The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands


Weather in tenerife in october and november: Santa Cruz de Tenerife weather in October (Canary Islands)

Опубликовано: February 1, 2023 в 5:31 am


Категории: October


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Gives an overview of the general weather pattern. Variables included: precipitation rate, precipitation type (snow and rain only), total cloud amount (%), 2 m temperature and MSLP.

Gives an overview of variables key for winter weather forecasting. Particular focus on precipitation types including: snow, rain graupel, and freezing rain (FrzR). Snow depth is also shown where snow accumulates.

Gives an overview of variables key for severe weather forecasting. Particular focus on CAPE (J/Kg) and Bulk Shear (kt) for small regions but 500 hPa Geopotential Height (dm) for broader regions.

Temperature at 2 m above ground level (AGL). Units in Celsius for Europe, Fahrenheit for North America.

Temperature at 2 m above ground level (AGL) with gridded values. Units in Celsius for Europe, Fahrenheit for North America.

The temperature at which water droplets would begin to condense at 2 m AGL. This varies with pressure and humidity.

The combined effect of wind at 10 m and temperature at 2 m on the human body. Units are quantified as an effective temperature in Celsius for Europe, Fahrenheit for North America.

The depth of water in a column of the atmosphere, if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain. Units in Milimetres for Europe, Inches for North America.

Maximum temperature at 2 m AGL in the 3/6/12 hour period leading to the hour selected. Units in Celsius for Europe, Fahrenheit for North America.

Minimum temperature at 2 m AGL in the 3/6/12 hour period leading to the hour selected. Units in Celsius for Europe, Fahrenheit for North America.

The air temperature at the sea/water surface. Units in Celsius.

The temperature at approximately 1. 5 km / 5000 ft above sea level where the atmosphere is typically considered free from the surface. Useful for showing air mass characteristics. Units in Celsius.

The local spin of the atmosphere, related to angular momentum. We have positive(anticlockwise) vorticity, which is usually associated with cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere and negative (clockwise) vorticity, usually associated with anticyclones
in the Northern Hemisphere.

The sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 minute)

The sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 minute)

The sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 minute)

The maximum sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 hour) that occured during the last hour

The maximum sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 hour) that occured during the last hour

The maximum sustained wind speed at 10m AGL (averaged over 1 hour) that occured during the last hour

The peak instantaneous wind gust felt at the Earth’s surface.

The peak instantaneous wind gust felt at the Earth’s surface.

The peak instantaneous wind gust felt at the Earth’s surface.

Aggregated wind gusts from T+0. Shows the maximum wind gust expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

Aggregated wind gusts from T+0. Shows the maximum wind gust expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

Aggregated wind gusts from T+0. Shows the maximum wind gust expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

Aggregated mean wind from T+0. Shows the maximum sustained wind expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

Aggregated mean wind from T+0. Shows the maximum sustained wind expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

Aggregated mean wind from T+0. Shows the maximum sustained wind expected spatially over time. Useful for gauging wind impact of features such as tropical cyclones and squall lines

The sustained wind speed at 300 Hpa. Typically around 9 km above sea level, this is where we can monitor the jetstream. The jetstream is a narrow ribbon of fast moving air which can help drive and develop weather systems.

Mean Sea Level Pressure. High pressure is usually associated with fine weather and low pressure is usually associated with unsettled weather.

Approximately 6 km above sea level, the 500 hPa geopotential height is useful for relating the mid-upper atmosphere processes to the surface.

Average precipitation rate for rain and snow.

Instantaneous precipitation rate regardless of precipitation type. Units of dBZ (decibel relative to Z) to give comparison to raw radar output.

For most models this shows the total depth of snow and includes melt and compacting processes. For Arome and Arpege models however, the snow depth charts only show accumulating depth of snow since T+0, and do not include melt or compaction processes.

Stands for ‘Convective Available Potential Energy’. CAPE is a measure of positive buoyancy in the atmosphere and is an indicator of atmospheric instability. Higher CAPE values are associated with thunderstorms and severe weather.

A measure for potential (cyclonic) rotating updrafts, calculated for the lowest 3 km of the atmosphere. Values of 250m**2/s**-2 and greater are considered large and favourable for rotating (supercell) thunderstorms.

The wind difference between 0 – 6 km AGL. Useful for determining if thunderstorms could be supercellular (rotating) or not. Typically 25-40 kt marks the transition from non-supercell to supercell thunderstorms.

A dimensionless index calculated using surface based CAPE, bulk shear and storm relative helicity. The higher the value, the more likely supercell formation given initial convective initiation takes place

Compares the predicted 2 m temperature to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology)

Compares the predicted temperature at approximately 1. 5 km above sea level to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology). Useful for knowing if an air mass is cooler or warmer than normal.

The temperature in the Stratosphere around 30km above the earths surface. Used to monitor the position of the Polar Vortex which can have an influence on winter weather at the earths surface

The mean temperature from all ensemble members at approximately 1.5 km / 5000 ft above sea level – where the atmosphere is typically considered free from the surface. Useful for showing air mass characteristics. Units in Celsius.

Approximately 6 km above sea level, the 500 hPa geopotential height is useful for relating the mid-upper atmosphere processes to the surface.

Mean Sea Level Pressure. High pressure is usually associated with fine weather and low pressure is usually associated with unsettled weather.

Mean Sea Level Pressure. High pressure is usually associated with fine weather and low pressure is usually associated with unsettled weather.

Compares the predicted temperature at approximately 1.5 km above sea level to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology). Useful for knowing if an air mass is cooler or warmer than normal.

Shows 850 hPa at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members. The more the lines look like a mess of spaghetti, the more unpredictable the forecast

The tracks of low pressure centres (with colours representing MSLP depth) from each ensemble member. ECMWF tracks only show lows of Tropical origin, whereas GEFS tracks show all low centres with associated winds above 22kts

The tracks of low pressure centres (with colours representing maximum storm mean 10m winds) from each ensemble member. The closer the lines for a given storm, the more predictable the path.

The amount of rain (or water equivalent of melted snow) accumulated from the beginning of the forecast.

The amount of rain (or water equivalent of melted snow) accumulated in a 24 hour period leading to the hour selected.

A virtual Infra Red (IR) satellite image using the model infrared radiation emitted by the cloud tops, land or ocean surfaces.

A virtual Infra Red (IR) satellite image using the model infrared radiation emitted by the cloud tops, land or ocean surfaces.

A combination of the virtual radar and satellite images

The forecast low level / boundary layer clouds. Good to show an indication of possible fog / stratus formation.

Instantaneous precipitation rate regardless of precipitation type. Designed to mimic real-time radar images.

The winds in the Stratosphere around 30km above the earths surface. Used to monitor the position of the Polar Vortex which can have an influence on winter weather at the earths surface. The westerly component at 60N is highlighted – a negative value during winter is a sign of a major stratoshperic warming when combined with a poleward increase of temperature north of 60N

Compares the predicted temperature at approximately 30 km above sea level to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology). Useful for highlighting areas of stratospheric warming.

Compares the predicted geopontential height at 500 hPa to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology).

Shows 500 hPa geopotential height at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members. The background shading is the mean of all ensemble members. The more the lines look like a mess of spaghetti, the more unpredictable the forecast.

Compares the predicted mean seal level pressure to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology). Usefull for showing where high/low centres are unseasonably strong/weak.

Shows MSLP at certain contour intervals from all ensemble members. The background shading is the mean of all ensemble members. The more the lines look like a mess of spaghetti, the more unpredictable the forecast.

Shows high/low centres from all ensemble members. The closer the highs/lows are together the more predictable the forecast.

The probability of winds exceeding 34 kt from all ensemble members. 100% probability means that all members have winds of 34 kt or more at a given location.

The percentage probability at any point of 850 hPa Temperatures greater than 20C based on all ensemble members.

The percentage probability at any point of 850 hPa Temperatures less than minus 5C based on all ensemble members.

The numerical difference between geopotential heights at 500 hPa forecast by ECMWF and GFS. Negative values show where ECMWF forecasts temperatures lower than those forecast by GFS.

The numerical difference between temperatures at 850 hPa forecast by ECMWF and GFS. Positive values show where ECMWF forecasts heights larger than those forecast by GFS.

The percentage probability at any point of 850 hPa Temperatures less than minus 10C based on all ensemble members.

A panel comparing the forecast temperature at approximately 1.5 km / 5000 ft above sea level from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

A panel comparing the forecast 500hPa geopotential height from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

A panel comparing the accumulated precipitation forecast from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

A panel comparing the mean wind forecast from each ensemble member, control, their mean, and the deterministic.

A panel comparing the snow depth forecast from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

A panel comparing the mean seal level pressure forecast from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

The probability (%) of snow falling in the 6 hours leading up to the valid time on the chart.

A panel comparing the forecast temperature at 2 m above ground level from each ensemble member, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

A panel comparing the predicted temperature 2 m above ground level to what we consider normal (a 30 year average from CFSR 1979-2010 climatology). This includes each of the ensemble members, the control, their mean, and the deterministic (GFS).

Is ibiza hot in october: What’s Ibiza like in October? Everything you need to know – News

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 6:00 pm


Категории: October

Weather in Ibiza island in balearias

Hits: 2689

The climate of Ibiza is not hot and not cold 🙂 in the heart of the Mediterranean sea.

The climate by month in Ibiza  January February March April May June July August September October November décember
Average temperature Ibiza  12  12  13  15  18  22  25  26  24 20  16  14
temperature min Ibiza  8  8  9  11  14  18  21  22  20  16  12  10
temperature max Ibiza  16  16  17  19  22  26  29  30  28  23  19  17
sea temperature Ibiza  13  14  15  16  17  19  25  27  23  19  17  15
Average days in Tshirt Ibiza  1  1  3  7  19  28  30  31  28  22  10  2
Average days to the beach Ibiza  0  0  1  3  17  26  30  31   28  17  6  0

When to go to Ibiza

The climate of Ibiza in the Balearic has two seasons: summer and winter in Ibiza.

Climate to swim in Ibiza

The temperature of the sea in Ibiza is nice from mid June to mid October although the bravest can bath May to November although these two months have only water around 18 degrees.

The climate in autumn in Ibiza (extension of summer)

From September to November in the Balearic Islands, a travel is a good idea, the water is warm or only enjoyable in November there was one problem: rainfall in Ibiza after the summer are fairly common and intensifies but it’s quite rare to have a full week with rain on the island from Spain.

The climate in Winter in Ibiza

Do not leave the Balearic Ibiza during the winter, it’s cold enough even though it’s not common to see the thermometer below 10 degrees even during the winter nights in the Balearics.

Spring in Ibiza

It’s the transition between the two seasons of Ibiza, April is the month even suggesting this change of season, cold starting and soft on the end, only the temperature of the water awaits the end of May to start being nice.

The weather in summer in Ibiza

If you want to party island Ibiza is the place to be in the summer, the water is warm, the beaches are dreams and music are full.

By cons, if you flee the crowd no good plan, the island is crowded, go a day by ferry in Formentara to walk around and see the beautiful often less crowded beaches …

Best time to go to Ibiza

Visit and walking in Ibiza

Without hesitation you must start your travel from early May to mid June maximum temperatures are pleasant, spring colors are great.

Beaches of Ibiza

You can travel to the heart of summer in Ibiza but the crowd is here and the places by the sea are expensive !

We advise from mid September to mid October for Ibiza, the temperature of the sea water is still fresh in Ibiza and tourists are largely gone home.

Climate Ibiza

Note 5 sur 5 Pour 5 votes

Other research in Spain : When to go to Ibiza, temperature Ibiza January, Climate Ibiza December, temperature Ibiza February, Climate Ibiza November, temperature Ibiza March, Climate Ibiza October, temperature Ibiza April, Climate Ibiza September, temperature Ibiza May, Climate Ibiza August, temperature Ibiza June, Climate Ibiza July, temperature Ibiza July, Climate Ibiza June, temperature Ibiza August, Climate Ibiza May, temperature Ibiza September, Climate Ibiza April, temperature Ibiza October, Climate Ibiza March, temperature Ibiza November, Climate Ibiza February, temperature Ibiza December, Climate Ibiza January.

Ibiza Yoga Ltd


 October a great time to visit, sea is warm, days are still hot and evenings cooling down.


Welcome to Ibiza Yoga. Check-in from 2 pm to 10 pm.

Tea, coffee, fruits, and juices will be available at the retreat on your arrival.

Settle in, relax, take a walk to the beach and familiarize yourself with the beautiful area of Benirras beach.

Cafes and restaurants are open on the beach for drinks, lunch or dinner.


Self serves breakfast, in your own time.

Welcome meeting at 9.30am at the Villa Roca terrace table. 

Morning  Yoga: Your first 2-hour class  starts 10am

Sunday Evening: relax after Yoga, and head down to Benirras beach for the famous sunset and drumming session. 


Self serve breakfast.

Morning Yoga: 2 hours of energizing and dynamic Yoga practice.

Healthy Vegetarian 


Self serve breakfast.

Morning Yoga: 2 hours of an energizing and dynamic Yoga working deeper into the practice.

Hearty, Vegetarian lunch will be served after the Yoga class.

Optional Walk to Moon Beach


Self serve breakfast.

Morning Yoga: 2 hours of energizing and dynamic Yoga practice.

Delicious Vegetarian lunch will be served after class.

Evening: Group night out to be arranged at the welcome meeting (not hosted)


Self serve breakfast.

Morning Yoga: 2 hours of energizing and dynamic Yoga practice.

Delicious Vegetarian lunch will be served after class.


Self serve breakfast.

Morning Yoga: 2 hours of Yoga practice and closing meditation.

The last lunch of a beautiful vegetarian meal will be served on the terrace after class today.

Afternoon: your last chance to enjoy a relaxing massage by our in house therapists, have a swim and top up your tan!

Evening: free to party, relax, or enjoy a meal on the beach.


Self serve breakfast.

Please check out by 10 am.

And time for goodbyes … 

Walk to Moon Beach information : 

A walk to the next bay, named Moon beach. Sometimes guided and if not then we give you the details of how to find the footpath. The walk starts from Villa Roca, walk 100 metres up the hill along the Calle de Benirras towards the San Juan Road. From here we start along the uphill path that meanders its way higher and higher. The stunning views along the way are of the valley that Benirras is part of and the hills beyond at highest point it is possible to see the center of the entire island. We pass an old disused Lime Kiln surrounded by pine trees and shortly after we are at the top.

The view from the top of the mountain is probably the best to be had of Benirras Bay, Ills des Bosc and the Mediterranean beyond. From the best viewpoint, we start the journey down the other side of the mountain toward our final destination. In view now is Isla den Caldes and some days on the horizon you may see the Ferry that passes from Magalouf to Denia and back daily. The path zig-zags its way almost to the end, where it levels out in a straight line . Moon beach is found via a pathway through a small gulley. A beach that has no houses or no roads to it, just a dirt track makes it available to the few fisherman huts that are built into the rocky hill at sea level next to the sandy shore. It is a small beach but quite a delight. 

Moon beach is famous for its hippie parties going back to the 1970s.

What do I wear? Trainers will suffice it has been tackled with flip flops but not advised.

What do I take with me? Sun hat, a bottle of water.

How long does the walk take? 3 hours 

The difference in Altitude? 100metres 

Distance there and back ? 10 kilometers = 8 miles 

A trip to a local cave named Can Marca

To see where the smugglers kept their contraband.  

The guided tour of the cave takes 45 minutes. Refreshments can be purchased afterward on the platform overlooking Port San Miguel 

The stalactites and stalagmites are waiting to be seen.

From the first viewpoint, there is a panoramic view over the whole of the bay of the Puerto San Miguel, also known as Puerto Balanzat. The Murada island can be seen in the background where a unique prehistoric species of Muradensis lizard lives. After following along a path cut out of the rocks, one reaches the mouth of the cave, at a level of 14 metres above sea level. This is the starting point of the visit. The cave is over 100,000 old and has suffered ice ages and tropical heat waves. Discovered by smugglers who used it for hiding their goods, hoisting them up from the sea from an opening located 10 metres above sea level. It is still possible to see the red and black paint marks signposting another way out of the cave in case the smugglers had to escape in a hurry.

The tour of the cave costs €12 payable on the entrance to the cave.

January 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10.00-11.00
February 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10.00-11.00
March 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10.00-11.00
April 10.00am-12.00pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10. 00-11.00
May 10.00am-12.00pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 10-12pm


June 10.00am-12.00pm 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9:30am-11.30pm 9.30-11.30am 10.00-11.00
July 10.00am-12.00pm 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9:30am-11.30pm 9.30-11.30am 10.00-11.00
August 10.00am-12.00pm 9am-11am 9am-11am 9am-11am 9am-11am 9am-11am 10.00-11.00
September 10.00am-12.00pm 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9. 30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 9.30am-11.30am 10.00-11.00
October 10am to noon 10am to noon 10am to noon  10am to noon 10am to noon 10am to noon 10.00-11.00
November 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10.00-11.00
December 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10am-11.30am 10.00-11.00

Proceed To Booking

Last updated

October was so hot – Translation into English – examples Russian





These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

So , for example, negotiations on the US budget in October 2013 caused such heated disputes that investors did not know what to do with future problems.

US budget negotiations in October 2013 were so contentious that global investors did not know how to hedge against a bad outcome.

April – May and September – october although not as hot as , still offer great travel conditions, with milder temperatures and fewer people at the sights and beaches.

The shoulder seasons of April-May and September-October offer great conditions for travel, with milder temperatures and fewer crowds at main sights and beaches.

October such is the same dry and hot as its predecessor.

Sunday arrived just as warm as its predecessor.

It was so hot that the metal melted.

The heat was so intense , it melted metal.

Summer at Titan Poker is never was so hot .

Summer has never been hotter at Titan Poker.

The real estate market in Haven has never been so hot .

The Haven real estate market has never been hotter .

“For a long time was not so hot on June .

I have never seen such a warm June.

It was so hot like I never left Italy.

It feels like we were never away from Italy.

It has never been so hot in Antarctica

It has never been so warm in Antarctica.

« It was so hot that halfway through my mouth went dry.

It was quite a heat and my mouth was so dry at halfway already.

Scientists say the South Pole has never been so hot before .

The story is that never has there have been so much open warm water at the pole.

Not was as hot as last time.

It was not as warm as the day before.

The place is not always was so hot and dry .

Mars wasn’t always so dry and dusty .

Never before in Paris was it so hot as on Thursday.

I don’t remember it ever being so cool in Washington in July.

The cold war has never been so hot

The Cold War never looked hotter…

So why was it so hot there ?

Then why was it so warm here ?

Never before in Paris was it so hot as on Thursday.

Never in recorded history has Paris been hotter than it was on Thursday.

It was as hot as can be in Ibiza at the equinox.

It was nearly as warm as it had been in Ibiza.

And since then, the most famous Czech station has never been as hot as it was on Sunday, June 30, 2019.

Central London has never looked as beautiful as it did on Sunday 10 June 2018.

If it was so hot in May , what can we expect in June?

If I’m so cold in July, what would I do in January?

Possibly inappropriate content

Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.

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Warm sea in October – five interesting travel options

September 23, 2021

With the advent of the autumn months, the weather ceases to please us. Therefore, it is so pleasant to dream of warm lands, where the bright sun shines all year round and you can swim in the sea. If you want to extend your summer and drive away a depressive mood, choose a country where entry is allowed this fall. A trip to the warm sea in October is not an illusion, but a reality! nine0003

In autumn, we all want to bask in the hot sun and listen to the waves splashing like never before. The second month of autumn is a wonderful period of the year for traveling. In some countries, its onset means the end of the velvet season. In other parts of the globe, in exotic countries, the season of heavy rains ends in October, sunny and dry weather sets in. October is good because the main influx of tourists is significantly reduced, but in some countries the sea is still very warm. The cost of a trip to the sea in October is significantly lower than in previous months. Therefore, going to the sea in October is not only interesting, but also profitable. nine0003

Where can you go to the sea in October for a warm beach holiday? Let’s figure out where a tourist from Russia can fly in the middle of autumn.

1. UAE. The climate in this sultry state is conducive to a beach holiday all year round. The exception is the summer months. It will be too hot for a resident of Russia in the summer in the UAE. In October, the air temperature is approximately 33-35 degrees, in the evening it drops to 27 degrees. Chic, breathtaking Dubai is the most attractive city in the UAE from a tourist point of view. In it, any tourist will find everything he wants – modern equipped beaches, luxurious nature, developed infrastructure and a very high level of service. From Dubai, you can easily get to the most famous Arab attractions. If you have solid financial resources and are looking for a comfortable luxury vacation, go to the UAE. The most wonderful beaches are Sufuk, Fujairah, Jumeirah, Kit, Al-Mamzar. nine0003

2. Tunisia. Another hot corner of the globe where you can go to the sea in October. The daily temperature is 28-30 degrees, the water warms up to 25-26. In terms of climatic features and atmosphere, Tunisia is similar to Egypt and Turkey, so if you are a fan of the oriental atmosphere, then feel free to go on a trip, it will definitely not disappoint you. In October, Tunisia offers its tourists not only a comfortable beach holiday, but also excursions that allow you to get acquainted with the unique history of the country. Be sure to look at the ancient city of Carthage and look into the Sahara desert – you will be impressed by what you see. nine0003

3. Cuba. A distant, but at the same time very interesting resort, a visit to which will definitely not leave you indifferent. In the second half of September, the rainy season ends in Cuba. And already in early October, it is quite hot on the southern coast of Cuba, the air temperature is above 30 degrees. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea offer beach bliss. If you like cool weather, then go to the north coast, but swimming there will be less comfortable due to the low water temperature. Snow-white beaches and exotic representatives of flora and fauna are not the only attractions of Cuba. Each city has elements of history that immerse you in a unique atmosphere. Once in Cuba, be sure to visit Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Varadero. nine0003

4. Maldives. This place will suit you if you are a fan of an authentic, beach holiday, especially since October tours will please you with a wide range of prices. Fabulous nature, white sandy beaches, clear water, cozy bungalows – you will see a tourist paradise with your own eyes. The weather pleases here all year round and for a tourist from Russia it is very comfortable. In October, the Maldives has a hot summer and the Indian Ocean strikes with colors and serenity. Equatorial waters are warm and you can swim all day long – the sea temperature in October is 27-28 degrees. The Maldives are great for a relaxing family holiday. For lovers of active pastime, surfing, fishing and scuba diving are suitable for exploring the features of the underwater world. nine0003

5. Greece. The best places for a Greek holiday in October are the islands of Kos and Crete. It is in this area that the swimming season lasts the longest. And although in the evenings it will be already cool, less than 20 degrees, during the day the air temperature is quite comfortable. For a beach holiday in the first half of October, the entire southern coast of Greece is ideal. In addition to the chic sea and picturesque nature, Greece has interesting places that attract and amaze with amazing beauty at the same time. Ancient cities, architectural monuments, amphitheatres, and just city streets, attracting with narrow passages and snow-white houses – all this is worth seeing when you are in Greece. nine0003

All listed countries are open for entry and are looking forward to dear tourists. But before you go on an October trip, check the rules for entering the states on the official website or with your tour operator. Remember that each country has its own, individual system for dealing with a dangerous virus.

Is it hot in spain in october: Hottest places in Spain in October

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 6:00 pm


Категории: October

Barcelona Weather In October | Thomas Cook

Barcelona Weather In October | Thomas Cook

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Avg weather in October



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    12 Hrsper day


    109 mmper month


    70 %avg


    7 Mphavg

    Barcelona weather October

    What’s the weather like in Barcelona in October?

    The weather in Barcelona in October is quite pleasant with temperatures reaching the low-20s during the day. It’s a great time to visit the city if you prefer a cooler climate with plenty of sunshine.

    Geographical influences

    The city of Barcelona is in Costa Brava in northeast Spain. With its Mediterranean climate, the city enjoys constant warmth and sunshine throughout October. Rainfall is more likely in autumn as the hot summer weather begins to fade. You’ll still enjoy plenty of sunshine during your stay, but you should also pack a light jacket to prepare for the rain.


    Barcelona weather in October is very warm with an average high of 21°C. At night, temperatures lower to 12°C, so take a jacket with you if you’re planning an evening out in the city. It’s not very humid in autumn, which makes the warm weather more enjoyable. There are around ten hours of sunlight per day with 58mm of rain spread across ten days of the month. Thunderstorms are possible at this time of year, so make sure to check the forecast to prepare. Winds can reach speeds of up to 14mph, blowing in from the north and southwest.

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    London is going to be as hot as Spain this weekend

    Photograph: Shutterstock

    Now the capital is having a mini-heatwave in… October

    Written by

    Ellie Muir


    Remember when all the fans sold out and we nearly melted during London’s heatwave in the summer? Yeah, it was absolutely unbearable. Aircon systems broke down in offices, wildfires erupted and the roads literally started liquefying. Well, in another turn of freak-weather events, London is set to reach highs of 22C today, marking the warmest end to an October the capital has seen in eight years.

    Temperatures of 20.5C were recorded in St James’s Park in London on Wednesday. Now the Met Office says temperatures in our city could increase to 21C or 22C throughout today (matching the current temperature in Barcelona), and will remain unusually warm over the weekend. The average minimum temperature in the city for this time of year is usually pretty chilly, around 7C, while the maximum temperature is 13C.  

    Alex Burkill, senior meteorologist at the Met Office, said: ‘It’s likely to be the warmest spell we’ve had at the end of October since 2014, when we had the warmest Halloween on record.’

    ‘There appears to be a warming trend in our Octobers over the recent years, with many of them bringing milder than average spells.

    So if you’re choosing a spooky costume for October 31, pick a lightweight fabric.

    Discover London with Time Out’s daily newsletter: all the great things to see, do, eat and drink in the capital.

    All the London landmarks targeted by Just Stop Oil protesters so far.

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        Vouchers to Spain: general information about Spain for tourists | Spain

        Spain is a country with a pronounced temperament, which is manifested in the mentality of the locals, their traditions and culture. Here is a very fertile place for tourists, where you can see and learn a lot, try and feel – this region is distinguished by its versatility and a wide range of recreational activities, a variety of architecture and other local attractions.

        This article will provide quite interesting information about Spain, which will be useful both for those who are interested in the culture of this country, and for those who wish to travel there. nine0003

        The culture of Spain

        The culture of Spain has been formed over many centuries under the influence of the Celts, Iberians, Romans, French, Arabs and other peoples. The country has formed its own unique cultural layer. It is here that the birthplace of the guitar and passionate dance – flamenco.

        Dali and Picasso painted their paintings here, and Gaudí (he was mentioned a little higher) created his ingenious architectural structures in Barcelona, ​​and his large-scale project to create the Sagrada Familia. Spain is a country that is like a mosaic, where each element is valuable in its own way, but it is from these pieces that the whole canvas is created and trips to Spain can be one of the ways to see at least a fragment of this wonderful country. nine0003

        Climate in Spain

        Mainland Spain has three climate zones.

        On the southeastern coast (Extremadura and Andalusia) the climate is Mediterranean, with dry, hot summers and mild, short winters. There is very little precipitation, which falls mainly in autumn and winter. In coastal Spain, summer temperatures range from 25 to 32 ° C, and the swimming season lasts from June to October.

        In the north of the country (from Galicia to Catalonia) climatic conditions are formed due to the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean: there are moderately warm summers and mild wet winters. nine0003

        In the center of the country there is a sharply continental climate, where there is a noticeable difference between day and night temperatures. The summers are dry and hot in these regions, while the winters are cold and dry.

        It should be added that the Canary archipelago has a mild, warm and very stable climate, where it is warm almost all year round and not too hot, even in summer: the average temperature reaches +20 °C. If you are going to take trips to Spain in winter, then you can go to the Canary Islands. nine0003

        Features of holidays in Spain

        Spain has a very wide range of places where you can spend a pleasant and useful time, and everywhere you will be met by friendly residents, and the architectural works of art around (which only cost Gaudí’s gingerbread houses in Barcelona) will please the eye.

        For a more useful pastime, vacation can be combined with language courses – this can be taken into account for those who decide to take trips to Spain in 2018 and do not want to spend time only on entertainment. nine0003

        You can go on a sightseeing tour of the cities, for beach lovers, you can sunbathe on the Canary coast, for outdoor enthusiasts you can go to conquer the peaks while snowboarding on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada or skiing on the Pyrenean steep slopes. Also, hot Spaniards spend many holidays, which are distinguished by their brightness and theatricality. For lovers of extreme sensations, you can go to a bullfight.

        It should be noted that in every more or less large city in Spain there is a “tourist bus”, the route of which covers the city’s attractions. A tourist can use such a bus for 2-3 days, paying about 15 euros. nine0003

        National cuisine of Spain

        Tours to Spain 2018 is also a journey of tastes. Traditional Spanish dishes are cooked in olive oil, use a lot of greens and also eat a lot of fruits. Some of the most famous dishes are tortilla (potato omelet with meat, mushrooms or fish), paella (prepared from rice, salted fish, chicken pieces, crab, lemon, pepper, peas).

        Cream soup is the most popular. Among the desserts, the most popular are sweet pies and puddings. It should be noted that all dishes of national cuisine have many varieties. nine0003

        a light touch of autumn. Events and weather in spain Prices for holidays in Barcelona in October

        What Spain is good for is the opportunity to comfortably relax in one of its cities at any time of the year. If it so happened that the vacation is scheduled for mid-autumn, and the desire to visit Barcelona has not decreased, we will please you – the weather in Barcelona in October is still not as autumnal as in central Russia. The text below presents the average statistical data on changes in air and sea temperatures throughout October. nine0003

        If you already miss summer and want to feel its last touches, it is better to visit Barcelona in the first 10 days of October. As a rule, at this time the temperature here is set in the range of 20-27 degrees, i.e. ideal conditions for a comfortable stay are created: not hot and not cold. The sea also does not have time to cool below 23 degrees – of course, not fresh milk, but you can still swim. From about the 10th, the air temperature begins to decrease. This is especially noticeable at night, when it drops to 10-15 degrees. nine0003

        Atmospheric phenomena

        Precipitation in the form of rain is possible for approximately 4-5 days in October. Therefore, we advise you to take an umbrella with you – just in case. But with all this, for more than half of the month the sky is clear, for 10 days it is slightly cloudy or cloudy. The weather in Barcelona in October is conducive not so much to a beach holiday as to familiarization with local attractions, of which there are an incredible number in this city.

        How to be?

        Do not despair, even in October you can have a good rest in Barcelona. Do you want to soak up the sun on one of the beaches, swim in the sea? Then better plan your vacation for the first half of the month. If the purpose of the trip is to wander around the city and enjoy the view of architectural monuments, then the whole month is at your disposal. But, which we will talk about in the next article, will not allow you to choose! To give you a better idea of ​​the October weather conditions in this city, we have compiled a summary table with a range of temperature values. nine0003

        Average October in Barcelona (data for 3 years)




        Weather in October in Barcelona/date Air temperature in Barcelona during the day Air temperature in Barcelona at night Barcelona sea temperature
        1 23÷25 20÷21 23÷24
        2 23÷26 18÷23 23÷24
        3 24÷27

        20÷23 22÷23
        4 25÷27 19:21 22÷23
        5 24÷27 20÷23 22÷23
        6 23÷26 21÷22 22÷23
        7 22÷25 20÷22 22÷23
        8 24÷25 20÷23 22÷23
        9 23÷26 18÷23 22÷23
        10 20÷27 17÷23 22÷23
        11 21÷28 18÷21 22÷23
        12 19÷27 17÷21 22÷23
        13 20÷26 16÷22 22÷23
        14 20÷24

        15÷21 22÷23
        15 20÷22 13÷18 22÷23
        16 18÷23 13÷19 22÷23
        17 21÷24 12÷21 22÷23
        18 18÷24 12÷22 22÷23
        19 17÷23 10÷21 22÷23
        20 19÷22 14÷22 21÷22
        21 17÷22 13÷16 21÷22
        22 20÷21 14÷17 21÷22
        23 17÷21 15÷19 20÷21
        24 18÷21 17÷18 20÷21
        25 18÷21

        11÷19 20÷21
        26 18÷20 10÷18 20÷21
        27 17÷20 12÷17 20÷21
        28 16÷20 11÷18 19÷20
        29 15÷21 10÷19 18÷19
        30 14÷22 13÷18 18÷19
        31 18÷22 12÷18 18÷19

        If the hot and stuffy summer conditions are unbearable for you, then autumn is likely to be more to your liking. But the presence or absence of a beach component depends entirely on which part of a given time of year to choose.

        Events and weather in Barcelona in September

        Barcelona is located in the northern part of the Mediterranean coast, so September here is more suitable for the description of the velvet season than the summer month, for example, on the Costa del Sol. After August, the air begins to cool gradually, resulting in average daily temperatures becoming more moderate. As a rule, at noon, weather forecasters fix +26 ° C. But often, especially in the first two weeks of the month, the thermometer stands at +27..+28 °C. nine0003

        Given that the sea has not yet completely spent the accumulated heat, and the density of human bodies on the beaches is decreasing every day, this is an excellent period for swimming, water sports and sunbathing. By the way, although the heavenly body requires a headdress and sunscreen, it is no longer as dangerous as before, due to a decrease in the level of UV radiation.

        It is no coincidence that the beginning of autumn is declared the best for families with small children. True, we do not recommend postponing it for the last decade, when entering the water has an invigorating effect. nine0003

        In terms of precipitation, the probability is much higher – about 73 mm, equivalent to 9 rainy days. So to play it safe, taking an umbrella with you, it will not be superfluous.

        The nights are cool – +17..+18 °C, you will need a light jacket.

        Whatever the case, the September weather is ideal for taking part in lavish festivities and festivals. The 11th is declared a public holiday. It’s the National Day of Catalonia « La Diada

        Shops and government offices are closed, mass demonstrations are organized on the streets of Barcelona. nine0003

        Perhaps the largest event is the 5-day festivities in honor of the patron saint of Catalonia, Our Lady of Mercy – « Fiestas de la Mercè
        ” (end of month).

        The “Fiestas de la Mercè” tradition dates back to 1871.

        An integral spectacle of the holiday – the competition for the construction of “living” towers – castells

        Alternative music festival “ BAM
        ”, during which well-known European artists and groups perform for free with a series of concerts on the waterfront, squares and in the city center.

        The “Bam” festival always gathers a huge number of people

        Events and weather in Barcelona in October

        October weather in Barcelona does not fit our idea of ​​autumn. Nevertheless, for the pampered Spaniards, this month is considered cool. The reason for such a conclusion was that the sun stopped burning noticeably, and the air temperature dropped by 4 °C-5 °C: during the day, meteorologists register +21..+24 °C, and in the evening – +13..+15 °C. nine0003

        Anyway, the weather for excursions is the most suitable, despite the abundance of rain. Although they are frequent – on average 1 time in three days, they are short-term.

        In general, the middle of autumn in Barcelona is a kind of turning point. Firstly, the water cools down – about +20 .. +22 ° C, which leads to the closing of the swimming season, secondly, the wardrobe diversifies with warm clothes, and thirdly, the majority of attractions and attractions switch to winter mode. nine0003

        For example, on Montjuïc, the Singing Fountains show is available exclusively on Fridays and Saturdays from 19.00 to 21.00.

        From October Barcelona becomes the capital of jazz for exactly two months. It hosts Europe’s largest “International Jazz Festival” / « Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona
        ”, affecting both concert halls and open-air stage venues.

        Live at “Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona”

        Another interesting event of the month is the festival “Festival de Tardor”, dedicated to music, dance, classical and modern theatrical art.

        In the middle of the month, the Fira de Cornella Exhibition Center invites adults to the International Erotic Film Festival, and a week later, the Filmoteca de Catalunya will shock fans of the big screen with the Film Festival of Sexual Minorities.

        At the end of September-beginning of October, Kava Week
        – a celebration in honor of the local sparkling wine.

        “Kava Week” – the most sparkling festival in the world

        On the 12th, together with the whole country, Barcelona celebrates the “National Day of Spain” / « Día de la Hispanidad

        Events and weather in Barcelona in November

        Even with the fact that in November the temperature drops significantly, the weather in Barcelona is much more comfortable than in many other European cities. During the day – about +17 °C, at night – around +10..+11 °C. However, short-term warming or, conversely, cooling is possible. nine0003

        Even the brave ones do not dare to go into the water: strong excitement and a figure of +17 °C somehow do not encourage. A distinctive feature of the last month of autumn is the reduction in precipitation (about 9 “wet” days) and the normalization of relative humidity: winter is coming, and it is mostly dry here. It gets dark already at half past five, and therefore the educational program should be planned for the early morning. From clothes, in addition to knitted sweaters and sweaters, it is worth grabbing a jacket with a hood. It will protect against dank squall winds, which tend to become more frequent in late autumn. nine0003

        There are already much fewer tourists in November, but this is not a reason for the impoverishment of the event calendar. November 1, the townspeople have a rest, celebrating the “Day of All Saints” / “Todos los Santos”. In addition, the Jazz Festival, which began in October, continues. Also, the last month of autumn is marked by the “International Independent Film Festival” / « L’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Film Festival

        “L’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Film Festival” poster

        and the World Press Photo Exhibition
        ”, lasting a little over a month.

        The exhibition showcases dozens of winning entries in the world’s most prestigious photojournalism competition, the “World Press Photo Exhibition”

        World Press Photo Exhibition

        We recommend the first two or three weeks of September in Barcelona to lovers of sea bathing. In turn, October and November are fantastic months for cultural enrichment. nine0003

        Oct. Alone

        Spain, Barcelona

        Good day to all tourists who are going to Barcelona! For a trip to Barcelona, ​​I chose October, in view of the lower cost of the tour. Moreover, I had no doubt that Barcelona, ​​despite the off season, would give us a lot of impressions. Arriving in the capital of Catalonia, we stayed at an average price hotel. Several times I managed to catch hot weather, and swim in the sea, the water in which was warm. The beach is clean and sunbeds are free for everyone. But, of course, he devoted the lion’s share of his time to hiking around the city and excursions. I took a sightseeing tour with a guide in advance. I never got to the Sagrada Familia, there was too long a line. But stocked up with souvenirs in the store nearby, for all colleagues from work. nine0003

        There are so many interesting things here! At this time, I just got to the jazz music festival, which takes place annually.

        Vitaly and Elena

        October. As a couple

        Spain, Barcelona

        My wife and I have already been to Barcelona twice. The first time we traveled from Valencia, and the second time we came to Barcelona. We wanted to explore and get to know this wonderful city.

        We lived on the busiest street of the city – La Rambla Catalunya. The soundproofing of the hotel was terrible and there was no way to sleep. All night long drunken people walk around. After checking into the hotel, we decided to immediately walk to the beach of Barceloneta, where we shopped a little, swam and sunbathed. During the siesta we went to the oldest market in Barcelona, ​​the Buqueria Bazaar. We heard a lot about jamon – the national Spanish meat dish, so we bought it to try it. It turned out that this meat is quite a tasty delicacy. We walked around the city on our own, so we missed many sights. Next time we will definitely take a guided tour, it turns out we missed a lot of interesting things. nine0003

        The second month of autumn continues the “velvet” season
        on the Mediterranean coast of Spain and at the same time closes the holiday season. This time is ideal for combining a beach holiday and an extensive cultural program, because people go to Barcelona not only for swimming, but also for a huge number of interesting sights.

        The weather in October is characterized by the following average air temperatures: +21°C during the day, +15°C at night
        . If during the daytime it is still very comfortable, then warm clothes may be needed for evening walks. At the beginning of the month, during the day it usually happens around +24 … +28 ° C, and closer to November, a regular decrease in average daily temperatures is observed. nine0390 Mediterranean
        is still comfortable for swimming, although it is already starting to cool down: on average, its temperature is +20°C
        , at the beginning of the month the water is still warmed up to +23… +24°C
        , and at the end cools down to +19°C

Canaries in october weather: What to do in the Canary Islands in October

Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 2:45 am


Категории: October

Which Canary Island in October? – Reviews Wiki

  • El Hierro is a recommended destination for October .
  • Fuerteventura is a highly recommended destination for October .
  • Gran Canaria is a highly recommended destination for October .
  • La Gomera is a recommended destination for October .
  • La Palma is a recommended destination for October .

What is the warmest Canary Island in winter? The winters à Lanzarote are soft and hot, as in all Canary Islands. If you dream of having a sunny Christmas, Lanzarote may be a good choice. VS’is thewinter full on theisland, but it can still be beautiful and hot !

Which Canary Island is the hottest in October?

Go for example to Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands the hotter.

Which Canary Island to choose in November?

En November, Fuerteventura benefits from a rather weak sunshine of about 6 hours per day with an estimated number of rainy days for this month at 6.

Which Canary Island to choose in March?

  • El Hierro is a recommended destination for March .
  • Fuerteventura is a highly recommended destination in March .
  • Gran Canaria is a recommended destination for March .
  • La Gomera is a recommended destination for March .
  • La Palma is a recommended destination for March .
  • Lanzarote is a recommended destination in March .

What is the hottest island in the Canaries?

Summer heat peaks are 33/34 ° C in El Hierro, themost island in the west and sheltered, 37/38 ° C in La Palma, and 40 ° C and plus in other the islands : these values ​​can occur in short periods when the winds hot and dry blows from the Sahara desert (which in recent years are

What is the hottest Canary Island in January?

Gran Canaria in January

Average temperatures are between 17 ° C and 21 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 12 ° C and go up to 28 ° C.

What is the hottest Canary Island in November?

La Palma in November

Average temperatures are between 20 ° C and 24 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 14 ° C and go up to 31 ° C.

What is the hottest island in the Canaries?

Summer heat peaks are 33/34 ° C in El Hierro, themost island in the west and sheltered, 37/38 ° C in La Palma, and 40 ° C and plus in other the islands : these values ​​can occur in short periods when the winds hot and dry blows from the Sahara desert (which in recent years are

Which Canary Island is the hottest in December?

La Palma in December

Average temperatures are between 19 ° C and 22 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 14 ° C and go up to 28 ° C.

What is the hottest island in the Canaries?

Ideally, from March to December to have average temperatures above 20 degrees and if it is necessary to reduce further, from May to November. El Hierro, La Gomera and Grande Canary Islands are hotter more long at the end of the year.

Which Canary Island is the cheapest?

Better yet, the price from houses to Canary Islands is relatively affordable, if you know where to look… Both the islands the less dear Canaries to buy a property are Tenerife and Grande Canaries.

What is the temperature in the Canaries in November?

Le month of november on Tenerife is most often characterized by a time variable. We can count on 17 sunny days but we must expect 7% of the time threatened by generally heavy rain. For this month of november, temperatures minimum are average of 21 ° C and maximums of 22 ° C.

Which Canary Island to choose as a family?

Lanzarote EN FAMILY

This island de la Gomera, theisland where the inhabitants whistle, is the steepest of the archipelago; it is therefore to be recommended to families whose children are already good hikers who love uneven! The fauna and especially the flora will enchant you if you go in summer.

Which Canary Island is the hottest in April?

La Palma in April

Average temperatures are between 18 ° C and 22 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 14 ° C and go up to 27 ° C.

Which is the least windy Canary Island?

The answer is Yes ! Tenerife is also home to an Absolutely Beautiful National Park, Teide Park, with a volcano that rises 3718 meters above sea level.

What is the hottest Canary Island in February?

Fuerteventura en february

Average temperatures are between 17 ° C and 21 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 10 ° C and go up to 30 ° C. Quel was the weather in Fuerteventura the 15 february from last year ?

Which Canary Island to choose?

To summarize, which island to choose our Canaries ?

  • Lanzarote: volcanic landscapes.
  • Fuerteventura: paradisiacal beaches and board sports.
  • Big Canaries : villages and seaside resorts.
  • Tenerife: parties, relaxation and activities for families or couples.
  • La Palma: nature hikes and extreme sports.

What is the weather in December in the Canaries?

En December, Canaries offer very contrasting temperatures compared to what is found in the whole of Europe. The weather forecast for this winter month will be between 19 and 23 ° C on average, so far from the extreme cold unfavorable to tourism.

Which Canary Island is the hottest in February?

Fuerteventura en february

Average temperatures are between 17 ° C and 21 ° C but be aware that depending on the year they can drop to 10 ° C and go up to 30 ° C.

How to dress in the Canaries in January?

Clothes for a relaxing holiday in Canaries

  1. Light pants and shorts for the bottom.
  2. Light t-shirt or light shirt type top for the top.
  3. A slightly warmer outfit (sweater, sweatshirt) for the end of the day by the sea or on the heights.
  4. Windproof / rainproof clothing (better to plan ahead)

Which Canary Islands to choose in November?

Choose Tenerife if you want to party while enjoying beautiful beaches, lively villages (seaside resorts) and cultural visits (La Orotava, La Laguna,…). For family vacations in Canaries, Tenerife is theisland that will delight everyone.

What is the best Canary Island?

To summarize, which island to choose in the Canaries ?

  • Lanzarote: volcanic landscapes.
  • Fuerteventura: paradisiacal beaches and board sports.
  • Big Canaries : villages and seaside resorts.
  • Tenerife: parties, relaxation and activities for families or couples.
  • La Palma: nature hikes and extreme sports.

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Weather in October today, weather forecast October for today, Podosinovsky district, Kirov region, Russia

GISMETEO: Weather in October today, weather forecast October for today, Podosinovsky district, Kirov region, Russia

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−15 6

At the sensation of −20 -3

cr, 21 Dec




p. Tomorrow



7.4 mm

0 00

3 00

6 00

9,0002 00

00 9000 9000 9000 18 181 00

21 00









Wind speed, m/skm/h

1-3 4-11

Partner News Auto

Pressure, mm Hg. Art. GPA

SR, 21 Dec, today

, 22

0 00

3 00

6 00


12 00



15 00

18 00

21 00





9000 9000 9000 9000

002 7571009




Humidity, %

SR, 21 Dec

p. 22

0 00

9 00

12 00

15 00

18 00

21 00









Sun and Moon

Wed, 21 Dec, today

Thu, 22

Longness of the day: 5 h 48 min

Sunrise – 8:53

Observation – 14 :41

Today is the same day as yesterday

Moon is aging, 6%

Sunset – 12:38 (December 20)

Sunrise – 6:20

Full moon – January 7, in 17 days

Geomagnetic activity , Kp-index

Wed, 21 Dec, today

Чт, 22

0 00

3 00

6 00

9 00

12 00

15 00

18 00

21 00










GISMETEO: Weather in Oktyabr-Bulyak today, weather forecast Oktyabr-Bulyak for today, Aznakaevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

SR, December 21




Thu, 22 Dec




0. 6 mm

0 00

3 00

6 00

9 00

12 00

15 00

18 00

21 00


9000 –8000 –19000 –8000 –8000 –8000 –8000 –8000 own −1112





Wind speed, m/h

precipitation, mm

Print …


Wed, 21 Dec, today

Чт, 22

0 00

3 00

6 00

9 00

12 00

15 00

18 00

21 00

falling snow, cm

Snow cover height, cm








16. 3

Wind, m/skm/h

SR, 21 Dec 21, today

, 22

0 00

9000 3 00

6 00


12 00 9000 9000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15000 15,000,000,000,000 15000 15000 15000 15000 9000 9000 15000 15000 15000 15000

18 00

21 00


Partnership News · Auto

Pressure, mm house. hPa

SR, 21 Dec 21, today

, 22

0 00

9000 3 00

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12 00 9000 9000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000,000 15000 15,000,000,000,000 15000 15000 15000 9000 9000 9000 15000 15000 15000 15000

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Thu 22

Longitude of the day: 7 h 13 min

Sunrise – 7:48

Set – 15:01

Today is the same as yesterday 43 (December 20)


Full Moon-January 7, after 17 days

Geomagnetic activity, KP-index

SR, 21 December


October weather uk: How’s the Weather in London in October?

Опубликовано: January 29, 2023 в 9:46 pm


Категории: October

London, United Kingdom – October Weather

What’s the Weather Like in London in October?

October is a welcoming month to visit London, UK. The autumnal colours and textures are very attractive and for many locals, it’s a favourite time of year – and not too chilly yet! With an average of five hours of sunshine each day, you’ll have plenty of daylight to explore this exciting city.

How Warm Is London In October?

The average temperature is 13°C in October which is made up of highs of 14°C and lows of 9°C

Extreme Temperatures in London

The highest temperature ever recorded for London and the extended southeast area is 29.9°C in Kent in 2011. The lowest temperature was 1°C. But these extremes and very unlikely during your holiday. 

How Much Does Ir Rain In London In October?

With 71mm of rain across 15 days, October is usually the rainiest month in London, so pack plenty of waterproof clothing and an umbrella!

The average cloud cover for London fluctuates between 69% and 76%. London experiences fog for less than one day each October.

How Warm Is The Sea Near London In October?

At 16°C, the average sea temperature for the closest coastal location to London is very chilly and much too cold for most people to endure.

Daylight Savings Time

Don’t forget Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 am on October 26, shifting the sunrise and sunset times to an hour earlier..

Is London Windy In October?

Across October, typical wind speeds usually fluctuate between light and moderate breezes.

London Hotels in October

The Savoy

For the ultimate in British elegance and luxury, The Savoy is one of London’s legendary grand hotels. Located just off The Strand right on the Thames, the  supberb location allows you to see all of the London famous landmarks, designer shopping in Knightsbridge and Mayfair, the cultural theatreland of Covent Garden, the Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery. ..The list is endless.  The rooms are finished in either Art Deco or Edwardian style and marble clad bathrooms many with views over the Thames landscape. The Savoy has two cocktail bars, Gordon Ramsey’s Savoy Grill, Kaspar’s all day menu and Simpsons in the Strand.  A stay in this London icon will be unforgettable.

The Taj 51 Buckingham Gate

Another ‘wow’ experience in quintissential London luxury is The Taj 51 Buckingham Gate. This hotel is steeped in history and is is built around St James Court’s fountain which was once home to the Lords and Ladies of the Royal Courts. It has been beautifully restored in keeping with a London Heritage hotel and is simply magical and indulgent in every way. Five minutes walk from Buckingham Palace,  it offers 5 star plush suites with bespoke interiors and state of the art luxury with a nod to . The Taj is also home to one of the best Indian restaurants in London.  

The Montcalm at the Brewery

Transformed from an historic brewery to a luxury hotel with 235 rooms, The Montcalm at the Brewery has maintaind it’s original heritage with a touch of the modern. The is on a quite side street that is very close to St Pauls catherdral and bang in the middle of the lively Financial district. The rooms are decorated with a contemporary style,  complete with all the amenities of a lavish hotel. There are two lovely eateries to choose from in the hotel, a traditional British pub and The Chiswell Street Dining Rooms.    

Premier Inn London Wimbledon South

For those on more of a strict budget, the Premier Inn London Wimbledon South is a central hotel just a short walk away from Colliers Wood tube station and only three miles away from Wimbledon. The modern accommodation comes in the shape of double, triple, quadruple and accessible rooms, each of which includes free WiFi access, flat-screen TV, tea/coffee making facilities and private bathroom with hairdryer and toiletries. Within the hotel you’ll find a restaurant which serves continental and full English breakfast buffets, bar which serves coffee, alcohol and soft drinks, free WiFi access throughout and paid public parking nearby. Children under 16 years old can enjoy a free breakfast every morning.

Holiday Inn Express Earl’s Court

Another budget-friendly hotel, is the Holiday Inn Express Earl’s Court. This affordable hotel is within a five-minute walk of the West Kensington tube station, a ten-minute walk from the Olympia Exhibition Centre and Earls Court and a 15-minute walk from Chelsea’s Stamford Bridge Stadium. Here guests can choose between twin, double and accessible rooms. Your stay will include a full English and continental breakfast buffets, the Great Room which serves light snacks, drinks and broadcasts live sporting events, free WiFi access throughout and paid public parking.

Park Plaza Riverbank London

When it comes to a room with a view, it’s got to be Park Plaza Riverbank London. This hotel is found on the south side of the River Thames and offers fantastic vistas of the river and London’s cityscape. The hotel is also within walking distance of top attractions such as the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye. Park Plaza Riverbank London provides a selection of superior and executive rooms, junior suites and accessible rooms. Onsite dining options include the Club Lounge which serves breakfast, Chino Latino which serves fusion cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Bars and Restaurants

Herman ze German

October is a great time to celebrate German cuisine, and London has plenty to offer. Charing Cross is home to Herman ze German where you’ll find a variety of schnitzel meals, as well as traditional wurst sausage with an array of toppings, extras and deals. Prices are reasonable, and the portions are generous. Take note, the spicy sauces are definitely spicy!


Zeitgeist, gastropub in Lambeth is full of character and can get pretty lively. The dishes are hearty and comforting, such as schewinebraten and German wurst sausage and chips, and there is an excellent variety of beer to suit – over 18 on tap and 30 bottled.

The Delaunay

For the exceptional service and high class food, The Delaunay, Covent Garden is excellent value for money for what you receive. An ideal and stunning art deco venue for a pre or post theater meal, the menu offers popular dishes such as schnitzel, with its thin and perfectly fried crispy coating. For dessert, treat yourself to a traditional and warming slice of hot strudel – perfect for the winter month of October.

Bierschenke Beer Hall

Throughout October, experience the excitement of Oktoberfest at Bierschenke Beer Hall, near Liverpool Street. With free entry, and lively entertainment, it’s the perfect venue. Explore the signature craft beers, crafted by authentic Bavarian brewery Müllerbräu of Neuötting, established in 1768.

Things to do in London in October

The Leighton House Museum and Art Gallery

October can be a very cold and damp time to visit London, so you’re best off planning indoor activities for your trip. The Leighton House Museum and Art Gallery is a great place to visit for art lovers. Set in the former home of the Victorian artist Lord Leighton, this museum is one of the 19th century’s most remarkable buildings and is home to a selection of artwork created by Leighton and his contemporaries.

The museum also displays the large collection of phenomenal 16th century glaxed Middle Eastern tiles. In addition to the permanent collections which include sculptures, paintings and other masterpieces, the Leighton House Museum and Art Gallery also features various temporary exhibitions.

The Museum of London

With free entry every day, the Museum of London is a top attraction to visit if you’re on a low-cost holiday in the city. This museum features various permanent galleries including London Before London, Roman London, Medieval London, War, Plague and Fire, Expanding City, People’s City, World City, City Gallery and Sackler Hall each of which provides visitors with a new understanding of the capital.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is one of the most iconic buildings in London and is a must-visit during your stay. At this popular attraction you can admire the structure from the side of the Thames or venture inside and explore the exhibition. If you visit the Tower Bridge during the day, you’ll be able to see the structure in its true glory, but if you visit after dark you’ll have a completely different experience, with the tower lit up by thousands of lights. Highlights include animated videos, high-level walkways, panoramic city views, international bridge displays, artwork displays and Victorian engine rooms. 


If you fancy seeing a show during your holiday in London, check out Stomp. This international smash hit is held at the Ambassadors Theatre which is easily accessible by the tube or the train. Fresher, faster and funnier than ever before, Stomp is a superb combination of rhythm, comedy, theatre and dance which has astounded audiences world over. The eight talented performers who make up the show use everyday items such as lighters, plastic bags, sinks and bin lids to hammer out tunes which will have you singing along. 

St Martin in the Fields

St Martin in the Fields is one of the most popular churches to visit in London. Set in the heart of the city, this church offers regular services in several languages and also features a café set inside the crypt, providing a budget-friendly option of London dining in unusual surroundings.

London Transport Museum

It’s located just around the corner from Covent Garden, which deservedly ranks as one of the most popular tourist spots in the city. The area bustles with life and is known for its regular street performers in addition to high-end shops, restaurants and theatres. If the weather takes a turn for the worst, head indoors to the London Transport Museum, which pays justice to the city’s reputation as the birthplace of the railway and first modern underground system, colourfully brought to life via a series of exhibits and interactive learning.

Why is it so warm in October? What causes the high UK temperatures and latest Met Office weather forecast

The UK is set to be hotter than Greece over the weekend as Britons continue to enjoy “unusually warm” temperatures this October.

London and other areas in the south of England will surpass 20C, with the capital expected to hit 22C today – higher than Athens, which is predicted to peak at 20C over the weekend.

Temperatures of 20.5C were recorded in St James’s Park in central London on Wednesday. Alex Burkill, senior meteorologist at the Met Office, said: “It’s likely to be the warmest spell we’ve had at the end of October since 2014, when we had the warmest Halloween on record.

“There appears to be a warming trend in our Octobers over the recent years, with many of them bringing milder than average spells.”

Plenty of sunshine is expected across the south over the next few days, matching temperatures in St Tropez in southern France.

Glasgow and Belfast are predicted to reach 16C, although this could be followed by a period of more typical October weather.

A spokesperson for the Met Office told i: “With this low pressure out to the west, with the way the jet stream is positioned at the moment, it’s helping to spin these weather systems in towards the UK.

“What it’s also doing though, is helping develop the kind of south-westerly airflow which is spinning in some of these periods of wet and windy weather, but also the warmer kind of continental air over the UK much more than average for the time of year.”

The Met Office said that next week there would be “low pressure to the north-west of the UK, with the wettest weather in the west”. Similar weather may continue up to Halloween.

More from News

Thousands of homes to be built in flash flood risk areas without proper drainage, insurer warns28 November, 2022Almost 5,000 cancer cases a year in Scotland are directly linked to poverty, report finds28 November, 2022Amazon could see tax bill increased by £29m next year after change to business rates28 November, 2022

The Met Office has issued a yellow warning for parts of Scotland, including Highlands, Eilean Siar and Strathclyde, and Northern Ireland on Friday, meaning residents should expect heavy rain and some flooding of “a few homes and businesses”.

It added that bus and train services would probably be affected, with journey times taking longer, and spray and flooding on roads.

Following the warm spell, the Met Office has warned that snow may appear across the north and west of the UK as early as 9 November.

Between November 9 and 23 there could be “an increasing chance of settled weather from mid-month, bringing a potential for colder, drier weather especially for the north and west.

“This would likely bring a risk of chilly nights with mist, frost and fog in places, with some snow possible in any showers in northern and western areas, especially over high ground.”

This could mean that a white Christmas could be on the cards for the first time since 2010.

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Weather in London in October 2023, water temperature in London

Check the weather for October before planning your London holiday.
Average weather data includes daytime highs and nighttime lows in temperature, rainfall, hours of sunshine, and water temperature data.

In October 2016

18 ° C

11 ° C

17 ° C

10 ° C

17 ° C

11 ° C

17 ° C

10 ° C

17 ° ° C

11 ° C

16 ° C

11 ° C

17 ° C

10 ° C

17 ° C

11 ° C

17 ° C

11 ° C

























































































Water temperature in October by day











































Precipitation by day

Light rain – up to 2.5 mm per hour, moderate rain – up to 8 mm per hour, heavy rain – more than 8 mm per hour, heavy rain from 30 mm.

3.7778 mm

3.1111 mm

3.6667 mm

5.5556 mmmm

0.5556 mm

1.1111 mm

0.2222 mm



0.2222 mm



1.4444 mm



2.1111 mm



0.8889 mm



0.8889 mm



0.6667 mm



0.4444 mm



2.0000 mm



0.1111 mm



3.0000 mm



5.0000 mm



0.1111 mm



2.0000 mm



1.1111 mm



0.0000 mm



0.4444 mm



0.4444 mm



1.3333 mm



0.6667 mm



1.2222 mm



2.3333 mm

The maximum daytime temperature in London is 17.5556 °С, the minimum nighttime temperature is 8.6667 °С. The amount of precipitation in October is usually no more than 25 mm, and the number of hours of sunshine is at least 10.

Weather in October at other resorts of Great Britain


14 ° C


15 ° C


15 ° C












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Monthly weather in London

October 30, 2022

Hilton London Heathrow Airport London

8 reviews hotel on map prices

Looks like a warehouse from the middle of the last century.

Palma majorca weather in october: Palma October Weather, Average Temperature (Spain)

Опубликовано: January 29, 2023 в 4:22 pm


Категории: October

Palma de Mallorca Sea Temperature in October

Looking to find out what the average sea water temperature in Palma de Mallorca is for October? Find out what the lowest, highest, and average water temperatures are for Palma de Mallorca over the past 10 years.

Average water temperature in Palma de Mallorca for October

The average, high, and low temperatures below should help you if you can swim in the water in Palma de Mallorca in October.

23.25° C

(73.85° F)

  • highest: 25.17° C (77.31° F)
  • lowest: 18.33° C (64.99° F)

Water at this temperature is very pleasant to swim in and if you tend to wear a wetsuit when swimming, you might consider removing it now to avoid the body overheating.

Water temperature range by day in October in Palma de Mallorca

The chart below shows the range of low and high temperatures by day for the month of October in Palma de Mallorca.

Water temperatures for October in Palma de Mallorca in recent years

In January In February In March In April In May In June
In July In August In September In October In November In December
Day 2022 2021 2020 2019
1 25. 1° C 24.92° C 23.93° C 24.6° C
2 25.02° C 25.04° C 23.58° C 24.24° C
3 24.79° C 25.17° C 23.32° C 24.35° C
4 24.4° C 24.9° C 23.13° C 24.41° C
5 24.62° C 24.76° C 22.93° C 24.28° C
6 24.63° C 24.53° C 22.87° C 24.4° C
7 24.49° C 24.19° C 22.64° C 24.11° C
8 24.52° C 24.26° C 22.5° C 24.2° C
9 24.57° C 24.26° C 22.56° C 24.21° C
10 24.62° C 23.85° C 22.64° C 23.98° C
11 24.52° C 23.64° C 22.45° C 24.01° C
12 24. 48° C 23.54° C 22.4° C 24.17° C
13 24.45° C 23.56° C 22.27° C 24.16° C
14 24.5° C 23.51° C 22.07° C 24.06° C
15 24.43° C 23.38° C 22.09° C 23.91° C
16 24.18° C 23.33° C 21.94° C 24.13° C
17 24.08° C 23.31° C 21.76° C 24.37° C
18 24.12° C 23.37° C 21.68° C 24.16° C
19 24.17° C 23.47° C 21.62° C 23.97° C
20 24.2° C 23.48° C 21.89° C 23.89° C
21 24.15° C 23.18° C 21.93° C 23.75° C
22 23.99° C 23.08° C 21.57° C 23.4° C
23 23. 87° C 22.88° C 21.52° C 22.95° C
24 23.94° C 22.74° C 21.61° C 22.78° C
25 24.02° C 22.5° C 21.52° C 22.68° C
26 24.01° C 22.44° C 21.1° C 22.71° C
27 23.98° C 22.6° C 20.93° C 22.66° C
28 23.98° C 22.29° C 20.81° C 22.58° C
29 23.91° C 22.3° C 20.77° C 22.43° C
30 23.88° C 22.12° C 20.79° C 22.35° C
31 23.71° C 22.1° C 20.88° C 22.21° C

Water temperature in October for locations near Palma de Mallorca

Cala Mayor

Spain, Europe

2.33 miles away


Spain, Europe

3. 77 miles away

Platja de Palma

Spain, Europe

4.21 miles away

Can Pastilla

Spain, Europe

4.21 miles away

Palma Nova

Spain, Europe

6.78 miles away


Spain, Europe

7.38 miles away

Data source and citation

Raw data for the calculations made to find the sea surface temperature in Palma de Mallorca comes from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and their 1/4° daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature.

The water temperature data is constructed by combining observations from different platforms (satellites, ships, buoys, and Argo floats) on a regular global grid. A spatially complete sea surface temperature map is then built by interpolating to fill in gaps in the data.

If you’d like to use any of the information above in the format it is presented, please use the citation tool below.

  • <a href=””>Palma de Mallorca Sea Temperature in October</a>

  • “Palma de Mallorca Sea Temperature in October”. Accessed on December 19, 2022.

  • “Palma de Mallorca Sea Temperature in October”., Accessed 19 December, 2022

  • Palma de Mallorca Sea Temperature in October. Retrieved from

Follow the sun: where’s warm in autumn? | Late offers


Average high: October 24C, November 21C
If Tenerife conjures up images of 18-30 package holidays and high-rise hotels, you haven’t been for a while. The seedier side of the island does still exist, but a new wave of ecotourism is attracting a more discerning visitor, and it’s a great place for whale-watching, hiking, and trips to the rugged island of La Gomera.

The Green Traveller website has just launched an online guide to sustainable tourism in Tenerife (, highlighting organic restaurants, nature-based activities and cultural sites. Best of all, the guide has a great selection of rural hotels and holiday lets, such as Casa Las Pérez, a two-bedroom cottage in the southern Granadilla de Abona district, where temperatures seldom dip below 20C, even in the depths of winter. Surrounded by ravines and well off the beaten track, it costs from around £68 a night, minimum stay three nights.

In the less developed north-west, Hotel El Patio in Garachico ( is a rambling coastal estate where doubles cost from €74 a night (minimum four-night stay). It has a pool and 26 simple, cheery rooms with terracotta floors and views of a banana plantation or a lush courtyard.

Or splash out on Abama (+34 902 105600,, doubles from €275 a night), one of the island’s flashest hotels, with a funicular train that transports guests down to its private cliff-backed beach.
Monarch (08719 405040, flies to Tenerife from Birmingham, Gatwick, Luton and Manchester from £110 return

Algarve, Portugal

Average high: October 22C, November 19C
A bit like with Tenerife, the accommodation available in the Algarve may surprise you. Muxima (+351 91 601 2830, is an African-accented, family-friendly eco retreat where guesthouses are encircled by a cork forest and the beach is close by. The rooms have porches or terraces for soaking up the autumn sun. There is 20% off breaks in October, taking the cost for a week to £244pp.
Ryanair ( flies to Faro from 11 British airports from £146 in October

Costa del Sol, Spain

Finca Cardo, near Málaga

Average high: October 23C, November 19C
The heatwave may be over in Britain, but it has been a great autumn so far in southern Europe: temperatures were approaching 30C this week on the Costa del Sol. In Málaga, you could stay in the city with its old town and art galleries – try the stylish Hotel Palacio Blanco (+34 952 549174,, doubles from €75 a night) – or 15 minutes out of town in Alhaurín de la Torre. Here you’ll find Rancho del Ingles (+34 699 414544,, a self-contained retreat with pool and a choice of characterful villas. Villas cost from €62 a night, minimum two nights, and are full of quirky reclaimed furniture. The area may be overdeveloped, but you’ll be blissfully unaware of that, holed up in your stylish garden. You can rent the whole complex (five villas) or individual buildings. Another delightful property, next door Finca Cardo (, from £700 a week), sleeps four.

Alternatively, autumn is perfect for walking in the Alpujarras, an hour-and-a-half from Málaga by car. Responsible Travel (01273 600030, has £50 off short walking holidays in Andalucía in November. The group hikes pass through pine forests and narrow gorges and are fuelled by plenty of regional food and wine. With the discount a five-day trip costs from £349, including traditional accommodation, all meals and activities, but not flights, departing 3 and 24 November.
Thomson ( flies to Málaga from nine British airports from £135 return


Sóller, Mallorca. Photograph: Alamy

Average high: October 23C, November 18C
Mallorca is now a serious rival to Ibiza for its gastronomic restaurants, hip bar scene and fashionable crowd. L’Avenida (+34 971 634075,, a super-stylish townhouse hotel in Sóller, north-west Mallorca, is offering winter sun mini-breaks from about £114pp a night for a three-night break in November. The building is a temple to contemporary luxury, especially the bathrooms: Philippe Starck details and roll-top baths. It is two minutes from the town square and 20 minutes by taxi from Palma.
Easyjet ( flies from nine British airports to Palma, Mallorca, from £71 in November


Average high: October 25C, November 21C
If you wait until next month to go to Gozo, a small island off Malta, you may lose a few degrees in heat but you’ll save more than a few quid. ( has a cosy 300-year-old farmhouse sleeping five that is much cheaper in November than October (about £354 a week). The weather will be mild, so you’ll still be able to make the most of your private pool and roof terrace. There is a wealth of history on your doorstep, from caves where the first inhabitants of Gozo settled to what’s said to be the oldest freestanding temple in the world. For those with more mundane concerns, there’s a bakery selling freshly baked Gozitan bread within walking distance and the restaurants and bars of the capital, Victoria, are just 2km away.
Ryanair ( flies to Malta from six British airports from £82 return


Ourika valley, Morocco. Photograph: Alamy

Average high: October 28C, November 22C
For a short, sunny adventure, north Africa (the peaceful bits) is a great choice. Marrakech is popular, as is the fun coastal town of Essaouira, but some say the city of Fez is more authentically Moroccan. Riad Le Calife (+212 535 762608, is an atmospheric riad in the medina, with a very good restaurant. For a gang or large family, you could rent Dar Tamazerte (01948 770509, from £250 a night including breakfast and maid service (minimum three nights). This private villa with pool in the Ourika valley near Marrakech sleeps eight.
Ryanair ( flies to Marrakech from Bristol, East Midlands, Luton and Stansted from £62 return


Average high: October 27C, November 20C
Unlike its neighbours, Jordan experienced very little unrest during the Arab spring. It’s a stunningly beautiful and historically fascinating country, quiet and small and easy to travel around, and still very warm and sunny at this time of year.

Those seeking a last-minute family half-term break could book one of a few remaining places on Explore’s (0845 867 9434, group family trip there, departing on 22 October. It’s educational but exciting, featuring Petra, crusader castles and Biblical settings. Children will love floating in the Dead Sea and camping out in the desert in a goat-hair tent. The trip costs £1,185 for children and £1,250 for adults, including flights, accommodation in modern mid-range hotels and a desert camp, breakfasts, one lunch and one dinner.
BMI ( flies to Amman from Heathrow from £200 return in October


Winter sun in Tunisia.

Average high: October 26C, November 21C
It’s 27C in coastal resorts in Tunisia right now! Whether you want to collapse on a beach, explore historic sites such as Carthage, or shop and stuff your face in a souk, now is a great time for a trip. Lots of companies offer package deals. Seven nights half board at the small Vincci Flora Park in Enfidha, costs £307pp including flights from Doncaster on 19 October through Direct Holidays (

Or set up your own trip: try Dar Fatma (+216 71 981284, darfatma.

Weather in majorca end of october: Average weather October in Mallorca, Spain

Опубликовано: January 29, 2023 в 9:58 am


Категории: October

Gemma Owen and Luca Bish: have Love Island couple split up?

The two became an official couple in August after leaving the Love Island villa together

By Rhona Shennan

17th Nov 2022, 8:51am

While many couples on Love Island talk about the tests that they have to endure whilst they’re on the show together, everyone knows that it’s when they get back out into the real world that the true test begins – and following the end of the show, fans like to keep a close eye on the couples to see who will stand the test of time.


But it seems that all is not well in paradise with Owen and Bish – this is everything you need to know.

Have they broken up?


It has been confirmed via their respective Instagram accounts that Owen and Bish have decided to go their “separate ways”. The news comes following rumours earlier this week that the pair failed to turn up to ITV’s Palooza event together.

Owen wrote on her story: “To all my followers, I wanted to let you know that Luca and I are no longer in a relationship. It wasn’t an easy decision but ultimately this is what is best for both of us right now. Many of you have been on this journey with us from the very beginning, and I want to thank you for your continued support as we start new chapters.”


Luca Bish and Gemma Owen attend the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Awards 2022 at Grosvenor House on October 24, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images)

Over on his account, Bish also shared on his story: “Switched my phone back on after taking some time out to clear my head after an emotional afternoon to thousands of messages and news articles about my breakup.

“I would have liked some time to process this privately but as you all already now know sadly Gemma and I made the mutual decision earlier today to go our separate ways. We have been on such a journey together and have made some amazing memories which I will treasure. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support for us as a couple during and after Love Island.

“We will remain good friends and I wish nothing but the best for her.”


How long were they together?


While the two didn’t become official until after leaving the villa in Majorca together, Owen and Bish cemented themselves as a couple on Love Island relatively early on in the series, coupling up for the first time during the second recoupling ceremony.

The pair remained faithful to each other throughout the course of the show, through ups and downs including various challenges and Casa Amor.

However, their time together wasn’t exactly smooth, and the two proved to be a controversial couple on the show – specifically due to Bish’s behaviour over the eight weeks that Love Island aired.

Gemma and Luca talking by the fire pit in the Love Island villa (Photo: ITV)


Fans of the show claimed that Bish was only with Owen due to her famous father, while others grew concerned about his possessive behaviour over the 19-year-old. Bish also faced accusations that he bullied fellow islander Tasha Ghouri.

After leaving the villa in second place, Bish officially asked Owen to be his girlfriend in an extravagant ceremony in August that was shared on Instagram.


What has the response been like?

Fans of the show have been left less than surprised following the news of their breakup,  with many stating that it should come as a surprise to “absolutely no one”.

One person wrote: “Not Gemma and Luca preaching how they were the strongest couple during their entire Love Island experience to break up not even four months later [laughing emoji.”

The pair had their fair share of ups and downs during the show (Photo: ITV)


Another tweeted: “I’m sure Gemma and Luca splitting up has been a shock to absolutely no one.”

“I’m crying, there I was thinking Luca and Gemma were releasing the news of their breakup after time had passed – only to find out they’d split earlier TODAY + Gemma FLEW to let everyone know she was free [skull emoji],” another person wrote.


One person tweeted: “People being shocked about Gemma and Luca breaking up and saying “what were the signs?” as if we didn’t watch the same show and saw the signs.”

Which couples from their season of Love Island are still together?

Despite Bish and Owen claiming to be the strongest pair whilst they were on the show, the two have actually become the first of the finale couples to call it quits.

Love Island

10 Reasons To Visit Sardinia In October

Over the last few years, the Sardinia weather in October has been particularly pleasant – perfect for a range of different holidays.

If you are asking whether to go to Sardinia in October, here you can find all the answers you need. Read this “top-10” list, a useful guide about the many things to do during this period.


1. Sardinia weather in October

The weather is mild and suitable for visitors during this time of year. Thanks to this temperate climate, you will be able to have a relaxing swim in one of the many fabulous beaches and enjoy the bright sun, without getting burned, one of the risks during red-hot high seasons.

Sunset in Alghero


2. Uncrowded beaches

Beaches and coves are not as busy as in summer months, due to entering the “back-to-school” period. Thus, Italian children won’t be filling the seaside resorts, leaving all the beaches with a peaceful but still lively atmosphere. If you love to avoid the crowds, October is the month you are looking for.

Find out more about Sardinia’s wonderful beaches now.

Costa Rei 


3. Excursions

Hiking, horse riding, boat excursions and outdoors day trips: all these activities can be experienced in this easy-going month. Autumn is the ideal season for these activities; as the moderate temperature lets people best enjoy wild Sardinia, amid its brownish and lukewarm colours.

Does a Sardinia activity holiday sound appealing? Find out more now.

Horse riding 


4. Witness real-life Sardinia

Experience and live the real life of the islanders. See children going to school, locals buying fresh products at the market, old friends chatting with their own dialect. The fewer tourists that are visiting the island, the more you can feel the authentic Sardinian “dolce vita”.

Learn more about the cultures of Sardinia now.

A local on his old-fashioned Vespa


5. Perfect for city breaks

This Italian region is dotted with various towns and villages. Discover culturally different sites, from big cities in the south such as Cagliari (the capital), or Quartu Sant’Elena to the north with Alghero, Sassari and Olbia – without forgetting the wild central region, full of traditional towns, among all Nuoro.

Panoramic view of Alghero


6. Festival fever

Autumn is the festivals season. Particularly, we are not dealing with touristy festivals, but rather it is about typical village traditions and culture. In Italy, this type of event, always accompanied by lots of traditional dishes, has a dedicated word: Sagra (e.g. “Sagra delle castagne” – Chestnut’s Festival, in Aritzo).

Check out the island’s annual festivals and events calendar now.




7. Culture

7,000 Nuraghis (unique Sardinian ancient buildings from the Bronze Age), more than 150 museums, and about 50 archaeological sites; these are the numbers of the island’s culture. In fact, the exotic beaches are not the only tourist offer; you could spend a whole holiday visiting heritage attractions without even seeing everything there is on offer.

​Nuraghe Santa Sarbana


8. Gastronomy

October’s food experience is unique thanks to many seasonal products. The island is renowned for its healthy gastronomy and especially for its copious variety of farm restaurants (in Italian, Agriturismi), where you can find all the typical Sardinian dishes and drinks, such as suckling pig, cheeses, hand-made pastas, wines and myrtle liquor – emblems of this idyllic destination.

Get the low down on Sardinia’s food and drink scene now.

Agriturismo Tenuta Pilastru


9. Natural parks

Warm weather permits charming walks amongst the island’s remarkable natural parks, of which three are national and four are regional; here, nature is king. In the north-west region visit Porto Conte or Asinara Park, in the north-east La Maddalena, or if heading into Central Sardinia, see Gennargentu Park.

Asinara National Park


10. A good deal

Last but not least, coming in October would present a great deal for you and your family. The prices for villas, hotels, flights and several services are much more economical compared to high-season rates. Have a look at our special offers page for more information.

Stintino – La Pelosa 


Looking forward to holidaying in Sardinia in October? Check out our range of accommodation and plan your fantastic holiday with us.




10 Remarkable Reasons to Visit Sardinia Read more


10 things to do in Sardinia without going to the beach Read more



Top 10 beaches in Sardinia Read more

90,000 weather in Mallorca Today, Majorka’s weather forecast for today, the District of Koimbra, Portugal



9000 +10 50

at a sensation +10 50

Sat, 3 Dec

Today 9000 +643


Sun, 4 Dec


9000 +948


0.7 mm

0 00 2 3 00 9000

6 00 9000 9000 9000 9000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 900

12 00


18 00

21 00



9000 +643

+846 +846

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Wind speed, m/skkm/h

3-11 11-40

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3-8 11-29

2-7 7-25 904 7-14

0-1 0-4

1-2 4-7

Precipitation, mm


Holiday weather cyprus october: Larnaca, Cyprus – October Weather

Опубликовано: January 28, 2023 в 11:08 pm


Категории: October

Larnaca, Cyprus – October Weather

October still remains quite warm in Larnaca, Cyprus, although it is much less busy than the preceding summer months of June, July, August and September as many of the tourists have now gone home. This is a good time of year to visit if you would prefer a quieter, calmer holiday.

October is blessed with a comfortable average temperature of 22°C, which makes it the fifth warmest month of the year in the resort, after the four previous summer months. Temperatures are pleasant all throughout the day, with nighttime low temperatures around 16°C and daytime high temperatures averaging a warm 27°C. Both those low and high temperatures fall in the course of the month, though; respectively from 19°C to 15°C and from 29°C to 25°C. The sea temperature remains relatively warm as well and averages 20°C, a temperature that is still suitable for swimming, although not for everyone anymore.

The average monthly total of rain is around 20mm, a significant increase since the low amounts of rainfall in the previous half year. October is also characterised by 6 days with precipitation. The probability that it will rain increases throughout the month. October 1 is the driest day with a chance of rainfall of 13%. October 31, with a 24% chance of rainfall, is the wettest day of the month. The most likely type of rainfall this time of year is thunderstormshey happen on 59% of the days with precipitation. Moderate rain and light rain may occur as well, respectively on 28% and 12% of the rainy days.

Cloud cover increases noticeably as well in October. It rises from 14% in the beginning of the month to 25% toward the end. The fact that the sky tends to become less clear means, of course, that there will be less sunshine too.

The average day in October still has 8 hours of sunshine though, which is a lot, especially when compared to the cloudy skies in Great Britain at this time of the year.

Conveniently located a short stroll away from the city’s famous seafront and about ten minutes from the airport is Livadhoitis City Hotel. The hotel contains 57 rooms, from singles to suites, all with flat screen TVs with satellite, high speed internet, phone line, heating and air-conditioning, a mini fridge, coffee/tea maker, ironing board, washroom with toiletries and hair dryer, balcony and safe box, and even room service on request. The hotel has a bar and restaurant as well as a breakfast buffet in the morning. The hotel reception area also provides computer use and a booking service to help you book your reservations for various activities in the area.

The main draw in Larnaca is still of course the fabulous beaches. Faros Beach, for examples, is very popular because of its shallow, calm water, suitable for both those with children and people wishing to participate in water sports. There is a beach bar as well.

The place to go for great food, enough drinks and an all-round fun night out is Lithos Bar & Grill. This place is a part of the Lithos Hotel and has established itself as one of the better places in the resort for evening entertainment. They serve local and international food, have an extensive selection of wines, beers and spirits, and are also a great place to catch a sports game on one of their eight large screens.

Ochi Day is celebrated all over Greece on October 28 and commemorates the occasion when General Metaxis was threatened with an invasion ultimatum by Mussolini, to which he answered simply ‘no!’. This is a public holiday all over Greece and Cyprus as well, so many public services may be closed or severely limitedust for your information.

At the start of Athens Avenue, also known as the Palm Trees Promenade, lies Europe Square. This beautiful historically significant square is home to the very first colonial buildings erected by the Brits in the late-19th century. At the time, Larnaca was the largest port city on the island of Cyprus and the logical place to start colonisation for the Brits. Nowadays, you can still see the old customs warehouses, the bureaus of the chief port master and the office of the customs officer. These historic buildings now house an art gallery, history museum and the municipal cultural services.

Coral Bay, Cyprus – October Weather

What’s the Weather like in Coral Bay in October

What better way to escape the impending autumnal chills than escaping to a subtropical island? Coral Bay, located in the southwestern area in the island of Cyprus, is the perfect getaway to flee those falling temperatures.


The temperatures in October are similar to that of June with an average of 22(71 during the day. Hot spells are still common this time of year but if your main goal is to experience sweltering days, head to the resort in July instead.

The town still enjoys highs of 27(81 with breeze from the sea offering cooling relief. The evenings can be a bit brisk. Lows during this month are an average of 16(61. This could feel quite cool at times and travelers may want to consider packing a jacket to wear at night and summer attire during the day.

Average Sea Temperature

With sea temperatures still quite reasonable, Coral Bay enjoys a long swimming season. The average sea temperature is 25(77, perfect for a dip or ride on a jet ski.


October is the beginning of the rainy season but will feel much drier when compared with the average precipitation levels experienced in the UK. Over the course of just 5 days, the region will receive about 19mm of rain on average.

By now the autumnal equinox has already passed and daylight hours have dropped considerably. Visitors to Coral Bay will enjoy 10 hours of sunshine every day during this month. Likewise, the UV rating for this month is also considerably lower than August and September. A moderate UV rating of 5 on the index scale is less dangerous. Individuals that burn easily may still want to use a broad spectrum SPF30 sunscreen. Keep in mind that bright surfaces, such as water and sand, will increase UV exposure.

Coral Bay Hotels in October


Coral Bay boasts some of the most beautiful resorts in Europe. While visiting the area, relax at the Elysium. The hotel grounds offer an impressive combination of gardens and waterfalls to create a tropical environment. This resort is family friendly and even includes a babysitting service and the “Angel’s Kids Club,” which is free of charge. There is an onsite full service spa, several restaurants, and many athletic facilities.

The Elysium even works in collaboration with the Cyprus Scuba Center to offer diving courses. Explore a ship wreck or ancient monument while staying at this resort. The hotel also offers several pools, both indoors and outdoors, as well as tennis courts and access to a personal trainer. Truly a luxurious escape, indulge yourself at Elysium Cyprus.

Capital Coast Resort and Spa

Nestled in between Paphos and Coral Bay, Capital Coast Resort and Spa offers a tranquil stay in paradise. This hotel offers many room types to suit every traveler. Sea view rooms are available and the resort has a massive pool. Additional facilities include lighted tennis court, a children’s outdoor playground, and gardens. The resort also offers water activities such as scuba diving, boat rentals, and windsurfing. Enjoy the spa or relax in the Jacuzzi, the health center also an indoor heated pool, Finnish sauna, fitness centre, gym, and aerobics studio. There are several onsite restaurants and rooms are available from a variety of price ranges.

Kiniras Hotel

For those traveling on a tighter budget, Kiniras Hotel is the perfect compromise between luxury and economy. This hotel is family run and offerings a more charming stay in Cyprus. There are only 18 rooms, allowing the staff to provide personalised service and attention. Kiniras was awarded the CTO (Cyprus Tourism Organization) Vakhis award for a high standard of service and hospitality. Additionally, the onsite restaurant offers traditional Cypriot options made with organically farmed ingredients. Facilities include an airport shuttle, beauty shop, full-service bar, tour desk and luggage storage. It may be helpful to note that Wi-Fi is available free of charge and the staff can speak English, Russian, German, French, and Greek. 

Beaches in Coral Bay in October

Coral Bay Beach

This may be the last month to fully enjoy the waters at Coral Bay Beach. The beach is world renowned for its golden sand and limestone cliffs. It also features amenities such as a shower, life guards, and umbrella hires.  Additionally, Coral Bay is a blue flag beach which is environmentally friendly and incredibly safe.

Alykes Beach

If you’re looking to leave Coral Bay, check out Alykes Beach. Just a short drive from Coral Bay, this beach has a play area and is great for small children.  From this beach, Golden Dolphin water sports offers trips to shipwrecks and blue caves. Parking is free and ample at this beach.

Bars and Restaurant

Anesi Restaurant

Anesi Restaurant is a beautiful restaurant offering international cuisine as well as traditional Cypriot dishes. Anesi is open in the evenings from 6:00-11:00pm every night of the year. This restaurant regularly offers entertainment such as Elvis impersonations and live musical events. This highly recommended restaurant features an excellent wine menu, professional service, and lively atmosphere. Outdoor seating is available and reservations are recommended.


Offering Mediterranean fusion cuisine, Aqui is one of “the” places to be in Coral Bay. The restaurant’s chef, Tony Harvey, was once the personal chef to the British High Commissioner in Nicosia and Head Chef at Apertivo Jet Set in Nicosia. This experience is clear through his use of fresh, local restaurants to create remarkable meals. Aqua offers a full cocktail menu and has a variety of vegetarian meals. Furthermore, all dietary restricts can be catered to upon request at time of booking. Please note Aqui is closed on Mondays.

Flintstone’s Bar

If you’re interested in enjoying the local nightlife, look no further than Flintstone’s Bar. This bar is highly rated and has a full cocktail menu. As the name suggests, the bar is themed after the old Flintstone’s cartoon and was built to look like the house in the cartoon. Opening at 6:00pm, this pub also serves light meals is welcomes children.  

Things to do in Coral Bay in October

Paphos Sea Cruises

Go for a mini cruise aboard a luxurious ship! The perfect way to relax and enjoy the ocean, Paphos Sea Cruises has many options for day or night getaway adventures. Some of the different themes offered include full day, pirate boat, adults only, three day tanning courses, half day, fireworks, wedding receptions and more! The company also offers snorkeling and diving as well. Trips are available day or night and are suitable for families and children of all ages.

Paphos Karting Centre

Alternatively, spend the day on one of the biggest go kart tracks in Europe! Paphos Karting Centre offers some of the fastest tracks on the island with 1600meters of winding turns and long speed. This track even has a bridge and tunnel. Because junior karts, senior karts, and twin engine pro karts are available, driver can go over 112kmh (70mph). Children as young as 7 years old can race on the big track. While children ages 3-6 are welcome on the small track. Reservations are not necessary, and the facilities are over seven days a week.

Paphos Archaeological Museum

Those with an interest in history or archeology won’t want to miss the Paphos Archaeological Museum. This museum has precious exhibits dating back to the Neolithic era (1700 AD). The museum is arranged into 5 nearly organised rooms spanning thousands of years of Cypriot history. This educational excursion is open every day of the year and only costs £1.70.

Holidays in Cyprus in October. What to do and what to see in Cyprus? What weather to expect?

Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, is divided into two parts, but all tourism is concentrated on the Cypriot side. Many call it Greek, although it has nothing to do with Greece, and the second part of the island is Turkish, but there is no active tourism there. So, in this article we will talk about Cyprus, which is known to many. Flying there today is quite easy and often not particularly expensive. Why do tourists like Cyprus? I like it for its clear sea, excellent beaches, pleasant climate, unique sights, quality entertainment and an amazing cozy atmosphere. A beach holiday lasts in Cyprus from May to September-October, occasionally tourists fly in November. By the last months of the season, the so-called “velvet” season reigns in Cyprus, children are in schools, there is no heat, there are not so many tourists, the tracks are free, there are no traffic jams, prices are lower. Here’s about the last month of the season, about October, read below. nine0003

The island lies in the Mediterranean climate zone, which means that autumn (at least half of autumn) is warm and fairly clear. The average daily air temperature in Cyprus in October is +25… +27°C. At the same time, on the south coast in the Larnaca region, the thermometer often jumps from +32 degrees, and other resorts please with higher temperatures. In combination with the dry Mediterranean climate, such heat flashes are well tolerated, and there are few very hot days in October. As a rule, the temperatures in Cyprus are very stable, so the beginning of October is hotter, by the end of the month the fertile warmth comes to the island, but no special cold snaps are expected at all, and during the day on the coolest days on the coast there will be a maximum of + 21-22 ° C, which is very good. nine0003

Nights in October in Cyprus are beautiful, fragrant, already so stuffy and hot, as at the end of summer, +20… put on a blouse), and for a peaceful sleep with an open window.

In Nicosia, the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, which is located in the central part of the island, it is very warm in October, but the temperatures are slightly more varied during the month than on the coast (that is, it gradually gets cooler, then warmer, again, there are no sharp jumps it happens). During the day there, on average, + 27 ° C, sometimes it reaches + 31 ° C, but the nights are about the same as on the coast. nine0003

There is little rain in Cyprus in the second month of autumn, practically none. Sometimes warm heavy rain can fall, and even with a thunderstorm, but the next day will definitely be clear and sunny. Nevertheless, practically all days in October on the island it is very dry, the sky is almost always clear, and in general, October is one of the driest months of the year (it is only dry in summer), and rains in Cyprus are rare at this time of the year (natives will confirm).

You can swim all month long, but the most pleasant time is the first week of October, when the Mediterranean Sea is still warm and the water temperature is +26…28°C. In some years, the water temperature cools down quite a bit by the end of October (up to +25 degrees), and sometimes it can cool down to + 22-23, which, of course, is cooler, but you can still swim. The sea is calm, clean and transparent. nine0003

In general, the weather in Cyprus in October is very pleasant, warm, dry, not very windy, pleasant. Great time to visit the island!

Holidays and festivals in Cyprus in October

October 1 you can witness the celebration of the Independence Day of Cyprus . The event dates back to October 1, 1960, when Cyprus gained independence from Britain and became a sovereign state. Independence Day is a public holiday. At about 11 am local time, the military parade begins. This procession is such an important spectacle for the Cypriots that families are not lazy and come from all over the country to the capital, Nicosia, to see it with their own eyes. After the last sounds of festive fanfare are heard, mass festivities begin, lasting until late in the evening. As part of the celebration, theatrical performances, street concerts with the participation of pop and circus stars, tastings, etc. nine0003

What to do in Cyprus in October

Since it is still quite hot in Cyprus during the day, you can go sunbathing. And beaches in Cyprus are wonderful! It is worth diversifying your vacation and with excursions and exploring the island – the time is the most suitable and it is not so hot anymore. By the way, you can save a lot by renting a car to drive around the island on your own.

Close to Limassol is located the ancient city of Amathus , and in Nicosia will impress the ruins of the Venetian walls of the 16th century, Famagusta gate and the Archbishop’s palace with ancient luxurious frescoes.

In Famagusta Castello citadel with Othello tower and Carmelite church ruins . Protaras does not have many attractions, but the views there are impressive. If you are relaxing in that part, look at the fisherman’s Liopetri village with picturesque old churches.

However, the nature of Cyprus is good everywhere, not only in Protaras. For example, next to Ayia Napa is the most beautiful Cape Greco – by far the most romantic and most famous place in the area. Off the coast of the picturesque Akamas Peninsula (north of Paphos) giant tortoises swim, and rare species of butterflies and reptiles live on the shores themselves. Millomeris Waterfall (near the village of Pano Platres, in the center of the island) is the most beautiful and impressive on the whole island, besides, it is the largest. Noisy jets of water fall from a cliff 15 meters high. By the way, The Troodos mountain range (where the waterfall is located) is also a real paradise for a photographer and an ordinary lover of beautiful views: cypresses, pines, ivy, asters grow here, birds fly, squirrels jump, and royal eagles soar overhead.

Entertainment in Cyprus is very good, and in October life here does not stop. However, there will be fewer tourists in October, but schoolchildren will subside, and in general in October it is somehow calmer and quieter. In larger cities, for example, in Ayia Napa, which was even nicknamed the second Ibiza, there are a very large number of bars and clubs that work until the morning. At the resorts of Limassol, Paphos and Nicosia, beloved by our tourists, it is also very fun, but, nevertheless, there is no comparison with Ayia Napa. nine0003

If you are traveling to Cyprus with small children, then go to the water parks, which are still open this month (until the end of October, as a rule, but you need to check on the sites of the water parks): this is a great alternative to a beach holiday. There may not be many water parks, but, if anything, it’s not so far to go to them. For example, worthy water park “Fasouri Watermania” (10 kilometers from Limassol, Fassouri village) or water park “Waterworld” , in the west of Ayia Napa. nine0003

Thus, October is definitely a wonderful month for holidays in beautiful Cyprus: great beach holidays, still warm sea, almost no rain and cloudy skies, great entertainment and local holidays, wonderful comfortable conditions for excursions and hiking.

This table will help you determine which resorts in Cyprus are warmest in October, find out where there is less rain and more clear days.
Do you want to know where is the warmest sea? We also provide information about the water temperature in seaside resorts.

Weather and temperature in Cyprus in October (season 2023)

October in Cyprus is the heyday of the velvet season.

This month, travelers who appreciate the autumn expanse of the beaches and the gentle water warmed by the summer sun set off for the island.

The cost of tours at this time of the year is traditionally reduced , but rest in October in Cyprus promises to be no less exciting than in the hot summer months.


  • What is the weather like in October?
  • What to see?
  • Attractions
  • Holidays and festivals
  • Best things to do

In October in Cyprus warm, dry weather persists – the average air temperature this month is 25 degrees. At night, the thermometer rarely drops below 20 degrees.

Nevertheless, October is not completely without precipitation – according to statistics, this month accounts for around 9 rainy days . It can be either a very light rain or a fairly heavy downpour with gusty winds.

From year to year the temperature changes, and it is rather difficult to predict what the October Cyprus will be like this time. Therefore, when going to the island in the middle of autumn, take warm clothes with you – for example, a light jacket or cardigan.

During the month the temperature changes, but only slightly. So, in the first week of October , the temperature is September-like: during the day the sun heats the air to 28-29 degrees, at night the temperature drops to 23-24 degrees.

The water is very warm at this time – around 27 degrees.

The middle of the month is marked by a slight cooling: during the day the temperature reaches only 26-27 degrees, at night – up to 20-23 degrees. The water temperature remains at the level of 25-26 degrees.

At the end of October Cyprus begins to prepare for winter. The sun gives its last rays, so during the day you can still catch good weather – from 22 to 24 degrees. nine0003

At night it gets much colder – from 15 to 20 degrees. The water temperature is still suitable for swimming and is 24 degrees.

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What to see?

Life in Cyprus does not stop in October. In autumn, all major attractions of are open to the public, and holidays and festivals take place in big cities.

Arriving on the island, be sure to rent a car – to have time to see as many interesting things as possible. nine0003


October is the best time for sightseeing. Slow walks through the famous places of Cyprus will not interfere with either the summer heat or the winter winds.

How long is the flight to Cyprus? Read about the features and cost of the flight in our article.

Connoisseurs of architectural monuments should visit:

  • near the town of Ayia Napa – 15th century monastery and rock tombs of Makronisos ;
  • near Limassol – the ancient city of Amathus ;
  • in the vicinity of Larnaca – the ancient city of Kition ;
  • in Kyrenia – picturesque castles and the ancient monastery of St. Macarius on the edge of a cliff;
  • near Paphos – Royal Tombs, Forty Columns Castle and the mysterious catacombs of St. Solomon;
  • in Nicosia – 16th-century Venetian ruins, Archbishop’s Palace and Famagusta Gate .

If you want to be inspired by the impressive views of the Cypriot nature, go to Cape Greco – the most famous place on the island.

Not far from the village of Pano Platres is the largest waterfall in Cyprus, Millomeris. It is located on the Troodos mountain range, which is very fond of photographers.

Stunning views, lush vegetation and a variety of wildlife will please those who want to take spectacular shots.

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Holidays and festivals

In October in Cyprus national holidays and festivals do not stop . On the first day of the month, the inhabitants of the island noisily and colorfully celebrate Independence Day.

In the capital of the state, Nicosia , this celebration is especially spectacular. Tourists will be able to see military parades, costume performances, show programs, take part in competitions and enjoy fireworks.

In October, the large-scale festival of arts “Kipria” continues, which began in September. Festive events cover several major cities: Nicosia, Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca. nine0003

World-famous actors and renowned musicians come to Kypriya, crowded performances and concerts are held.

Limassol hosts of the most important autumn sporting events this month – Lemesia . This is a 10-day sports competition in which dancers, runners, boxers, cyclists and shooters participate.

The end of October is marked for the inhabitants of Cyprus by a memorable date – the day of “Ohy” . The event takes place on October 28 and is dedicated to the events of 1940 years when the island was bombed.

In addition, traditionally in October there are spectacular theatrical performances on the water, the main characters of which are boats and ships. These spectacular performances remain in the memory of tourists for a long time.

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Best entertainment

October Cyprus will appeal to lovers of a leisurely beach holiday. This month, the rhythm of life slows down, many tourists go home, and spacious beaches and clear water .

Autumn tan is soft and even, so the autumn season is especially recommended for holidays with small children.

Water sports are still available in October. Most of the beaches offer diving and windsurfing services. Night fishing is in demand – however, you will have to bring warm clothes with you.

And off the coast of the Akamas peninsula you can swim with giant tortoises .

For those who are tired of a lazy holiday on the beach, will offer many organized excursions . If time permits, a must see:

  • Famagusta ghost town;
  • Monastery of the Cats;
  • Aphrodite’s birthplace;
  • Church of St.

Weather forecast ibiza october: October Weather forecast – Autumn forecast

Опубликовано: January 28, 2023 в 6:53 pm


Категории: October

Weather forecast Ibiza in October

In October average temperatures in Ibiza vary little during the day and night, on average it is 16C at night and 23C during the day. With water temperatures of 23C and 6 hours of sunshine each day throughout the month, Ibiza in October is an ideal location for those wanting a swim in the Mediterranean. On the whole there are about 4 days of rain in October, accumulating a monthly precipitation total of 35mm. Ibiza has a good weather comfort index score in October.

The weather prediction service inIbiza is based on a calculation which takes into account historic data from the last 10 years, as well as predictions based on certain criteria such as air temperature, humidity, water temperature, wind speed and sunshine.

Prepare your things now for your stay by taking a look at the weather predictions forIbiza.

  • Temperature
  • Bad weather
  • Sunbathing
  • Swimming
  • Wind
  • Humidity

The weather is rated on a scale from 0 to 100, with the worst weather conditions ranging between 0 and 19 and the best ranging above 79.
The overall weather comfort index is:

  • Excellent (Rating between 80% and 100%)
  • Good (Rating between 60% and 79%)
  • Average (Rating between 40% and 59%)
  • Bad (Rating between 20% and 39%)
  • Very bad (Rating between 0% and 19%)

Practical advice for a stay inIbiza:

  • A swimming costume and a beach towel
  • Warmer clothing for the evening
  • Light clothing for the day and sunglasses

Spain: Seven-day weather forecast

Take a look at the seven-day weather forecast for the principal cities inSpain. For each destination, Easyvoyage’s weather tool gives you temperature and rainfall indicators, along with wind force and direction and sunrise/sunset times. Prepare your holidays using our weather forecasts or organise your activities thanks to the weather comfort index forSpain. Whether you’re getting ready to go or already on holiday, it’s never been simpler to keep an eye on the weather than with Easyvoyage!

  • Malaga in October
    8°C | 17°C

  • Alicante in October
    7°C | 17°C

  • Barcelona in October
    5°C | 14°C

  • Bilbao in October
    7°C | 11°C

  • San Sebastien in October
    9°C | 11°C

  • Almeria in October
    7°C | 16°C

  • Las Palmas in October
    17°C | 17°C

  • Madrid in October
    -2°C | 8°C

  • Majorca – Palma in October
    7°C | 15°C

  • Pamplona in October
    6°C | 8°C

  • Santander in October
    10°C | 12°C

  • Seville in October
    1°C | 15°C

  • Torremolinos in October
    9°C | 17°C

  • Vigo in October
    6°C | 12°C

  • Benidorm in October
    8°C | 16°C

  • Huelva in October
    2°C | 16°C

  • Los Cristianos in October
    15°C | 18°C

  • Marbella in October
    10°C | 17°C

  • Cala D’or in October
    5°C | 14°C

  • Costa Adeje in October
    15°C | 18°C

  • Ciutadella in October
    8°C | 14°C

  • Costa Teguise in October
    17°C | 17°C

  • Pescola in October
    6°C | 15°C

  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife in October
    16°C | 18°C

Spain in October : The regions

  • Andalusia in October

  • The Balearic Islands in October

  • The Canary Islands in October

  • Cantabria in October

  • Catalonia in October

  • Galicia in October

  • Basque Country in October

  • Community of Madrid in October

  • Navarra in October

  • Community of Valencia in October

Top destinations worldwide in October

  • 83%

    Spain October

  • 88%

    Tunisia October

  • 84%

    Cape Verde October

  • 94%

    Egypt October

  • 81%

    Mauritius October

  • 82%

    Brazil October

  • 88%

    Cyprus October

  • 92%

    Jordan October

  • 94%

    Oman October

  • 89%

    Madagascar October

  • 86%

    Australia October

  • 93%

    Israel October

  • 87%

    United Arab Emirates October

  • 83%

    United States of America October

  • 84%

    Runion October

Ibiza Weather in October | Thomas Cook

Ibiza Weather in October | Thomas Cook

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Avg weather in October



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    Ibiza weather October


    What’s the weather like in Ibiza in October?

    Sitting off the east coast of Spain, Ibiza enjoys lovely warm weather in October. You’ll get lots of sun if you’re going to on your Ibiza holidays at this time, which is nice and busy thanks to the season’s closing parties.

    Geographical influences

    Ibiza’s location in the Balearic Sea means it’s sheltered by mainland Spain and North Africa. The weather’s similar across the island because of this, and also as it’s relatively flat. Popular holiday spots in the east and west do get a bit of protection from the Sa Talaiassa mountain, which is 475m high.


    The average high temperature in Ibiza during October is 24ºC, perfectly warm enough to chill out on the beach all day. You should bring a few warmer things for the evenings, as though it’s still pleasant, temperatures can cool to 15ºC at night. The average sea temperature’s 22ºC, while humidity’s low and ranges from just under 60% to over 90%. Average rainfall’s 54mm across ten rainy days.


    There’s still lots of sun in October, and you can expect 11 hours of daylight with seven hours of sunshine each day. UV levels will be moderate so take care in the sun, which sets after 7.30pm at the start of the month; this gradually gets earlier before the end of daylight saving takes another hour off towards the end of October.


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    Best hotels in Ibiza

    Weather in Ibiza on October 27 in detail, weather forecast for October 27, Ibiza, Spain

    Weather in Ibiza on October 27 in detail, weather forecast for October 27, Ibiza, Spain – Rambler / weather






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    Weather on Ibiz on October 27, 2022





    25 ° 9000 ° 9004 ° 9004 ° 9004 ° 9004 ° 9004

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    Sunrise 08:15

    Sunset 19:00

    Svet day 10 hours 45 min

    Young Moon

    UV-index 2

    Calm magnetic Poemage of Gardener

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    Weather in Ibiza today, weather forecast Ibiza today, Balearic Islands, Spain

    GISMETEO: Weather in Ibiza today, weather forecast Ibiza today, Balearic Islands, Spain

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Average temperature in lanzarote in october: Lanzarote weather in October ()

Опубликовано: January 28, 2023 в 5:49 am


Категории: October

Tropical Storm Hermine Delivers Canary Islands’ Hydrological Year ‘in The Extreme’

Tropical Storm Hermine – converted to a tropical depression upon arrival in the Canary Islands – “saved” on the edge Hydrology Year in the Islands. before events heavy rain In late September, rainfall was barely 70% of normal, leaving the archipelago experiencing severe drought. However, its direct impact was only a few days before the end of the hydrological year. Hermione It sets all-season rainfall records, helping to ameliorate the precarious state of reservoirs, although it does not reverse. In fact, this new hydrological year begins with new deficits, as only 18% of normal rainfall has been received.

Autumn in the islands was a “variable” period. That’s what Victor Quintero, the provincial representative of the State Meteorological Agency in the Canary Islands (AIMET), said in his assessment for the autumn of 2022. a period, as he outlined, characterized by abrupt oscillations between periods of cold and “warm” final thermal behavior autumn has been warm and even very warm“, highlighted Quintero. Notably, the thermometer in the quarter marked an average of 20.8 degrees with a thermal discrepancy of 0.9 degrees. Such high temperatures were especially recorded from mid-October, as the values ​​during September Other years were within the average.

The average temperature for the quarter was 20.8 degrees, almost one degree above normal

The sweltering heat helped break several records at weather stations. In Izana (Tenerife) stands the high mountain station, which broke two records: the highest temperature of the month at 10.7 °C and the highest monthly average maximum, 14.1 °C. It should be remembered that the high mountains in the Canary Islands are the only ecosystems that are more acutely affected by the effects of climate change. In fact, around Tide, the temperature rose 1.5 degrees, 0.3 degrees above the global average. High temperature records were also broken at various stations in Lanzarote, La Palma and Gran Canaria.

However, “there have also been places where the fall has been cooler than normal,” Quinto said. This is the case north of Tenerife, north-west of Gran Canaria and La Palma. On this side of the three islands, the arrival of weak fronts caused the quarter to enjoy near-normal or even below-normal temperatures. Also in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, low temperature records were recorded in several seasons induced by the passage of Hermine.

With regard to the rainfall character of autumn, it has been very moist. Overall, the average rainfall was 120.6 liters per square metre, which is 148% above normal. But as Quinto stressed, this circumstance is entirely Arrival of Hermine, In fact, while September recorded rainfall that was four times (500% more) than normal, October received only 30% of normal and November only 10%. In this way, this month of September has become the rainiest month in the Canary Islands in the last 60 years.

September in the Canary Islands has become the wettest in the last 60 years

The passage of the tropical depression allowed several areas of the Canary Islands to have above normal values, leading to very unusual patterns such as the presence of green blankets on the southern slopes. This has been the case throughout the Canary Islands, with the exception of the northern slope, which has the same amount of accumulated rainfall as ever, and east of La Palma, which has received less than normal rainfall. This extraordinary episode led more than half of meteorological stations (57%) to break monthly rainfall records, including La Palma Airport (187.3 liters per square metre), Tenerife South (108.6) or Santa Cruz de Tenerife (107.4 ).

Because of her characteristics, Hermione was an extraordinary phenomenon. “While it is true that many cyclones form between Africa and Cape Verde, they usually move west,” Quintero explained. With this displacement they usually gain importance and become tropical cyclones or even hurricanes that eventually affect the East Coast of the United States. On this occasion, however, the cyclone deviated significantly from its normal path. Its turn to the north – something that surprised the scientists who were monitoring the event at the time – made it easier to reach the Canary Islands, but also easier to do so with less force. “Because it moved so quickly, it didn’t develop into such a powerful system, it was already extratropical,” insisted Quinto, who acknowledged that the heavy rains had a “positive effect” because they were “intense and persistent.” ” Were.

A man walks through the historic center of La Laguna during Tropical Storm ‘Hermine’. , , Carsten W. Lauritsen Veronica Pave

There are other indicators that reflect the unique autumn experienced by the Canary Islands. For example, as far as cloud cover is concerned, it has been much less than normal. This has been the least cloudy autumn since 2004, at 9% of the average. The archipelago has also experienced dense smog during the fifth of October of the year.

winter forecast

This winter is likely to be longer wet (40%) what dry However, with respect to temperature, the probabilistic models are not clear whether it will be warmer or warmer than normal. It is clear that, starting next week, a storm will pass through the Canary Islands, causing heavy rains, although “it will not be a particularly intense episode for the time being.” On the 26th, the storm will create a cocktail of instability marked by heavy rain, a sudden drop in temperature and the first snow of winter over La Palma and Tenerife. It won’t be the only thing, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura will also have an intense injection of smog.

“Dana will become a storm for the western islands, but it will also create a flow from the southeast to the African continent that will facilitate the penetration of haze into the eastern islands,” the scientists emphasize. In theory, this structure will affect the Canary Islands during the 26th and move south over the following days, “ceasing to affect the islands.” Although these are still provisional figures, forecasts for the first week of January suggest that the Canary Islands will once again be affected by several storm surges from the north of the planet. This was stated by Hervela, who indicated that from January 2 to 9, warm conditions would prevail over a good part of the peninsula and that the Canary Islands would receive above normal rainfall.

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Irish ‘silver swallows’ are migrating to the Spanish coast – The Irish Times

It’s about 8pm in Paddy’s Point pub. It’s a Monday, but the mood is buoyant and a few of the customers start singing Boys from the County Armagh. Soon the whole place joins in.

“The people we meet, most of them are retired, the same as us,” says Paul, one of the revellers, who has been coming to this spot on the Mediterranean coast near Alicante with his wife, Carmel, for about a decade. “When you meet them, they’re always in good form, it’s a bit of an adventure for them.”

Paul, like most of the customers here, on this particular evening at least, is Irish. The GAA team shirts and horse racing photos on the walls, along with the Guinness and Murphy’s on tap, help make them feel at home, even though they are a thousand miles or so from Dublin.

“When the sport’s on the TV I’d swear you were in Ireland,” says Paul. “Honest to God, the banter and the craic going on. And then you go outside and the sun hits you and you go, ‘Oh yeah, I’m in Spain!’”


Paul and Carmel are part of a generation of Irish pensioners who have bought property on the coast of the Spanish mainland or its islands and use it to escape the northern winter. Warm weather, the cost of living, cheap air travel and the easy lifestyle have all made Spain a home from home for these “swallows”, giving them a new lease of life.

Husband and wife Rory Lee and Hazel Connor, owners of Paddy’s Point pub in La Zenia.

“This winter we’re seeing a lot more Irish people coming and probably staying for longer than they might have before,” says Hazel Connor, who owns Paddy’s Point with her husband, Rory Lee. “In the past, they might have come for a couple of weeks but now they’re choosing to stay for a month, two months, three months or longer.”

Although they have a car, they rarely need it, with the beach, the promenade, the bank or the church, where they attend Sunday Mass, all within walking distance

Travel from Ireland to Spain is now back to pre-pandemic levels, with just under 1.9 million visits between January and the end of October this year. This makes Ireland the biggest source of tourism to Spain on a per capita basis. The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs said that the base level of travel to Spain remains high throughout the year and visits to the Canary Islands, where many pensioners are going, are even higher during the winter than the summer season.

Direct flights to Alicante and the Canary Islands from Dublin and Cork, in particular, have made the journey back and forth extremely accessible, especially as these travellers tend to fly during low season when the cost is lower. Aer Lingus says that it has an average of 20,000 seats per week from Ireland to Spanish destinations during the winter.

Double life

Alan and Bernadette Cuddihy, from Wexford, have been coming out since 2006 to stay in the property they own in La Zenia. They come for around six weeks at a time, between September and May, spending a total of four or five months of the year in Spain. With two grandchildren back home, they do a lot of babysitting there and they are leading what could be described as a double life.

“We don’t go out at home. Our nearest town is four miles away,” says Bernadette. “Even at the golf club, you go down and play your golf, have lunch and come home.”

I would have been getting up in the dark, going to work, coming home in the dark, and that kind of routine for me in the winter didn’t sit well. Here, even a dull day is a bright dull day

—  Gina Nolan

By contrast, when in La Zenia they visit the beach four or five times a week, enjoying what Alan, who was an environmental researcher, calls “the cleanest air in Spain”. Although they have a car, they rarely need it, with the beach, the promenade, the bank or the church, where they attend Sunday Mass, all within walking distance.

“We have everything in Ireland only we don’t have good weather,” says Alan, explaining the most obvious draw for these semi-migrants. In mid-December, the temperature along the coast near Alicante hovers around 20 Celsius, dropping to 10 degrees at night. Lanzarote is a little warmer. More hours of daylight is another draw.

“At home I suffered from the ‘sad syndrome’ this time of year, so for me this is absolute heaven,” says Gina Nolan, who has been coming to La Zenia from Wicklow with her husband Tommy since the early 2000s, before moving to Spain permanently this September.

“I would have been getting up in the dark, going to work, coming home in the dark, and that kind of routine for me in the winter didn’t sit well,” she says. “Here, even a dull day is a bright dull day. You get up in the morning, you wash, you have breakfast, do your chores, all of that. But you do it with a lighter heart.”

The cost of living also puts a spring in their step, with the Irish pension going a long way.

“Financially there’s a huge difference, particularly if you’re staying or living here on Irish earning power,” says Tommy. “The difference is colossal.” A pint of Heineken, he points out, costs around €3.70 along the Spanish coast, around €2 cheaper than in many pubs in Ireland.

Property prices

Property prices have been crucial in enticing northern Europeans to Spain for decades. Jean and Bill Kelleher bought a house in this area in 1999 for the equivalent of €53,000. They spread the word back in Cork and two of their neighbours there came out and bought the two houses next to them. Now when they come, they always buy a one-way ticket because they are never sure when they will return to Ireland.

“Both of us are 63 and we’re fit at the moment, but it’s time to get banisters for the stairs,” says Bill. But although they don’t plan to sell up their property in Ireland, nor do they expect to abandon the Mediterranean any time soon.

They’ve made a second life for themselves, a home from home here, where they have friends and companionships and things they’re involved in here, be it golf or other activities

—  Hazel Connor

“She loves it here, I love it,” says Bill. “So looking ahead, I can’t see us changing. We’re not in a rush to go back.”

House prices have risen considerably since Bill and Jean bought theirs, but an estate agent in La Zenia is advertising a three-bedroom villa with access to a pool for sale in nearby Benijófar at €185,000.

However, something less tangible than the cost of living seems to be the X-factor drawing these swallows back again and again: the warm atmosphere they have created in places such as La Zenia.

“They’ve made a second life for themselves, a home from home here, where they have friends and companionships and things they’re involved in here, be it golf or other activities,” says Hazel, the owner of Paddy’s Point.

“Many of these friendships have expanded to such an extent that they’ll meet up [in Ireland] and they’ll travel up the country and spend time together there,” says Rory, her husband.

It’s not just the cold which is left behind when they fly south, he says, but also inhibitions.

“You know how it is in small towns back home and you’re meeting the same people all the time, the same faces,” he says. “But when you come over here, you’re a little less known and you’re not even embarrassed to get up and dance, you know?”

Where to go on vacation in October: a beach holiday abroad

Author Dmitry Kirsanov Reading 9 min Views 100 Published

Many travelers are already looking forward to their vacations and long-awaited trips to picturesque beaches. Traditionally, people plan holidays during the summer months. If you want to enjoy the gentle sea and sunbathing away from people, avoid queues in front of attractions, you should consider traveling at the end or beginning of the high season. Where to go on vacation in October: a beach holiday abroad at this time is available in many parts of the world. nine0007

The Canary Islands are perfect for a beach holiday even in October. The temperature rarely drops below +18 °C, and in the summer months it reaches +30 °C. Water during the year warms up to +18…+22 °C. Therefore, in October it is quite possible to enjoy a beach holiday on the islands.

During the summer, the southern parts of the islands tend to be the warmest, while Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are the sunniest.

Tenerife, with its magnificent beaches of Playa de la Tejita and Costa Adeje, attracts millions of tourists every year. These beaches are ideal for sunbathing, surfer watching, long walks along the picturesque coastline. Playa de la Tejita attracts a huge number of kite and windsurfers. After all, it is here that the world’s largest competitions in these sports are held. nine0007

A trip to the island of Lanzarote can be no less interesting. The average daily temperature in October is +26.8 °C, at night it gets a little cooler, and the thermometer drops to +19 °C. Travelers can enjoy not only a beach holiday, but also visit the unique Cueva de los Verdes volcanic cave, which was formed about 3,000 years ago as a result of the eruption of the Corona volcano.

Gran Canaria attracts tourists with its mild climate, natural reserves, museums and endless golden beaches. This is one of the few places on Earth where in October the water temperature can be several degrees higher than the air temperature. nine0007

Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca

The island of Ibiza, which also belongs to Spain, attracts a huge number of tourists with its luxury, clubs, nightlife, fun and a huge number of young people on holiday. The heat recedes by October, creating more comfortable conditions for recreation and beach activities.

Mallorca and Menorca will be interesting not only for their virgin beaches, but also for their centuries-old history associated with the battles for the possession of these paradises. nine0007


The more southerly islands of the Dodecanese and the Cyclades in October are still quite hot and sunny. Here everyone can find something unique for themselves, whether it’s stunning beaches, ancient ruins of Greek cities or a unique history. No wonder the gods chose these islands as their abode.

The air on the island of Rhodes in October warms up to a comfortable +23°C, at night it gets a little cooler: +18°C. A huge number of attractions: fortresses, the Acropolis, parks, ruins, monasteries, attract millions of tourists every year. nine0007

Lovers of privacy will appreciate the benefits of a holiday on the small island of Milos, where only about 5,000 people live. Visiting caves, catacombs, the ancient city of Melos, the castle, museums and the unique Church of the Holy Trinity will diversify your vacation.

Crete, Euboea, Lesvos, Kos, Kefalonia and other islands are open to travelers at any time of the year, guaranteeing a good rest. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist the charm of this corner of the world, which has received the title of “cradle of civilization.” nine0007


The average temperature in October is +26.7 °C, and the day length is 10 hours. Located between Greece, Turkey and Lebanon, Cyprus is the third largest and third most populated island in the Mediterranean.

Sea temperatures are still comfortable, averaging +24°C, making October the perfect month for water sports including swimming, diving and snorkeling.

Rich history and unique culture, mild climate and fantastic beaches attract a huge number of tourists who want to bask in the gentle sun away from European autumn cities. Picturesque coasts, own vineyards, taverns serving local cuisine, a huge number of museums, temples, palaces, ancient cities, monasteries – you can hardly have enough vacation to see all the sights and enjoy your vacation. nine0007


When planning a trip to Rome, do not forget that the Tyrrhenian Sea is located just 25 kilometers from the city, famous for its beaches and developed tourist infrastructure. A wonderful opportunity to combine sightseeing with famous sights with a beach holiday on the coast of Sicily, Sardinia and other islands of the state.

The air in October warms up to +22.4 °C, which will delight lovers of sunbathing and an even tan. At this time, there are much fewer tourists in Rome, you can safely visit the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Roman Forum. nine0007

If you have a few free days, you can also go to the province of Perugia, where the 10-day chocolate festival is held. Every year in the capital of Umbria in central Italy, culinary master classes, exhibitions, tastings are organized in honor of the holiday loved by millions of people. After all, it was this place that became the birthplace of the famous baci sweets, whose name translates as “kiss”: in 1922, a chocolate maker prepared “special” sweets for her lover, and used a love letter as packaging. Needless to say, this festival of romance and tenderness attracts thousands of tourists and local residents. nine0007


Exotic lovers are advised to head to Marrakesh, the former capital of Morocco. A city with a rich history and culture, palaces, exotic gardens, bazaars and a medina is the best fit for travelers who want to get acquainted with an oriental fairy tale.

Despite the autumn season, the air at this time warms up to +28.3 °C. For a month, no more than 22 mm of precipitation falls, and a long sunny day will allow you to enjoy a beach holiday and see many attractions. nine0007

If you are lucky enough to get to Uraza-Bayram, you can see how the city comes to life and is filled with music as night approaches. Street entertainment pursuing the fragrant smells of food and delicacies of local cuisine will allow you to experience unforgettable moments from getting to know the culture and traditions of this ancient state.


October is the perfect time to visit Fiji before the rainy season starts in November.

There is a holiday for every taste: the Mamanuta Islands are suitable for outdoor enthusiasts and socialites. At this time, thousands of tourists come here to bask in the sun and explore the seabed. The cultural program is also quite rich: discos, entertainment, shopping and trips to neighboring islands. nine0007

Fans of a relaxing holiday should consider visiting the Yasawa Islands, known for their pristine nature, majestic deserted beaches and azure waters. This place has become accessible to tourists only since 1987, until that moment travelers had no chance to get acquainted with this island. Despite the scarcity of tourist infrastructure, this is an ideal opportunity to enjoy a holiday on the coast, go diving or snorkeling and meet marine life while exploring the reefs. It is impossible to refuse a visit to the Blue Lagoon. nine0007

By the way, in October-November in Fiji, locals celebrate Diwali. A wonderful opportunity to get acquainted not only with the traditions of the islanders, but also to take part in the celebration of the Hindu festival. They say that wishes made on the night of Diwali are sure to come true.


Undoubtedly, Turkey is one of the warmest places in Europe in October. And although for many tourists this country has become a classic destination, even here you can combine a full-fledged beach holiday with acquaintance with new cities and resorts. nine0007

In the first half of the month you can go to Bodrum and Marmaris. Later, the amount of rain will increase, you will have to reduce the time spent at sea.

If the vacation is planned for the second half of the month, you can book a tour to Alanya and Antalya. At this time, the weather and water are still warm, which is conducive to a beach holiday and sunbathing. In your free time, you can make a short trip to Istanbul, go shopping, walk along the streets of these famous and amazing resorts. nine0007


Is there another country that has as many legends associated with it as India. The luxury of the Maharajas’ palaces, the poverty of the slum dwellers, the most beautiful beaches, the majestic mountains with snowy peaks, the friendly dark-skinned Kerala and light-skinned Kashmiris, the unique Rajasthan, the holy Varanasi and modern megacities – where else can you find such a contrast.

October is the beginning of the tourist season in colorful and mysterious India. At this time, on the mainland, the rains are almost over, in coastal states, there may be only a few rains in a month. nine0007

In Goa and Kerala, the air temperature drops to + 31 °C… + 32 °C. At night it gets a little cooler: +26 °C. In October, you can already not only enjoy a beach holiday, but also swimming. The sea becomes much calmer and the waves appear less frequently.

In your spare time you can go shopping, sightseeing, sign up for excursions. And if the duration of the vacation allows, you can go on a tour of the states of India. The uniqueness of India lies in its diversity of cultures and traditions. nine0007

Sri Lanka

October is also suitable for traveling to Sri Lanka. And although in some parts of the country the rainy season is in full swing, you can enjoy a beach holiday if you choose the southwest coast. It is here that the air warms up to +28 °C, and at night it sometimes drops to +20 °C. The water at this time is very warm: +28 °C… +30 °C. If the waves are not very large, you can enjoy not only sunbathing, but also swimming. Lifeguards monitor the order on all beaches, so you can be 100% sure of safety. nine0007

The price of the tour will also be a pleasant surprise. After all, October is considered the low season, which means there are significant discounts from tour operators and agencies.

Sri Lanka is not only wonderful beaches, palm trees, but also amazing traditions that arose due to the interweaving of Hinduism and Buddhism. Natural monuments, endless tea plantations, unique rocky plateaus, ancient cities, temples, museums – all this attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.


October is the last opportunity to go to Bali and not postpone the trip until next year. At this time, the amount of rain gradually increases, humidity and air temperature rise to + 32 … + 34 ° C. nine0007

However, despite the weather changes, this autumn month is ideal for a beach holiday. Given the end of the season, companies often announce discounts on tours during this period.

Lovers of the underwater world are recommended resorts Amed and Tulamben, known for their clean and clear water. It may also be interesting to visit Menjangan Island. A huge variety of marine life will allow you to forget about the bustle of the surrounding world for several hours.

Bali’s beaches are also popular with surfers in October. You can practice your favorite sport off the coast of Gilimanuk, Uluwatu, Nusa Lembongan, Kuta. nine0007

Guests of the island will find something to their liking in October: river rafting, safaris, climbing a volcano, visiting temples and sights.

Do not plan a trip to Mexico, Cuba and other Caribbean coastal countries. In October, there is still a chance to experience the power of typhoons, which can be very dangerous.

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Is it worth flying to rest in Tenerife in the second half of October?

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Is it worth flying to rest in Tenerife in the second half of October?

Is it worth flying to rest in Tenerife in the second half of October?


Spain › about. Tenerife (Canaries)

I want to get a beach-excursion vacation. What is the weather and water temperature in October? Is it worth hoping that the water will be about 23-24 degrees or does this not happen in principle?


Answers • 2


Hope, because the average water temperature is 24 degrees, and air – 23 degrees in October in the Tenerife region.

Hope, because the average water temperature is 24 degrees, and air – 23 degrees in October in the Tenerife region.

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Definitely worth it! Comfortable temperature all year round.
But bring a light jacket with you. If you go to the north, it can be cool there.

Definitely worth it! Comfortable temperature all year round. nine0170
But bring a light jacket with you. If you go to the north, it can be cool there.

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Barcelonakost Blancast Bravakost del the Maresmecost Del Del Dradao.

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Copyright © 2021 EDV-BÜROSERVICE Marion Hagedorn