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Warmest holiday destinations in february: Where’s hot in February? Best Travel Destinations

Опубликовано: February 23, 2023 в 1:14 am


Категории: February

Where to relax in February 2023: options for every taste

  • Beach lovers
    • Dominican Republic
    • Cuba
    • Sri Lanka
    • Zanzibar (Tanzania)
  • For impression hunters
    • Brazil
    • China
    • Turkey
  • True patriots
    • Sochi
    • Murmansk
    • Baikal
    • Karelia
    • Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

You can have a good rest at any time of the year. Source:

February is one of the most favorable months for traveling. After the stormy New Year holidays, a period of calm begins. The flow of tourists is declining, hotels are emptying, prices are falling. You can safely enjoy your vacation without crowds on the beaches and queues in museums.

Decide whether you want to be a couch potato seal, an activist sportsman or a cameraman this winter. And we will tell you where you can relax in February 2023 with fun and taste. nine0041

Beach lovers

If you want to give your receptors a real shake, go straight to warmer climes. In contrast to the Russian winter, the sea will be warmer, the palm trees will be greener, the tan will be more chocolate.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a real paradise on Earth. The warm waters of the ocean will help heal spiritual wounds and bring the nervous system into balance. If the year has been so hard that you just want to lie down and not move, the island is perfect for you. No noise and fuss – only calmness and regularity. nine0041

In order not to lie sideways at the end of your vacation, you can dilute your vacation with interesting activities. For example, watch humpback whales or giant tortoises, dive into the depths of the sea with scuba gear, walk in national parks and reserves.

In November, the cool season begins on the island, which lasts until the end of April. Don’t be afraid of the word “cool”. The air temperature is kept at +24..+30°C.

Local time: is seven hours behind Moscow. nine0041

Currency: Dominican Peso.

Attractions: Columbus Lighthouse, Mount Redonda, Osama Fortress, Natural Eyes Ecopark in Punta Cana.

The Dominican Republic is a real paradise on Earth. Source:

If moral and physical strength is running out, and there is not enough money for vacation, it makes sense to take out a loan. Low February prices will offset the overpayment on the loan, and you will be able to return to duty with fresh energy.

Calculate the payment term and amount using the calculator.


Liberty Island pleases not only with its endless sandy beaches, but also with its original history. You can alternate swimming in the ocean with sightseeing and exploring the heritage of Che Guevara. What’s more, the weather is perfect for it.

Cuba is a real open-air museum of vintage cars. Most of the cars here are 50-60 years old, but they look like new. It is unlikely that anywhere else in the world you will be able to meet the American Cadillac and the Soviet Pobeda at the same crossroads. nine0041

The average temperature in Cuba in February is around +27°C. There is no sweltering heat, no endless downpours.

Local time: is eight hours behind Moscow.

Currency: Cuban Peso.

Places of interest: Che Guevara Mausoleum, Malecón, National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana.

Where you can now fly from Russia

Cuba is a colorful and hospitable country. Source:

Sri Lanka

From the Caribbean coast we will move to Southeast Asia – the homeland of the most delicious tea in the world. Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) is a small island near India. The land of eternal summer, tropical greenery and warm ocean.

For a comfortable beach holiday in February, choose resorts in the southwest of the country. At this time there is almost no rain and strong winds. But there are quite strong waves.

If you have long dreamed of trying your hand at surfing, don’t miss your chance! The waves are perfect for beginners, and you can rent a board right on the beach. nine0041

Sri Lanka gained independence relatively recently, in 1948. The anniversary of this important event is celebrated on February 4th. So you have the opportunity to participate in the festivities and feel the spirit of freedom along with the locals.

Local time: is two and a half hours ahead of Moscow.

Currency: Sri Lankan rupee.

Attractions: Sigiriya Rock, Kandy Valley, Port of Colombo, Victoria Dam.

Sri Lanka is a tropical fairy tale in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Source:

Zanzibar (Tanzania)

The sonorous word “Zanzibar” makes true romantics tremble in their souls. Children’s dreams about sea voyages, uninhabited islands, mysterious treasures are associated with it. A tropical archipelago off the coast of East Africa attracts exotic lovers from all over the world. Everyone’s favorite Freddie Mercury was also born here.

Zanzibar beaches are famous for their soft reef sand and clear turquoise water. Divers from all over the world come to the archipelago to explore the coral reefs and their many inhabitants. Here you can meet dolphins, turtles, starfish and urchins, fish of various shapes and colors. nine0041

February is the height of summer in Zanzibar. The weather is dry and hot. The thermometer rises to +35°C.

Local time: coincides with Moscow.

Currency: Tanzanian shilling.

Attractions: Nakupenda Island, Cheetah Rock Nature Reserve, Freddie Mercury Museum.

Zanzibar is famous for its amazing nature and pristine beaches. Source:

For impression hunters

Active and inquisitive tourists will be bored lying on the beach all day long. We offer places with a rich and interesting cultural program.


Brazil is a country where life is constantly in full swing. People who like to be in the thick of things will definitely like it. Bright colors, colorful people, original culture – everything you need for an active and eventful holiday.

What is the first association that comes to mind when you hear the word “Brazil”? Of course, the carnival! Traveling to the country in February will give you the chance to attend one of the world’s most grandiose and pompous events. nine0041

Stock up on feathers, glitter and free memory on your smartphone. You will want to capture this noisy celebration of life from all angles.

Local time: is six hours behind Moscow.

Currency: Brazilian real.

Attractions: Christ the Redeemer statue, Iguazu Falls, Copacabana Beach, Oscar Niemeyer Museum.

Brazil will not leave anyone indifferent. Source:


In the last month of winter, feel free to go to the Celestial Empire. There are not so many tourists at this time, so you can safely see the sights and get acquainted with the local culture.

China is a land of contrasts. This is manifested in everything – even in the climate. The northern regions are covered with snow in February, and the beach season is already beginning in the south. You can choose what you like best.

China is famous for its numerous World Heritage Sites. Some of them are thousands of years old! You can walk along the Great Wall of China, look into the Forbidden City, briefly join the ranks of the Terracotta Army. nine0041

February is the spectacular Yuanxiaojie Lantern Festival. Cities are decorated with millions of colorful lanterns and festive processions with dances are held.

Local time: is five hours ahead of Moscow.

Currency: yuan.

Attractions: Great Wall of China, Temple of Heaven, Shaolin Monastery, Jin Mao skyscraper.

Buddhist monasteries and shopping malls, pagodas and skyscrapers, ski resorts and beach resorts, China has it all. Source:


In winter, Turkey transforms from the most popular beach resort into a place for walking, sightseeing and shopping. Comfortable weather allows you to enjoy the beauties of nature and architectural monuments without getting a heat stroke.

Fans of outdoor activities can relax in one of the ski resorts. This direction in the country began to be developed relatively recently, so Turkish is still far from the Alpine complexes. But the prices are very affordable, and you can learn to ride with a Russian-speaking instructor. nine0041

The average temperature on the Mediterranean coast during the day is +15..+18°C. Swimming in the sea will not work, but you can relax all day in the spa.

Local time: coincides with Moscow.

Currency: Turkish Lira.

Places of interest: Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern, Damlatash Cave, Library of Celsus.

Turkey in winter and summer are like two different countries. Source:

True Patriots

If the smoke of your homeland is sweeter than any foreign fragrances, read on. We will tell you where to relax in February 2023 in Russia.

What to take with you on a trip: a list of necessary things for a trip


February is a great time to visit the pearl of the Krasnodar Territory. You won’t be able to swim in the sea, but you can walk along the deserted embankment, immersed in philosophical reflections.

The cultural program includes trips to museums, visits to the Winter Theater and the Hall of Organ Music, sightseeing of architectural monuments. nine0041

Fans of outdoor activities, of course, should go to Krasnaya Polyana. The snow-white slopes are noticeably empty towards the end of winter, so you can ride comfortably without fear of breaking your nose on your neighbor.

Local time: coincides with Moscow.

Temperature: +3..+9°C.

Sights: Olympic Park, Vorontsovskaya Cave, Sochi Art Museum, Mount Akhun.

Sochi is mysterious and romantic in winter. Source:


If winter in your hometown doesn’t seem harsh enough for you, go to Murmansk. Here you will find real northern nature, cold sea and mountains of snow.

Don’t forget to visit interesting historical and architectural sites. For example, the famous nuclear icebreaker and the longest panel house in Russia.

Get a good sleep before your trip, because in Murmansk there will be no time to sleep. At night, all tourists turn into “hunters” for the northern lights. If you manage to see it with your own eyes, the trip will become one of the most memorable in life. nine0041

Local time: coincides with Moscow.

Temperature: -12..-9°C.

Sightseeing: nuclear icebreaker “Lenin”, the Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet, the memorial “Defenders of the Soviet Arctic”, the Khibiny mountain range.

Murmansk will be appreciated by lovers of wild winter nature. Source:

If you are going on a trip to Russia, issue a Halva card . With her, you can not deny yourself anything on vacation. Pay for purchases in installments, and keep your own money in an online piggy bank. nine0046

Anything can happen on a trip. The more free funds on your account, the calmer and more confident you will feel away from home.

Halva card is a universal financial instrument. Use your funds, get cashback from purchases up to 10% and income on the balance of your own funds on the card up to 12%, and also open deposits at a favorable percentage. You can take borrowed funds and spend them on purchases in installments of 10 months or more if you subscribe to Halva.Ten. Issue Halva in a couple of clicks, and the courier will bring it to you! nine0041


Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year. In winter, the lake is covered with the most transparent ice on the planet. In February, its thickness reaches one meter, so you can safely walk on a perfectly smooth ice surface and take incredible photos.

Tourists are waiting for an interesting and rich program. Exhibitions of ice sculptures, ice skating, music festivals – you definitely won’t be bored. For lovers of extreme recreation, there is a ski complex nearby. nine0041

Local time: is five hours ahead of Moscow.

Temperature: -8..-6°C.

Attractions: Olkhon Island, Ogoy Island, Baikal Museum.

In winter, Baikal looks like a huge gem. Source:


There are many reasons to visit this amazing region in February. Look at the frozen waterfalls, ride a dog sled, climb the mysterious mountain Vottovaara, get acquainted with reindeer… The list of traditional entertainments can be continued for a very long time. nine0041

Karelian natural landscape becomes truly fabulous in winter. Walking through the forest, you can feel like the heroes of the fairy tales “Morozko” and “Twelve Months”.

Most of the republic is located above the Arctic Circle, so there is also a chance to see the northern lights. We advise you to study the forecast in advance and choose suitable days.

Local time: coincides with Moscow.

Temperature: -10..-7°C.

Attractions: Ruskeala Mountain Park, Lake Onega, Kizhi Island.

Karelia is a harsh and original land. Source:

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

2022 was not an easy year for all Russians. Global upheavals could not but affect health. To heal and gain strength, go to the south of the Stavropol Territory – to Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk or Essentuki.

Places to visit in spain in february: Winter in Spain – 5 Warmest Places to Visit in Spain

Опубликовано: February 22, 2023 в 9:54 am


Категории: February

24 Best Places to Visit in Spain (in 2023)

There are such a wealth of places to visit in Spain that planning a trip can be a little nerve-wracking. You never want to miss out on anything incredible and there are just so many things to see in Spain’s cities and the surrounding countryside.

If you find yourself bogged down by all the destination choices in Spain, I’m here to solve your problems. I traveled around Spain for over two months and experienced a ton of great places along the way.

From well-known cities to obscurPalma de Mallorcae mountain towns, here are my top picks for the best places to visit in Spain. Let’s get into it. 

Table of Contents

  • 24 Best Places to Visit in Spain
    • Barcelona
    • Madrid
    • Valencia
    • Seville
    • Malaga
    • Ronda
    • Cádiz
    • Frigiliana
    • Nerja
    • Zaragoza
    • Bilbao
    • Ibiza
    • Granada
    • Toledo
    • Cómpeta
    • León
    • Valladolid
    • Bolonia
    • Lloret De Mar
    • Mojacar
    • Tarragona
    • Palma de Mallorca
    • San Sebastian 
    • Canary Islands
  • FAQs on Where to Go in Spain
    • What is the nicest part of Spain to visit?
    • Where is the most beautiful city in Spain?
    • Where should I go to Spain for a week?
    • What is the number one tourist attraction in Spain?

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24 Best Places to Visit in Spain


Architectural marvels and tons of beautiful beaches dotted along the Mediterranean Sea 

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Located on Spain’s stunning Catalonian coast, Barcelona is a must-visit for anyone who’s backpacking Europe for the first time. The historic city center is ripe with art, museums, and some of the most astounding architecture in the entire world. Namely, work from Antoni Gaudi who was from the region – he designed La Sagrada Familia and Park Güell. 

In addition to the biggest Spain attractions, Barcelona’s nightlife is invigorating. There is a huge club scene with nearly endless options that can appeal to all types of party-goers. 

All in all, if you only have time for one city in Spain, make it Barcelona.  Get planning now with my guide to the best things to do in Barcelona.


Spain’s capital city and largest metropolis has over 2,000 years of history and lots of high-end shopping streets to indulge in

Views above Madrid from Faro de Moncloa

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Heading into Central Spain, let’s talk about Madrid. It’s the country’s capital, the largest city by population, and one of the best places to backpack in Europe

So, when you’re making your list of places to visit in Spain, Madrid is another necessity. There are a bunch of beautiful sites and interesting things to do. Like wandering San Miguel Market and Plaza Mayor. 

You don’t even necessarily need a destination when you’re visiting Madrid because the city is so stunning. Just discovering the neighborhoods, restaurants, and lively nightlife is an adventure in itself.  

👉 Pro Tip: There are a bunch of things to do in Madrid’s famous Plaza Mayor. In the winter, it’s the site of the yearly Christmas market. In the spring, it hosts the drum parade for Easter. Check out what events are happening at Plaza Mayor before you visit! 


One of Spain’s most famous cities with tons of artistic attractions, shopping, and the best paella in the world 

The famous Central Market of Valencia has lots of places to grab a quick snack

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There is delicious food all over Spain, but if you’re hungry for a steaming bowl of paella then you need to visit its birthplace – Valencia. Valencia is located in eastern Spain about 3.5 hours south of Barcelona. Making it easy to work both incredible cities into a single trip visiting Spain. 

In Valencia, there are lots of places to nab an outfit (or ten). Like the high-end shopping street of Carrer de Colón. Then, grab a bite at the Central Market of Valencia. 

I’d recommend checking out the otherworldly tourist attraction of the City of Arts and Sciences. Or, delve into the city’s historic architecture at Plaza de la Reina. There are also plenty of kid-friendly activities like the L’Oceanogràfic aquarium and Platja de Llevant beach. 


A quaint, romantic city rich in mouthwatering tapas, Spanish history, and Flamenco dancing

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The Andalusian capital of Seville is one of my favorite places to visit in Spain. Seville manages to be quaint and homey while also maintaining the liveliness and fun you expect in a major city. 

There is a rich Flamenco dancing culture in Seville. As you walk along the narrow cobblestone streets, you’ll pass stores showcasing their colorful Flamenco costumes. From the Seville Plaza de Espana to the Royal Palace of Alcázar, there are many places to take it all in.  

My final selling point for Seville is the food. There is no shortage of delicious restaurants in Seville, especially tapas joints. I ate at a different place every meal for two weeks and I was still finding hidden gems among Seville’s restaurants. 


A beachside municipality with an array of museums that are perfect for families and art lovers alike

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Malaga is located in the southern region of Spain near Costa del Sol that’s great for families and art lovers. The coastal city is one of the best places to visit for its stunning beaches, Moorish architecture, and rich cultural heritage. 

The area is also an art museum hotspot with interesting offerings like the Picasso Museum and the Carmen Thyssen Museum. For history buffs, you might prefer Teatro Romano de Málaga from the Roman Empire days. 

When you’re in Malaga, don’t forget to stop by the Mercado Central de Atarazanas to wander the variety of delicious tapas vendors. Not only are there lots of tasty eats, but the former shipyard-turned-market itself is big and impressively beautiful. Like many places in Spain. 

🎒 Looking for a bag? We tried and tested the top travel backpacks for Europe, and ranked them all for different types of travelers. 


This laidback Spanish village is chock-full of mesmerizing views along with places for hiking and rock climbing 

Views looking outward from Ronda’s bridge leading into town

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Ronda, located in the Malaga region of southern Spain, features some of Spain’s most breathtaking landscapes. Truly, there are at least ten different expansive miradors. 

The biggest attraction in Ronda is the colossal Puente Nuevo bridge, but there is a surprisingly long list of things to do in this tiny city. Get a sense of the surrounding views at Alameda del Tajo. Learn about a local tradition at the Bullring of the Royal Cavalry Visit the Yacimiento Arqueológico medieval bathhouse.  

Or alternatively, just hang out and do nothing at all. It’s a chill town up in the mountains with a surplus of charm and an overall intimate vibe that’s perfect for couples. Even if you do nothing but explore the local gastronomy and enjoy the landscapes, Ronda is amazing. 

👉 Pro Tip: Getting into Ronda on your own can be a bit of a headache. If you’re only in Spain for a brief time, I’d recommend opting for a tour to handle all the planning for you. This White Villages and Ronda Day Tour from Seville is a particularly enticing one. They’ll pick you up and bring you to Zahara de la Sierra, Grazalema, and Ronda all in one day without any hassle. 


One of Europe’s oldest ancient seafront cities offers loads of interesting historical attractions

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Cadiz is a coastal city in the south with some of Spain’s best beaches and thought-provoking historical attractions. Cadiz is a very old city with a lot of Spanish history and places to discover it, such as the Cadiz Museum and the Yacimiento Arqueológico Gadir. 

In addition to local history, the city has a bunch of different beaches to choose from and loads of viewpoints to get a better feel for the area. 

Cadiz is perfect if you’re looking for an Andalusian city with all the appeal of southern Spain, but want something a little more lowkey than Seville. Alternatively, it makes for an excellent day trip because it’s easy to pop over on the train. 


A teenie Andalusian town with a lot of adorable specialty shops surrounded by dreamy landscapes

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In my opinion,  Frigiliana is one of the best places to visit in Spain to get away from it all. You know, when you want to take a trip and have it feel like a completely separate reality. Located near the southern coast just 15 minutes outside of Nerja, the white town of  Frigiliana has immaculate mountain town vibes.  

Unlike some of the bigger cities, you won’t find too many world-respected historic sites or extensive museums in  Frigiliana. But, you won’t need them. The hours can get away from you just wandering the skinny streets, artisanal shops, and view-heavy restaurants.  


A family-friendly beach paradise that will give you a true taste of Spain’s natural beauty

View from the Balcony of Europe in Nerja

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Not far from Frigiliana is the picturesque beachside city of Nerja. There is a lot of natural beauty around Nerja, namely its absurdly beautiful beaches. Like Playa Burriana. 

While you could spend all day kayaking in the ocean or lounging on Nerja’s beaches, there is other stuff to do too. 

There are plenty of hikes like Rio Chillar and Cliffs of Maro-Cerro Gordo that will take you through indescribable nature. When you’re done experiencing Nerja’s natural attractions, you can fuel up with food or cocktail at one of the city’s many incredible restaurants.  


Home to one of Spain’s most impressive basilicas, this Basque country city is a hub for Roman ruins

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The capital of the Aragon region in northeastern Spain, Zaragoza is flush with Roman historical sights. In the Old Town, you can really get a sense of the city’s rich history. The charming streets of the city are lined with adorable cafes and trendy restaurants. 

Or, if you prefer a bustling market, there is the magnificent Central Market of Zaragoza. 

👉 Pro Tip: If you have a car during your Spain trip, you might want to consider a day trip an hour outside of Zaragoza to Monasterio de Piedra (Stone Monastery). You can even stay over the night at this 13th-century monastery. 


Located in the northern Basque country, this port city’s golden playas are a favorite Spanish summer destination

Ribera Market in the morning 

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Let’s venture over to the Northern Spain city of Bilbao – one of the top beachy, summer destinations in this region of Spain. There are many beaches nearby Bilbao, but my favorite is Arrigunaga Beach

Bilbao also happens to be home to one of the most-visited museums in the entire county: The Guggenheim Museum. Even just seeing the exterior of the Guggenheim Museum will impress you. Inside, you’ll have access to a wealth of contemporary art.


This Mediterranean Balearic Island is a world-known nightlife destination, but it’s more than just a wild party spot

(photo: MarcoPachiega / Shutterstock)

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Travelers searching for the best nightlife in the world will find their little slice of heaven in Ibiza. It’s the dream destination for young travelers and party seekers. 

One of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza town has some of the most exhilarating clubs, bars, and events in all of Europe. Which is saying a lot. The best time to visit Spain for all these happenings is in June.  

However, there is more to Ibiza than just the raging nightlife. The island features some of the best beaches in Spain like Cala Bassa and Cala Saladeta. Along with cultural attractions such as the Castle of Ibiza and natural wonders like Cova de Can Marçà. 

Ibiza is one of those places that not only lives up to its reputation. It exceeds it. 


This ancient city near the Sierra Nevada Mountains features energetic markets and tasty tapas

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Located at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Granada is one of the oldest cities in the Andalusia region. Across Granada’s Jewish Quarter, also known as The Realejo, there are places to get a glimpse into this extensive history, like Casa de los Tiros and Cuarto Real. 

Anyone who wants a deeper dive into the history of this Spanish region will appreciate a visit to Granada. Not to mention that the city itself is just gorgeous.  


A mecca for Spanish culture with a UNESCO World Heritage Site accolade

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Toledo is situated about an hour south of Madrid. So, it’s an ideal day trip from the country’s capital. 

Inside the bounds of Toledo, you’ll discover one of Spain’s most interesting medieval cities. Even today, you can still feel the gothic aura hanging around the city. It’s so impressive that the city center of Toledo is actually ranked as a UNESCO site. 


A very little town in the mountains of southern Spain with tasty local wine that’s ideal for a day trip

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The narrow streets of Cómpeta are one of the lesser-known destinations in Spain. It’s located right in the stunning Sierra Almijara mountain range. However, it is one of my favorite places for a quick day trip. 

Cómpeta is truly a small town with very few attractions or major sites. Making for a more slow-paced, lowkey experience out in the Spanish mountainside. It’s a perfect place to root yourself if you’re planning on exploring all of Spain’s nearby white towns.


A lesser-known northern Spanish city featuring a number of architecturally stunning churches 

Historic Cathedral in Leon

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León is placed conveniently along Camino de Santiago in northwest Spain. The city provides visitors with some jaw-dropping Spanish architecture. The most notable attraction in town is the Santa Maria de Leon Catedral. There are several prominent churches throughout the city, though. So visitors who want to experience this aspect of Spanish culture will have a ball in León. 

The city also features a number of lively plazas to take a load off after wandering the streets. 


An intriguing city in the northwestern region with several museums and medieval religious sites

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You’ll come to find that Spain is a country with a long history and Valladolid is another terrific city to learn about it all. In particular, Valladolid is on the smaller side but packs a punch. It’s located 2 hours north of Madrid, and there are all types of things to do from museums and plazas to riverside beaches and well-kept parks. 

Valladolid is a good option to get a feel for standard Spanish attractions without the rush of Spain’s busier cities. 


A lowkey coastal town in the Tarifa region with the chance to spot Africa in the distance from the beaches

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Your first instinct might be to visit one of Spain’s most popular beach destinations if you’re itching for a summer vacation. But, I’d actually recommend going for one of the more uncharted little beach towns. Specifically, Bolonia in the Tarifa district on the Atlantic Ocean. 

Bolonia is the definition of an easygoing beach town. I actually never would have known about it if I wasn’t tipped off by a fellow traveler randomly. The coastal village has several beaches for visitors to choose from. The biggest of which is Bolonia Beach. There are just a few fun bars and some delicious restaurants. Plus, there are even the Baelo Claudia Roman ruins if you ever want a dose of history. 

Bolonia is a beautiful Spain destination. However, this is definitely more of a relaxing destination. Don’t expect all-night parties or an ongoing list of attractions.  

Lloret De Mar

A popular resort town along Costa Brava with places to party at night and beaches to recover on in the afternoon 

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Need a little more traditional comforts than the more obscure beach towns have to offer? Head over to the beloved resort town of Lloret De Mar on Costa Brava. 

Lloret De Mar is one of the best places to visit in Spain for combining lazy beach days with lively parties throughout the night. The town features tons of different beaches along the coastline. Along with over 300 different types of clubs in this coastal town. So, be prepared for a wild time and crowds during the high season.


A Moorish-style white village in the Sierra Cabrera Mountain range with markets and watersports to discover

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Another Spanish destination with pristine beaches is Mojacar. Once again, many people won’t perk their ears when they hear about this destination because it’s a tad less known. But, the picturesque town and beach of Mojacar are actually one of the most popular white villages in Andalusia. 

Besides the beaches and astonishing views scattered around the town, there are more reasons to love Mojacar. There are a bunch of places to eat good food.

Plenty of opportunities to participate in various watersports and golf courses. Along with some of the region’s best seafood. In Mojacar, you can find an authentic Spanish resort town experience.   


A hub of Roman ruins and history beautifully surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea

The Roman Ruins in Tarragona 

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Let’s say that you want a taste of the history and natural attractions of Spain at the same time. Go for a trip to Tarragona in the Catalonia region. 

The city has some of the most impressively preserved ruins from the Roman era, including the Tarragona Amphitheatre, a Roman chariot track, and an ancient aqueduct. The city’s Old Town also has enticing markets, beaches, and shopping streets. 

There are enough things to do that you could spend a couple of days getting to know Tarragona. However, Tarragona is only a little over an hour from Barcelona. So, you can get your easily fill of the historic seaside city on a day trip if you’re on a tight schedule. 

Palma de Mallorca

Travel Lemming writer Lea Rose Allbaugh cycling in Palma de Mallorca

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Mallorca is a Spanish island off the coast of the Balearic Sea, significantly larger than its more famous cousin Ibiza. The main resort city and capital is Palma, which is known for beautiful beaches and historical sites.

Check out Palma’s famous (and absolutely stunning) “Cathedral of Light,” the Royal Palace of La Almudaina, and the 14th-century Bellver Castle.

For more, check out Lea Rose’s guide to the best things to do in Palma de Mallorca.

San Sebastian 

This northern Spanish city has more Michelin-star restaurants than almost anywhere else in the world 

(photo: rui vale sousa / Shutterstock)

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San Sebastian is a city in northern Spain that has a lot of different things to offer its visitors. Sweeping landscapes, welcoming beaches, and a rich nightlife scene. However, the thing that San Sebastian is really known for is its delectable food. There are 24 Michelin-star restaurants in this port city with varying types of cuisine. 

All you have to do is wander around the city’s Old Town to find some of the most incredible dishes you’ve ever had. As you can imagine, foodies adore San Sebastian and all its mouthwatering food offerings. 

Canary Islands

A volcanic island chain less than 70 miles from Africa with a plethora of mindblowing natural attractions

📍 Google Maps | 👉 Browse Canary Islands Hotels on Trip Advisor

Spain’s Canary Islands have some of the best weather in all of Europe due to its southernmost location. You’ll almost always have warm weather and continual bright sunny days. 

The Canary Islands is home to breathtaking landscapes and incredible beaches. Once you see the ethereal island for yourself, you’ll understand why it’s one of the most popular Spanish vacation destinations. 

🇵🇹 Read Next: Best Places to Visit in Portugal

FAQs on Where to Go in Spain

What is the nicest part of Spain to visit?

The Andalusia region is the nicest part of Spain to visit. There are so many enticing destinations throughout Spain, including the regions of Catalonia, the Basque Country, and the Canary Islands. But, the Andalusia region offers visitors everything they could want: beauty, history, and excellent food. It’s a fantastic part of Spain to visit. 

Where is the most beautiful city in Spain?

Barcelona is the prettiest city in Spain. The Medeterrian city is perfectly situated between the mountains and the sea. Providing some of the best weather in the country throughout the year. It’s a bustling metropolis, a mountainous urban oasis, and a beach town all at once. Everything visitors could possibly dream of in a Spanish city. 

Where should I go to Spain for a week?

Visitors with just a week in Spain should visit Seville, Barcelona, and Madrid. These are the county’s most well-known major cities. Each of these cities is unique from each other and gives visitors the perfect week-long taste of Spain. 

What is the number one tourist attraction in Spain?

La Sagrada Familia Basilica is the number one biggest tourist attraction in Spain. The massively impressive church is located in Barcelona. It costs 20 EUR to visit La Sagrada Familia and visitors should book tickets in advance online. 


Thanks for reading my list of the best places to visit in Spain. Before you start packing for Spain just yet, read our Spain travel insurance guide to make sure you’re protected on your trip. 

Happy wandering!

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Which Country Should You Visit? (Pros & Cons!)

When planning a trip to Europe, Spain and Italy are undoubtedly two of the most popular countries for a vacation. After all, both Spain and Italy generally have temperate climates, allowing tourists to visit year-round.

Furthermore, both countries offer a plethora of historical sites, delicious cuisine, and warmer cultures with welcoming locals. They’re also both considered to be highly family-friendly destinations. However, not everyone has the time to see Spain and Italy on one trip! So, which place is better to visit: Spain or Italy?

Well, the answer to this question will vary from person to person. So, in this post, we’ll go over the best places to visit in each country, the best time of year to visit Spain and Italy, and the ultimate advantages and disadvantages of choosing one over the other! Ideally, this article will leave you equipped to make the best decision between Spain vs Italy for your upcoming Europe trip.

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Table of Contents

Best places to visit in Spain

The Alhambra in Granada, Spain.

Since Spain is home to 17 autonomous regions, choosing a specific destination for your trip can be difficult. At the end of the day, each area has its own culture, traditions, and even climate! In fact, did you know that Spain is the most climatically diverse country in Europe?

So, before you leave for your vacation, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on the weather forecast. We suggest packing layers no matter where you travel to in Spain. The following are some of the country’s main highlights to consider visiting:


Madrid, Spain’s capital city, is the perfect place to start your trip. Plus, it’s home to the Madrid–Barajas International Airport and is super well connected to the country’s other regions. Therefore, it’s easy to explore both Madrid and another destination in one trip.

While in the capital, check out Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace of Madrid, El Retiro Park, and Puerta del Sol! There are also three famous art museums in Madrid that you won’t want to miss: the Prado Museum, the Reina Sofía Museum, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.


As the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona has a unique flair that draws millions of tourists to visit each year. Gaudí’s creations, such as La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Casa Milà, and Casa Batlló, are some of the most visited attractions in town. We suggest taking a free walking tour on your first day here to get your bearings in this bustling city.

Barça is also a popular spot for sports fans visiting Camp Nou and for foodies looking to sample Catalan cuisine. Furthermore, Barcelona is the perfect destination for someone looking to simultaneously experience a beach town and a vast metropolitan city. It has multiple beaches within a few minutes of the city center, or you can take a road trip from here to the Costa Brava.


Known for flamenco dancing, tapas, and the Feria de Abril, most travelers will agree that Seville is the principal city in Southern Spain you shouldn’t miss. The main things to do in Seville include the Alcázar of Seville (GoT was filmed here!), the Seville Cathedral, the Plaza de España, and Casa de Pilatos.

We recommend an absolute minimum of two to three days in the city to cover the majority of these sites. Especially if you’re visiting during the summertime, plan to buy your tickets for the attractions in Seville in advance or book a guided tour.

Costa del Sol 

The Costa del Sol, which translates to “sunshine coast,” is one of the best places to vacation in Spain, particularly for European families. As you might imagine, this region has the most agreeable climate in Spain, with warm weather and very little rain.

For those who love watersports, seafood, golf, nightlife, and hanging by the beach, the Costa del Sol is a great option. In particular, Málaga, Marbella, and Nerja are ideal places to explore all the beaches and activities this area offers.

San Sebastián

As another prominent beach escape in Spain, San Sebastián is considered the gem of the Basque Country. Relax in the sand at Playa de la Concha and Playa de Ondarreta before hitting up San Sebastián’s classic pintxo (Basque word for “tapas”) bars.

This resort town is a foodie’s paradise, with various renowned restaurants, including Arzak and Akelarre. It’s also a great base to explore the rest of “El País Vasco”!


The main reason people visit Granada is to see the famous Alhambra. Nonetheless, the city itself is also quite charming, especially the Albaicín neighborhood!

Since Nasrid Palace tickets can be hard to come by in high season, you may want to opt for a guided tour. After visiting the palace, go to the Realejo area for some authentic “tapas granadinas.”

The Canary Islands

Between its countless beaches and national parks, the Canary Islands has become a popular vacation spot for Europeans. The most visited islands include Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and La Palma.

This destination is ideal for tourists looking to relax by the beach! Plus, good weather is almost guaranteed, no matter when you visit.

Best time to visit Spain

María Luisa Park in Seville, Spain.
A view of Puente Nuevo in Ronda, Spain.

Generally, the best time to visit Spain is during one of its two shoulder seasons: spring (March-May) or fall (September-November). During the spring, you’ll experience long days, mild temperatures, and fewer tourists compared to the summertime.

Additionally, Holy Week, Seville’s April Fair, and Córdoba’s flower-packed Patio Festival are all exciting spring events. You may even want to consider planning a beach vacation to the famous Costa del Sol towards to end of April. Ultimately, you can have the best of both worlds in the spring–sunshine and a lack of crowds–that is, if you plan correctly.

Fall is another great time to visit Spain, especially if you want to visit Madrid or Barcelona. Hotel prices tend to drop in these more expensive cities, and you won’t have to battle the heat to see the most famous attractions.

Summer is the most popular time of year to travel to Spain overall, so expect prices to reflect this. With this in mind, you’ll want to avoid booking anything last minute during this time of year. Additionally, while most of the country is lovely to visit in the summertime, you may want to keep an eye on the temperature.

In July, you’ll particularly want to double-check that your hotel has air conditioning, especially in Seville and Madrid. You’ll have to fight the crowds during the summer, but this won’t be a problem if you plan your itinerary well in advance.

As June through August is the busiest time to visit, you might be able to guess that the lowest season falls between November and February. Nonetheless, don’t rule out visiting Spain in the winter just yet!

If you enjoy empty museums and perusing Christmas markets, one of our best travel tips is to plan a winter trip to Spain. In fact, this is the perfect season for a budget-friendly vacation. After all, thanks to its mainly Mediterranean climate, Spain has one of the mildest winters in Europe!

Read More: The Best Times to Visit Spain

Pros and cons of visiting Spain

Flower-covered homes in Priego de Córdoba, Spain.
Outside of the Mezquita in Córdoba, Spain.

In this section, we’ll discuss some of the main advantages and disadvantages of visiting Spain instead of Italy. Although both destinations have pros and cons, hopefully, this list will help you make your choice!

Would you like to avoid crowds? 

In 2019, Spain received 83.5 million tourists, while Italy received 64.5 million. Although more international tourists choose to travel to Spain, we would argue that these visitors are better dispersed throughout the country. For example, Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville are big attractions, but so are Granada, Córdoba, Valencia, and Málaga.

By comparison, visitors to Italy tend to be more concentrated among the four hotspots of Rome, Milan, Venice, and Florence. So, especially for a summertime vacation, you may encounter more crowds in Italy than in Spain.

Will this be a budget-friendly trip?

All in all, Spain is generally cheaper to visit than Italy. Mainly, restaurants and hotels are more affordable, even in larger Spanish cities, like Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville. Note that you will use euros as currency in both Italy and Spain.

The cost of public transport (for example, high-speed train tickets) in both countries is relatively comparable. They each have easily accessible trains, buses, and metro stations, so you don’t necessarily need to have a rental car in either country. Remember to check flight prices between cities, too!

How do you feel about Spanish food?

If you’re a fan of tapas, then you’ll love the food scene in Spain. Some of the most famous Spanish dishes to try include paella, jamón ibéricogazpachotortilla española, and patatas bravas. For those with a sweet tooth, you won’t want to miss trying churros con chocolate.

However, we will admit that Italian food is slightly more varied than Spanish food. After all, we adore paella, but does anything compare to homemade pasta? Note that you can expect lots of olive oil in both destinations!

Will this be a beach vacation? 

When we compare Spain versus Italy for a beach vacation, the better option is Spain. In fact, Spain is currently the world leader in blue flag beaches, with 614 of its beaches having been distinguished for their quality and safety. 

The most famous Spanish beaches tend to be more expansive with powdery golden sand. For example, think of La Concha Beach in San Sebastián, Playa de Las Catedrales in Galicia, and Platja Gran in Tossa de Mar. By comparison, Italian beaches tend to be smaller and more rugged. For example, picture the popular Spiaggia del Fornillo in Positano.

Best places to visit in Italy

St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy.

Since there are 20 regions in Italy, you may have a hard time choosing which destinations to add to your itinerary. As in the case of Spain, Italy is also an incredibly diverse country! To see if any of these options pique your interest, here are some of Italy’s main highlights:


The “Eternal City” is frequently considered one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. This ranking shouldn’t be a surprise, as Rome is home to important historical sites such as the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and the Pantheon.

Due to its acclaim, you’ll want to plan to spend at least three days in Rome and secure tickets to the top attractions in advance. We recommend checking out Dark Rome’s “no wait” tours. On your trip to Rome, adding a day trip to Pompeii is also easy.

Read More: 25 Interesting Facts About Rome, Italy


Florence, the capital of Tuscany, is a city that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. Many tourists even rank Florence as their favorite destination in Italy due to its unique culture, food, and romantic Renaissance architecture.

During your visit, you won’t want to miss the Duomo di Firenze, Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio, and Pitti Palace. Florence is also a great base to explore more of the Tuscany Region. For example, plan to take day trips to Pisa, Siena, or Lucca! Another option is to fly into Florence and take a road trip through Northern Italy.


Venice may be one of the first places you picture when you think of Italy. Due to its fame as a “floating city” lined with canals and colorful homes, Venice receives approximately 20 million tourists annually.

Saint Mark’s Basilica, the Doge’s Palace, the Grand Canal, Burano, and Piazza San Marco are some of the top attractions that continue to draw new tourists each year. Venice is also a somewhat divisive city among tourists–some people love it, while others consider it to be more of a tourist trap. You’ll have to visit to see what you think!


As a fashion capital, Milan offers some of the best shopping in the world. However, even if you don’t have a big budget, this northern Italian city is still worth visiting. Check out the terrace at the top of the Duomo di Milano, take a stroll through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, and tour Sforza Castle. Afterward, relax in Sempione Park and grab an Aperol Spritz at Terraza Aperol.

Lake Como

Approximately 80km north of Milan, you’ll find the beautiful Lake Como, a trendy vacation spot for the rich and famous. Here, you can relax by the beach, take a boat ride, or even participate in water sports like windsurfing, sailing, and kitesurfing.

Nature lovers will want to hike to Villa del Balbianello, go zip lining at Jungle Raider Park, and spend an afternoon at the botanical gardens at Villa Cipressi Hotel.

Cinque Terre

This famous stretch of coastline in northwestern Italy actually comprises five small fishing villages: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. Monterosso and Riomaggiore are the most significant towns, while Vernazza and Manarola are often considered the most beautiful, and Corniglia is more of a hidden gem away from the crowds. 

One of the best ways to experience the Cinque Terre is to take the hiking trails that connect the five towns (note: you’ll need a Cinque Terre Card). Besides hiking, you can swim, go sailing, kayaking, or even snorkel or dive.

The Dolomites

If outdoor activities are right up your alley, you’ll want to visit the Dolomites, a mountain range in northeastern Italy. During the winter, the Dolomites are perfect for a ski trip. Meanwhile, tourists flock to the area in warmer months to go hiking, climbing, mountain biking, cycling, and rafting with incredible views. No matter the time of year, the Dolomites are the ideal destination for any adventure traveler.

Read More: The 25 Best Books About Italy

Best time to visit Italy

The Colosseum in Rome, Italy.
The Duomo in Florence, Italy.

As with Spain, the best time to visit Italy, in general, is either during spring (March-May) or fall (September-November). During the spring, you can expect cooler temperatures compared to the summertime, and much fewer crowds–that is, as long as you avoid visiting close to Easter. Remember that Rome is a top-rated destination for religious tourism!

If you’d like to travel to Rome, Florence, Milan, or Venice, you should ideally avoid planning your trip during July and August. During the summer, we recommend visiting more off-the-beaten-path attractions to avoid crowds.

If you’d like to visit some of the more well-known sites, we advise aiming for March, April, or October. Or, if you’d rather hit the beach on the Amalfi Coast or the Cinque Terre, spring (April and May) and fall (September and October) can also be great times to experience these areas. We propose spending at least ten days in Italy for the whole experience.

Summer is the heaviest season for tourism in most Italian destinations, so expect higher prices for food, accommodations, and flights. When booking your hotel for June, July, or August, ensure that the property offers air conditioning.

Summertime temperatures can be sweltering and often over 90°F! Although you’ll have to fight the crowds during the summer, this shouldn’t be a problem if you book skip-the-line or no-wait guided tours.

The low season in Italy is normally December through February. So, you may want to consider a winter vacation to save money. However, we suggest actively checking the forecast, as rainfall is expected during these months.

Moreover, be aware that the country does experience a surge of tourism during its Carnival celebrations (Carnevale in Italian). This event typically takes place on Fat Tuesday, although activities begin the weekend prior. The most famous carnivals in the country take place in Venice, Viareggio, and Acireale.

Pros and cons of visiting Italy

The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy.
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, Italy.

Is this your first trip to Europe?

If so, many people visiting Europe for the first time opt for Italy, as this country is home to tourist attractions that they’re more familiar with. For example, the Colosseum, Pompeii, the Vatican, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are destinations that most Americans would know. On the other hand, Spain offers a more off-the-beaten-track experience.

If you’d like to travel on a non-stop flight from the United States to Italy, you can fly into Rome (FCO) or Milan (MXP). Meanwhile, if you’re planning a trip to Spain, there are direct flights into Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN).

How do you feel about museums and archeological sites? 

Italy might not be ideal for your vacation if you don’t like history. In fact, many of Italy’s highlights, like Rome and Florence, heavily focus on history and architecture. If history’s not your thing, but you still want to visit Italy, consider an adventure-packed trip to the Dolomites or a beach vacation on the coast.

What kind of history do you want to experience? 

Italy and Spain are two of the best nations to visit for history lovers. Currently, Italy is home to 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, while Spain has 49. In Spain’s favor, some of its most celebrated historical attractions are the Mezquita in Córdoba, the Alhambra in Granada, the Alcázar in Seville, and the Sagrada Família in Barcelona.

You’ll learn at many of these Spanish sites how these buildings were repurposed from ancient Moorish structures. However, if you’d like to learn about the Romans specifically, you’ll want to go to Italy. There, you can find highlights such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, and Pompeii.

Are you a vegetarian?

This may seem like a random question! However, we’ve had plenty of people tell us that they’ve had an easier time finding vegetarian menu options in Italy over Spain. Picky eaters may also prefer food in Italy due to familiarity.

For example, you’ll find lots of Italian dishes with flavors based on fresh tomatoes, basil, oregano, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and cheese. You’ll want to try the pizza, pasta, gnocchi, risotto, and, of course, gelato for dessert.

So, which place is better: Italy or Spain? Ultimately, you’ll have to decide that for yourself. However, we hope this post helps make your decision a little easier!

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This post was originally published in June 2020 and has since been updated.

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Beach holidays in Spain – the best beaches and hotels in Spain for holidays with children

Beach holidays in Spain

A beach holiday in Spain is not something you can intentionally go to this country for, but nevertheless, at a certain period of the year it is a nice bonus that allows you to make your vacation truly complete.

For those who are important not only to visit the sights and feel the spirit of this country, but also to swim in the sea and get an excellent tan, it is worth taking into account some features.

First, choose the right time. The swimming season in Spain officially lasts from June to September, but it is most comfortable to swim in the sea in July, August and the first half of September. At this time, the water temperature on the Mediterranean coast is about 23-25C, somewhere warmer, somewhere cooler, depending on the region.

In addition to the Mediterranean coast, a beach holiday in Spain is also possible in the northern part of the country, which is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Here the water is cooler, the ocean even at the peak of the season warms up no higher than + 21-22C and a refreshing breeze always blows from the coast. It is worth going here for those who do not tolerate the heat well and prefer refreshing swims, so that later they can fry well in the sun.

Where is the best beach holiday in Spain?

Where exactly to go in Spain for a relaxing and carefree beach holiday that will allow you to get a great tan, how to swim and charge yourself with a shock dose of vitamin D? Many resorts in this country are famous for their beaches, choose what is closer to you.

Undoubtedly, the best beach holiday in Spain is on the Mediterranean coast, almost all resorts here have the prefix “Costa” (which actually means “shore”): Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada and etc. You can choose beaches with white, golden, dark sand, located in cozy coves surrounded by rocks or on wide sandbanks. You can choose secluded places, or you can stay near big cities to combine a beach holiday with other types of entertainment. Many beaches in the Mediterranean have been awarded the Blue Flag – a sign that in Europe marks the most well-groomed and clean beaches that are safe for vacationers in all respects. Large water parks, slide complexes, diving training centers are located here, families with children from all over the world come here for a rich holiday under the hot sun.

The best beaches in Spain for young people to relax are on the islands, for example, Mallorca, any of the Canary Islands, or on the famous Ibiza, where music never stops day or night and incendiary parties take place.

Reviews of a beach holiday in Spain will convince you that this is one of the best options for a vacation. Thanks to the mild, hot climate and the rich natural, historical and architectural heritage of Spain, you can spend the perfect vacation, moderately relaxing and moderately educational.

Beach tours to Spain are always tours for the summer months, from mid-September to mid-June it makes no sense to go here for beach activities – the sea is cool, winds blow and it rains. And during the season, vacation prices are also at their peak. Therefore, it is best to buy tickets to the resorts of Spain for a beach holiday in advance. Early booking will allow you to save up to 50% of the cost of tours. Considering that the prices for the Spanish destination are generally above average, this is quite good.

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The weather in spain in february: Spain Weather in February | Thomas Cook

Опубликовано: February 21, 2023 в 9:15 pm


Категории: February

Barcelona, Spain weather in February: average temperature & climate

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General weather summary

Cold with a gentle breeze

Feels like


Chance of rain

0.056 in


12.3 mph

Wind speed



10.6 hrs

Daylight length

7:47 AM


6:22 PM



Cloud cover


What to wear

Build, organize, and map your itinerary to Barcelona with our free trip planner.

Table of contents
  • What is the average temperature
  • How much does it rain
  • How cloudy is it
  • When is sunrise and sunset
  • How humid is it
  • How windy is it
  • What to wear

What is the average temperature in February

The average temperature in Barcelona in February for a typical day ranges from a high of 56°F (13°C) to a low of 43°F (6°C). Some would describe it as cold with a gentle breeze.

For comparison, the hottest month in Barcelona, August, has days with highs of 83°F (28°C) and lows of 71°F (22°C). The coldest month, February has days with highs of 56°F (13°C) and lows of 43°F (6°C). This graph shows how an average day looks like in Barcelona in February based on historical data.

Highs and lows in Barcelona in Feb

How much does it rain in February

In Barcelona in February, there’s a 16% chance of rain on an average day. And on the average day it rains or snows, we get 0.35 in (8.9 mm) of precipitation. In more common terms of how much that is, some would describe it as light rain.

The wettest month in Barcelona is November where a typical day has a 23% chance of precipitation and gets 0.03 inches (0.8 mm) of precipitation, while the dryest month in Barcelona is July where a typical day has a 8% chance of precipitation and gets 0.06 inches (1.4 mm) of precipitation. These graphs show the probability of it raining/snowing in February and the amount of rainfall.

Chance of rain or snow on an average Barcelona day by month

Average precipitation by hour of day

How cloudy is Barcelona in February

The average amount of time that the sky is clear or sunny (partly cloudy or less) in Barcelona during February is 13.3 hours (55% of the day). For comparison, the month with the most clear, sunny days in Barcelona is July with an average of 19.0 hours per day while November has the shortest amount of cloud-free hours with only 12.5 hours per day. This graph shows the average amount of sunshine in Barcelona in February based on historical data.

Monthly clear skies percent of time in Barcelona

When is sunrise and sunset in February

The average day in Barcelona during February has 10.6 hours of daylight, with sunrise at 7:47 AM and sunset at 6:22 PM.

The day with the longest amount of daylight in Barcelona is June 22nd with 15.2 hours while December 19th has the shortest amount of daylight with only 9.2 hours.

This graph shows the average amount of daylight in Barcelona in February based on historical data.

Average hours of daylight in Barcelona by month

How humid is it in February

In February, Barcelona is moderately humid with an average amount of 67% (relative humidity), which could be described as humid but cool. October has the highest relative humidity at 72% and is the least humid in June at 66%. This graph shows the average amount of humidity in Barcelona throughout February based on historical data.

Average relative humidity in Barcelona by month

How windy is it in February

Historically, the wind in Barcelona during February blows at an average speed of 12.3 mph (19.8 kph). The windiest month is March with an average wind speed of 12.4 mph (20.0 kph), while the calmest month is August with an average wind speed of 9.1 mph (14.6 kph). This graph shows the average wind speed in Barcelona in February based on historical data.

Average monthly wind speed in Barcelona

What to wear in February

With an average high of 56°F (13°C) and a low of 43°F (6°C), it generally feels cold with a gentle breeze. With that in mind, most people would dress in something warm like a jacket.

What’s the weather like in Barcelona the rest of the year

We’ve collected the weather data for Barcelona during all other months of the year too:

  • Weather in Barcelona in January
  • Weather in Barcelona in March
  • Weather in Barcelona in April
  • Weather in Barcelona in May
  • Weather in Barcelona in June
  • Weather in Barcelona in July
  • Weather in Barcelona in August
  • Weather in Barcelona in September
  • Weather in Barcelona in October
  • Weather in Barcelona in November
  • Weather in Barcelona in December

Where does this data come from

Weather data for Barcelona was collected from the MERRA-2 project from NASA, which used a climate model combined with historical data from weather stations around the world to estimate what the conditions were like for every point on the Earth.

For all data based on historical data, we’ve averaged the data from the past 11 years (2010-2020). For example, for the hourly temperature at 10am, we’ve looked at the temperature at 10am on every day in February (e.g., February 1, February 2, etc. in 2010, 2011, etc.) and took the arithmetic mean. We did not smooth the data, so for example, our daily temperature line will have some randomness due to the fact that weather is random in the first place.

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Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


Barcelona to


All road trips from Barcelona

  • Barcelona to Paris drive
  • Barcelona to London drive
  • Barcelona to Madrid drive
  • Barcelona to Rome drive
  • Barcelona to Valencia drive
  • Barcelona to Florence drive
  • Barcelona to Amsterdam drive
  • Barcelona to Lisbon drive
  • Barcelona to Milan drive
  • Barcelona to Berlin drive
  • Barcelona to Prague drive
  • Barcelona to Venice drive
  • Barcelona to Palma de Mallorca drive
  • Barcelona to Salou drive
  • Barcelona to Seville drive
  • Barcelona to Budapest drive
  • Barcelona to Vienna drive
  • Barcelona to Edinburgh drive
  • Barcelona to Dublin drive
  • Barcelona to Turin drive
  • Barcelona to Ranelagh drive
  • Barcelona to Granada drive
  • Barcelona to Marseille drive
  • Barcelona to Zaragoza drive
  • Barcelona to Brussels drive
  • Barcelona to Nice drive
  • Barcelona to Munich drive
  • Barcelona to Porto drive
  • Barcelona to Istanbul drive
  • Barcelona to Benidorm drive

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Barcelona?

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  • 1-Day Barcelona Itinerary
  • 2-Day Barcelona Itinerary
  • 3-Day Barcelona Itinerary
  • 4-Day Barcelona Itinerary
  • 5-Day Barcelona Itinerary

Barcelona in February 2022 | Weather, Things to Do, Events & More

The seaside city of Barcelona is the perfect holiday destination for people from across the world. Its stunning architecture, dazzling nightlife, delicious food, and memorable landmarks make it a thoroughly enjoyable city to visit and explore. 

Visiting Barcelona in various months will offer a different experience. This guide will go into detail on the things to look out for and do in the month of February.

Is February a good time to visit Barcelona?

February is one of the coldest months of the year in Barcelona, which means there are very few tourists. Temperatures, however, are not too low, ranging around 15℃ which is great for walking around town.

Why you should visit

  • Crowds are much lesser in February since it is right after the holiday season. 
  • Landmarks have fewer tourists, allowing you to explore them better.
  • Hotels are easily available and can be booked at excellent prices. 
  • It’s a great time of the year to explore Barcelona outdoors.

What to look out for

  • The weather may be a little too cold for some guests, especially at night.
  • The sea is quite cold, and swimming in the water may not be possible. 
  • Since the sun will be setting earlier in the day and the days are shorter, you will need to start exploring earlier in the day.

Overview of Weather in Barcelona in February

February is a fairly cool month in Barcelona. Temperature is around the same as December and January, with about 5 hours of sunlight every day. 

Average Temperature: 15℃ during the day and 8℃ during the night.

Average Rainfall: 41mm, 5 rainy days (very unlikely to see snow).

Average Wind Speeds: 7 miles per hour.

Temperature of the Sea: 13℃

Best Time to Visit Barcelona

More About Weather in Barcelona in February

How hot is Barcelona in February?

Barcelona’s weather is still cool in February. Winter is ending, and the average high temperature is about 13 to 15℃, while the average low is about 8 to 9℃.  

Can you Swim at Beaches in Barcelona in February?

Although known for its beaches, the water can be too cold in February. The average temperature of the water is about 13℃, making it too cold for a swim. 

Does it rain in Barcelona in February?

The chances of rainfall are high for about 4 to 6 days in February. Cloud cover, however, is very less, and you will get a chance to see crisp blue skies and warm sunshine. Although this is the most likely month to experience snow, the chance is still quite low. 

Is Barcelona windy in February?

There is a constant low moderate breeze throughout February, with speeds reaching 7 miles an hour.

Top 12 Things to do in Barcelona in February

1. Sagrada Familia

Gaudi’s Attraction | Cathedral

The Sagrada Familia was designed by Antoni Gaudi with construction first starting in 1882. The low crowds make this the perfect time of the year to explore this unfinished cathedral.

February Timings: Daily from 9 AM to 6 PM

from €47

2. Park Guell

Gaudi’s Attraction | Park

Built between 1900 and 1914, Park Guell was officially opened to the public in 1926. The low crowds make February the best time to discover Gaudi’s incredible artistic abilities.

February Timings: 8.30 AM to 6:15 PM

from €10

3. Casa Vicens

Gaudi’s Attraction | House Museum

A modernist building in Barcelona, this Gaudi structure is built in the orientalist style. You can admire some incredible paintings and works of art at this landmark.

February Timings: 10 AM to 7 PM

from €16

4. Casa Mila

Gaudi’s Attraction | House Museum

Casa Mila is one of the most important landmarks of the city. Learn about the unique architecture of the building and visit the rooftop under the clear skies in February.

February Timings:

Day tour: 9:00 AM to 8:30 PM

Night tour: 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM

from €24


Casa Batllo

Gaudi’s Attraction | Landmark Building

The Casa Batllo, yet another historic monument by Antoni Gaudi, features avant-garde design of the roof and ceramic tiles to lend this structure a unique appearance. 

February Timings : 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

from €35

6. Museums


The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya features the best art exhibitions in the city. It is also a spectacular building that makes for some excellent photos.

Best Museums in Barcelona

7. Montjuic Cable Car

Cable Car

Escape the bustling city and catch panoramic views of the city from the top of Montjuic. The clear skies make for some unforgettable views that are a must-see!

February Timings: From 10 AM to 6 PM

Explore Montjuic Cable Car

8. Enjoy a food tour

Cultural Experience

A food tour is a must around Barcelona. Enjoy a range of street food and delicacies in the cool February weather. Take a breezy stroll to explore the unique dishes around town.

Barcelona Food & Drinks Guide

9. Take a hike

Nature & Adventure

A hike on the hills around Barcelona is a fun experience in February. The cool weather and stunning views make this a must-try experience, especially for those who enjoy being outdoors.

10. Barcelona Aquarium


Visit the world’s largest aquarium as a part of your February plans. Hundreds of aquatic lifeforms can be found at L’Aquarium Barcelona. Indulge in a shark cage dive or observe penguins during their feeding time.

February Timings: 10 AM to 8 PM

from €21

11. Watch a Flamenco Show

Cultural Experience

Dating back ages, this Flamenco performance is a combination of unique dance steps, flamenco guitar playing, and magnificent costumes. Unwind with a glass of wine and experience a classic Spanish dance in all its glory!

February Timings: Daily from 5:00 PM to 10:30 PM


Stroll through Plaça d’Espanya

City Square

Plaça de Espanya is one of the most influential squares in the city. Apart from acting as a backbone for the city’s roads, the famous square also comes with spectacular views of Barcelona and features an elegant fountain in the center.

Festivals in Barcelona in February

Chinese New Year

Dates: February 1

Barcelona’s Chinese community celebrates the new year with a lot of traditions. The celebrations occur at Arc de Triomf. A Dragon’s street parade will take place, and there will be numerous food stalls where you can catch some quick bites.

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Santa Eulalia Festival

Dates: Between February 7 – 12

The patron saint of Barcelona, Santa Eulalia lived in the 4th century and was crucified at the age of 13 by the Roman Emperor Dioclerian. Visitors can see a beautifully carved 15th-century carved sarcophagus with the saint’s remains at the Cathedral‘s crypt.  

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Barcelona Carnival

Dates: February 24 – March 2

The King Carnival ceremony kicks off the week-long event and celebration. For an even better experience, you can head to the town of Sitges, which is located 15 kilometers away from Barcelona. The locals have a blast and dress up in some amazing costumes.

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Events in Barcelona in February

World Mobile Congress

Venue: Fira de Barcelona Gran Via, Barcelona

Dates: 28 February – 03 March

Held between February 28th and March 3rd, this event brings together device manufacturers and network equipment providers. For tech lovers, this is the perfect event to learn about the latest innovations in network and mobile technology.

Valentine’s Day

Dates: February 14

Barcelona is a great romantic destination to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your partner. Enjoy some delicious Spanish food at a restaurant, take a cable car ride up Montjuic, or enjoy a flamenco show for a fun-filled day.

Know Before You Visit Barcelona in February

Travel Essentials

What to wear

What to pack




Time Zone: GMT +2

Currency: Euro EUR – €

Country code: +34

Emergency numbers: 112

What to Wear in Barcelona in February

  • A warm jacket, along with a sweater and scarf is perfect for the cold weather. 
  • Bring along a good pair of walking shoes, since you will be walking quite a bit around town. 
  • If you generally feel cold, be sure to carry multiple layers to keep you warm.

What to Pack in Barcelona in February

  • The weather in February can get quite cold. If you’re typically not comfortable with the cold; pack warm clothes like sweaters and coats.
  • February nights can get chilly. Be prepared with gloves, ear muffs, and head caps.
  • The weather during the day is pleasant and optimal for exploring Barcelona. Although unlikely, you might need sunscreen.
  • Be sure to bring along an umbrella, since there might be an odd shower.
  • Sunglasses are also a must since the sun can be low and bright.

Getting Around Barcelona in February

By Bus: There are over 200 lines that run late into the night, making bus transport convenient and cost effective. City bus map. 

By Metro: Barcelona also had an excellent metro railway network with 8 lines and 161 stations. This is the fastest way around the city. Metro map.

By Cable car: There are three cable car lines in Barcelona, where you can catch some stunning views of the city. Two of these lines reach Tibidabo, while the other goes to Montjuic. 

By Foot: Exploring the city by foot is a great option in February due to the cool weather. Most of the famous attractions are located close to each other.

Where to Stay in Barcelona in February

Frequented by throngs of tourists from around the world, Barcelona has a great selection of hotels to choose from. Select your accommodation on what suits best for you.

Budget: Hotel Oasis, Violeta Boutique, Hostal Boqueria. 

Mid Range: Mayerling Schumann Barcelona, Murmuri Residence Mercader

Luxury: Grand Hotel Central, Soho House, Mercer Hotel

What to Eat in Barcelona in February

Relish gob-smacking Spanish delicacies right at home in Barcelona. Taste these authentic Catalan dishes and many more all across town.

Calçotada: Barcelona enjoys the peak of calçot season in February. Similar to a spring onion but only much sweeter, calçots are one of the most prized regional crops from Barcelona.

Paella: This iconic rice and seafood dish actually originates from Valencia. It is considered Spain’s national dish and is found in every corner of the country. 

Escalivada: This dish is made with grilling eggplant and red peppers over an open wood fire and serving them on toasted bread with lashings of quality olive oil, garlic, salt.

Hacks & Tips to Visit Barcelona in February

  • Carry multiple layers of clothing so you can enjoy the cold weather in February.
  • Swimming in the water may not be possible tin February, since the water temperature can be as low as 13℃
  • Be sure to carry an umbrella with you, since there may be light showers in February.
  • Note that certain restaurants and nightclubs may have a dress code.
  • Petty crimes in Barcelona are quite common, so be aware of your possessions, particularly on public transport. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Visiting Barcelona in February

Is February a good time to visit Barcelona?

Yes, Barcelona has cool and pleasant weather with very few tourists in February.

What are the best things to do in Barcelona in February?

Is Barcelona cold in February?

The average temperature in Barcelona ranges between 15℃ and 8℃.

How hot is Barcelona in February?

Barcelona is typically pleasant and cool during February, and ranges between 15℃ and 8℃.

Can you swim in Barcelona in February?

The water temperature is quite cold in February, due to the cooler weather. And if you are okay swimming in cold water, then you can try swimming in the beach.

Is it sunny in Barcelona in February?

Yes, it is fairly sunny in Barcelona in February.

What clothes to wear in Barcelona in February?

Be sure to layer your clothes since it can get quite chilly in the evenings and night.

Is it rainy in Barcelona in February?

There is a high chance of rain for about 5-6 days in the month of February.

Is Barcelona expensive to visit?

Since February is the off-season, Barcelona is quite budget friendly. Airfare and hotel tickets are lower than the rest of the year if you book it in advance.

How safe is Barcelona?

Barcelona is safe for tourists. However, petty thievery such as pickpocketing is quite common.

What can I see in Barcelona in February?

You can visit the famous Gaudi attractions such as the Sagrada Familia, Casa Batllo, and other museums during February.

What are the major events in Barcelona in February?

The major event in February is the Santa Eulalia Festival and Barcelona Carnival.

What is the average temperature in Barcelona in February?

The average temperature in Barcelona ranges between 15℃ and 8℃.

What are the best things to do with Kids in Barcelona in February?

The museums are a great place for kids to visit and learn about Barcelona’s history and culture.

What are the main festivals in Barcelona in February?

Chinse New Year is one of the major festivals in Barcelona in February that is celebrated with pomp and splendour!

Weather in Spain for February 2023 ⋆ Weather forecast for Spain for the month of February ⇒ Colombia

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    90,000 personal travel experiences in Spain in winter. Weather in Spain in February Temperature in Spain in February

    In Spain, the winter only in the northern and central regions resembles the Russian one. Frost and snow are possible here. In Madrid, for example, during the day the average temperature is around 12 degrees, and at night it drops to 4°C. True, snowfalls and frosts are possible here, but the total number of days on which precipitation falls does not exceed six.

    And the warmest weather in Spain pleases the south-east of the country. For example, in Cartagena, the daytime temperature is kept at 17 degrees, and the nighttime temperature is around 5°C. In the same temperature limits, the temperature is kept in the south of Spain, for example, in Malaga and the Costa del Sol. During the day it is 18 ° C, and at night – 8 degrees. As in Madrid, the number of rainy days here is about six.

    But the most cloudless and sunniest region in Spanish February is the Costa Blanca area and Valencia itself as such. Here, there are only four rainy days for 15 clear days. And the air temperature here is kept within the limits characteristic of the south of Spain (16/6 degrees).

    If we talk about swimming, then in February it is still impossible to talk about the possibility of a full-fledged reception of water procedures. The average water temperature is only 13°C. The exception is Malaga, which is about 17 degrees. At the resorts of Costa Brava and Costa Dorada, which are favored by Russian tourists, the situation is the same. Here, not only the water is cold, but the air is relatively cool – only 14 degrees during the day and up to 15 ° C at night. But there is little precipitation in this area – 33 mm.

    Nevertheless, the not too warm February weather in Spain makes it possible to get to know the country, its culture and traditions better, for example, to see flamenco. Moreover, in different cities of Spain, the manner of performance will be different. Now there are four main schools of flamenco in Spain – in Jerez, Madrid, Granada and Seville. Dancers and dancers perform in special venues called tablaos. If necessary, a ticket can be purchased in advance, although the influx of tourists in February is still small, so there will be no problems with tickets on the day of the performance.

    But at the end of the month, the number of tourists increases significantly, as at this time Spain is immersed in the atmosphere of carnivals taking place in different cities. There is no specific start date for carnival processions, as it depends on when Easter was. Carnivals in Cadiz and Madrid are considered the most impressive. Cadiz is very close in spirit to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. You can look at all the carnival processions absolutely free of charge, but if you want to watch them, sitting in chairs placed on both sides of the street along which the procession will move, you will have to pay.

    In terms of weather, February in Spain contributes to visiting such a bright and unforgettable holiday that takes place as part of the Carnival week as the Carnival of the Bulls in Ciudad Rodrigo (Castile). During the action, you can see running with bulls, bullfights and masquerade processions.


    The last month of winter is not the best time to travel to Spain if you are a fan of the beach. But for lovers of ski holidays and sightseeing – this is a great time to travel. The thing is, the weather in Spain in February 2021 is not hot, but in the mountains it is completely cold and there is snow. The temperature of the water in the sea will not allow you to swim, and only in the Canary Islands, perhaps you can go into the ocean and feel its power. And so, let’s talk about whether it is worth spending your money and flying so far on holiday in February.

    Throughout the winter, the weather in Spain is changeable, and February is no exception. Today the sun may shine, and tomorrow morning it will rain heavily and strong winds will blow. It is difficult to predict what will happen after a while, so tourists, going here on vacation, take different clothes: both warm and light.

    Madrid, the capital of Spain, is unlikely to please you with sunny weather. According to statistics, more than 30% of all days are cloudy here. This means that it will be cloudy for 10-12 days, and it will rain for another 2-3 days. More than 25 millimeters of precipitation falls per month. As a rule, the rain in Madrid in February is a light drizzle. There are almost no heavy rains here.
    But there is sunny weather when the temperature becomes about 15 degrees. But much more often it will be around +9 heat. Nights at this time of the year are cold, even at times the temperature is approaching the minus mark. And the length of daylight hours is just over eight hours.

    The most popular resort in the country is Barcelona. In February, it is not as sunny and warm here as in other months, but everything is better than in the capital. During the day it will be not lower than +13 degrees, and in the evenings and at night in the region of +7 +9 heat.
    Rain also did not bypass the resort. In February there are 2-3 rainy days. But the rain is also weak, more like autumn. The amount of precipitation for the month is not less than 20 millimeters. about swimming in the sea is out of the question, since the water is only 13-15 degrees with a plus sign. It is easy to get frostbite in such water.
    Not the best weather has almost no effect on the tourist flow. The city is still crowded. After all, in addition to the sea and beaches, there are thousands of attractions and an incredible number of places that you can visit and where you should visit.

    Unlike crowded Barcelona, ​​the Costa Brava seems empty. Still, this is only a beach resort, but in February it is impossible to swim or sunbathe here.
    During the day the air temperature rises to +13, sometimes even +17, but there are few such warm days. Rare tourists who still have a rest in the resort prefer to sit in restaurants in the evenings. The evening temperature is lower than the daytime, and the proximity to the sea makes it feel a bit frosty. At night it is about +5 degrees.
    But what distinguishes the Costa Brava from the rest is the low amount of rain. There is only one rainy day in a month, and the amount of precipitation is about 20 millimeters. For the most part, the entire month is just variable cloudy weather.

    Mallorca – this island is popular even in February. Of course, at the end of winter, tourists here are about 20% of the number that happens at the height of the season, but this is an excellent indicator, given the weather conditions on the island.
    And they are such that you can’t count on a beach holiday. During the day, the weather is not happy with warmth, and thermometers almost never rise above +15 degrees. It gets a little colder at night, and you can observe +9heat.
    Precipitation is about 30 millimeters, and there are 2-3 rainy days per month. Light day lasts just over 8 hours, and every day it only increases. The sea in February is not always calm, but always cold. The water temperature is +14, and if you decide to swim, then only in indoor pools, where the water is heated.

    As we have already mentioned, Tenerife is the only place in Spain where the water is warm, almost like in summer. Indeed, the ocean in February in this place is quite warm and its water is not lower than +20 degrees. But if you want to swim, it’s up to you. The thing is that during the day it is often cloudy here, and even in the light of the sun the air does not warm up above +16. At night, the air does not cool down very much and stops at +13 degrees Celsius.
    There can be only one completely rainy day on the island, but rain is received more than 10 times a month. This is not surprising, given the location of Tenerife and increased cloudiness.

    Where in Spain it is best to relax in February

    There are many cities and resorts in Spain. Therefore, just look at the weather table and decide for yourself where it is best to relax in the country at the end of winter.

    And even though it’s spring outside the window, it’s still far from warm days. Although how far away … you get on board the plane and fly to warm Spain. Fortunately, even in winter there is something to do, what to see and what to get. We tell from the first mouth of our colleague about his trip to Spain in winter.

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    In general, I planned to get to Spain as part of my birthday. Well, just buy tickets for a week, spend it by the sea, in warm weather, with fruits and delicious wine. And in those moments I did not even imagine how exciting this trip would become.

    Part 1. Barcelona in February

    Interestingly, I came to Barcelona for the first time in January 2016. And during these thirteen months I have already visited it 8 (eight!) times. Perhaps, there has not yet been a single city on the planet where it would be so drawn and attracted.

    Even in February 2017, this southern Spanish city was warm like spring. During the day, all 17-19 degrees of heat, at night it is rarely below 8-9 heat. Well, that is, such comfortable spring weather is already in winter. I didn’t dare to swim in the sea, and I didn’t see anyone who would do it at all. But still, the beaches are dotted with children playing, beautiful people perched on the sand, and older people sitting on strange stone structures. But in general, such a soaring spirit of freedom, equality and love.

    I could talk about architecture. I could magnify the temples that I go to every day on any train to communicate with higher powers. But on February 24 something strange happened. At first, I confessed my love to Barcelona on February 23, and the next day she told me. Such a sudden reciprocity of the city.

    Morning like morning. A typical business day at Aviasales. But in the evening it began. At the end of the working day, I went for a walk in Montjuic. It so happened that every trip I put off going up to the park and to the castle. Even when in May 2016 I flew to a fantastic Coldplay concert at the Olympic Stadium here. But on that Thursday, February 23, I could. Got up. Walked. I saw the city from the height of the flight of Spanish gulls.

    Ride the funicular (for those who plan: open until 17.30, round trip from Barceloneta costs €18.50, one way from the mountain to the promenade €11). I observed the views, the port, the city, the main sights of the hands of Gaudí and his followers.

    And then I went for a walk in the city. As usual, I like to walk in my favorite city and get lost in its streets. And that’s what happened that day. I went out to one cathedral, talked with higher powers. And then he went to the center, where his legs lead. Why am I? The other day, while sitting in the evening at Starbucks and working from there, at the entrance I accidentally read about the carnival in Barcelona. I have never heard about it at all in principle, but I saw the announcement at the entrance and went to read it. I found it, read it, did not understand the place of events and went to work. And on February 24, exactly at 18.00, I came to the square near the Parliament of Barcelona (in general, I walked past to the main cathedral, all accidents). Saw a bunch of people. Has stopped. After a couple of minutes it started…

    I have never been to a carnival in my life. Didn’t even know how it was. And then I got to the carnival, which will last a whole week. Just these days that I’m here all of a sudden. Funny songs a la Barbie Girl by a famous Danish band in the 90s in Spanish. Other songs. A masked man who speaks Spanish (which I know 50 words maximum, for basic communication). People rejoice. And then suddenly THIS.

    A car full of strange people. A bunch of balls. Carnival. Capture of the Parliament of Barcelona. Speeches. Fireworks. Dancing. Songs of the Always Drinking Marching Band with music similar to “Leningrad”. A kind of ska on pipes. Songs by Metallica, Daft Punk and others in a different arrangement. Happiness. Holiday. Everyone is yelling. Joy. Yes, there are no words. Only emotions. I even tried to stream to my Instagram a couple of times.

    In general, keep in mind – at the end of February in Barcelona there is a very cool festival for a whole week.

    Part 2. Valencia

    Valencia for me is a city of contrasts. It seems to me that New York, Chicago and San Francisco are mixed up here. There is nothing like Spain.

    Although, let’s be honest – on the other hand, San Francisco is not very similar to the United States.

    The first thing I noticed in the city was graffiti. His multitude. It is everywhere. It’s more magnificent. It is unusual. It is bright. The painted works attracted me so much that I picked up a camera and went to hunt for them. Go into alleys, look into courtyards, catch the glances of passers-by and analyze what and how they can see next to me.

    As a result, Valencia is the city of graffiti in the first place for me. And here’s my proof:

    And Valencia turned out to be quite a futuristic city. When you wander around the Old Town for a long time, look at the ancient temples, at the paved streets, at the fountains shimmering in the light of the sun … By the way, you know that the sun shines in Valencia at least 300 days a year (hello Peter)?

    So, walking around the city, at some point you go out in the direction of almost a spaceport. Of course, I was at Cape Canaveral, at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida – so I can imagine what space is and how it can be shown on our planet. But then … Space, in short (quoting one famous song by Vasya Oblomov). The most epic thing is that I went towards the City of Arts and Sciences complex, which includes the El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía opera house, the L “Oceanogràfic open-air oceanographic park (by the way, the largest in all of Europe), the IMAX-futuristic Hemisfèric planetarium, the science museum El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe, as well as the gallery-garden L “Umbracle. This is how you leave the old architectural complex and find yourself at least in the 25th century, and at the most – just on another planet. No wonder NASA recently presented publicly new planets, and for sure something from there has already moored in Valencia.

    The main thing is that when you get there in the daytime, it’s not like that. White houses, strange architecture. .. But in the dark. It seems to me that it is ideal for visiting the City of Arts and Sciences, which is only 19 years old. Although wait, wait. In 1998, all this appeared on our planet. No, it’s definitely aliens created! 😀

    Not to say, of course, that the oceanarium impressed me. But here, most likely, the experience of diving to the seabed when diving, as well as visiting the beautiful oceanarium in Thailand in Phuket, not so far from the office of our Aviasales, affects. In general, 29€ for entry – this is if you have never been to aquariums, then adequately. Otherwise, it’s better to go to the IMAX planetarium and science museum, where you can feel gravity in a special pavilion on the third floor.

    And, thirdly, Valencia turned out to be a wonderful city dedicated to sports. The city is pierced by many bike paths, and the center was surrounded by the bed of the Turia River, dried up more than 50 years ago (they did this after another flood, according to the legends of the 20th century). And in this riverbed, a park was formed that very much reminded me of New York’s Central Park. But only in a more elongated form, with many sports fields for tennis, basketball, football.

    There were also a lot of rather unusual flowers, trees dotted with oranges, palm trees of all variations and sizes. And for sports fans in Valencia there are even running tracks, which I saw for the first time with the designation of the corresponding signs. And do not give you a reason to ride a bike along it – numerous runners will trample. There are bike lanes for bicycles. And numerous ponds and fountains for lovers of quiet nature in the middle of a large Spanish city (and any city, in principle).

    Well, the crown of the festivities along the dried-up bed of the Turia is the lying Gulliver. Not even, this is a full-fledged park in the middle of another park. Space, in short (but you already know about this, right?).

    Part 3. Barcelona mobile

    But let’s go back to Barcelona after that. Returning here from Valencia, you see a city that still lives in the spirit of carnival, celebration, freedom and harmony. And plus to this, Mobile World Congress was added to everything. This is the main mobile event of the planet, which just at the end of February gathers millions of people from all over the world into its arms.

    Many new things are coming to Barcelona to celebrate. The airport has a lot of electronic checkpoints, powerful free WiFi in addition to the existing one. A metro line opens from the airport to the city center (and it’s epic that it opened for the first time last year at MWC, then closed, and reopened this year). On the streets of the city, in addition to the usual scurrying about in search of delicious paella, homemade wine and fresh seafood, there are many “men in black”, characters in suits and a businesslike appearance. They also walk around the city with Mobile World Congress badges – probably to impress the young beauties on the street.

    In general, this week the city begins to live in two parallel universes: mobile and carnival. What adds even more interesting sensations and love for the city, in which you just want to return again and again.

    What the heck, I will definitely be back. And certainly you, dear readers. And if there are any other questions (and there are probably a lot of them, it cannot but be) – you write below in the comments, we will answer all of them.

    P.S. And yes, it’s all subjective inside and out. That is why Barcelona is beautiful – for each person it has its own.

    The February trip to Spain was so favorable that I am ready to repeat it again. In addition to warm and sunny weather, I noted for myself the minimum (compared to spring-summer) number of vacationers. It’s a pity that the solo trip ended so quickly. Weeks for walking and exploring the sights, well, very little.

    How to dress in Spain at the beginning of February

    My tour started from Barcelona. Then I moved to Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Malaga … Since the February weather in the above cities resembled the middle of spring, and not the height of winter (+18 degrees), only spring things were needed on the trip. Down jackets, lined pants, a hat and boots can be safely left at home. What to take on vacation:

    • blouses/shirts;
    • sweater / jacket;
    • jeans/trousers;
    • jacket / windbreaker;
    • sneakers / boots.

    In the last winter month, rainfall in the country is frequent guests. The rains start unexpectedly. I got caught in a downpour. Soaked to the skin. Referring to my own experience, I recommend taking an umbrella and a raincoat. These two things should always be at hand. Don’t take them out of your backpack. As for the first aid kit, I took only the necessary medicines from home. There are plenty of pharmacies in Spain, but most drugs are sold by prescription.

    Citrus paradise: what else is ripe in February

    I could not tear myself away from oranges in Valencia.

Where is warm in february march: Weather Info & Best Places to Go [2023]

Опубликовано: February 21, 2023 в 3:18 pm


Категории: February

30 Best Warm Destinations to Visit in March in the US (2023)

A great time of year to escape to warm and tropical locations in the United States is in March before the spring season approaches in full blast.

Monkey Business Images

From the east to the west coast, these are some of the best places with beautiful beaches and parks to visit in early March before the peak season in the summer months.

Here’s the scoop on the best beaches and vacation spots to visit in March in the USA!

Warm Places to Visit in March

1. Jupiter, Florida

One of the most beautiful beach towns in Florida, Jupiter has an eclectic mix of landscapes and outdoor activities. The town is especially famous for fishing in South Florida.

The top attractions to visit while vacationing in Jupiter are the Juno Beach Pier, Loggerhead Marinelife Center, and Jupiter Inlet Light. Based on previous temperatures in March, the average temperature reaches a high of 79 degrees and a low of 61 degrees.

2. Palm Springs, California

The best time to visit Palm Springs is between May and October; however, it is ideal to visit this desert resort city in March before the crowds. One of the top locations for golf courses and beaches, Palm Springs is a sunny paradise waiting for you to explore.

While staying in this sunny destination, make sure to visit the many art galleries, wine tastings, and museums for a more in-depth look into the local culture. For nature lovers, Palm Springs is a city worth exploring with trails, botanical gardens, and canyons.

Palm Springs Average Temperature in March: 71 degrees to a low of 45 degrees

3. Tybee Island, Georgia

One of many barrier islands in Georgia, Tybee Island is a true getaway with a charming beach town and historical landmarks. At the mouth of the Savannah River, the island is popular with tourists and is generally crowded between May and October.

While exploring the island, soak in the waves at South Beach and learn history at the Fort Pulaski National Monument and the Tybee Island Lighthouse.

Tybee Island: March Temperatures (high 71 to a low of 49 degrees)

4. Austin, Texas

The Live Music Capital of the World, Austin is the heart of the lone star state. What used to be a riverside village occupied by Native Americans, this city is now a central hub for technology and is home to The University of Texas at Austin.

The mild climate in this city makes it a destination worth visiting all year round. However, Austin tends to be seen by most tourists between June and September.

If you decide to visit this city in March, the average temperature is still around 74 degrees, which is especially helpful for visitors looking to try out outdoor activities. Stop and explore the Hamilton Pool Preserve, Zilker Park, and Inner Space Cavern.

5. Las Vegas, Nevada

A central hub for entertainment and nightlife, Las Vegas is the perfect place to watch your favorite artists perform with a plethora of family-friendly activities, shopping, and restaurants. Spend your vacation exploring this bustling city by stopping at the Neon Museum, the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay, and the Bellagio Fountains.

If you’re looking to explore just outside Las Vegas, I recommend visiting the Seven Magic Mountains and the Valley of Fire.

This resort city is filled with people between May and October as tourists try to take part in every attraction and experience.

The best time to visit Las Vegas is in March and April when the temperatures are nice and warm but not too hot for outdoor activities.

6. Laguna Beach, California

A beach ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and artists, Laguna Beach is an hour south of Los Angeles offering clifftop views of stunning beaches. Enjoy surfing at Thousand Steps Beach or spend the day marveling at beautiful artwork at the Laguna Art Museum.

With an average temperature of 73 degrees in March, visitors can thoroughly enjoy the outdoor activities Laguna Beach has to offer.

7. Destin, Florida

Located on Florida’s Emerald Coast, Destin is one of the most popular Florida vacation spots due to its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters. Some of the top activities for visitors include horseback riding, camping, hiking, bicycling, and diving.

March is the perfect month to visit this treasure trove as the crowds tend to visit starting in April and continuing through October.

Average Temperature in March: 72 degrees, low 51 degrees

8. San Diego, California

A southern coastal city in California, San Diego is also one of the top vacation spots with plenty of family-friendly attractions blending history, nature, and beaches. Add the San Diego Zoo, Coronado Beach, and the Maritime Museum of San Diego to your itinerary.

March and April tend to be slower months for tourists even though the average temperature is 72 degrees. It may be a little chilly to lounge on the beach, but they’re plenty of things to do in this city.

9. Charleston, South Carolina

This historical city in South Carolina is brimming with historic structures, statues, and majestic museums. Indulge in the local festivals, art galleries, and sandy beaches of Sullivan Island and Folly Beach while visiting during the slowest months of the year.

July is generally the peak month to visit Charleston; however, March is milder with an average temperature of 69 degrees.

10. Tuscon, Arizona

Blending nature and sunny days, Tuscon is a wonderful place to escape the winter cold. This city is a haven for hikers and history lovers with The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures and the Sabino Canyon. This exceptionally sunny city averages around 78 degrees in March with the peak season starting in May.

11. Maui, Hawaii

The second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands, Maui is a mecca for beautiful resorts, rich wildlife, beaches, and flavorful cuisine. While visiting this island, try out snorkeling at Ka’anapali Beach or hike Pipiwai Trail.

Even though March is generally cooler for the Hawaiian Islands, it is the perfect place to experience Hawaii to its fullest with the mild temperatures.

12. St. Augustine, Florida

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The oldest city in the country, St. Augustine is a destination filled with history and gorgeous beaches. Admire the beautiful architecture and the rich wildlife while visiting Castillo San Marcos, St. Augustine Lighthouse, and the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park.

Sitting at an average temperature of 75 degrees, March is the perfect time to soak in the diverse and haunted city.

13. Savannah, Georgia

Savannah is one of the most well-known cities in the country with its cobblestone streets, beautiful gardens, and historic architecture. When visiting the oldest city in Georgia, relax on the amazing beaches, drink beer in colonial-style pubs, and shop in the famous Historic District.

With a high of 71 in March, it is warm enough to partake in various outdoor activities like the parks, botanical gardens, and historical sites.

14. Islamorada, Florida

Between Miami and Key West, Islamorada is a village in Monroe County featuring prime spots for fishing and other water sports like scuba diving. Even though the housing market is among the most expensive in Florida, Islamorada is still a popular vacation spot worth escaping the cold weather.

March is one of the best times of the year to visit with the average temperature reaching 80 degrees and a low of 65.

15. Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles is a central hub for entertainment, shopping, and dining with no shortage of palm trees. After exploring Downtown LA, try out one of the many hikes to Runyon Canyon Park, explore the Greystone Mansion, and soak in the views of the Venice Canals Walkway.

March is one of the slower months for tourists, which is ideal if you want to experience Los Angeles without the crowds. The average temperature is a mild 72 degrees with a low of 51.

16. Outer Banks, North Carolina

These famous barrier islands and peninsulas separating mainland North Carolina and the Atlantic Ocean have grown into popular destinations for vacation rentals. The Outer Banks offers visitors a taste of local cuisine, beaches, history, and natural landscapes.

Even though March is not the warmest month to visit the Outer Banks, especially if you love to engage in water sports, it is still worth visiting in March for the hiking trails, historical monuments, local restaurants, and shops. Make sure to visit Bodie Lighthouse, Downtown Manteo, and Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

17. South Padre Island, Texas


One of the best small towns in Texas, South Padre Island is a coastal paradise worth unraveling. If you have any interest in sand castles, this Texas island is the perfect place to learn how to build complex sand castles. Besides the summer, South Padre Island provides mild temperatures for visitors for the rest of the year.

Reaching a high of 78 degrees in March, travelers won’t have any difficulty swimming or engaging in other outdoor activities.

18. Orlando, Florida

Home to world-renowned theme parks like Walt Disney World and Universal Studios, Orlando is a popular Florida destination for endless fun. Besides the incredible theme parks, Orlando also boasts beautiful lakes with mild temperatures for shopping, dining, and wildlife. The best time to visit is May but March is also perfect with an average of 78 degrees.

19. Key West, The Florida Keys

This subtropical paradise is a hot spot for vacationers and retirees with plenty of water activities to keep every type of traveler entertained since it is home to the third largest barrier coral reef in the world.

While soaking in the sunny southernmost point of the United States, visit the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum and stroll through Duval Street. With a high of 80 degrees in March, Key West is the perfect getaway location in the United States.

20. San Francisco, California

Besides the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco is the financial, commercial, and cultural center of Northern California. When visiting San Francisco, expect to come across famous architecture like the Painted Ladies, world-renowned museums featuring diverse cultures, and well-manicured parks with stunning viewpoints.

One of the coolest California cities in March at 65 degrees, San Francisco may not be the ideal place to go if you’re looking for 80-degree temperatures; however, the city is definitely worth exploring in March to avoid crowds.

21. San Antonio, Texas

Take your time soaking in art museums, historical monuments, and amusement parks by visiting the second most populous city in Texas. San Antonio is one of the largest Spanish settlements in the state with deep-rooted history.

To learn more about the history of San Antonio, part of the Texas Hill Country, visit the Alamo Mission, the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, and the Cathedral of San Fernando.

Since San Antonio has an average temperature of 75 degrees, the lone star city is warm enough to explore the River Walk, gardens, and parks.

22. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Part of the U.S. territory, San Juan is home to many beaches and historical landmarks that remind locals and visitors of the rich cultural legacy of the city. When visiting Puerto Rico, San Juan is the most visited part of the island as its the central location for tourist attractions.

For your trip to Puerto Rico, make sure to indulge in locally distilled rum, centuries-old fortifications, and traditional Puerto Rican food.

March and April are some of the best times to visit with the least visited months being during hurricane season. Expect the temperatures to average around 85 degrees with a low of 70 degrees in March.

23. Nashville, Tennessee

Known as the “Athens of the South,” Nashville is the largest city in Tennessee. It is also one of the best places to live in the country with the city known for its bachelorette parties and live music.

While visiting the capital city, stroll around the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum, the Belmont Mansion, and the Parthenon. If you have time, take a scenic drive through the Great Smoky Mountains before heading home.

Most tourists visit from June through August; however, it is ideal to go during the off-season to avoid crowds. March is a fairly cool month in Nashville with chilly nights reaching as low as 39 degrees but the 60-degree temperatures still give visitors plenty of things to do.

24. Joshua Tree National Park

East of Los Angeles and north of Palm Springs, Joshua Tree National Park is known for its desert landscape. Located between two different desert ecosystems, this national park offers a fascinating blend of animals and plants. Besides the surreal geologic features, Joshua Tree National Park features rich cultural history.

Explore the vast desert wilderness by hiking and rock climbing. Reaching a high of 71 degrees in March, the warm weather is ideal for desert adventures.

25. Miami, Florida

A tropical hotspot in Florida during the winter, Miami is a culture-filled paradise with unique beaches and vibrant nightlife. March through May is usually the best time to visit the gateway to Latin America with temperatures in March reaching 80 degrees.

While visiting the vibrant cultural city, make sure to visit the Pinecrest Gardens, Little Havana, The Bass, and Zoo Miami.

26. New Orleans, Louisiana

Along the Mississippi River, New Orleans is the largest city in Louisiana featuring a variety of cultures and rich history. The French Quarter is the oldest and most famous neighborhood in the city with music filling the streets. New Orleans is also home to Mardi Gras and other famous festivals in the United States.

September is the most popular month to visit the city; however, March is an ideal month to visit with fewer crowds and warm temperatures of around 70 degrees.

27. Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Enjoy beaches, entertainment, and shopping while visiting Fort Lauderdale. North of Miami, this coastal city gives visitors the opportunity to witness the natural beauty and lush landscapes of Florida. Relax on Las Olas Beach, walk around the Riverwalk, and take a stroll through Bonnet House.

Even though April and May are the peak times to go to Fort Lauderdale, March is still a great time to visit with average temperatures around 80 degrees and a low of 63 degrees.

28. Death Valley National Park

Bring your kids on a nature-filled journey at Death Valley National Park. Some of the top hiking trails in the park include Telescope Peak, Lee Flat Joshua Trees, and Red Pass.

Death Valley is fairly chilly in March with a high of 58 degrees, but it is the ideal time to go if you don’t want to burn up in the summer.

29. Grand Canyon National Park

In northwestern Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park features an endless layered rock landscape with gigantic boulders and a gorge of the Colorado River. To get the most out of the surreal view and higher elevations, stop by Mather Point, South Rim, or Redwall Bridge, North Rim.

The average temperature in the Grand Canyon is 50 degrees in March with freezing nights. Overall, March through May is the best time to visit with lower temperatures and fewer crowds.

30. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Home to world-class golf courses, beaches, boutiques, marina restaurants, and wildlife, Hilton Head Island is a jewel of the south with average temperatures in March peaking at 70 degrees.

When visiting the island, make sure to try out the seaside restaurants at Harbourtown and soak in the unique landscape of Fish Haul Beach.

Best Vacation Spots in the US

Boasting some of the best beaches, these vacation spots offer warm daytime temperatures and a plethora of attractions and outdoor activities for the whole family. So don’t wait till Memorial Day Weekend to kickstart your travels as the month of March is a great time to visit these locations for fewer crowds.

Whether you’re taking a road trip to one of the national parks or spending an early spring break in southern California, there are plenty of places to visit in March in the USA with the best beaches and attractions.

That’s the scoop on the best beaches and places to visit in March in the USA!

For more travel content, visit these:

  • 35 Best Weekend Getaways in Georgia
  • 45 Best Warm Places to Visit in February in the USA [2023]
  • 25+ Best Tulum Beach Resorts in Mexico

February Trip Planning | Naples Grande Beach Resort

February in Naples, Florida

Even though the rest of the country is feeling the chill with freezing temperatures, you can count on Naples to be your antifreeze with plenty of sunshine, and warm temperatures of 78° on average. With two holidays to celebrate including Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, February is a great time to sneak away from the snow for a long weekend or early Spring Break trip.

For Valentine’s Day, delight in a Signature Gulf View Suite on the highest floors of our tower where you and your loved one can enjoy a glass of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries from your private, furnished balcony while you take in the romantic sunset. Then, head to dinner at The Catch of the Pelican and impress your Valentine with our stunning Seafood Tower or treat your significant other to a relaxing couples treatment at The Spa which you can experience in tandem.

Naples, Florida Weather in February

There is a reason why everyone wants to come to Florida in the Winter – because of our temperatures & weather! With an average high of 78° F and little to no rainfall, you can rest easy knowing you have endless opportunities for outdoor activities, local excursions and working on your tan. Plan for dinner on or after 7pm so you can make sure to catch the breathtaking sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico that we’re known for.

Average High Air Temperature Average Low Air Temperature Average Water Temperature Average Rainfall Average Sunset Time
78° F (25° C) 55° F (13° C) 66° F (19° C) 2. 4 inches (6cm) 6:10 – 6:28 p.m.

Naples – What to Wear in February

Naples is well known for fashion and amazing shopping, but you can pack comfortable, casual clothing and blend right in! Most restaurants do not require a formal dress code so we recommend resort casual for evening dining. You’ll definitely want to pack your swimming & sunning clothing including flip flops, bathing suits and cover ups, shorts, hats, etc. We do recommend bringing a sweater or light jacket for cooler evenings and packing light layers if possible.

The resort offers a well-stocked store in the lobby including sundries like sunscreen, Maui Jim sunglasses and toiletries but also fashionable bathing suits, trendy cover ups, sweaters, logo gear and local Naples trinkets.

Waterside Shops is a collection of over 60 upscale retailers and restaurants, conveniently located within walking distance to the resort. The shops – including retailers like Lilly Pulitzer, Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, Anthropologie and more – are a beautifully landscaped outdoor mall anchored by Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstroms.


In February, enjoy a long weekend for Presidents’ Day or just escape the cold with excellent Valentine’s Day and seasonal programming.

Where is warm in March? Where to go to the sea?

March is not associated with swimming season, but these are just stereotypes. If you want a vacation on the coast, with diving and swimming to sunbathe by day and walk along the water’s edge at night, it’s easy to arrange. And it’s not about boring tours to Egypt or Turkey with all inclusive. We offer you the TOP destinations of 2022, where you will find an exclusive vacation, warm sea and incredible experiences.


It is worth flying to the United Arab Emirates at the end of the month – then the temperature in the Persian Gulf warms up so much that you can and should swim. In March, as in any other month, the Emirates will delight tourists with a variety of entertainment for every taste, sales in boutiques, exciting excursions and luxury. In March, international championships in golf and horse racing are held. The latter attracts a lot of attention from both local sheikhs and wealthy tourists from all over the world.

The cheapest tickets to the UAE in March are offered by WizzAir (Odessa-Abu Dhabi from 31 euros), Bees (Kyiv-Sharjah from 96 euros).


March is the end of the “high tourist season” in Thailand. Foreigners who came to “wintering” are slowly returning home, and therefore the prices for housing and entertainment are slightly reduced. It will be quite hot here, the temperature does not drop below 30 degrees, so we recommend sunbathing in the morning and evening. In the first half of the month there may be rains, and in the second half of the month there is practically no precipitation. For a beach holiday, the southern part of the country is more suitable – Krabi, Koh Chang, Pattaya.

Another reason to fly to Thailand in March is ethnic holidays. You can get to the tattoo festival and even get a protective symbol on your skin, look at the skillful fighters at the Muay Thai festival. And the most colorful event is the festival of kites. Almost half of the local population takes part in it, and thousands of kites in the form of strange animals and mythical creatures rise into the air.

It is better and cheaper to fly to Thailand to Bangkok or Phuket, the main airports are located here. Flights with convenient transfers on comfortable aircraft are offered by Qatar Airways, Fly Dubai, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airlines and Emirates.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka will meet with warm weather and a decrease in the number of tourists, the high tourist season ends by the end of March. This means you can enjoy half-empty beaches and even find secluded places. The water warms up to 29 degrees, so swimming is not only possible, but also necessary. One of the interesting things to see is whale migration. In March, they swim up to the shores of the island and you can watch the whales just from the shore, without any binoculars. We also recommend a trip to the elephant orphanage and the turtle farm. For recreation, any resorts in the north-east of the country are perfect.

For travel, you should choose tickets to the capital of Colombo, and from there you can get to your favorite resort by internal transport.


In March, the weather in the Indonesian archipelago is ideal – it’s not hot yet, but it’s already possible to swim. In summer, the thermometer rises to 33 degrees, and at night you can enjoy a pleasant breeze at 24 degrees. The wind from the south is not particularly strong, just what you need for surfing. For a beach holiday, you can choose the resort of Nusa Dua and the Kuta area.

Beach holidays can be combined with excursions – the island has perfect natural reserves, such as the Barat National Park. You can also go to the island of monkeys – there our smaller brothers are not only not afraid of tourists, but also often clean their pockets, so keep an eye on things, especially small and shiny ones. And in March, the Balinese New Year is celebrated – festive events and carnival last for five whole days!

From Kyiv you can get to Denpasar airport for an average of 14 thousand hryvnias.

Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, the high tourist season also ends in March due to increased humidity levels. And the “velvet season” is traditionally discounts and bonuses, which is beneficial for you. Both the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea are perfect for relaxing in March. In addition to “lazy” rest, you can get acquainted with local temples (it is highly recommended to visit the cathedral in Santa Domingo), look at the statue of Christ and the Columbus lighthouse. And you can also get to the celebration of Independence Day, and on this day a carnival with thousands of participants takes place in Santa Domingo, and to the international festival of classical music.

Maldives and Seychelles

In the Maldives and Seychelles, the high tourist season ends in March and the heat begins. Swimming is definitely possible, and the high temperature will drive you into the ocean in search of coolness. But you will find real coolness only at depth, so think about diving. Entertainment on the islands of the Indian Ocean is traditional for a beach holiday – surfing, diving, yachting and fishing. For sunbathing, we recommend choosing morning and evening hours when the sun is not so active. If you want more impressions, book an excursion to the islands of the archipelago, where you can get acquainted with the life, culture, traditions and cuisine of the locals. It is also very interesting to go to local markets where they sell fruits and fish. There you can not only buy the freshest delicious seafood and exotic fruits, but also talk with the locals. Often they speak English.

There are regular flights to the Maldives from Kyiv to Male, and to the Seychelles – to Mahe. There are no direct flights, you will have to fly with a transfer.


First of all, we are talking about the popular resort of Cancun, but you can also fly to the lesser known beaches of the south coast. Turquoise water, snow-white sandy beaches, excellent tourist infrastructure, diving, surfing, SPA and yachts – for tourists there is absolutely everything that the soul can wish for on vacation. The air temperature during the day is rarely above 28 degrees, at night it drops to 23, but the water is constantly kept at around 26 degrees. To swim and sunbathe is exactly what you need! If you get bored, go on excursions. Mexico is the cradle of the ancient Indian civilizations of the Maya and the Aztecs. There are so many interesting monuments here that even a month is not enough to get to know them all.


The beginning of spring in Vietnam is a great time to relax, at this time the amount of precipitation is minimal and daily showers will not force you to sit in the rooms. If you travel for a beach holiday, go to Phu Quoc Island. In March, the air warms up to 33 degrees, and the water – up to 27. Here you will find clean sandy beaches, picturesque lagoons, authentic fishing villages and modern amusement parks. Be sure to visit the local market – this is an unforgettable experience and the opportunity to try real local food. You can go to the north of the country for excursions to temples, but you won’t be able to swim in other regions.

We recommend flying to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, and then get to the resort. There are flights from Lviv to Phu Quoc, but such a flight will cost 6 times more – it’s cheaper to get to Vietnam, and then use internal transport.


More precisely, its largest island, Zanzibar, is a mecca for tourists from all over the world in March. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere, that is, the opposite is true: March there is the beginning of autumn in our resorts, the very chic “velvet season”. It is better to go on a trip at the beginning of the month, because the rainy season begins in the third decade of March in Zanzibar. The temperature rises to 33 degrees, so don’t forget to bring sunscreen. In addition to boat trips and traditional diving, you can go snorkeling (observing the inhabitants of the underwater world), swim with dolphins and turtles, hand-feed giant turtles on Prison Island and play with colobus pygmy monkeys, visit the villages of fishermen and plantations where they grow spices.

You can fly a direct flight to Zanzibar from Ukraine with SkyUp Kyiv-Zanzibar airline from 236 euros.

Western Europe

In the resorts of Western Europe (Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean) you can not swim in March if you are not a fan of winter swimming. But you can enjoy the warmth of spring (the temperature rises to 20+ degrees), breathe in the sea breeze, soak up the sun and drink a glass of wine on the summer terrace of a coastal restaurant. You can arrange a short vacation or just a romantic weekend, especially since the budget for this will be small – you can invest 100-200 euros with flights, accommodation, restaurants and even souvenirs. European resorts that are attractive for holidays in March are Spain (Alicante, Valencia), the coast of Portugal, French Nice. The most advantageous offers of air carriers in this direction are Kyiv-Alicante from 41 euros, Kyiv-Valencia from 34 euros.

What will the weather be like in February? | Nature | Society

Elena Slobodyan,

Roman Vilfand

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes



In the first days of February, the temperature background will be above the climatic norm. Roman Vilfand, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, told about this .

According to the forecaster, the temperature increase will be influenced by the Atlantic air.

“The cyclone, whose center is located over Scandinavia, the east of the Baltic Sea, the North-Western Federal District, causes a zonal process – the movement of air masses from west to east. This causes the air temperature to be very high. It will exceed the norm during the first five days of February by about 8-10 degrees in the Urals, in Western Siberia and in a number of other regions. February will start warm everywhere. Temperatures will be above normal everywhere,” says Vilfand.

The temperature background is predicted to be above the climatic norm in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the capital region, the air temperature will be 5-6 degrees above normal. The highest temperatures are predicted in Chukotka, in the Magadan region and in the northeast of Yakutia.

“There is another process. Cyclones that move along the Pacific coast throw very warm air masses of the Pacific Ocean. These regions will be incredibly warm. Daytime temperatures will be around minus five degrees in the dead of winter,” the forecaster explains.

According to Vilfand, the anomalous heat up to the Yenisei will be due to the Atlantic air, and in the east – to the entrainment of the Pacific air.

“The anticyclone, which usually determines severe weather in Yakutia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Transbaikalia, is now weak, the pressure in it is not very high. It is with this that the fact that it will be warm everywhere is connected. There will also be cyclonic activity in the south, but it is not associated with the northern cyclone. It will have its own southern cyclone, which will cause the temperature to rise by two to four degrees above normal,” Vilfand emphasized.

In the center of the European part of Russia, the end of January and the beginning of February will be very mild. In Moscow, nighttime temperatures will be minus two to minus four degrees on all days of the working week. Daytime temperatures are minus one to minus two degrees.

According to Vilfand, March is a winter month. As in February, the weather in March will be very heterogeneous, with multiple changes of thaws and cold snaps.

“According to preliminary calculations, the temperature from February 5 will approach its norms. Night temperatures are predicted to be quite winter – minus five to minus ten degrees, daytime temperatures – minus three to minus five degrees. This temperature will be close to normal values. Starting from the second week, the temperature background will be non-uniform. There will be cold spells and warmer weather.

Alicante spain weather february: Alicante February Weather, Average Temperature (Spain)

Опубликовано: February 20, 2023 в 5:52 pm


Категории: February

What to do in February in Alicante, Spain – 2023 – Winter Sun Expert

Alicante is a city of tourist interest both in winter and in summer. The center of city life, where the main hotels, restaurants, tapas bars and other activities are located – is the well-known Explanada de España (Esplanada d’Espanya in Catalan). This is a tree-lined promenade that runs from the foot of the hill of the Santa Barbara Castle to the main pier of the port.

Diego Delso – CC BY-SA 3.0

Before we have a look at what you can do in Alicante, let’s first look at the weather you can expect in February.


  • 1 February weather in Alicante Spain
  • 2 Things to see and do in Alicante
  • 3 Shopping in Alicante
  • 4 Activities in Alicante
  • 5 Restaurants in Alicante
  • 6 More things to see in Alicante
  • 7 More information about Alicante Spain
  • 8 What to do in Alicante Spain in other months
  • 9 Weather in Alicante Spain for each month

February weather in Alicante Spain

To get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in February in Alicante Spain, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if February is comfortable or humid

Generally, February in Alicante Spain will be slightly on the colder side. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 64°F / 18°C. But due to the very dry air, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable for some people. During the night, it will cool down to around 42°F / 6°C.

Alicante Spain has some rainy days in February. You can expect around 5 rainy days, with on average 0.7 inches / 19 mm of rain during the whole month.

The forecast for February 2023 is based on historical data and are averages. They will give a good indication what you can expect, but the daily temperature and rain will fluctuate during the month.

Things to see and do in Alicante

Alicante has many things to soo. With help from our visitors we have dived a list of things to see in. If you have any sugestions or improvements for this list, please let us know.

Archaeological Museum

MuseumThroughout the Year

Archaeological Museum shows how different cultures co-existed many centuries ago.

Castle of Santa Barbara

CulturalThroughout the Year

The castle of Santa Barbara is a fortress that has a lift moving upwards from just behind Postiguet Beach.

Postiguet Beach

BeachThroughout the Year

Postiguet Beach has many facilities for some sun-based fun for families.

Explanada de España

OtherThroughout the Year

Explanada de España is a promenade from the town to the marina with many stalls.

Casco Antiguo

CulturalThroughout the Year

Casco Antiguo is a brightly colored pathway with people’s windows decorated with fresh flowers.


Event/FestivalFeb, March

Carnival is spent on the streets while dancing in fancy dresses. The exact date of the carnival changes year by year.

See details here

Basilica of Santa María

CulturalThroughout the Year

Basilica of Santa María is a 13th-century church with twin towers.

Shopping in Alicante

There are many malls and small stores where you can shop. In this city you will find everything you need, even in winter time!

Activities in Alicante

Horseback riding

Hire magnificent horses from the local ranches and ride with experienced riders through the natural trails and wilderness of the coastal area.

Nautical Activities

Enjoy nautical activities like sailing and snorkeling in the Mediterranean Sea.


Playing a round of golf at the wide range of golf courses in Alicante.

Gourmet Tours

Enjoy authentic tapas, paellas, and wine tasting tours which prove to be an exciting experience for the visitors.


There are many nature trails in the parks which offer a peaceful connection with the wildlife and nature surrounding Alicante.


The Farmer markets and street markets are a good way to learn about the cultural and social characteristics of a place and can prove to be an interesting shopping experience.

Cooking classes

Learn how to make paella and tapas with fresh local ingredients by signing up for cooking classes in Alicante.

Bike Tours

Rent a bicycle or motorized bike and tour the city on your own.

Restaurants in Alicante

In Alicante there are restaurants open all year round. You can taste delicious tapas, Spanish cuisine as well as different cuisines from all over the world.

More things to see in Alicante

Explanada de Espana

Explanada de Espana is one of the loveliest promenades in Spain. It is lined with palm trees and has 6.5 million marble floor tiles. It extends from the Port of Alicante and ends at the famous statue of Mark Hersch. For the locals, this is the preferred place for a traditional paseo and a venue for other forms of outdoor entertainment like musical concerts.

Castillo de Santa Barbara

Castillo de Santa Barbara or the Santa Barbara Castle, is 166m above sea level on Mount Benacantil, overlooking the city. The tallest tower, La Torreta, is the oldest part of the castle and offers panoramic views of the region. The castle has canons, dungeons, a moat, and the ruins of a small church.

Basilica of St Mary

Basilica of St Mary is the oldest active church in Alicante, Spain. It is a church built in a Gothic style between the 14th and 16th centuries over the remains of a Mosque. The Church was later promoted to the rank of a Basilica in 2007.


There are many museums in Alicante which are worth a visit. The Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) exhibits artifacts dating from 100,000 years ago. Museum of Contemporary Art and Gravina Museum of Fine Arts (MUBAG) features an impressive collection of Spanish 20th-century works from artists including Picasso, Dalí, Miró, Tàpies, and Chillida.

Parque de La Ereta

Parque de La Ereta is situated on the foothills of Mount Benacantil. It includes walking trails, children’s playgrounds, ponds and brooks, picnic tables, and an auditorium for concerts.

The Beaches

Alicante’s main charm is its endless beaches including the famous Playa San Juan. These splendid beaches are well equipped having restaurants, beach bars, and designated sports areas. These beautiful beaches have been awarded the prestigious Blue Flag and the pristine waters make this a perfect place to go sailing and snorkeling to discover incredible marine life.

Port of Alicante

The Port of Alicante is a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea used for commercial and passenger traffic. Marina Alicante on the port offers all forms of entertainment, including vibrant nightlife. The cafes, pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, casinos, shops, and nautical companies offer you endless options without leaving the port area.

More information about Alicante Spain

Click here for more information about the destination “Alicante Spain”

What to do in Alicante Spain in other months

  • What to do in January in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in March in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in April in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in May in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in June in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in July in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in August in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in September in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in October in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in November in Alicante Spain
  • What to do in December in Alicante Spain

Weather in Alicante Spain for each month

  • Weather in Alicante Spain for January
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for February
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for March
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for April
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for May
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for June
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for July
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for August
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for September
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for October
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for November
  • Weather in Alicante Spain for December

Weather in Alicante during February



Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

We’ve looked at the most up-to-date weather data for Alicante, covering the last 12 years up to 2022, plus we’ve asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about Alicante weather in February.

What’s the temperature like in Alicante during February?

The temperature reaches around 15℃ during the daytime in February, falling away to 10℃ at night. The UV index will be moderate at this time of year, so not something to worry about for the average person. However, if you’re going to be outside for long periods it’s worth wearing a broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen and UV-blocking sunglasses. Remember that bright surfaces, such as water and sand increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in Alicante during February?

On average, there will be 2 rainy days during the month, amounting to 19.4mm in total. That’s almost nothing at all, therefore rain isn’t something we think you need to consider. There’s a small chance that you’ll catch a thunderstorm during your trip.

Is it too cold to swim in the sea in Alicante during February?

The water around Alicante is a bracing 14℃ during February and would be considered too cold for swimming. Those who are a bit more hardy or frequently swim in cooler open water might want to take a quick dip. A wetsuit would be advisable if you wish to spend longer than 5 minutes in the water.

Package holidays during February

Use our live search to find the perfect Alicante package holiday in February

10 February 2023 | 7 nights | 2 people


10 February 2023

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Things to do in Alicante

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Alicante Blog posts

From the UK’s most popular travel bloggers


27th November 2018 by John

Alicante travel guide

Holiday Extras are doing a good series of YouTube destination guides. This one covers Alicante, the historic port city on Spain’s Costa Blanca. At the heart of Alicante is an energy, a culture, an identity that has persevered through the growth of tourism and in this epic guide they show you the very best parts of the city….


12th February 2021 by Andy

The Scoop: Alicante

Alicante is a vibrant tourist hotspot on the Costa Blanca and a historic Mediterranean port. With mild winter temperatures, hot summers and little rain, it’s the buzzing beach culture that attracts thousands of visitors all year round.The nightlife in Alicante is legendary, with clubs, discos, bars and restaurants open until the wee hours every weekend. But, it’s the palm tree-lined promenade with marble floor tiles that extends from the Port of Alicante to the Gran Via that captures…

Weather in Alicante

Our month-by-month guide to the weather and climate in Alicante

Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Alicante weather in


Weather in Alicante in February 2023 ⋆ Alicante weather forecast for February ⇒ Spain

  • 30 days
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Fevr
  • March
  • Apr





    January 31

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    * Forecast based on historical data for 70 years

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    A Coruña












    Palma de Mallorca


    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria














    Hospitalet de Llobrega








    All cities

    Climate and weather in Alicante in February





    During the day in Alicante in February, the average air temperature is +13 °C, and in the evening +9°C The data is obtained according to our weather archive in Alicante.

    clear – 18 days cloudy – 10 days
    average wind speed is 3 (m/s)
    758 millimeters of mercury
    rain / snow / hail – 2 days.

    Weather in Alicante Weekly weather Weather for 14 days Month

    Climate by months and seasons

    • January
    • February
    • March
    • April
    • May
    • June


      9000 temperature in Alicante in February by years

      Average daily and evening temperature in Alicante in February by years for the period from 2004 to 2012. Number of cloudy and clear days, pressure and wind speed.

      • 2012
      • 2011
      • 2007
      • 2006
      • 2005
      • 2004
      TEMERTER ° C weather characteristics 43043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043043ANDSED Pressure
      mm Hc. Art.
      Wind speed
      Day +13
      Clear – 23 days
      Overcast – 4 days
      764 4
      Evening +7
      Clear – 25 days
      Overcast – 2 days
      765 2
      Day +17
      clearly – 21 DN.
      Overcast – 7 days
      761 4
      Evening +11
      Overcast – 6 days
      762 2
      Day +16 Day clear – 904 day
      Overcast – 26 days
      755 2
      Overcast – 0 days Clear – 3 days
      Overcast – 24 days
      754 2 Evening
      Overcast – 0 days Clear – 4 days
      Overcast – 19 days 754 2 Evening
      Overcast – 0 days
      Overcast – 9 days
      759 2 Evening
      Overcast – 0 days

      Archive temperature in Alicante in February

      The graph displays the average temperatures in Alicante in February in the evening and daytime.

Weather in canary islands in february: Canary Islands Weather in February

Опубликовано: February 20, 2023 в 1:56 pm


Категории: February

Climate and weather in Canary Islands in January, February, March and April.

Home » Weather » Climate and weather in Canary Islands in January, February, March and April.

Do you want to organize a holiday in the Canary Islands but can not choose the best period? Or are you already packing your suitcase and not knowing what the weather you are looking for? Or simply you’re curious because you’ve heard of it from a friend and you want to check if it really is the way it told you? Perfect below we will try to give you all the information you need. Let’s start by saying that in the archipelago of the Canary Islands the climate is pleasant all year round! The islands in fact are inserted in that band delta of the “eternal spring”.

Considered by many as the “best climate in the world” that of the Canary Islands always offers pleasant mild winters and hot summers but almost never too much.
But now let’s go to see specifically the Canarian climate in the first part of the year, from January to April.


January is clearly the period of the “colder” year in the Canaries. To be clear, it is very similar to our springs in Italy. So specifying that in this article we will refer more to the coastal and tourist areas of the islands and especially to Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, we can say that you will have absolutely pleasant weeks, where you can stay comfortably on the beach to sunbathe and enjoy the warm sun of the African latitude, alternating with more than a half-season weeks, with clouds, some rain and wind.

January in the Canary Islands, however, is a very popular month for families especially in northern Europe to visit the Canary Islands because only 4 hours away you can avoid the much stiffer European winter.


Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 15 14
Max (°C) 21 20 21 20

The situation in February in fact changes little, continue to alternate weekly “lucky good weather and early summer heat” with others more fresh. Clearly an advice is to remember to bring to carry even long dresses, a sweater and even a light jacket to be used especially in the evening or when it blows.

The waters of the sea in these months are quite chilly so, at least if you are not daring the bath in the ocean will not be very easy. Better pools heated in hotels.

Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 16 15
Max (°C) 21 21 21 20

Ask us for advice for your holiday.

If you have any idea to come on holiday to the Canaries, if you like, you can compile this form to ask us for any kind of directions. You can ask us for more info on accommodations, the best flights or the best areas for your holiday! We will reply as soon as possible (we often have in our hands fantastic flight offers and travel packages that could be for you).

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Marzo invece è difatto il mese nel quale si ha una sorta di svolta alle Canarie. E’ solitamente in questo mese infatti che si ha il passaggio verso una stagione più stabile, dove le precipitazioni iniziano a sparire e le giornate primaverili iniziano a farla da padrone.

In March at the Canary Islands you can almost always enjoy the beach and start taking a few more bathes in the sea because slowly the waters start to warm up slightly even if the Canaries will never be very hot.

In the evening pay attention to always go out in short sleeves (especially in the first half of the month) it is always better to bring something more pesante behind because some cooler evening could surprise you.

Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 14 14 16 15
Max (°C) 21 21 21 20

In April, however, the climate of the Canary Islands is entering its best phase with a view to vacationing the sea, swimming and plenty of sun. Despite the occasional wind still rises (typical of the islands in the middle of the ocean) the days are long and sunny, the rainfall is increasingly scarce and the waters of the ocean begin to warm up the most convinced way. April is a highly recommended month for a holiday on the islands of the eternal spring.

Even in the evening you can almost always go out in light clothing and thus have a clear early summer.


Temp middle Tenerife Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Lanzarote
Min (°C) 16 16 17 15
Max (°C) 23 24 24 20

Azores weather and climate in January, February, March and April. Temperatures and how to dress.

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Weather forecast canary islands february: Canary Islands Weather in February

Опубликовано: February 20, 2023 в 9:01 am


Категории: February

Canary Island Hotspot Named ‘ultimate’ Winter Sun Destination



Forbes Advisor found the ultimate winter sun hotspots for Britons. The team looked at the average cost of flights and hotels as well as the average temperature in winter.

Ultimate winter sun hotspots (Forbes Advisor)

  1. Cancun, Mexico
  2. Gran Canaria, Spain
  3. Bangkok, Thailand
  4. Bali, Indonesia
  5. Veracruz, Mexico
  6. Krabi, Thailand
  7. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
  8. Lanzarote, Spain
  9. Hat Yai, Thailand
  10. Fuerteventura, Spain

READ MORE: The UK’s favourite national park isn’t the Lake District

Cancun was named the best winter sun hotspot and it offers guaranteed hot weather between November and February.

Britons who make the trip to Mexico can expect temperatures of around 28 degrees throughout the winter months.

Although flights come in at an average of £622 per person for a return from London, accommodation in the Mexican resort is very reasonable.

The average cost of a hotel for seven nights accommodation was just £63, making it unsurprising that Mexico was Britain’s most Googled destination.


However, if an 11 hour flight is less than appealing,a gorgeous island in the Canary Islands might be a better choice.

Gran Canaria was the second best destination for winter sun and with flights a bargain £77 for a return is a great bargain option.

Although hotels are more expensive than Cancun at £248 on average for a seven night stay, the island is still very reasonable.

Britons can expect average temperatures of 22 degrees during the winter months due to the islands’ location near the Equator.

READ MORE: The UK’s favourite national park isn’t the Lake District

Lanzarote and Fuerteventura also made the top 10, boosting the Canaries position as a leading winter sun destination.

Tourists could also look as far afield as Bangkok and Bali although they will need to factor in higher flight prices.

Laura Howard from Forbes Advisor said: “As the nights draw in and UK temperatures plummet, most of us can only dream of jetting off overseas for some winter sun.

“But even those lucky households who have both the means and the opportunity will want to squeeze maximum value for money from their trip this year as day-to-day costs, from food to energy bills, continue to soar.

“In terms of winter sun getaways, it’s little surprise that Mexico’s Cancun takes the top spot.

“Larger families – with more flights to pay for – may want to opt for equally popular destinations such as Gran Canaria and Lanzarote which carry much cheaper average airfares than further flung winter hotspots.

“While temperatures are slightly lower for these destinations, they still rank second and eighth on our list respectively, and can offer the perfect boost to carry you through the rest of the winter months back in the UK.

“Whichever destination you opt for, buying travel insurance at the time of booking will ensure you’re not left out of pocket should you need to cancel your trip due to unforeseen events or you or another member of your party requires medical treatment while away.

Warmest canary island february: Canary Islands Weather in February

Опубликовано: February 19, 2023 в 6:45 pm


Категории: February

Where is hot in February? Holiday spots in the sunshine to beat the winter blues

WINTER feels like it’s going to drag on forever and summer seems a distant memory.

But blue skies and sunshine are just a flight away if you fancy jetting off on a last-minute holiday next month.


Get rid of the winter blues with some February sunshineCredit: Alamy

We’ve rounded up the top holiday destinations in February, with some temperatures reaching higher than 30C – a far cry from the lashing rain here in the UK.

The below hotspots are all open to Brits, just be sure to check the travel restrictions before visiting.

Caribbean – 30C

The Caribbean is hot all year round, but February is actually one of the best times of the year to go.

According to the Met Office, the average rainfall in Antigua is the lowest in February compared to every other month of the year.

Temperatures in the Caribbean can reach up to 30C in February, and drop to a comfortable 20C at night.

It’s also the best time of the year to avoid humidity, so if you struggle with muggy heat then February is the best time of the year to go.

Relax on white sand beaches sipping a piña colada and soaking up the sun.

  • British Airways holidays to St Lucia in February from £619pp
  • TUI all-inclusive holidays to Dominican Republic in February from £749pp
  • TUI holidays to Barbados in February from £799pp
  • TUI all-inclusive holidays to Jamaica in February from £899pp

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Orlando – 23.1C

Florida benefits from a powerful Atlantic Ocean current which causes warmer water to be brought in from the tropics, which means it’s warm all year round.

Temperatures reach as high as 23.1C in February so a suntan is definitely on the cards.

It might be worth packing a brolly though, as chances of rain do increase in February, with the average total rainfall of 77mm across the month.

  • British Airways holidays to Orlando in February from £499pp
  • Virgin Holidays to Orlando in February from £586pp
  • TUI holidays to Orlando in February from £499pp

Canary Islands – 21.5C

Winters in the Canary Islands are mild, with Lanzarote still reaching temperatures of a warm 21.5C.

The sheltered islands see as little as 14mm of rainfall in the whole month, making it a safe bet if you want to leave the rain behind you in the UK.

Warm, cloudless days are just a four hour flight away – making the Canary Islands the closest winter sun destination on the list.

  • TUI holidays to Tenerife in February from £360pp
  • EasyJet all-inclusive holidays to Fuerteventura in February from £390pp
  • EasyJet all-inclusive holidays to Gran Canaria in February from £399pp
  • TUI all-inclusive holidays to Fuerteventura in February from £474pp

Cape Town – 27.


The average temperature in Cape Town in February is a balmy 27.3C – the hottest month of the year.

February sits in Cape Town’s summer season and has 10 hours of sunshine each day.

It is one of the driest months of the year and only has 10mm of rainfall – a big contrast to the UK.

  • British Airways flights to Cape Town in February from £397pp

Cairo – 20.5C

At the closer end of the spectrum is Cairo, which is less than a five-hour flight from London.

The capital city of Egypt and located on the Nile, Cairo has a desert climate making daytime temperatures warm at 20.5C in February.

Rainfall in Cairo in February is very low, totally just 3mm across the whole of the month, so it’s definitely not worth packing your brolly.

Visitors can enjoy eight hours of sunshine each day.

  • EasyJet holidays to Egypt in February from £520pp
  • TUI all-inclusive holidays to Egypt in February from £520pp

Cancun – 32.


Cancun is the hottest of all the holiday destinations on our list at a whopping 32.2C.

The beautiful beaches and luxury resorts of Cancun in Mexico can be enjoyed in scorching sunshine.

February sees a low average rainfall of 28mm – perfect for those holidaymakers who love dry heat.

However, there are only five hours of daily sunshine so you’ll have to make the most of them.

  • TUI all-inclusive holidays to Mexico in February from £844pp
  • British Airways all-inclusive holidays to Cancun in February from £899pp


Soak up some sun in Cancun, Cairo or the Canary IslandsCredit: Alamy

Sun’s Head of Travel Lisa Minot explains what the latest covid rule changes mean for you

Climate: Puerto del Rosario – Climate graph, Temperature graph, Climate table

Puerto del Rosario are in the northern hemisphere.

Summer starts here at the end of June and ends in September. There are the months of summer: June, July, August, September.

The best time to visit are June, July, August, September, October.

The highest relative humidity occurs in August (74.94 %). The lowest is in January (66.71 %).

On average, December (3.23 days) is the rainiest day of the month. The least rainy days are in July (0.07 days).

  • >>Climate graph of Puerto del Rosario
  • >>Climate graph of Puerto del Rosario
  • >>Puerto del Rosario
  • average temperature

  • >> 14 day weather forecast Puerto del Rosario
  • >>Puerto del Rosario water temperature

The climate of the city of Puerto del Rosario is close to arid. There is virtually no rainfall during the year in Puerto del Rosario. This place is classified as BWh by Köppen and Geiger. The average temperature in Puerto del Rosario is 19.5 °C The average rainfall per year is 104 mm.

Climate graph of Puerto del Rosario

The driest month is June with 2 mm. In December, the rainfall reaches its peak, with an average of 23 mm |

Temperature chart Puerto del Rosario

The warmest month of the year is August with an average temperature of 22.9 °C. At 16.2 °C on average, February is the coldest month of the year.

Climate graph of Puerto del Rosario


Average temperature (°C) minimum temperature (°C) maximum temperature (°C) Precipitation rate (mm) Humidity (%) Rainy days (D) day length (hours)
January 16.2 14.2 18.6 12 67% 2 7.0
February 16.2 14 18.8 12 68% 2 7. 0
March 17.2 14.7 20.2 10 68% 2 8.0
April 18 15.6 20.8 7 67% 1 8.0
May 19.2 16.8 22.1 3 68% 0 8.0
June 20.7 18.4 23.7 2 72% 0 8.0
July 21.9 19.7 24.9 2 75% 0 8.0
August 22.9 20.7 25.9 2 75% 0 9.0
September 22.7 20.5 25.6 6 72% 1 9. 0
October 21.7 19.4 24.5 13 72% 2 8.0
November 19.3 17.3 21.7 12 68% 2 7.0
December 17.5 15.4 19.8 23 68% 2 7.0
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Average temperature (°C) 16.2 16.2 17.2 eighteen 19.2 20.7 21.9 22.9 22.7 21.7 19. 3 17.5
minimum temperature (°C) 14.2 fourteen 14.7 15.6 16.8 18.4 19.7 20.7 20.5 19.4 17.3 15.4
maximum temperature (°C) 18.6 18.8 20.2 20.8 22.1 23.7 24.9 25.9 25.6 24.5 21.7 19.8
Precipitation rate (mm) 12 12 ten 7 3 2 2 2 6 13 12 23
Humidity (%) 67% 68% 68% 67% 68% 72% 75% 75% 72% 72% 68% 68%
Rainy days (D) 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2
day length (hours) 6. 9 7.1 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.9 8.1 8.6 8.5 8.1 7.0 7.1

Data: 1991 – 2021 minimum temperature (°C), maximum temperature (°C), Precipitation (mm), Humidity, Rainy days.
Data: 1999 – 2019: day length

The difference between the amount of precipitation, between the driest and wettest month is 21 mm. The change in the average annual temperature is about 6.7 °C. Useful tips about reading the climate table: For each month, you will find data on precipitation (mm), average, maximum and minimum temperatures (in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit). The value of the first line: (1) January (2) February (3) March (4) April (5) May, (6) June (7) July (8) August (9) September, (10) October (11) November (12) December.

Puerto del Rosario weather and climate for each month

Puerto del Rosario in May

Puerto del Rosario in June

Puerto del Rosario in July

Puerto del Rosario in August

Puerto del Rosario in September

Puerto del Rosario in October

Puerto del Rosario in November

Puerto del Rosario in December

Sundial in Puerto del Rosario

  • average hours of sunshine
  • Total hours of sunshine

In August, the most sunshine per day is measured in Puerto del Rosario on average. August averages 8.62 hours of sunshine per day and a total of 267.31 hours of sunshine during August.

In January, the fewest hours of sunshine per day measured in Puerto del Rosario on average. January averages 7.08 hours of sunshine per day and a total of 219.45 hours of sunshine.

Puerto del Rosario has about 2833.21 hours of sunshine per year. On average, there are 93.09 hours of sunshine per month.

Puerto del Rosario (Atlantic Ocean) Water temperature

Maximum water temperature (°C) Average water temperature (°C) Min. Water temperature (°C)
January 19.2 18.7 18.2
February 18.2 17.9 17.7
March 18.3 18 17.7
April 18.8 18.5 18. 3
May 19.7 19.3 18.7
June 21 20.4 19.7
July 21.8 21.3 21
August 22.5 22.2 21.7
September 23.1 22.9 22.5
October 23 22.7 22.3
November 22.3 21.3 20.5
December 20.5 19.8 19.2
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Min. Water temperature (°C) 18. 2 17.7 17.7 18.3 18.7 19.7 21 21.7 22.5 22.3 20.5 19.2
Average water temperature (°C) 18.7 17.9 eighteen 18.5 19.3 20.4 21.3 22.2 22.9 22.7 21.3 19.8
Maximum water temperature (°C) 19.2 18.2 18.3 18.8 19.7 21 21.8 22.5 23.1 23 22.3 20.5

In Puerto del Rosario (Atlantic Ocean), a water temperature of around 20.30°C is reached on average per year.

At 23.10°C, the average monthly water temperature reaches its maximum value annually in September. While in February the lowest value is measured from about 17. 70°C.

Approximately 23.10°C maximum water temperature per year. This is achieved around 29. September. The minimum value is 17.70°C and is measured around the date 28. February.

The following body of water is primary for the indicated water temperature for Puerto del Rosario: Atlantic Ocean.

Airports near Puerto del Rosario

The nearest airports to Puerto del Rosario are: (FUE) 5.51km, (ACE) 55.83km, Gran Canaria (LPA) 162.29km

You can reach Puerto del Rosario from these cities by plane: London ( LTN), Leeds (LBA), Glasgow (PIK), Copenhagen (CPH), Vienna (VIE), Paris (ORY), Birmingham (BHX), Edinburgh (EDI), Hamburg (HAM), Newcastle upon Tyne (NCL) ), Cologne (CGN), Oslo (OSL), Bremen (BRE), Bergen (BGO), Liverpool (LPL), Malaga (AGP), Nottingham (EMA), Funchal (FNC), Porto (OPO), Casablanca (CMN) )
Stockholm (ARN), Santander (SDR), Nantes (NTE), Bilbao (BIO), Basel (BSL), Frankfurt am Main (FRA), Dakar (DKR), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (TFN), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (LPA), Geneva (GVA), Valencia (VLC), Salzburg (SZG), Eindhoven (EIN), Groningen (GRQ), Luxembourg (LUX), Milan (MXP), Verona ( VRN), Rome (FCO), Barcelona (BCN), Torrejon de Ardoz (MAD), Zurich (ZRH), Erfurt (ERF), Berlin (SXF), Paderborn (PAD), Düsseldorf (DUS), Seville (SVQ) ), Nouakchott (NKC), Lisbon (LIS), Zaragoza (ZAZ), Amsterdam (AMS), Manchester (MAN), Limerick (SNN), Bologna (BLQ), Bristol (BRS), Santiago de Compostela (SCQ) , Dublin (DUB), Belfast (BFS), Cork (ORK), Nuremberg (NUE), Prague (PRG), Brussels (CRL), Hannover (HAJ), Stuttgart (STR), Pisa (PSA), Leipzig (LEJ) , Munich (MUC), Bournemouth (BOH), Santa Cruz de La Palma (SPC), Puerto del Rosario (FUE), Baden-Baden (FKB), Dakhla (VIL), Weeze (NRN), Hahn (HHN), Ranon (OVD), El Aaiun (EUN), Bergamo (BGY), Torp (TRF), Arrecife (ACE), Charleston (NOC)

Cyprus, Canaries, Malta, Madeira, Crete

In winter, humanity is divided into two camps. Some want snow and frost, others want warmth. For the latter, OBOZREVATEL has selected 7 destinations where you can still soak up the sun.

Video of the day

Due to the rapid spread of a new strain of coronavirus – Omicron – many countries are tightening quarantine restrictions. Before the trip, read the official information using the interactive map of the Consular Service of Ukraine. Madeira (Portugal)

The country of eternal spring remains almost without tourists in winter. Therefore, housing prices and various attractions are almost halved, while the level of comfort remains the same.

The average daytime temperature is 15-20 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it rains for about a third of the month. They are usually strong but short. Most of the time you can walk along the beaches with black volcanic sand and the streets of ancient cities.

By the way, at this time many interesting excursions take place in the capital of Madeira – Funchal. The ancient architecture and incredible views in this area will amaze anyone.


This island is ideal for winter holidays for several reasons. Firstly, in the coldest period of the year – in January – the temperature here is kept at 11-18 degrees above zero. Secondly, prices here are much lower than in other similar European resorts. And thirdly, this is an incredible mix of different cultures, which seemed to be intertwined here into something completely new. So, on the streets nearby there may be a red telephone booth, an Italian pizzeria, an ancient fortress and a kebab shop.

It can be windy here in winter, so it’s best to take autumn clothes with you. In addition, sometimes there are heavy showers. But after them there always come warm cloudless days.

Canary Islands (Spain)

Winter bypasses this archipelago. Location 100 kilometers from Africa makes itself felt. Even in December, the temperature here does not fall below 15 degrees, but more often it stays around 20-23. Ocean waters at this time warm up quite strongly, but still not enough to swim comfortably. But many tourists still decide to plunge.

However, the beauty of the Canary Islands attracts tourists even at this time. For the New Year’s holiday, Tenerife is most often chosen. It is always fun and noisy here, there are many places for interesting recreation and entertainment. There are also many nightclubs in this area.

Crete (Greece)

December – February is the low season on the largest Greek island. However, in the homeland of Zeus there is something to see even in winter. Moreover, the weather at this time is very comfortable for long walks. During the day, the temperature rises to 18 degrees, and at night it does not fall below 9.

Crete has many ancient Roman ruins that can be viewed for hours. Nearby are high mountains and a picturesque coastline.


The warmest European island is located at the crossroads between three continents, so it has always been popular among foreigners.

Countries hot in february: The 11 Best Hot Countries in February

Опубликовано: February 19, 2023 в 3:47 pm


Категории: February

Costa Rica climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation

The climate in Costa Rica, a Central American country extending from 8 to 11 degrees north latitude, is hot all year round in the plains and along the coasts, while it’s milder in the plateau, that is, in the so-called tierras templadas.

Temperature variations are low because the country is located near the Equator, so the main difference between the seasons is found in the rains. Anyway, most of the country is so rainy that it is covered with rainforests.

On the Pacific coast and the plateau, there are a dry season from December to April and a rainy season from May to November, during which rainfall is abundant. In contrast, in the eastern plains and coasts (but also in the southernmost part of the Pacific coast) the climate is equatorial, with abundant rainfall throughout the year.

The sea is warm all year round on both coasts.


  • Caribbean coast – Puerto Limón
  • Pacific coast – Puntarenas, Quepos
  • Hills and mountains – San José
  • Hurricanes

Caribbean coast

The east coast and the plain overlooking the Caribbean Sea are rain-soaked, and receive more than 3,000 millimeters (120 inches) per year; here the climate can be defined as equatorial, that is, with no dry season. This happens because the north-east trade winds, which blow from November to April, directly hit this area. However, there are two peaks, in July and December, both with about 440 mm (17.5 in) of rain per month, and two relative minima in September-October and February-March, both with about 150/200 mm (6/8 in) per month. In this area, December is even the wettest month, and January is wetter than February and March. South of this coast, on the mountain slopes of the Braulio Carrillo National Park, precipitation reaches up to 5 meters (16. 5 feet) per year!

Puerto Limón

Along the coast of the Caribbean Sea, the weather is hot and humid all year round, since the winds blow constantly from the sea, however, the temperatures are slightly lower from December to February. Here are the average temperatures in Puerto Limón, at 10 degrees north latitude.

Limón – Average temperatures (1991-2020)
Month Min (°C) Max (°C) Mean (°C) Min (°F) Max (°F) Mean (°F)
January 21 29 24. 9 70 84 76.9
February 21 29 25 70 84 77.1
March 22 29 25.5 71 85 77.9
April 22 30 26.3 72 86 79.3
May 23 30 26.8 74 87 80.2
June 23 30 26.9 74 87 80.3
July 23 30 26.5 74 86 79.6
August 23 30 26.6 74 86 79.9
September 23 31 26.8 73 87 80.3
October 23 31 26. 7 73 87 80
November 22 30 25.9 72 85 78.7
December 21 29 25.2 71 84 77.4
Year 22.4 29.8 26.05 72.3 85.7 79

In Puerto Limón, 3,500 mm (140 in) of rain fall per year. Here is the average precipitation.

Limón – Average precipitation
Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 320 12.6 17
February 235 9.3 14
March 210 8.3 14
April 265 10. 4 14
May 335 13.2 16
June 290 11.4 16
July 425 16.7 20
August 305 12 16
September 140 5.5 11
October 205 8.1 13
November 400 15.7 17
December 445 17.5 18
Year 3575 140.7 186

The sun on the east coast does not shine very often, as cloudy and rainy days are frequent all year round. Here are the average sunshine hours per day in Puerto Limón.

Limón – Sunshine hours
Month Average Total
January 5 155 February 5.5 155 March 6 180 April 5.5 170 May 5.5 165 June 4.5 135 July 4 120 August 4.5 145 September 5.5 160 October 5.5 165 November 4.5 135 December 4.5 145 Year 5 1820

The sea in Puerto Limón and on the coast of the Caribbean Sea is warm all year round, as can be seen in the following table.

Limón – Sea temperature
Month Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F)
January 28 82 February 28 82 March 28 83 April 29 84 May 29 84 June 29 84 July 28 83 August 29 84 September 29 84 October 29 84 November 28 83 December 28 83 Year 28. 5 83.4

Pacific coast

The Pacific coast is slightly warmer than the Caribbean coast, especially in winter, when the north-east trade winds descend from the mountains and become hot and dry: the average daytime temperatures are around 30/32 °C (86/90 °F) in the least hot period, in October and November, while they can reach 34/35 °C (93/95 °F) in March and April, before the rainy season.

Here, there is a well-defined dry season from December to April, at least in the central-northern part, while going south, the dry season becomes progressively shorter (it rains fairly often even in December and April), and in the southernmost part the climate is even equatorial, like on the coast of the Caribbean Sea.

The north-central part (province of Guanacaste, canton of Puntarenas) is particularly hot from February to April, before the rains. In inland areas, the heat is even more intense than on the coast, for example, in Liberia, the average maximum in April is 36 °C (97 °F). Moreover, this is the least rainy area of the country, with average rainfall around 1,300/1,600 mm (51/63 in) per year and savanna-like vegetation.


In Puntarenas, located in the north-central part of the Pacific Coast, the heat is intense throughout the year, and from February to April, the maximum average exceeds 34 °C (93 °F). Here are the average temperatures.

Puntarenas – Average temperatures (1959-2000)
Month Min (°C) Max (°C) Mean (°C) Min (°F) Max (°F) Mean (°F)
January 22 34 27. 6 71 92 81.7
February 22 34 28.3 72 94 82.9
March 23 34 28.4 73 93 83.2
April 24 35 29.2 75 94 84.5
May 24 33 28.6 75 92 83.5
June 24 32 27.9 74 90 82.2
July 23 32 27.7 74 90 81.9
August 23 32 27.6 74 90 81.8
September 23 32 27.5 74 89 81.5
October 23 32 27. 4 74 89 81.3
November 23 32 27.3 73 89 81.1
December 22 32 27 72 90 80.7
Year 23 32.8 27.8 73.4 91 82

In Puntarenas, 1,600 mm (63 in) of rain fall per year, with a rainy season from May to November and a dry season from December to April. Here is the average precipitation.

Puntarenas – Average precipitation
Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 5 0.2 2
February 5 0.2 2
March 5 0. 2 3
April 30 1.2 8
May 205 8.1 19
June 215 8.5 21
July 175 6.9 18
August 225 8.9 22
September 295 11.6 24
October 280 11 24
November 130 5.1 15
December 30 1.2 6
Year 1600 63 163

In Puntarenas, the sun shines in the dry season, while in the rainy season the sky is often cloudy in the afternoon, when thunderstorms often break out, while in the morning you can still enjoy a few hours of sunshine.

Puntarenas – Sunshine hours
Month Average Total
January 8.5 265 February 9 255 March 9 280 April 8.5 255 May 6.5 200 June 5 155 July 5.5 165 August 5.5 170 September 5.5 160 October 5.5 165 November 6 185 December 7.5 230 Year 6. 8 2490


Further to the south, the Pacific Coast becomes more rainy, but in return, it is less hot, especially in spring. Here are the average temperatures of Quepos (formerly Aguirre), located on the coast, south of San José.

Quepos – Average temperatures (1984-2003)
Month Min (°C) Max (°C) Mean (°C) Min (°F) Max (°F) Mean (°F)
January 22 31 26. 6 72 88 80
February 22 32 27 72 90 80.6
March 23 32 27.5 73 90 81.5
April 24 32 27.8 74 90 82.1
May 23 31 27.4 74 89 81.2
June 23 31 27 74 87 80.5
July 23 31 26.8 73 87 80.2
August 23 30 26.6 73 87 79.8
September 23 30 26.4 73 87 79.6
October 23 30 26. 3 73 86 79.3
November 23 30 26.2 73 86 79.2
December 23 31 26.6 73 87 79.9
Year 22.7 31 26.8 72.9 87.8 80

In Quepos, 3,500 mm (140 in) of rain fall per year; as you can see, the rains are very abundant from May to November, but in December, they still amount to 160 mm (6.3 in).

Quepos – Average precipitation
Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 45 1.8 7
February 25 1 4
March 40 1. 6 5
April 155 6.1 12
May 390 15.4 23
June 415 16.3 24
July 445 17.5 26
August 470 18.5 26
September 545 21.5 27
October 535 21.1 27
November 350 13.8 23
December 160 6.3 15
Year 3570 140.6 219

In Quepos, the sun shines especially from February to April, but all in all, it shines for a few hours a day even in the wettest months because the rains, however intense, usually occur in the afternoon or in the evening.

Quepos – Sunshine hours
Month Average Total
January 7.5 225 February 7.5 220 March 8 245 April 7.5 230 May 6.5 205 June 6.5 190 July 6 190 August 6 190 September 5.5 170 October 5.5 170 November 6 175 December 6 190 Year 6. 6 2405

On the Pacific coast, too, the sea is warm all year round, as can be seen from the water temperature at Quepos.

Quepos – Sea temperature
Month Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F)
January 28 83 February 29 83 March 29 84 April 30 85 May 29 85 June 29 84 July 29 84 August 29 84 September 29 83 October 28 83 November 28 82 December 28 82 Year 28. 7 83.6

Near Quepos we find the Manuel Antonio National Park.

Further south, in the Osa peninsula and in the Golfo Dulce, it rains even more: in Golfito, 4,100 mm (161 in) of rain fall per year, and there is no real dry season, even though the rainfall drops to around 100 mm (4 in) per month from January to March. In the Corcovado National Park, a tropical rainforest is found.

On the Cocos Island, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, far to the south of the continent, the climate is equatorial as well.

Hills and mountains

In inland areas, between the two coasts, we find two mountain ranges, the Cordillera Central and the Cordillera de Talamanca.

San José

The capital city, San José, is located in the central part, on the plateau that separates the two Cordilleras, at 1,100 meters (3,600 feet) above sea level, and therefore in the so-called Tierras templadas, thus it has pleasant temperatures throughout the year, with cool nights and warm days.
Here are the average temperatures at Tobías Bolaños International Airport, located at 995 meters (3,264 feet) above sea level.

San José – Average temperatures (2012-2020)
Month Min (°C) Max (°C) Mean (°C) Min (°F) Max (°F) Mean (°F)
January 18 26 22 65 78 71.7
February 18 26 22.2 64 80 72
March 18 27 23 65 81 73. 3
April 19 28 23.7 66 83 74.7
May 19 28 23.4 66 82 74
June 19 27 23.2 67 81 73.8
July 20 27 23.2 67 80 73.7
August 19 27 23 66 81 73.5
September 18 27 22.8 65 81 73
October 18 26 22.4 65 80 72.4
November 19 26 22.5 65 79 72.4
December 19 27 22. 7 66 80 72.9
Year 18.8 26.9 22.8 65.8 80.5 73

In San José, there is little rain from December to March, and it almost never rains in January and February. The rainy season runs from May to November, and the wettest months are September and October, with around 300 millimeters (12 inches) per month. Here is the average precipitation.

San José – Average precipitation
Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 15 0.6 2
February 5 0.2 0
March 20 0.8 2
April 45 1. 8 5
May 230 9.1 17
June 240 9.4 20
July 210 8.3 20
August 240 9.4 21
September 310 12.2 22
October 305 12 22
November 145 5.7 13
December 40 1.6 4
Year 1805 71.1 148

The sun frequently shines in the dry season, while it does not shine very often in the rainy season, when the sky is often cloudy. Here are the average sunshine hours per day.

San José – Sunshine hours
Month Average Total
January 7 215 February 8 225 March 8 250 April 7 210 May 5 155 June 4 120 July 4 125 August 4 125 September 4 120 October 4 125 November 5 150 December 6 185 Year 5. 5 2005

At high altitudes, in the so-called tierras frìas, above 2,000 meters (6,600 feet), the temperatures are low, especially in the winter months, and even more so on the slopes of the highest mountains and volcanoes, such as Cerro Chirripó, 3,820 meters (12,532 feet) high, or Irazú volcano, 3,431 meters (11,257 feet) high. Above 3,500 meters (11,500 ft), at night, it can freeze throughout the year.


Costa Rica is almost always spared by the hurricanes of the Caribbean Sea, whose path is usually located to the north of the country; in fact, sometimes they can affect nearby Nicaragua. Consequently, the area most at risk is the northern one, which may sometimes be affected by them, maybe indirectly. The hurricane season runs from June to November (though they are most likely in October and November), that is, during the rainy season, which in any case is generally not recommended for a holiday.

The first hurricane to hit directly Costa Rica was Otto in November 2016, although Hurricane Nate, which formed on the sea to the east of the country in October 2017 and then moved north, has brought even more serious damage.

There are also depressions and tropical storms which can be formed on the Pacific. They are usually not intense because they affect the country in the early stages of their formation, and then move northwestward without making landfall; however, they can still bring heavy rains, which can cause landslides and floods.


When to go and what to pack in Costa Rica

A Detailed Guide For A Blissful Vacay!

Greece, the name prevailing since centuries still remains to be on the top choice for avid travelers. Even though it is one of the oldest countries in the world, Greece never fails to impress even the youngest member of the family. It is a mini package in itself. Getting to know about Greece is indeed a lovely sojourn. Visiting Greece in February helps you delve into the place more as it is less crowded. There are some details about Greece, which are worth taking a note of. Without any further ado, let’s get the wheels started to explore more of Greece in February 2022.

Weather In Greece

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Greece having located in a strategic spot near the Mediterranean, but also at the same time bordering European Continent enjoys substantial levels of weather all-round the year. Greece is flocked by the citizens of neighboring cold European nations and other colder regions around the world solely for the weather along with its view.
Greece temperature in February is not too hot and it is perfect for planning your honeymoon. It is also the off season that you can save a huge sum of money.

There are times of the year when it does snow in Greece, but the duration is not too long. Otherwise, the temperature ranges from dry to not too cold.

4 Best Places To Visit In Greece In February

Greece is culture-rich city and it makes sure that you have ample opportunities to explore the whole region. There are multiple places to visit in Greece consisting of places you should never miss out on your trip. Plan boldly and get ready to surprise yourself with a hell of places that astonish you.

  • Santorini: A Serene Island
  • Nafplion: A Planned Greek City
  • Thessaloniki: Where Old World Remains
  • Athens: The Culture Capital

1. Santorini: A Serene Island

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The twin cities of Oia and Fira located atop hillock grabs eyeballs in pictures itself. Blue and White colored ancient buildings are a delight to eyes. These beautiful structures are converted into sea looking resorts and hotels. This island is connected to the other gorgeous locales of Greece via ferries and other water carriers. It is mesmerizing to ponder upon the volcanic hillocks partially submerged in the dark bluish waters from your hotel windows. Santorini is connected to various archaeological sites nearby which dates more than 3600 years. Sunbathing, candlelight dinners, island hopping are some of the best indulgences at Santorini.

Must Read: Greece In December 2022: A Guide To Explore The Gem Of Aegean Sea During Winters!

2. Nafplion: A Planned Greek Town

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This is one of the oldest modern planned cities in Greece. The best part about this city is that you can find the narrow lanes of these times as well as the ancient marvels that brings to life the pictures of Babylonian hanging gardens. Nafplion is a wonder in itself. There is a twist attached to every single corner of the place. Cafes, antique shops, the stone steps transport you back to the 80s movies. You can stay at any of the hotels here located near the foot of the hillocks.

Suggested Read: 10 Places To Visit In Mykonos In 2022 For An Ideal Vacation In The Pretty Greek Island!

3. Thessaloniki: Where Old World Remains

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Thessaloniki has every bit of Greece in it. It is flooded with numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, olden Byzantine Churches, Castles, and other Roman monuments. If Roman history and architecture interest you, then Thessaloniki is the place to be. This is the first choice for travelers who are running out of time and still would like to experience the entire essence of Greece.
These places are the best to visit in Greece in February.

Suggested Read: Visit Greece In March For A Vibrant, And Colourful Spring Vacation

4. Athens: The Culture Capital

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Athens is the capital of Greece and is a heart of Ancient Greece, a powerful civilization and empire of its time. 5th-century BC landmarks, including the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with ancient buildings like the colonnaded Parthenon temple still dominates the city. Several museums like the Acropolis Museum, along with the National Archaeological Museum, preserve sculptures, jewelry and more from Ancient Greece.

4 Best Things To Do In Greece In February

Greece is a splendid place to try out every exciting thing possible. The vibrancy of the place dictates everything and you get to explore a whole lot of activities that make sure you have lots of fun. If you are running out of time, then never miss out on these three things. 

  • Tour Around The Acropolis: The Historic Centre
  • Sunbath At Balos Beach: A Peaceful Activity
  • Corfu Trails: Trek Your Way
  • Island Hopping: A Really Fun Time

1. Tour Around The Acropolis: The Historic Centre

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When other places of the world have towering artificial Skyliners and skyscrapers, Greece has its ancient wonder at its capital. This place would entice anyone who is even remotely interested in architecture. Tour around the area and enjoy the Majesties. The most striking feature about Acropolis is the giant structure of Parthenon and Athena, the Greek Goddess. There is so much more to explore by taking a walk around Acropolis.
Location: Athens 105 58, Greece.

Suggested Read: 15 Greek Islands That Must Figure In Your Greece Travel Itinerary

2. Sunbath At Balos Beach: A Peaceful Activity

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When there are so many other beaches in Greece, there is something special about Balos Beach. The lagoons and the crystal-clear bluish waters give a clear view of the Waterlife in the beaches. The beach is so clean that you can bask under the sun for hours together. You can even try out the other water sports at this beach.
Location: Kissamos, Crete 734 00, Greece.

Suggested Read: 12 Best Resorts In Greece That Make You Feel Like Royalty

3. Corfu Trails: Trek Your Way

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This island is spilled into many groups. The entire distance spans about 220 km. You can trek through a particular distance. Every km distance has a different mind-blowing view to offer. The stone benches laid all the way throughout the trails provide the space to sit and stare. Despite a large number of tourists flocking the place, the trails do not get crowded owing to its large size.

Suggested Read: 10 Hotels in Greece That Are A Treat For The Senses!

4. Island Hopping: A Really Fun Time

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With the cascade of tourists, the winter-time island life becomes special. You can hop multiple beautiful islands that will make sure you explore a bunch. The convivial locals make for interesting, friendly visits. The larger islands remain the most vibrant, with their substantial local populations.

What To Wear In Greece In February

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If you are planning for a trip to Greece, then packing is never a Herculean task. It does snow in Greece, but you can assure that your luggage would be light enough. Apart from the clothes, there are a few essentials that need to be packed for the travel. A knowledge of the weather in Greece in February would give you an idea of how many clothes you need to carry. January to February is the time of the year when it usually snows in Greece. But, at the same time, Greece experiences different temperature zones in different parts of the country. So, these items would be necessary to carry.

  • A cool pair of sunglasses. You cannot afford to miss some of the excellent views because of the glaring sun’s rays.
  • Swimsuits for the beaches. There are so many beaches in and around Greece that you need to carry one or buy one for yourself there.
  • Sunscreen to protect your skin from the harsh sun.
  • Loose pants, which are not floaty to avoid heavy washing after the trip.
  • Beach Mattresses for a relaxing sunbath at the beaches. It also helps to keep your skin safe.
  • Camera to click excellent pictures and mobile for the routes and calls. These electronic devices are a must when you are travelling to a place like Greece. The country is filled with an abundance of beauty that every single frame needs to be documented.
  • Adaptors to the rescue when you decide to save money by not buying a new charger.
  • One cool pair of shoes for trekking and walking around Greece. The place is better enjoyed on foot so carry shoes with you.
  • Some winter clothes if you are traveling to the northern part of Greece from January to February.

Further Read: A Greece Honeymoon In 2022 Is All You Need For A Perfect Beginning Of Your Married Life

These are some of the things you need to know about Greece in February if you are planning to visit this gorgeous location at the desired time. Greece is a place which would long you to visit over and over again as you would never get enough of it. So, plan a trip to Greece and indulge in the fun!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Greece In February

Which language is spoken in Santorini, Greece?

The official language of Santorini is Greek.

Is February a good time to visit Greece?

Greece in February is cool with gray skies and plenty of rain. There are plenty of good places to enjoy some winter sun and attractions without the crowds.

How hot is Greece in February?

The average temperature in February is around 10°C – with lows of 7°C and highs of 13°C. The average daily sunshine in February is just four hours, higher than January.

Is February a good time to visit Santorini?

Yes. There will be less crowd and a more peaceful vacation. Although, there would be limited restaurants open yet you enjoy your time in this peaceful island.

How many days in Greece is enough?

It takes approximately 20 days to completely travel Greece. Out of this around-5 days go to Athens as it will be an enjoyable trip for you. The Acropolis and Parthenon are two iconic sites in Greece which would take approximately 2 days to fully explore.

What is the cheapest time of year to fly to Greece?

High season in Greece is considered to be between June and July. The cheapest and most affordable month to fly to Greece is February.

What airport do you fly into for Greece?

The 2 main airports in Greece are located in Athens and Thessaloniki. The airport of Athens, El. Venizelos International airport, receives direct flights from th

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Where to go with a child in February 2021?

When choosing where to go with a child in February, it is not enough to take into account only your desires and prices for tours. It is also necessary to take care of a comfortable and safe stay at the hotel and the entrance to the sea from the beach, the availability of children’s entertainment, food suitable for the baby. And given that a harsh winter reigns in most of Russia in February, it is also important to take care of quick acclimatization.

Where to go on vacation in February with a child at sea

Warm up on a snow-white beach, breathe in the clean sea air, eat vitamins from tropical fruits – such a vacation can be called ideal for children, therefore, first of all, parents pay attention to tours to hot countries. And here they are waiting for several surprises at once. Firstly, even in the most popular resort in Asia, there are much fewer tourists in February. And secondly, prices fall significantly compared to other winter months.


Traditionally, the kingdom remains the best place for a family beach holiday in winter at sea. The resorts are suitable for both one-year-olds, and for children of preschool and school age. Phuket and Koh Samui are the most suitable places. The first attracts with its well-developed infrastructure, a huge number of hotels and beaches with different prices for tours, entertainment and direct flights from many Russian cities.

The second one is distinguished by peace and tranquility, fewer tourists and clean beaches and calm seas. True, you can get here only with transfers through Bangkok or the same Phuket, and the hotels are mostly small. Considering that the flight to Thailand itself takes at least 10 hours, such a connection can be especially difficult for a restless and quickly tired child.


  • Great weather and no rain. The air temperature in February reaches +28-32 degrees, and the sea – +27-29.

  • A large number of family hotels with a children’s pool and a playground with different tour prices.

  • The friendliness of the locals towards adults and especially children.

  • nine0031


    • Some beaches of the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand are stormy in February and it is better to choose a hotel away from such places.

    • Long flight. Travel time takes from 10 to 15 hours, depending on the place of departure and the final destination.

    • In February, the number of insects and reptiles can be unpleasantly surprising.

    You won’t have to worry about what to do with yourself and your child, no matter what tour and hotel you choose. All major resorts have zoos, children’s entertainment centers, amusement parks at an affordable price. For kids from 3 years old, even some excursions are available, for example, a trip to an elephant farm.


    The paradise beaches of this state have prepared a huge number of 5-star hotels for tourists with children, mostly with a fairly high price of accommodation, but even in such conditions there are obvious drawbacks. Stunning nature, delicious food, clear sea and comfortable weather – that’s all that the main resorts of the country can offer you. The usual amusement parks, entertainment centers for kids will most likely not be found here.

    You can go to the Maldives only for an absolutely lazy and beautiful vacation, during which parents peacefully sip fruit cocktails in a sun lounger on the beach near the hotel, and the child builds sandcastles and splashes in the warm water of the sea. However, some family hotels are focused on welcoming guests of the youngest age and they have children’s rooms with animators, but the price in such hotels increases significantly.


    • High level of service in all hotels.

    • Lack of a large number of tourists and noise. Travelers rarely leave the territory of their hotel.

    • The absence of poisonous snakes, insects and other creatures that can overshadow the vacation.

    • Flawless beaches and sea.



    • Prices for tours to family hotels are high.

    • Tiresome flight. From Moscow, the travel time will be about 9 hours, and from St. Petersburg you will have to get there with transfers.

    • Strict religious traditions prohibiting the sale of alcohol and some other points.

    • nine0031

      If children’s holidays on the beaches of the Maldives are monotonous, then somewhat different prospects open up for adult guests. Snorkeling, diving, kayaking and fishing in the open sea are organized on the territory of all popular hotels at an affordable price. Leaving the child with a second parent, a nanny or an animator, you can go to the sea and use these services.


      Radiant, bright, original Cuba will be an excellent alternative for the resorts of Southeast Asia when relaxing with a child. The landscapes and beaches of the island amaze with their rich colors, and the Caribbean Sea can be called one of the most comfortable for little travelers. The most suitable places to stay at the price of the tour and the convenience of accommodation will be the hotels of the towns of Varadero and Caia Largo.

      February in Cuba is marked by dry and not too hot weather. The air temperature here rises to + 25-27 degrees, and the water in the sea also warms up. The beaches of the country are particularly clean and white. Fine sand, gentle entrance. Good infrastructure – all this you will find in any family hotel. They also provide a separate pool for children, fun animation, a separate menu.



      • The level of service is inferior to the European one.

      • The flight from Moscow takes up to 14 hours.

      • High prices for tours.

      As for children’s entertainment, here they are much more widely represented than in the Maldives. Young tourists can not only swim in the sea, but also go to the Valle de la Prehistoria dinosaur park, a dolphinarium, a turtle farm and even a crocodile nursery. Adults will also find something to do. The excursion program in Cuba is interesting and original. For example, in February, the famous carnival is held in Havana. And the prices for such events are almost always affordable.

      Dominican Republic

      February in the Dominican Republic is the most comfortable month for traveling with a child to the sea. The temperature at this time of the year drops a little, so the sweltering heat will not spoil the rest. On average, it stays at around + 27-28 degrees during the day. It gets cooler in the evenings, only around +19. At the same time, the sea is quite calm and safe even for kids. The difference in weather between different resorts is hardly noticeable, but Punta Cana is considered the most suitable for families.

      What travelers with a child should consider is the fact that many hotels in the Republic focus exclusively on welcoming adults or move family bungalows to separate reservations. It is simply impossible to find entertainment for children in them, and other vacationers will remain extremely dissatisfied with the neighborhood. When buying a tour at a high price, check if the hotel accepts young guests and under what conditions.


      • Clean beaches and azure Caribbean Sea.

      • The all-inclusive system in hotels is not inferior to Turkish and Egyptian ones.

      • The unique nature combines tropical jungles, underground caves, beautiful waterfalls.


      • High prices for tours.

      • The hotel staff mostly speaks Spanish, so communication may be a little difficult.

      • Changing the time zone at the same time as acclimatization is not well tolerated by some children. The time difference with Moscow is 7 hours.

      From entertainment, families can explore the local flora and fauna, wildlife and the marine world. In February, humpback whales swim up to the shores of the Dominican Republic, and turtles lay their eggs on the beaches. During sea cruises, your child can also see good-natured dolphins, sea lions, sharks.

      Holidays in February with children: where to go to Europe

      A beautiful and mild European winter can offer tourists entertainment for every taste and budget. True, it is best to go on a tour here at least with a preschooler who can already move around the city on his own, because it is unlikely that you can do without walking, no matter which option you choose. Traveling by taxi significantly raise the price of the entire journey.


      If you don’t have too much time to relax, go on a small tour of Sweden that includes the main attractions. In Stockholm alone, there are dozens of children’s museums with entertainment and educational programs for tourists of all ages. The price of tickets in them has been affordable for many years. The temperature for walking is quite pleasant and rarely drops below -1-3 degrees during the day.

      In the capital, the famous Unibakken cultural and entertainment center, where the heroes of favorite children’s fairy tales live, museums of natural history and science and technology, can be called obligatory for visiting with a child. Well, for lovers of typical winter entertainment in the north of Sweden, there is a ski resort Ore. The tracks here are designed not only for professional athletes, but also for beginner skiers.


      • Special attention to the needs of children. In every cafe, restaurant, shop here you can find a children’s menu.

      • You can fly to Stockholm from Moscow in a couple of hours. You can get from St. Petersburg in other interesting and inexpensive ways, for example, by buying a cruise tour at a low price.

      • Staying in the country is safe and comfortable.

      • The locals speak excellent English.


      • Some stores do not accept cash, on the other hand, this means that literally everywhere you can pay with a bank card.

      • Prices within Sweden, as elsewhere in Europe, are quite high.

      Organize your vacation in such a way as to combine visits to several regions, see the northern lights somewhere in Lapland, and the narrow streets of the old city of Stockholm. Transport links between cities and within them are well developed, and ticket prices are low, so many places can be seen on your own.

      Czech Republic

      Holidays with a child in this country are already good, if only because the Russian language is understood here quite well because of its similarity with Czech, which means that it will be much easier to solve the problems that have arisen. At the same time, the excursion and entertainment program for tourists of different ages is diverse. One day you can explore ancient Czech castles and walk around museums, and on the second day you can go to a balneological resort or ride a sleigh on bobsleigh tracks. Prices for such entertainment vary, but always remain affordable.

      Ski resorts are also represented here. The length of the slopes on them is less than in Austria, but the equipment and quality of the snow cover is in no way inferior. The most interesting thing is to be with a child in Prague or Karlovy Vary. There is a special calm atmosphere here. The first city will provide traditional European entertainment in the form of walks to the main attractions. And the second will provide an opportunity to improve health in local sanatoriums. Almost all of them have a special program for young guests.


      • Convenient transport links between different regions.

      • Low prices for tours.

      • No language barrier.


      • Czech cuisine cannot be called dietary. Most of the national dishes may seem heavy to the child.

      • The level of service is still far from perfect, but every year the situation is improving.

      The Czech Republic will be an excellent option for a vacation with a child if he has already reached school age and is ready for long walks and active entertainment. For the first trip abroad for a baby, it is better to consider other options, albeit at higher prices.


      If tourists come to this country in February, it is only to appreciate the local ski resorts. Chamonix, Val d’Isère, Tignes, Courchevel – these names are known all over the world, not only because of the excellent slopes, but also because of the presence of dozens of other attractions in the immediate vicinity. Their prices cannot be called pleasant, but this fact does not stop thousands of tourists.

      Wherever you go with your child, there are sure to be safe trails for the youngest athletes, kids clubs and ski schools, as well as kindergartens with professional nannies who speak several languages. Some of them welcome guests from the age of 1.5, giving young parents the opportunity to fully enjoy their vacation.


      • Wide entertainment program.

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        High level of service.

      • Family orientated.


      • The prices of tours in ski resorts are much more expensive than in other European countries.

      • Huge number of tourists.

      • Almost all sports centers are located high in the mountains and it takes several hours to get to them from the nearest cities.

      It will be pleasant to take a break from winter entertainment in the capital of the country. At this time of the year it is warm enough to explore the many sights. The temperature in Paris is kept at around +8 degrees, although rains are not uncommon. But it is here that you will hardly meet tourists, so the noisy city becomes much quieter.


      The resort of Bansko is becoming the center of winter recreation in the country. The weather conditions here are the most favorable for skiing. On average, the temperature rises to +6 degrees and the sun shines periodically, but there is so much snow during December and January that the condition of the tracks does not worsen at all. In general, the weather in February is quite changeable.

      The slopes themselves are designed for skiing both professional athletes and beginner skiers. Their length is more than 70 km. For a child, you can hire a professional instructor who, in the safest possible conditions, will introduce him to the features of the sport. There are also ski schools with low prices.


      • You can get to Bulgaria from Moscow in just 3-4 hours, while many airlines offer direct flights.

      • One of the most budget options for a ski holiday in February.

      • No language barrier.


      In Bansko you can not only ski, but also learn to snowboard. For this, separate tracks and ski jumps have been prepared. Very young children can be given to the animators in a kindergarten for a while, and then the whole family can go on vacation at one of the thermal springs.


      Thousands of tourists come every year to see a real winter in a country neighboring Russia in February. The most comfortable conditions for families with children have been created here, including at local ski resorts. The best place to go is Lapland. In this case, you will be able not only to go skiing, but also to get acquainted with national entertainments, for example, go dog sledding, see the northern lights or visit one of the amusement parks in Rovaniemi.


      • High level of service.

      • You can get to the place of rest not only by plane, but also by bus or train, both from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

      • Variety of entertainment for the whole family.


      A holiday in Finland in February is an opportunity to show your child a real fairy tale. Here he will be able to meet the local Santa Claus, see funny Moomin trolls or visit the workshop of elves. Prices for such entertainment almost do not change from year to year. At the ski resorts there are children’s clubs that accept kids from 3 years old. local animators are multilingual and will be able to come up with fun activities for the little ones.

      Go to a hotel by the sea or buy a tour to one of the European ski resorts – it’s up to you. The child will surely enjoy any trip prepared by the parents. Therefore, be more guided by your own preferences and price, choosing a specific vacation spot. Do not forget that in each country you have the opportunity to get acquainted with a unique culture and way of life that differs from our habits. And the main task: to instill in the child respect for them.

      Where you can relax in February

      Even in the coldest winter season, you can really plunge into the world of tropical warmth, incendiary dances, parties and holidays. The best resorts, hot countries, as well as the most popular places to relax in February.

      • The undisputed leader of hot holidays in the winter season is Thailand. Too high temperatures and heavy rains in the summer make the rest quite peculiar. But in winter, this region literally blooms, and becomes a real world king of tourism. In February, prices for tourist vouchers are somewhat lowered. And local shops delight with record low prices all year round. nine0022
      • Another great place where you can relax abroad in February is the United Arab Emirates. Although the February season in this region can be called a beach season, they do it with a big stretch. The water is not that very cold, but quite cool. Fortunately, a large number of excursion programs and activities, as well as heated resort pools, completely solve this problem.
      • Fabulous and sunny Maldives. They literally beckon us from the tenacious paws of a harsh winter … These truly paradise islands are a corner of untouched nature, relaxation and complete harmony. In the first half of February, the weather is just perfect, without too much wind, without precipitation. The second half of the month is perfect for outdoor activities. Surf season, hot parties and vivid impressions. The Maldives is a great place where you can relax in February at sea. nine0022
      • Sri Lanka is the land of harmony and spiritual development. Birthplace of the world famous Ceylon tea. By choosing this country, you will equally take a break from the boring gray everyday life, and learn the deepest facets of your soul. Numerous excursions, beautiful beaches, and the unique fauna of this region make it a great place to restore mental and physical health.
      • Goa is a great place to relax in February – March. An 11-hour sunny day will allow you to get the most out of your own vacation. Dry hot climate, warm water, endless azure water expanses will provide the best impressions from the trip. An additional plus will be the exotic menu of local establishments. Local residents will be happy to offer you real culinary masterpieces of national cuisine at affordable prices. nine0022
      • The classic choice of a country where you can relax on the beach in February is Egypt. This option has a low cost compared to other countries. The air temperature ranges from 24°C to 26°C.

Hottest places february: Where’s hot in February? | Thomas Cook

Опубликовано: February 19, 2023 в 1:13 am


Категории: February

Which Island/Best Places to Visit

Planning a trip to Thailand in February? Read our article about weather and travel in February in Thailand for average temperatures, rainfall, and travel tips on what to wear, travel costs, and best places to visit in February.

  • The Weather in February: Overview
  • Thailand Regional Weather
  • Best Places to Visit in February
  • Crowds and Cost in February
  • What to Wear in February

Thailand Weather in February: Overview

February is the last month of the “cool” dry season, which is from November to February. (In March, the hot season begins.) The average temperature range in all but northern areas is from 25°C to 33°C. The average rainfall is just 20 mm falling over 5 to 8 days.

February marks the official end of Thailand’s high season, although the weather throughout the kingdom is still fantastic at the end of the month. The whole of Thailand experiences sunny days and little rainfall, making it a great month to visit the kingdom.

Thailand’s neighborhood countries Vietnam and Cambodia also have comfortable weather in February. Visiting these three countries in one trip would be a smart choice as well.

A Southeast Asia Overview for a Shorter Vacation

Thailand’s Regional Weather in February

Bangkok and central Thailand: While Bangkok and central Thailand are very warm compared to the rest of the country, daily temperatures in February are still temperate compared to the scorching hot season months of March and April.

Temperatures in the capital tend to hover around the low 20s°C at night and low 30s°C (75–90°F) at midday. The lack of rain makes this a great season to explore the city’s many tourist attractions.

Chiang Mai and northern Thailand: February falls between the cool and hot seasons in northern Thailand. The early mornings and evenings are still mild and pleasant, and temperatures during the day can get up to 32°C (90°F).

February is the last month before local farmers start burning their left-over crops to prepare for the season ahead. This annual tradition leads to the accumulation of an uncomfortable haze across the north of Thailand, so if you are planning to visit Chiang Mai or any of the surrounding provinces, it’s best to do so before March.

Southern coasts/islands of Thailand: The weather on the southern islands (both west coast and east coast) is at its best in February with a constant temperature of around 27°C (80°F). Phuket, Krabi, Ko Phi Phi, and Koh Samui all receive plenty of sunshine and little rainfall. The conditions at sea are fantastic for water activities like swimming and diving. (Phuket vs Koh Samui: Which Is Better to Go)

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The 5 Best Places to Visit in Thailand in February

February is one of the best months to visit Thailand. The weather is mild/warm and dry in most parts of Thailand in February. The islands on Thailand’s western and eastern coasts all enjoy warm and sunny days. Cannot decide which island/beach to choose? Reach us for the best suitable recommendation.

1. Bangkok

As the weather is still mild in Bangkok in February, it is a great time to visit the country’s capital. With Chinese New Year (often) and Valentine’s Day in February, a trip to Bangkok to witness the celebrations is a special experience.

Bangkok turns pink on “Wan Valentine” and couples walk around clutching flower bouquets and oversized stuffed toys. The famous Pak Khlong Flower Market goes into overdrive in the lead up to the big day, and traders do some of their best business of the whole year.

2. Phuket

February is a hot and dry month in Phuket, with average temperatures ranging between 34°C (93°F) and 25°C (77°F). It is one of the best times for swimming and other water activities.

Phuket is home to some of Thailand’s most popular beaches, high-end resorts, and nightclubs. If you like islands with a great nightlife and fabulous beaches, Phuket could be the place for you. Contact us for the best suitable beach in Phuket to meet your requirements.

3. Krabi

With its cool and dry weather, February is a good time to visit Krabi. It is also one of the wildly popular destinations among tourists across the globe. Its highlight is undoubtedly, Railay Bay. The beach has a breathtaking mix of white sand and limestone karsts, and although it is technically a mainland beach, it has a real island feel because the bay is only accessible by boat.

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4. Koh Phi Phi

Traveling to the stunning Phi Phi Islands in February can be a real treat. With average daily temperatures of around 28°C (82°F), it’s the perfect time for beach lovers to visit. It only rains on around four days of the month, so there’s little chance of bad weather ruining your boat trips.

5. Chiang Mai

February is a perfect time to visit Chiang Mai, as the weather is suitable for all kinds of activities. While the Spring Festival celebrations in Chiang Mai don’t quite match up to those in Bangkok, it’s still a beautiful affair. There are red lanterns all over town, and celebrations go from morning to night.

Another famous festival in February is the Chiang Mai Flower Festival, which showcases the region’s beautiful flowers and ornate decorations. The main event takes place at Tha Pae Gate and Nong Buak Hard Park over three days. It includes exhibitions, flower competitions, traditional Lanna dance shows, and a floating parade.

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Crowding and Costs in February

February is the high season for traveling in Thailand. As one of the busiest months of the year, you will encounter big crowds and long waits in lines at most attractions in Thailand.

If you are visiting the main cities during Chinese New Year, which happens at the end of January or beginning/middle of February, you will see even bigger crowds as more holiday tourists come from nearby countries including China. Hotel rates are also the highest of the whole year. It’s highly advisable to book your rooms and plane/train tickets well in advance.

Clothes to Wear in February

February is between the cool and hot season in Thailand. It’s warm/hot in the daytime, but the temperature in the evening is lower. In northern mountainous areas, you will still feel cool in the evening, so bring an extra layer.

Generally, shorts, light trousers, T-shirts, light long-sleeve clothes, sandals, and hats are worn. Rainy days are fewer than 8 everywhere, and any rain doesn’t last long. So, it usually isn’t necessary to take rain gear with you. A very light raincoat (kag-in-a-bag style) could be kept at the ready in your day bag on cloudy days.

Recommended Itinerary

Monthly Weather and Travel Information for Thailand

Learn about the weather in Thailand for 12 months and find out the best places to visit each month.

Tour Thailand with Us

Are you planning a February getaway to Thailand? If so, make sure to get in touch with us now and we will put together a detailed itinerary for you to make sure that you get the most out of your trip to paradise. Check some popular Thailand tours for inspiration.

Where to Go and What to Do


Few other months of the year can match February when it comes to sunshine in Costa Rica. Here are the best places to go and what to do on your trip.


Should I Visit Costa Rica in February?

February is a beautiful time to explore this beguiling Latin American destination, and there are a lot of exciting things to see and to do in Costa Rica.

Hit up the beaches of the Pacific or the Caribbean coasts, go hiking in the rainforests, search for wildlife in the nature reserves, or summit a volcano. Just remember though, that this is peak season, so you’ll need to book in advance for the best tours and hotels in Costa Rica in February.

 Weather in Costa Rica in February

Costa Rica enjoys some of its best weather of the year throughout February, which is the main reason why February can be the busiest month of the year, too.

This is the middle of the dry season, and the weather couldn’t be better in Costa Rica. This is the Costa Rican summer – yes, even though the country is in the Northern Hemisphere, February is summer in Costa Rica – and along the coast, it’s dry and hot with temperatures rising well above thirty degrees Celsius.

February Events and Festivals in Costa Rica

With great weather, February is a fantastic time to enjoy the cultural events and festivals taking place in Costa Rica throughout the month.

A huge religious event that ordinarily falls in February is Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Lent.

Many towns and cities will also host carnivals in February with the biggest and most well known being held in Puntarenas. San Jose also hosts a lively summer festival, while the Liberia Fiestas are a celebration of the local indigenous cultures in Guanacaste Province.

Things to See and Do in Costa Rica in February

February is the best time to enjoy the outdoors and the multitude of outdoor pursuits available in Costa Rica. With so much nature to explore, it’s easy to make the most of the beautiful weather.

This is one of the most popular times of the year for surfing, especially on the Pacific coast, because the waves and the surf are so consistent. Head to Tamarindo or Jaco, both of which overlook the Pacific Ocean and offer plenty of surfing opportunities.

Explore the rest of the Nicoya Peninsula too, where you’ll not only find rainforests and reserves but you’ll able to delve into the indigenous Guanacaste culture.

Inland, you can escape the heat of the coast by travelling into the highlands. Costa Rica is home to a string of volcanoes, many of which are incredibly active. This is a great time to tackle the peaks, as at higher altitude they are much cooler than the lowlands.

As well as this, you can go wildlife spotting in the national parks, relax and unwind on the beaches, or explore the culture and history behind San Jose, the capital.

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Top 10 hottest places on the planet

Dallol, Ethiopia

This scorching city in the Afar Basin, Ethiopia, holds the top spot for the highest average annual temperature ever recorded. Between 1960 and 1966, the average temperature in Dallol was 34.4°C (during the day, the mercury regularly rose above 38°C). It should be noted that these figures are annual averages, which means that the temperature during the year in Dallol drops only slightly. Thus, the heat almost never stops at any time of the year. Today Dallol is a ghost town, but at 19In the 60s it was a mining settlement. Modern attractions include astonishing hydrothermal deposits, as shown in the photo above. It is also interesting to note that the Afar Basin, where Dallol is located, is a volcanically active region, and it is located not far from the volcano of the same name. Thus, it seems that the heat comes to the city literally from all directions – from the sun from above and seething lava from below.

Tirat Zvi, Israel

Tirat Zvi is a religious kibbutz in Israel, located in the Beit Shean Valley 220 meters below sea level. While the nearby Jordan River keeps the region fertile, the sun literally scorches the valley during the summer months. In June 1942, the highest temperature in all of Asia was recorded in the settlement – 53.9 ° C.

Settlers often dive into spring-fed ponds to escape the heat, and each house is equipped with a tent to provide shade.

Timbuktu, Mali

The city of Timbuktu boasts a rich and exciting history. Situated at the crossroads of ancient Saharan trade routes, it was once a thriving center of learning and the starting point of Islam throughout Africa. While the city maintains a permanent population and is also home to the greatest collection of ancient manuscripts, Timbuktu is slowly receding before the encroaching Sahara desert. The main local problem is desertification, as large dunes appear in the city, and the streets are often buried under wind-blown sand. nine0003

The temperature here is over the top, often the heat was recorded at a level above 55 °C. The good news is that you can plunge into the cool waters of the Niger River only 24 km from this city.

Kebili, Tunisia

Oddly enough, the desert oasis of Kebili in central Tunisia is where people escape the North African heat. At least there are palm trees to provide shade and cooling water. But even so, Kebili is not alien to high temperatures: here the mercury column rises to the level of 55 ° C, and this figure is one of the highest recorded in Africa. nine0003

However, the town is picturesque and worth a visit despite the extreme climate. People have been living here almost since the foot of modern man set foot on the surface of the Earth: there is irrefutable evidence that Kebili was inhabited 200,000 years ago.

Rub al-Khali, Arabian Peninsula

As the largest continuous sandy desert in the world, Rub al-Khali covers almost a third of the Arabian Peninsula and is located in the territories of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates. Of course it’s hot in here. Hot and dry. The mercury column reaches 56 ° C, and there is no respite from the heat, since the usual level of annual precipitation barely reaches 3 cm.

The Rub al Khali desert is so inhospitable to people that it has never been crossed on foot; until February 2013, when the South African team managed to cross it.

Al-Aziziya, Libya

On September 13, 1922, the city of Al-Aziziya went down in history when the local meteorological station recorded the highest temperature directly measured on Earth – sizzling 58 ° C. The record stood for 90 years, until the World Meteorological Organization announced in 2012 that the data were 1922 years were wrong.

Although El Azizia’s record has been written off, there is no doubt that the region is capable of such performance, as local summer temperatures regularly reach 48.9°C. Moreover, recordings in the Libyan city of Ghadames also came close to record levels.

Death Valley, United States of America

Located in California’s Mojave Desert, Death Valley is the coldest, driest, and hottest region in North America, holding world records for the highest temperature of 56.7°C. In 2012, the World Meteorological Organization awarded Death Valley when it turned out that the previous record holder, El Aziziyah, had performed erroneously. nine0003

Although this sun-scorched landscape does indeed push the limits of the possible, life forms manage to exist here as well. By nightfall, lynxes, foxes and rodents come out of their hiding places, and bighorns find food at the highest points of the region. And when it does rain, plants emerge from the scorched dungeons and cover the bottom of the valley with colorful blooms. Sometimes it seems that this place is a haven of magic. Death Valley is home to mysterious moving rocks. They leave their route as evidence of movement, although no one has ever seen the process of movement with their own eyes. nine0003

Fire Mountains, China

The Fire Mountains, located in the Chinese Tien Shan mountain system, owe their name to spectacular ravines that cut through the red sandstone base and resemble tongues of flame. But the name appeared for other reasons – these mountains are scalding hot.
Although no direct temperature measurements are made due to the absence of a weather station, a NASA satellite equipped with a medium-resolution scanning spectroradiometer (a device capable of measuring the temperature on the planet’s surface from space) recorded one of the highest temperatures on record – 66.8 ° C. This figure, recorded in 2008, was the highest on Earth for that year. nine0003

Badlands, Australia

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth, and much of it is vast desert. Since few people live in this region, accurate temperature data are almost non-existent. In such remote regions, there is simply no reason to maintain a sophisticated meteorological station.

However, there are reports of local scorching temperatures, especially during periods of drought when there is no cloud cover to shield the hot sands from the relentless sun. In 2003, which turned out to be particularly hot due to the southern El Niño temperature fluctuation, a NASA satellite recorded a temperature of 69.3 °С.

Deshte Lut, Iran

And here it is – the hottest place on Earth. The Deshte Lut desert is such a scorched and abandoned region that there is simply no one to regularly monitor the temperature there. Yes, there such work can be just terrible.

While maintaining a weather station in this desert is impractical, a NASA satellite was able to measure the temperature there from space during a seven-year study. During five of those years – in 2004-2007 and 2009years – the Deshte-Lut desert became the hottest place on Earth. In 2005, a temperature of 70.7 ° C was recorded, and this was the highest officially confirmed figure on Earth.

weather and climate in Italy

Italy occupies a vast area – more than 300 thousand km². Thanks to its long territory, it is located in three climatic zones at once: temperate, subtropical and Mediterranean. The country is washed by several seas: the Ionian (south), Adriatic (east), Ligurian and Tyrrhenian (west), which are part of the Mediterranean Sea. Italy covers the Apennine Peninsula, the southern Alps, the Padan Plain and the islands, the largest of which are Sardinia and Sicily. nine0003


The coldest month of winter is characterized by a small number of travelers, low prices for tours and a variety of menus in restaurants. While the northern regions are covered with snow, in the south of the country there is fog and prolonged rains. Mountains protect the north of Italy from gusts of cold winds. The temperature can fluctuate from +4°C during the day to -2°C at night. In Rome during the day from +10°С to +12°С, at night about +4°С. Precipitation falls literally every other day. In the south, the average daily temperature is about +13°C. nine0077 The water temperature along the coast is kept within +11°С. Cold winds blow from the sea. In January, it is better to relax in ski resorts.


February is a cold month with a lot of precipitation in the form of snow or rain, depending on the region of the country. The temperature in Rome during the day averages +13°C, and drops to +4°C at night. In the north of the country, it is around +7°C during the day, and 0°C at night. Palermo pleases with a short period of sunny days with an average daily temperature of +13°C. nine0077 The water in the sea is still cold – about +10°С. The best place to relax in February is the ski resorts of Italy.


March in Italy is the most capricious month of the year. The weather is famous for its unpredictability: a sunny day can suddenly give way to an overcast sky with rain clouds. During the day, Rome warms up to + 16 ° C, and at night the temperature in the capital drops to + 6 ° C. Precipitation falls almost every other day. In the north of the country, the thermometer shows +12°С during the day and +3°С at night. In the south, the average temperature is +14°C. Swimming in the sea is still not allowed by the water temperature – about +12°C. nine0003


April pleases with warm and stable weather. The closer to the south, the higher the thermometer. In the north of the country, temperatures can range from +14°C to +16°C during the day and drop to +5°C at night. In Rome, it is +17°C during the day, around +8°C at night. There are almost no rainy days.
Sunbathers appear on the beaches, but the bathing water is still cold – about +14°C.


Italy blooms in May and pampers with sunny days. The beach season opens in the south of the country. Rome and Naples are warm enough for hiking. During the day it is about +22°C, at night – up to +12°C. In Venice and Milan, the air warms up to +20°С during the day, cooling down to +13°С at night. nine0077 Southern Italian resorts are already welcoming the first people who want to sunbathe and plunge into the water of the invigorating temperature of +20°C. It is cool on the central and northern coast – the temperature here is +17°C.


June in Italy marks the opening of the beach season. The hottest cities at this time of year are Rome and Florence. During the day it is +27°C, at night – an average of +16°C. Throughout the country, the indicators differ slightly from each other. The Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas warm up to +25°С. nine0104


July in Italy is hot and sunny. In Rome, around + 31 ° C during the day, + 19 ° C at night. The national average in the daytime is around +29°C. Sometimes the air masses of the Sahara reach the coast of Italy and provoke a jump in indicators up to + 35 ° С. Humidity in July is high – 75%. The water off the coast is so comfortable for swimming that it resembles “fresh milk”.


In August, in some places the thermometer rises to +37°С. In all regions of the country, approximately the same average indicators can be traced. In the north in the daytime up to +30°С and +21°С at night, in the south – up to +33°С and +25°С respectively. nine0077 The sea in the hottest month of the year gets very hot – up to +26°С…+29°С.


The holiday season continues in September. Thanks to the decline in the heat, you can freely go sightseeing. The temperature in the southern part of the country is still summer and fluctuates from +25°C to +29°C during the day, dropping to +20°C at night. Water also remains warm – up to + 27 ° С. In the central regions of Italy, the temperature drops by a couple of degrees day and night.
The water in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas becomes cool by the end of the month, cooling down to +24°С. nine0003


Mid-autumn is accompanied by chilly nights, heavy rainfall and a drop in temperature throughout the country. This month, it is better to give preference to sightseeing, shopping and museum walks, protecting yourself from bad weather with a raincoat or umbrella. The weather in October in the territories of Italy is not the same. In the northern regions, autumn comes earlier. Daily temperatures range from +12.5°C in the north to +23°C in the south.
Sicily still welcomes tourists with sunny days and a water temperature of +23°C. nine0003


There are more and more cloudy days in November. The sun appears only in the south of the country, where you can walk along the narrow streets without the risk of getting caught in the pouring rain. The last warm days are best enjoyed in Sicily and the southern islands, but here, too, one should not forget the umbrella. In the northern regions, the temperature during the day drops to + 9 ° С . .. + 12 ° С, and at night there may be slight frosts. It is slightly warmer in the center of the country: during the day from +15°С to +17°С, at night – up to +8°С. In the south of the country the weather is the warmest. Around +20°C during the day, up to +13°C at night. nine0003


In December, Italy is ready to welcome tourists again. The mountains get enough snow to conquer the slopes, and the cities turn into a fairy tale because of the Christmas preparations. Winter is felt in every region of the country. In the south, the average temperature is about +13°C, and in the northern regions it is even colder. The thermometer readings drop to +4°С during the day and to -4°С at night. The water temperature in the sea is +10°С.

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