah masa sih mba?” jawab wanita yang berkerudung

Memang banyak sekali pengunjung yang terus berdatangan setelah hujan reda. Mereka tidak tahu kalau kami berjuang untuk bisa menyebrangi sungai dengan kondisi air yang terus naik. Saya pun tidak menggunakan alas kaki karena licin saat menggunakan sendal jepit.

Biasan orange yang menyelinap dibalik pohon pinus

Namun siapa sangka dibalik hujan deras, air curug yang kecoklatan dan kondisi jalan yang becek akibat air hujan kami bisa melihat setidaknya sedikit goresan langit yang berwarna orange pudar. Seandainya ada sunset, pasti sinar dari senja akan menelisik masuk ke celah-celah pohon pinus sehingga membuat foto terasa begitu indah. Memang di hutan pinus ini instagrammable banget, pas banget buat kalian yang ingin sekedar mencari tempat yang kece untuk diposting di berbagai social media.

Area Persawahan setelah hujan
Pematang sawah yang menghijau

Langit semakin gelap, kami pun tidak melanjutkan perjalanan kembali karena masih harus melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Jakarta. Sebenarnya kawasan Tenjolaya ini banyak sekali curugnya. Tapi sayang, waktu tidak memungkinkan kami melanjutkan perjalanan. Mungkin next time bisa kembali lagi ke Gunung Bunder.

Not only beaches: TOP 7 most interesting places in the Dominican Republic

What is interesting to see in the Dominican Republic during a beach vacation? We bring to your attention the TOP-7 of the most unusual natural and man-made objects where you can go on excursions from the Dominican resorts.


As the Dominicans say, if you’ve been to Santo Domingo, you’ve been to all of Latin America. It is worth coming to Santo Domingo, if only because it is the very first city founded by Europeans in the New World. Since the Spaniards were the first to arrive here, they built here, as a reminder of their homeland, small copies of Toledo, Seville and Madrid. Thanks to the Spaniards, among the narrow streets of Santo Domingo, founded at the beginning of the 16th century, about 300 sights are hidden: cathedrals, monasteries, palaces, mansions and simply old-world buildings of the Columbian era. Ancient buildings against the background of the piercing blue Caribbean sky, surrounded by coconut palms and tropical flowers look very colorful.

Santo Domingo. Photo:

The main temple of the city – the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary – was founded in 1514 by Diego Columbus, the son of the legendary navigator. The interior of the cathedral is striking in the richness of the decor: countless and priceless works of artists of the colonial era are preserved here – altars, statues, burial graves, paintings, chandeliers, reliquaries of gold and silver and a huge bell. For some time, the remains of Christopher Columbus were kept in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, but later they were moved to another place. Currently, religious ceremonies are regularly held in the cathedral.

Another historical site is also associated with the son of Columbus – the Alcázar de Colon Palace, which once served as a residence for the Viceroys of America. The Alcázar de Colón now houses a museum with over 800 colonial exhibits, including paintings, furniture, decorative items and kitchen utensils. In general, if you want to understand how they lived in the colonial era, be sure to check out the Alcazar de Colon, which is located in the Colonial Zone on Plaza España.

Palace of the Alcazar de Colon. Photo:

Santo Domingo also has the oldest street in America, Las Damas, which in Spanish means Dam Street. Even in the Caribbean wilderness, noble lords needed a place to walk and show off their new outfits. According to legend, Las Damas Street, the first stones of which were laid in 1511, owes its appearance to the wife of Don Diego Columbus. The beauty did not want to wander along the local unsettled paths in French dresses. The husband, being the governor of the city, heeded the persuasion. They made a stone pavement. And the most beautiful mansions of eminent conquerors of the New World still stand on it.

There are several interesting themed museums in Santo Domingo, among which the Rum and Sugar Cane Museum stands out. As the name of the museum suggests, its exposition is dedicated to the history of the development of rum production, so there are old barrels in which the drink was aged, interesting thematic paintings and installations. To feel all the shades of Caribbean rum, right in the museum there is an excellent bar where you can taste popular varieties and buy a popular drink in the store.


In this huge building, contrary to the first association with the name, there are more than one lantern: there are 157 of them.

The history of its creation is as follows. Back in 1923, at a conference of Latin American countries, they decided to create a monument glorifying Christopher Columbus as the discoverer of America. In 1929, the first stage of the competition took place, where 455 projects from 48 countries of the world were presented. Of these, 10 finalists were chosen, whose fate was decided in 1931 in Rio de Janeiro. The winner was a Scottish architect, John Gleave. He proposed the construction of an unconventional lighthouse, which would not be directed towards the sea, but would project a light image onto the sky. Specifically, the cross, as a symbol of the arrival of the Christian faith on the American continent.

Columbus Lighthouse, Santo Domingo. Photo:

It took a long time to build. The result was a giant structure in the shape of a cross, stretched from west to east by 210 meters and from south to north by 60 meters; it is perfectly visible from the air and serves as a guide not only for watercraft, but also for aircraft. The highest height of Columbus Lighthouse is 32 meters; in total, it has more than two hundred searchlights, the light of which is visible in any weather at a distance of several kilometers.

Inside, in the very center, there is a sarcophagus with the ashes of Columbus (the Dominicans themselves are sure of this). The museum has a huge number of artifacts and documents that tell about the first years of Spanish influence on the continent and about the life of the great navigator.


Mount Redonda or Round Mountain is one of the most beautiful places in the Dominican Republic. The first words that tourists say in different languages ​​of the world can be translated almost the same way: “Oh my God! How beautiful!”.

Many travelers do not even believe that the height of the mountain is about 300 m, because when you stand on the top of Redonda, an optical illusion is created, and it seems that you are standing at an altitude of 1000 m or even 1500 m.

The fact is that on one side you have a view of the mountains, but on the other – lowlands and a panoramic Atlantic landscape. Because of such a contrasting transition, it seems that the whole world is at your feet, and that you have climbed so high that you can reach the clouds with your hands.

Redonda is also famous for its swing to heaven. Thanks to this unusual attraction, which is actually absolutely safe, this place is especially popular with tourists and photographers. There are already five swings on the mountain, and there are also hammocks, benches and an observation deck.

The climb up the mountain will take about an hour if you go on foot, and only 10-20 minutes if you go up in jeeps. A little shocking, but it’s part of the adventure. At the top there is a cafe, souvenir shops and a toilet.


The Blue Lagoon (Hoyo Azul) is one of the most beautiful natural pools in the world. This cenote in the southern part of the resort area of ​​Punta Cana, thanks to karst formations, has an unusually rich blue-azure color of the water. It is located on the territory of Scape Park and is available for visiting as part of an excursion. The route to this lake usually includes a walk through the rainforest.

Blue Lagoon, Dominican Republic. Photo:

You can swim in the lagoon. Both adults and children dive. But it is worth considering that due to the popularity, the number of tourists during the peak season rolls over. Therefore, to enjoy the local views and swim calmly, it is best to come here early in the morning.


Altos de Chavón or city of artists. This tourist attraction is part of the Casa de Campo complex, which is also called the city of millionaires. The original name of the village is Altos de Chavón, that is, built “On the high bank of the Chavon River.”

The City of Artists is the creation of Roberto Kop, a decorator at the Paramount film studio, and the American industrialist Charles Bluedorn, an American millionaire. Bluedorn has been involved in sugar production in the La Romana region since the late 1960s. Having bought the owner of 1200 square kilometers of land (2. 5% of the entire territory of the country), the American became the largest landowner and private employer in the country.

Altos de Chavon, Dominican Republic. Photo:

Being fascinated by the local scenery, the millionaire ordered the construction of the city in the spirit of the conquistadors and the era of Columbus. Construction was carried out from 1976 to 1992. It is generally accepted that Altos de Chavon is a replica of a 16th-century Mediterranean village built from blocks of coral and terracotta stones. Moreover, each stone was carved by hand. Both the wooden doors and the wrought iron framing elements are hand-made.

Altos de Chavon, Dominican Republic. Photo:

The project was a success: famous people began to visit Bludorn for their holidays. For example, Frank Sinatra, who offered to build an amphitheater on the territory of the city of artists for his own money. With one important condition – world stars will perform here without paying rent. So, in 1982, a Greek-style amphitheater for 5,000 people appeared in the town. And the first concert in the amphitheater was given by Sinatra himself. Subsequently, Sting, Carlos Santana, Julio Iglesias, Jennifer Lopez and other stars performed here.

The most famous objects on the territory of the city of artists, which are definitely worth a look: the amphitheater, the fountain, the observation deck overlooking the Chavon River and, of course, the Church of St. Stanislaus. It is believed that this is where Michael Jackson married the daughter of Elvis Presley. Do not forget to take a coin with you to make a wish and throw it into the fountain located next to the amphitheater.

Amphitheater in Altos de Chavon, Dominican Republic. Photo:

After building the city of artists, the businessman gave Altos de Chavon to his daughter Dominique Bluedorn. This is such a beautiful story. Today, Altos de Chavon operates as a tourist and cultural center, which is run by Dominic: art galleries are located here, and there is a branch of the New York School of Design. Actually, that’s why the beautiful Altos de Chavon got its romantic name – the City of Artists.

6. UNUSUAL BASILICA OF THE Blessed Virgin of Altagracia

One of the most unusual buildings in the world can be found in Higuey. Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia, built by French architects André-Jacques Dunoyer and Pierre Dupré in 1971 on the site of the former sanctuary, named after the patroness of the Dominican people, the Holy Virgin of La Altagracia.

Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia. Photo:

The facade of the building is crowned with an unusual element, which consists of two columns. These columns are connected in a crown and form a dome in the shape of an eye of a needle, towering over the city. The front door is cast in bronze and covered with 24 carat gold plating. There are 45 bronze bells of various sizes and tones in the bell tower.

The main value of the basilica is on the altar: it is the image of Saint Altagracia, an icon that was brought to the Dominican Republic from Spain. The image was painted in the 15th century. Later in the 18th century, the painting was placed in a gold frame inlaid with precious stones.


And this island owes its discovery to Christopher Columbus. The Spaniard visited here in 1494 during the second expedition. Saona is the largest island in the Dominican Republic. Geographically, it is part of the Kotubanama National Park.

Saona, which enchants with unreal turquoise waters, coconut trees and white sand, has become widely known and nicknamed “Bounty Island” thanks to the advertising of chocolate products, becoming a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Saona Island. Photo:

You can get to Saona as part of an excursion: a trip by sea takes just over an hour. Depending on the program, excursions to the island take from several hours to a whole day.

In addition to the beaches of the Bounty, Saona is famous for its unique flora and fauna. More than 500 different tropical plants grow on its territory, including only here you can find as many as 4 types of mangrove forests. More than a hundred species of mollusks, about four dozen species of fish and more than 10 species of corals live in the waters of Saona Island.

You can also see manatees, dolphins and starfish here. By the way, we are used to the fact that starfish have 5 “rays”. But here in the sea blue there are 4 and 6-pointed, and even three-pointed stars.

Since Saona is a national reserve and a deserted island, no construction is allowed here. The only settlement here is the village of Mano Juan with a population of about 300 people. These are local fishermen and their families. It is worth taking a walk here to understand how ordinary people live on this paradise island: they raise children, cook simple food, fish and monitor the safety of sea turtle clutches.

Elena Myagkova, columnist for ATOR Vestnik


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Blue lagoon, lighthouse and Surb Karapet temple: Rostovites told what to see on the Don in the last week of summer

08/21/2020 Black Sea. Residents of the Don region spoke about local locations, where you can get here with minimal time costs, and leave with the most pleasant impressions. If you like to discover new places, want to take a break from the city noise or just enjoy the last days of the outgoing summer, this collection is for you.


Violetta Yakovleva: – Taganrog is a small and cozy town, sometimes very picturesque with its architecture. The main feature is the sea. Yes, it is not the cleanest, it often blooms, but this does not prevent residents and guests of the city from swimming in the Taganrog Bay every summer.

The city is rich in history: founded by Peter I, Anton Chekhov was born here. Walking around Taganrog and knowing at least a little of its past, one feels proud that we have such a small town. It is better to move around on foot, looking at the streets, visiting antique shops, enjoying the architecture. There is another reason for this – problems with public transport. It is small, it goes very rarely.

You can also spend time actively. There is a water park and even go-karting. You can get together with friends in a big company and drive cars. So you won’t be bored!

The town also has a feature. Few people know that this is the “Silicon Valley” of the IT sector – one of the most sought-after professions now. Here, SFU graduates experienced specialists. These are programmers, developers, ux and ui designers, artists. So there are enough young talented people.

I really want Taganrog to develop, I think it has a great future.

Photo: Igor Chikanenko

Alexandra Shulga: – Our city is small and atmospheric. In my opinion, Taganrog was created for walking, so be sure to bring comfortable shoes. You can see Chekhov’s house, Ranevskaya, a gallery, a historical museum. The seaside park has been restored in the city. Now it looks even better than the central one. There are sports grounds, attractions, a park area with sun loungers and access to the sea. It is better to go to the embankment in the morning or in the afternoon, as there are a lot of green mosquitoes in the evening.

In Taganrog, you should definitely go to the “Red Poppy” on Petrovskaya. This pastry shop is the pride of our city, here you will find the most delicious and cheap cakes in the world. Take a walk in the Italian quarter – a small courtyard, made in the style of Holland.

I also advise you to go to the port, there is a monument to the ship. In the daytime, you can go fishing here, and in the late afternoon drive by car directly to the shore, you can see the sea, very romantic.


Krasnosulinsky Canyon or Mountain Lake

Alena Tishchenko: – Krasnosulinsky Canyon is a quarry 100 km from Rostov, which was flooded forty years ago. The nature here is not typical for our area: rocky shores, the water is very clear, visible to a depth of 6-8 meters. This place is also called Mountain Lake. So, if you want to have a picnic, camping, or just take a break from your usual location, Krasnosulinsky Canyon is perfect. By the way, swimming here is officially prohibited because of the rocky bottom and large, up to 20 meters, depth.

Enter the name of the photo’s author

Blue Lagoon in Apanasovka Farm

Olga Butko: – Sometimes human intervention is good for nature. There is a flooded quarry in Apanasovka farm. The water is clear, that’s why we call it the Blue Lagoon. Entering the water is convenient, but keep in mind that the depth here is decent. the lake was formed relatively recently, therefore few people know about it, it is still not on some maps. People come here to swim from Belaya Kalitva and Tatsinskaya, in time it is about half an hour, from Rostov longer – 2-3 hours.

Photo: Anton Mostovenko

Blue lake in the village of Samarskoye

Nikita Orunov: – It was a surprise for me that in the Rostov region you can find a reservoir with clean clear water. Blue Lake is located in the village of Samarskoye, 40 km from Rostov. You can get there both by car and by train, the road is pleasant, but there is a minus: there are a lot of people on weekends. I went with my family on a weekday, I did not feel any discomfort, the water here is cool and clear due to the many springs. One side of the reservoir is a gently sloping equipped beach, there is a place for a car, this part is paid. The other side is a steep bank, which is dangerous to walk on. Looking for a body of water near Rostov? You will definitely like Blue Lake. I recommend.

Photo: Sofia Krygina’s personal album


Sofia Krygina: – The farm is located 250 km from Rostov. It is worth going here at least to know that not only abroad is good and there is something to see. Only fifty people live in the farm, but now it has become quite a popular tourist destination in the region. There is a lavender field here, and when the lavender blooms, the cards against it turn out to be magical. The road from Rostov will take a little more than two hours, it is better to leave during the day. Here you can still look into the ethnographic museum with the scenery for the film “Quiet Flows the Don”, shot by Sergei Ursulyak based on the novel by Sholokhov, and visit the temple of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ostrobramskaya”. You can end the trip with a walk through the well-groomed places of the farm or a picnic on the banks of the Don.


Evgeny Samokhin: – There is an excellent pond about 20 km from Rostov. For me, this is the perfect place to train: there are no people, about 500 m in length (no need to spin like in a pool). You can also just swim, Sand, the entrance is good. Trees around. Handsomely. Come by car or by bus 158a, runs from Rostov. But there is absolutely nothing to do here, except for swimming, although there are pluses in this: you swim for yourself and rejoice, no wind, no waves, and, most valuable, there is no crowd of people, noise, music. In general, introverts, welcome.

Photo: Artem Panfilov


Natalya Lebedeva: – Merzhanovo is a small farm, where you can escape from the city noise with minimal time spent. It is easy to get there, from Rostov an hour by car, you can also get there by train or bus. It is located on the high bank of the Taganrog Bay in the Neklinovsky district. This is a wonderful place for a picnic and a walk, you can wander along the promenade. And, of course, many are directly interested in the Lighthouse. Although it is not real (this is the scenery that remained after the movie “Lighthouse Keeper”), it is thanks to the lighthouse that the place has acquired its zest. Unforgettable sunsets and sunrises can be a great backdrop for photos, and the lighthouse is an integral part of the memories of a trip to the farm.

Anastasia Tuganova: – You should definitely visit Merzhanovo to enjoy nature and feel the spirit of the last century. I like to go further away from the place of the lighthouse – quieter and calmer. And what is happening next to the scenery, I do not like. The place is being commercialized: to go to the lighthouse and park the car, you need to pay. I could see a plus in the fact that they will look after and clean the territory for this money, but the last time it was very dirty. The worst thing is the fence, it is the scourge of Russia. Access to water should not be closed. So hurry up before the place is completely ruined.

Photo: Artem Panfilov


Elena Smola: – in the village of Nesvetay and the church of Surb Gevorg in the village of Sultan-Saly. Very picturesque places. Both buildings belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church and both were destroyed during the war. But even now the facades are magnificent in their fading beauty, and inside Surb Karapet even barely noticeable fragments of painting have been preserved. Take a look, you won’t regret it.

what to see on your own, where to go, a list of places with a photo and a map

Cyprus is a small island, but there are enough picturesque places for a long trip.

Sveta Savina

lives in Cyprus

Author profile

Beautiful nature compensates for the lack of cultural life on the island. The clear turquoise sea is here. The island has sandy beaches, with small pebbles, large stones and rocks, with white, gray, golden and coral sand. The mountains in Cyprus are no higher than two kilometers, but in summer you can hide from the heat in them, and in winter you can go skiing.

I have been living in Cyprus for 3 years. During this time, my husband and child have visited many places. In this article, I have compiled a list of not the most popular places among tourists that we like. I will tell you what to see and how to organize a trip.

How to get around the island

Buses. Routes and timetables are on, but most of the places on my list cannot be reached by public transport or it will take a lot of time. For example, Lofou village can be reached by bus from Agios Amvrosios via Agios Therapon. The schedule is inconvenient, but there is a plus – one trip will cost only 1.5 €⁣ (133 R).

Taxi in Cyprus is also not particularly easy to ride: too expensive. For example, a trip from Limassol to the Hantara waterfall by Bolt car will cost 44 €⁣ (3918 R) one way.

Car sharing. Tourists from Limassol or Paphos can use RideNow carsharing. Cars cannot cross the border of the Republic of Cyprus and drive on unpaved roads.

The service has a per-minute and daily rate. With a per-minute trip from Limassol to Kelefos Bridge and back with two hours of rest, it will cost 29€⁣ (2582 R), with daily allowance — 37 €⁣ (3294 R). Calculation of the cost of carsharing at a per-minute rate Calculation of the cost of carsharing at a rate of 24 hours

Rent. In the high season, from June 11 to October 31, a day of Nissan March rental for 7-13 days in Lucky Car will cost 23 €⁣ (2048 R). A liter of 95th gasoline on August 25, 2020 cost 1.07 €⁣ (95 R).

A Russian driver’s license is suitable for renting a car. The motorist must be over 21 years old and have a driving experience of 3 years or more. But I know cases when cars were given to less experienced people. Drivers under the age of 25 pay more due to insurance.

Traffic rules and roads

Left-hand traffic in Cyprus. According to the experience of acquaintances, 1-2 days behind the wheel are enough to get used to it. There are good roads here. Often even in a remote village there is even asphalt and clear markings. There are a lot of serpentine in the mountains, sometimes you can see a one and a half lane road.

There are many signs on the island indicating speed cameras. However, only 2-3 cameras are currently operating in South Cyprus – in Nicosia. There are often police on the roads. The speed limit in built-up areas is 50 km/h, outside built-up areas – 80 km/h, on the highway – 100 km/h.

In October 2020, a new system of fines will be applied to violators of traffic rules. For example, you will have to pay 300 €⁣ (26,715 R) for running a red light, and 150 €⁣ (13,357 R) for using your phone while driving. When speeding up to 30% of the limit, the fine will be 1 €⁣ (89 R) for each extra km / h, by 31-50% – 2 €⁣ (178 R), by 51-75% – 3 €⁣ (267 R ). If you drive even faster, they will call you to court.

Thissia tis Madaris hiking trail

Location: Nicosia region, Troodos mountains
When to go: from March to November when there is no rain
Time to visit: from 1.5 hours
Opening hours: around the clock, but you need to be back before sunset

“Thissia tis Madaris” – circular trail in the Troodos mountains. It offers a view of the dark sheer cliffs. Some impress with their height, others can be climbed. The length of the trail is 3.5 km. A healthy adult will complete the route in 1.5 hours. My five-year-old child and I overcame it in 3 hours. During this time, we managed to climb the rocks and climb the fire observation tower.

Tourists can park their car right under the fire tower and go clockwise, or stop further south and go against. I advise the second option: in this case, the most picturesque views will open at the end of the trail, especially if you go there at sunset.


Cyprus: what you need to know before your trip

For a walk, I advise you to choose comfortable closed sports shoes to overcome sharp descents and ascents. In the heat, take a hat, sunscreen and plenty of drinking water with you: there is nowhere to buy it. The trail passes at an altitude of about 1600 m above sea level, but there is no sharp difference in temperature compared to the coast.

Our son now often asks to go to “that forest where you can climb” We were on the trail in July and met a small snake. Then I drew attention to a large number of holes. They say there are no poisonous snakes here

Our son now often asks to go to “that forest where you can climb.” We were on the trail in July and met a small snake. Then I drew attention to a large number of holes. They say there are no poisonous snakes here

Blue Lagoon and Manolis Bay

Location: Paphos region, Akamas peninsula
When to go: any time of the year when there is no rain and wind
Time to visit: from 1 hour to the whole day
Admission fee: 900 ATV rentals from €80⁣ (R7124) per day, buggies from €120⁣ (R10686) per day, boat rentals from €56⁣ (R4986) per hour without petrol

At first the Blue Lagoon seemed unattainable to me . You can’t get to it by ordinary car, because it is located in a nature reserve on the Akamas Peninsula. There are no paved roads. The 7.5 km Aphrodite trail leads to the lagoon. We did not dare to go through it with a three-year-old child.

Useful website of the Ministry of Tourism of Cyprus

As a result, we first came to Akamas after 1.5 years of living on the island, in March 2019. We rented a boat together with the captain at Latchi Watersports Center for just an hour: during the off-season, you are not allowed to drive it yourself. We managed to drive a little further than the Blue Lagoon and return. But the goal was achieved: we saw an incredible turquoise sea. For an hour of rental and gasoline they paid 85 €⁣ (7569 R).

That same spring, we wanted to take a walk along the coast of the peninsula, so we rented a three-seater buggy from Petrides Rentals. In the off-season, the rental is cheaper: for the day we paid 100 €⁣ (8905 R). This time it was too windy, but the impressions from the buggy will last a lifetime. Steep descents and ascents are not for the faint of heart.

We managed to swim in the Blue Lagoon in June 2020. During the season, the boat can be driven by a person over 21 with a regular driver’s license. We swam into the nearby Manolis Bay. Unlike the Blue Lagoon, there are almost no people there, and the water is no less beautiful and there are small caves.

Akamas Peninsula delighted us. Now every long weekend I want to go to that part of the island.

View of the Akamas coastline from the Aphrodite hiking trail It’s cold on a boat in March: hats would be nice for everyone

View of the Akamas coastline from the Aphrodite hiking trail It’s cold on a boat in March: everyone could use hats

Driving off-road Akamas on a buggy is scary. But I do not regret this experience, although I do not want to repeat it yet Water in Manolis Bay looks like jelly bean

It’s scary to ride a buggy along Akamas off-road. But I do not regret this experience, although I do not want to repeat it yet. The water in Manolis Bay is like marmalade

Limnatis village

Where is it: Limassol region
When to go: in February or March
from 30 minutes
Admission fee: free, even to the annual Almond Blossom Festival
Village website:

From November to March in Cyprus it often rains and there is no heat. Every month something blooms and smells sweet. From February to early March is the time of almonds. Locals go to the village of Limnatis to admire the trees with pink and white flowers. One of the popular places is the almond orchard at the entrance to the village.

The Almond Blossom Festival takes place every year in the central square of Limnatis. There you can buy drinks, sweets and other walnut products, taste Cypriot cuisine, listen to national music and chat with the locals.

Cypriots like to organize such festivals – they also honor tangerines, roses, cherries.

Almond blossoms not only in Limnatis People come to the almond garden of Limnatis for photo shoots

almonds blooms not only in Limnatis in the almond Garden of Limnatis arrive for photo shoots

British radar station

Where is the Famagust region, Cape Greco
When to go: at
To visit: from 1 hour

There are two British military bases on the territory of Cyprus: Akrotiri is located to the left of Limassol, Dhekelia is between Larnaca and Ayia Napa. Other British objects are also scattered around the island: there are radars on the highest peak of the Troodos – Mount Olympus – and on the extreme point of Cape Greco. These territories are closed, but no one forbids you to drive close to them to admire the beautiful scenery.

You can leave your car in a spontaneous parking lot. If you look at the map, you will see a dirt path, which is located perpendicular to the parking lot. You can walk in both directions. I advise you to start from the north: there are small rocks and a sea of ​​amazing color, a shadow falls in the afternoon. In the south, there is an excellent view of both the radar and the coast. If you climb a small hill, the sea will seem endless.

On the fence that limits the territory of the military facility, there is a sign prohibiting photography. We took a picture from afar The beaches on the territories of the military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia are closed to the public. It is good that the radars occupy a small area, nearby places are available for local residents and tourists

There is a sign prohibiting photography on the fence that limits the territory of the military facility. We took a picture from afar. The beaches on the territories of the military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia are closed to the public. It’s good that the radars occupy a small area – nearby places are available for local residents and tourists

Buffavento Castle

Location: North Cyprus, Kyrenia Region, Kyrenia Mountains
When to go: any time of the year when there is no rain
Time to visit: from 2 hours
0 How much is admission:

Opening hours: around the clock, but you need to be back before sunset

In 1974, a military coup took place in Cyprus, as a result of which the territory of the island was divided into two parts: southern Greek and northern Turkish. The latter occupies 37% of the island. At 19In 83, the northern part proclaimed itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – TRNC, but so far only Turkey has recognized it. Another 3.7% of the territory is controlled by the UN, and 2. 7% by the UK.

Read more about the Cyprus conflict on Wikipedia

Anyone can cross the border between states. If you are going on foot, you only need to show the border guard your passport, they will not put a stamp. If you are driving a car, you will also need insurance for a car like the Russian OSAGO. It is sold in front of the passport control booth for €25⁣ (2226 R). On the territory of Northern Cyprus, the analogue of the Russian hull usually does not work. Many car insurers prohibit crossing the border – it is better to ask them about this before renting a car.

There are three castles on the territory of the TRNC, which were built in the Byzantine period to protect against invasions of Arab pirates: Buffavento, Kantara and the castle of St. Hilarion.

Buffavento was built in the 10th or 11th century. It served as a watchtower and a prison. Buffavento is located at an altitude of 950 m above sea level. To get to his parking lot, you need to overcome a difficult path: you have to drive along a single-lane dirt road between a rock and a cliff. When you drive up to the castle, you will see a steep climb of 600 steps. With a three-year-old child who was walking on his own, we climbed to Buffavento in an hour.


Life in Cyprus

Buffavento is the only castle in the Kyrenia Mountains with free admission, and it is the most ruined. It offers the best view of the mountains. If you want to look at the surviving premises, go to the three-level castle of St. Hilarion. Here you can see the barracks, stables, armory, church, royal rooms, kitchens. This castle is also difficult to climb.

The easiest way to get and drive to Kantara Castle, but I like it the least. The castle is located lower than the rest – at an altitude of 630 m above sea level, and it has fewer rooms.

View of the Kyrenia Mountains from Buffavento Castle There are almost no premises left in Buffavento

View of the Kiriyskiy Mountains from the Buffvento Castle to Buffvento almost no rooms

beach are

Where: British territory, episcopies
When to go: at any time of the year, when there is no rain
Time for visiting: from 2 hours

There are many wild beaches in Cyprus. One of the most beautiful is Zapalo, but the beach is not popular because it is difficult to get to. It is located on the territory controlled by the UK, but anyone can get there. UK visa not needed, border marked on map only:

Go to the beach along the B6 highway. When it ends, there will be 400 meters of dirt road. Any car can drive slowly over it. The car is left next to the shield, which informs that you will go down at your own peril and risk. The parking offers a beautiful view of the beach, especially during sunset. The descent to it will take 20-30 minutes. In summer it is better to go either early in the morning or a couple of hours before sunset. In winter – at any time, but after rain the road becomes dangerous: the rocks along the path can collapse.

The beach is huge, but there are no toilets, cabanas, sunbeds or cafes. Food and things will have to be carried with you.

In this part of the beach we found hundreds of shells Here you can swim or fish from the shore. And also – watch the birds that nest in the rocks

We found hundreds of shells in this part of the beach. Here you can swim or fish from the shore. And also – watch the birds that nest in the rocks

“Danger: falling stones”, “No entry for vehicles, people and animals” – the inscriptions on the shields warn that you are fully responsible Worth coming here for the sunset

“Danger: falling stones”, “No entry for vehicles, people and animals” – inscriptions on the shields warn that you are in full responsibility0006 Limassol and Nicosia regions, Troodos mountains
When to go: from March to November when there is no rain
Time to visit: from 3 hours

– 90 Olympus, 1952 m above sea level. The Artemis trail runs around the peak at an altitude of 1820-1860 m. It was named after the daughter of Zeus, the goddess Artemis. This is a simple circular path: there are no sharp descents and ascents, but not everyone will be able to master the distance of 7 km. The wonderful smell, silence and beautiful views made this trail popular. It will be strange if you don’t meet anyone on your way.

You can leave your car in the parking lot at the information board. At 400 m from it there is an observation deck with a good view. On the opposite side, 500 meters from the parking lot, there is a Sun Valley Olympos cafe where you can have a bite to eat.

The trail passes through a pine forest: there are two black pine trees that are about 500 years old. On “Artemis” you can see “Tychia tis paleas horas” – the ruins of fortifications that were built to protect against the Ottomans in 1571.

The trail overlooks the village of Prodromos and the abandoned Berengaria Hotel. A mystical story is connected with it. At 19In the 70s, the owner bequeathed the hotel to his three sons and died. They could not divide the business, quarreled and all died in turn under strange circumstances. According to legend, their ghosts still live in the ruined walls of the hotel, so the building cannot be sold and restored for decades. We went to the hotel – we didn’t see ghosts, but it’s uncomfortable to be near the building.

Beautiful views on the trail open at the very beginning of the path That time we did not master all 7 km of the trail – we turned at the ski lifts and shortened the circle by about half

Beautiful views on the trail open at the very beginning of the path That time we did not master all 7 km of the trail – we turned at the lifts of the ski base and shortened the circle by about half

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Germasogeia Reservoir

Location: Limassol region
When to go: from February to April
Time to visit: from 30 minutes

20 minutes and 15 km drive from the Old Town of Limassol is the Yermasogeia Reservoir, one of 108 in Cyprus. In the spring, the grass around it turns green. Going to rest on reservoirs has become a habitual activity for us in January-March, when it is cold and rainy in the mountains, but it is still impossible to swim in the sea.

Things to do at the Germasoy reservoir:

  1. Admire the water from the observation deck.
  2. Walk along the dam and watch the water flow.
  3. Have lunch at the picnic area with playground.
  4. Walk along the 1.5 km hiking trail.
View from the observation deck to the Germasoy reservoir View from the trail. In the background is a picnic area

View from the observation deck of the Germasoy reservoir View from the trail. In the background is a picnic area

Golden Beach

Location: Northern Cyprus, Karpas Peninsula
When to go: from May to November
Time to visit: from 1 hour
How much is the entrance: free, rent of two sunbeds and an umbrella – from 5 €⁣ (445 R)

Golden Beach got its name because of the color of the sand. Golden sand dunes stretch along the sea with clear turquoise water. The beach is located on the southern part of the long narrow cape Karpas, the territory of which is occupied by Northern Cyprus. The length is 6 km.

Loggerhead turtles come here from May to October to lay their eggs in the sand. After 7 weeks, cubs hatch from them and run into the sea. The males swim away and the females return after 20 years to lay their eggs again.

There are several turtle beaches on the island. The most famous in South Cyprus is Lara, it is located on the Akamas Peninsula

A dirt road leads to the Golden Beach. You can park your car near Hassan Turtle Beach Restaurant. During the season, sunbeds and umbrellas are rented on the beach, but in general the territory is not equipped: there are no lifeguards, I did not see public toilets, showers and changing cabins.

An observation deck is located at the entrance to the protected area of ​​the Karpas Peninsula. And tourists can eat with a view of the Golden Beach at the Big Sand Beach restaurant.

View of the Golden Beach from the observation deck This part of the island has clear water and golden sand

View of the Golden Beach from the observation deck In this part of the island – clear water and golden sand visit: from 2 hours
Admission fee: free of charge, equipment rental – from 5 €⁣ (445 R)
Opening hours: in the winter season daily from 9:00 to 16:00

Before moving to the island, I did not suspect that there is snow in the mountains of Cyprus in winter. I was even more surprised when I found out that there is a ski base near the highest peak. We go to see the snow every winter, but we haven’t skied or snowboarded yet.

Cyprus Ski Club is usually open from the beginning of January until the end of March. Before the trip, it is better to check the condition of the tracks – there is a “Webcam” section on the club’s website. In heavy snowfall, the road may be blocked. The site also warns about restrictions.


7 facts about Cyprus for those who want to move there

There are four tracks on Olympus. Beginners and children will be more comfortable on the slopes “Aphrodite” and “Hermes”, which are located in the Sun Valley on the southern slope. The “Zeus” and “Hera” tracks on the northern slope are for experienced skiers.

A lift pass for the whole day costs €20⁣ (R1781) for an adult and €10⁣ (R890) for a child. Ski rental – 15 €⁣ (1335 R) for an adult and 10 €⁣ (890 R) for a child. Snowboard rental – 20 €⁣ (1781 R) for an adult. You can rent sleds for 5 €⁣ (445 R).

In the mountains you can see beautiful snow-covered trees. I can’t even believe that this is Cyprus. Source: Vitaly Vidavsky Troodos – the largest mountain system in Cyprus

Beautiful snow-covered trees can be seen in the mountains. I can’t even believe that this is Cyprus. Source: Vitaly Vidavsky Troodos – the largest mountain system in Cyprus

Hiking trail “Koni – Cyclops Cave”

Location: Famagusta region, Cape Greco
When to go: from November to April
Time to visit: from 1 hour

The trail follows the coast and starts at the parking lot of Konnos Beach. It is best to walk there in the spring, when the grass is green and not hot. The length of the route is 2 km, it can be overcome without stops in 40-50 minutes. But I advise you to go slowly, enjoy the beauty, crawl on the rocks, walk on the sand and take a picnic break. Taking into account stops, half a day can pass.

This is a circular route. Tourists go to the cave where, according to legend, the Cyclops from Homer’s Odyssey lived. Then they turn in the opposite direction and gradually descend to Konnos beach. It ranks 20th in Tripadvisor’s ranking of the 25 best beaches in Europe. The beach is divided into two bays. In the big one, they ride on saps, catamarans and kayaks, and in the small one they go snorkeling: fish have chosen stones in the water.

Last year we often rested in the small bay of Konnos. There were always a lot of people there. Now we are afraid of contracting the coronavirus and do not go to this beach.

Below is Konnos Beach. You can start the route by visiting it, but I recommend leaving it for later: to cool off after a walk or just sit on the beach with fine light sand Experienced swimmers can dive from flat rocks in summer. My husband also swam there in winter: in February 2019, the water temperature here was 18 degrees

Below is Konnos beach. You can start the route by visiting it, but I recommend leaving it for later: to cool off after a walk or just sit on a beach with fine light sand. Experienced swimmers can dive from flat rocks in summer. My husband also swam there in winter: in February 2019, the water temperature here was 18 degrees

Hantara Waterfall

Location: Limassol region, Troodos mountains
When to go: from April to November
Time to visit 0006 from 30 minutes

There are about ten waterfalls in Cyprus, the top three are Caledonia, Millomeris and Khantara.

Caledonia – the most popular waterfall, its height is 12 m. It can only be reached on foot along a forest path. Its length is 2.5 km.

Millomeris is a 15 m high waterfall. People go to it along a picturesque trail or drive up close by car.

Khantara is a very noisy and third largest waterfall. It seems to me the most beautiful on the island. The waterfall is three-stage, the height of the lowest stage is only 8 m. The water is divided into several jets, which makes Khantara wide and powerful.

The road to the waterfall is simple, you will have to drive no more than 700 m along the dirt road. You can park your car literally 50 m from the water. A path leads to the second level of the waterfall, and tourists can walk on the water to the third level.

Usually, Khantara is not crowded, but in the hottest months, from July to September, participants of bus tours come to the waterfall.

It’s cool near the waterfall in May Travelers who have visited the waterfall are advised to definitely go upstairs: from a height you can see several cascades and take beautiful pictures

It’s cool near the waterfall in May Travelers who have been at the waterfall are advised to definitely go up: from a height you can see several cascades and take beautiful pictures any time of the year
Time to visit: from 1 hour
How much is the entrance: free, renting a sunbed or umbrella on the equipped parts of the beach – 2. 5 €⁣ (222 R)

If I leave Cyprus and start feeling nostalgic, my first memory will be the rocks and waves of Kourion. I love this place. If we don’t know what to do on the weekend, then we go to Kourion.

This is another beach in British territory where anyone can go. It is located in front of the rocks, behind which the hard-to-reach Zapalo begins. From the main promenade of Limassol to Kourion – 25 minutes and 20 km. I recommend visiting this beach for those who are vacationing in another city in Cyprus.

The length of the main part of Kourion is about 1 km. There are three restaurants on the beach, toilets, showers, rental of sunbeds and umbrellas, cabanas. Rescuers are responsible for safety. We choose unequipped areas and make do with a mat to put things down and sit down.


Life in Cyprus

There are almost always waves on Kourion. In the first two years in Cyprus, we came to this beach only in the off-season: we had picnics, our son threw stones into the water, we watched the sunset. Swimming with a child under 4 years old in the wavy sea was uncomfortable for us. Now my son loves to jump on the waves – and we began to visit Kourion all year round.

The entrance to the sea is gentle, there are areas with sand and large stones. For swimming, we stop closer to the road, and just to sit, we stop next to the rocks.

Holidays in Kourion can be combined with a visit to the archaeological park, which is located on a hill near the beach. The ancient city of Kourion was built in the 12th century BC. e. In 365 AD e. it was destroyed by a strong earthquake. Now you can see the ruins of the basilica, baths, community center, market and theater, which was completely restored in 1961 years old. Entrance to the park costs 4.5 €⁣ (400 R).

About Kourion on the website of the Department of Antiquities

View of the beach “Kourion” from the archaeological park Before sunset on the beach. In the off-season it is not crowded here

View of Kourion Beach from the Archaeological Park Before sunset on the beach. Not crowded during off season

Prodromos Reservoir

Location: Nicosia Region, Troodos Mountains
When to go: from April to November
Time to visit: from 1 hour

The Prodromos reservoir is located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level and has the shape of a rectangle. Even on hot days it is cool here. On August 25, 2019, it was +34°C in Limassol, and +17°C at the Prodromos reservoir.

You can leave your car in a spontaneous parking lot between the reservoir and the picnic area with barbecue facilities. There is also a playground and toilets. The nearby forest offers a great view of the mountains.

At 250 m from the parking lot, a hiking trail begins with a view of the Troodos and Morphou Bay of Northern Cyprus. The length of the linear route is 4.5 or 5.5 km.

Artificial Rectangular Lake There is a forest nearby

Artificial rectangular lake There is a forest nearby

Avakas Gorge

Location: Paphos region, Akamas peninsula
When to go: from April to November
Time to visit: from 2 hours

I know of only one gorge in Cyprus with a walking route indicated in the guidebooks – Avakas. It is located on the Akamas Peninsula, not far from Toxeftra Beach.

Take Avakas George Rd, it’s dirt but passable. One day, Google map took us to another dirt road, where we got stuck in a ditch. A 1.2 km long trail starts from the parking lot to the gorge. You can walk along it in 45 minutes, but travelers usually spend more time because it is beautiful there and you don’t want to rush. We went in May, when oleander blossomed everywhere.

I recommend going to the gorge in the off-season: in March-May or October-November. It is hard to go in summer: you have to start your journey under the open sun. In winter, the trail can become impassable and unsafe due to rain. But even in the dry season, there are places where your feet can get wet. I advise you to put a change of shoes in the car.

The goal of many who go to the gorge is to reach this stone Even in the dry season, it is wet in the gorge: there is a river underfoot, water drips from the walls

The goal of many who go to the gorge is to reach this stone Even in the dry season it is wet in the gorge: a river is underfoot, water drips from the walls When to go: from March to November when there is no rain
Time to visit: from 1 hour

To get to the most north-eastern point of the island, you need to drive through the reserve of the Karpas Peninsula. It is famous for its inhabitants: you will definitely see at least one wild donkey.

In total, 400-500 donkeys live on Karpas. We met around 10. The first donkey that we came across on the way refused to leave the road. It’s good that we had a carrot: we were able to distract him and drive on. Donkey treats can also be bought at the entrance to the protected area. They sell sweet carob pods, which are fed to various animals in Cyprus.

After the exit from the highway, a dirt road begins. Our low-slung BMW of the first series was not damaged. But the higher the clearance, the more comfortable it is to ride.

The cape and the Orthodox monastery on its southern part are named after St. Andrew the First-Called. You can leave your car at the end of the dirt road. There is a small hill next to the parking lot, which is worth climbing in order to see the outermost islands from one of its points, and two different sides of the island from the other. The landscape is breathtaking.

Beyond the Islets is Turkey From the top of the hill you can see both sides of the Karpaz peninsula

Beyond the islets is Turkey From the top of the hill you can see both sides of the Karpas peninsula

Kelefos Bridge

Location: Paphos region, Troodos mountains
When to go: from March to December
from 90

There are several Venetian-era bridges in Cyprus. They were built in the 15th and 16th centuries so that camels could transport copper, grain and other goods from the mountains to coastal cities.

On a former camel trail, the Cyprus Department of Forestry has built the Venice Bridges hiking trail. This is a difficult trail, its length is 17 km. The trail passes through three main bridges: Elia, Kelefos and Rudias.

I recommend visiting at least the Kelefos Bridge. You can drive up to it by car almost right next to it. We like to come here on hot days for the coolness of a mountain river.

The rainier the season, the rougher the river. Coolness from a mountain river and shade from trees – what you need when it’s hot on the coast My son really liked the walk along the river – you could jump over stones and fallen trees

The rainier the season, the rougher the river. The coolness from the mountain river and the shade from the trees is what you need when on the coast of the heat Son really liked the walk along the river – you could jump over stones and fallen trees

White Stones

Location: Limassol region
When to go: at any time of the year
Time to visit: from 30 minutes with light flat rocks. This is one of the popular places for photo shoots.

Agios Georgios Alamanou, a fish tavern located on the beach next to the rocks, is only open during the season. To find out if the institution is open, it is better to call +357 25 633-634. Usually there are a lot of people and very noisy. In the tavern, you can try the traditional fish meze – a set of various fish snacks, from gilthead fillet to battered squid rings. A portion costs 24 €⁣ (2137 R). There must be at least two servings in an order.

5 km from White Stones there is the Governor’s Beach – a popular place among Limassol residents, but we could not fall in love with it. Once we arrived unsuccessfully in December: then it was the season of centipedes and soft algae underfoot.

The rocks are covered with limestone that stains clothes This is a popular spot for wedding photographers. White rocks and blue water look like a contrast. But after sunset, the stones are no longer so bright

The rocks are covered with limestone that stains clothes This is a popular spot for wedding photographers. White rocks and blue water look like a contrast. But after sunset, the stones are no longer so bright

Hill near Neo Chorio

Location: Paphos region, Akamas peninsula
When to go: from March to November
Time to visit: from 30 minutes

On the Google map, we found a hill that you can climb. We went to a BMW, and we felt sorry for her because of the bad dirt road. It makes more sense to go to the hill near Neo Chorio by buggy, quad bike or jeep.

After this trip, we still drove along the Akamas on a buggy, but did not find a better general view of the northern coast of the peninsula than from the hill near Neo Chorio. I recommend climbing it during sunset.

The hill offers a picturesque view of the Akamas bays. Here you especially love Cyprus and its nature The Smigis trail passes near the hill – we have not walked along it yet

The hill offers a picturesque view of the Akamas bays. Here you especially love Cyprus and its nature Near the hill passes the Smigis trail – we have not walked on it yet

Lofou village

Location: Limassol region
When to go: at any time of the year
Time to visit: from 1 hour

There are a lot of mountain villages in Cyprus. We met the most tourists in Lefkara and Omodos. Lefkara is located in the mountains between Limassol and Larnaca and is famous for lefkaritika – lace – and silverware. Omodos is located near Mount Olympus and the mountain village of Platres. It is famous for its delicious wines and the Monastery of the Holy Cross.

Lefkara and Omodos are really worth seeing. But there are many other villages where it is nice to take a walk. Among my favorites are Lofou, Kato Drys, Vavatsinia, Kalavasos, Agros, Lanya, Kakopetria, Kyperunta.

Lofou is located 26 km from Limassol at an altitude of 780 m above sea level. From the Greek the name of the village is translated as “hill”. Almost all the streets of Lofou are paved with stone. Between 50 and 100 people live here permanently.

In Lofou you can visit the olive press museum, the cave from which the birth of the village began, the church of Panagia Chrysolofitissa built in 1872, which houses the icons of the Virgin of the 11th and 16th centuries.


How to get a driving license in Cyprus

I recommend having lunch at the Kamares tavern. The menu of any tavern on the island has meat or fish meze. I talked about fish above. The meat meze includes a set of 10-20 appetizers, their types depend on the establishment. First they bring a rustic salad, bread, sauces such as tahini and tzatziki. Then they serve dishes like moussaka and pasta casseroles, then several types of grilled meat, cutlets. For dessert, they bring honey sweets or fruits. The price of one serving of meze in Kamares is 20 €⁣ (1781 R), which is above average, but salads and desserts in this tavern are offered on a buffet system. In other establishments, prices for a serving of meat meze start at 13 €⁣ (1157 R).

Sometimes taverns serve only meze. The minimum order is two servings. In the case of Kamares, this food is enough for 4-5 people. You can take the rest with you.

Houses and streets were restored and returned to their historical appearance. Lofou has low-rise stone buildings with wooden doors and shutters. Stone-paved paths lead up and down through the hilly terrain. The village is decorated with trees and flowers Tourists can stay at one of the Lofou hotels. For example, in the Oinoessa Traditional Boutique guest house in the center of the village. A room in this hotel costs 80 €

Houses and streets have been restored and restored to their historical appearance. Lofou has low-rise stone buildings with wooden doors and shutters. Stone-paved paths lead up and down through the hilly terrain. The village is decorated with trees and flowers. Tourists can stay at one of Lofou’s hotels. For example, in the Oinoessa Traditional Boutique guest house in the center of the village. A room in this hotel costs 80 €

How to get to Laguna-S Shopping Center in Balashikha by Bus, Train, Metro, Shuttle or Tram?

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Show Shopping center “Laguna-S”, Balashikha, on the map

Routes to Shopping center “Laguna-S” in Balashikha by public transport

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Laguna Shopping Center

How to get to Laguna-S Shopping Center by Bus?

Click on the bus route to see step-by-step instructions with maps, arrival times and updated schedules.

  • From McDonald’s, North Medvedkovo

    145 min

  • From metro station Bibirevo, Bibirevo

    236 min

  • From the point Avtoforum, Losinoostrovsky

    142 min

How to get to Laguna-S Shopping Center by Train?

Click on the train route to see step-by-step instructions with maps, arrival times and updated schedules.

  • From Kanal, Korolev

    137 min

  • From the point Railway platform Ivanteevka-2, Tarasovskoye

    174 min

  • From the point Railway platform Ivanteevka, Ivanteevka

    178 min

  • From Delphine Fitness Centre, Korolev

    135 min

Bus stops next to Shopping center “Laguna-S” in Balashikha

Bus stops next to Shopping center “Laguna-S” in Balashikha

Bus line to Shopping center “Laguna-S” in Balashikha

Line name Direction
1132 Veshnyakovskaya St. , 41 View
1176 Green Avenue, 85 View

Questions and Answers

  • What are the closest stations to Shopping Center “Laguna-S”?

    The closest stations to Laguna Shopping Center are:

    • Zarechnaya st., 37 is 407 meters away, 6 minutes walk.
    • Field of Miracles is 606 meters away, 8 min walk.
    • Unification Street (Balashikha-2) is 937 meters away, 13 minutes on foot.
    • Letnaya is 2920 meters away, 38 min walk.

    detailed information

  • Which Bus lines stop near Shopping Center Laguna-S


    These Bus lines stop near Laguna Shopping Mall: 1132, 1176.

    detailed information

  • Which Train lines stop near Shopping Center “Laguna-S”


    These Train lines stop near Shopping Center “Laguna-S”: GORKOVSKY DIRECTION.

    detailed information

  • Which Bus lines stop near Laguna-S Shopping Center


    These Shuttle lines stop near Shopping Center Laguna-S: 889.

    detailed information

  • How far is the bus stop from Shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha?

    Nearest bus stop near Shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha is a 6-minute walk.

    detailed information

  • What is the nearest bus stop to Shopping Center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha?

    stop Zarechnaya st. , 37 is closest to the shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha.

    detailed information

  • How far is the minibus station from the shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha?

    Nearest minibus station near Shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha is a 13-minute walk.

    detailed information

  • What is the nearest minibus station to the shopping center ""Laguna-S"" in Balashikha?

    Station Unification Street (Balashikha-2) is the closest to the Laguna-S Shopping Center in Balashikha.

    detailed information

Get a second Malta passport for money and have an active holiday on the island

the soothing sound of the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. This statement, of course, is largely true, since there are too many 4- and 5-star hotels in Malta, as well as magnificent sandy and pebble beaches, many of which meet the standards of the international Blue Flag beach standard, to claim otherwise.

In addition, looking at Valletta, the capital of this small European jurisdiction, one can assume that life on the island generally proceeds in a very calm and even sometimes boring rhythm. And this is also not surprising, since the city, which is destined to become the cultural capital of Europe in 2018, has too few streets and institutions, as well as too many places, buildings, sculptures and monuments that have, so to speak, a museum appearance and are of historical value, both for Malta itself and for Europe as a whole. As for such a small country, Malta has too many museums that were clearly not open to be empty (when visiting the island, you should visit such interesting places as the Museum of Aviation, the National Museum of Archeology, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Antiques and Classics cars, National Aquarium of Malta).

All of the above, of course, takes place, but not all of those who come to the Maltese archipelago in the summer do it in order to soak up the island’s beaches or wander through its museums. More often, people go to this country for business purposes, for example, to get a second passport of Malta or to find out all the bureaucratic and financial nuances of this procedure. Others, in turn, visit the island specifically for outdoor activities, for which there are, in fact, a great many opportunities.

The concept of “active recreation” includes a huge number of options for spending time, including such types of summer activities as: fishing (underwater, sea or coastal), scuba diving (diving and snorkeling: visiting the places of flooding of ships, aircraft and other artifacts , natural and artificial reefs, underwater caves), flying by plane (including seaplane and landing on water), rock climbing, quad biking and buggy riding, and much more, which we will try to tell you in detail in this article.

Malta is a country for active people who want to obtain a second economic citizenship under the individual investor program

  • Hornblower Cruises

Hornblower Cruises is one of the many family owned businesses in Malta with a primary focus on visiting tourists and outdoor enthusiasts. The family business was started back in 1984 by Joseph and Stella Grech, and continued in 2011 by their son Kevin and his wife Katherine, with the help of their daughters Chloe and Naomi.

The Hornblower is a spacious 33 meter boat that was built with the idea of ​​making your holiday as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Today, the company, which has thousands of successful trips in the Mediterranean over its 28-year history, offers the following tours in Malta:

  • Basilica of Our Lady of Ta’Pinu Pinu )

Excursion to the Temple lost in time, the first mention of which was found in the archives of Curia on the island of Gozo. Currently, the Basilica hosts more spiritual and religious services, most of which are often individual in nature, satisfying the various requirements of clients. There are also three museums on the territory of the Temple: Ex Voto Museum, Sanctuary Museum and Karmni Grima Museum.

  • Azure Window Gozo Azure Window Gozo

The Azure Window of Gozo (from the Maltese Tieqa Żerqa) is a natural limestone rock 28 meters high in the form of an arch, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The arch is located in the western part of the island of Gozo next to two of its other natural attractions: the Gozo Inland Sea and Azure Bay (Dwejra Bay). The arch, which is a fairly popular place among tourists, as well as a diving spot (like the nearby Blue Hole and Inland Sea), was formed thousands of years ago as a result of the collapse of two limestone caves. Dwejra itself is a tourist village that is part of the city of St. Lawrence. The water in Dwejra Bay is suitable for swimming, snorkeling and boating. 9 Crystal Lagoon Comino Crystal Lagoon Comino

The lagoon, famous for its crystal clear emerald water, is located east of the Blue Lagoon towards St. Mary’s Tower. The Crystal Lagoon is almost completely surrounded by sheer cliffs, so you can only get into it by boat. The water in the Laguna is ideal for snorkeling or scuba diving. The depth of the Lagoon reaches 3 meters, and in the rocks surrounding it there are several underwater caves and a tunnel.

Grand Harbor Grand Harbor

Grand Harbor (Grand Harbor) is the largest Maltese harbor, which was designated by the ancient Phoenicians. For almost 270 years, the Grand Harbor played a very important strategic role for the Hospitallers, which did not change even after the arrival of subjects of the British crown on the island. At the end of the 16th century, a powerful tornado hit this part of the island, claiming more than six hundred human lives and sinking many ships. In 1565, in the main port of Valletta, a battle took place between the Hospitallers and the Turks, which became part of the Great Siege of Malta. During the Second World War, during the blockade of Malta, most of the docks and military installations in the harbor were destroyed by the troops of Italy and Germany.

Santa Maria Bay ( Santa Maria Bay )

Santa Maria Bay is a stunningly beautiful beach on the island of Comino. The water in the bay is good for diving and snorkeling. If you decide to visit Comino Island, then in addition to this bay, you should definitely visit the Blue Lagoon, which features clear water and white sand, and is also great for snorkelling or scuba diving.

St Mary’s Tower ( Santa Maria Tower )

Santa Maria Tower was designed by the military engineer Vittorio Cassar and built in 1618 by the Knights of Malta Ogden as part of a chain of defenses (Wignacourt, Lascaris and De Redin towers) on the coastline of the island of Comino . The construction of St. Mary’s Tower was financed by the sale of brushwood collected by the locals on the island. In the 17th century, the tower was used as a place of imprisonment for criminals, and today it serves as a headquarters for tracking birds and preventing poaching (since Comino Island belongs to the nature reserves of the Maltese archipelago).

Blue Lagoon ( Blue Lagoon )

The Blue Lagoon is located between the island of Comino and the neighboring island of Cominotto. The lagoon got its name due to its clean and transparent blue water, which it owes to the white sand at the bottom. This place is very popular with tourists, as well as divers and snorkelers. Other popular beaches on Comino include St. Mary Bay and St. Nicholas Bay.

Address: Dawret Il-Gzejjer, Bugibba, Malta, Malta

Phone number: +356 7989 9899

  1. Flyboard Malta

Flyboard (Flyboard) is a rather young type of extreme recreation, which consists in flying over water on a special board. The flyboard is driven by the pressure of the water flow created by the jet ski connected to it. Flyboard Malta Ltd is the largest supplier of such entertainment on the island, as well as the official and exclusive distributor of Zapata Racing products and equipment necessary for flying on the board. The company provides an opportunity not only to experience new sensations of flying over water, but also to rent equipment for this or order an artistic water show for your event.

Flyboard allows you to fly 14 meters above the sea like a bird, dive from any height or swim like a dolphin – on a flyboard you will feel like a comic book hero like Iron Man, Green Goblin or Aquaman. Leonardo da Vinci once said: “As soon as you once feel what flying is, from that moment on you will walk the earth and constantly look at the sky – to where you have already been and where you will definitely return sooner or later.” Flyboard is a very safe water sport, as long as you don’t do extreme tricks on the board without proper training.

Address: Caravel | Triq il-Qattus, Birkirkara, Malta BKR4409, Malta

Phone Number: +356 9940 3147

  1. Bezz Diving Center

Bezz Diving Center is one of the youngest diving centers in Malta. The center is located in Mellieha Bay. His clients have the opportunity to take training courses, after which they will receive PADI and SSI certificates, while already certified divers have the opportunity to dive daily in the most exciting places in the Maltese archipelago (natural and artificial reefs, sunken ships and aircraft, religious and other artifacts, and much more).

The most popular diving spots in and around Malta:

  • Um El Faroud is one of the best scuba diving spots in Malta. A 110-meter oil tanker that exploded in the port of Malta in 1995 and sank 7 minutes by sea from the coast. Currently, the sunken ship serves as an artificial reef for the local flora and fauna, representing a truly impressive sight.

Location: Wieq iz-Zurrieq

Maximum depth: 34 m

Certification Level Required: Advanced Open Water

  • Madonna & The Arch – Located in a small cave in the reef wall, the Madonna Statue is a popular dive site for divers as it is located right in front of a shallow area where divers make a short stopover before entering the sea through Susie’s pool. The famous Cirkewwa Arch is also located here, which was formed many years ago as a result of the collapse of the walls of an underwater cave.

Location: Cirkewwa

Maximum depth: 20 m

Required level of certification: Open Water

  • in this place is an artificial reef. Divers have the opportunity to enter the engine room, as well as other parts of this 51-meter vessel.

Location: Cirkewwa

Maximum depth: 33 m

Required level of certification: Advanced Open Water

  • Blue Hole is one of the best scuba diving sites in Europe. This diving spot is located on the island of Gozo, right under the equally famous and picturesque Gozo Azure Window. The dive begins at Blue Hole, after which, at a depth of 12 meters, divers emerge through a natural tunnel into the open sea and continue their dive to a depth of 55 meters, which welcomes them with a huge variety of fish, vibrant marine life, two interesting caves and, last but not least, excellent visibility. . This diving spot is ideal for both beginners and experienced divers.

Location: Dwejra

Maximum Depth: 55m

Required Certification Level: Open Water

  • Double Arch is a multi-level diving spot that is suitable only for experienced divers. This place is located 10 minutes walk by sea from the shore: the dive takes place along a natural reef, which at a depth of 30 meters has 2 arches located side by side, forming the number 8. After that, the dive continues, but with the aim of admiring large shoals of fish and unique natural underwater rocks.

Location: Marsalforn

Maximum Depth: 40m

Required Certification Level: Advanced Open Water

  • Ahrax Point is an ideal location for photography as it is a semi-submerged cave with a collapsed top that allows the sun’s rays to freely enter . A visit to the cave will be preceded by overcoming the inland sea, which can be immersed both from the shore and from a boat.

Location: Meliha

Maximum depth: 20 m

Required certification level: Open Water

  • Santa Maria Caves – the best diving spot in Comino, which is a labyrinth of underwater caves and tunnels inhabited by a large amount of sea bream .

Location: Comino

Maximum depth: 18 m

Required level of certification: Open Water

    99 ran between Malta and Gozo. There is also a statue of Jesus Christ with arms outstretched to the sky, 3 meters high. It was installed on the seabed after it was shown to Pope John Paul II during his visit to Malta.

Location: Qawra

Maximum Depth: 40m

Required Certification Level: Advanced Open Water scuba diving, which is caused by strong northwest winds in the area, but its visit is recommended to all diving enthusiasts.

Location: Ghajnsielem

Maximum Depth: 40 m

Required Certification Level: Open Water

  • Wied Iz Zurrieq – The combination of underwater caves, colorful sponges on the reef walls and many different species of fish makes this dive spot very different rest. This place is ideal for both beginners and experienced divers. The only drawbacks of this scuba diving site are the boats that float on the surface of the water too often.

Location: Zurrieq

Maximum depth: 25 m

Required certification level: Open Water.

  • Rozi is a 40 meter tug sunk in 1992 in a marine poor area of ​​Cirkewwa to create an artificial reef. In the last years of her service as a tugboat, Rozi worked in the port of Grand Harbor.

Location: Cirkewwa

Maximum depth: 35 m

Required certification level: Advanced Open Water

  • Anchor Bay – the bay on the banks of which stands the village of Popeye Village, which got its name from the 1980 film of the same name starring Robin Williams, which was filmed in this place. The bay is quite shallow, so it is suitable for diving for divers of absolutely any level of training. Its main attractions are the ship’s anchor submerged in this place and a semi-submerged cave with a domed vault located at a depth of 10 m.

Location: Meliha

Maximum depth: 18m

Required certification level: Open Water

  • Ghar Lapsi. The dive in the relatively shallow Ghar Lapsi area is quite long and at the same time easy, so this diving spot is suitable for divers of all skill levels: beginners can enjoy many small fish swimming around large boulders and a variety of marine life, while more Experienced divers can visit the sun-drenched Ghar Lapsi Cave.

Location: Siggiewi

Maximum Depth: 18m

Certification Level Required: Open Water

  • Inland Sea is one of the best dive sites in Malta and Europe. The dive begins in the inland sea of ​​the island of Gozo, which is located next to the equally famous Azure Window, and includes a visit to an 80-meter underwater tunnel at a depth of 20 m, as well as a visit to the stunning natural reef.

Location: Dwejra, Gozo

Maximum depth: 55 m

Required certification level: Open Water

Reqqa Point is a diving spot located in the north of Gozo.

Location: Marsalforn

Maximum Depth: 45 m

Required Certification Level: Advanced Open Water

  • St Micheal – Marsascala Dive Spot is the site of the sinking of two tugboats, Tugboat 10 and St Michael. Both vessels were placed on the seabed on May 1998 years to create artificial reefs in the area. The ships are at a depth of 22 meters, so this diving spot is suitable even for inexperienced divers.

Location: M’Skala

Maximum Depth: 22m

Required Certification Level: Open Water

  • Lantern Point – The dive at this point includes going through the Chimney Underwater Tunnel, which starts at a depth of 5m and ends at 18 m. Then divers have the opportunity to admire many different large boulders and a large number of marine life. The disadvantages of this dive point include strong undercurrents that occur between Malta and Comino.

Location: Comino

Maximum depth: 35 m

Required level of certification: Open Water promotion of scuba diving.

Location: Comino

Maximum depth: 18 m

Required certification level: Open Water

  • Karwela is another ship sunk off the coast of Malta in a marine-poor area to create an artificial reef.

Location: Xatt l Ahmar

Maximum Depth: 40 m

Required Level of Certification: Advanced Open Water

Address: Sandy Waters Court, Martha Rd, Mellieha, Malta MLh21, Malta

Phone Number: +356 2927

  1. Shell Dive Center Sea

Another excellent diving center in Malta offering scuba diving courses leading to SSI and PADI certifications. The company also specializes in diving for beginners and experienced divers who want to explore the underwater world of Malta and the neighboring islands of Gozo and Comino, including visits to the sites of the flooding of various ships, aircraft, religious and other artifacts, amazing beauty and marine life of reefs, underwater caves and other interesting places. The peculiarities of this diving center include the fact that it is open all year round: from April to October, the Sea Shell Dive Center is open 7 days a week, the rest of the year – from Monday to Friday.

Address: Marfa Road | Tunny Net Lido, Mellieha, Malta MLH9063, Malta

Phone Number: +356 9944 2809

  1. Buddies Dive Cove

A family owned diving school and shop for diving and snorkelling located in the heart of Bugibba, close to Bugibba Square and only 5 minutes walk from Qawra and St Pauls Bay. The dive center is conveniently located on the north coast of Malta, just a 5-minute boat ride from Gozo and Comino. All school instructors are PADI certified. The company offers training courses, as well as tours to interesting underwater places in the Maltese archipelago.

Address: 24 Pioneer Road, Bugibba, Malta SPB 2808, Malta

Phone Number: 00356 77779558

  1. Sea Adventure Excursions

12-hour Mediterranean excursions around the Maltese archipelago, with the opportunity to ride a glass bottom catamaran, visit the Crystal and Blue lagoons of Comino Island, and the amazing red sand beach of Gozo – Ramla il-Hamra.

The tour begins with the Sea Adventure Excursions cruise ship leaving the Bugibba Jetty port at 10:30 local time and passing between St. Paul’s Bay and the island where the Bugibba Jetty was shipwrecked many years ago . The ship then passes through Mellieha Bay and makes its first stop at the port of Comino Island, where it anchors in the Crystal Lagoon for approximately 1 hour. Here you can go boating and visit the cave featured in the 2002 film The Count of Monte Cristo. Also, vacationers have the opportunity to dive into the sea from the rocks from a height of 3-12 meters (at your own peril and risk, of course).

Later, the ship with tourists heads to the Blue Lagoon, where it will also stop for about an hour. The ship is moored astern to the island so that vacationers have easy access to the sandy beach and the only shallow area for swimming in this place. The next place you will visit on this trip is the famous red beach of Ramle il Hamra on the island of Gozo, where you will spend the entire lunch (about 3 hours). As part of the tour, you will also be able to see the sunken German minesweeper P31, amazing caves, tuna farms and much more.

Address: Dawret Il-Gzejjer, Bugibba, Malta 2500, Malta

Telephone number: +356 9999 9387

  1. Dawn Diving

Dawn Diving is a PADI 5 star diving center in Malta. Only the most highly qualified and competent instructors work here, who will turn any beginner over the age of 10 into an experienced and confident scuba diver and certified diver. In addition, the company offers some of the most interesting and exciting diving excursions in the Mediterranean, so you should definitely not bypass this center.

Address: Maskli Street, Qawra, Malta SPB 1484, Malta

Phone Number: +356 9943 1703

  1. Go Dive Malta

Many people know that Malta is a small island 27 km long and 14.5 km wide, which is located in the very center of the Mediterranean Sea, but few people know that this island, or rather its territorial waters, has been recognized as one of the most of the best diving and snorkeling spots in the world (3rd place). Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many diving centers on the island, one of which is Go Dive Malta. Thanks to its highly qualified instructors, you can not only become a PADI certified diver, but also visit all the most interesting and exciting underwater sites around the island, including the wrecks of ships and aircraft from the Second World War.

By the way, PADI certification is, of course, a complex process and not everyone can do it, since not everyone can swim and can cope with the fear of depth, but in terms of time and money, becoming the owner of such a certificate is much easier than getting a second one. Maltese passport.

Address: 2b Triq Dun Frangisk Sciberras, Mellieha, Malta 2025, Malta

Phone number: 356 27550182

  1. Okikokibanis

The history of Okikokibanis dates back to 1973, when the real legend of Malta, Tony Muscat, who is also known as Banis or Mr. Crazy was one of the first to organize trips to the magnificent Blue Lagoon on Comino Island. It all started with trips on small speedboats with visits to spectacular caves along the way, but over time the company began to expand and now it offers both day and night boat trips, as well as equipment and accessories for rent for absolutely all types of water sports, rental boats and more.

Tony Banis, founder of the firm, got his first 2m boat when he was only 8 years old. When he was eleven years old, Tony already owned a sailing wooden boat 2.5 meters long, and since then he realized that he could not live without boats and the sea. Tony started his business on July 15, 1973 with only one 50-horsepower speedboat, which he used to teach tourists how to water-ski and tour St. Julian’s Bay. It was a tough start for Tony, but the company has grown tremendously since then, and with it the number of boats Tony owns. He is now assisted in running the company by his son Jan, and Okikokibanis’ list of services includes daily trips to Gozo and Comino to the Blue Lagoon (March to November). The company also organizes famous BBQ nights, sunset tours and boat parties. In addition, in Okikokibanis you can learn how to parakite and water ski, as well as rent a canoe, boat or sailboat.

Address: Xatt Ta Spinola, St. Julians, Malta, Malta

Phone Number: 99866280

  1. Mellieha Beach

The rapidly growing and developing city of Mellieha nestles spectacularly on top of a mountain range between St Paul’s Bay and Mellieha Bay. Due to its remoteness from the beach, Mellieha was not as densely built up with hotel complexes and restaurants as it happened at the beginning of the tourist boom in Malta with the cities of Sliema and Bugibba. However, Mellieha boasts several large hotels, as well as a couple of good restaurants. A 15-minute walk down the steep slope to Mellieha Bay (also known as Ghadira Bay) is the longest and most popular sandy beach in the Maltese Islands. Of course, it cannot boast of distinctive picturesqueness, but it is perfect for a family vacation.

Address: Mellieha, Malta, Malta

  1. Cruises on English Rose
  • Day trips around Comino. A trip during which you will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural and protected beauty of Comino, a 3.5 square kilometer island between Gozo and Malta. The tour includes visits to the Comino protected forests, bird sanctuary and virgin lagoons, as well as natural caves that form part of the rocky coastline of Mellieha, including Lead Cave and Santa Maria Cave.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to swim in the clear waters of the famous Comino Blue Lagoon, where the tour boat will be moored for two and a half hours. You can also go snorkeling or boating here. During this time, you will also have the opportunity to go ashore and discover the uninhabited island of Kemunett, as well as admire the tower of Santa Maria overlooking the coast, which was built as part of a fortification by the Knights of St. John in the 17th century.

After relaxing in the Blue Lagoon, you will be taken to the island of Gozo to admire the beauty of Mgarr harbor, as well as the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes, Fort Chabret and the bell tower overlooking the magnificent Ghajnsielem Parish Church. On the way back to Comino, the captain of the ship will make a 45-minute stop at the Crystal Lagoon, where you can swim in the crystal clear water and explore the surrounding caves. As a result, after about 6 hours, you will return back to the port of Mellieha with a whole baggage of unforgettable impressions and great emotions.

  • Barbecue night at the Blue Lagoon. Every day except Wednesday, the company can organize an exclusive BBQ night in the Blue Lagoon of Comino especially for you, which can be a great way to celebrate a special occasion or diversify your vacation on the islands. On Wednesdays, regular BBQ nights take place: the ship departs in the evening from the port of Mellihi and heads to the harbor of Mgarr in Gozo, after which it moored in the Blue Lagoon, where, in fact, the main action takes place. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a swim in the clear blue waters of the lagoon during sunset, as well as treat yourself to dishes cooked according to local family recipes exclusively on the grill, as well as excellent complimentary wine. You can also dance on the deck of the ship to your favorite music and exciting light night breeze. You will return to Mellieha Bay around midnight.
  • Cruise to the port of Valletta Grand Harbor . Incredibly picturesque cruise through one of the largest and deepest ports of the Maltese Islands, which is a witness to many important historical events and military operations. The tour will be led by a guide who will tell you about all the historical sights and important places and events that took place in them.

Address: 51 Conception Street | Qala Gozo, Mellieha, Malta Qla1702, Malta

Phone number: 9 Golden Beach Sands

The most popular beaches and bathing areas of the Maltese archipelago:

  • Ghajn Tuffieha Bay – a beach with red sand and green-blue water. It is located near the famous Maltese Golden Bay beach. Its feature is a staircase of more than 200 steps that must be overcome to get to it, as well as a shallow bay. Here you can have a refreshing cocktail at the beach cafe, as well as rent umbrellas and sun loungers.
  • Ramla Bay is the largest sandy beach in Gozo and probably the most incredible of all Maltese beaches. The length of the beach is about half a kilometer, while the bottom is at a shallow depth. The orange-reddish beach is surrounded by green hills and yellow rocks, which make its panorama truly unforgettable. Ramla Bay was the first beach in Gozo to be awarded the Blue Flag status. This place is perfect for families with children. Umbrellas, sun loungers and water sports equipment can be rented.
  • Golden Bay is one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Malta, located in a remote area on the northwest coast of the island. This beach is located directly opposite the popular 5-star hotel, so it is very popular with tourists and locals vacationing in it. Golden Bay is the island’s second largest sandy beach and is in a very accessible location with a public transport stop nearby, a car park and a large parking area a few meters to the right of the hotel. Evening and nighttime barbecues are often held here, during which you can enjoy spectacular sunset views from both the beach and the tower located between Golden Bay and Ghajn Tuffieha.
  • Ghadira Bay is the largest white sand beach on the island, located in the village of Mellieha, north of Malta, and is also a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts. In Ghadira Bay, the water is shallow and far enough from the coast, so this place is perfect for families with small children. The beach is located opposite the busy main road of the island, and is equipped with a number of stalls and eateries, a large number of umbrellas and sun loungers that can be rented.
  • Paradise Bay , overlooking the magnificent Cirkewwa harbor, is another beautiful sandy beach in Malta with crystal clear emerald waters. There is a small car park next to the beach. Here you can also rent equipment for water sports, beach umbrellas and sunbeds.
  • Blue Lagoon is located on the island of Comino and due to its crystal clear blue waters is probably the most breathtaking swimming spot on the island. The sandy beach is quite small, so it is better to come here early to find a free place, or sit higher on the rocks. You can get to the Blue Lagoon by boat from both the port of Gozo and Malta.

As you can see from this lengthy article, in Malta, as well as the neighboring islands of Comino and Gozo, there is always something to do for fans of active pastime, regardless of weather conditions and seasons. Therefore, if you decide to obtain a second citizenship of Malta by investment, then you will obviously not be bored while being in your second Mediterranean homeland – there are too many opportunities here to get unforgettable emotions and impressions!

For all questions regarding the acquisition of a second passport of Malta, please contact us by e-mail [email protected] .

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Who goes to Sao Tome and why

Nature lovers should definitely visit here. The Obo Reserve is an untouched jungle that has become a haven for rare animals and birds. And the descent into the crater of an extinct volcano with the poetic name Laguna Amelia can be compared with a journey into the prehistoric past of our planet, when the earth’s crust was just being formed.

Architecture lovers will appreciate the former grandeur of the colonial buildings, a legacy of Portuguese rule. Fort San Sebastian, which once protected the island of Sao Tome from sea robbers, is well preserved. The ruins of the mansion on the plantation of Agostinho Neto impress with their beauty. And the presidential palace of an unusual pink color fits surprisingly well into the colorful tropical atmosphere.

The beaches of Sao Tome offer a variety of activities. Banana Beach is especially popular. Here you can combine sunbathing with snorkeling and kayaking. The Blue Lagoon is a real wild beach, where it is always quiet and calm, almost like in paradise.

Natural attractions

Obo Reserve

The reserve was founded in 2006 with the aim of protecting and enhancing the natural diversity of the tropical state.

The area of ​​the reserve is about 252 sq. km, it is located simultaneously on two islands: approximately 30% of the protected area is located directly on Sao Tome and about 65 sq. km – on Principe. More than 700 species of plants grow here (100 of them are endemic), and about 30 species of birds live here.

The park is famous for its diverse landscapes. Coastal mangroves coexist with impenetrable jungles, savannahs, mountain forests and perpetually wet lowlands. Abandoned plantations, almost swallowed up by lush vegetation, complete the landscape.

The visiting card of the park is the volcanic peak of Can Grande. The rock, resembling an arrowhead, rushes up almost 300 m. Stopping by its churning waters is the best way to cool off on a hot day. The beautiful landscape is inspiring: against the backdrop of emerald greenery that has stuck to the rocky slope, streams of water rush down.

A bridge has been built next to the bowl of the reservoir, allowing you to enjoy the water element from a close distance. The most daring can even swim in a natural lake.

Sao Tome Peak

Sao Tome Mountain is an extinct volcano and the highest point of the island of the same name (2024 m). Several trails of varying difficulty lead to the peak. Most of the ascents start from Ponto Figo. The journey goes along narrow forest paths, along waterfalls and ravines. Visiting Sao Tome Peak during the rainy season is not recommended as it is dangerous.

Bombane Falls

The falls are off the beaten track and highway. The road to it from the nearest settlement takes about 1.5 hours. The path passes through the virgin jungle, along plantations with cocoa trees. To overcome significant elevation changes, a certain physical preparation will be required.

The waterfall is hidden by lush tropical vegetation. It seems that the water flows over ferns, vines and other exotic jungle flora. There is a small dam near Bombayne.


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Amelia Lagoon

Contrary to the name, this picturesque place lies far from the sea. Amelia Lagoon is actually the crater of an extinct volcano, which has been overgrown with dense vegetation for a long time since the last eruption. Steep slopes lead to a lowland shrouded in fog. The hike promises to be interesting, but difficult. Amelia Lagoon is part of the Obo National Park.

Remarkable architecture

San Sebastian Fort

This fortification was built by the Portuguese in 1566 to protect the island from pirate raids. Massive walls and cannons, which still adorn the territory of the courtyard, did a good job at that time. Three hundred years later, a lighthouse was installed in the fortress, and in 1928 it was modernized.

Alas, the fort gradually fell into disrepair. In the 1950s, local authorities renovated it and opened a museum there. The expositions include objects of folk arts and crafts, artifacts of the colonial era and everything related to the history of the fort.

Roca Belo Monte

Lost in the jungle on the road to Praia Banana, this former plantation has been turned into a guest house. It is a reference example of the colonial style. The main 2-story building is made of massive stone, keeping cool even on a hot day. The same stone is used in the flooring – this is one of the few original details that have survived.

A gate leads into the courtyard, as if torn from the fortress wall. A bell is installed at the top, and cannons perched on the sides – a rather colorful entourage turned out.

Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God

The construction of the cathedral began in the 16th century, but due to lack of funds, it was completed only in the 19th. The reconstruction of the building was carried out twice, significantly changing the facade.

The cathedral has the shape of a Catholic cross. There are two towers on the sides, one of them is equipped with a belfry. The facade is decorated with narrow arched windows and a round rose window under the roof. But the interior decoration is ascetic. The main decoration of the cathedral is an altar with a figurine of the Virgin Mary and wall paintings with biblical scenes.


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Presidential Palace

Pink 2-storey building built in colonial style. The main facade is decorated with a portico with a row of massive columns and a large balcony. In the right wing there is a covered gallery. Arches and tall windows complete the look of the building.

You can’t get inside – the head of state is under round-the-clock protection. But you can take a walk in the garden adjacent to the palace. Small and compact, it is notable for its finely mowed lawns. Opposite the palace is a fountain, alas, inactive.

Agostinho Neto

Agostinho Neto, founded in 1865, was part of a network of six cocoa plantations. Among others, it was the largest, with about 2.5 thousand people permanently living on it. In 1910, the economy acquired its own railway with a length of about 68 km. The rails connected the warehouses and the port, from where the products were delivered to Europe.

After the archipelago gained independence from Portugal, the settlement was renamed in honor of the President of Angola, Agostinho Neto. He made a great contribution to the development of the young state. When the plantation fell into disrepair, the building was converted into a hospital, but soon it stopped working due to a lack of staff and medicines.

Tourists now come to Agostinho Neto to see the ruins of the once beautiful estate, chat with the friendly villagers and walk among the exotic chocolate trees.

Beaches of Sao Tome and Principe

Banana Beach

The visiting card of Principe is Banana Beach, which got its name due to its characteristic shape. The descent to the coast here is quite steep: the elevation changes reach up to 100 m. This factor must be taken into account on the way back when you have to climb.

The sandy beach covered with golden sand is a true paradise. Tropical vegetation creates a romantic entourage, clear water shimmers with all shades of blue, huge boulders become an obstacle to big waves. This is the best place for a contemplative rest.

Those who are not used to basking in the sun for a long time go kayaking and snorkeling here. Equipment must be brought with you – there is no sports equipment rental on Banana Beach. Only cafes and sunbeds are available for guests.


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A long beach with crystal clear waters will appeal to those who crave a relaxing holiday and are looking for beautiful natural views. When spreading a towel on the golden sand, you need to be careful – you can stumble upon a turtle laying eggs. In the autumn-winter period, thousands of these animals come here to leave offspring.

In addition to tourists, there are locals here – they come to collect coconuts, which are then sold in the markets to the guests of the island. There is a small restaurant right on the beach.


A tiny island of volcanic origin with an area of ​​only 3 sq. km lies near the island of Sao Tome. There is only one small hotel here, extremely popular among tourists. The thing is that the equator passes through the territory of Rolash – a symbolic demarcation line is indicated by a pillar. Here you can literally stand with one foot in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and the other in the northern hemisphere.

Blue Lagoon

The chamber lagoon is sandwiched between steep banks that lava formed thousands of years ago. The surrounding landscape is defined by the African savanna and huge baobabs. The water in the lagoon is absolutely clean, and thanks to its shallow depth it warms up perfectly.

The beach is sandy, but there are a lot of rocks.