The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Playa de teresitas: Playa de Las Teresitas – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Опубликовано: March 25, 2022 в 10:12 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Playa de Las Teresitas – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La playa de Las Teresitas es una playa situada en el pueblo de San Andrés del municipio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, en la isla de Tenerife (Canarias, España).[1]​ Es la playa más conocida y turística de la ciudad de Santa Cruz, ofreciendo equipamientos y servicios hosteleros.[2]

Se trata de una playa artificialmente transformada en la década de 1970 sobre otra preexistente de arena negra volcánica. La playa original, que recibía los nombres de Tras la Arena y Las Teresas, entre otros, se rellenó de arena traída del desierto del Sáhara para ampliar su extensión, construyéndose también un dique rompeolas para evitar el oleaje.


  • 1 El rompeolas
  • 2 El escalón
  • 3 Proyecto de remodelación
  • 4 Caso «Las Teresitas»
  • 5 Bandera azul
  • 6 Yacimiento paleontológico
  • 7 Celebraciones
  • 8 Véase también
  • 9 Referencias
  • 10 Enlaces externos

El rompeolas[editar]

El rompeolas es una construcción que protege la playa del oleaje. Se trata de una acumulación de rocas de grandes dimensiones, con una longitud aproximada de un kilómetro, limitada por dos espigones que parten de la zona de la Cofradía de pescadores de San Andrés y de la Punta de Los Órganos. Presenta dos bocanas en sus extremos.

Dista una media de 150 m desde la orilla, aunque varía mucho; con la marea baja al mínimo dista unos 110 m, registrándose casos extremos de hasta 90 m. Con la marea alta se encuentra a una distancia de entre 175 y 200 m, documentándose un caso en que la masa de agua invadía toda la playa y el rompeolas no era visible desde la costa. Desde el espigón sur dista de 25 a 30 m, y desde el espigón norte, 10 m.

Entre los 22 m (marea baja) y los 60 m (marea alta) se encuentra el escalón. Este es un corte de la arena artificial. Normalmente, y con la marea baja, se encuentra a metro y medio de la superficie y desciende hasta los cuatro metros. A partir de aquí, desciende lentamente hasta llegar al inicio del rompeolas. La apnea está permitida, pero no es recomendable. En cuanto al relieve, hay grandes rocas esparcidas, visibles incluso en la superficie, debajo del agua, y sin protección ocular.

Proyecto de remodelación[editar]

Mediante un proyecto realizado por el arquitecto Dominique Perrault se pretendía remodelar y reestructurar totalmente el frente de la playa, comprendido entre los límites del actual barranco del Cercado de San Andrés hasta el espigón del final de la playa. Para ello se reformaría la zona anterior a la playa, reubicando algunas de las especies vegetales existentes, colocando otras nuevas y sustituyendo los locales comerciales.

El proyecto global se dividía en dos fases de actuación: la fase zona Playa de las Teresitas, que desarrollaría el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente a cargo del Convenio de actuación en Costas subscrito con la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias; y la fase Acceso a la Playa y complementos, a partir del convenio de colaboración Plan Infraestructuras y calidad turística de Canarias entre el Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y el Cabildo Insular de Tenerife.

Además, se rehabilitaría el entorno próximo de la playa, encauzando los barrancos del Cercado y de Las Huertas, creando un puente que atravesaría el nuevo cauce y nuevas conexiones con futuras intervenciones a realizar. Se preveía construir un hotel en la antigua Batería militar de San Andrés, una posible zona deportiva al otro lado del barranco y mejorar la red viaria que une los núcleos de la parte superior de Anaga con San Andrés y Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Vista de la playa de Las Teresitas donde se puede apreciar el rompeolas.

El proyecto original de Dominique Perrault incluía además un anfiteatro al aire libre, pequeños kioscos y pabellones dedicados a la hostelería por toda la playa, cabinas de servicios (baños, vestuarios, etc.) y un edificio de aparcamientos y locales comerciales. Este último, popularmente conocido como Mamotreto, se encuentra paralizado en su construcción, pues se comenzó a edificar sin los permisos pertinentes. Además, el proyecto de Perrault también contaba con la construcción de un mirador situado en lo alto de la montaña de El Suculum. En este mirador se encontraría una gran cruz blanca dominando Las Teresitas, dicho monumento se divisaría desde la playa y el mar.

Caso «Las Teresitas»[editar]

Los terrenos en torno a la playa han sido expropiados, recalificados y vueltos a vender.[3]​ El 19 de abril de 2007 Miguel Zerolo, alcalde de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, fue imputado formalmente por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Canarias (TSJC) de los delitos de prevaricación y malversación de fondos públicos por esta operación. El Tribunal Supremo en mayo de 2007 anuló la compraventa de los terrenos aledaños a la playa de Las Teresitas por ser «contraria al ordenamiento jurídico». La Intervención General de la Administración del Estado en un informe calificó esta operación como «pelotazo de libro».[4]​ En abril de 2017, la Audiencia Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife condenó a Miguel Zerolo (exalcalde) a siete años de cárcel, por los delitos por los que estaba imputado. También fueron condenados el concejal de urbanismo (Manuel Parejo) y dos empresarios relacionados con la trama: Ignacio González y Antonio Plasencia.[5]

Bandera azul[editar]

Las Teresitas contó con el distintivo de la bandera azul entre 2000 y 2003, pero la situación tanto legal como sanitaria de los quioscos de la playa ha llevado a la pérdida de esta distinción.[6]

Yacimiento paleontológico[editar]

En la playa de Las Teresitas existe un importante yacimiento paleontológico del Cuaternario.[7]​ Se trata de un yacimiento submarino en una playa sumergida, de aproximadamente 400 metros cuadrados. El mismo contiene fósiles moluscos de Charonia variegata y Patella candei (este último endémico de la región macaronesia) y otros endemismos de alto valor científico.[8][7]​ El yacimiento es célebre por ser el único de las Canarias occidentales en donde ha aparecido fósiles de Strombus bubonius, el cual es característico del último período interglacial de la región Mediterráneo-lusitana. El Yacimiento paleontológico de la Playa de Las Teresitas está catalogado como uno de los más importantes de la isla de Tenerife.[9]


La playa de Las Teresitas ha sido receptora de festivales y conciertos, algunos de ellos especialmente recordados como el Festival Amanecer latino en mayo de 1993, el cual reunió artistas de la talla de Celia Cruz, Óscar D’León, Rosario Flores, New York Band y otros cantantes americanos y españoles. Dicho festival fue emitido a nivel nacional por Televisión Española.[10]

Las principales celebraciones anuales celebradas en la playa o en sus inmediaciones son la celebración municipal de las Hogueras de San Juan la noche del 23 al 24 de junio,[11]​ y la embarcación de la imagen de la Virgen del Carmen de la localidad de San Andrés (que es embarcada en el muelle pesquero de la playa) el último domingo del mes de julio.[12]

Véase también[editar]

  • San Andrés
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife


  1. a b Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. «Guía de Playas: Las Teresitas». Consultado el 21 de julio de 2019. 
  2. ↑ Descripción de la playa Archivado el 5 de marzo de 2016 en Wayback Machine. Fuente: Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
  3. ↑ «El ‘pelotazo’ de Las Teresitas. Diario El País». 
  4. ↑ «Reportaje en el diario El País sobre el Caso Las Teresitas». 
  5. ↑ «El ex alcalde de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, condenado a 7 años de prisión por malversación». 
  6. ↑ Urbanismo inicia los trámites para clausurar los quioscos de Las Teresitas Fuente: La Opinión de Tenerife, 9/06/2012.
  7. a b «Perrault desconocía la existencia del yacimiento paleontológico en Las Teresitas». 
  8. ↑ «Las Teresitas esconde un yacimiento paleontológico de alto valor científico». 
  9. ↑ «Un yacimiento de Las Teresitas catalogado como de los más importantes de Tenerife». 
  10. ↑ TVE emite en directo un macrorrecital desde una playa de Tenerife
  11. ↑ Operativo especial de limpieza en Las Teresitas tras las hogueras de la Noche de San Juan
  12. ↑ Sesenta años de embarque

Enlaces externos[editar]

  • Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Playa de Las Teresitas.
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  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q2414727
  • Multimedia: Playa de Las Teresitas / Q2414727

Playa de Las Teresitas – The most popular beach in Tenerife

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Tenerife is a volcanic island with many beautiful beaches, but most of them have black sand. Playa de Las Teresitas is one of the few beaches with beautiful, golden sand and this is the reason why this beautiful beach is one of the most popular places in Tenerife.

Located in San Andres, near the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Playa de Las Teresitas is one of my favorite beaches on the island. The beach has excellent facilities, the water is crystal-clear and the views are spectacular.

What more can you wish for?

In this article, I’ll share everything you need to know about Las Teresitas Beach, one of the best beaches in Tenerife. Let’s get to it!

1. Why is Playa de Las Teresitas covered in golden sand?

2. What to expect at Playa de Las Teresitas

3. Playa de Las Teresitas Mirador – Mirador Gaviotas

4. Places to see near Las Teresitas Beach

5. How to get to Las Teresitas Beach

6. Where to stay in Tenerife

7. Final thoughts

1. Why is Playa de Las Teresitas covered in golden sand?

It is a bit weird that, unlike most beaches in Tenerife, Las Teresitas has golden sand, right? We’ll there is a long story behind this beautiful golden sand. Here it is.

Many years ago, Playa de Las Teresitas was covered in black sand and black rocks. The area surrounding the beach was known for its large plantations of bananas, avocados and vegetables.

In the 1950s, when the construction of Santa Cruz de Tenerife port started, many beaches in Santa Cruz started to disappear because their sand was used to build the port.

Given the circumstances, the locals and local authorities decided to build an artificial beach in San Andres during the 1960s. The nearby farms were demolished and the original Las Teresitas Beach was expanded and covered with Saharan sand.

The local authorities chose to bring in sand from Sahara because it was cheaper than black sand. Also, a golden beach was more appealing to tourists.

That’s how Playa de Las Teresitas got its current shape and look. When visiting the beach, you’ll notice a breakwater built a few meters from the shore. This underwater dam keeps the golden sand from being sucked into the ocean.

Although Las Teresitas Beach is artificial, its beauty can’t be denied. In my opinion, this is one of the best beaches in Tenerife, together with Benijo Beach and El Duque Beach.

2. What to expect at Playa de Las Teresitas

The beach is about 1,3 kilometers long and it has a width of 80 meters. There is a free parking lot right behind the beach. The parking lot can easily accommodate over 100 cars and the best part about it is that there is a lot of shade from the Royal Poinciana trees.

From the parking lot, you can first stop at the changing rooms if you need to, or you can head directly to the beach. The beach is bordered by beautiful palm trees, making it look like one of those iconic beaches from the Philippines.

At Las Teresitas Beach, you’ll find all the facilities you need. There are sunbeds for rent, toilets, showers, as well as restaurants and bars. There is even a health center.

When we arrived at the beach, we wanted to see the entire place, so we walked from one end to the other. The views from the two ends of the beach are completely different, but equally beautiful.

From the southern part of the beach, you can admire a gigantic cliff (this is where the Las Teresitas viewpoint is located, but more about this later), while from the northern part of the beach, you can admire the village of San Andres and the colorful houses perched on a cliff.

View from the southern part of the beachView from the northern part of the beach

If you don’t want to rent a sunbed, you can simply lay your towel on the beach. You can even find shade below the palm trees. We chose to stop at a bar and have a drink.

I have to admit that the prices are a bit spicy. For a glass of Coca-Cola we paid 2 EUR while an alcoholic drink starts at 4 EUR. If you want to save some money, bring something to drink and some snacks with you.

-> Other must-see places in Tenerife:

  • Climb Mount Teide – The tallest mountain in Tenerife
  • Take a whale watching cruise
  • Siam Park – The world’s best water park

If you’re looking for a beautiful beach, with all the facilities for a relaxing day, Las Teresitas is the perfect choice. Keep in mind that it gets pretty busy during weekends and holidays.

3. Playa de Las Teresitas Mirador – Mirador Gaviotas

If you searched for photos of Las Teresitas Beach, you’ve probably already seen the iconic photo taken from a nearby cliff. To get there, follow the TF – 121 road to Las Gaviotas.

After a few turns, you’ll arrive at Mirador Gaviotas. Unfortunately, there is no official parking, but you can leave your car on the side of the road. From Mirador Gaviotas, walk a few meters back to Playa de Las Teresitas and you’ll see it – one of the best views in Tenerife.

Mirador Gaviotas

From this point, you can see the entire beach and the town of San Andres in the distance. The green palm trees, together with the golden sand and turquoise water create a spectacular scenery.

We stayed at Las Teresitas viewpoint for about half an hour, trying to take the perfect picture. After a few tries, I manage to take an Insta-worthy photo. Mission accomplished!

San Andres seen from Las Teresitas viewpoint

4. Places to see near Las Teresitas Beach

I recommend stopping for a few hours in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the biggest city on the island. Here you can find museums, shopping malls and buildings with unique architecture like Auditorio de Tenerife.

If you’re looking for hidden gems, I recommend driving to Taganana Village and Benijo Beach. Taganana is one of the most isolated villages on the island, only a few hundred people live here. The village and Benijo Beach are located in the Anaga Rural Park, one of the most beautiful areas in Tenerife.

The mountains rising from the ocean and the scattered houses of Taganana create a unique view. I’ll leave the photos below to speak for themselves.

TagananaBenijo Beach

Other places you need to visit in Tenerife are Mount Teide, Spain’s tallest mountain and Siam Park, world’s best water park.

5. How to get to Las Teresitas Beach

If you’re staying in the Santa Cruz area, you can take the bus to Playa de Las Teresitas. Hop on bus number 910 that starts at Intercambiador Santa Cruz and get off at Las Teresitas bus station.

When exploring Tenerife, I recommend renting a car. We rented our car from Oasis for about 35 EUR per day. In one day you can visit many tourist attractions. We circled the entire island in one day and visited places like Charco el Diablo, El Duque Beach, Bollullo Beach and Los Gigantes.

I recommend taking your time to visit each of these places. We were on a tight schedule and wanted to see as much as possible.

If you choose to rent a car, you can park it in the Las Teresitas parking lot. The parking is free and is located right behind the beach.

6. Where to stay in Tenerife

There are thousands of hotels in Tenerife. The entire island relies on tourism. Therefore, it might be a bit challenging to find the perfect accommodation. I’ve been searching for the best hotels on the island, for every budget. Here are my recommendations.

  • Budget – Atlantic Holiday Hotel – amazing ocean view, beautiful modern studio, good location, friendly staff, good amenities
  • Mid-Range – Labranda Bahia – beautiful pools, good location, spacious rooms and good services, friendly staff, all-inclusive
  • Luxury – Fantasia Bahia – perfect for couples and families, excellent services, all-inclusive, huge & modern rooms, beautiful pools


Final thoughts

Playa de Las Teresitas is one of the must-see places when in Tenerife. This golden sand beach is the perfect place to relax for a few hours and forget about all your worries.

If you have any questions about this place, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section below. May the travel bug bite you!

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Aurelia Teslaru

Aurelia Teslaru is a professional travel blogger and the writer behind Daily Travel Pill. With a 4-year experience as a travel writer and photographer, Aurelia only shares travel guides about destinations that she visited.

She has been to more than 40 countries during the past 10 years and aims to explore 50 countries before turning 30 years old. Aurelia is a digital nomad who transformed her passion for travel into a lifestyle. Read more about her here.

To follow her adventures, check out her Instagram and Facebook pages!

Playa de las Teresitas, el placer de la arena dorada

Se encuentra situada en el pueblo de San Andrés, en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y tiene casi un kilómetro de extensión. Se transformó artificialmente en la década de los años 70 sobre otra playa que ya existía de arena volcánica. Se trajo arena procedente del desierto del Sáhara de color dorado para agrandar la playa original, hacerla más extensa y que los bañistas pudieran disfrutar de una mayor amplitud. También se construyó un dique rompeolas para calmar sus aguas cristalinas.

Hoy en día, la playa de las Teresitas es seguramente la más concurrida por los tinerfeños, junto a la Playa de las Américas, y también se ha convertido en una playa familiar por sus aguas transparentes y tranquilas, su arena dorada y por la cantidad de chiringuitos que hay a lo largo de ella. Todos estos ingredientes aseguran una jornada playera muy agradable.

Acceder a esta playa es muy sencillo. Se puede llegar en transporte público, en coche o en barco. Tan sólo hay que planificar bien cómo hacerlo y en verano, madrugar un poco si queremos coger un buen sitio.

  1. La playa de las Teresitas, en San Andrés
  2. Qué comer en los alrededores de la playa de las Teresitas
  3. Planear bien tu recorrido hasta Costa Adeje

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La playa de las Teresitas, en San Andrés

La playa de las Teresitas es la que más cerca está de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a la vez que se encuentra muy cerca del pueblo de San Andrés, un antiguo lugar que daba cobijo a decenas de pescadores y que aún hoy conserva ese aroma.

Tiene unos 4.000 habitantes y, a pesar de su pequeño tamaño, se puede planificar el día para visitarlo a pie y conocer algunas de las lindezas que ofrece. Por ejemplo, el castillo de San Andrés, una antigua fortaleza militar que se puede visitar por dentro y desde la que se puede contemplar una panorámica muy bella de la localidad. Hoy en día, gran parte del castillo está derruido pero se puede apreciar cuál fue su funcionalidad años atrás.

Un paseo por San Andrés te hará disfrutar de su arquitectura local, muy reconocible en toda la isla: casitas bajas de colores, llenas de vida y optimismo. Y también de sus calles peatonales.

Playa de las Teresitas. Tenerife.

A unos 8 kilómetros de distancia, se encuentra el centro de Santa Cruz, una preciosa ciudad portuaria llena de encanto que te sorprenderá. Está llena de vida, y ofrece a sus visitantes oferta muy variada de planes para disfrutar de ella al aire libre: desde pasear por sus calles, ir de compras por su vía más comercial, tomar un delicioso café en sus bares o descubrir sus parques. Además, podrás contemplar los bellos edificios que hay por la ciudad y gozar de su buen clima durante todo el año.

Qué comer en los alrededores de la playa de las Teresitas

Como en toda la isla de Tenerife, su gastronomía se basa en platos locales, siendo los más conocidos las papas arrugadas, el gofio, el potaje o el conejo en salmorejo. En San Andrés, podemos elegir desde cocina muy tradicional y sencilla hasta algo más sofisticado. ¿Qué tipo de jornada estás planeando? En función de eso, podrás elegir entre una variedad muy rica de restaurantes.

El Rincón del Pescador

Ofrece platos locales basados en el pescado y marisco como producto principal. Sin pretensiones y muy sencillo, este bar restaurante está situado en la calle Chana Cabrera. El pescado frito o al horno, las croquetas y el pulpo son algunas de sus mejores recetas.

Tasca el Asunto de los Parres

Si eres un amante del cerdo asado o de la carne estofada, este bar te gustará. Aunque si te interesa la gastronomía local, también puedes pedir queso ahumado a la plancha con mojo o una tabla de quesos canarios. El precio medio de la carta oscila entre 15 y 20 euros.

Restaurante Pepín

El restaurante Pepín en San Andrés está especializado en el pescado fresco y del día, con lo cual lo más sencillo es dejarte aconsejar por sus camareros para degustar el plato que hayan pensado para la jornada. Con raciones abundantes y precios asequibles, es una buena opción para comer en familia.


Tenerife Experiences

Avistamiento de ballenas y delfines en velero privado al atardecer

desde 450€



Planear bien tu recorrido hasta Costa Adeje

La playa de las Teresitas bien merece una visita, aunque te proponemos que no te quedes solo aquí. Puedes disfrutar de un magnífico recorrido por toda la costa tinerfeña para descubrir otras playas con el mismo encanto hasta llegar a Costa Adeje. Nuestra recomendación es que hagas la ruta en coche para poder parar siempre que lo desees y tomar una foto de las excelentes panorámicas que te ofrecerá la ruta. Tu destino está a 85 kilómetros de Las Teresitas.

Playa de las Teresitas. Tenerife.

Una vez que has llegado a Costa Adeje, déjate seducir por una temperatura envidiable sea cual sea la época del año y por la cantidad de planes que puedes hacer aquí: desde descubrir maravillosos enclaves naturales, visitar alguno de sus bellos y tranquilos pueblos o disfrutar de alguna de sus innumerables playas con arena de todos los colores:

Playa de Troya

Ofrece arenas claras y buena situación. Se pueden practicar en ella deportes acuáticos y probablemente fue una de las primeras en constituirse.

Playa de las Galgas

Rodeada de palmeras, es una de las más bellas de la costa de Adeje y más visitadas por los turistas.



Playa de los Morteros

Es una de las más salvajes. Está muy próxima al Paraje Natural de los Acantilados de La Caleta y ofrece un entorno natural de los más bonitos de la zona, con arenas grises y con una zona rocosa próxima, lo que le confiere un carácter muy personal. Se puede practicar buceo en ella o, simplemente, gozar de un buen baño.

Playa del Duque

Probablemente una de las más conocidas. Extensa, de fácil acceso y muy amplia, está rodeada de hoteles, ya que es una de las más solicitadas por los turistas extranjeros. Equipada con todo tipo de servicios, pasar un día en esta playa es disfrutar de un día de diez.

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Playa de Las Teresitas en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Playa de Las Teresitas

Las Teresitas es la playa más emblemática de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Un kilómetro y medio de arena dorada, palmeras que se mueven con el viento y aguas clarísimas, en una ubicación privilegiada, a sólo un paso de Santa Cruz y a la sombra de las montañas de Anaga, la playa conserva su belleza a pesar de estar entre las más populares y concurridas de la isla.

Situada en el pueblo de San Andrés, esta playa de arena dorada destaca por estar poblada por multitud de palmeras, y es muy visitada por los santacruceros. La tranquilidad del oleaje, gracias a la instalación de diques que atenúan las olas, la convierten en una opción ideal para pasar el día en familia y pasear por la orilla.

Contarás con todos los servicios a pie de playa (duchas, vigilancia, acceso para minusválidos…) y además, podrás combinar tu refrescante baño con un aperitivo en los chiringuitos de la playa y probar la gastronomía típica en la cofradía de pescadores y los restaurantes del pueblo de San Andrés.


Ubicación: San Andrés, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Longitud: 1.300 metros.
Ancho: 80 metros.
Composición: Arena clara.
Formas de acceso: A pie (fácil), en coche o en barco.
Acceso para discapacitados: Sí.
Tipo de playa: Familiar. 

Servicios: Aseos, duchas, papeleras, servicio de limpieza, teléfono, bares y restaurantes, alquiler de hamacas y zona infantil.
Aparcamiento: Sí (más de 100 plazas).
Autobús: Sí (urbano).
Coordenadas: 28º 30′ 34,101” N 16º 11′ 06,841” W.
Coordenadas UTM: X: 384.013,00 Y: 3.154.214,00 H:28.


A la playa de Las Teresitas se accede desde Santa Cruz tomando la Avenida Marítima dirección San Andrés. Siempre en paralelo a la costa, continúa por la carretera TF11 hasta alcanzar el pueblo pesquero de San Andrés, a 7 kilómetros del centro de la capital. Al llegar a San Andrés, evita tomar la rotonda y sigue recto paralelo al mar desde donde empezarás a divisar Las Teresitas. Continúa por la carretera hasta encontrar un semáforo con un desvío a la derecha y al tomarlo, habrás llegado a la playa de Las Teresitas.


Acceder desde el centro de Santa Cruz a Las Teresitas en coche, salvo por algún problema de tráfico, no debería llevarnos más de 15-20 minutos,  puede aumentar cuando llega el verano, especialmente los días festivos y fines de semana, en los que se incrementa el número de vehículos y el tráfico se ralentiza, en estos días puede dificultarse el acceso a la playa y la facilidad para estacionar. El resto del año, las plazas de aparcamiento gratuitas hacen que aparcar en Las Teresitas no suponga ningún problema. Tanto en el tramo de ida como en el de vuelta, encontrarás gasolineras donde poder repostar. Es importante prestar mucha atención y respetar la distancia de seguridad con los ciclistas que puedes encontrarte a lo largo del recorrido.


El servicio de guaguas (autobuses) ofrecido por *TITSA desde Santa Cruz a Las Teresitas es una opción elegida por muchos de los usuarios de la playa. Sería ideal que cada vez más gente optara por utilizar la guagua como alternativa al coche; de esta forma todos ayudaríamos a reducir la descongestión del tráfico que durante los meses de verano hace que sea un poco más complicado cumplir con los horarios establecidos. La línea 910 (Intercambiador -San Andrés- Playa de Las Teresitas) sale cada 10-15 minutos desde el Intercambiador (estación de Guaguas) de Santa Cruz, ubicada en La Avenida Tres de Mayo. Otras paradas disponibles en el centro de Santa Cruz son: Hacienda, La Farola del Mar, Estación Marítima, Edificios Múltiples, y Avenida de Anaga. El precio por trayecto a pagar en la guagua es 1.25 € .
Si vamos a hacer un uso habitual de este servicio, podemos adquirir en estancos, kioskos o estaciones de guagua bonos de 7.50 €, 15 € ó 25 € que hacen que el trayecto nos cueste 0.75 €. Al llegar a su destino, la guagua nos dejará en la parada que está al principio, en el acceso 1, ya que no entra hacia el final de la playa. Para volver en guagua, podemos salir desde la parada de la playa o acercarnos a la parada del pueblo de San Andrés, y desde allí volver a Santa Cruz.

*Más información sobre otras líneas y horarios.


Otra forma de ir a Las Teresitas es utilizar el servicio de taxis. Entre sus ventajas está el trayecto directo sin paradas y el no estar sujeto a horarios. En Santa Cruz los taxis abundan y tienen un precio razonable. De no conseguir uno, se recomienda probar suerte en las múltiples paradas del centro como por ejemplo en Calle el Pilar, Plaza de España, Calle Méndez Núñez o, para los que llegan a Santa Cruz en guagua, el Intercambiador. El precio desde el centro de Santa Cruz a Las Teresitas suele oscilar entre los 12 € ó 14 € por trayecto, incluida la bajada de bandera de 3. 15 € los días laborales, y de 3.45 € los días festivos y por las noches. A la hora de volver se puede intentar coger un taxi en las paradas de Las Teresitas, al comienzo de la playa, o en la de San Andrés, aunque son paradas donde no suelen abundar los taxis. Otra opción puede ser acordar una hora de recogida con el mismo taxi que nos ha llevado a la playa, o llamar a un servicio de radio-taxi para que nos vengan a buscar.


El recorrido en bicicleta (transporte alternativo al coche que cada vez gana más adeptos) desde Santa Cruz a Las Teresitas, es una ruta clásica para los amantes del pedal, que trascurre en paralelo al mar. Tomando como salida el carril bici frente al Auditorio Adán Martín, hay que contar con un periplo de aproximadamente 20 kilómetros si sumamos ida y vuelta. El recorrido siempre transcurre en llano, y aunque no presenta mucha exigencia, hay que tener en cuenta que carece de zonas de sombra. Durante el trayecto hemos de prestar atención para no encontrarnos con peatones despistados, paseando a su perro o corriendo. Aunque hay varios proyectos para su mejora, actualmente el carril bici llega hasta el barrio de María Jiménez. A partir de este punto, el carril es un poco peculiar, ya que transcurre por una acera sin señalizar. Para los que opten por hacer el trayecto por la carretera, es importante prestar atención a la circulación y tomar todas las medidas de seguridad necesarias. Al llegar a la playa, los ciclistas forman parte de la estampa habitual en la zona de aparcamientos.


Amanecer en Las Teresitas – Foto: J. Luis Gonzalez Cabrera

Si optamos por ir caminado a las Teresitas, hemos de saber que la distancia entre el centro de la capital y la playa es de aproximadamente 7 kilómetros. Aunque dependerá mucho de nuestro estado de forma y ritmo, de media emplearemos aproximadamente 1 hora y 30 minutos por trayecto. Tomando como punto de salida la estación marítima de la Avenida Francisco La Roche (conocida popularmente como Avenida de Anaga) y dejando a nuestras espaldas la Plaza de España, caminaremos por una ruta fácil de disfrutar, que transcurre siempre en llano y paralela al mar.

Es importante protegernos del sol e hidratarnos bien, ya que es un camino que carece de sombra. Si durante la caminata nos sentimos cansados o decidimos detenernos por cualquier motivo, tenemos la posibilidad de terminar la ruta en guagua (línea 910), utilizando las paradas que nos encontraremos a lo largo del recorrido. Para los que se encuentren con fuerzas, durante el trayecto hay máquinas de gimnasia de uso libre. Casi llegando a San Andrés empezaremos a divisar Las Teresitas, donde podremos disfrutar de un merecido baño. Antes de regresar, podremos reponer fuerzas en los kioskos de la playa o restaurantes de San Andrés, y encaminarnos de vuelta a pie o utilizando el servicio público de guaguas o taxis.

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There are 3 ways to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas by bus, taxi or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio’s travel planner.

Line 910 bus

 •  15 min

  1. Take the line 910 bus from Edificio Multiples 1 to Las Teresitas



 •  10 min

  1. Take a taxi from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas

    8.8 km


 •  10 min

  1. Drive from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas

    8.8 km

Quickest way to get there
Cheapest option
Distance between

Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas by bus


Weekly Buses

15 min

Average Duration


Cheapest Price

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Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas?

The cheapest way to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas is to line 910 bus which costs €1 – €2 and takes 15 min.

More details

What is the fastest way to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas?

The quickest way to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas is to taxi which costs €10 – €13 and takes 10 min.

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Is there a direct bus between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Playa de las Teresitas?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Edificio Multiples 1 and arriving at Las Teresitas. Services depart every 15 minutes, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 15 min.

More details

What is the distance between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Playa de las Teresitas?

The distance between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Playa de las Teresitas is 8 km. The road distance is 8.8 km.

Get driving directions

How do I travel from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas without a car?

The best way to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas without a car is to line 910 bus which takes 15 min and costs €1 – €2.

More details

How long does it take to get from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas?

The line 910 bus from Edificio Multiples 1 to Las Teresitas takes 15 min including transfers and departs every 15 minutes.

More details

Can I drive from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas?

Yes, the driving distance between Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas is 9 km. It takes approximately 10 min to drive from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas.

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Where can I stay near Playa de las Teresitas?

There are 1140+ hotels available in Playa de las Teresitas. Prices start at €100 per night.

More details

What companies run services between Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain and Playa de las Teresitas, Spain?

Titsa operates a bus from Edificio Multiples 1 to Las Teresitas every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €1 – €2 and the journey takes 15 min.



+34 (0) 922 531 300


titsa. com

Ave. Duration

15 min


Every 15 minutes

Estimated price

€1 – €2



Taxi from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Playa de las Teresitas

Ave. Duration

10 min

Estimated price

€10 – €13


+34 922 31 10 12


+34 922 20 66 44

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PLAYA DE LAS TERESITAS | The Heart of Tenerife


The most emblematic beach in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Located near the village of San Andrés, this beach of golden sand stands out as it is full of palm trees. The tranquillity of the waves, thanks to the breakwater which largely excludes them, makes this an ideal option for spending the day en famille and taking a stroll along the shore.




With an average temperature of 21 degrees all year round, Santa Cruz is the perfect place to shop in the most extensive open shopping area of the island. Small shops and big brands mingle in an outdoor setting where locals and visitors turn shopping into a unique experience. There is a great variety of shops, cafés, bars, and restaurants to spend a pleasant day browsing and relaxing. The city has the best boutiques and international brands with the latest fashion trends on display in their shop windows. Throughout the city’s shopping streets, large department stores and shopping malls coexist with traditional, small shops where a personal shopping experience and product quality are in the forefront. All of this is wrapped up in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere that makes you want to stroll along the city’s streets, parks, squares and gardens and to sit down to have a drink at any of its many bar terraces.

The shops’ and restaurants’ closeness to each other turns visiting Santa Cruz into a unique experience. The city is easy to access and equipped with enough parking and public transport services: trams, buses, and taxis.

We suggest you see the city by taking some of the following shopping routes:

Route 1 City Centre: Calle Pérez Galdós, calle Viera y Clavijo, calle Méndez Núñez, calle Pi y Margall, calle Suárez Guerra, calle El Pilar, shopping centre “Centro Comercial Parque Bulevar”, calle La Rosa and nearby streets. Enjoy this shopping experience in an area where you can find all kinds of stores offering clothing, accessories, footwear, jewellery, watches, perfumes… This route contains a great number of boutiques showcasing leading brands, with exquisite service and a wide range of unique designs.

Route 2 City Centre: Plaza de La Candelaria, calle Castillo, calle Imeldo Serís, calle Valentin Sanz, calle Bethencourt Alfonso and nearby streets. In the heart of the city you will find the street calle Castillo, a traditional shopping street with all kinds of international franchises and fashion retail chains. The route follows this street, which begins in Plaza de Candelaria and ends at Plaza Weyler.

Route Ramblas: Plaza Weyler, Rambla Pulido, Rambla de Santa Cruz and nearby streets. This route is characterized by a concentration of the commercial activity around both Ramblas: Rambla de Santa Cruz and Rambla de Pulido. There you will find a wide range of shops characterized by the kind service and the quality of products. Along the Rambla de Santa Cruz you can enjoy an exhibition of Sculptures in the Street, which makes the shopping experience much more enjoyable.

Route Shopping Centres: This route is characterized by the presence of large department stores and shopping malls around which one can find a wide array of smaller shops and restaurants to suit all tastes. The main streets are Avenidas Tres de Mayo and Manuel Hermoso Rojas, calle Álvaro Rodríguez López, calle Aurea Díaz Flores and Avenida La Salle. Along this route you can enjoy a wide variety of leisure opportunities inside the shopping centres (cinema, restaurants and personal services) as outdoors (Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Recinto Ferial de Tenerife, Parque Marítimo César Manrique and Palmetum).

Route Market “Nuestra Señora de Africa”: La Recova, Rambla Azul, shopping centre Recova and Rastro de Santa Cruz (only Sundays). The Market’s shopping area is one of the busiest commercial districts on Santa Cruz. Its central nucleus is the Market of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, or La Recova. It has been open since 1944 and is the successor of the Old La Recova, which goes back to the 19th century. Here you can find the freshest foods from the Canary Islands and from all over the whole world. It specializes in fruit and vegetables, meats and fish, although you can purchase all sorts of foods there, as well as typical products.

The Neo-Colonial building that houses La Recova, is arranged over two large floors, with open patios where you can take a pleasant stroll and enjoy admiring the great variety of fresh foods for sale. Inside you will find a Café with terrace, a place to rest and enjoy food and all types of drinks. Opening hours of the Market Nuestra Señora de Africa are Monday to Saturday from 06 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and Sundays from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Next to the market you will find La Rambla Azul, its opening hours are from Monday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is also the Shopping Center with more than 40 shops and cafeterias, it opens from Monday to Saturday 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Sundays morning are the days that the ‘Rastro,’ the large street market of Santa Cruz, is held at Avenida José Manuel Guimerá, surroundings of the open market Recova and Calle Bravo Murillo. Here you can find a great variety of first and second hand articles, antiques, clothes and fashion accessories in a festive and friendly environment.


Santa Cruz is the heart of Tenerife and as such it is the home of a range of food and drinks. All parts of the world are represented in the municipality. It’s a place where the food sector has experienced a remarkable growth in the last few years and the zone is known for being a metropolitan area that is home to two stars from the prestigious Michelin Guide.

The gastronomy is undoubtedly part of the local character of a culture. In this sense, the Canary Islands can proudly say that their cuisine is both simple and original in nature and that this is true in terms of the choice of ingredients and how dishes are prepared, with the Islands’ cuisine being based on the Guanche heritage, but also having a clear Spanish influence.

However, despite its simplicity, traditional Canarian cuisine is authentic and rich in flavours that give it a personality of its own – a personality that has been influenced by the Island Chain’s climate and the use of the products readily available in its sea and on its land.

Among the ingredients of traditional Canarian cuisine, some of the most important are products from the sea, such as fish and shellfish like the “vieja” (Mediterranean parrotfish), a white fish with a mild flavour, the “choco” (cuttlefish), a type of squid with a larger size, and the “cherne” (wreckfish), a fish that is consumed salted or as a stew.

In terms of foods from the land, the sweet potato and the potato are the indisputable companions to meat and fish, with the potato being famous in its “papas arrugadas” form (“Canarian wrinkly potatoes” – boiled potatoes with their skins left on). Vegetables such as the tomato, onion, garlic, varieties of peppers, squash, zucchini (or “bubango”), watercress, coriander, and parsley can be used in soups, stews, and in the preparation of the famous Canarian “mojo” sauce in its two versions: green (containing coriander) and red (“mojo picón,” containing pepper).

In terms of meats, noteworthy are dishes based on pork, rabbit, and kid goat, all of which can be prepared with a sauce as a stew, fried, or roasted.

Goat’s milk is the basic ingredient of the cheeses from the Canary Islands, which are consumed fresh, semi-cured, cured, and even smoked.

But there is a Canarian food product that is derived from grains like corn, wheat, and barley and which has become established as a “symbol” of the gastronomic culture of the islands. It is known as “Gofio” (a fine mixture of the aforementioned grains previously toasted and ground) and it has multiple culinary applications, as it has acted as the “bread of the canaries” (kneaded with water and not cooked), it can be consumed “scrambled” with broth (escaldón) or a stew, and it can even be mixed with honey and almonds to act as a desert. Its consumption is so widespread that, in many homes, it is customary to mix gofio with milk and sugar and use it for breakfast. Other products that complement the cuisine of the Canary Islands are the local wines from the region, with Tenerife being the perfect example. The island is divided into five wine-producing districts, and Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located in the Tacoronte-Acentejo district. Tenerife’s gastronomy brings together the products and dishes that are most representative of Canarian cuisine with a wide range of dining establishments.

One of the increasingly popular trends over the past few years is the diversification of traditional cuisine, giving rise to a new, more creative and contemporary branch of cooking known as “signature cooking.” While this type of cuisine keeps its base through the use of traditional products, it innovates by introducing new and exotic ingredients (many of them foreign) and a mix of flavours that bring originality to the recipe. Likewise, emphasis is placed on the dishes’ presentation, turning them into artistic creations done by expert chefs.

The dining sector of the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has it all. Visitors can find the best of the traditional cuisine mostly in restaurants or “guachinches” around the Anaga area. In the rest of the city, there are establishments that offer everything from traditional Canarian cuisine to exquisite “signature cooking” and more creative dishes, without forgetting the wide range of regional Spanish specialties, bars serving “tapas,” and a great variety of restaurants that offer international cuisine.


Las Teresitas Beach – Guide in Russian


Search for:

Canary Islands, Spain

length: 1300 meters

Width: 80 meters

Employment: average

Urbanization: isolated

Coverage: Sand 9000


Parking lot:

Waves: weak


Hazard designation: 9Ol000 map

  • Reviews and comments
  • Description

    Teresitas is just over one kilometer long. Initially, like the entire coastline of Tenerife, it was strewn with black sand of volcanic origin. Tourists do not consider the dark coating a disadvantage of local beaches. On the contrary, the sand is tactilely pleasant, because it has a soft, silky texture. However, it was in this place that it was not enough.

    Area Teresitas began to import sand from Africa. Huge cargo barges plied endlessly here. In total, more than 300 thousand tons of bright yellow “gold” were brought from the distant Sahara.

    Then Canary palms were planted parallel to the shore. This added a special tropical exoticism. At the same time, the presence of spreading trees is an additional plus for the organizers. Indeed, in many guides to Tenerife, the reviews emphasize whether there is a shady green area next to the water. Las Teresitas beach wins in this regard.

    The beach is located next to the city, but separated from it by a green stripe. Often tourists place their sun loungers under the palm trees. The beach looks like a beautiful oasis, as mountains rise around, almost devoid of vegetation.

    At some distance from the ocean, a stone breakwater rises. The dam is artificial. Her task is to prevent strong excitement. Therefore, the water here is always relatively calm. Interestingly, after the construction of the dam, the temperature in this place became higher.

    Teresitas is worth a visit for those who prefer a family vacation. There are not many sandy places for swimming on the island. Those who prefer the classic coastal picture come here: golden sand, umbrellas with stylish thatched roofs and the turquoise ocean. Seagulls often fly over the beach. They are not at all afraid of people, tourists feed them with pleasure.

    The infrastructure is excellent.

    The following services are available for vacationers:

    • rental of inflatable boats and beach equipment for games;
    • rental of deck chairs and umbrellas;
    • medical center;
    • rescue service;
    • dressing room;
    • several bars.

    Beach cafes line up nearby. There is something for the whole family to eat. The menu includes freshly squeezed juices, refreshing drinks, light snacks, etc. Free parking is available in the immediate vicinity.

    What hotels are near

    What are the hotels near Playa de Las Teresitas.

    Tourism infrastructure on the island began to take shape in the 60s of the last century. And the first thing that the authorities undertook, forming a resort area of ​​international scale, was the improvement of the beaches. Las Teresitas beach is located near the small village of San Andres in a cozy bay, rounded on both sides.

    Get there by bus:

    Two bus lines run from the capital from the main station – Intercambiador Santa Cruz de Tenerife . Passenger transportation is carried out by one bus company – Titsa . Buses with routes:

    • No. 910 (shorter walk)
    • No. 945 (stop in San Andres)

    You need to get to the village of San Andres ( San Andres ) depending on the route. Bus number 910 reaches almost the very destination. Travel time is about 20-30 minutes.

    Access by car

    By car: take the TF-4 motorway to the signs for Avenida Maritima and Puerto, then follow the TF-11 road a little further to San Andres.

    • Google maps

    Map location

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife beaches

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    9The 10 best hotels near 0007

    Playa de las Teresitas, Las Cañadas del Teide, Spain

    Star Ratings

    5 stars
    4 stars
    3 stars
    2 stars
    1 star

    Review score

    Excellent: 9+
    Very good: 8+
    Good: 7+
    Fairly good: 6+

    Our recommendations
    Lowest price at the beginning
    Number of stars and price
    Rating + number of reviews

    Casa Tajinastes del Teide


    Las Cañadas del Teide (4.2 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Located in the Teide National Park, Casa Tajinastes del Teide is 58 km from Playa de las Americas.




    17 reviews

    Price from


    per night

    Check Availability

    Casa La Jara

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife (7.2 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Casa La Jara is located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, just 41 km from the Military Museum of the Canary Islands. The property offers a shared lounge, a garden and a 24-hour front desk.




    33 reviews

    Price from


    per night

    Check Availability

    El Pino Centenario 8

    La Orotava (7. 7 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Set in La Orotava, 34 km from La Laguna, Villa El Pino Centenario provides a garden and free WiFi.




    61 reviews

    Price from

    € 128

    per night

    Check Availability

    Finca La Baifa

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife (7.8 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 26 km from Museo militar regional de Canarias and 31 km from Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Finca La Baifa offers an outdoor swimming pool and air conditioning.




    23 reviews

    Price from

    € 143

    per night

    Check Availability

    Finca las Aguelillas

    La Orotava (8.5 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Featuring a garden, an outdoor pool and pool views, Finca las Aguelillas is located in La Orotava. The windows overlook the garden. La Laguna is 31 km away.




    36 reviews

    Price from

    € 132

    per night

    Check Availability

    La Orotava-casa Rural Los Nardos

    Montijos (8.3 miles from Playa de las Teresitas)

    Set in Montijos, La Orotava casa Rural Los Nardos offers a garden, barbecue facilities and a terrace. La Laguna is 31 km away.




    33 reviews

    Price from

    € 77

    per night

    Check Availability

    See more properties near Playa de las Teresitas
    Booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      No. 1

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      2 825 reviews

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      332 reviews

      No. 3

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      Very well
      1 861 reviews

      No. 4

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      Very well
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      No. 5

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      No. 6

      Booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      2 666 reviews

      No. 7

      Booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      Very well
      793 reviews

      No. 8

      Booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      Very well
      1 216 reviews

      No. 9

      booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      Very well
      1,223 reviews

      No. 10

      Booked hotel near Playa de las Teresitas

      Very well
      5 251 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      It features an outdoor swimming pool, a bar, a shared lounge and free WiFi.
      Location, staff’s friendliness and breakfast


      From € 67. 50 per night

      1,305 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      Completely refurbished, 4-star AF Valle Orotava is located in the center of Puerto de la Cruz, a 10-minute walk from Jardín Beach.
      Perfect location, very modern building. View of the volcano from the balcony superb.


      From € 55.68 per night

      1 176 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      Overlooking the city of Puerto de la Cruz, Hotel Las Aguilas features 2 swimming pools, one of which is heated in winter.
      Wide array of breakfast choices.


      From € 94 per night

      Very well
      1 223 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      This charming hotel is conveniently located next to Lake Martianes. The area offers stunning views of the Teide volcano. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the property.
      nice place with friendly staff perfect location


      From € 61. 25 per night

      Very well
      1,036 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      Puerto Palace Hotel features a garden, a terrace, 3 swimming pools and a children’s pool. All rooms have a private balcony, a flat-screen TV and a mini fridge.
      Super awesome pool, friendly staff, comfortable beds, tasty food.


      From € 50 per night

      Very well
      2992 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      Sol Costa Atlantis Tenerife is ideally located 50 meters from Martinez Beach and the artificial lakes of Lago Martinez. It features a spa, outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi.
      Modern, stylish, clean. Good breakfasts. Great location.


      From € 109 per night

      Very well
      1 154 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      The Parador de las Cañadas del Teide enjoys a superb location next to a volcano in the stunning Teide National Park in central Tenerife.
      Quite stylish hotel in excellent location for hiking and star gazing. Nice atmosphere in general.


      From € 119 per night

      Very well
      1,597 reviews

      Breakfast offered

      The Best Semiramis in Puerto de la Cruz is located on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The hotel provides rooms with balconies, a spa and 2 outdoor pools surrounded by gardens.
      The view is awesome, the room was great: big with big bed, it was more than what we needed.


      From € 79.06 per night

      Very well
      2 825 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Hotel Puerto Azul is located in a pedestrian area in Puerto de la Cruz in Tenerife, 200 meters from the sea. The hotel has a rooftop terrace and free Wi-Fi in public areas.
      Very convenient location, within walking distance of all the beaches, there are many restaurants nearby for every taste,. ..


      From € 52 per night

      332 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Located in Los Realejos in the Tenerife region, 6.6 km from Puerto de la Cruz, Route Active Hotel overlooks the sea. It features an outdoor swimming pool.
      The staff were lovely, super clean and just an overall great vibe.


      From € 63.70 per night

      635 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Don Manolito features a charming garden, an outdoor pool and a fitness centre. The hotel is just 350 meters from Jardin Beach in Puerto de la Cruz, in the north of Tenerife.
      The room was spacious, cozy and clean. Nice breakfast included, very polite and helpful staff.


      From € 50 per night

      Very well
      323 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Alua Tenerife is located 300 meters from Playa Jardín Beach. Puerto de la Cruz is a 10-minute walk away.
      The room size was big and we had a great ocean view.


      From € 58 per night

      Very well
      793 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Meters from Tenerife’s beautiful Playa Jardín Beach, this elegant hotel offers stunning views of Mount Teide and the sea. It features an outdoor pool and 2 restaurants.
      It was really thoughtful that they prepared me something to eat after my flight delays and I arrived…


      From € 90 per night

      205 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Sun Holidays is located on a pedestrian street in the Old Town of Puerto de la Cruz, a 5-minute walk from the city centre. It offers rooms and studios with a balcony.
      The staff could not have been friendlier or more helpful – Yexenia in particular was absolutely…


      From € 38 per night

      7. 9Good
      1,734 reviews

      Budget hotel

      4Dreams Chimisay is located on a pedestrian street in downtown Puerto de la Cruz. It features a rooftop terrace with an outdoor pool. The front desk is open 24/7.
      Nice clean place, spacious room, bear the beach and near bus station.. nice roof pool as well


      From € 38 per night

      1 562 reviews

      Budget hotel

      Offering an outdoor pool, Hotel Tropical is located a short walk from the sea in the tourist center of Puerto de la Cruz.
      Perfect location, near the main square, not far from the bus station and from the beach.


      From € 36.12 per night

      1,333 reviews

      Excellent location

      This mansion is located in La Orotava, a 7-minute drive from the beaches and a 30-minute drive from the Teide National Park. It offers an outdoor pool, sauna and large rooms with satellite TV….
      the house, the bathroom and the location


      From € 110 per night

      154 reviews

      Excellent location

      Surrounded by tropical gardens, Tigaiga Hotel features an outdoor pool and a terrace restaurant. Each air-conditioned room has a private balcony with sea or mountain views.
      5 Stars value, everything was excellent. Friendly and professionally run hotel. Good price for value.


      From € 152.50 per night

      626 reviews

      Excellent location

      RIU Garoé is located in Puerto de la Cruz. It features a garden, restaurant and bar, as well as a shared lounge. All rooms at the 4-star hotel offer pool views.
      The food was amazing, both in terms of quality and choice.


      From € 140.45 per night

      9. 1
      643 reviews

      Excellent location

      Surrounded by beautiful gardens, Botanico y Oriental Spa Garden Resort offers 3 outdoor pools and luxurious accommodations. It offers views of the Atlantic Ocean and Mount Teide.
      Very calm breakfast terrace, wide choice of food and very well presented.


      From € 161.85 per night

      554 reviews

      Excellent location

      Offering a year-round outdoor pool, Atlantic Mirage Suites & SPA is located in Puerto de la Cruz, 1.5 km from Martianez Beach. Free Wi-Fi is available.
      Great staff, variety of food, awesome location, a lot of parking. 10/10!!!


      From € 120 per night

      913 reviews

      Excellent location

      Recommended for adults only, TRH Taoro Garden is located in Puerto de la Cruz, 1 km from Martianez Lake. Guests have access to a seasonal heated outdoor pool.
      Loved it here. Very quiet and nice gardens, we sat on the bar verandah and watched the green parrots…


      From € 87.35 per night

      Very well
      998 reviews

      Excellent location

      RF San Borondon is a small colonial-style hotel located in the heart of Puerto de la Cruz, next to Charco Square and many leisure facilities.
      excelent!! all really the room the location the personnel all fantastic way over our expectations…


      From € 54.60 per night

      Very well
      1 861 reviews

      Excellent location

      Hotel Rural Casablanca is located in Los Realejos, 15 km from Loro Park. Free private parking is available on site. The hotel is located on the slopes of the Barranco Ruiz Mountains at an altitude of 600 m.
      Magical place! It was not easy to find, especially at night, but it was worth it.


      From € 60 per night

      8. 4
      Very well
      111 reviews

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    Beaches in the north of Tenerife – description of the most popular beaches

    As you know, the northern part of Tenerife is richer in precipitation, waves and vegetation. It is incredibly beautiful, fresher and more cloudy, which does not prevent you from having some of the most beautiful beaches, suitable for both swimming and sunbathing. Most of them are concentrated near resort towns, but there are also quieter and more comfortable places. Let’s tell in order about the main and most interesting beaches in the north of Tenerife.

    Beaches of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    Playa Las Teresitas

    Playa de Las Teresitas – a beautiful beach surrounded by mountains, it is located in a town called San Andres, not far from the capital islands and is the city beach of the capital. The barrier embankment built from the side of the ocean is a reliable protection of the golden-white beach of almost one and a half kilometers in length from the raging waves. The beach is notable for the fact that it was created artificially, and the sand was brought from Africa (we wrote about this already in the article about Santa Cruz).

    Palm trees framing the shore, rather warm water and comfortable conditions attract many beach lovers in Tenerife, including families with children. The vast majority of visitors, especially on weekends, are residents of the capital, but there are also a lot of tourists here.

    The beach offers sun lounger rentals (€2), playground, free toilets, outdoor showers, changing rooms, bars and cafes. Water activities are also provided for a fee.
    It should be noted that a strong wind often blows here, because of this, sand can then be shoveled from everywhere – from a swimsuit, swimming trunks and other things. In addition, such blowing will not add joy to those coming out of the water.

    Las Teresitas beach

    General view

    The beach on the map

    Beaches of Anaga and its environs

    All the beauty of this part of the island lies in the relict forests located on the slopes of mountain ranges, but any slope sooner or later ends either with a cliff or a beautiful beach.

    Playa de Antequera

    Playa de Antequera is a secluded place on a rocky promontory, difficult to access due to the lack of roads. It can be a long walk to get here, but the most convenient and least tiring way is to hire a boat in Santa Cruz, which will take you ashore in about an hour. Meanwhile, the untouched beauty of virgin nature and stunning landscapes are worth the attention of the most demanding tourist, despite the lack of any services. The isolation of Playa de Antequera attracts nudists here.

    The beach is 400 meters long and 25 meters wide, the shore has a grayish-yellow hue due to the white sand brought by the winds from the Sahara.

    Antequera Beach

    General View

    Satellite View

    Playa del Roque de Las Bodegas Beach

    Roque de Las Bodegas, 380 meters long and 45 meters wide, does not have a large range of services, except for a few large range of services places where you can eat fish dishes and parking. It is covered with gravel, stones and black volcanic sand. Big waves and wind require special care from vacationers when swimming (in fact, like other wild beaches on the north side of the island). Basically, here they either ride the waves or admire nature and the ocean.

    Roque de Las Bodegas beach

    General view of the beach

    View from above

    Almaciga beach (Playa de Almaciga)

    Another beach in the northern part of Anaga (not far from the previous one) – Playa de Almaciga – a good place for surfers, therefore, the development of infrastructure here took place taking into account this particular occupation. Special places have been arranged on the beach so that it is most convenient for surfers from the local population and visiting tourists to indulge in their favorite pastime.
    The black sand and gravel beach is 300 meters long and 35 wide. Several food and drink stalls, rubbish bins and changing rooms make up the entire service on this beach.

    Almaciga beach

    General view

    The beach on the map

    Benijo beach (Playa de Benijo)

    which can also be considered nudist. The coast is covered with black sand and pebbles, the length of the beach reaches 300 meters, the width is 30. In general, the beach rarely favors swimming and not everyone dares to do so due to large waves, a strong reverse current and the lack of lifeguards.

    But it’s still worth visiting, if only to just admire the amazing landscape, beautiful views or magical sunsets. You can get to the beach as part of hiking in the mountains of Anaga or by car. From the parking lot at the local restaurant, a long staircase leads down directly to the water.

    Benijo beach

    General view

    Satellite view

    Bajamar and Punta del Hidalgo beaches designed for those who are tired of worldly fuss. Mass pilgrimage of tourists is not observed here, however, artificially arranged pools allow vacationers to splash around in the water without risk to life. There are also several cafes and restaurants where you can refresh yourself with seafood dishes, and on the beaches you can use the services provided – showers, toilets and urns, as well as rent a yacht or boat if you want to go to the open sea.

    In neighboring Punta del Hidalgo there are also several places where you can ride the wave, lie on the beach or splash in the natural pool when the weather is fine.

    Bajamar beaches

    General view

    View from above

    El Pris and Mesa del Mar beaches

    The urban beaches of El Pris and Mesa del Mar are located in the municipality of Tocoronte. These are black sand beaches with fairly strong waves. Playa El Pris has a length of 170 m, its width is 15 m. It offers vacationers a beach, a natural pool, lifeguards, restaurants, bars, garbage bins, and parking for 50 cars. To the right is another small beach El Rincon (Playa El Rincon).

    El Pris beach

    General view

    Satellite view

    In Mesa del Mar, La Arena beach is considered more peaceful and is recommended for families. There are two tidal pools here, allowing you to enjoy swimming all year round. The road to this beach is quite steep and winding, but the coast itself is 350 m long and 30 m wide and is quite convenient for sunbathing. There are toilets and a nearby car park.

    La Arena Beach

    General view

    Map of the beach

    Puerto de la Cruz beaches

    Playa Jardin

    Jardin beach belongs to the blue flag beaches. This is a complex divided into three bays, each of which is decorated with gardens with plants, waterfalls and caves in the rocks. By the way, the leftmost part of the beach is sometimes called a separate Punta Brava beach. Playa Jardin is a black beach artificially created by the architect Cesar Manrique, with a dam of 4,000 huge concrete blocks that serve as protection from strong surf. By the presence of flags, you can always determine whether the water is calm enough for swimming. If you are unlucky with swimming, you can admire the ocean while sitting on one of the benches installed on the embankment.

    Jardin, located near Loro Parca, is considered one of the best beaches in Tenerife. Its total length is about 700 meters, and its width is 40. There are foot washes, toilets, rental of umbrellas and sunbeds, showers. A large number of bars and restaurants, the presence of a sports area and a playground, places for surfing, parking for 100 cars complement the comfortable conditions that are highly valued by tourists.

    Hardin Beach

    General view

    Top view

    Playa de Martianez

    Playa de Martianez is covered with pebbles with black volcanic sand, its length is 350 m, width is 40 m. much cooler than on Hardin. Special signs warn tourists of the danger, so the red flag is not uncommon here. But here you can often meet surfers. There is almost no service on the beach, only bars and restaurants nearby.

    Martianes beach

    General view

    The beach on the map

    There are also several city beaches worthy of attention.

    Playa de El Bollullo

    A secluded beach located east of Puerto, 200 meters long and 40 meters wide, accessed by a long stairway. It provides rental of umbrellas and sun loungers, there are bars and restaurants nearby. Pretty quiet and beautiful place.

    Beach de El Boyuyo

    General view

    Satellite view

    Playa San Telmo

    San Telmo, marked with a blue flag, is a small beach within the city, literally 20 by 20 meters in size. It is covered with pebbles and black sand, and services include showers and several bars.

    San Telmo Beach

    General view of the beach

    View of the beach from above

    Los Roques Beach (Playa de Los Roques)

    Los Roques is located to the west of the city and reaches a length of 350 meters and a width of 20. Covered with pebbles , gravel and volcanic sand. Despite the constant presence of strong waves, the beach will seem like a very beautiful place for lovers of unique landscapes. The beach got its name from the huge rocks sticking out of the water near the shore.

    Los Roques Beach

    General view of the beach

    Map of the beach

    Playa de El Socorro

    The blue flagged Playa de El Socorro is 400 meters long, 60 meters wide and covered with fine gray sand . Thanks to good waves, it attracts many surfers, and lovers of sunbathing and swimming – with its clear water and a sense of harmony with nature. Facilities include showers, bins, toilets, a food kiosk, and surf spots. In addition, there is a large parking lot next to the beach.

    Beach de El Socorro

    General view

    Beach on the map

    Beaches of Icod de los Vinos

    San Marcos beach

    San Marcos, shaped like a shell, reliably protects against the big waves typical in this area Tenerife. The black sand beach is 160 meters long and 40 meters wide. The quiet bay is suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday, which are represented mainly by the local population. Services include showers and toilets, rental of sun loungers, trash cans. Nearby bars and restaurants have access to terraces with beautiful sea views.

    San Marcos beach

    General view

    The beach on the map

    There are other beaches in the northern part of Tenerife, such as the beaches of Las Aguas in San Juan de La Rambla and Garachico, the beaches of Agua Dulce and others. They are mainly used by local residents who visit these places in their free time and indulge in relaxation by the water in a family atmosphere. Often, people take along a supply of food and drinks for the whole day and enjoy the lack of fuss and the beauty of the surrounding nature in these secluded corners.

    Although the north of the island does not enjoy sunny weather as often as the south coast, there are places where you can admire the waves and get your feet wet (on some beaches this is the only thing you can do). A real traveler will not be intimidated by such facts, because in addition to swimming, you can simply enjoy beautiful views while walking along the coast.
    Who has been to the listed beaches? Share your impressions. Personally, I have not yet fully swum on any of them (either the weather was not the same, or there was no time). Maybe you want to supplement the article with interesting facts – we will be happy.

    Tags: nature entertainment Tenerife

    Overview of Teresitas beach (Tenerife)

    Most of Tenerife’s beaches meet their guests either with black sand, consisting of small elements of volcanic rock, or with a gray coating in which dark volcanic soil mixed with lighter grains of sand . Although the black beaches of Tenerife are the highlight of the island, not all tourists are ready to spend their entire vacation on them. But in the Canary Islands you can also find luxurious golden beaches, one of which is TeresItas beach. This beautiful corner of Tenerife can often be seen on postcards that depict the beach from above. And if fate brings you to the island of eternal spring, take the time to come to Las Teresitas and spend a couple of hours or days here from your vacation or vacation. I guarantee you will love it here.

    View of Playa de las Teresitas from the promenade

    How to get to Teresitas beach, what it is famous for, and how you can spend time on it, read below. Information given by a person (me) who has been here more than once. At the end of the article you will find 2 videos that will show you this place during the daytime and evening hours.

    Where is

    Playa de las Teresitas?

    Teresitas Beach or Las Teresitas is located in the northeast of Tenerife, 7 km from the capital of the island, the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. On the western side of it, at the foot of a high cliff, is the village of San Andres. From the south, the beach is surrounded by the Anaga Mountains. In the east, it rests on a rocky cape, behind which there is another recreation area – Las Gaviotas beach.

    What attracts Las Teresitas beach?

    Playa de las Teresitas attracts many tourists with its beauty. Once here, you will look around for a long time and admire. Firstly, on three sides this place is surrounded by the Anaga mountain range, which is now a national park. Only in the mountains of Anaga, unique laurel and coniferous forests have been preserved, which you will not see anywhere else on Earth. Park employees have developed several dozen routes that you can walk along with your mouth open from the stunning beauty that opens up to you at every turn. If you find yourself on the beach after visiting the Anaga Mountains, you will remember your hike in the park and see part of the massif while relaxing here. If you have not been to Anaga yet, you can admire the bright green of the rocks from the coastline of Las Teresitas beach. They are perfectly visible from the ocean, so when swimming, you will enjoy them.

    Anaga Mountains – a beautiful setting for Las Teresitas beach

    The second advantage of the beach is its coverage. It will delight conservative travelers with its golden and soft sand. Once this place was different, but in the late 60s sand from Africa was exported to the beach. From the Sahara desert, it was delivered across the ocean to the Canary Islands on barges. Now everyone can enjoy not only the view of African sand, but also its softness.

    One of the entrances to the Teresitas beach in Tenerife

    The third advantage of Teresitas is its water area. The entrance to the ocean is very convenient, because. the bottom is also filled with sand from the Sahara, and you will not hurt your feet on volcanic stones and will not trip over them, as you would on other Tenerife beaches. The entrance is quite shallow, and parents with children will appreciate it. Children can safely splash around the shore without fear that they will be covered by the surf, because Teresitas is protected from the ocean by a long stone pier. Swimming here is very comfortable, like in a lake or pool.

    The area of ​​Teresitas beach is ideal for children

    All vacationers will appreciate the infrastructure of the beach and its size. The coastline of Las Teresitas is 1.3 km long, so there is a place for every tourist here under the sun. On the beach there are showers and toilets, foot showers, rental of sun loungers and deck chairs, rental of water transport (catamarans, rafts). From the land side, Las Teresitas is surrounded by palm trees, they also grow on the beach itself. Along the embankment there are many stalls with fish and meat dishes, snacks. Prices don’t bite here. If you want a more sophisticated menu, you can take a stroll to San Andrés where there are several good fish restaurants. Also in the town you will see the ruins of a 16th century fort and beautiful Canarian houses.

    View from the window of bus number 910 on the village of San Andres and the ruins of the ancient fort

    Another highlight of Las Teresitas is the view from above. You can admire the beach from the observation deck or mirador Las Teresitas. It can only be reached from the highway Igueste de San Andres.

    If you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit the mirador, you can look at the entire beach from below, from its eastern or western tip.

    How to get to

    Playa de las Teresitas?

    The easiest way to get to the beach is by city bus number 910 from the bus station in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The bus runs every 8-10 minutes and reaches the final stop, located next to Las Teresitas, in 20 minutes.

    Timetable for bus number 910 from Teresitas beach to Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    You can get back to the city in the same way. Traveling with the Titsa mas card will cost you 0.75 euros. From other parts of the island, you can also drive to the beach from the side of the capital Santa Cruz by renting a car in Tenerife.

    About housing near the beach

    If you plan to combine hiking in the mountains of Anaga with a holiday in Las Teresitas, you can stay in the capital of the island. From there, you can quickly get to the beach and spend the first or second half of the day on it (depending on when you were on the excursion) or the whole day of your vacation.

    Las Teresitas beach at 9 pm

    There are many hotels in the city for every taste, which you can book on my website using the service Hotellook . The search form is located on the side bar. For budget travelers, I recommend the clean and comfortable El Hostel.
    If you do not feel like riding from the capital to the beach and back every day, you can stay for 3-5 or more days in the apartments of the village of San Andrés.

    Playa de las Teresitas – view of the eastern part of the beach and San Andres

    accommodation booking service from the owners of will help you find a good option. By clicking on this link, you will receive a bonus on accommodation.

    I have had the good fortune to visit Playa de las Teresitas more than once. I would like to say that this beach is good at any time of the day. I first visited it after sunset, but even then I was delighted with its beauty. In the light of day, my delight increased several times. After watching the video, you will see the directness of my words regarding Las Teresitas.

    And if you do not like oil platforms in the ocean or the wind blowing from the Atlantic (it is an indispensable attribute of the Canary coast), then you will certainly be pleased with the majestic mountains, golden sand, small waves of the water area.

    You can leave your comments from visiting this place under the article. I wish you a pleasant stay in Tenerife.

    The best beaches of Spain – the famous places of the coast

    Spain is a dream country where every second tourist wants to go. Travelers go to the state not only for the sake of majestic antiquity, penetrating through every corner of the kingdom, but also for the sake of relaxation near Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean . It is not surprising that with such a geography, Spain is primarily associated with sea coasts and waves.

    Almost ‘s 8,000 kilometers of coastline make the choice of beaches so diverse that many simply get confused. It is noted that the main principle for choosing a resort is the water temperature, which varies within Spanish resorts up to 9 degrees.


    • Playa de Las Teresitas
    • Playa de la Arena
    • Aiguablava
    • Cami de Ronda
    • Playa de la Barceloneta
    • Playa del Postiguet
    • San Juan Playa (Playa San Juan)
    • Playa de Martianez
    • Playa Del Arenal-Bol
    • Es Trenc
    • Cala Bassa
    • Playa Cala Conta Beach
    • Sol den Serra Beach

    Teresitas beach (Playa de Las Teresitas)

    The total length of the coastline of the beach is 1. 3 km . Until the middle of the last century, it was known for its black sand, but in the 1960s, local authorities decided to change the composition and began to order Saharan golden sand by ships. Now there is no trace of black left, all of it was taken away from the coast. The infrastructure is developed, although there are practically no people on the beach. It should be noted that admission is completely free. The only exception is sun loungers and umbrellas, which will have to be rented. And so, everything is democratic – prices in restaurants and cafes nearby are low, exactly like in bars.

    The beach is located 5 km from the capital of Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife , if you go north.

    Playa de la Arena

    A small quiet, completely non-tourist place in the bay would be no different from a thousand other beaches. But, there is a highlight here, which is rare where you can find it – black sand . And if earlier the volcanic rock was on almost every 5th beach in Spain, now it is already a unique phenomenon. Islanders with families often rest here, but there is also a place for guests to relax. The beach is small, but very spacious.

    The beach can be reached by buses 473 and 494 . There is no direct route, and you will have to go with 2 or even 3 transfers. The total travel time from Tenerife Airport to the beach is 1 hour 40 minutes.


    Characteristics of the beach: length – 25 meters , width – 75 . A tiny bay, like an outlet to the warm sea, amazes with its tiny size. However, here is always full of people . It is even considered that this place is included in the top 3 beaches of Catalonia. The name itself translates as “Blue Water” and indeed, the water here is clean, without a hint of algae or mud. Near the beach, on sheer cliffs, there are numerous hotels and inns, in addition, the infrastructure of the beach allows you to enjoy your vacation even for those who have somewhat limited opportunities. So, for example, places of descent for carriages are carried out directly to the input.

    You can get to your holiday destination from Barcelona Airport by train or bus No. 16 , which goes all the way to Flasa station.

    Cami de Ronda

    There is no beach as such. In the usual sense, the beach is sand and endless distances. But there is no such thing here. Wooden deck leads along the coastline and every 15-30 meters for people there are slopes to the rocky shores of the sea. For children, such a vacation is not suitable, but for lovers of hiking – that’s it.

    The route runs from Els Pilons (Salou) to Replanais (Cap Salou).

    Playa de la Barceloneta

    The main beach of the capital of Catalonia – Barcelona. At the same time, it is also the oldest, popular and crazy at the same time. Every evening, regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, parties of the strangest people are held here. Whomever the police do not take away in the morning – both hipsters and surfers. Therefore, after 12 at night it is better not to show up on the Barceloneta seashore. But during the day it is quiet and calm here, everyone likes the golden sandy beach.

    Dozens of bars with cocktails are equipped for young people, free entertainment for children, everyone plays volleyball and football on every corner, so lovers of outdoor activities will also like such a holiday. For those wishing to relax calmly, sun loungers and umbrellas are provided. In addition, they offer massages for a nominal fee, sell fresh fruit and ice cream. In general, the infrastructure of the beach is at the highest level.

    The beach is located between Joan de Barbo Avenue0936 and Marine Avenue . No one is wrong if they just walk down the main street of Barcelona down to the sea. There will be a central beach.

    Playa del Postiguet

    A clean beach with fine light yellow sand is perfect for families with children, as the descent into the water is gentle, without cliffs and holes. In addition, the beach is marked with the Blue Sign, which indicates its high level of safety and cleanliness.

    Address – city Alicante , central promenade.

    San Juan Playa (Playa San Juan)

    Like all beaches in Spain, the entrance to San Juan is completely free, the only thing for which you may need money is the purchase of cocktails or fruits. The infrastructure here is developed , there is everything for both active and measured rest. Near the beach there is an open golf course where everyone can try their hand at the game. In addition, all 3 km the length of the beach is filled with cafes and bars, which brightens up the rest of tourists and travelers.

    The beach starts at El Campello and ends at coves Cado de la Huerta . It can be reached in 10 minutes from the outskirts of Alicante by buses number 128, 678, 956.

    Playa de Martianez (Playa de Martianez)

    This ocean access is great for vacationers who dream of surfing . It should be borne in mind that 230 days a year on this beach there are high waves and real storms, so be prepared that you will not be able to swim calmly. The beach has dark sand and a steep descent, and it does resemble a wild place.

    Address – Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

    Playa Del Arenal-Bol

    This access to the sea is a real picture from commercials and advertising. Fine iridescent sand, clear water and palm trees – what else do you need? In addition to the picturesque nature, the beach is rich in its marine entertainment . In the summer season, there is even a special area for the disabled. People with disabilities are provided with a separate one. Equipped descent to the water.

    The beach is located at the foot of the main attraction of the city of Calpe – rocks Peñon de Ifac .

    Es Trenc

    This is the main family beach in Mallorca. The shallow sea, calm water, silence around, the absence of large crowds of people, but at the same time the presence of children’s entertainment, places to eat and relax – this is what characterizes Es Trenc. Beach length – 10 km , however, in some areas, stones are observed in the water. By the way, some call this beach wild and even isolated.

    Address – south coast of Mallorca . You can get there from Ses Covettes from the north by bus or private car.

    Cala Bassa

    Yellow sand and a gentle slope into the water make this beach something like heavenly place . There are few people here, the beach is actually isolated for visiting tourists and travelers. Mostly local residents rest here. The seaside is surrounded by a pine forest and small gourmet restaurants. On the sand itself there are white ottomans and soft sofas, which makes the beach the most comfortable place among the other beaches nearby.

    Address – Ibiza, Sant Antoni de Portman.

    Cala Conte beach (Playa Cala Conta)

    The beach is a natural reserve in Ibiza, divided into 3 parts. The first is rocky , which is rare on the Spanish coast, the second is sand dunes , the third is specially equipped for nudists . There are no hotels nearby, so there are few travelers here, mainly the contingent of the beach is local wealthy residents.

    Since getting to the beach is difficult, the most convenient way is by car. The small village of Sant’Agustí des Vedra is 8 km away.

    Sol den Serra beach

    A small, narrow rocky beach that looks like a private sector. There is no infrastructure and cafes and stalls familiar to tourists. Only clean beach and blue water. Grass grows in some areas at the entrance to the water, but there is nothing better than a secluded place, so even such a problem can be turned into a plus for holidays at Sol Den Serra . There are rarely people on the beach, no one rests here, the territory is free for a cozy quiet rest.

    Address – Ibiza. On the way to Cala Llonga, just take a dirt road to the right at about 900 meters .

    Spain attracts travelers with its scenery, opportunities and entertainment.

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