The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands


La isla la palma: Santa Cruz de La Palma

Опубликовано: May 3, 2023 в 11:18 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Descripción geológica de La Palma

La isla de La Palma ha tenido bastante sismicidad histórica debida en su mayor parte a la actividad volcánica, sin embargo desde los años 80 ha registrado muy pocos terremotos, hasta los enjambres sísmicos próximos a las poblaciones de Los Canarios y El Pueblo, con una distribución epicentral difusa que transcurre en dirección este-oeste. Estos enjambre ocurrieron en octubre de 2017, con unos 300 terremotos detectados a unos 25 km de profundidad y en febrero de 2018 con cerca de 1000 terremotos algo más profundos, en ambos casos de muy poca magnitud y sólo una pequeña parte de ellos pudieron ser localizados (López et al., 2018). Desde entonces la sismicidad localizada es muy escasa.

En la época no instrumental se sucedieron numerosos terremotos, antes y durante las erupciones volcánicas de 1430, 1585, 1646, 1677, 1949 o 1971 (Romero 1991) y también en los años 1920, 1936 o 1939 que aunque no tenían relación directa con erupciones estaban posiblemente relacionados con actividad magmática. A destacar 3 terremotos de la erupción del Volcán San Juan de 1949 y uno de la del volcán San Antonio en 1677 con intensidades máximas de VII (EMS98) y que provocaron la destrucción de casas, desprendimientos de rocas y otros daños.

– López, C., V. Villasante-Marcos, I. Domínguez Cerdeña, H. Lamolda, N. Luengo-Oroz, C. del Fresno, J. Pereda, P.A. Torres González, L. García-Cañada, E. González-Alonso, A. Fernández-García, S. Meletlidis y M.J. Blanco (2018). On the origin of the 2017 seismovolcanic activity in La Palma. 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Proceedings from the conference held 4-13 April, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, p.7694.
– Romero, C. (1991). Las manifestaciones volcánicas históricas del Archipiélago Canario. Tomo I. Gobierno de Canarias (Consejería de Política Territorial), Tenerife. 695 pp.

En la isla de La Palma se pueden distinguir dos dominios volcánicos: el tercio norte de forma redondeada, o dominio Taburiente, y el dominio Dorsal, de forma alargada desde Taburiente hasta la punta sur de la isla.

El Dominio Taburiente es un enorme relieve de forma troncocónica y planta semicircular que se eleva actualmente hasta los 2.426 m (Roque de los Muchachos), con una gran depresión central de origen erosivo: la Caldera de Taburiente. Tiene su origen en la superposición de grandes volcanes centrales (estratovolcanes) cuyos cráteres se han ido sucediendo por reactivación progresiva, siempre en el mismo lugar.
Desde que comenzó la emersión de la isla, sucesivas etapas volcánicas subaéreas fueron apilando materiales en la vertical hasta alturas que sobrepasaron los 3.000 m. El resultado de estos procesos constructivos es la forma circular que presenta el dominio, a modo de un enorme volcán único central. Toda la fase subaérea se apoyó discordantemente sobre materiales volcánicos submarinos muy atravesados por diques básicos que constituyen el llamado Complejo Basal (4 Ma).

El ascenso de esta formación supero el nivel del mar y, posteriormente estuvo instruido por gabros y diques que se interpretan como las cámaras magmáticas y los conductos de emisión de las erupciones posteriores.
Las primeras emisiones subaéreas constituyen el llamado volcán Garafía (1,77 Ma), muy oculto por las fases volcánicas posteriores y compuesto por coladas mayoritariamente basálticas, atravesadas por diques básicos verticales-subverticales. Sobre él se edificó el volcán Taburiente, con un tramo inferior potente (1,20 Ma) de aglomerados y brechas básicos de deslizamiento que cubrieron casi toda la isla emergida. Sobre ella se formó un gran apilamiento de coladas basálticas. Posteriormente se emitió el tramo superior (1,1-0,80 Ma) de similar composición al anterior y coronado por frecuentes conos estrombolianos también basálticos, algunos de carácter hidromagmáticos. Finalmente se produjo una fase subreciente (0,80-0,71 Ma) de conos fonolíticos y tefríticos.

Al final de la construcción del conjunto Taburiente, la acumulación de material en el flanco sur debió de ser tan grande que, por inestabilidad gravitacional o presión litostática creciente, se produjo un gran colapso conocido como deslizamiento de Aridane. El volumen de material movilizado se ha estimado entre 180-200 km3 y se encuentra en el fondo del mar cubriendo el talud de la isla. La depresión creada la ocupo el volcán Bejenado (1.854 m) emitido hace 0,530 Ma, que se sustentó sobre los materiales que quedaron al descubierto del sustrato del Complejo Basal. Se emitieron coladas fonolíticas. Bejenado tiene fuertes pendientes, cuyo centro debió situarse más al norte, en el interior de la Caldera. El rápido ensanchamiento erosivo de la caldera y los posibles desprendimientos que sufrió, ha desmantelado completamente el flanco norte de este edificio. La potencia máxima sobre el substrato submarino del Complejo Basal es de unos 600 m en el Pico Bejenado.

En los laterales de la desembocadura del barranco de Las Angustias hay unos potentes depósitos de arenas y gravas que forman dos grandes paredes. Se extienden aguas arriba hasta la zona de La Viña, y tienen un espesor máximo de unos 300 m. La sedimentación resultante al llegar al borde del mar es lo que en geología se denomina fan delta. En las partes bajas del depósito hay lavas fonolíticas intercaladas, de composición similar a las del edificio Bejenado, lo que hace pensar que ambos eventos fueron, en parte, simultáneos.

Todo el Dominio Taburiente es, actualmente, totalmente inactivo. El vulcanismo migró hacia el sur a través de la fisura eruptiva de la Dorsal o Cumbre Vieja.

El Dominio de la Dorsal corresponde a la mitad sur de la isla y está estructurado por un eje eruptivo de dirección norte-sur, en el que se distinguen claramente dos sectores con relieves bien individualizados: Cumbre Nueva, o sector norte, con una altura muy regular en torno a 1.400 m, una longitud de unos 7 km y una forma arqueada. Cumbre Vieja, o sector sur, que constituye una estructura volcánica que se reactiva hacia los 0,123 Ma a través del rift N-S de 21,5 km de longitud que construye lo que se llama Dorsal de Cumbre Vieja. Sobre ella se han producido las seis erupciones históricas (últimos 500 años) habidas en la isla, las dos últimas en el siglo XX (1949 y 1971). Esta formada principalmente por la concentración de fisuras y aberturas (“rift zone”), que individualizan dos vertientes muy acusadas, oriental y occidental. En todo momento, las coladas discurrieron por los flancos y alcanzaron la costa la mayoría de las veces, ocupando la rasa marina y fosilizando el acantilado previo que se ve ahora como un paleoacantilado. Los materiales que se emitieron son fundamentalmente coladas básicas alcalinas (basaltos alcalinos, basanitas, traquibasaltos y tefritas) y depósitos piroclásticos de carácter estromboliana. También existe un número importante de domos fonolíticos dispersos sobre el rift, como el de Teneguía que dio nombre a la última erupción ocurrida en la isla.
La sismicidad actual de la isla esta claramente asociada con esta dorsal de Cumbre Vieja.

Conmemoran aniversario de erupción volcánica en La Palma

El volcán en la isla La Palma, de las Islas Canarias en España, el 29 de noviembre del 2021.

(Emilio Morenatti / Associated Press)

Associated Press


Una cicatriz de lava negra en el suelo, de 6 kilómetros de largo, es lo que queda como recordatorio de la erupción del volcán hace un año en La Palma, hecho que si bien no causó muertes, trastocó la vida de muchos habitantes de esa isla de España.

El lunes, mientras las autoridades recuerdan el primer aniversario de la erupción, que duró tres meses y se convirtió en una de las erupciones volcánicas más televisadas de Europa, las Islas Canarias frente a la costa africana no son las mismas geológica, económica ni socialmente.

Bajo la gruesa capa de piedra derretida —que lentamente sigue enfriándose tras alcanzar una temperatura de 1.140 grados centígrados (2.084 Fahrenheit)— quedaron sepultados unas 3.000 edificaciones junto con cultivos bananeros, vías y sistemas de irrigación.

Además de la agricultura, el turismo es sumamente importante para la economía de la isla. Pero la mitad de los 8. 000 lugares de alojamiento siguen cerrados debido a la presencia de gases tóxicos, la misma razón por la cual unos 170 habitantes siguen viviendo en habitaciones de hotel.

La atracción turística de Puerto Naos hoy en día es descrita como ciudad fantasma por la prensa local. La lava no alcanzó el poblado, pero la alta concentración de gases tóxicos obligó a sus 1.000 habitantes a irse. La mayoría se está quedando con parientes y todos se preguntan cuándo podrán volver a sus moradas.

La Palma, una isla de 84.790 habitantes, ha sido foco de gran cantidad de políticos y dignatarios. Varios ministros e incluso el presidente del gobierno Pedro Sánchez han visitado la isla unas 60 veces, mayormente para anunciar paquetes de ayuda. Recientemente la reina Letizia escogió La Palma como el lugar de su visita anual a una escuela en el primer día de clases.

El gobierno ha enviado un total de 566 millones de euros (564 millones de dólares) de ayuda para la reconstrucción de la isla.

Aun así, una asociación de personas afectadas por el volcán tenía planeado conmemorar el primer aniversario con una protesta el lunes, por lo que consideran el mal manejo de los fondos.

Otros se quejan de que una vez que cesó la erupción luego de 85 días, se esfumó la solidaridad colectiva.

Sin embargo, algunos empresarios están encontrando maneras de reestructurar sus negocios y aprovechar el fenómeno.

AstroLaPalma, por ejemplo, antes ofrecía vistas de las estrellas bajo los despejados cielos de las Islas Canarias. Ahora la propietaria, Ana García, dirige tours por zonas cubiertas de cenizas volcánicas.

El volcán realmente no tenía nombre antes de la erupción del año pasado, aunque los locales lo llamaban Cumbre Vieja porque así se llama el parque nacional circundante. Este año los habitantes votaron a favor de bautizarlo Tajogaite, el nombre de la zona en el antiguo idioma guanche.

Taxi La Palma Isla Bonita, Santa Curus de la Palma: Best tips before visiting

5. 0

164 Excavations


Very good



1 Publication

Ruta de norte y de Sanmao

José es tan amable que no solamente nos llevaba por la ruta del norte sino también nos comparte muchos detalles interesantes personales. Además, cuando sabía que queríamos visitar la ruta de Sanmao, nos preparaba la información con anticipación. nine0021 非常 友善 的 司机 , 因为 三 毛之路 特别 前往 la Palma 岛 玩 得 非常 , 非常 漂亮!!!!

Review O: North Route (Price Per Vehicle, Not PerSon)

Published on January 5, 2023

This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.


York, UK2 publications

First class service, fabulous tour.

Jan. 2023 • For two

Highly recommend this company. I emailed and said roughly how long we wanted to be away from the hotel and what we wanted to see. Our driver Carlos was just lovely. He was a very safe driver, spoke good English and showed us some amazing places. He collected us from Faro Cumplida and drove us to the site of the latest volcanic eruption stopping at beautiful viewpoints and interesting places along the way. Nothing was too much trouble and it was a pleasure to spend a day with him. nine0003

Published January 5, 2023

This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.


1 publication

2022 • For two

Im Vorfeld einer Kreuzfahrt haben wir per Mail einen Ausflug bei Taxi La Palma Isla Bonita gebucht. José Antonio hat uns Vorschläge für die Zeit auf La Palma unterbreitet. nine0021 Pünktlich holte er uns ab und zeigte uns unter anderem versteckte Aussichtspunkte, den Nationalpark, das Gebiet um Tazacorte und das erschreckende Ausmaß des Vulkanausbruchs im letzten Jahr.
Wir bedanken uns für einen interessanten Tag mit ihm auf dieser schönen Insel und empfehlen ihn sehr gern weiter.

Published December 18, 2022

This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews. nine0003

tere Baquero

Porrino, Spain17 publications

Para repetir

Sept. 2022 • For two

Descubrir la isla,todo sus contornos son un verdadero espectáculo , fui y volveré me dejo enganchada,

Review for: North Route (Price per vehicle, not per person)

Published December 14, 2022

This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews. nine0003

Paula R

Mostoles, Spain1 publication

Totalmente recomendable

Descubrir la isla de La Palma junto a Jose Antonio ha sido una maravilla. Nos adaptaba las visitas en función de la climatología y nuestros gustos y necesidades. Nos lo ha hecho ameno, además de entretenido y familiar. Hemos pasado 4 dias con el increíbles. Pendiente de todos nosotros y tratandonos estupendamente. No dudaremos en volver y contactar con el de nuevo y recomendarle a todo el mundo. Volvemos a Madrid enamorados de la isla y su gente. nine0003

Review for: Roque de Los Muchachos Route (Price per vehicle, not per person)

Published December 12, 2022

This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.


Beddingestrand, Sweden628 publications


Oct. 2022 • For two

PERFECT TOUR BY DRIVER PABLO. nine0021 Today we had a just fantastic tour around the beautiful Island of La Palma.We were picked up 09:30 and were back about 16:30. Pablo took us to the most interesting places of the Island.He speak good english and told us a lot about nature,people and all things we was askungen about .He is so nice and friendly and of course a very good driver.It was wirth every cent.We could absolutly not have the same experience by a bus tour.
Thank you so much Pablo. We will meet again. Lars & Gunilla

Published October 28, 2022

This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

Jose Francisco Blanco Suárez

La Fresneda, Spain2 publications

Muy bien.Jose Antonio Betancourt excelente….

con rapidez ,puntualidad y exquisito trato.Ni falto ni sobró nada.Fueron 13 horas en La Palma intensas y bien aprovechadas. nine0003

Review for: Roque de Los Muchachos Route (Price per vehicle, not per person)

Published October 15, 2022

This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.


1 publication

Excursiones privadas

Oct. 2022 • With friends

Lo contratamos para varias excursiones privadas, buen conductor, persona atenta, te va explicando lo que vas visitando. Te deja tiempo que quieras para visitar las cosas. Lo recomiendo 100×100

Published October 5, 2022

This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.

Sedi M

1 publication

Grandes profesionales

¡Grandes profesionales y encantadoras personas! nine0021 Pasamos cuatro días con ellos y nos supieron a poco, así que… no tenemos más remedio que volver.
Un abrazo des de Valencia.
Jose y Merche

Review of: Roque de Los Muchachos Route (Price per vehicle, not per person)

Published September 4, 2022

This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC .

Fotos graciosa: Oveja graciosa fotos de stock, imágenes de Oveja graciosa sin royalties

Опубликовано: May 3, 2023 в 4:34 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Imágenes Chistosas, Graciosas y de Risa ▷ 【con Fotos】

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Pedro Antonio Martínez Amaya

Apasionado por la escritura, antes de estar en Frases.Top he ejercido como psicólogo y logopeda especialista en terapia de lenguaje de niños. Si quieres saber más sobre mí, te invito ver mi perfil de Linkedin. También puedes ver mi libro de Frases para Triunfar en la Vida disponible en Amazon.

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Imágenes, de Cara graciosa, fotos e imágenes de stock de Cara graciosa

Descubra millones de imágenes de alta resolución de Cara graciosa y visuales de stock para uso comercial.

Elegante joven empresario sosteniendo la tarjeta con la cara divertida mientras está sentado en la estantería en la oficina

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Vista de cerca de la pelota de baloncesto con cara divertida en la caja de palomitas de maíz y mesa desordenada después de la fiesta

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Joven mujer de negocios musulmana haciendo muecas mientras toma selfie

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Primer plano de la mujer adulta con expresión de la cara divertida y libros en la cabeza

Vista de cerca de la pelota de baloncesto con cara divertida en la caja de palomitas de maíz y mesa desordenada después de la fiesta

Elegante joven empresario sosteniendo la tarjeta con la cara divertida mientras está sentado en la estantería en la oficina

Elegante joven empresario sosteniendo la tarjeta con la cara divertida mientras está sentado en la estantería en la oficina

Vista de cerca de la taza de café desechable rojo con cara divertida hecha de galletas y pequeño monopatín aislado en blanco

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Vista de cerca de la taza de café desechable rojo con cara divertida y sabrosas letras de galletas aisladas en blanco

Agresivo hombre de negocios con expresión de cara divertida apuntando con el dedo a la cámara

Payaso mujer feliz en traje sosteniendo globos y mostrando ok signo aislado en blanco

Vista superior de cerca de las píldoras médicas blancas con caras divertidas en rojo

Vista superior del plato con animales de lujo hechos de comida para niños desayuno cerca de cubiertos sobre fondo blanco

Chicas con expresiones faciales graves ajustando gafas de sol aisladas en naranja

Familia divertida joven aislado en blanco

Hombre alegre sosteniendo pin cerca de la nariz de compañero de trabajo durmiendo en la oficina moderna

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Niñas preadolescentes en vestido y chaqueta de lluvia ajustando gafas de sol aisladas en naranja, pancarta

Vista de cerca de la taza de café desechable rojo con cara divertida hecha de galletas

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Vista superior de platos con animales de lujo hechos de comida cerca de frutas sobre fondo púrpura

Payaso en traje y boina negra mirando globos de helio aislados en blanco

Imagen recortada del niño preescolar sosteniendo helado en una mano aislada en rosa

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Vista superior de la placa con animales de lujo hechos de comida sobre fondo azul y amarillo, plano panorámico

Payaso sonriente con cabello rubio sosteniendo billetes de dólar aislados en blanco

Vista superior de platos con animales de lujo hechos de comida para niños desayuno sobre fondo azul, amarillo y rosa con tenedores y cuchillos

Mujer con la mano en la cadera y el lápiz entre la nariz y los labios mirando a la cámara en gris, bandera

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Divertida mujer rubia posando con limones en los ojos aislados en blanco, plano panorámico

Mujer con lápiz entre la nariz y los labios apuntando hacia arriba con el dedo en gris

Vista superior del plato con vaca de lujo hecha de comida para niños desayuno cerca de cubiertos sobre fondo naranja

Vista superior de la placa con animales de lujo hechos de alimentos sobre fondo azul, amarillo y rosa

Payaso sonriente en boina negra y traje aislado en blanco

Platos con animales de lujo y cohete hecho de alimentos para niños desayuno sobre fondo blanco

Cápsulas médicas blancas y amarillas con caras graciosas abrazándose en rojo

Conejos decorativos y huevo amarillo con expresión facial irritada en concepto rosa, pascua

Mujer rizada con divertida mueca envolviéndose en una manta gris y mirando a la cámara

Petersburgers photographed graceful tundra swans on vacation in the Primorsky district

Birds of the Red Book made a stop on the way to Naryan-Mar, where they will create offspring.

Anton Kubyshkin / “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia”

More than a hundred tundra swans were spotted on April 30 in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. This was reported in the Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia group of the VKontakte social network. As eyewitnesses wrote, the birds stopped to rest.

“Then they will fly to Naryan-Mar, where they will nest and create offspring”, — they shared.

Anton Kubyshkin / “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia” group Anton Kubyshkin / “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia”

This species of swans is listed in the Red Book. In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Finland, birds traditionally stop to rest and replenish their fat reserves.

“Oh yes! I also watched them yesterday [April 30]. So many of them, so beautiful”;

“How graceful and very beautiful they are!” – Petersburgers wrote in the comments.

Anton Kubyshkin / vk. com “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia” Anton Kubyshkin / “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia” Anton Kubyshkin / “Birds of St. Petersburg and Russia” games of two grebes in Kronstadt.

Nadezhda Lutsenko

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Center for Rhythmic Gymnastics Graciosa on Rostovskaya Street – reviews, photos, prices, telephone and address – Courses – Ufa

+7 (961) 355-25-. ..
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Opens tomorrow at 11:00

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Graciosa Rhythmic Gymnastics Center (ranking on –
2.3) offers
bring more energy and movement into your life!
and physical activity in general
make the body more toned
and the heart is more enduring, the reaction is fast,
and the psyche is more stable.
During them, all movements are honed.
through frequent repetition.
In total
with a winning attitude
It helps
win in competitions
and just get over yourself.

You can get more detailed information
by phone 79613552531.

Rhythmic Gymnastics Center
is located at Republic of Bashkortostan, Rostovskaya, 18 lit D. Work schedule: Mon-Sat: 11:00 – 20:00.


+7 (961) 355-25-…
– show

+7 (964) 957-87-. ..
– show

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Opening hours

Mon-Sat: 11:00-20:00

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Specialists of the Graciosa Center for Rhythmic Gymnastics on Rostovskaya Street

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about the Graciosa Center for Rhythmic Gymnastics

  • 📍 How can I find Graciosa Rhythmic Gymnastics Center?

    This institution is located at the address Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Rostovskaya, 18 lit D.

  • ☎️ Is the phone number of Graciosa Rhythmic Gymnastics Center available?

    You may call
    by phone number +7 (961) 355-25-31.

  • 🕖 What is the schedule of the Graciosa Rhythmic Gymnastics Center?

    Visitors are being accepted
    according to the following schedule: Mon-Sat: 11:00 – 20:00.

  • ⭐ What is the average rating of this place

Las arenas tenerife: Playa de Las Arenas beach (Buenavista del Norte, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) on the map with photos and reviews🏖️

Опубликовано: May 3, 2023 в 12:42 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Playa de las Arenas / Tenerife / Canary Islands // World Beach Guide

Buenavista del Norte
Canary Islands

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Beaches nearby

  • las Mujeres (0.3 mi)
  • Playa el Fraile (0.6 mi)
  • Playa de los Barqueros (0.7 mi)
  • Playa Charco de la Araña (3.4 mi)
  • Playa de Aguadulce (3.8 mi)
  • Playa del Gomero (4.1 mi)
  • Charco Las damas (4.5 mi)
  • Charco El Romantico (4.5 mi)
  • Charco El Cumplido (4.6 mi)
  • Malpi (5.7 mi)


Nearest town/city

Buenavista del Norte

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More Canary Islands beaches in Spain

  • El Bollullo Beach
  • Las Teresitas
  • El Papagayo Beach

Playa de las Arenas Weather Info

Current weather (Fri Feb 3rd 13:00)

(Clear sky)
18°C / 64°F

Sea temperature

20. 3°C

Wind NE
7 mph / 12 km/h
Rain 0.0mm
Sunrise 08:56
Sunset 19:45
Current Playa de las Arenas weather

Hourly forecast


Clear sky

18°C / 64°F

7 mph
12 km/h


Clear sky

19°C / 66°F

6 mph
10 km/h


Clear sky

17°C / 63°F

5 mph
8 km/h


Clear sky

16°C / 61°F

13 mph
21 km/h

Week weather forecast

Fri 03rd

20°C / 68°F

8 mph
13 km/h

Sat 04th

18°C / 64°F

14 mph
22 km/h

Sun 05th

17°C / 63°F

11 mph
17 km/h

Mon 06th

17°C / 63°F

6 mph
10 km/h

Tue 07th

17°C / 63°F

6 mph
10 km/h

Wed 08th

19°C / 66°F

5 mph
8 km/h

Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK

5 Day Playa de las Arenas UV Index

A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.

Temperature Averages

Average Water Temp

  • Fri 03/02 »

    Surf report for Fri 03/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    6:00 4ft 9s 11mph
    9:00 3ft 9s 9mph
    12:00 3ft 10s 9mph
    15:00 3ft 9s 9mph
    18:00 3ft 9s 10mph
    21:00 3ft 9s 12mph
    Tide times
    High 12:05am (2. 08m)
    Low 6:17am (0.77m)
    High 12:28pm (1.98m)
    Low 6:21pm (0.78m)
    First light 07:29
    Sunrise 07:53
    Sunset 18:48
    Dark 19:12
  • Sat 04/02 »

    Surf report for Sat 04/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 3ft 9s 14mph
    6:00 3ft 9s 15mph
    9:00 3ft 8s 14mph
    12:00 3ft 9s 13mph
    15:00 3ft 9s 13mph
    18:00 3ft 9s 15mph
    21:00 3ft 10s 13mph
    Tide times
    High 12:40am (2. 19m)
    Low 6:52am (0.67m)
    High 1:01pm (2.06m)
    Low 6:55pm (0.69m)
    First light 07:28
    Sunrise 07:53
    Sunset 18:49
    Dark 19:13
  • Sun 05/02 »

    Surf report for Sun 05/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 2ft 9s 14mph
    6:00 3ft 8s 15mph
    9:00 3ft 6s 15mph
    12:00 3ft 7s 12mph
    15:00 3ft 7s 12mph
    18:00 4ft 7s 14mph
    21:00 3ft 7s 15mph
    Tide times
    High 1:11am (2. 27m)
    Low 7:24am (0.60m)
    High 1:31pm (2.13m)
    Low 7:27pm (0.62m)
    First light 07:28
    Sunrise 07:52
    Sunset 18:50
    Dark 19:14
  • Mon 06/02 »

    Surf report for Mon 06/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 3ft 10s 14mph
    6:00 3ft 11s 13mph
    9:00 3ft 11s 12mph
    12:00 3ft 11s 11mph
    15:00 3ft 11s 12mph
    18:00 3ft 11s 13mph
    21:00 4ft 11s 15mph
    Tide times
    High 1:41am (2. 34m)
    Low 7:54am (0.54m)
    High 1:59pm (2.18m)
    Low 7:57pm (0.57m)
    First light 07:27
    Sunrise 07:52
    Sunset 18:50
    Dark 19:15
  • Tue 07/02 »

    Surf report for Tue 07/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 4ft 10s 14mph
    6:00 4ft 10s 14mph
    9:00 4ft 11s 12mph
    12:00 4ft 12s 12mph
    15:00 5ft 12s 13mph
    18:00 5ft 11s 13mph
    21:00 5ft 15s 12mph
    Tide times
    High 2:10am (2. 38m)
    Low 8:23am (0.52m)
    High 2:27pm (2.21m)
    Low 8:27pm (0.55m)
    First light 07:27
    Sunrise 07:51
    Sunset 18:51
    Dark 19:15
  • Wed 08/02 »

    Surf report for Wed 08/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 5ft 16s 6mph
    6:00 5ft 15s 6mph
    9:00 5ft 15s 7mph
    12:00 5ft 14s 5mph
    15:00 5ft 14s 5mph
    18:00 5ft 14s 6mph
    21:00 0ft 0s 6mph
    Tide times
    High 2:39am (2. 38m)
    Low 8:53am (0.52m)
    High 2:55pm (2.21m)
    Low 8:57pm (0.56m)
    First light 07:26
    Sunrise 07:50
    Sunset 18:52
    Dark 19:16
  • Thu 09/02 »

    Surf report for Thu 09/02
      Swell Period Swell direction Wind direction Wind speed
      Swell Wind
    3:00 5ft 13s 4mph
    6:00 4ft 13s 5mph
    9:00 4ft 13s 4mph
    12:00 4ft 13s 6mph
    15:00 4ft 12s 7mph
    18:00 4ft 12s 7mph
    21:00 4ft 12s 9mph
    Tide times
    High 3:08am (2. 36m)
    Low 9:22am (0.55m)
    High 3:24pm (2.18m)
    Low 9:27pm (0.60m)
    First light 07:25
    Sunrise 07:50
    Sunset 18:53
    Dark 19:17

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Playa Las Arenas – Tenerife Playas


La Playa Las Arenas, es una playa ubicada en el municipio de Buenavista del Norte.

Playa Las Arenas


La playa es de unas dimensiones considerables ya que tiene unos 330 metros de longitud, pero que hay que tener en cuenta que buena parte de la playa es de callados y piedras.

La mejor zona para asentarse en la playa es la parte izquierda (mirando al mar), que suele tener arena negra y callados en la parte de arriba, con una longitud de unos 90 metros.

En la parte central de la playa se entremezclan las piedras salientes del suelo con la arena, y ya la parte de la derecha es menos favorable para el baño por contar con piedras de mayor tamaño.

En la playa suele haber un socorrista, pero no hay puesto de vigilancia fijo.

La playa dispone de un chiringuito donde podrás comprar alguna bebida, helados y quizás algo de comer.

La Playa Las Arenas, tiene una amplia zona de aparcamiento y rampas adaptadas para personas que empleen sillas de ruedas.

Junto a la playa se encuentra la piscina municipal de Buenavista y el campo de golf “Buenavista Golf”.

Para ver el tiempo de la zona, tienes disponibles varias webcams. La “Webcam Costa Norte desde Santa Úrsula” te dará una buena idea de cómo está el tiempo en la costa norte.

Haz clic en el siguiente enlace y localízala:

Datos principales:

Nombre: Playa Las Arenas.
Ubicación: T.M. Buenavista del Norte.
Coordenadas UTM: X: 316.683,93 Y: 3.139.780,89
Latitud, Longitud: 28,37151855 N, -16,87070847 O
Tipo de playa: Playa de callados, zonas de arena negra y parte de piedras.
Dimensiones aprox.: 330m (largo) x 20m (ancho)
Grado ocupación: Medio en los meses de verano, medio-bajo el resto del año.
Equipamiento: Socorrista, chiringuito, amplias zonas de aparcamiento.



¿Cómo llegar a la Playa Las Arenas?

Desde la ciudad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, hay que dirigirse hacia la autopista Norte o TF-5 dirección norte.

Continuar por la TF-5 sin desviarte hasta que termina la autopista.

Continuar sentido a Los Realejos/Icod/Garachico, siempre por la TF-5.

Una vez termine la carretera TF-5, pasarás a la TF-42, siempre en dirección a Garachico/Buenavista del Norte.

Una vez pases el pueblo de Buenavista, continúa por la carretera TF-445 hacia el campo de Golf y piscina municipal.

Llegarás a una rotonda donde tendrás que coger la primera salida a la derecha y que verás que baja hacia el mar. (A la altura del restaurante Burga2).

Continuar por esa carretera hasta llegar a otra rotonda, donde cogerás la segunda salida, dirección Camino El Rincón.

Un poco más adelante, girar a la derecha hasta la playa Las Arenas.



¿Quieres descubrir más sitios increíbles de Tenerife? ¿Cansado de ir siempre a las mismas playas? Consigue las guías electrónicas de Tenerife Playas en el siguiente enlace y déjate llevar 🙂

history, photo, how to get there, address
on the map and opening hours in 2023

Shugaeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Stakhova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Makhneva Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Queen Anne
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeyskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

call me back

Tuzova Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Gakova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

call me back

Alisa Shipova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Fortova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Anna Polivanovskaya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

call me back

Akinyaeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Lukmanova Renata
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Southwestern, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Pozner Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station, 1001 tour

call me back

Kovalev Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Sergeev Evgeny
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Makarova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Mikhail Tkach
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Strelnikova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Petrikova Valeria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Sergeeva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour

call me back

Byvalova Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Goluzina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Kazakova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Nikulina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Belyaeva Xenia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kichigina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Danilina Valentina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Gareva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Academic, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Pitsun Zhanna
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Samarina Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001


New Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Zmerzlyuk Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Taktashova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Olkhovsky Dmitry
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Ramenki, 1001 tour

call me back

Daricheva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Kovalev Vadim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Kareva Olesya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station, 1001 tour

call me back

Tavrina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

call me back

Osipova Inessa
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Pavlenko Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Utalova Nadezhda
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Rogova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Malkovich Regina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Metelskaya Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Guryeva Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Kirillov Dmitry
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Potapova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Zubkova Ruslana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Youth, 1001 tour

call me back

Gorelikova Victoria
+7 (495) 725 1001


New Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Evgenia Guseva
+7 (495) 725 1001


Belyaevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Shevtsova Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Lyzina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kolomenskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Ivanova Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

call me back

Chekalova Larisa
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Nakonechny Anton
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Porokhina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tours

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Maslov Alexander
+7 (495) 725 1001


Novogireevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Pogoniy Christina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krylatskoe, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Samodarovskaya Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Timofeeva Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Moskvina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Sarvarova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Margaryan Shushan
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Dmitrova Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Chetvergova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Southwestern, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Yurieva Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Yulia Vasneva
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Taran Alena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Queen Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Sokolniki, 1001 tour

call me back

Chaban Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Menyailova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001


New Cheryomushki, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Maya Skoropisova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Lisina Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Water stadium, 1001 tour

call me back

Volkova Victoria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Kalinin Nikita
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Vlasova Angelica
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Atmakhova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Karpunina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Arkhipova Elizaveta
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Shepeleva Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Vaimer Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Faraheeva Lilia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Youth, 1001 tour

call me back

Savateeva Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Eskina Alla
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Bazyleva Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Skobelevskaya street, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Kutepova Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeyskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

call me back

Anna Karpova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Kochetkova Valeriya
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Otradnoe, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Petukhova Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Zakharchenko Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Buglak Ivan
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Anna Kulinich
+7 (495) 725 1001


Tula, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Kinkovich Tatiana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Salaryevo, 1001 tour

call me back

Grebneva Alexandra
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Stefanovskaya Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Sorokin Anatoly
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Malysheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kalinina Margarita
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Laskov Maxim
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

call me back

Ilinykh Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Medvedkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Derbina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Lavrenyuk Anzhelika
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Belousova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Domodedovo, 1001 tour

call me back

Starinskaya Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Tabagua Diana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

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Evgeniya Reshnikova
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tverskaya, 1001 tour

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Azarevich Maria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

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Yaremenko Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001



call me back

Antokhina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tours

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Goncharova Lilia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

VDNH, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Pavlikova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Vakhramova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Gundyreva Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovo, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Rodzik Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

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Evgeny Pismenov
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

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Poghosyan Ani
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Altufyevo Spring, 1001 tour

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Julia Saprykina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

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Antonova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

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Ivanova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

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Khlopkova Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Babushkinskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

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Mikhailova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tulskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

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Bodaeva Ludmila
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Alekseeva Oksana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

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Mukhambetova Rauza
+7 (495) 725 1001


Novogireevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Babicheva Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Kuzminki, 1001tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

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Afanasyeva Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

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Bazarov Nikolai
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Falcon, 1001 tour

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Kosareva Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001


Belyaevo, 1001tour/Pegas

call me back

Sosedov Vasily
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Fili, 1001 tour

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Galakhova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

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Saykina Anna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Elektrozavodskaya, 1001 tour

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Mishina Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Prague, 1001 tour

call me back

Naumova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Taganskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Sorokina Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Severina Inna
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Paveletskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Tikhonova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Youth, 1001 tour

call me back

Shagerbayeva Juliet
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tyoply Stan, 1001 tour

call me back

Karpukhina Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

call me back

Maksimov Pavel
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Schukinskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Keshishyan Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Vykhino, 1001 tour

call me back

Kuvykina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Garshina Alena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

call me back

Barkova Natalia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Novoslobodskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Larionova Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kantemirovskaya, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Tsoljak Natella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Vorik Ilona
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

River Station U River, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Julia Saprykina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Krasnogvardeyskaya Vegas, 1001 tour

call me back

Gaboeva Bella
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Belarusian, 1001 tour

call me back

Luzhkova Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv, 1001 tour

call me back

Coal Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuznetsky most, 1001 tour

call me back

Petrova Galina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Falcon, 1001 tour

call me back

Naumova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Maryino, 1001 tour

call me back

Rogova Svetlana
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Glider, 1001 tour

call me back

Slobozhaninova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kyiv European, 1001 tour

call me back

Pleshko Marina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Zhulebino, 1001 tour/Fun&Sun (ex. TUI)

call me back

Satosova Daria
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Gurzhapova Leila
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Bratislava, 1001 tour

call me back

Brilenkova Ksenia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Polezhaevskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Korolyov Artyom
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Tula, 1001 tour

call me back

Popescu Daniela
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

1905 street, 1001 tour

call me back

Shelyagina Irina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Voykovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Oksana Sukacheva
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Alekseevskaya, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Evdokimova Ekaterina
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tours

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Parus, 1001 tours/Pegas

call me back

Ovsyannikova Julia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Shchelkovskaya, 1001 tour

call me back

Kupreeva Olga
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Vykhino, 1001 tour

call me back

Bekisheva Anastasia
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Mitino, 1001 tour

call me back

Kulagina Elena
+7 (495) 725 1001

1001 tour

Kuzminki, 1001 tour/Pegas

call me back

Arenas del Mar 4* (Spain/Canary Islands/Canary Islands Tenerife).

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    Hotel Features

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    Conditions for children
    Beach characteristics

    Recovery and treatment

    Service and services
    Accommodation Features
    Check-in at the hotel


    This design hotel is located right next to Jaquita Beach

    Number of rooms:
    155 rooms

    Room types:
    – Promo number – Vista Montana. 5 units for 2 people. All with separate bed.
    – Junior Suite – mountain and sea view 125 units with a capacity of 3 people, equipped with a double bed and a sofa bed or rollaway beds, 4 units for the disabled.
    – MasterSuite – mountains and sea view20. units with a capacity of 5 people, equipped with double beds and an extra bed or sofa bed, 12 with sea view Jacuzzi 8 pcs.

    more information about the hotel


    Newly added photos of tourists


    Photos of the hotelier


    Hotel video

    Hotel 17

    Numbers 27

    View from room 6

    Restaurants and bars 65

    Entertainment and sports 7

    Animation 3

    For children 8

    Hotel grounds 40

    Near the hotel 7

    Beach 36

    Hotel logo 2

    Other 141

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    Nice hotel

    I was in Tenerife for the first time. I liked the hotel in general. Pe…

    Rest: August 2014




    About the hotel and holidays in Tenerife in November 2013

    I want to write a couple of lines about my holiday in Tenerife in November 2013…

    Rest: November 2013




    The main feature of the ARENAS DEL MAR hotel is that…

    The main feature of the ARENAS DEL MAR hotel is that it…

    Rest: November 2013
    1 photo

    4. 83



    Hotel for adults

    There are some inaccuracies in the description of the hotel on this site. Website from…

    Rest: July 2013
    6 photos




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    Hotel complex, Beach, 1st line from the sea

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  • Hotel gran bahia tenerife: Bahia del Duque – Luxury Hotel Tenerife

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 11:47 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Gran Hotel Bahia Del Duque Resort, Tenerife Holidays direct from Ireland

    Gran Hotel Bahia Del Duque Resort, Tenerife Holidays direct from Ireland |

    Costa Adeje


    The hotel is located in the tourist area of Costa Adeje, on the beach front of Playa del Duque beach. Playa de las Americas is only 4 km away and is easily and quickly reached with local public transport. There is a bus stop located very close to the hotel. Tenerife South airport is 22 km away and Tenerife North airport 80 km away.


    In addition to 40 villas/houses, this spacious property includes a residential complex with a lifts,made up of a 7-storey main building and several auxiliary buildings. Awaiting guests are 46 suites and 310 double rooms. Multilingual staff at the reception desk in the lobby are happy to answer any questions. Amenities include a baggage storage service, a safe and a currency exchange service. Wireless internet access in public areas allows guests to stay connected. The tour desk offers assistance with booking excursions. The complex has wheelchair-accessible facilities. A number of shops, including a supermarket and souvenir shop, are great for shopping or just browsing. The grounds of the hotel feature a playground and a lovely garden. Additional amenities include a newspaper stand, a TV room and a playroom. Guests arriving by car can park their vehicles in the garage or in the car park. Further services and facilities include a babysitting service (for a fee), a childcare service, medical assistance, a transfer service, translation services, room service (for a fee), a laundry service, a hairdresser, a coin-operated laundry and a page service. Cyclists can make use of the bicycle storage area and hire service. Complimentary newspapers are available. The business centre is on hand for guests’ business requirements and provides a fax machine. Lectures, presentations and meetings can be held in one of the 26 conference rooms.


    Rooms are equipped with air conditioning and a fan. Guests can enjoy the sea view from a balcony or terrace. Rooms have a double bed or a king-size bed. Separate bedrooms are available. Children’s beds and extra beds can be requested for younger guests. A safe, a minibar and a desk are also available. For guests’ convenience, units include a refrigerator, a mini fridge, a microwave and a tea/coffee station. An ironing set is provided for guests’ convenience. Other features include a direct dial telephone, a television with satellite/cable channels, a radio, a CD player, a DVD player and WiFi (no extra charge). Guests can take advantage of the nightly turndown service. Little extras include slippers, daily paper and pillow menu. A shower, a bathtub and a whirlpool bath are included the bathrooms. A hairdryer, a vanity mirror and bathrobes are available for daily use. For extra comfort in the bathrooms, guests are offered cosmetic products. Wheelchair-friendly rooms can be booked. The hotel has family rooms and non-smoking rooms.


    The pool area includes saltwater and freshwater pools, which are in part heated, as well as a children’s pool. Indoors and out, guests can take a rejuvenating swim or just relax poolside. Guests can treat themselves to refreshing drinks at the poolside snack bar and a relaxing soak in the hot tub. A short break or an entire afternoon on the sun terrace, which features sun loungers and parasols, is time well spent. A variety of activities such as cycling/mountain biking, tennis, bocce, beach volleyball, volleyball, crazy golf, golf, paddle tennis and archery or, for a fee, a putting green, are offered at the complex. With windsurfing, canoeing, sailing, snorkelling, diving and aquafit available, fans of water sports will have plenty to choose from. Water skiing, jet skiing, banana boat rides and catamaraning are organised by third-party operators. Guests can enjoy a wide range of indoor sports, including a gym, table tennis, billiards, darts, squash, yoga, callisthenics and aerobics. There is a wellness area with a spa, a sauna, a steam bath, a hammam, a beauty salon, thalassotherapy treatments and a solarium. Subject to charge: massage treatments. Guests of all ages have the opportunity to enjoy a fun entertainment programme.


    Dining facilities include a dining room, a breakfast room, a café, a bar and a pub. Guests can dine in 8 restaurants, which feature high chairs for children and air conditioning. Catering options include bed and breakfast and half board. A continental breakfast buffet guarantees a great start to the day. At lunch, guests can choose between à la carte and a set menu. Dinner options include a buffet, à la carte and a set menu. Diet meals, gluten-free meals and vegetarian dishes can be prepared on request. The complex also offers special catering options.


    Bahia Principe Sunlight

    Baobab Suites

    GF Fanabé Hotel

    GF Gran Costa Adeje Hotel

    GF Isabel Hotel

    GF Victoria Hotel

    Gran Hotel Bahia Del Duque Resort

    Gran Tacande Wellness & Relax

    h20 Costa Adeje Palace

    h20 Gran Tinerfe

    Hotel Chatur Playa Real Resort

    Iberostar Bouganville Playa

    Iberostar Grand Salome

    Iberostar Las Dalias

    Iberostar Selection Sabila

    Laguna Park I Apartments

    Laguna Park II Apartments

    Los Olivos Beach Resort Hotel

    OLE Tropical Tenerife Iberostar

    Playa Olid Suites & Apts

    Royal Garden Villas Hotel

    Royal Hideaway Corales Beach – Adults Only

    Royal Hideaway Corales Suites

    Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa

    Tagoro Family and Fun Hotel

    Vincci Seleccion La Plantacion del Sur Hotel

    Costa Adeje

    Golf del Sur

    Los Cristianos

    Playa de las Americas

    Puerto de la Cruz

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    Gran Hotel Bahia del Duque, Tenerife

    The Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque Resort & Spa Tenerife is a luxury residential complex that takes its inspiration from Canary Island culture and reflects colonial style influences in its architecture and the use of typical dress as the uniform for the staff.
    It is located on the Island of Tenerife, in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, well-known for its amazing volcanic nature and its exceptional spring-like weather. An extraordinary oasis of brilliant landscapes surrounded by crystal-clear waters full of marine life.
    The Hotel, which offers free wifi, was fully refurbished between 2008 and 2009, coinciding with the opening of its exclusive 40 Villas and its extraordinary Spa-Thalasso.

    Locaton: The Gran Hotel Bahia del Duque Resort is located in the South of the Island of Tenerife, 15 minutes from the Reina Sofia Tenerife South airport and 60 minutes from Tenerife North Airport.

    Facilities & Activities:
    This genuine holiday resort will surprise you with its spectacular beach and a professional entertainment team that will keep you informed of all the activities you may want.
    The Hotel facilities include a reading lounge with the Spanish and international press, Bridge and Pool Lounge, a Squash court, two tennis courts, two paddle tennis courts, Botanical Walk, Beach Volleyball, Table Tennis, Giant Chess, Gym (Aqua Gym, Spinning, Aerobics, and personal trainer), Mountain Biking, pitch and putt and an astronomic observatory. The Bahía del Duque also offers a variety of water sports and activities, including Diving, Windsurfing, Stand up paddle, Parasailing, Sailing, Sports Fishing and excursions on the luxury yacht Pámpano.

    Rooms & Suites: 
    The Resorts unique architecture creates numerous very personally designed spaces and rooms. The 351 rooms of the Bahia, of which 52 are Suites, are surrounded by exuberant gardens, which in its setting form an own kind of balcony, over viewing the magnificent Playa del Duque Beach.
    Even more exclusive are the Casas Ducales, where you can count on an independent reception, extra services such as Butler and Concierge Service or private patios or sun terraces.  To complete the variety of accommodation, the spectacular Villas invite to experience a new concept of luxury combined with the latest technology. All designed by prestigious interior designer Pascua Ortega. “Las Villas” offer pure comfort next to none.

    The Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque Resort invites you to enjoy a journey of the senses, in which our chefs put their personal stamp on the most select menus. The Resort offers an extraordinary variety in its 8 restaurants, where you can taste exquisite dishes of international, Italian, Oriental and of course, Canary Island cuisine, represented excellently in our Las Aguas restaurant.

    Here you get the best rates for the Bahia Del Duque

    Hotel Ratings: *****
    Hotel Website
    Hotel Address: Avenida Bruselas, Tenerife, 38660 Adeje, Spain

    Our Oppinion:
    The Bahia Del Duque is for sure one of the best resorts in the Canary Island. Great service, great food and a good location makes this resort for a perfect holiday escape.
    We like it

    Hotel Location:

     Here you get the best rates for the Bahia Del Duque

    Spread the love

    Hotel Bahia Principe Sunlight Tenerife 4*, Adeje (Spain): Prices, Reviews, Book online

    Book now!


    Respectable hotel with a large beautiful territory, terraces descending to the ocean. High level of service. The remoteness from the bustle of the resort center and the AI ​​food system allow us to recommend the hotel for a relaxing and comfortable stay.

    Costa Adeje opened in 2001, Tenerife in 2003

    Located: 30 km from Tenerife South Airport, 12 km from Playa de las Americas beach, in the province of Costa Adeje, in a picturesque rocky coastal area . There are golf courses within 2 km from the hotel.

    Part of the BAHIA PRINCIPE hotel group.

    The hotel complex combines two hotels: Bahia Principe Tenerife (three 4-storey buildings) and Bahia Principe Costa Adeje (seven 5-storey buildings). The complex offers a wonderful view of the ocean and the island of La Gomera.

    There are 700 rooms in the complex. There are 6 rooms for people with disabilities.

    Beach: public sandy (small, the entrance to the sea is rocky, there are no sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach) 500 m from the hotel (2nd coastline). Bus to the beach: free of charge (to Las Americas beach, once a day). Buses 472, 473 (run once an hour) take you to the beaches of Las Americas in 15 minutes. By the pool umbrellas, sun loungers: free of charge. Towels by the pool: for a fee (deposit). Beach length 50 m.

    Credit cards accepted: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club.

    Pets are not allowed.

    Special Benefits for Honeymooners HONEYMOON PACKAGE

    ► Complimentary Room Upgrade (subject to hotel availability, upon request),

    ► Bottle of sparkling wine and fruit in the room upon arrival,

    ► Valid for 6- ty months from the date of marriage to the date of arrival for a stay of at least 5 nights,

    ► Honeymoon status must be specified at the time of booking, marriage certificate must be presented at check-in at the hotel Principe Costa Adeje)

  • poolside restaurant El Puertito (snacks, burgers, drinks until 24:00), after 24:00 soft drinks in the snack bar Pueblo Principe
  • 3 dinners per week in one of the a la carte restaurants (preliminary book a table)
  • refreshments, beer, local drinks in the lobby bar
  • some Bahia Principe Tenerife services (surcharge in bars)
  • in the pool bar refreshments, ice cream, beer
  • minibar in the room
  • Tenerife:
    • breakfast, lunch and dinner in the main restaurant Teide (only for Bahia Principe Tenerife customers)
    • poolside restaurant El Puertito (snacks, burgers, drinks until 23:00), soft drinks after 24:00 at Pueblo snack bar Principe
    • 3 dinners per week in one of the a la carte restaurants (pre-book a table)
    • refreshments, beer, national drinks in the lobby bar
    • some Bahia Principe Costa Adeje services (extra charge in bars)
    • mini-bar in room

    On site: hairdresser (extra charge), disco (extra charge), currency exchange, restaurants: 2 (buffet, 1 in Costa Adeje – Mirador, 1 in Tenerife – Teide), beauty salon, terrace ( for sunbathing), a la carte restaurants: 5 (3 in Costa Adeje: Vista Mar – Canarian cuisine, Casa Bonita – Spanish cuisine, Portofino – Italian cuisine. 2 in Tenerife: Dona Lupita – Mexican cuisine, Asia – Japanese, Thai, Chinese kitchen.), bars: 5 (in the lobby, 2 sports bars, by the pool, Pueblo Principe snack bar), conference rooms: 8 (max 240 people), doctor’s office (for a fee, 24 hours), car rental, Internet for a fee (in the lobby), shops, outdoor pools: 4 (3 in Costa Adeje, one of them x – infinity, 1 pool in Tenerife)

    Entertainment: jacuzzi for a fee (in the VIP-hall of the SPA center, in the pool – free of charge), mini-golf for free, petanque for free, live music for free (in the evenings), gym for free, spa center for a fee, sauna for a fee , animation for free (daytime and evening animation and entertainment programs), squash for free, table tennis for free, shooting range for free, billiards for a fee, karaoke, massage for a fee, diving lessons for free (introductory lesson in the pool 20 minutes), tennis court for free (1 hour per day for one person), aerobics for free, slot machines for a fee, sports field for free, wine list and imported branded spirits (for a fee), spa center (in Costa Adeje)

    For children: children’s menu in the restaurant, animation program for children, children’s disco, games room, children’s pools: 2 (1 in Costa Adeje; 1 in Tenerife), kids club (4-12 years old), playground , babysitting: on request, for a fee (up to 12 years), baby cot: on request, free of charge

    From the hotel to the nearest airport 30 km.

    Payment and accommodation conditions

    • Wi-Fi is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.
    • Private parking is available on site (reservation is not possible) and costs EUR 7 per day.
    • Children of all ages are welcome.
      Children up to and including 12 years old can stay free of charge in an existing bed.
      Baby cots are not available.
      No extra beds available.
    • Pets are not allowed.
    • Accepted payments: American Express, Visa, Euro/Mastercard, Diners Club, No prepayment
    • Check-in time: 15:00. Check-out time: 12:00.

    2 guests

    Adults −2+

    Children under 17 years old−0+






    at the best prices

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    Why choose this hotel

    • 8.7 – an excellent rating, the gold standard of value for money. For a flawless stay, there are options with an even higher rating ▶.
    • Hotel right next to the beach! 2 minutes and you are at sea!
    • This hotel has Wi-Fi!
    • This hotel has a swimming pool!
    • The cost of living depends on the date of arrival and departure, as well as on the guests. Please enter dates first

    Excursions in Adeje

    330 EUR Group

    330 EUR Group

    715 EUR Group

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    Hotel Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque (Tenerife, Spain) 5* – tours to the hotel Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque: Price, reviews, photos of the hotel

    Search for tours to the hotel Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque, 5

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    Updates about COVID-19

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    Distance 1. 5-2 m

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    COVID vaccination certificate


    Screening T °


    on vacation

    Sanitary norms

    Distance 1.5-2 m

    Screening T °

    Upon vaccination certificate or

    PCR Test,

    Express. antigen test,


    Description of the hotel Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque, 5

    Tenerife, Spain

    The 5* Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque is located on the oceanfront, in one of the southern provinces of Tenerife, in the Costa Beach area Adeje, 12 km from the south airport and 95 km from the northern airport. The hotel has comfortable rooms with all amenities. К

    Information about hotel services taken from the official website of the hotel and from the websites of tour operators. The company Poehali with us is not responsible for the complete accuracy of the information provided and the changes that the hotel may introduce.

    • Reviews (1)
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    Reviews of Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque 5

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    Manager “Come with us” Igor May 10, 2013 st. Popudrenko, 52, of. 203g

    Hotel for tourists who love comfort, impeccable service, green area. Rooms in colonial Spanish style. The territory is large, green, even when the hotel is full, everyone is very comfortable and cozy on the territory of the hotel. The beach is right in front of the hotel. Meals buffet or a la carte restaurants. The buffet is very diverse: jamon, 5-7 types of Spanish sausage, 10 types of cheese (traditional goat cheese, with white and green mold), grilled meat and fish, a huge number of salads and just vegetables, chic gazpacho for lunch. The kitchen will satisfy even the most demanding guests. In the evening there are shows and entertainment programs. On the territory there are also VIP villas for those who want privacy and complete peace. I recommend this hotel to everyone.


    FAQ Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque 5

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    Video Grand Hotel Bahia Del Duque 5

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    Resorts gran canaria: The 10 Best Resorts in Gran Canaria, Spain

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 10:10 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts – Gran Canaria

    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts – Gran Canaria – Hotel WebSite

    1. Hotels & Resorts

    2. Playa del Inglés

    3. Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

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    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts | Playa del Inglés | Spain

    Avenida Sargentos Provisionales,14, 35100 Playa del Ingles, Spain

    ➤ Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts | Gran Canaria

    Located in Playa del Ingles and with Playa del Ingles reachable within a 7-minute walk, Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts provides a tour desk, allergy-free rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, free WiFi throughout the property and a garden. Each room at the 5-star resort has garden views, and guests can enjoy access to a sun terrace. Private parking can be arranged at an extra charge.
    At the resort all rooms are equipped with air conditioning, a seating area, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a kitchen, a dining area and a private bathroom with a hairdryer, a shower and free toiletries. All rooms have a coffee machine, while certain rooms will provide you with a patio and others also provide guests with pool views. All guest rooms will provide guests with a desk and an electric tea pot.
    Popular points of interest near Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts include Playa del Cochino, Playa de Veril and Yumbo Centrum. The nearest airport is Gran Canaria, 20 miles from the accommodation, and the property offers a paid airport shuttle service.

    See photos for Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    Review score

    Based on 180 reviews




    Value for money


    Free WiFi

    Room choices in Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    One Bedroom Villa

    Two-Bedroom Villa

    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts Services



    Outdoors Outdoor furniture, Sun deck, Garden
    Pets Pets are not allowed.
    Activities Golf course (within 2 miles)
    Additional charge
    Internet Free!
    WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.
    Parking Private parking is available on site (reservation is needed) and costs EUR 10 per day., Street parking, Secure parking
    Pool and Spa Swimming pool, Full-body massage, Neck massage, Back massage, Pedicure, Manicure, Makeup services, Waxing services, Facial treatments, Beauty services, Beach umbrellas, Beach chairs/Loungers, Shallow end, Pool/Beach towels, Heated pool, Outdoor pool (year-round), Outdoor pool, Massage
    Additional charge
    Transportation Airport drop-off
    Additional charge, Airport pickup
    Additional charge
    Front Desk Services Private check-in/out, Baggage storage, Tour desk, Currency exchange
    Entertainment Family Services Strollers, Kids’ TV channels, Babysitting/Child services
    Additional charge
    Cleaning Services Daily housekeeping, Ironing service
    Additional charge, Dry cleaning
    Additional charge, Laundry
    Additional charge
    Business Facilities Fax/Photocopying
    Additional charge
    Safety Security Fire extinguishers, CCTV in common areas, Safe
    General Shuttle service, Airport shuttle (additional charge), Shuttle service (additional charge), Designated smoking area, Air conditioning, Car rental, Soundproof rooms, Facilities for disabled guests
    Languages Spoken German, English, Spanish, Italian
    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts Terms and Conditions
    Check-in 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
    Check-out 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodations type.
    Please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room.
    Refundable damage deposit A EUR150 damage deposit is required on arrival (around USD163.73).
    This deposit will be fully refunded 7 days after check-out, as long as there isn’t any damage to the property.
    Children Beds Children of all ages are welcome.
    Age restriction The minimum age for check-in is 18
    Pets Pets are not allowed.
    Cards accepted at this property Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

    To consider

    Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

    A damage deposit of EUR 150 is required on arrival. That’s about 163.73USD. You should be reimbursed within 7 days of check-out.

    Frequently asked questions about Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    How do I get the best price guarantee for Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    Best price guarantee on our site. Book here and avoid any surprises at your arrival to Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts. If you find a better rate on pages like, Expedia or, contact us through our page’s “Contact” tab and we’ll improve the rate by up to 10%.

    Is WiFi available at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.

    Is there free parking available at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    Private parking is available on site (reservation is needed) and costs EUR 10 per day., Street parking, Secure parking

    What are the outdoor activities at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    Outdoor furniture, Sun deck, Garden

    What are the general services offered at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    Shuttle service, Airport shuttle (additional charge), Shuttle service (additional charge), Designated smoking area, Air conditioning, Car rental, Soundproof rooms, Facilities for disabled guests

    Are pets allowed at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    Pets are not allowed.

    What credit cards are accepted at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

    What is the check-in time at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    4:00 PM – 6:30 PM

    What is the check-out time at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts?

    9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

    100% real reviews of Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    If you have any questions regarding the facilities or services provided at Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts, contact our guest service department, where an agent will be more than happy to resolve any query, prior to your booking.




    Purpose of trip:
    Leisure trip

    What was the highlight of Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    Dining on pringles in Playa Del Ingles

    Location, cleanliness, welcome gift, general hospitality – all perfectly pitched and made for a wonderful stay.

    Property was perfect – could not find a fault.

    United Kingdom



    Purpose of trip:
    Leisure trip

    What was the highlight of Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    you will struggle to get better acommodation in PDI

    This acommodation is absolutley fanatastic , truly 5***** + location, 2mins to the Kasbah,10 mins walk to the Yumbo center,near the beach and the famous boardwalk. We hope to be back next year…. Thanks to Tracy who welcomed us and gave us all the info we needed and the maid was meticulous in her cleaning duties every day..




    Very good

    Purpose of trip:
    Leisure trip

    What was the highlight of Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    Excellent stay at Silvi Villas

    The accomodation has everything you need. It is spot on clean and we immediately felt at home. The living room is spacious enough and the couches are very comfortable. The kitchen has a dish washer, combi-oven, fridge, freezer, kettle, coffee machine and so on. The garden has a beautiful olive tree and 2 comfortable sun beds table and 4 chairs. Every morning, we had breakfast in the garden. The house is surrounded by fake grass which gives it a nice touch. The bathroom is very spacious and has a rainshower too with strong pressure. We loved the daily warm showers. The beds are very comfortable as well and we brought many clothing and we could stock everything in the closet and our valuable belongings in the safe. We even had a second lounge area for ourselves. The location is also very convenient, close to the supermarket and restaurants.

    We were not informed about the check-out procedure. It would have been nice to know in advance that we could store our luggage. In the end, the cleaning lady informed us (which was a challenge because she does not speak English). You can also use the toilet after check-out, this was not told to us either. Later on, we discovered that there are Spa treatments but there is no mention of it at all in the Villa. There is no reception, only via Whatsapp.

    United Kingdom



    Purpose of trip:
    Leisure trip

    What was the highlight of Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts


    Everything… Probably one of the best places I have stayed at. Its the wow factor when you arrive and it stays like that. It really is that nice.


    Nearby the Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts

    Spain / Playa del Inglés

    Nearby places of interest

    Pacha Gran Canaria

    0.1 miles

    Yumbo Centrum

    0. 5 miles

    Cita Shopping Center

    0.7 miles

    Maspalomas Golf Course

    1.1 miles

    Playa de San Agustín

    1.7 miles

    Aqualand Maspalomas

    2.4 miles

    Maspalomas Lighthouse

    2.5 miles

    Anfi Tauro Golf Course

    9. 5 miles

    Playa de Amadores

    9.6 miles

    Mogan Port

    12.4 miles

    Highlighted Places

    Campo de Golf de Bandama

    19.7 miles

    Connections & Popular Places of interest

    Playa del Ingles
    Golden sand

    1,900 feet

    Playa del Cochino
    Golden sand

    2,200 feet

    Playa de Veril
    Golden sand

    2,950 feet

    Gran Canaria Airport

    16. 4 miles

    Best price

    Best price guaranteed.

    No surprises

    Availability confirmation and instant booking.


    When making your reservation you’ll receive discounts and free services.

    – Silvi Villas by TAM Resorts –

    Disclaimer: This is not an official website. This site offers the property’s information and telephone number, as well as online Booking service.

    Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria from $53. Arguineguín Hotel Deals & Reviews

    Barranco de La Verga, Arguineguín, Gran Canaria, Spain

    +34 928 150 400




    rate per night

    9. 0


    based on 1,375 reviews

    Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    Fri 2/3

    Tue 2/7

    Provider Nightly total
    Prestigia $61
    Prestigia $135
    Orbitz $151

    59 more Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria deals from $61

    59 more Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria deals from $61

    About Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    When you stay at Radisson Blu Resort, Gran Canaria in Mogan, you’ll be on the boardwalk, within a 5-minute drive of Puerto Rico Marina and Puerto Rico Beach. Featured amenities include a business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Planning an event in Mogan? This hotel has facilities measuring 1292 square feet (120 square meters), including conference space. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite.

    Photos of Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    Property safety measures

    Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria has implemented the following measures:

    Latest deals for Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    Fri 2/3

    Tue 2/7

    Show deals with

    Free cancellation

    Free breakfast

    Superior Rooms($237 – $676)

    Superior room

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $237 totalSembo

    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown



    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $296 totalExpedia

    View Deal

    Standard Rooms($151 – $326)

    Standard room

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $151 totalOrbitz

    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $169 totalExpedia

    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $181 totalExpedia

    View Deal

    Deluxe Rooms($61)

    Deluxe room

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $61 totalPrestigia

    View Deal

    King Rooms($273 – $293)

    King room

    1 king bed

    1 king bed


    $273 totalSuperTravel

    View Deal

    1 king bed

    1 king bed


    $289 totalPrestigia

    View Deal

    1 king bed

    1 king bed


    $293 totalSuperTravel

    View Deal

    Double Rooms($135 – $386)

    Double room

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $135 totalPrestigia

    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $296 totallovevacations

    View Deal

    bed type unknown

    bed type unknown


    $311 totalZenhotels. com

    View Deal

    Amenities at Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    • Outdoor pool
    • Beachfront
    • Spa and wellness center
    • Fitness center
    • Restaurant
    • Bar/Lounge
    • Room service
    • Free Wi-Fi
    • Coffee machine
    • Valet parking

    Reviews of Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria


    WonderfulBased on 1,375 verified guest reviews





    Pros +
    Cons –

    No reviews found. Try removing a filter, changing your search, or clear all to view reviews.


    Barranco de La Verga, Arguineguín, Gran Canaria

    • Dive Academy Gran Canaria1 mi



    Check in anytime after 3:00 PM, check out anytime before 12:00 PM


    Cancellation/prepayment policies vary by room type and provider.

    FAQs when booking at Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria

    • Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria is extending its cancellation policy for all reservations booked with a check-in date until June 30, 2020. For more information, visit the Radisson Response to COVID-19 page.

    • Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria is located at Barranco de La Verga, 0.9 miles from the center of Arguineguín. Dive Academy Gran Canaria is the closest landmark to Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria.

    • Check-in time is 3:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria.

    • Yes, Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria offers free Wi-Fi.

    • Yes, Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria offers free parking.

    • Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria is 21.6 miles from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria is 56.9 miles from Granadilla Tenerife-Sur.

    • Yes, Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria has a pool onsite.

    • KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria in Arguineguín and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Radisson Blu Resort Gran Canaria.

    Nearby hotels and places to stay


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    76% cheaperServatur Green Beach7.9 Good (2,050 reviews)0.38 miOutdoor pool, beachfront, Restaurant$52+


    61% cheaperFantastic apartment on the sea, with direct access to the beach6 Good (2 reviews)0.2 miKitchenette, Coffee machine, Washing machine$85+


    66% cheaperLightbooking Don Paco Patalavaca7.9 Good (15 reviews)0.2 miBeachfront, Kitchen, Balcony$73+


    48% cheaperOver the beach by VillaGranCanaria8. 7 Excellent (3 reviews)0.2 miBeachfront, Kitchen, kitchenette$112+


    See cheapest stays in Arguineguín

    3-star hotel

    76% cheaperServatur Green Beach7.9 Good (2,050 reviews)0.38 miOutdoor pool, beachfront, Restaurant$52+


    66% cheaperLightbooking Don Paco Patalavaca7.9 Good (15 reviews)0.2 miBeachfront, Kitchen, Balcony$73+


    65% cheaperGranada 18.9 Excellent (231 reviews)0.34 miOutdoor pool, Kitchen, Tennis$76+


    63% cheaperSunset terrace with ocean views7.7 Good (6 reviews)0.38 miKitchen, terrace/patio, Coffee machine$81+

    Most recommended

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    3-star hotel

    76% cheaperServatur Green Beach7.9 Good (2,050 reviews)0.38 miOutdoor pool, beachfront, Restaurant$52+


    7% cheaperModern Beach Apartment With Spectacular Views10 Excellent (1 review)0.3 miOutdoor pool, Kitchen, kitchenette$201+


    31% cheaperDoñana 102710 Excellent (1 review)0.

    Haria: The village of Haría | Hello Canary Islands

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 4:59 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Harhaber3%ada Conjugation | Conjugate Haber in Spanish


    Possible Results:


    -I was having

    Imperfectyoconjugation ofhaber.


    -he/she was having

    ,you were having

    Imperfectél/ella/ustedconjugation ofhaber.

    to have

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    View the conjugation for

    to have.

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    Vos is an informal second person singular (you) form used in parts of Latin America. SpanishDict displays vos conjugations from Argentina.

    Include vos

    Vosotros is the informal second person plural (i.e., “you-all”) used in Spain.

    Include vosotros








    ha, hay



















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    hubiera, hubiese


    hubieras, hubieses



    hubiera, hubiese




    hubiéramos, hubiésemos




    hubierais, hubieseis



    hubieran, hubiesen



    no hayas


    no haya



    no hayamos


    no hayáis


    no hayan


    estoy habiendo

    estuve habiendo

    estaba habiendo

    estaría habiendo

    estaré habiendo

    estás habiendo

    estuviste habiendo

    estabas habiendo

    estarías habiendo

    estarás habiendo


    está habiendo

    estuvo habiendo

    estaba habiendo

    estaría habiendo

    estará habiendo


    estamos habiendo

    estuvimos habiendo

    estábamos habiendo

    estaríamos habiendo

    estaremos habiendo


    estáis habiendo

    estuvisteis habiendo

    estabais habiendo

    estaríais habiendo

    estaréis habiendo


    están habiendo

    estuvieron habiendo

    estaban habiendo

    estarían habiendo

    estarán habiendo


    he habido

    hube habido

    había habido

    habría habido

    habré habido

    has habido

    hubiste habido

    habías habido

    habrías habido

    habrás habido


    ha habido

    hubo habido

    había habido

    habría habido

    habrá habido


    hemos habido

    hubimos habido

    habíamos habido

    habríamos habido

    habremos habido


    habéis habido

    hubisteis habido

    habíais habido

    habríais habido

    habréis habido


    han habido

    hubieron habido

    habían habido

    habrían habido

    habrán habido


    haya habido

    hubiera habido, hubiese habido

    hubiere habido

    hayas habido

    hubieras habido, hubieses habido

    hubieres habido


    haya habido

    hubiera habido, hubiese habido

    hubiere habido


    hayamos habido

    hubiéramos habido, hubiésemos habido

    hubiéremos habido


    hayáis habido

    hubierais habido, hubieseis habido

    hubiereis habido


    hayan habido

    hubieran habido, hubiesen habido

    hubieren habido

    This data is provided by Onoma


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    Haría » Turismo Lanzarote

    In the north of the island, this zone enjoys a special microclimate which has made it into a great greenexpanse. It has its own native flora, varied and full of botanical endemisms, strictly deriving from and attributable to the speical climantic factors, to the point that many of the plant species growing here cannot be found anywhere else in the rest of the archipelago.

    EL VALLE DE LAS MIL PALMERAS (Valley of 1000 Palms)

    This municipality is known as the Valle de las Mil Palmeras, but other tropical species can be found here too, such as prickly pears and other cactus species. The Haría palm grove can be seen from the Mirador de los Helechos (Helechos Viewpoint).


    “Haría boasts about its peaceful and harmonious atmosphere” – César Manrique

    The final home of César Manrique is located in the narrow street that is parallel to the Elvira Sánchez ravine. The artist found peace and a connection to nature in Haría. In 2013 the house opened its doors as the César Manrique House Museum. The space required only minimum changes to turn it into a museum and these were completely respectful of the character of the home.

    + Casa – Museo César Manrique


    This look-out point is also known as the Mirador de Malpaso, and is without doubt the perfect place to get a unique panoramic view over Haría and the Valley of the Thousand Palm Trees in all its splendour.

    + Mirador de Haría


    Craft and manufacturing traditions are one of the most important aspect of modern Haría. “ Haría Artesanal” is a market specialising in crafts and products from organic agriculture, which was set up in 2001 to promote the sale of artisan products and to make the deep and diverse ethnographic values of Haría accessible to the population of Lanzarote and to visitors. It is held every Saturday morning in Haría’s main square.

    CUEVA DE LOS VERDES (Los Verdes Cave)

    On the road that goes to Órzola, the Cueva de Los Verdes can be found. This underground gallery forms part of one of the longest volcanic tunnels in the word, the result of eruptions from La Corona volcano. It was opened to the public in 1964, and was the first of Lanzarote’s Centres for Art, Culture and Tourism.

    + Cueva de Los Verdes


    Jameos del Agua was the first Centre for Art, Culture and Tourism created by César Manrique, and is the reflection of one of his creative pillars: harmony between nature and artistic creation. The lake in the interior of the cave is formed by infiltrating sea water and is home to the blind albino cave crab, a species of squat lobster endemic to the island.

    +  Jameos del Agua

    MIRADOR DEL RÍO (Río Viewpoint)

    Camouflaged to generate surprise, and created with unusual aesthetic, ecological and architectural sensitivity, the Mirador del Río is one of the most iconic of César Manrique’s interventions on the island of Lanzarote. The viewpoint provides a privileged view over a large part of the island’s north coast and the Chinijo archipelago.


    In the coastal town of Arrieta, there is an attraction that stands out for its architecture: it’s known as La Juanita, the Casa China or the Chalet de Arrieta. Exotic, with many windows, and with an oriental pagoda roof, it appears to have come straight out of a children’s tale. It was the property of Juan de León Perdomo, an indiano (returned emigrant) who built it in 1916 as a place for his sick daughter to recover in the fresh sea air.

    PLAYAS Y PISCINAS NATURALES (Beaches and Natural Pools)

    Behind the small fishing village of Órzola protected by the Risco cliffs, is La Cantería beach. This is a beach of golden sands, far away from built up areas and with strong waves. Given the strong currents, swimming is not advisable, however it is the perfect place to enjoy nature, walk and relax.

    On the road from Órzola to Arrieta, a series of natural coves with white sand and turquoise waters can be seen: this is Caletón Blanco. This natural corner of tranquil sea is perfect for enjoying a day of sun and sand with your family or friends.

    The natural pools of the small fishing village of Punta Mujeres are wonderful for a refreshing dip.

    La Garita beach stretches for half a kilometre and is a peaceful family beach in the fishing village of Arrieta.

    The Playa del Risco is located opposite La Graciosa, at the foot of the cliffs. It is a completely wild beach which can only by accessed by following a footpath down the cliffs (the old footpath used by the gracioseros, the inhabitants of La Graciosa) or by boat.


    The Volcán de la Corona, which is 609 metres high, is the highest point in the northern zone of the island. This volcano is characterised by its large crater and its volcanic tunnel of some 6 km that opens into the sea. The crater can be accessed by a pleasant hike while enjoying the landscape, flora and fauna of the area.

    90,000 Haria LLC, Kazan (TIN 1660358450, OGRN 1211600010566) Contacts, Site, Details, Phone, Reviews

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    from 10.02.2021

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    Kharia LLC TIN 1660358450 OGRN 1211600010566 created 10.02.2021 at the legal address 420088, Tatarstan ), KAZAN, STR. JOURNALISTOV, D. 54, OFFICE 206. Organization status: not active. The authorized capital of the organization: 10000.
    In the extract from the official register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, 2 Russian legal entities are indicated as founders. The main type of activity is advising on commercial activities and management.
    The organization is registered with the tax authority INTER-DISTRICT INSPECTION OF THE FEDERAL TAX SERVICE No. 6 FOR THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN from 10.02.2021. Registration number in the PFR – 013507224720, in the FSS – 160200507416021

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    According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the founders of Haria LLC are: 2 Russian legal entities

    Limited Liability Company “Teams”


    5 000 ₽ (50%)



    OGRN :


    Limited Liability Company “above”


    5 000 ₽ (50%)




    12016000000378888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888U0003 All 2 founders


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      The registering authority has made a decision on the forthcoming exclusion of the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about the legal entity, in respect of which an entry of unreliability has been made).

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      Management company added: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “NADKOM”.

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      Legal address changed from 420088 RESP. TATARSTAN Kazan st. JOURNALISTOV D. 54 OFFICE 206 at 420088 Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) Kazan city JOURNALISTOV D. 54 OFFICE 206

    Historical information (16 changes)

    surprise even its bearers. The peculiarity lies in the lack of structure. After all, a lot of liberties are allowed not only in the construction of sentences. The use of some word forms also has several variations. nine0003

    Difficulties and peculiarities of working with the word

    The Russian language has a huge number of assumptions that cannot be found in other cultures. Indeed, not only literary words are often used in speech, of which there are more than 150 thousand. But also dialectisms. Since there are many peoples and cultures in Russia, there are more than 250 thousand of them. Not surprisingly, even native speakers sometimes need to find the exact meanings of words. This can be done using explanatory dictionaries or a special WordMap service. nine0003

    Why is such a platform convenient? This is a clear and simple dictionary of word meanings, which is proposed to be used online. The service allows:

    • to find out the exact meaning of a word or idiom;
    • determine its correct spelling;
    • to understand how to properly emphasize it.

    The site offers to get acquainted with the history of the word. It tells what language or culture it came from, when and by whom it was used in speech. nine0003

    When looking up the meaning of words in a dictionary, it is important to understand its essence. After all, the sound component of each lexical unit in the language is inextricably linked with certain objects or phenomena. That is why when using the service, you should not put an equal sign between the meaning of the searched word and its concept. They are interconnected, but they are not a single whole. For example, the concept of the word “center” can be defined as the middle of something. However, specific meanings can indicate the interior of a room, a city, a geometric figure, etc. Sometimes it refers to a medical organization, mathematics or mechanical engineering. Polysemy is the complexity of the Russian language. nine0003

    Finding values ​​through WordMap

    In order to find out what a word means, painstaking work has been carried out. After all, different manuals and collections can give different meanings of the same lexical constructions. To get the most complete picture of the word, you should contact the WordMap service. The system contains values ​​from the most popular and authoritative sources, including dictionaries:

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    • Dahl;
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    Spain canary islands tenerife: Tenerife | island, Canary Islands, Spain

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 4:18 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Canary Island’s Tenerife: Where the Highest Mountain Meets the Deepest Sea

    Spain’s highest mountain lies off the continent of Africa and is surrounded by the deepest chasms of the Atlantic Ocean—what a unique place! And the islands where the mountain is located are just as special. We are talking about the Canary Islands, which lie in the Atlantic off the coast of Morocco.

    They are of volcanic origin, the evidence of which is still clearly visible and often bizarre. Spain’s highest peak, Teide-Pico Viejo stratovolcano, reaches 3,718m (12,198ft) and is found on the island of Tenerife. It attracts a lot of tourists, nature lovers, rest seekers and folks on weekend getaways. Varied landscapes also offer the best conditions for other sports. For many Europeans, the island is also the ideal place to spend the cold winter months. The mild climate in the winter here draws one straight to it.

    And precisely because of the climate, Tenerife is also becoming more interesting to divers. While the political situation in various popular diving destinations in other parts of the world is scaring off a lot of dive travelers, the friendly Canary Islands can be reached from Germany (where I am based) in four to five hours with airlines offering cheap fares. So for many, this destination is suitable for short breaks throughout the year.


    The Arona region is located in southwes­tern Tenerife. In February 2018, I was invited by the Arona Son Atlántico ocean festival to take a closer look at this area. Accompanied by underwater photographer Sergio Hanquet, I spent some exciting days on the island.

    One of the most interesting areas, where most of the dive centers in the Canary Islands are found, is the southern part of the island, especially near the port of Los Cristianos and the Marina de Las Galletas. In particular, the area of Punta de la Rasca is recommended, because in this area, about 30 different dive sites can be found. Here, you can dive by boat or from the shore.

    Sergio is Belgian but has been living in Tenerife for over 30 years. He knows the dive sites like the back of his hand and has published two books on them (which are only available in Spanish): Bucear en Canarias 1 and Bucear en Canarias 2. These books detail 400 dive sites as well as the flora and fauna that can be found in this region.

    Atlantic location

    The exposed location of the island of Tenerife in the Atlantic Ocean brings with it a lot of unique aspects. Because the coasts of the islands drop steeply—up to 4,000m (13,123ft)—many marine creatures from the deep and pelagic species from the open ocean can be sighted here. Ocean currents in the Atlantic ensure that water temperatures do not drop below 18°C in the winter months. As a result, the fauna is a mix of Mediterranean and subtropical. The main characters are the large stingrays (called chuchos by the locals) as well as angelsharks, sea turtles and huge swarms of silvery yellow bastard grunts (called roncadores).

    Even in bad weather, there is always a chance to do shore dives in one of the sheltered bays and marvel at the island’s macro world. The waters in the Arona region invite you to dive into a diverse underwater landscape at various sites.

    Punta de la Rasca is the most popular diving area of Las Galletas, Playa de Las Américas and Los Cristianos. In general, the dive centers do two dives a day, and there is also the option of doing a night dive.

    The most well-known dive sites include El Bufadero (15-26m), the wrecks of El Condesito (18m) and El Meridian (30m), La Cueva de las Morenas (18-31m), Los Roncadores del Faro (15-21m), La Cueva de Ali Baba (25-42m) and El Arco de Coral (25-40+m). The rocks slope steeply, reaching nearly 50m in depth just a few meters from shore, and visibility in the water is usually around 30m. The diversity of habitats brings forth a great variety of fauna, including an infinite number of invertebrates, bottom-dwelling fish (individually or in schools), or large fish that suddenly emerge from the deep blue sea. At a depth of 35m, there are beautiful black corals, which can be found protruding upward like branches from the ground and rocky outcrops or hanging in caves.

    In addition to the many species of fish, lovers of invertebrate animals will also find sponges, anemones, fireworms and squid as well as various types of shrimp, crabs, colorful nudibranchs and starfish. And for the experts who like to explore with a magnifying glass, there are scary-movie aliens—ghost crabs that hide in the algae!

    Practical information

    Tenerife is a tourist destination and divers come from many European countries. The staff of various dive centers speak a variety of languages, including Spanish, English, German, French and other European languages. The average price for a dive is about EU€30 (US$34), or EU€25 (US$28) with the purchase of a package of six dives. There are excellent conditions for all types of underwater photography. As for accommodation, dive centers can organize your lodging in advance. There are many types of accommodation, including hotels, apartments and rooms in cottages. As for transportation, one can easily and cheaply rent a car at the airport upon arrival.

    Diving takes place all year round. The trade winds are the prevailing winds. The south of the island is protected, which is conducive for diving and navigation. There are several dive centers in Los Cristianos and Las Galletas. We dived with Rincón de Arona.

    A unique dive

    La Cueva de las Morenas (The Cave of the Moray Eels) is a dive on a 30m long hill and is home to a large population of moray eels. In this place, one can observe the three most common species in the area—brown moray eels, black moray eels and tiger moray eels—all of which may sometimes share the same hole. The fauna is rich here and many species allow one to approach them with ease. In fact, many fish have made it a habit to accompany their human visitors during the dive.

    In the spring and summer, it is common to see some pelagic species like the yellowtail horse mackerel, the blue triggerfish or the peto fish. We paid a little attention to the cracks and crevasses of the rocky reef, discovering a myriad of small invertebrates—especially shrimps, anemones, sea squirts and slugs. On the sandy bottom, which is 32m deep, there is an significant colony of sand eels. It is also an excellent place to watch rays.

    The journey to the dive site takes 10 minutes from the port of Los Cristianos and 25 minutes from Las Galletas or Puerto Colón. The dive time is 30 minutes, the difficulty level is zero and currents are normally absent.

    Octopuses and frogfishes

    On my first dive together with Sergio and a Spanish photographer from Madrid, Fernando de la Torre, we discovered an octopus that had decorated its cave entrance with many beautiful shells. One after the other, we photographed the little fellow, which actually did not want to get out of its hole. Finally, Fernando approached the octopus with his action camera. This rig aroused the interest of the octopus, and with a quick movement, it clasped the camera with its arms. In this moment, one could easily underestimate the power that such an animal has—but it really did not want to let go. Incredibly, the octopus turned the camera around and began to pan the area. We all laughed until our masks were full of water.

    Spotfin frogfish (Antennatus nummifer) are common but hard to find here due to their small size and excellent camouflage. They live in caves, cracks and under cornices—usually in reverse position. Frogfish are very bad swimmers and move with small jumps. Their coloring varies greatly, depending on the environment in which they are located.

    The white-spotted octopus (Callist­octopus macropus) can be found in the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. As a master of camouflage, it can also be difficult to find.

    Marine mammals

    Due to its location in the open Atlantic Ocean, whales and dolphins can be seen in the seas around Tenerife. These marine mammals hunt in the deep waters surrounding the island or just pass through the area during their migrations. Fin whales are seen more often than humpback whales or orcas.

    On a boat trip, one always gets to see a variety of dolphin species, especially the resident species known as pilot whales. Around Tenerife, there is a population of about 400 of them, which dive to depths of 600 to 800m to hunt for squids and sardines.

    In the Canary Islands, whales are protected, and there are rules for responsible observation so as not to disturb them. These rules prohibit approaches less than 60m from the whales, and swimming or diving with them is not permitted (Royal Decree 1727/2007).

    That is why whale watching is offered to tourists. Whale-watching tour operators are specially trained and require state approval before providing services. Diving and swimming with whales and dolphins is only possible with special permits from the Spanish government.

    Whale watching

    It is definitely worth it to book a whale-watching excursion! One should definitely choose a provider with state approval. This certification can be verified by a blue sticker. There are a lot of ”pirates” who do not follow the whale-watching rules and endanger the animals.

    These rules require, for example, that boats and people stay at least 60m away from the animals; only a maximum of three boats may approach a group of whales; and one should behave calmly and avoid making noise in their presence. There is a good reason for these rules. The animals hunt for food at great depths and may sprint up to 40 km/h during their hunts. When they return to the surface, the pilot whales need rest breaks to decompress.

    As divers, we are familiar with this principle. After a difficult deep dive, we have to rest, and no one thinks about running a marathon. The same applies to the pilot whales. They should therefore not be disturbed nor startled.

    Due to the thundering ferries and disturbance caused by other pleasure boats, the whales are already heavily stressed. It is therefore advisable to bring a pair of binoculars, or a camera with telephoto zoom, and maintain the required distance from the whales.

    In contrast, the pods of dolphins in the area behave differently, often accompanying the whale-watching boats and delighting boat guests with acrobatics in the bow wave. Dolphins do this voluntarily and are therefore not disturbed by the presence of humans. But even so, boats must not chase after the dolphins if the animals want to swim away from the boat.

    Sometimes, you can see the very shy beaked whales, which live in the waters of the Canary Islands throughout the year, especially near the small neighboring island of El Hierro. And with luck, you might also see the great whales, such as the humpback whale, fin whale, minke whale or sperm whale, which travel north in the spring and towards the Equator in the fall.

    A final highlight

    The volcano, Teide-Pico Viejo, is definitely worth a visit! Of the seven islands that make up the Canary archipelago, Tenerife stands out for the ubiquitous presence of Teide. The volcano Teide reaches 3,718m, rising 7,500m from the seabed. It is the roof of Spain and the largest peak of the Atlantic Ocean. It is also a national park and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007. It owes its name to a Guanche word, Echeyde, with which the indigenous people of the Canary Islands identified the presence of evil gods or hell.

    But this has nothing to do with the feeling that seizes us today at the sight of the volcano. Rather, it is the opposite feeling that overcomes us—an overwhelming awe of its magnificence. If you go there, please do not forget that it is a high mountain of considerable altitude with the associated risks. Fans of adventure sports will enjoy plenty of recreational activities here, such as climbing, mountaineering, caving in volcanic tubes and canyoning. ■ Tenerife: Car Hire & Reviews

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    Gabriel castle: San Gabriel’s Castle | Hello Canary Islands

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 2:20 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Gabriel Castle “Gabe” Godbold (1854-1933)

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    Gabriel’s Restaurant & Tuscan Bar

    Article and photo by Liane Marette Davis

    The quaint town of Sedalia is home to The Manhart Manor, an inviting 1900’s Victorian home, built in 1889 for the Manhart family (who ran the local mercantile business), and now houses a delicious gem. Gabriel’s is a locally owned and family operated fine dining Northern Italian restaurant. Owners since 1985, Matthew and Jan Bundy have been serving restaurant goers for more than 20 years.

    “Being family owned allows for creative flexibility,” said Dawn Evins of Gabriel’s. This artistic flexibility is evident in Executive Chef Tony Sanabria’s scrumptious menu. Sanabria has been showing his creativity at Gabriel’s since 1993.

    Guests dine in the main room, known as the Milano Room, as well as other cozy dining rooms where they are served a four-course dinner (their specialty) that includes a special appetizer, soup, salad, and the entrée of your choosing. All four courses are included in the price, ranging from $20 to $50. Their warm garlic bread is served with all courses.

    Specialties include the Petit Beef Rofas and Scampi – a medallion of tenderloin that is sautéed in a Marsala wine and mushroom sauce and surrounded by artichoke hearts and melted gorgonzola cheese with scampi, or the Grilled Bison Ribeye – regional buffalo grilled and topped with a wild cherry brandy demi-glace, both served with a potato rosette and seasonal vegetables.

    For dessert, enjoy the chocolate raspberry miroir cake – rich layers of chocolate cake separated with fresh raspberries and topped with a delectable raspberry miroir (glaze of raspberry jam and gelatin). Finish it off with the Café Gabriel’s – a specialty coffee drink that is steamed with St. Brendan’s Irish cream, topped with fresh whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

    The Lounge at Gabriel’s is a comforting place to gather while enjoying splendid appetizers and an a la carte menu. They feature delicious martinis, cocktails, spirits and an extensive wine list, which includes a selection of 300 wines.

    Happy hour is Tuesday thru Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. With warm weather on the way, the deck will be a place to enjoy the evening sun, live music and beautiful rose garden.

    Gabriel’s is ideal for any special occasion like a romantic evening, weddings, or receptions located indoors or outdoors in the garden. Banquets and private luncheons for a party of 40 or more are available as well.

    Visit to view a live music schedule (currently with Friday nights live music spring series for April), happy hour, special events, entertainment and Gabriel’s weekly “Wall of Fame” pictures.

    Gabriel’s is located at 5450 Manhart Avenue (Highway 67), Sedalia. Hours of operation are Tuesday thru Sunday from 5 p.m. to close. For more information or to make reservations, visit or call 303-688-2323.

    A good time is had by all at Gabriel’s in Sedalia.

    HISTORY – Chateau de Canisy

    Romantic, full of adventures, the history of the castle is as old as the world… The first known lord of the Canisi domain was Hugo de Carbonel, Count of Canisi, who accompanied William the Conqueror on the campaign of 1066. This is the ancestor of Herve de Carbonel, by whose will the castle of Canisi was erected. In the 18th century, Justine de Fadoas, who inherited the castle, married Louis Gabriel de Kergorlay. So the castle fell into the possession of the Kergorlai family. During the French Revolution, the couple had to leave the castle and seek refuge abroad.

    The castle was left unprotected while its rightful owners fled abroad. Only thanks to the tricks of a cunning caretaker, who got the officials trying to confiscate the property of the castle drunk and sent them back to Saint-Lô empty-handed, the Canisi castle remained untouched. In 1803, Louis-Gabriel Kergorlay returned to France, became a member of Parliament and settled in the castle. Since then, the castle has become a favorite gathering place for politicians and intellectuals. His cousin Louis, along with his close friend Alexis de Tocqueville, often discussed democracy within the castle walls.

    Since then, the Kergorlai have remained in Kanizi Castle; their family spirit is fearless and high.

    Today, the towers and all the dwellings of the medieval fortress of Kanizi still stand tall, contrasting with the elegance of the 16th century architecture and other additions. The theater ‘Theatre Troup de Canisy’ is still preserved, where the owners entertain guests to this day. The castle even has its own underground nightclub, modeled after The Cavern, made famous by the legendary Beatles quartet in Liverpool. The rustic charm of the castle surroundings contrasts delightfully with the elegant luxury of the modern comforts of its guest suite.

    The same family coat of arms has adorned the main entrance for several centuries. The Kergorlay family welcomes guests to their extraordinary home to share their legends and secrets.

    Count Dennis’s true passion for Kanizi Castle only grows and grows stronger with the years. During his youth, the salons and corridors of the castle were filled with the buzz of state debates, because. in those days, the castle was a favorite place for thinkers and intellectuals from all over the world. Later, the salons of the castle were restored in the style of bygone eras under the strict supervision of Countess Maria Christina. Each of the rooms is a work of art in its own individual style, a manifestation of the imagination, and amazing attention to detail of the Countess and her family.

    Distinguished guests of the Kergorlay family include former US Secretary of State Robert McNamara, Afghan President Rabbani, folk singer Joan Baez, former British Prime Minister John Major, Princess Helena of Spain, Crown Princess Masako of Japan and Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Foundations and think tanks that have visited the castle include the Aspen Institute, the Royal Foundation in London, the Dublin-based European Health Authority, the Association of Former Members of the US Congress and the Brandtwys School of Art in Los Angeles. Kanisi Castle remains unique in its kind, with its uninterrupted pedigree that can be traced back through the ages; one family dynasty living under one roof for a millennium …

    Walkthrough Parade – Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within

    Part 2. Grace Nakimura

    Watching the video. It’s time for Gabriel’s charming assistant, Grace Nakimura, to step into the game. It’s been a year since Gabriel was gone, she’s been running the bookshop by herself. Having received a letter from Knight, and having learned that he is counting only on the help of Gerda, the housekeeper of Ritter Castle, Grace, of course, will not sit idly by, she is immediately going on the road from distant America to Germany, and appears late in the evening with a suitcase at the door of Ritter Castle. Can Grace give her adored Gabriel to some kind of Gerda?

    Ritter Castle
    Initially, Grace’s inventory contains Gabriel’s letter , notebook and pen , purse and business card of Professor Bertram Barclay, our university teacher.

    Grace settled in Gabriel’s room. We look into it. The environment is rather ascetic. We offer help to a worker who is busy by the fireplace. Looking at the portraits on the wall. Above the head of the bed is a stone medallion with the muzzle of a lion. In the back of the room, next to the bed, we find an oak door locked with a lock and an iron bolt. At the window stands a carved cabinet . In its dark interior, by the way, there is a secret passage , but there is no need to poke your head there yet, it is closed – everything has its time. We go out the door next to the closet, go down to the first floor of the castle in the Main Hall. We examine the portraits and things in this room. At the desk we see Gerda – Gabriel’s housekeeper. We ask her about everything, with a certain degree of partiality, of course. So, the locked door in Gabriel’s room is door to the Shattenjager library, the key to which, of course, we do not receive from Gerda. And no information about Gabriel’s investigation either. So let’s do it ourselves!

    Dress up and leave the castle, exit – follow the arrow to the right, then straight ahead. Gabriel’s car is standing on the platform in front of the castle, but since we don’t have the keys to it yet, we’ll have to walk to the town of Rittersberg on foot.

    We leave the location to the left following the arrow and find ourselves in a clean and cozy square. On the left we see beautiful inlaid carved doors of the local church of St. George (we read the sign at the door), on the right – an old fountain. By the way, near the steps of the church there is a small flower bed with wonderful white buds that have not yet blossomed, let’s look at it closer. We will definitely need flowers further in the game, remember. We cross the square to the right along the arrow and find ourselves in front of the blue town hall building. We examine and study all the doors leading to different institutions. Let’s take a closer look at the doors. A large three-leaved arched door is the entrance to municipality , where a friendly and good-looking old man, who speaks good English, is in charge of affairs and archives – the mayor of the town Herr Habermas . But, we do not run ahead and do not disturb him yet. A narrow door nearby, to which stone steps lead, is still closed with a rusty lock. The door on the left in the corner (pink building) is post office . We will use mail services often, therefore, look closer at the door and pay attention to doorbell to call the mail office window. And finally, the rightmost door under the big sign “ Golden Lion ” is the local tavern. Here’s where you can get some information! That’s where we’re going.

    Tavern “Golden Lion
    Looking around inside. Looking at the portraits on the walls. We speak with the owner of the tavern Werner Huber about everything. He does not reveal the location of Gabriel to us, but at least tells a little about the mission carried out by the new Shattenjager – this is the hunt for a werewolf. Also, he recommends Grace to delve into the city archives, there will surely be more information from the history of the town. We go to the municipality, to Herr Habermass.

    City Hall. Archive of the Municipality
    We leave the tavern and go to the large three-leaf door of the municipality. We knock on the door and talk to Herr Habermas about everything. We are interested in records of court cases of the 17th century, but since the archive of the town is very large, we will have to look for more accurate information about the werewolf caught and executed here in ancient times. Perhaps Gabriel’s personal library could help us, but how do we get into it? We return to the castle, passing along the arrow between the church and the town hall.

    Ritter Castle
    We go up to Gabriel’s room and see that the worker has already left. We come closer to the fireplace, what luck! The master left his tool box ! We pick up a long screwdriver from there. Without leaving this location, we raise our eyes up along the arrow and see a niche with hole in the fireplace masonry. Use the screwdriver on the hole in the chimney and hear a loud click coming from the cabinet. That’s how, there opened a secret passage! We pass at cabinet and get into stone corridor . We go to the right along the arrow and where do we get to? What a surprise – in Gerda’s room! We examine the closet in her room, through which we entered, from the inside and pick up the large key hanging on a hook from above. It must be the key to the library. Let’s check! Through the closet we return back to Gabriel’s room.

    Let’s use the key and get into the library of Shattenjaggers. We inspect the bookcases and on average we find the right book from them – “ Lycanthropy .” Leafing through the book, we find among its pages an old letter with a blue wax seal. At this moment, Gerda unexpectedly appears, and we have to explain ourselves to her in a rather emotional way. We fight, yes. But now we will act completely free! After Gerda leaves, we continue to inspect the library. On the right shelf we find diary of Victor von Ritter , dated exactly 1720-1753. We read in the inventory the diary of Viktor von Ritter, which indicates the date we definitely need – April 20, 1750. We examine and read the letter in the inventory, it is written by Christian von Ritter to King Ludwig II of Bavaria. In a letter, Christian von Ritter warns the king of the danger posed by a certain Black Wolf . On the same rack we find Christian von Ritter’s diary , read it in inventory. Be sure to also carefully read the book “Lycanthropy” in the inventory, from where we learn something interesting about werewolves. Now we know about the existence of alpha and beta werewolves. Having received such amazing information, we pass to the right along the arrow, sit down at Gabriel’s desk and immediately call up the professor of Yale University by Bertram Barkley, using his business card from inventory on the telephone set. We are interested in any information about King Ludwig II.

    Even though Grace got the professor out of bed in the middle of the night, apparently forgetting about the time difference between America and Germany, he promises to help his best student. Now we examine Gabriel’s papers on the table, a copy of his book. Let’s comment. We go down and ask Gerda for the car keys. Naturally, we get rejected. Okay, let’s go on foot. Let’s try to get some more information on the issue of interest to us, and therefore, we go for it to Rittersberg, to the Golden Lion tavern.

    In the Golden Lion tavern, we ask Werner about King Ludwig. But what we heard is clearly not enough, so we go to the Town Hall to the mayor Herr Habermass. We talk to him about everything. As a result, we get access to the prison cell, where a werewolf caught in 1750 by local residents was kept – Baron von Ralik . When the old man leaves, we examine the camera. In the depths of the chamber we see the bed on which the werewolf slept. We come closer to the window and study it. The window overlooks the church of St. George. The glass is splattered with what looks like blood. 9 are visible everywhere on the window frame0024 scratches from animal claws. We return to Herr Habermass and share our impressions with him. We had the idea to look through old church records, perhaps shedding light on the deathbed confession of the were-baron. The local priest – Father Goetz – does not speak English, so Herr Habermass writes him a note asking him to assist Grace. We go to the church, armed with a note from the mayor. Entering the church, we try to talk to Father Goetz, alas, he does not understand us. Apply 9 to it0024 note from the mayor’s inventory and get the most valuable church documents.

    We return to the Town Hall building, to the mayor. Herr Habermass reads documents for us that are simply amazing and shocking with the brutal truth about the were-baron. Well, it’s time to describe all this information to Gabriel. We return to the castle.

    Ritter Castle
    We go up to Gabriel’s room, go into the library, sit down at the desk. Using typewriter, simply by clicking on it with the cursor, we write a letter to Gabriel, put the found diaries and the book into a bag, put the letter there, seal the bag. It remains to find out the address of the recipient from Gerda. We go down to the main hall. Without further ado, we use sealed package from the inventory on Gerda, and she dictates to us the address of the Uebergrau law office. And thanks for that. We leave for Rittersberg to send a parcel to Munich.

    We go to the post office and ring the bell.

    Holiday parks in tenerife: The best resort villages in Tenerife, Spain

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 11:18 am


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    Holiday parks in Tenerife

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    7Lizards Apartments | Caravan on the island of Tenerife

    On the island of Tenerife you will see Campers and RV ́s almost everywhere, so you can say, that they are ever-present… You should visit the following www sites of our partners in case you wish to see the real and a bit different Tenerife, because there are things to see, trust us on that!

    VANS  &  SANDS  =  For  those  who  are  young  and  in  love

    YESCAPA  on  TENERIFE=  For  family  with  kids 


    For  more  info  about  camps  look  at  Caravan  Club  Tenerife  FB  profile.

    You  might  also  like  the  BLACK  STONE  SURF  CAMP


    The  caravan  has  proved  to  be  one  of  the  smartest  tools  to  explore Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands. Surrounded by Atlantic waters, it is  one  of  the  most  important  tourist  destinations  in  Spain with  a  wealth  of  history,  leisure  and  spectacular  natural  landscapes.  Declared  a  UNESCO  World  Heritage  site,  the  Teide  National  Park  offers  stunning  views  of  the  third  largest  volcano  in  the  world,  rising  up  from  its  base,  known  as  the  Teide.  The  park  is  home  to  a  vast  biodiversity  and,  due  to  its  similarity  in  environment  and  geology  to  those  of  Mars,  it is  used  as  a  reference  point  for  those  studying  the  Red  Planet.  

    Its  rugged  island  orography  and  climate  diversity  make  for  a  wide  variety  of  landscapes,  such  as  the  Cliffs  of  Los  Gigantes,  with  vertical  walls  and  semi  desert  areas  in  the  southern  part  of  the  island,  volcanic  environments,  such  as  the  Lava  Pyramids  at  Güímar, volcanic  landscape  of  La  Rasca,  and  mountain  ranges,  such  as  Anaga  and  Teno,  scored  with  deep  ravines.   For  sun,  sea  and  sand,  the  choices  are  endless.  The  north  of  the  island  has  an  abundance  of  pebble  or  black  sand  beaches,  whereas  the  south  and  southeast  offers  beaches  with  finer,  lighter  white  sand. 

    After  a  healthy  dose  of  nature,  head  to  San  Cristóbaldela  Laguna  for  a  stroll  through  the  Old  Town,  which  is  a  beautiful  example  of  15th  century  Colonial  architecture.  Party  lovers  shouldn’t  miss  the  island’s  trademark  Santa  Cruz  de  Tenerife  Carnivals,  which  are  the  most  important  in  the  world,  along  with  those  of  Rio.   

    Fancy  and  a  Bit  More  Luxury…

    There  are  a  few  campsites/caravan  parks  to  be  found  in  Tenerife.  These  offer  facilities  a  far  cry  from  the  so-called  “wild  camping”,  found  at  the  campsites  below. 

    The  sites  mentioned  next,  by  comparison,  offer  a  huge  range  of  amenities  and,  as  well  as  camping  in  tents,  offer  parking  space  for  motor  homes  and  caravans,  where  you  can  connect  up  to  the  electricity  supply.  

    Needless  to  say,  this  type  of  “camping”  doesn’t  come  free!

    Camping  Nauta

    Situated  in  the  Las  Galletas  area,  this  huge,  luxury  campsite  can  accommodate  2,500  tents  and  250  caravans/motorhomes.  Operating  since  1989,  it  is  open  365  days  of  the  year. 

    Camping  Montaña 

    Roja. This  is  a  similar  type  of  site,  but  considerably  smaller.  Found  right  on  the  beach  at  El  Medano,  it  has  room  for  68  tents  and  25  caravans. 

    Camping  Punta  del  Hidalgo

    Roughly  in  the  La  Laguna  area,  this  site  is  just  20  metres  from  the  sea  and  also  has  the  distinction  of  being  set  amongst  the  breathtaking  mountainous  scenery  of  Punta  del  Hidalgo.  It  can  accommodate  15  tents  and  has  a  separate  area  for  caravans  and  motorhomes,  which  also  contains  accommodation  in  the  form  of  wood  cabins.

    Wild  Camping  in  Tenerife    beauty  and  adventure

    Camping  in  Tenerife  must  be  done  legally.   It  is  not  only  prohibited  on  beaches,  but  any  areas  coming  under  the  Protected  Natural  Spaces  Act  of  the  Canary  Islands  –  in  other  words,  all 

    nature  reserves  and  national  parks.  But,  fear  not,  you  campers  out  there!  Tenerife  has  proper,  legal,  designated  camping  areas. 

    To  use  these  special  camping  areas,  you  have  to  obtain  an  official  permition  from  the  Island  Council  at  least  seven  days  in  advance.  They  are  free,  but,  to  get  one,  you  have  to  turn  up  at  the  appropriate  office  in  person. 

    You  have  to  go  to  the  Tenerife  Council  building  named  Medio  Ambiente,  Paisaje,  Deportes(Department  of  Environment,  Landscape  and  Sport),  in  La  Laguna.  It’s  a  red-bricked  building  tacked  onto  the  side  of  the  large  sports  stadium,Pabellón  Insular  Santiago  Martín,  which  is  right  next  to  the  TF-5  north  motorway. 

    There  is  currently  a  way  to  obtain  a  permission online,  go  to  Cabildo  de  Tenerife.   From  this  page,  click  on  “Acampada”.  This  then  takes  you  to  a  page  listing  all  the  campsites.  Click  on  the  one  you  want  and  the  next  page  will  have  a  calendar  for  you  to  pick  the  date(s).

    Facilities  at  these  campsites  vary  considerably.  There  are  some  with  next  to  nothing,  some  with  the  basic  necessities  like  running  water,  suitable  for  drinking,  car  parking  space  and  picnic  areas,  then  the  really  luxurious  ones  with  barbecue  areas,  showers  and  toilets.  Most  have  a  “recreational  area”  next  to  them,  the  quality  of  which  can  also  vary  a  great  deal.  You  are  restricted  to  a  maximum  stay  of  seven  nights.  Here  is  a  selection  of  19  official  sites  for  camping  in  Tenerife:

    Here  is  a  selection  of  19  official  sites  for  camping  in  Tenerife:

    Arenas Negras – at Garachico.

    Chanajiga – at Los Realejos.

    Chio – at Guia de Isora.

    El Lagar – near Icod de Los Vinos.

    El Contador – at Arico.

    Fuente del Llano – at Arico.

    Fuente de Pedro – in San Juan de La Rambla.

    La Caldera – at La Orotava.

    Las Hayas – near Icod de Los Vinos.

    Las Lajas – near Vilaflor.

    Las Raices – near El Rosario.

    Lomo de La Jara – near Tacoronte.

    Ramón el Caminero – near La Orotava.

    San Jose de Los Llanos – near El Tanque.

    Las Calderetas – near La Matanza.

    La Tahona – near San Juan de La Rambla.

    La Vica – near La Matanza.

    Los Frailes – near Arafo.

    Los Pedregales – at Buenavista.

    PARKS in Tenerife

    Tenerife Kompass, Tenerife Compass, your personal guide to the island of Tenerife, tenerife island canary islands – recreation and excursions, weather in Tenerife , Tenerife climate , Excursions in Tenerife, Rental apartments in Tenerife, Tenerife map, weather on Tenerife , Ekskursioonid Tenerifel ja ookeanil, Tenerife boat trips, Tenerife island guide, Atlantico Excursiones, Tenerife guide, Tenerife info eesti keeles, Tenerife fishing, Kalapüük Tenerifel, Tenerife car rental, Autorent Tenerife, Tenerife Compass, Tenerife Kompass
    Tenerife Island Canary Islands, Tenerife Island Site, Tenerife Tours, Tenerife Island Guide, Tenerife Fishing, Tenerife Car Rental, Tenerife Island Weather, Tenerife Tours, Atlantico, Atlantico, Tenerife Kompass, Tenerife Compass, Information, guidebook tenerife island, canary islands, map of tenerife, tours, holidays, news and events in tenerife, geography of Tenerife, Tenerife ekskursioonid, Wesipruul, Tenerife Kompass, local maps of Tenerife, how to get there, how to find, bus tours, boat trips, fishing in tenerife nine0004

    Tenerife Island Canary Islands, Tenerife Island Site, Tenerife Tours, Tenerife Island Guide, Tenerife Fishing, Tenerife Car Rental, Tenerife Island Weather, Tenerife Tours, Atlantico, Atlantico, Tenerife Kompass, Tenerife Compass, Information , guidebook tenerife island, canary islands, map of tenerife, tours, recreation, news and events in tenerife, geography of Tenerife, Tenerife ekskursioonid, Wesipruul, Tenerife Kompass, local maps of Tenerife, how to get there, how to find, bus tours, boat trips, fishing on tenerife

    Teide (Spanish: Teide) is a volcano on the island of Tenerife, the highest point in Spain and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Height – 3718 m, relative height above the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean – 7500 m, is the highest peak in this ocean. The island of Tenerife is the third largest volcanic island in the world, the 17 km volcano crater (diameter, to be more precise, 12×17 km.) is also the third in the world (the first two are in the Hawaiian Islands).

    Tenerife Auditorio (Spanish: Auditorio de Tenerife) is one of the most famous and recognizable buildings in Spain, a symbol of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and one of the main attractions of the Canary Islands. nine0004

    The city of San Cristobal de la Laguna is on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Spain.

    Candelaria Basilica – The temple is consecrated in honor of the Virgin Mary – Our Lady of Candelaria, patroness of the Canary Islands[1] and is the largest sanctuary in the Canary Islands.[2] The temple is a center of pilgrimage.

    Pyramids of Guimar – the island has six stepped pyramids of unknown origin.

    Acantilado de los Gigantes – The resort town of Los Gigantes in the southwest of the island. It differs in that the height of coastal, rocky cliffs reaches, in places, up to 500 meters above sea level. nine0004


    Tenerife Kompassi eestikeelne saaretuur toimub LAUPÄEVITI ja VÄIKEBUSSIGA.


    Marsruut: Vilaflor-El Teide-Santiago del Teide-Masca-Carachico-Icod de Los Vinos-La Orotava-Candelaria

    Kestvus :11 h, peatuseid minimaalselt 11 (ilusa ilma ja sõnakuuleliku reisiseltskonnaga ka rohkem).

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 69.- laps (2-11) € 39.-

    Hind netist või telefonitsi ette broneerides: € 49.- laps (2-11) € 25.-

    Tenerife Kompassi venekeelne pargituur toimub PÜHAPÄEVITI ja VÄIKEBUSSIGA.


    Marsruut: Ahvipark ehk Monkey Park, Miniatuuride Park ehk Pueblo Chico, Liblikaaed ehk Mariposario del Drago, Nukumuuseum ehk ARTlandia. nine0004

    Kestvus:11 h

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 79.- laps

    (2-5) € 29.-

    (6-11) € 49.-

    Hind netist või telefonitsi

    9ndette broneerides04 : Täiskasvanu € 59.- laps

    (2-5) € 19.-

    (6-11) € 39.-

    -5 € 11.- / 6-11 € 21.-) ja külluslikku lõunasööki Pueblo Chicos (kanaari grill veiniga, lastele spetsiaalne menüü)

    La Gomera ringreis

    Kestvus: 11 h

    Saksa, inglise keeles: E,T,N,R.L vene keeles: K

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 60.- laps (2-5) € 8.- (6- 11) € 30.-

    Meie hind (ei vaja broneerimist): Täiskasvanu 49.- laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) 25.-

    Hind sisaldab: buss, praam, giid, lõunasöök


    Kestvus: 8 h

    Saksa, inglise keeles: E,K,N,L

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 30.- laps (2-5) € 8.- (6- 11) € 15.-

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu 25.- laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) 13.-

    Hind sisaldab: buss, giid

    Suure bussi ringreis

    Gigantes-Garachico -Icod-La Orotava-Puerto Cruz-Candelaria

    Kestvus: 8 h

    Saksa, inglise keeles: T vene keeles: E

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 29. – laps (2-5) € 8.- (6- 11) € 15.-

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu 25.- laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) 12.-

    Hind sisaldab: buss, giid

    Vulkaan El Teide 1/2 päeva

    Kestvus: 5.5 h Saksa, inglise keeles: T,N vene keeles: P

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 23.- laps (2-5) € 8.- (6 -11) € 11.50

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu 19.- laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) 12.-

    Hind sisaldab: buss, giid

    Lisatasu eest – köisraudteega Teide tippu sõitmine: Täiskasvanu € 25.- laps (2-11) € 12.50

    Loro Pargi pilet koos transfeeriga ЄIGA PÄEV

    Kestvus: 10 h (pargis ca 6 tundi)

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 42.- laps (2-5) € 8.- (6-11) € 27.-

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu € 39.- laps (2-5) € 8.- (6-11) € 25.-

    Hind sisaldab: buss, pilet (showd sisalduvad piletihinnas)

    Loro Pargi pilet koos transfeeriga + Siam pargi pilet – “TWIN TICKET” (Siami külastus vabalt valitud päeval) IGA PÄEV

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 67. – laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) € 47.50

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu 59.- laps (2-5) 8.- (6-11) 43.-

    NB! Soodsaid TWIN TICKETEID saab meie käest osta ka ilma transfeerita.

    Monkey Pargi pilet  IGA PÄEV

    Hind: Täiskasvanu € 10.- laps (5-12) € 5.- 12) € 16.50

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu € 18.- laps (3-12) € 16.00

    Hind sisaldab: tasuta buss, pilet (showd sisalduvad piletihinnas)


    Vaalad, delfiinid, suplemine koos merikilpkonnadega – IGA PÄEV

    Hinnad (€ täiskasvanu/€laps)

    Wesipruul (Eesti jaht ja Eestist kapten), terve päev ookeanil (max 6-7 inimest) 79.- /39.-

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 50.-/25.-** TR

    Katamaraan Bonadea 2h 22.-/11.- *

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 17 .-/11.-

    Kaater Diamant 2h 45.-/35.- **

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 40.-/30.- TR

    Piraadilaev Peter Pan 3h 39. -/19..50** TR

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 34.-/18.- TR

    Katamaraan Abrazo 3h 60.-/30.-** TR

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 45.-/22.-

    Katamaraan Mustcat 5h 54.-/27.-** TR

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 42.-/21 .- TR

    Piraadilaev Shogun 5 h

    (Masca laht ja Los Gigantese kaljud) 49.-/24.50** TR

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): 44.-/22.- TR

    TR – transfeerid sadamasse ja tagasi sisalduvad hinnas

    *Tasuta joogid pardal

    ** Tasuta joogid + söögid pardal


    Keskaegne rüütliturniir “keskaegses” lossis San Miguel

    Algus: 19.30 Toimub: T, N, L

    Hind: Täiskasvanu 53.50 laps (3-11) 26.75

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu € 49.- laps (3-11) € 24.50

    2 koguses veini

    Flamenco show “Evolucion” Piramide de Arona kontserdisaalis

    Algus: T, N, R, L, P: 21.30 K: 20.30

    Hind: Täiskasvanu 47. – laps (2-12) 0.- laps (13- 17) 22.50

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist) : Täiskasvanu € 41.- laps (13-17) € 22.-

    T, N,: 21.00

    Hind: Täiskasvanu 35.- laps (11-15) 17.50

    Meie hind (ei vaja netist broneerimist): Täiskasvanu € 33.- laps (13-17) € 17.-

    Hind sisaldab: piletit

    PRICE LIST OF EXCURSION PROGRAMS AND ENTRANCE TICKETS from Tenerife Kompass SL excursion boutique.

    * Compass price – discount price.

    In order to buy tickets and excursions at the compass price, you need to book excursions online or buy several excursions / tickets at once (at least two). Discounted tickets and vouchers must be purchased online or at least 72 hours before the start of the tour or event at the Tenerife Compass Tour Boutique. nine0004

    FREE TAXI!!!

    Within the south of Tenerife (hotels and apartments from Los Cristianos to Fanabe) a taxi to our office costs € 3.5 – 6. If you come to us by taxi and buy excursions or tickets for more than 100 euros, we REFUND € 5.

    Tenerife Compass is located on the first floor of the Flamingo Suites hotel (please don’t confuse it with the Flamingo Club – it’s two hundred meters further from us) – on the opposite side of the La Pinta Hotel and the Centro Comercial Terranova. nine0004

    Av. Espana 3, Flamingo Suites, Adeje, Tenerife, Spain

    COORDINATES: +28° 4′ 48.26″, -16° 44′ 0.97″

    e-mail: info @

    Av. Espana 3, Flamingo Suits

    Tel: (+34) 663384322

    Skype: Tenerifeinfo

    We work:

    Each day 9.00 – 21.00 9000 42/€27

    * Compass price €39/€25

    Child (2 – 5 years old) – 8 euro 43 Child (2 – 5 years old) – 8 EUR


    Flamenco show EVOLUCION

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 – 12 incl.) €47/€0

    * Compass price € 41/€0


    Tours are conducted in Russian. nine0004



    Tenerife “THREE IN ONE – GRAND TOUR”

    Duration: Full day

    90€002 Standard retail price: 3 adults / 1 child 39

    * Compass-price €49/€25

    Lunch and wine tasting at the MUSEUM MALVASIUM are included in the price.

    DEPARTURE at 08.00-08.30 (COLLECTION FROM FANABE TO LOS CRISTIANOS, the bus picks up directly from the hotel for an excursion.)

    The pillars of the island tour are four sights, without visiting which it is simply a sin to leave Tenerife. They are – in the center of the island the towering volcano El Teide (NB! DO NOT CLIMB ON THE FUNicular), between the rocks of Los Gigantes (Los Gigantes) hidden so-called. the “pirate” village of Masca (Masca) in the hollow of the same name, the picturesque town of Garachico, the city of La Orotava (La Orotava) with its highest examples of Canarian architecture and on the eastern coast of the island the town of Candelaria is located, in the central square of which, in the basilica, the saint of the Canarians is hidden The Virgin of Candelaria (also known as the Black Madonna), whose chambers are guarded by bronze statues of the last kings lined up on the ocean. nine0004

    We will arrive back at the hotel at approximately 19.00



    Duration: Full day, lunch (€ 13) not included in the price.

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 -11 incl.) €29/€16

    * Compass price €25/€13

    Drive a full circle around the island and see Tenerife in all its splendor. Get to know the sights that will give you an idea of ​​the past and present of the island, the entire Canary archipelago and its inhabitants. nine0004

    What awaits you on this exciting day?

    Majestic cliffs and the breathtaking Masca Gorge – in the west of the island, the picturesque town of Garachico, the dragon tree of the city of Icod de los Vinos and tasting the best Canarian wines in the valley of Tenerife winemakers – in the north of the island, as well as the city of Candelaria – a religious center located on east, where, visiting the basilica, you will see a sculpture of the patroness of the Canary Islands, the black-faced Madonna!

    Attention! Don’t forget swimwear and towels. If you wish, you can swim in the natural lava pools of the city of Garachico. Free time will be given in Garachico, which you can devote at your discretion to swimming and / or lunch in one of the local restaurants (€6-€9per person).

    We will arrive back at the hotel at approximately 18.00


    Day trip to LA GOMERA ISLAND

    Duration: Full day

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 -11€ 900/02) Compass price €49/€25

    Lunch and Silbo show included.

    An exciting ferry ride to one of the most beautiful islands in the archipelago!

    The main attraction of La Gomera is the Garajonay National Reserve, on the territory of which, at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level. sea ​​in the eternal fog, the forest of the Tertiary period “Laurisilva” – a laurel forest, proclaimed by UNESCO as a heritage of mankind, has been preserved. nine0004

    You will have the opportunity to get to know the culture and traditions of the island, to taste the real Canarian cuisine. During the meal, you will be given a demonstration of the “language – whistle” Silbo – a unique means of communication invented by the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the island and preserved to this day.

    The day will end with a walk in the footsteps of Christopher Columbus, who in 1492 went on an expedition from the island of La Gomera, as a result of which he discovered America!

    We will arrive back at the hotel at approximately 18.30



    Duration: Half a day

    Dinner with wine included in the price.

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 -11 incl.) €53.50/€26.75

    * Compass price €49/€25

    Would you like to turn back the clock? To visit a real medieval tournament? Accept the invitation of the Count and Countess and visit the castle of San Miguel, where you can plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and the magical world of the Knights of the Round Table. Enjoy a medieval feast accompanied by the competition of the noble sons of your time. nine0004

    Support the knight representing you who will win or die fighting for your honor! A surge of emotions is guaranteed! The evening at the castle will end with an unforgettable party.

    back to the hotel at about 23.00


    Comfortable excursion on a small bus – a sightseeing on Tenerife

    “Dessert for advanced” or “Real pearls Tenerife”

    Duration: Full day

    with a lunch at a restaurant/Guacinche Casa Africa (grilled octopus with papas arrugadas, local wine, etc.)

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 -11 incl.) €79/€39

    * Compass price €49/€20

    from the hotel for an excursion.)


    ● Cueva Hermano Pedro

    ● Santa Cruz

    ● San Andres

    ● Playa de las Teresitas

    ● Taganana

    ● La Laguna

    Our journey begins with a unique cave church dedicated to the only priest from the Canary Islands, Hermano Pedro. As they say, the cave has a healing and miraculous effect, and those who came there from afar or not very pilgrims or just guests leave their secret requests and desires recorded there, which we will do.

    Through the capital of Santa Cruz (we are calling) we will arrive at the only white sand beach in Tenerife, which is also the largest artificial beach – in Playa de las Teresitas. We take sun baths and sunbathe. Through the picturesque San Andres, we will climb the Anaga mountain range and after crossing it, the beautiful Taganana awaits us at the end of the so-called superuniverse. On the way back from Tananagi, we will stop and walk through the modern dinosaur forest so-called laurel forest, which, according to many, is the most impressive in the Canary Islands precisely because of its splendor. We will make a few stops at the observation platforms built on the ridge of the mountain, for example, such as Pico Ingles (Pico Ingles), from where you can see the entire island up to El Teide towering in the distance. nine0004

    After refreshment, we will make another city tour of the former capital and the current university town of La Laguna, whose old town has been awarded to get acquainted with its sights, and those who wish to buy souvenirs in countless shops and shops can also.

    We will arrive back at the hotel at approximately 18.00



    Duration: Half a day, if you wish to take the funicular + € 25

    Standard retail price adult/child (3-11 incl.) €25/€12.50

    * Compass price €19/€11

    Journey to the huge old crater “Las Canadas”, 17 km in diameter, in the center which is the mighty volcano Teide – the highest point of the kingdom of Spain, 3718m above sea level. The national park, which for its unique characteristics has been awarded the title of “Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO. The famous “lunar landscape”, the variety of volcanic rocks, the rich flora and fauna with many endemic species amaze with an amazing play of shapes and colors that will make your stay here unforgettable. We will arrive back at the hotel at approximately 14.30



    The park tour from Tenerife Compass is the most impressive Sunday not only of this holiday, but of your entire life.

    Four popular parks and more than one serpentine!


    !ACTION! online reservations:

    Adult (12+) € 79 59.-

    Children 6-11 € 49 29.-

    Children 2-5 € 29 19.-


    Guide service;

    All entrance tickets:

    (Adult € 41.-)

    (Children 6-11 € 21.-)

    (Children 2-5 € 11.-)

    Lunch wonderful world of dolls.

    A magical day starts from 8.45 am to 9.15 am, when we pick you up by bus at or near the hotel.

    At 09.30 we are already at the gates of Monkey Park, where lemurs are eagerly waiting for us. They are avid for grapes and figs, and you have the opportunity to take dozens of photos of how these cute little animals sit on your arms or shoulder. In Monkey Park we will see other monkeys and creatures, we will wake up there for one hour in total. nine0004

    Leaving the Monkey Park, we move along the highway to La Orotava (about 1 hour), or rather to the next park, which is Pueblo Chico or the so-called. miniature park. Having seen enough of how lemurs feast, most likely we are hungry, so lunch is waiting for us: Tapas

    Main course – in Canarian marinade grilled meat on skewers

    Shriveled potatoes (Papas Arrugadas) with gravy MOJO

    Vanilla ice cream

    Water, red wine, rolls

    Children’s menu also includes chicken on skewers, as well as sweets in addition to ice cream.

    After lunch, we will make a circle around Tenerife in just an hour, those who wish (starting from 10 years old) can rush along the funicular through miniature Tenerife (for an additional fee) and, if desired, you or your whole family can make a Tenerife themed cartoon – also at extra charge. nine0004

    After Pueblo Chico, delicate butterflies await us in the Butterfly Park or in Mariposario del Drago. The ride between the two parks takes only 20 minutes.

    The day ends with a visit to a park unique in the world, not to mention Tenerife. Namely, in the spring of 2012, the museum of soft toys and art dolls ArtLandia opened its doors. This is an incredibly exciting world, built in a historic wine estate and hidden in a beautiful park, the existence of which the uninitiated usually do not know or suspect anything. We will see dolls, many of which cost more than the average class of a new car, and get acquainted with such a wonderful world where the birth of dolls takes no less time than the birth of a human child. Experience shows that once in the wonderful world of ArtLandia, it is adults who fall into more admiration than children. nine0004

    There is also a café in ArtLandia.

    After looking at the dolls and toys, we are on our way back, and after seven in the evening you will all be in your hotels.


    FULL DAY BOAT ON THE OCEAN (6 hours) Min. 1 person, max. 6 pax


    (Transfers to and from the port, lunch, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks included).

    Standard retail price: adult/child (3 -11 incl. ) €79/€39 *

    * Compass price €50/€25


    € 22.- 2 hours On the catamaran Bonadea 2 on the Atlantic Ocean – whales and dolphins, sailing duration 2 hours.

    Children (under 11) – 50%

    *Compass price* € 17.-/11.-

    Departure: Daily at 11:00, 13.30 and 16.00

    Port: Puerto Colon


    € 45.- 2 hours on the boat DIAMOND on the Atlantic Ocean – whales and dolphins, sailing duration 2 hours. nine0004

    Children (under 11 years old) – 35.-

    *Compass price* € 40.-/30.-

    Departure: Daily at 11:00, 13.30 and 16.00

    Port: Puerto Colon


    € 50.- 1 hour Safari aboard a real submarine at a depth of 10-30 meters.

    Children (up to 11 years old) € 30.-

    *Compass price* € 47.-/28.-

    Departure: Every day except Sunday at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00

    Port: Port of San Miguel


    € 39.- 3 hours on the pirate ship PETER PAN (with transfer to the port and back)

    Children (under 11 years old) – 50%

    *Compass price* € 34. -/17.-

    on the ship PETER PAN on the Atlantic Ocean – whales and dolphins, lunch on a yacht, swimming, sailing duration 3 hours.

    Departure: Every day at 10:30, 14.00

    Port: Los Cristianos


    € 60.- 3 hours on the ABRAZO catamaran (with transfer to the port and back)

    Children (up to 11 years old) – 50%

    *Compass price* € 45.-/23.-

    On the ABRAZO catamaran in the Atlantic Ocean – whales and dolphins, lunch on the catamaran, swimming, swimming duration 3 hours. Departure:

    Departure: Every day at 10:00, 13.30

    Port: Puerto Colon


    € 54.- 5 hours on MUSTCAT catamaran (with transfer to the port and back)

    Children (up to 11 years old) – 50%

    *Compass price* € 42.-/21.-

    Whales and dolphins on the MUSTKAT catamaran in the Atlantic Ocean, lunch on the catamaran, swimming, sailing time 5 hours. Departure:

    Departure: Every day at 13:00

    Port: Las Gaietas


    € 49. – 5 hours on the pirate ship SHOGUN (with transfer to the port and back)

    – 50% Children (up to 11 years old)

    *Compass price* € 44.-/22.-

    Whales and dolphins on the pirate ship SHOGUN on the Atlantic Ocean, lunch on a catamaran, swimming, sailing time 5 hours. Departure:

    Departure: Daily at 13:00

    Port: Puerto Colon

    © 2008-2015 Tenerife Kompass S.L. & Olavi Antons | 360° Tene®ife | Tenerife Kompass | Compass Tenerife | Weather, climate Tenerife | Tenerife Compass – your personal guide to the island of Tenerife, Excursions in Tenerife, Rental of accommodation, apartments in Tenerife, Boat trips in Tenerife, Fishing in Tenerife, Rent a car in Tenerife Eesti keeles:

    5 of the best natural parks in Tenerife

    The island of eternal spring, as they say about Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary archipelago. People come here not only for a beach holiday, but also for inspiration and tranquility. nine0603

    Tenerife for the first acquaintance

    Kings and presidents, singers, artists, writers, racers love to relax here. Today, the island has become available for recreation to Ukrainians with an average income. To do this, all you need is desire and a little effort when looking for the best flights and inexpensive hotels or apartments on the ocean.

    If you arrived at the island of spring, then try to explore it. But there is no need to “chase” all the sights at once. On your first visit, set aside time to visit the national parks and the botanical garden, because they will give the greatest idea of ​​​​the island itself, and leave the amusement parks “for next time”. nine0004

    Cañadas del Teide Park

    The Teide volcano is the visiting card of the island. It is located in the Cañadas del Teide park with unreal, as if alien landscapes that can be seen in the films “Million years BC”, “Clash of the Titans”, “Wrath of the Titans”. Many guides claim that episodes of Star Wars were filmed here, but local residents do not confirm this fact.

    A visit to this park should be a must on your itinerary. This can be done in several ways. nine0004

    • Get to the foot of the Teide on your own with a rental car.
    • Arrive by public transport or as part of an excursion group.
    • The most expensive and easiest way is to buy a tour. They sell from €68, the price does not include food and special permission to climb the path to the Teide crater.

    By bus. From the bus stations of Puerto de la Cruz and Costa Adeje, buses 348 and 342 depart once a day at approximately the same time, 9:30 and 9:15 respectively.
    The bus returns from the final stop PARADOR DEL TEIDE in Puerto de la Cruz at 16:00, from the funicular – 16:05. The cost of a ticket purchased online is €7.23.

    In Costa Adeje, the bus will depart from the EL PORTILLO terminus at 15:15 and depart from the funicular stop at 15:40. The ticket price is €10.73.
    Our advice: don’t throw away your tickets, they will come in handy again as they are valid for the return flight.

    Top. nine0603 The height of 3718 m can be reached by footpath or cable car. The cost of ascent and descent by funicular is €27. Take with you on the road not only food and water, but also warm clothes. It is quite cool at the top of the volcano and stays for more than an hour, you don’t stand there, you can smell hydrogen sulfide slightly.
    Believe me, you will have enough time to walk around the cosmic landscapes. Just remember that there will be no shade, so take sunscreen and water with you.

    Botanical Garden in Puerto de la Cruz

    In the north of Tenerife is one of the oldest European Botanical Gardens. It was founded by order of King Charles III in 1788 in the eastern part of Puerto de la Cruz. The first seedlings were planted in 1792. It should be noted right away that the territory of the park open to the public is small, but you rarely find such a variety of plants anywhere.

    This garden was originally conceived as the “Garden of Acclimatization of La Orotava”. Here, for some time, plants acclimatized, which were transported to the royal gardens, but soon became a full-fledged garden. Now the Botanical Garden boasts a huge collection of orchids, tulip and coffee trees. Here grows the Karludovik plant, from which Panama hats are made. The highlight of the garden is a 200 year old rubber tree. nine0004

    Here you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that you are in the Jurassic Park and now a dinosaur head will appear from behind the trees. Don’t worry, there are no dinosaurs, it’s checked.

    Getting to the Botanical Garden is very easy. Next to it is the Jardin Botanico bus stop, where buses number 30, 102,103,104, 343, 345, 348,363 stop. It is open from 9:00 to 18:00. Admission fee for adults €3.

    Dragon Tree and Butterfly Park

    In the small town of Icod de los Vinos, an unusual tree grows, which can be seen from anywhere in the city, it is called the dragon tree. The tree got its name thanks to the bright red resin, which was compared with the blood of a dragon. In addition to a tree 25 meters high, 10 wide and about 800 years old, there is an unusual Mariposario del Drago park, completely dedicated to butterflies. nine0004

    The butterflies here are very calm, the staff will even let you take pictures with some of them, for example, with samia ricini, and if you’re lucky, they will put them on your shoulder. It is forbidden to touch butterflies with your hands, but you can witness the transformation of a chrysalis into a butterfly. This place is very popular with children.
    Entrance ticket costs €8.50 (adult), €5 (children).

    Santa Cruz Palm Grove

    The largest palm grove in Europe is located in the capital’s Palmetum Botanical Garden, it occupies 12 hectares. Palm trees from all over the world are collected here and distributed by geographical zones, such a variety and their varieties cannot be found anywhere else. This place is perfect for hiking, relaxing in the shade of palm trees by the stream on a hot day

    Another highlight of the garden is the incredible views from the observation decks at

    Entrance fee to the park is €6 euros, parking is free.

    Travelling island: 16 Best Island Vacations in the World in 2023

    Опубликовано: May 2, 2023 в 7:44 am


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    16 Best Island Vacations in the World in 2023

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    Beautiful beaches, turquoise water, mouth-watering seafood, and endless activities. Island vacations offer all of this and more in a small, easy-to-navigate package.

    Every part of the world has some stunning islands to explore, which grow in popularity as tourist destinations every year.

    The 16 Best Island Vacations in 2023

    There are so many breathtaking islands to visit across the globe that it can be hard to know where to start looking. Each region has something different to offer, from tropical destinations in East Asia and the Caribbean to quaint villages and cliffs in Europe. 

    Whether you are looking for cultural spots, pristine nature, or a relaxing time on the beach, most of the islands on our list have all three. This list features islands in most geographic regions and at varying price points. 

    We take you through some of the most famous and popular island hot spots and some underrated gems rising in the tourist scene. Read on to find the perfect place for your next trip.

    Read Next: The Safest Islands in the Caribbean

    1. Santorini


    If you’ve spent even one minute on Instagram in the last decade, you’ve seen Santorini. It is a Greek island surrounded by the stunning aquamarine waters of the Aegean Sea.

    The landscape is dotted with beautiful houses, whose white-washed walls are topped with royal blue roofs and shutters. Santorini is the most-visited Greek island, and rightly so.

    The beautiful scenery is only the beginning because there is something for everyone on this island. Some must-sees are the unbeatable sunset from Ia, the picturesque villages, and the fascinating cave excavations. 

    Santorini is also the perfect island for foodies. There is boundless fresh seafood incorporated into the famous Mediterranean diet. Santorini is just one of many beautiful Greek islands, and you can make the most of your trip by taking a ferry for a day trip to Mykonos or Crete.

    Read Next: Where to Stay in Santorini and Best Time to Visit Greece

    2. Koh Samui, Thailand


    Koh Samui is one of the lesser-known spots on our list but this hidden gem is an all-time favorite. Koh Samui is Thailand’s second-largest island, known for palm-lined beaches, coconut groves, and lush jungles. 

    Koh Samui features some of the most luxurious spas and resorts, for a significantly smaller price tag than ones on more well-known islands like Hawaii or Bora Bora. The famous Thai hospitality will follow you to this paradise, and you’ll feel spoiled at any of the hotels. 

    Koh Samui also has some unexpected cultural sites. One of the most breathtaking is the 12m-tall golden Big Buddha statue at Wat Phra Yai Temple, located on a small island that connects to Koh Samui.

    Read Next: Is Thailand Safe to Visit in 2023 and The Best Time to Visit Thailand

    3. The Azores

    Lars van der Waarden/Shutterstock

    Looking at google image results for The Azores will make you feel like your watching a fantasy movie. The Azores are a group of nine islands off the coast of Portugal that features the best of Southern European culture with some of the most breathtaking scenery on the continent. 

    The Azores’ landscape is converted into lush green trees all year, and wildflowers dot beautiful meadows in the spring and summer.

    Each island features gorgeous beaches, multi-colored lakes, and centuries-old Portuguese villages. A trip here will feel like you’ve stepped back in time to a place untouched by modernity. 

    4. Bali


    Bali is one of the most popular island vacation spots worldwide, and rightly so. Bali truly has it all: towering volcanos nestled in green jungles, quaint fishing villages with beautiful pagodas, and sandy beaches that look out over some of the bluest water you’ll find anywhere.

    This Indonesian island also has delicious food and some of the friendliest locals.

    While some locals resent tourists, those in Bali are welcoming and always excited to meet people from far and wide. Don’t be surprised if you get invited to dinner at someone’s home as soon as you meet them.

    Read Next: Is Bali Safe? and Best Time to Visit Bali

    5. Galapagos Islands

    Jess Kraft/Shutterstock

    The Galapagos Islands were made famous by Charles Darwin over 200 years ago when he used the wildlife there to discover and explain evolution. Centuries later, these islands are still as awe-inspiring as they were to Darwin.

    One of the best parts of the Galapagos is the unique wildlife. Massive tortoises that slowly wander the beaches, intimidating but fascinating iguanas, and playful sea lions all line the shores of the Galapagos.

    The islands also feature exciting hikes up rocky cliffs and the second-largest crater on earth. 

    While this spot is most popular with adventurers and wildlife lovers, there are plenty of relaxing corners on these Ecuadorian islands. Those who want to sit on the beach all day will not be disappointed. 



    Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock

    There are so many islands in Hawaii that we couldn’t pick just one to talk about. Kauai is the oldest and most rugged island, perfect for those who want some nature that feels untouched by civilization.

    • Maui boasts miles and miles of gorgeous coastline for the perfect relaxing getaway. 
    • The Big Island has varied activities, from two active volcanoes to indigenous historical sites.
    • Lanai is the most remote of the islands, and the unspoiled scenery will make you feel totally at peace.
    • Honolulu has both nature and tons of cultural activities to keep everyone entertained. 

    A vacation to Hawaii will be a trip to remember if you stay in just one of these gorgeous places or do some island hopping.

    There are plenty of ferries and even flights to take you between the islands. Some would be an ideal day trip whereas others require a few days to get a genuine experience.

    Read Next: Map of the Hawaiian Islands and Best Time to Visit Hawaii

    7. Maldives


    Maldives is one of the most Instagrammable places on earth, and every year more people flock to this luxurious paradise. It can be time-consuming and expensive to get to this small nation of islands on the Indian Ocean but if you can put in the effort, it’s more than worth it. 

    Maldives is not so easy to navigate but that effort brings some of the most pristine beaches and clear water you’ll ever see. Despite being a heavily visited area, the beaches still look like they’ve never been inhabited. 

    These islands are the perfect getaway for ultimate relaxation and tranquility. Many resorts are made up of individual bungalows right on the water so you can spend your time completely removed from the rest of the world.

    Read Next: Best Time to Visit Maldives

    8. Dalmatian Islands, Croatia

    Dave Z/Shutterstock

    Croatia has become one of the hottest new tourist spots over the past few years. Most people flock to the southern city of Dubrovnik. While Dubrovnik is worth a visit, the islands off of the Dalmatian coast slightly further north are also a must-see.

    The most famous island is Hvar, which boasts the most sun of any island in the Adriatic. The rocky beaches offer stunning views of aquamarine water, and you can hop from Hvar to other islands like Brač, Korčula, and Vis.

    Each island has quaint villages to explore, delicious seafood, and some of the nicest people you’ll meet. These islands have something for everyone.

    Hvar is known for its active nightlife that rivals Ibiza. Brač has a 15th-century Dominican monastery while Vis boasts the Blue Cave, one of the most breathtaking wonders in Europe.

    Read Next: Best Time to Visit Croatia

    9. Aruba


    Aruba is an island just off the coast of Venezuela that belongs to the Netherlands crown. It has been a trendy tourist destination for decades because of its gorgeous scenery and easy access.

    It is a true Caribbean paradise with perfect weather almost all year and stunning beaches. Aruba’s economy is almost entirely based on tourism, which means it’s incredibly accommodating for anyone looking to relax or adventure.

    Aruba features some of the best beaches in the Caribbean and the entire area has exciting shipwrecks that attract divers worldwide. Aruba also features quaint cities with a mix of Caribbean and Dutch culture and design.

    The capital, Oranjestad, has cultural significance as well as aesthetic beauty. There is something for everyone to do on this island, from diving and snorkeling to breathtaking cliff hikes to sitting all day on the beach with a good book.

    Read Next: Best Time to Visit Aruba and Where to Stay in Aruba

    10. The Isle of Sky


    The Isle of Sky takes its name from an Old Norse word meaning “cloud island”. This is an apt description for this rugged and stunning island right off the coast of Scotland. This is unique from the tropical and Mediterranean islands that make up the rest of our list but it is no less worth a visit. 

    Skye is one of the most beautiful places in Europe, even when shrouded in mist, which it often is. The mist creates a hushed and serene atmosphere where you can hear lapping waves and watch water droplets overt the rolling moors.

    When the mist clears, the island is full of lush, rolling hills dotted with sheep, tons of medieval castles, and wonderful hiking trails. Don’t forget about the world-renowned whiskey distilleries, art galleries, and cozy pubs. 

    11. Bora Bora


    Bora Bora is another popular island destination known for romantic getaways. It is one of the most popular honeymoon destinations many resorts and spas are specifically for couples looking for a romantic retreat. 

    This is a tiny island fewer than six miles long but it packs so much beauty into a tiny space. Many people consider this the most beautiful island in the South Pacific with its glittering beaches on a backdrop of staggering cliffs.

    The locals in Bora Bora are some of the friendliest you’ll meet since their economy relies totally on tourism.

    Bora Bora is perfect for nature lovers and features amazing snorkeling, scuba diving, and hiking. A hike up Mount Otemanu will give you some of the most breathtaking views in the world and is well worth the trek.

    Read Next: Best Time to Visit Bora Bora

    12. Andaman Islands, India

    ESB Professional/Shutterstock

    Another somewhat hidden gem, the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal between India and Myanmar, feature some of the most untouched nature left in the world. Of the 36 islands on the archipelago, only a few are open to tourists to preserve the wildlife, beaches, and jungle. 

    A trip to the Andaman Islands will give you some of the softest sand beaches lined with palm trees, gorgeous green jungles to explore, and some of the most pristine diving spots in the world. These islands are perfect for adventure lovers who want to experience nature in its purest form.  

    13. Te Waipounamu/South Island, New Zealand


    New Zealand’s South Island (officially known as Te Waipounamu by the local Maori population) is the perfect vacation spot for those who are more interested in breathtaking adventures than lounging on the beach.

    There are some beautiful beaches on South Island, but the place is mostly known for hiking up towering mountains and zip-lining through lush jungles. However, as this is the larger of New Zealand’s two islands, there is something for everyone.

    The island also has pristine ice-blue lakes that get their water from glaciers and natural hot springs for relaxation. The city of Queenstown provides both nature adventures and wine tastings in local vineyards. 

    14. Palawan, Philippines

    Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock

    Palawan is a gorgeous archipelago in the Philippines and is a true slice of heaven. This fantasy land is not as popular for tourists as others on our list, but its beauty is unparalleled.

    Stand on a rocky cliff overlooking the pristine, aquamarine waters, and you’ll feel like you’re at the edge of the earth. These islands are dotted with quaint fishing villages that have been around for centuries, and many parts of the islands are designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

    Explore the Japanese shipwreck off of Coron Island, which is considered one of the best dive sites in the world. Take a boat tour to the Puerto Princesa Underground River, or see exotic wildlife at the Calauit Game Preserve.

    Read Next: The Best Time to Visit the Philippines in 2023

    15. Mallorca, Spain


    Mallorca is one of the most popular vacation destinations for Europeans, and it is worth the hype. You can drive around this small island off the coast of Spain in a matter of hours, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to do. 

    Mallorca boasts white, sandy beaches with crystalline water, mountain towns in the north with cobblestone streets and quaint B&Bs, and a capital city with a boisterous nightlife.

    There are plenty of luxury resorts on the island, and also smaller towns with peace and quiet easily accessible. This island is perfect for a family or group with varied interests, as there are plenty of things to do.

    Try a wine-tasting on a train in the northern mountains, or watch a live concert deep in a cave in the east. Of course, you can’t forget the mouth-watering paella and seafood. 

    16. Seychelles


    Seychelles may not be as well known as island nations nearby like Maldives but it is growing in popularity. This African island nation consists of many small islands spread over the Indian Ocean, each of which has some of the most stunning nature you’ll ever see. 

    You’ll start your adventure in Seychelles on the largest island Mahé which has extremely luxurious resorts and a quaint capital city.

    From there, take a boat to the nearby islands of Praslin and La Digue which are easy to access but feel like an oasis. For a real adventure, ride to smaller and less-inhabited islands and feel like you’ve stepped foot on another planet.

    Read Next: The Best Time to Visit Seychelles in 2023

    Things to Consider


    The tropical climate of many islands on this list means they can attract natural disasters like hurricanes and tsunamis. While many islands have protection against storms, bigger disasters can be devastating.

    When planning an island vacation, try to avoid traveling during hurricane or monsoon season, which can vary depending on the part of the world you are traveling to. As island vacations become more popular, they become more expensive.

    However, many island spots on this list have extremely varied prices depending on whether you stay in a resort or somewhere local. If you are looking for a more affordable vacation, try searching for accommodation outside of the major resorts, and you might find something surprisingly affordable. 

    Something anyone must consider when traveling abroad is the language barrier. If you stay in the touristy areas of the islands listed above, almost everyone will speak perfect English.

    However, if you venture to more local areas you might find people who only speak the local language. While this can seem like a challenge, there are always ways to communicate that should get you anywhere you want to go.

    Make an effort to learn a few words and phrases of the local language, and you will make fast friends. Tropical destinations often come with the risk of diseases that don’t exist in colder climates

    The wildlife on some of these islands might not be familiar to travelers, who could be at greater risk for infections they might carry. Check with your doctor and embassy website to see if there are any vaccines you need to travel to an island, and any other precautions you can take to avoid infection. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Olga Chiorescu/Shutterstock

    Now that we’ve highlighted some of the best island vacations out there, you might still have some questions about your trip. We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions below:

    How do I get to my island vacation?

    All of the islands on our list have their airports. Some, like Mallorca and South Island, you can travel internationally from almost anywhere. Others will require a flight to the mainland and a smaller flight to the island. Either way, you will be able to reach all of these beautiful vacation spots on a comfortable plane.

    How removed are these islands from mainland amenities?

    This question depends on which island you are visiting. This question depends on which island you are visiting. You can reach the mainland by ferry if you visit the Dalmation Islands or Mallorca. However, somewhere like the Andaman Islands are more removed. If you’re concerned about being too far from a larger civilization, try one of these spots closer to its host country.

    Are there any special visa requirements for island vacations?

    While some islands are their own countries, almost all of these islands belong to larger countries with a mainland. Therefore, any visa requirements for the islands will be the same as those for the mainland. Make sure you check your country’s embassy website to see if you will need a travel visa.

    Are island vacations good for families?

    Islands are some of the best vacation spots for families. They are generally a smaller space than somewhere one might vacation on the mainland making them easier to navigate. Despite their size, they usually have a huge variety of natural and cultural activities that people of all ages would enjoy.

    Is there an environmental impact of traveling to islands?

    Unfortunately, climate change is negatively impacting the entire world. Islands are some of the most affected areas because they are at sea level and don’t have as much land to protect them from the elements. Luckily, many of the islands on our list have eco-friendly travel hotels and activities.

    So, What Are the Best Island Vacations?

    We’ve taken you through some of the best island vacations out there on this extensive list. From pristine beaches in East Asia to exciting wildlife in South America, there is sure to be an island on this list for any kind of traveler.

    All that’s left to do is see which island on this list appeals to you the most, and start doing more research. We’re sure that any of our readers will find their next wonderful island vacation from this list! 

    Best Island Resorts for Vacations and Honeymoons

    Getaways to foreign places, domestic or abroad, have a natural excitement about them, with their mystery and opportunities to explore somewhere new. At the end of an active day vacationing, though, you want the commodity of being able to return in comfort and familiarity. The best resorts provide that.

    Whether you’re looking for an all-inclusive resort to handle everything from food, lodging, drinks and amenities or a romantic resort primed to give you and your significant other the spicy experience you both have been waiting for, there’s a resort for your vacation needs. 

    Perhaps you want to bring the whole family and need a kids club or, when necessary, an adults-only zone. Looking to be by the water? There are resorts perfectly situated beachside and, for the more adventurous, overwater bungalows, where the water sings you to sleep. Some resorts are more affordable than others, but, at the end of the day, this is vacation – live (and spend) a little.

    All-Inclusive Resorts

    The best all-inclusive resorts will not only have the typical amenities you’d expect of an all-inclusive; they also go the extra mile and have an extra bit of unique flair to them, too. Whether you are at the heart of three beaches in Aruba or need to take a wooden yacht to access an isolated resort in the Florida Keys, choosing which all-inclusive to spend your vacation at is sometimes more about what one resort’s competitors don’t have.

    All-inclusive resorts are also good opportunities for newlyweds to save a buck or two after their big day. An all-inclusive honeymoon package includes all the expected commodities, but the resorts best suited for newlyweds will break out a flurry of rose petals over the bed, provide complimentary couples massages and light the candle at an isolated, beachside dinner.

    For Islands’ best of the best all-inclusive resorts, check out our annual all-inclusive awards.

    All-Inclusive Destinations

    Romantic Resorts

    Because you’re traveling with your loved one, romantic getaways tend to feel a little more special than, say, a spring-break adventure with a group of friends. It’s just you and your special someone exploring this far-from-home place alone. The best romantic resorts make sure to emphasize the intimacy of your stay with your partner.

    Even more so with honeymoon resorts, these romantic stays have the added pressure of making that momentous life moment even more special. The best ones are prepared in every way to make sure your honeymoon will be unforgettable – and not for the wrong reasons.

    Family-Friendly Resorts

    If we’re being perfectly honest, the words “vacation” and “kids” don’t always go together. But when they do, it’s imperative to find the ultimate resort and destination that’ll make the entire family happy. That means a family resort that can accommodate the needs of the parents with, say, an adults-only zone while never having to worry about their children’s safety or entertainment at a kids club, for example.

    Beach family vacations are among the easiest to plan and execute: Attire is simple, and you never have to worry about the climates in these typically warm and comfortable sites. Looking for something more luxurious? Even the youngest of children know that Hawaii is among the best vacation spots ever. The Caribbean and its plethora of islands are always warm and welcoming, too, offering idyllic settings with palm tree-laden beaches and crystal-clear waters.

    Overwater Bungalows

    Apart from stays on chartered yachts or big cruise ships, you won’t find many opportunities to experience your vacation as close to the water as an overwater bungalow will bring you. No matter your preferred vacation destination, there are resorts with these paradisiacal setups in the Caribbean, the U.S., Mexico, French Polynesia and more.

    The literally beautiful aspect of an overwater bungalow is its direct access to the water. Privacy is another appeal, as your bungalow is oftentimes isolated from the others, as you are accompanied only by who you want to be with and the songs of the water melodically easing you into paradise.

    Beach Resorts

    Focus on the words “paradise” and “vacation” for a moment. What image comes to mind? Perhaps sunshine spread across vibrant blue skies with little to no cloud shade, for starters. Pan downward. What do you see? Most likely, it’s a beach with shining sand impaled by sprawling palm trees and, perhaps, a coconut falling.

    There’s a reason why beaches are the ideal vacation destinations, making the reasons for going to a beach resort more credible. Whether you’re traveling to fabled Hawaii or wanting to explore the many Caribbean islands and their offerings of beach and island life, your body will be warmed by the sun above your head and the drinks inside your stomach at the best of the best beach resorts.

    Affordable Resorts

    Whether you’re saving money or need to save it, luxurious vacations aren’t always attainable. Expensive vacations usually turn out great, but not all great vacations have to be expensive. We’re not just talking about an inexpensive trip to the three-star hotel an hour away from home; in fact, you can go to Hawaii or any of the U.S. Virgin Islands, for example, and find affordable rates at resorts in exotic locales you might’ve previously thought unreasonable.

    Traveling island: fiction or reality?


    There is a small island in the North Atlantic Ocean, located about 180 km southeast of Nova Scotia. This island is called traveling because it moves across the ocean at a speed of 200 meters/year

    In the second half of the 20th century, many people knew the adventure novel by the Russian science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev “The Island of Lost Ships”. It was generally accepted that the island referred to in the work is fictional by the writer. However, it turns out that such an island really exists. nine0009

    Near the eastern shores of the North American peninsula of Nova Scotia (in the novel – in the waters of the Sargasso Sea) is Sable Island , which translates from French as “Island of Sand”. I must say, the name quite accurately reflects the appearance of the island, resembling the top of a large sand dune, immersed in ocean waves.

    The meaning of the modern name of the island in Latin (Sable) has several options:

    • Translated from English, sable means black, mourning color
    • In French sable means sand or sandy

    This island is often referred to as traveling . The fact is that Sable, under the influence of ocean waves and strong local winds, when its western shores are gradually eroded, and the eastern ones, on the contrary, are growing, moves east at an average speed of 200 meters per year. Over the past 200 years, he has moved away from the mainland by 40 km.

    For over 450 years, sailors have referred to Sable as “ Island of lost ships ” or “Island of death”. Vessels that accidentally find themselves in its waters seem to fall into some kind of giant vibrating cauldron. This is explained by the fact that it is in this place, in shallow water, that two powerful currents meet: the cold Labrador and the warm Gulf Stream. They form a gigantic whirlpool, over which thick fogs hang and storms rage for almost a year.

    Interesting facts about Sable Island

    • Sable Island is crescent shaped, 42 km long and only 1.5 km wide at its widest point.
    • Only 5 permanent residents live on the island, all of them are employees of the meteorological station.
    • Only grass and other low-growing plants grow on the island. Attempts to plant trees failed, they all died.
    • The island is a nature reserve, so visiting it is possible only after obtaining a permit. The island is known for its population of feral horses (about 300 heads), and the largest colony of tevyak seals is also located on the island. nine0022
    • Navigation in the coastal waters of the island is complicated by the presence of two opposite currents, due to which the island moves all the time, which can also cause navigational errors. To find out the exact topographic location of the island is subject only to satellites.

    • Sable Island is famous as the “Cemetery of the Atlantic” because there have been about 350 shipwrecks around it.

    Interesting facts related to A.R. Belyaeva “The Island of Lost Ships”

    • Island of Lost Ships was first published in 1926-1927 in The World Pathfinder.
    • In 1987, based on this story, the musical Island of Lost Ships was filmed.
    • In 1994, based on the novel, a dystopian film Rains on the Ocean was shot.
    • In the computer game “Corsairs: City of Lost Ships” the main character finds himself on an island made of shipwrecks.
    • In the animated series “Duck Tales” (episode 17 of the 1st season) the action takes place on the island of wrecked ships, which is not similar to Belyaevsky. At the same time, some of the events and characters are similar to those in the Soviet novel. nine0022

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    Traveling psychologist.

    Living on an island where every day is a holiday

    This is a year without a new year, Christmas, March 8th, or a birthday. The time of eternal summer and the smell of the sea, blue sky and hot sun. A place where the day off is Friday, not Saturday and Sunday, where holidays are not expected and they are rarely created, because here every day is like a holiday. nine0009

    Surely anyone who has read or watched films about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe at least once had a desire to be on some island, maybe even quite inhabited, far from the bustle of the city and routine duties.

    Eternal summer and a holiday every day

    So I discovered Langkawi for myself – the “All-Union Malay Health Resort” – with eternal summer and pristine beauty. Here I involuntarily plunge into a state of serene calm, inspired by the music of the Andaman Sea to the beat of a bird trill, then into the drive of nightlife, which attracts inspiration jam session [from English. nine0109 jam session – a meeting when musicians gather and play without much preparation, or when any of those present can take an instrument and perform] and with the sparkle of new eyes, ready to dance and tell all night . ..

    Tourists choose the island as a vacation destination, attracted golden beaches, turquoise waves and relaxation for every taste. Aborigines, in turn, are attracted to the island by the tourism business as a way to earn money and beauties that please the eye.

    On the one hand, after the Belarusian winters, it is quite pleasant to live in consistently warm climatic conditions. On the other hand, in Langkawi I miss our New Year and other events accompanied by waiting, preparations and buying gifts.

    Muslim culture, combined with the constancy of the climate, leave their ascetic imprint on the personal little holidays of life, offering to be content with what you have and not create unnecessary emotional stress. And you have every day the sea, the sun, fruits, access to cheap alcohol, since there is a duty free zone on the island and all the delights of life, which we usually consider a holiday. Here he is every day. nine0009

    Safe, beautiful and stable

    Langkawi is safe, beautiful and stable. For those who live here for a long time, this stability causes a feeling of depression and emptiness, people get bored of admiring nature and looking at beautiful sunsets and sunrises from year to year, and the standard tourist package has long been tried. And people start new businesses, drink beer instead of water, and get dogs.

    In Muslim culture, it is forbidden to contact with dogs, even in some laundries, when they see me with my pet, they refuse to take clothes for washing, fearing contact with wool. Therefore, only foreigners have the privilege of having a pet, thanks to which they create a kind of family atmosphere in this unstable world of travelers and always have a faithful companion and interlocutor who gives unconditional love. nine0009

    LIMA 2017

    Langkawi is not only one of the largest resort archipelagos with the cleanest beaches and duty free zone, but also a favorite place for international meetings and corporate trainings.

    So, at the end of March, the island hosted the international maritime and aerospace exhibition – Lima 2017 (LIMA – the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition) – the largest exhibition of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Held under the patronage of the Malaysian Ministry of Defense every two years since its debut in 1991, LIMA is a platform where stakeholders ranging from senior government officials, military and civilian delegates to private companies expand their networks to forge new partnerships and business agreements.

    This year the event was attended by 550 companies from 38 countries, including Russia.

    For a week, the island resounded with planes and rockets, the voices of negotiations and supply agreements, the noise of unusual crowds and traffic. Every day, residents and guests of the island gathered at observation decks to watch air demonstrations presented on a large scale with taste, beauty and professionalism.

    Breath of the island

    Thus, event after event carves the island its own sculpture of paradise, which you find yourself in for work or leisure and in which you then live with memories, tanned skin and collected shells.

    The island breathes the foam of the sea rising in waves towards the sun, the moisture of palm trees rising to the blue expanses, the smell of mangoes opening up the world of tropical fruits, the cries of merchants luring them into their “all estates”, the energy of ships coming and going with their stories, expectations and human lives. nine0009

    The islands speak to you in a language that opens the door to the depths of local consciousness and traditions. Somewhere you feel at home, they are always ready to help you and are perceived as a friend, but somewhere you feel like a tourist who is perceived as a monetary object and in relation to which the price category is always higher. You return to the first places as if you are in the bosom of the family, and to the second you just put a tick that you have visited.

    We create our own meaning

    The island lives with expectations and dreams, acquaintances and partings, joy and pain, lives and feelings of each of us.

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