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Palma mallorca weather march: Palma de Mallorca Airport March Weather, Average Temperature (Spain)

Опубликовано: April 10, 2023 в 4:48 am


Категории: March

Everything about Winter Weather in Mallorca

Find out everything about winter weather in Mallorca, what to pack and what temperatures you can expect if you’re planning a winter break to the island.

It’s easy to assume, looking at photographs, postcards and videos of Mallorca that Summer is a year-round season in Mallorca, but this is not the case.

And it’s news to many that Mallorca can experience cold winter temperatures that you would normally find in Northern Europe, particularly in the evenings.

Thankfully these days are few and far between, as the island boasts 300 days of sunshine per year.

So here are the most asked commonly questions about winter weather in Mallorca.

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Table of Contents

When does Winter in Mallorca start?

Winter weather in Mallorca officially starts around 20 December and finishes on 20 March 2023. However, it does start to feel a lot colder beforehand.

You can start to feel whiffs of winter in the air from as early as October with cooler evenings and occasional stormy days.

However, the more noticeable temperature drops have taken place around the last week of November. I remember this happening most years.

With darker evenings and a change of weather, expect to experience a sharp drop in daytime and evening temperatures, before winter officially hits.

There is already a noticeable season change from Summer into Autumn by the end of September. in fact you can read about the Autumn weather here.

And then again during November as daylight hours considerably shorten and Winter feels like it’s on the doorstep.

For many visitors, Winter in Mallorca is the best time to visit. The cooler temperatures open the island to other activities such as cycling and hiking that are almost impossible for many to enjoy in the Summer.

What’s more without the influx of tourists, any visitors to Mallorca during the winter are able to experience the island as locals see it.

Whether it is to take long walks along empty beaches, paddle in the sea or hike across the mountains, or just chat with locals in a local bar, Winter in Mallorca can seem like paradise.

What are the daylight hours in Winter in Mallorca?

The first day of Winter is on the 20 December when the day is at its shortest.

Sunrise times are around 8:05 and the sun sets at 17:30.

This still equates to 9.5 hours of daylight which is considerably more than you would find in the UK or Northern Europe for example.

So expect winter weather in Mallorca to be darker, but with this darkness, you will see the sun being a lot lower in the sky, so the scenery becomes even more stunning with dramatic shadows around sundown.

How hot is Mallorca in Winter?

Mornings can be cold with temperatures starting at around 8 degrees Celsius at 8 am with daytime temperatures rising to 16 degrees during the day.

However, you will find on a sunny day, in the shade, temperatures can raise to 19 or 20 degrees Celsius.

It is perfectly possible to get sunburnt in a sun trap anywhere on the island, whether you are on a sheltered balcony or a wind-free beach.

The best time of day to catch any rays during the winter months is between midday and 2 pm.

Night-time temperatures can feel very “un-Mediterranean” as going into the evening, this temperature falls quite sharply.

While there are many restaurants where you can dine outside, many now have gas heaters to keep diners warm.

What should I pack for a Mallorca Winter holiday?

Dress for all weathers. If you are walking around and sightseeing you may need a long sleeve t-shirt and jeans. Throw in a t-shirt or two but I do find at this time of year, long sleeve shirts are needed most.

Bring a coat and bring a scarf, gloves and warm clothes for the evening.

Still pack swimwear for the days when you can sunbathe for a few hours, but make sure you take something warm to the beach such as a hoodie, so you can wrap up if you go for a sea swim.

You will find the evenings can be surprisingly cold.

If you are hiking in the mountains, then bring some performance clothing and layers. I usually just hike in a t-shirt and fleece, and very occasionally take a hiking coat.

Can I go to the beach in Winter in Mallorca?

Absolutely but beach time wouldn’t be anything like what you would experience in the Summer.

Beach picnics are hugely popular in Mallorca over the winter months.

On a sunny day, it’s still a great place to congregate, catch some rays and enjoy the sand without the tourist masses.

You will see swimmers year-round in Mallorca. The water does cool off in December, but still on a sunny day, provides the most refreshing swim.

You’ll find residents too over the winter heading to the beach to do a beach clean. Join them. Just bring a bag, and do your bit for the environment.

With the beaches cleaned by the council during only the summer season, you will find debris washed up on the beaches right through the winter months.

When does it get cold in Winter in Mallorca

While the official start of winter isn’t until the 20 December, I consider around the first week of November, in my opinion, to be when you feel the season change.

If you are staying in an accommodation where you are sheltered from the wind, check the actual roadside temperature before venturing out.

More often than not, you can wear shorts and t-shirt on a sunny balcony, but head out into Palma and you’ll need jeans and a jumper.

Does it snow in the Winter in Mallorca?

Yes it does! Snow can begin to appear on the peaks of the Tramuntana mountains, particularly Puig Mayor, Mallorca’s tallest peak from November.

I have known snow to top these mountains like frosting as late as late March in years gone by, however, we rarely experience snow at sea level.

The one exception. And this was on the 4th February 2012, when temperatures plummeted across the island and snow settled at sea level for the first time since (my neighbour told me) around 40 years ago.

You can see how Mallorca looked from the community area of the apartment block I once lived in, in this photo here.Winter weather in Mallorca at sea level (taken in 2012)

If it does snow in Mallorca, please do not do as so many residents want to do, and that is to drive to the mountains.

Last year, roads were closed as residents headed for the hills to see the snow.

Cars blocked mountain roads, and the police handed out fines. In addition, most cars are not equipped to drive in snowy or icy conditions so please be careful before travelling.

Don’t forget too that locals are not used to driving in icy and dangerous conditions either.

So my advice is to admire the views from afar and don’t be tempted to join the crowds unless snow falls at sea level.

Which month has the worst Winter weather in Mallorca?

Up until 2022, I would have consistently said February tends to have the most rain and the coldest temperatures.

However, February 2022 turned out to be rather sunny. You can see what the weather was like in my live stream from Palmanova here.

March 2022 on the other hand was the greyest month I had ever experienced on the island. We had approximately two days of sunshine and colder than normal temperatures.

This was extremely unusual for March. Normally we are entering the month when Spring has well and truly sprung.

So fingers crossed for 2023.

What are the best activities for Winter weather in Mallorca?

Warm sunny days and cooler temperatures mean perfect conditions for getting out and exploring Mallorca.

From Palma city sightseeing to hiking the Tramuntana mountains, winter in Mallorca can often be the very best time to visit.

Plus visit Mallorca during the festive season and you will have the ultimate experience at this time of year to Palma’s Christmas lights, shop in the Christmas markets and enjoy the events over the festive season.

Read all about what to expect during Mallorca’s festive season here.

Winter in Mallorca is also the perfect time to go hiking and there are a variety of hiking routes to suit all abilities.

I have a small Mallorca Hiking playlist on my Youtube channel of these walks which you can check out here.

And if hiking the mountains isn’t quite your scene then Mallorca offers plenty of coastal walks to enjoy during the winter months. The longest being the walk from Alcudia Port to Can Picafort.

There are also plenty of markets island-wide to enjoy.

My favourite is over at Son Severa. This is a great opportunity to explore the resorts along the East coast and visit a traditional market too.

So if you’re looking for more things to do in Mallorca in the Winter, check out the article and video here.

What to do if it’s raining in Mallorca

While many visitors pile into the bars and restaurants on a rainy day in Mallorca, there are plenty of things to do for the active visitor.

Attractions such as Palma Aquarium, Palma Jump, and many of the Caves of Hams are open during the winter months.

It’s also a great opportunity to explore the art galleries and I have created a self-guided tour here.

Whats the Spring and Autumn weather like in Mallorca?

If winter doesn’t seem like the best season for you to visit, then find out what Spring weather in Mallorca is like in this article here, or what Autumn weather is like in Mallorca in this article here.

Anti-Abortion Voters Are Turning on Trump Ahead of 2024 Election – Rolling Stone

Two thousand attendees at the National Pro-Life Summit cast their votes on Saturday for their favorite prospective GOP nominee for president in 2024. The winner is: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. It was the first 2024 straw poll conducted among anti-abortion voters, one of the Republican Party’s most loyal voting blocs.

DeSantis banked more than half of the votes cast, 53.73 percent. Former President Donald Trump placed in a distant second with just 19.22 percent. His former deputy, Mike Pence — who has called often for a national ban on abortion — took home roughly eight percent. Those three were followed by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, with 1.57 and 1.37 percent, respectively. Everyone else — Kristi Noem, Greg Abbott, Glenn Youngkin, Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan, and Tim Scott, in that order — earned less than one percent of ballots cast. About seven percent of the poll’s voters remain undecided on their preferred would-be candidate.

The results are more evidence of what has been a slow and at times bitter breakup between the former president and the anti-abortion movement that embraced his candidacy in 2016 and 2020. “There is a wide variety of candidates the pro-life movement can get behind, and that’s exactly what we intend to do,” Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life, a co-sponsor of the summit, tells Rolling Stone.

The poll’s function is twofold: to take the temperature of a key GOP constituency while igniting a pressure campaign on anyone considering jumping in the race. “We’re in a position as a movement, thanks to a strong pro-life platform that’s been in place by the GOP, to demand action from candidates,” Hawkins explains. “Our candidate surveys ask right up front what they’re willing to do when they say they’re ‘pro-life.’” 

“Checking the box and saying you’re ‘pro-life’ isn’t sufficient” in this “new era,” she adds.

Grassroots activists are keeping a close eye on how Republicans champion their demands. At Friday’s March for Life on the National Mall — the first of the post-Roe era — several expressed frustration with the GOP-controlled House. The chamber passed two anti-abortion measures in its first week of legislating, but they were largely symbolic votes meant to telegraph abortion as a top priority of the new Republican majority. GOP lawmakers also failed to include the demand that drew protesters to D.C. this week: a national abortion ban. “They do a lot of talking and not a lot of action,” says Laura Brown, a March for Life attendee from Milwaukee. “I want them to practice what they preach and be brave,” adds Christina Johnson, who traveled from Ohio. “If they’re ‘pro-life,’ they need to mean it when they say it.

Editor’s picks

Activists are increasingly unsure Trump, the only Republican to formally declare his candidacy, is willing to further advance their goals, Saturday’s poll results confirm. Trump, who once identified as pro-choice, fully embraced the anti-abortion movement as a candidate, before going on to appoint three of the six Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe. Now, as members of the movement are looking beyond Roe, tension is building between Trump and the evangelical leaders and anti-abortion activists who once supported him. As Stephen Imbarrato, a Catholic priest and a co-founder of Men’s March for Life who attended Friday’s event, puts it, the gulf between the former president and voters who identify as “pro-life” is getting larger.”

Anti-abortion demonstrators march toward the Supreme Court during the March for Life, on Friday, Jan. 20, 2023.

Alex Brandon/AP

Trump, for his part, has deemed it a “sign of disloyalty” that anti-abortion groups have so far failed to line up quickly behind his campaign. “Nobody has ever done more for [the] right to life than Donald Trump,” he declared during a radio appearance last week. Students for Life and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA) are two of the prominent groups that have stayed on the sidelines so far, waiting to see which other candidates emerge — and how far those candidates are willing to go to advance the groups’ political goals.


Trump seems to have little appetite for further bans or restrictions. Earlier this month, he laid the blame for Republicans’ disastrous showing in November squarely on “the abortion issue,” which he said, “lost large numbers of voters.” SBA responded with a pointed statement — and, in an early signal of a brewing schism, Pence retweeted it, with a curt “[w]ell said, @SBAProLIfe.”

To some in the movement, none of the would-be 2024 hopefuls — including De Santis — go far enough. Imbarrato wants a candidate who believes personhood begins at conception and recognizes that right as enshrined in America’s founding documents. “There’s nobody,” he says. “Not Pence. DeSantis is so strong on other issues, and so weak on abortion — he needs to do something to show he’s serious.”

DeSantis signed a 15-week abortion ban into Florida law last April and recently suggested he would support a more restrictive six-week ban. The impact of such a law would be devastating to abortion seekers. Before Dobbs, Florida had one of the highest abortion rates in the country. Now, surrounded on all sides by states that have outlawed the practice, it has become a critical point of access for millions of women across the Southeast.


Results of the straw poll show not everyone is disenchanted with Trump — a sentiment echoed among some March for Life attendees on Friday. “He did a lot for life in office,” says Anna Bingman, who traveled from Ohio for Friday’s march, noting Trump’s three appointees to the Supreme Court. A young woman in a “Make America Great Again” says she thinks Trump would still be a champion for abortion bans if he were reelected. “He spoke at a March for Life and he talked about it from the White House,” she explains.

But it is DeSantis who is the unequivocal early favorite among voters at the National Pro-Life Summit — a distinction may only increase pressure on the Florida governor to pass harsher restrictions. If marchers were certain of anything on Friday it was that the end of Roe was just the beginning: they want to see politicians doing much, much more. “There’s a portion of it that’s a celebration,” says Brian Gibson, an activist from Minnesota, “but a portion isn’t because abortion remains legal in so many parts of the country.”

Weather at the airport of Palma de Mallorca for 10 days, weather forecast for 10 days, Balearic Islands, Spain.

GISMETEO: Weather at Palma de Mallorca airport for 10 days, weather forecast for 10 days, Balearic Islands, Spain.

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25 Jan


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Lanzarote weather march april: Lanzarote weather in March ()

Опубликовано: April 9, 2023 в 11:57 pm


Категории: March

Results taking shape for RORC Transatlantic Race >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

Published on January 18th, 2023

St George’s, Grenada (January 18, 2023) – Following the finish yesterday of Volvo 70 I Love Poland (POL), which claimed line honors with an elapsed time of 08:23:37:07, four more monohulls completed the RORC Transatlantic Race in the space of just nine hours.

Runner-up for Monohull Line Honours was Scott Shawyer’s IMOCA Canada Ocean Racing (CAN) which finished the race in Grenada early this morning in an elapsed time of 9 days 12 hrs 26 mins and 16 secs.

“When we looked at the weather models before the start, there wasn’t a lot of difference between the routing south or north,” noted Shawyer. “So, our thinking through was how you differentiate yourself and make moves is by playing shifts and squalls to improve overall performance.

“I am relatively new to offshore racing and this is my first transatlantic. It was a great race and very well organized. I am able to do a ‘fake’ solo transatlantic back to Europe, so it really ticks lots of boxes. We had a fantastic time racing in a great group of boats and teams; the competition was incredible.”

The third monohull to cross the finish line was Swan 115 Jasi (SWE), skippered by Toby Clarke in an elapsed time of 9 days 14 hrs 43 mins 37 secs.

The Botin 56 Black Pearl (GER), with Stefan Jentsch at the helm was next, finishing the RORC Transatlantic Race in an elapsed time of 9 days 15 hrs 42 mins and 16 secs. The latest team to finish the race was Eric de Turckheim’s NMYD 54 Teasing Machine (FRA) in an elapsed time of 9 days 20 hrs 21 mins and 36 secs.

Teasing Machine (above) also leads the IRC overall results.

“For me this is probably the most amazing race I have done; downhill all the way; fast paced and non-stop,” said de Turckheim. “It’s just amazing to be able to charge at a constant 20-22 knots for 9 days. This weather is magic.

“Arriving at the finish line I was highly emotional, almost crying because it was not individuality which gave us success in the RORC Transatlantic Race, it was because of an incredibly good team with extraordinarily good team spirit.”

Race details – Entry list – Tracker – Results – Facebook

The 9th edition of the RORC Transatlantic Race started January 8 from the Spanish island of Lanzarote of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, with 21 entries racing under the IRC and MOCRA Rating Rules competing on the 3,000 nm course to Grenada.

Multihull elapsed record is 5 days 5 hours 46 mins 26 secs set in 2023 by Giovanni Soldini’s Maserati Multi70.

Monohull elapsed record is 7 days, 22 hrs, 01 mins, 04 secs set in 2022 by the 100ft VPLP Design/Verdier Comanche, skippered by Mitch Booth.

Source: RORC

Tags: RORC Transatlantic Race

© 2023 Scuttlebutt Sailing News. Inbox Communications, Inc.

Warm countries in europe in march: Hottest places in Spain in March

Опубликовано: April 7, 2023 в 8:50 pm


Категории: March

15 Best Warm Places to Visit in March (2023 Guide) – Trips To Discover

K.C. Dermody

Our research is editorially independent but we
may earn a commission for purchases made through our links.

While spring arrives in March, many places will still be dealing with ice and snow. After months of battling the cold, a getaway to a warm destination this time of year can be a great way to refresh and recharge, returning home ready to embrace the final chilly days of the season with the promise of sunshine soon on the way. There are plenty of fabulous beach destinations for soaking up some rays, but you’ll also find a wide range of options for taking advantage of warmer weather and enjoying everything from exploring rich history to wildlife watching too.

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