The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Monthly Archives: January 2023

Facts about mount teide: Teide Volcano in the Canary Islands

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 1:34 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Did you know? Curiosities behind Mount Teide – Teide by Night®

The highest peak in Spain, with 3,718 meters above sea level located in the Canary Islands, has been recognized worldwide for its spectacular skies and rich biodiversity. However, there are some peculiarities that have been unnoticed and that will surely surprise you as soon as you know them.

In Teide By Night we want to let you know some spectacular facts that will encourage you to discover more about the Teide and visit it. It is always a great place to return and lose yourself in its beauty.

Teide in the Moon

In our satellite, there is a mountain range with the name of “Montes Tenerife”, where there is, in turn, a mountain that wants to refer to the peak of Tenerife, that is, our Teide. This mountain has been called “Mons Pico”. Both formations are located in the Imbrium mare, since it was formerly thought to be a sea.

The Canary Islands, in the old Spanish currency

The bill of 1,000 pesetas in Spain, during the decade of the 80s, carried the Canary Islands in it. On the back. there was one of the most iconic images that have been taken from Teide, from the Roques of García in particular. If we compare the image of the bill with a photograph taken from the same perspective, we will know approximately from where the photograph was taken. In addition, on the obverse, it was the image of Benito Pérez Galdós, one of the most illustrious Canarian writers.

Image source:

A place to recover from respiratory illnesses

Almost hidden and known only by very few people, it is the construction of a recovery center for people with respiratory problems. The work of this building was not completed but, in the last century, there were many visitors suffering from tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia. etc. that came to the Canary Islands looking for milder climates.

The patients built their own shelters, staying in the Teide National Park for long periods. Fortunately, the scientific advances helped patients to have other ways of recovery, so the construction of the center was paralyzed.

To access this corner of the National Park, you can go through the path number 16, either from the cable car or from the National Parador, in this case, first through the path of the seven canyons.

The perfect shadow of Teide

Although the Teide does not have a completely regular shape, its shadow’s projection represents a cone, given by the perspective created by the inclination of the Sun’s rays, which, being almost parallel to the Earth’s surface, lengthens and deforms the perspective.

Astronomical observation area

The Top of Guajara, 1,000 meters below the Teide, has been the scene of astronomical observation since the 20th century. The astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900) went two months for doing studies in which he observed the Moon, the planets, even distinguished the rings of Saturn. It has also been a place to observe the trajectory of Halley’s comet.

A film set called Teide

Since 1960, the Teide has been a special setting for filming in it. In 1966, the film One Million Years was filmed there, starring Raquel Welch. Recently other great productions have been shot like Ulysses against Hercules, Clash of the Titans, Fast & Furious 6 or Rambo V: Last Blood.


The closest thing of being on Mars

There are many analogies between the conditions in the Teide and Mars. In fact, tests have been carried out on materials and research instruments that will be taken to Mars. In 2010, the Raman instrument was tested, as a part of the ESA-NASA Exomars 2016-2018 expedition. There have also been trial tests for the search for life on Mars and new robotic vehicles.

Mount Teide Facts: Know More About The Highest Peak In Spain

Teide, sometimes known as Mount Teide, is a volcano in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.

Its peak, at 12,188 ft (3,715 m), is both the highest point of Spain as well as the highest point above sea level in the Atlantic Ocean region. Teide is the fourth-highest volcano in the world, with a peak height of 24,600 ft (7,500 m) as measured from the ocean bottom, and is UNESCO and NASA’s third-tallest volcanic edifice after Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

Teide’s base, however, is located in Las Cañadas crater (remnants of an older, eroded, extinct volcano) at the height of roughly 7,190 ft (2,190 m) above sea level, since it was created barely 170,000 years ago due to volcanic eruption after a catastrophic landslide. Tenerife is the 10th tallest island on the globe due to its height above sea level. Teide is one of the active volcanoes of the world, with the most recent eruption taking place in 1909 from the El Chinyero vent in the Santiago rift in the northeastern part of the Canary Islands.

The landscape surrounding Mt. Teide may seem like a desert area. Several flora and animals, however, call this location home. More than 168 plant species thrive on its fertile volcanic soil. The peak is also surrounded by beautiful pine forests.

Location Of Mount Teide

Mount Teide is a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain. At an average height of 6,562 ft (2,000 m), Teide National Park is situated in the heart of Tenerife.

What type of volcano is Mount Teide?

Mount Teide is a stratovolcano produced by millennia of consecutive eruptions that have built up layer upon layer of volcanic waste. Las Cañadas is made up of two semi-craters separated by Los Roques de Garca, a series of rock formations in Teide National Park.

Lava Type Of Mount Teide

Perhaps the most spectacular volcanic characteristics of this volcano are the sinuous flow levees that define separate lava flows. When the outside borders of a channelized lava flow cool and solidify while the molten central volcano continues to flow downwards, flow levees develop. The summits of Pico de Teide and Pico Viejo each have several instances radiating outwards. To the east-southeast of the Teide stratovolcano, overlapping brown to tan lava flows and domes can be seen. In 2004, fumarolic (hot gases and smoke) activity, carbon dioxide emissions, and increased seismicity were detected inside Las Cañadas caldera and along the volcano’s northern sides. This volcano is being monitored to see whether it is reactivating.

Hiking At Mount Teide

With over 30 routes to select from in Teide National Park, Tenerife provides something for everyone who enjoys hiking. Teide hiking routes, which go to Mount Teide’s peak at 12,188 ft (3,715 m), provide the most beautiful views. Sir Edmund Scory first identified these pathways in the 17th century.

You can enjoy the following activities depending on the hiking paths you choose.

The footpath that follows the ancient summit route of Mountain Teide is the most difficult path up the mountain and is all done on foot.

The walk to the Mirador de La Fortaleza viewpoint offers spectacular views over the northern slope of Tenerife and the incredible ocean floor of clouds.

The route that leads to Pico Viejo viewpoint offers spectacular views of the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, and La Gomera on the horizon, as well as the multicolored Pico Viejo crater of Spain, which is 2624.6 ft (800 m) in diameter.

The route to the Teide crater is a spectacular hike, but the entrance to this crater requires special free permission.


What is interesting about Mount Teide?

This volcano is stunning, and it takes on a distinct appearance depending on the weather. However, the beauty of this location is not the sole reason for its significance. When it comes to research, this volcano provides a wealth of knowledge about Earth’s geological processes. Also, with a height of 7778.9 ft (2371 m), this mountain experiences temperatures below zero for 10 months of the year. This causes the mountain to be blanketed in snow often, particularly at its highest points. Because it has very little precipitation, it has a significantly thinner snow cover than the Alps.

Why is Mount Teide famous?

Mount Teide is one of the world’s most well-known volcanoes. It is well-known for its beauty, vastness, and, perhaps most importantly, its closeness to the European continent. Mt. Teide, at 12,188 ft (3,715 m), is the highest peak in Spain. It is also the tallest mountain outside of the Alps in western Europe. Every morning around dawn, this volcanic mountain casts a massive triangle-shaped shadow over the surrounding area. The extent of this shadow is a little more than 3% of the journey between Florida in the United States and Canary Islands, which is incredible.

Will Mount Teide erupt again?

Mount Teide, an active but dormant volcano, might erupt again, and the island’s lack of stability has led some seismologists to speculate that an eruption could trigger a mega-tsunami that could impact the eastern United States.

How old is Mount Teide?

Teide has formed 170,000 years ago after a catastrophic landslide.

How did Mount Teide form?

According to the most prominent theories, Caldera de Las Cañadas crater was produced by a gravity slide or a sinking crater. Mt. Teide is a stratovolcano produced by millennia of consecutive eruptions that have built up layer upon layer of volcanic waste.

How many times has Mount Teide erupted?

Mt. Teide has erupted at least six times in the previous 500 years, according to confirmed historical reports.

What is the closest city to Mount Teide?

Garachico is the closest city to Mt. Teide.

How long does it take to climb Mount Teide?

It takes approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes to climb the slopes of Mt. Teide, whereas the descent takes about 4 hours and 15 minutes at the very least.


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Where to see volcanoes in Russia

There are special mountains on our planet. They store energy that can destroy cities, stop air travel between countries, cause tsunamis and change the weather.

Volcanoes are geological formations that appear at the site of earth faults. Magma comes out through them, forming lava, a large amount of water vapor, gas and ash. There are more than a thousand volcanoes on Earth, a quarter of them are under water.

How do volcanoes form? Why do they fall asleep and then break their silence? Where in Russia are these fire-breathing creatures? And what trips to go to see them? We answer these questions in our article.

How volcanoes work

Extremely high temperatures deep underground. Because of this, the rocks melt and turn into a viscous substance called magma. It is much lighter than the surrounding hardwoods. When there is a lot of magma, it rises and flows into the magma chamber.

Fissures or volcanic channels radiate from it. Those of them that go outside form the mouth of the volcano. Through it, magma breaks out to the surface.

Coming out of the ground, magma turns into lava. Its temperature reaches 1000°C. It flows down the side of the mountain, cools and slowly hardens. The viscosity of the lava determines the shape of the volcano. The more compounds of silicon and oxygen or silica in it, the denser it is. Inviscid lava spreads far from the vent and forms gentle slopes. Thick lava quickly hardens and gives the volcano a cone shape.

Active, dormant and extinct volcanoes

Scientists divide volcanoes into active, dormant and extinct. It depends on when the last eruption occurred. It also takes into account the likelihood that the volcano will erupt again.

Volcanoes that periodically erupt at the present time are called active. Examples of active volcanoes are San Pedro in Chile, Popocatepetl in Mexico, Kerinci in Indonesia, Etna in Sicily, and Klyuchevskaya Sopka in Kamchatka.

Dormant volcanoes are considered to be those that do not show any activity, but can return to action. The dormant volcano Teide is located in the Canary Islands, Vesuvius is located in Italy, Yellowstone in the USA.

An extinct volcano is a volcano that has not been active for more than ten thousand years. His magma has cooled, and he is unlikely to wake up. For example, Sutter Bute and Clear Lake in California have been silent for 1.4 million years. Sometimes extinct volcanoes wake up, and they are transferred to the active category. This happened to the El Chichon volcano in 1982 year. Scientists studied it after it awoke and found that the previous eruption was only 1,200 years ago.

Volcanoes of Russia

Where are the most volcanoes in Russia?

The largest number of volcanoes on Earth is located in South and Central America, Hawaii, Iceland and Alaska. Russia is also not far behind.

  • 30 active and a couple of hundred extinct volcanoes form a single volcanic belt on the eastern coast of Kamchatka.
  • 168 volcanoes are located on the Kuril Islands. They are divided into surface and underwater. 37 of them are active. The Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions together make up 8.3% of the world’s active volcanoes.
  • The map of volcanoes in Russia includes the Caucasus, the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, Siberia, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

Extinct, dormant or never become volcanoes?

Elbrus in the Caucasus

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia and Europe. This is a volcano that stopped its activity about a thousand years ago. But scientists are in no hurry to classify it as extinct. Glaciers are melting on Elbrus. The temperature of the mountain reaches +21°C. It seems that a dormant volcano may well remind of itself.

Volcanoes of Baikal

Calm waters of Baikal are deceptive. Earthquakes occur here, there are thermal springs. This confirms the seismic activity in the region, which means that new fire-breathing mountains may well form here. In the area of ​​the largest lake in Russia, there are also volcanoes that are extinct:

  • in Tunka Valley,
  • on the Ushkany Islands,
  • in the area of ​​Cedar Capes and the Baikal Range,
  • and at the bottom of the ocean

Mount Ayu-Dag in the Crimea

A well-known natural object of the Crimea, Mount Ayu-Dag, never joined the volcanoes. The formation process took 160 million years, magma collected inside the mountain. But she never broke through. Having frozen, the magma formed a “cork” in the mountain. Therefore, scientists are sure that Ayu-Dag will not show its hot-tempered character.

Putorana Plateau in Siberia

Putorana Plateau are basalt mountains. They were formed during the eruption of a huge volcano, which happened tens of millions of years ago. Four million hectares of the massif of volcanic nature are classified by UNESCO as a world heritage of mankind. Local residents, Evenki and Nenets, believe that the Fiery God, the master of the underworld, lives here.

The most “outstanding” volcanoes in Russia

Kamchatka is a leader in volcanic activity in our country. Here are the most active, dangerous, large and beautiful volcanoes. And also extinct and those who have decided to rest for the time being.

There are six areas on the peninsula, which together are included in the UNESCO list of natural heritage sites. 30 active and 300 extinct volcanoes are located on their territory:

  • Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve. It is located on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Includes 26 volcanoes, 12 of them are active.
  • Bysrinsky Natural Park. It is located in the middle part of Kamchatka. Located in the southeast of Kamchatka. The maximum mark here is 3607 m. This is the height of the active volcano Ichinskaya Sopka.
  • Nalychevo Nature Park. Nalychevo is located in the southeast of Kamchatka. There are four active volcanoes in the park.
  • The South Kamchatka Natural Park in southern Kamchatka combines flat coastal areas and exotic cone-shaped hills
  • The South Kamchatka Federal Reserve is located at the extreme southern tip of Kamchatka. An important migration route for migratory birds runs through the reserve.
  • Klyuchevskoy Natural Park is located in the eastern part of Kamchatka. Home here – Klyuchevskaya Sopka

The most dangerous volcanoes

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

The highest among the active volcanoes of Eurasia. And also one of the most formidable. Height – 4750 meters. It is located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Eruptions have been repeated over the past seven thousand years. Over 270 years, more than 50 major eruptions have been recorded.


Of the active volcanoes in Russia, it is located to the north of all. The age exceeds 60 thousand years. The nearby village of Klyuchi is covered with volcanic ash after each eruption. In July 2017, there were numerous explosions. Ashes were thrown up to a height of 10 kilometers.

Karymskaya Sopka

Since the volcano has erupted 20 times over the past hundred years, it is considered the most active in Kamchatka. In July 2017, the ash plume stretched for 91 km south of the peninsula. When Karymskaya Sopka wakes up, it usually wakes up volcanoes in the neighborhood.

The largest volcanoes


After Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Ushkovsky is next in height among active volcanoes. Its height is 3943 meters. It is located in the central part of Kamchatka, west of Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Together with the Krestovsky volcano, it forms a single volcanic massif. The last time Ushkovsky erupted at the end of the 19th century.


Belongs to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Height – 3682 m. It consists of Ostroy Tolbachik, Plosky Tolbachik and a gently sloping dome. The diameter of the crater reaches two kilometers. This volcano has very spectacular eruptions. Lava flows flow down from cracks, not up. The last time it erupted was in 1975-1976.

The most beautiful volcano

Avachinskaya Sopka

This active volcano is located in the south of the Eastern Range. Height – 2741 m. The upper part is covered with glaciers, and forests grow on the slopes. After the eruption of 1991, the picturesque formations of Avacha were rightfully included in the list of the most beautiful types of volcanoes on the planet.

Despite the danger posed by volcanoes, they attract many adventurers. If you want to see the mountains that store the fire, read on what trips you can do this.

On a two-week trip to Kamchatka you will see active volcanoes. Climb up to the crater of the Mutnovsky volcano. Moving along the lava flow and slag fields, climb Gorely volcano. You will reach the massif, which is formed by Sharp and Plosky Tolbachik. And also admire the real giants of the peninsula – Klyuchevskoy Sopka, Krestovsky and Ushkovsky volcanoes. You will also meet dolphins, sea lions and killer whales, raft down the Bystraya River and observe the wild nature of Kamchatka.

Tested for yourself: find out how this trip around Kamchatka goes

Iturup is not like other Kuril Islands. There are white rocks, hot lakes, beautiful bays, fogs and black sand. On a trip to the largest island of the Kuril chain, you will admire the Baransky volcano, see fumarole fields and hardened lava on the seashore.

Climbing the highest peak in Russia and Europe is not an easy task. But every year Elbrus attracts those who want to test their strength. If you also dream of seeing the Caucasus from the highest point of the majestic volcano, test yourself in climbing the legendary mountain.

The Putorana Plateau is of volcanic origin. Several million years ago there was a supervolcano here. Under the influence of various tectonic processes, modern canyons were formed in the region. On a sightseeing tour here you will admire the northern taiga, steep cliffs and cascades of waterfalls. Climbing up to the plateau, you will see the panorama of Lake Lama. You will visit the mystical places of Shaitan Mountain. And you will learn legends about shamans who believe that the plateau has special strength and energy.

If you would like to get to know volcanoes better, contact us and we will find the right trip for you. Call tel. +7 (495) 104-64-36 or write to [email protected]

Fascinating climb to the Teide volcano of Tenerife

Teide is a stratovolcano on the island of Tenerife, with a peak height of 3718 meters above sea level, ), but currently dormant. This suggests that Tenerife may still be erupting. Its relative height from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is 7500 meters. It is the highest point in this ocean and all of Spain, as well as the third largest volcano on Earth from the base (bottom), along with Volk. Mauna Kea and Volk. Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

The Teide Volcano with the Teide National Park are one protected area declared on June 28, 2007 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In addition, December 31, 2007 is included in the “12 Treasures of Spain”. It is currently considered the main attraction of the island of Tenerife, a symbol and natural monument of the Canary Islands. He was admired by Columbus, Darwin and Captain Cook, travelers are sure to try to visit him. The top of the volcano majestically rises above the island, it can be seen from almost anywhere on the island. It is he who is depicted on the coat of arms of Tenerife and is his symbol.

Origin of the name

The name Teide comes from the translation of the word “Echeide”, from the language of the ancient inhabitants of the Guanches. So called it the natives of the island of Tenerife. “Echeide” – the name of the mountain (meaning in the interpretation as an axis or pillar – connecting heaven, earth and the underworld). It was a sacred place for them. After Spanishization, the Castillians translated this word as – “hell”.


In the gorges of Teide or Las Cañadas (Spanish: Las Canadas del Teide) is the best record of human history in Tenerife, due to the great wealth of archaeological finds.

Teide and Las Cañadas were not only of spiritual importance to the Guanches, but also fundamental means of survival during certain seasons. During the summer, there was a concentration of livestock and shepherds descending from all over the island.

The Guanches called Teide – “Echeyde”, according to their concepts, this is the place that served as the dwelling of the demon “Guayot”. According to mythology, “Guayota” kidnapped the God of Light and the Sun – “Maheka” (Spanish Magec) and hid inside “Echeyde”. Then darkness took possession of the island and the Guanches asked for help from Achaman (Spanish Achaman), its supreme heavenly deity. God Achaman defeated Guayot, released “Mahek” from captivity, and planted the culprit deep into “Echeyde”, plugging the top with a cork. They say that the cork that Achamán placed is the so-called “Sugar Hill” (Spanish: Pilón de Azúcar), the upper light cone that crowns the peak of Teide to the present day.

The Guanche legend is supposed to coincide with the last major eruption in the “Echeyde” area.

Admiral Christopher Columbus during his crossing through the Canary Islands, on the night of August 24, 1492. Before sailing to America, he wrote in his ship’s log:

“… The Admiral decided on August 23 to return with his two ships to the island of Gran Canaria. We sailed the next day and spent that night close to Tenerife. At the top, which is the highest, large flashes of flame were seen coming out, which amazed people and gave them a similar idea of ​​​​the cause of the emission of flashes of fire. Mount Etna in Sicily and many other peaks were the same analogous comparative example, where the same thing was visible . .. ”

Volcanologists with geological mapping and text analysis have proven that the admiral’s description is consistent with the eruption of the volcano “Boca Cangrejo”, being the first known historical eruption in Tenerife.

Teide formation

Stage 1

During the Miocene and early Pliocene, three large volcanoes formed on the shield: Teno, Anaga and Adeje. These large centers of ejecta were flooded with lava flows in all directions, creating the first basalt igneous rocks, pyroclastic deposits in the form of domes, dams, flows. It is roughly estimated that each took three million years to form. Currently, under the influence of time and the environment, they are strongly eroded.

Stage 2

The second stage is characterized by the cessation of volcanic activity of three massifs. During this phase, which is estimated to last a million years, erosive agents such as sun, wind, rain, temperature changes, etc. began to break down the previously formed volcanic masses.

At this stage, a drainage network began to form, most of the ravines were created, natural trachyte-phonolite dams, which are observed on the island to this day.

Stage 3

Following the period of inactivity, a new post-Miocene volcanic period begins. At this stage, the base of Teide, known as Las Cañadas, is created. The new formation connects three huge massifs created in the first stage, creating geomorphological reliefs of the circle.

Stage 4

The destruction of Las Cañadas begins, either under the influence of collapse or due to gravitational slip. A series of eruptions and strong explosions brings with it the first pyroclastic deposits (ignimbrites) in the northern and southern zones.

Stage 5

The last stage of formation approximately began about one million years ago. There is a creation of a real stratovolcano Teide with its daughter “Pico Viejo”. The daughter volcano “Pico Viejo” is the second volcanic mountain that adjoins Teide from the west. Subsequently, fissure eruptions occur from Teide to Anaga on the spine, then from Pico Viejo to Teno to Adeje, they fill cracks and depressions, forming the current view that has come down to our days.

Approximately 150,000 years ago, after strong ejections and ground subsidence, a Caldera was created with its size of 16 by 9 km. Construction will continue, along with the ejection of lava. Seismic sensors continue to record daily shocks, but they are not significant while the volcano is dormant.

Funicular on the Teide

It is better to plan in advance to visit the main attraction of the island, its symbol and heritage. If you decide to climb the very peak of Teide, and it’s worth it, then you need to order a free permit. You need to take care about two months before arrival, since the queues to get it are long. The permit is ordered on the website “”. After you have ordered it for a free date and time, you need to purchase a ticket for the ascent, for the time (slightly earlier) in the received permit to the peak. The site of the cable car and the purchase of a ticket to the peak is “”. The funicular will take you up to a height of 3555 meters, the remaining 163 meters you need to overcome on foot.

What can you see?

Climbing to an altitude of 3555 meters, you will enjoy vast views of the island of Tenerife and volcanic activity over millions of years creating the kind that will appear before your eyes. That greatness of nature and enormous power, which built a land practically from scratch in the Atlantic Ocean, where a diverse climate takes possession of every corner of this soil. Bizarre forms of mountain structures, frozen lava above creeping dense clouds, looming forms of about. Tenerife and the caldera formed 150,000 years ago. And of course the neighboring Canary Islands, clearly visible in the distance.

All of the above beckons to see with your own eyes, to feel the ringing silence of centuries-old places. The cable car tour and colorful views will leave you with many pleasant memories for years to come.


Climbing is not recommended for people with heart or lung disease, pregnant women and children under two years of age due to the health risks associated with altitude. Before climbing, we recommend consulting a doctor. The unusual level of your being at a height when moving will affect you with deep breaths, due to insufficient oxygenated air.

  • Shoes with sturdy soles.
  • Wind and cold weather clothing (even in summer)
  • Protect from sunlight
  • Sunglasses should be worn due to the strong sun.
How to get to Mount Teide

Only two bus lines no. 342 from the south and no. 348 from the north carry passengers to the funicular. From the southern resorts: Playa de Las Americas, Costa Adeje, Los Cristianos on route No. 342 from TITSA. Departs once a day from Costa Adeje station at 09:15, from the station in Los Cristianos at 09:30. Leaves back at 15:40.

From Puerto de La Cruz at 09:15 to number 348 once a day, back at 16:05.

Distances to the funicular:
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife: 64 Km
  • San Cristobal de La Laguna: 55 Km
  • Puerto de la Cruz: 45 Km
  • Los Gigantes: 52 Km
  • Los Cristianos: 47 Km
  • Playa de Las Americas: 50 Km
  • El Medano: 52 Km

For those people who didn’t take care in advance, you need to buy a ticket at the box office, but it’s better to buy it on the official website in advance. At the entrance to the funicular station, there are two lines, this is a general one and for those who have a ticket, it is faster. Next, on this day you want to go to the Teide volcano. To do this, you need to call +(34) 922-010-440 and find out if the lift is working today, as it is often closed due to strong winds, maintenance, snowfall in winter or other problems for safety reasons. If it is difficult to call you, then ask at the reception of your place of stay (hotel), we assume that you will not be denied. It is also possible to find out on the official website, in the upper right corner of

If you bought a ticket on the official website, and the cable car is not working, then it is possible to reschedule the date of the visit to another day or issue a refund through the website.

There are several types of tickets: for children, ascent only, descent only, ascent and descent (standard). A one-way ticket is purchased mainly by those travelers who want to stay overnight at the Altavista mountain camp site or hike along a special trail for this purpose.

  • Ascent and descent: Adult: €27 , Child (3-13 years): €13.50
  • Lift: adult and child €13.50
  • Descent: adult and child €13.50
Opening hours

Start: 09:00
Last ascent: 16:00
Last descent: 16:50

Do not forget that due to weather conditions, such as strong gusty winds, rain and snow, the funicular close.

Tenerife airport south arrivals: Tenerife South Airport (TFS) – Flight Arrivals

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 1:14 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Tenerife South airport arrivals & departures today, flight information

— Airports in Spain –La CorunaAlicanteAlmeriaBadajozBarcelonaGironaBilbaoGranadaIbizaLanzaroteGran-CanariaMadridMalagaAsturiasPalma-de-MallorcaSan-SebastianSevilleValenciaVigoZaragoza







Tenerife South Airport on the map


TIme Flight Departure Airlines Status
09:05 VY3220 Barcelona BCN Vueling Scheduled
09:05 IB5716 Barcelona BCN Iberia Scheduled
09:10 2768 Paris BVA Malta Air Scheduled
09:15 FR6738 Marseille MRS Ryanair Scheduled
09:20 FR2847 Madrid MAD Ryanair Scheduled
09:20 HV4730 Paris ORY Transavia Scheduled
10:10 FR2793 Hahn HHN Ryanair Scheduled
10:10 X31753 Brussels BRU TUIfly Scheduled
10:15 FR563 Brussels CRL Ryanair Scheduled
10:20 FR2418 Berlin BER Ryanair Scheduled
10:25 FR4334 Manchester MAN Ryanair Scheduled
10:35 FR1811 Milan MXP Ryanair Scheduled
10:40 FR2831 Shannon SNN Ryanair Scheduled
10:55 DE1428 Dusseldorf DUS Condor Scheduled
11:05 DK1736 Gothenburg GOT Sunclass Airlines Scheduled
11:10 FR5713 Leicestershire EMA Ryanair Scheduled
11:10 FR6621 Edinburgh EDI Ryanair Scheduled
11:20 DK1210 Billund BLL Sunclass Airlines Scheduled
11:20 U27941 Amsterdam AMS easyJet Scheduled
11:25 VY6608 London LGW Vueling Scheduled
11:25 BA8138 London LGW British Airways Scheduled

See also: All arrivals to Tenerife Airport →
Source – www. (We don’t guarantee the accuracy of arrival flights information available from the service.)


Time Flight Arrival Airline Status
01:25 DY2879 Helsinki HEL Norwegian Air Shuttle AOC Estimated 01:35
06:35 I23927 Madrid MAD Iberia Express Estimated 06:35
06:35 AA8625 Madrid MAD American Airlines Estimated 06:35
06:35 AA8683 Madrid MAD American Airlines Estimated 06:35
06:35 AT9043 Madrid MAD Royal Air Maroc Estimated 06:35
06:35 AV6053 Madrid MAD SA AVIANCA Estimated 06:35
06:35 CX1872 Madrid MAD Cathay Pacific Estimated 06:35
06:35 QR6543 Madrid MAD Qatar Airways Estimated 06:35
06:35 VY5473 Madrid MAD Vueling Estimated 06:35
07:00 NT156 Las Palmas LPA Binter Canarias Estimated 07:10
07:00 IB618 Las Palmas LPA Iberia Estimated 07:10
07:50 X31265 Edinburgh EDI TUIfly Estimated 07:50

See also: All departures from Tenerife airport →
Source – www. (We don’t guarantee the accuracy of departure flights information available from the service)

Tenerife South Airport – coupons, vouchers, lounges and parking

Tenerife Island, Spain (ES)

  2. Airports
  3. Tenerife South Airport – TFS

Getting around the airport

Single terminal

Tenerife South Airport lies on the southern tip of Tenerife, 60km away from the island’s capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is the larger of two airports on the island (the other is Tenerife North Airport, handling mostly inter-island and domestic flights), and the largest international airport in the Canary Islands.

There are three levels, but you’ll mostly only use Level 0 (ground floor), which is divided into two areas:

  • Check-in areas for Schengen and non-Schengen flights
  • The Arrivals area with passport control, baggage claim, and customs

You’ll find Gates 1-34 running from the west to the east side. Level 1 has a chapel and airside VIP lounge. There is a small selection of restaurants both landside and airside, and decent shopping options.

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Getting into Santa Cruz

By bus, shuttle or taxi

As a major European beach destination, you may be heading to a number of places on the island, with various options to get there:

Public buses

Local buses leave regularly from outside arrivals. Bus 111 links the airport with Santa Cruz. It leaves every 30 minutes from 08:30-22:00.

Cost: EUR 9.35
Location: Main Terminal, before security, arrivals, ground level

Shuttle bus

You can book shared shuttle buses with hotel drop-off online before you travel (at least 48 hours in advance). This can be worth your while if your party is more than four people. 


For a little more convenience, you can take a taxi to most locations on the island. Official taxis will have a green light on the roof and the initials SP on the boot. Taxis will only take up to four people.

Cost: Around EUR 80-100 to Santa Cruz, EUR 35 to Playa de las Americas, EUR 30 to Los Cristianos
Location: Main Terminal, before security, arrivals, ground level

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Montaña Roja Lounge

VIP Lounge

Tenerife South airport only offers free Wi-Fi for 30 minutes; if you need to get work done, head to the Montaña Roja Vip Lounge. This lounge offers Wi-Fi, TV, conference facilities, newspapers, food and beverages. One time pass EUR 23.50.

Location: Main Terminal, after security, departures, level 1
Opening hours: 
07:00-22:00 Mon
07:00-23:00 Tue and Sat
07:00-21:00 Wed and Thu
07:00-00:00 Fri
07:00-22:30 Sun

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Getting to Tenerife North Airport

Take Bus Route 343

Route 343 runs directly between Tenerife North and Tenerife South airports. The non-stop journey takes 50 minutes. Buses leave approximately every 40 minutes to an hour from 08:41 – 23:18.

Location: Main Terminal, before security, arrivals, ground level
Cost: EUR 9.70

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Popular airlines at Tenerife South Airport

Flight status Ryanair

Flight status Jet2.


Flight status Condor

Flight status easyJet



Individual transfers in Tenerife

Russian speaking driver on request (additional fee may apply).

Surcharge for night hours (from 22:00 to 08:00) + 20% to the transfer cost.

Additional payment for public holidays + 20% to the transfer cost.

Supplement for a compulsory car seat for children under 12 years of age – 15 €/one way (in transfer requests, the age of the child must be indicated). nine0007

Supplement for the transport of sports equipment (windsurfing board, surfboard, bicycle, golf clubs, etc.) – 45 €/one way.

Waiting time at the airport 1 hour from the estimated time of arrival.

No Show – 100% penalty.

On holidays, dates of congresses and exhibitions, additional payment is possible in some directions (For details, ask the manager when booking).

From South Airport (Reina Sofia)

Route (cost one way)

1-3 pers.

4-7 pers.

8-9 pers.

10-15 pers.

Amarilla / El Medano / Golf del Sur

nine0034 40 €

65 €

80 €

95 €

Las Galletas / Los Cristianos / Las Americas / Costa Adeje

50 €

75 €

110 €

125 €

Playa Paraiso / Sueño Azul

65 €

90 €

125 €

150 €

Guia de Isora / Los Gigantes

75 €

100 €

155 €

175 €

Santa Cruz

105 €

125 €

nine0034 190 €

210 €

Puerto de la Cruz / Santa Ursula

125 €

150 €

280 €

300 €


140 €

190 €

On request

On request

Luxury cars from South Airport (Reina Sofia)

Route (cost one way)

Mercedes E class

1 – 3 people

Mercedes S class

1 – 3 people

Mercedes VIANO

4 – 7 people

Amarilla / El Medano / Golf del Sur

170 €

195 €

On request

Las Galletas / Los Cristianos / Las Americas / Costa Adeje

170 €

195 €

Playa Paraiso / Sueño Azul

195 €

225 €

Guia de Isora / Los Gigantes

225 €

250 €

Santa Cruz

270 €


320 €

Puerto de la Cruz / Santa Ursula

310 €

335 €


On request

On request


From North Airport (Los Rodeos)

Route (cost one way)

1-3 pers.

Average weather tenerife november: Tenerife weather in November ()

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 1:13 am


Категории: November

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Past Weather in Berlin, Germany — Yesterday or Further Back › Weather › Germany › Berlin

High & Low Weather Summary for the Past Weeks ; 10 °F (Dec 15, 3:50 am), 67% (Dec 29, 11:20 am), 29.56 “Hg (Dec 22, 12:50 pm) ; 36 °F · 90%, 29.95 “Hg …

Past Weather in Berlin, Berlin, Germany — Yesterday or Further Back › Weather › Berlin

High & Low Weather Summary for the Past Weeks ; 10 °F (Dec 15, 3:50 am), 69% (Dec 12, 11:20 pm), 29.56 “Hg (Dec 22, 12:50 pm) ; 34 °F · 90%, 29.95 “Hg …

Weather History & Data Archive | Weather Underground › history

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Storm to ring in the new year with severe weather, snow in central US · Heavy snow grinds traffic to a halt on I-70 near Denver leaving motorists stuck for …

What was the weather on a certain date? – Visual Crossing › resources › blog › what-…

18.01.2021 · Easily find any day’s weather data for any global location in the last 50 years, presented with detailed historical averages in beautiful …

Finding past weather…Fast – National Weather Service › help-past-weather

It’s important to double check the station name, month, and year listed at the top of the page to ensure you have the correct location and time that you’re …

Past Weather by Zip Code – Data Table | NOAA › maps-data › dataset › past-weath…

How much rain fell over the weekend? What was the temperature over the last few weeks? Tables of daily weather observations can answer these common . ..

Weather History Archive: Historical Weather Data by Date › weather › history

See past weather reports with the Almanac’s weather history tool. … What was the weather like on your birthday or another date in history? Find out!

Historical weather observations and statistics – Bureau of Meteorology › Climate › Data services

Daily weather observations for the past 14 months can also be accessed from … you to determine what historical weather observations are available for your …

Lookup Weather History or The Temperature On This Day Last Year › temperature-this-day-last-year

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puerto-rico-monthly-weather – Google Suche



San juan, PR Monthly Weather Forecast – weather. com › weather › monthly › San+juan+PR brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for San juan, PR with average/record and high/low temperatures, precipitation and more.

Ähnliche Fragen

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What is the average monthly temperature in Puerto Rico?

Is there a rainy season in Puerto Rico?

What is the hottest month in Puerto Rico?

San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico Monthly Weather | AccuWeather › san-juan › october-weather

Get the monthly weather forecast for San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead.

Puerto Rico’s Climate and Average Temperatures › reference › tempera

The climate is Tropical Marine with an average temperature of 80 °F (26 °C). The coldest month is January with an average low of 70 °F (21 °C) and an . ..

December to April: Festivals and Holidays (high season)
December to March: Great weather, wind and water surfing
December to June: Site seeing and sports
October to December: Beach time

Puerto Rico Climate, Weather By Month, Average Temperature … › Average-Weather-in-Puerto-Ric…

The climate in Puerto Rico is hot, oppressive, windy, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 72°F to 88°F and …

Climate San Juan (North Puerto Rico), averages › average-monthly-Rainfal…

Average day and night temperature · Monthly hours of sunshine · Daily percent of sunshine · Average water temperature · Monthly precipitation · Monthly rainy days.

30-day weather forecast in Puerto Rico – › Weather in Colombia › Meta

30-day weather forecast in Puerto Rico, Colombia ☀️ Accurate monthly weather forecast for Puerto Rico ⛅ Detailed forecast ➦ By month ✓ Current . ..

San Juan, Puerto Rico Temperatures: Averages by Month › Puerto-Rico › Places › sa…

Detailed temperature information for San Juan, Puerto Rico covering average monthly highs and lows plus number of days with hot or cool weather.

Puerto rico monthly weather – Panettone cotto a legna › puerto-rico-monthly-weather

S. C. com brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico with average/record and high/low temperatures, …

Puerto Rico, USA – Climate & Monthly weather forecast › States › Puerto Rico, USA

Puerto Rico – Climate and weather forecast by month. Detailed climate information – average monthly weather for all locations.

San Juan Monthly Weather Averages: Rain, Temperatures › puerto_rico_average_weather

San Juan’s average monthly weather has temperatures ranging from the low 80s .

Fuerteventura castillo caleta de fuste: Barceló Fuerteventura Castillo, Caleta De Fuste – Updated 2022 Prices

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 1:07 am


Категории: Miscellaneous


Very good171171 reviews10

Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste


Caleta De Fuste,


75 photos

75 photos

75 photos

75 photos

75 photos


TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

read all 6296 verified reviews

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

6of 21 hotels in Caleta de Fuste


Avenida Del Castillo, S/N,
Caleta De Fuste,

View map


Featuring a free parking lot, a spa center and an outdoor swimming pool along with the a la carte restaurant, this unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste offers accommodation in Caleta de Fuste district. This hotel is a good starting point to Caleta De Fuste’s sights including Castillo de San Buenaventura and Playa del Castillo Beach.


The modern hotel is 18 minutes’ stroll of Centro Comercial Atlantico Fuerteventura and directly on the golden beach. You can also visit La Guirra Beach, which is located in 25 minutes’ stroll from the exclusive accommodation. You will reach Casino within a 25-minute walk.

Caleta de Fuste bus station is located 15 minutes away from Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo on foot.


There are air-conditioned rooms at this comfortable accommodation, some of them feature free wireless internet access as well as private bathrooms fitted with a bath and showers. Additionally, an a handy kitchenette with a microwave oven, an electric kettle and a fridge are available in an superior bungalow.

Eat & Drink

The restaurant, El Castillo, serves international cuisine. Guests at the resort can enjoy different dining options available at the sports bar.

You can start your day with a full breakfast, which costs EUR 12 per person per day. 


Wireless internet is available in the entire hotel for free.

Guest Parking

Public parking is possible on site for free.

The hotel staff speaks English, German, Spanish, Italian.

Year renovated:   2012. 
Number of rooms:   120.

Former name: barcelo castillo beach resort

– Less


Most popular facilities


On-site parking lot

Baggage storage

24-hour services

24-hour reception

Food/ Drinks

Poolside snack bar


Snack bar

Fitness/ Gym

Fitness center

Swimming pool

Saltwater pool

Spa and relaxation



Turkish bath


Spa & wellness center

  • Wi-Fi
  • Parking
  • 24-hour services
  • Food/ Drinks
  • Fitness/ Gym
  • Swimming pool
  • Spa and relaxation

Sports & Fitness

  • Fitness center
  • Wind surfing
  • Diving
  • Boating
  • Tennis court
  • Golf course
  • Pool tables
  • Fishing


  • Car rental
  • Laundry
  • Stores/Commercial services
  • Bell staff/Porter


  • Restaurant
  • Poolside snack bar
  • Snack bar
  • Buffet breakfast


  • Cribs
  • Children’s pool
  • Children’s play area
  • Kids club

Spa & Leisure

  • Saltwater pool
  • Beach access
  • Entertainment
  • Sun terrace
  • Garden area
  • Leisure/ TV room
  • Spa & wellness center
  • Solarium
  • Sauna
  • Turkish bath
  • Jacuzzi
  • Massage
  • Hot spring bath

Room view

  • Sea view
  • Garden view
  • City view
  • Mountain view
  • Pool view
  • River view
  • Landscape view

Room features

  • In-room air conditioning
  • In-room safe
  • Sitting area
  • Terrace
  • Balcony
  • Dining table


  • Hair dryer
  • Free toiletries


  • Kitchen
  • Electric kettle
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Cookware/ Kitchen utensils


  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable/ Satellite television
  • Telephone
  • AM/FM alarm clock

Show all facilitiesHide facilities

Good to know

Check-infrom 15:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 12 pmFREE

PetsPets are not allowed.

+ More- Less

Rooms and availability

Deluxe Junior Suite

  • Max:

    3 persons

  • Sea view

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • Private bathroom

  • Fireplace

  • Balcony

room details

Deluxe Studio

  • Max:

    2 persons

  • org/LocationFeatureSpecification”>

    City view

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • Non-smoking

  • Jacuzzi

  • Fireplace

room details

Superior Bungalow

  • Max:

    3 persons

  • Pool view

  • org/LocationFeatureSpecification”>


  • Private bathroom

  • Non-smoking

  • Bathtub

room details

Show 2 more room typesLess


Avenida Del Castillo, S/N,
Caleta De Fuste,

  • City landmarks
  • Nearby
  • Restaurants

Caletta De Fuste Beach

690 m

35610 Antigua

Monumento Hornos de Cal de la Guirra

770 m

Shopping Area

Centro Comercial Atlantico Fuerteventura

1. 5

Lugar Urbanización Castillo Caleta De Fuste

Cabildo Insular De Fuerteventura

700 m

35610 Castillo Caleta de Fuste


770 m


La Guirra Beach


Caleta de Fuste


Barrio las Salinas 2

Salt Museum Salinas del Carmen



Colesome Farmers Market



Salt Museum





Las Salinas


Golf Course

Golf Club Salinas de Antigua


Avenida Salinas de Antigua


Playa del Muellito


Playa del Matorral


Punta Negra



Castillo de San Buenaventura

390 m


Playa del Castillo

430 m


O’sole Mio

90 m


Snack Bar La Perlita

350 m


La Perlita Pizzeria

350 m


La Paella

270 m


El Camarote

360 m


La Barca del Pescador

330 m


El Faro

500 m


Bar Oliver

470 m


Haveli Indian Restaurant

470 m



470 m


Las Vegas Tex-mex Restaurant &Bar

470 m


Restaurante Hong Kong

450 m

Getting around

+ More- Less

Need a shuttle?

You can book a shuttle, once your reservation is complete.



Very good171 reviews





  • RoyBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    It was worth its 4 stars. Wanted to explore Caleta De Fuste and this hotel was perfect place for doing it. We were surprised by the garden too.

    United Kingdom, 
    October 2020

  • BobBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Would recommend to everyone to stay here. The breakfast and staff are excellent and the view is magnificent:)))


    United Kingdom, 
    August 2020

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    The availability of pools and the variety of kids pools including a salt
    water pool and 2 kids clubs.

    The fact that nearly all of the pool sun loungers were ‘Towel Booked’ by
    people who sometimes didnt show up all day. The resort says that they
    have a policy to prevent this but it was in no way enforced. If they
    threw the towles in th pools at 8 am each morning the practice would
    stop overnight. Very annoying and I would like you to pass this opinion
    on to the relevent hotel manager please.

    United States of America, 
    September 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Very clean and staff friendly and helpful and so near the beach and the
    buffet food in the hotel so good we went there 5 nights out the 7 we
    were there.

    United States of America, 
    September 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    we have just arrived home and had a lovely stay at this resort, it is ideal for families and cater for children excellently. With a childrens swimming pool (bit cold!) and a play area if you eat at the main restaraunt so we could relax while the kids played. Our accomodation was clean and we did request a apartment on the front with a sea view, we werent right on the front and had a small sea view also our balcony never had sun, so if you stay here i would recommend asking for a upstairs apartment so you have the sun all day if want to chill out at the apartment. The hotel staff that were helpful were just the restaraunt staff , reception left much to be desired and the receptionist was a bit of a mambo, every time we asked for something like laundry tokens or to be moved they would sya come back tomorrow slightly frustrating!

    reception amd the machined cocktails on the all inclusive 🙁

    United States of America, 
    September 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Attractive, comfortable, spacious accomodation. Modern,light and airy with the apartment having two terraces, one for morning sun the other for later in the day.Well maintained and reasonable equipment in the kitchen.

    WiFi was only available in the reception area and you had to pay for a whole days use.

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste


    Guest rating

    Location to the beach and other services

    Rooms very dirty, reception staf unhelpful with complaints. Would not use this hotel again.

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste


    Very good

    First apartment given to us – was damp, mold smell, cockroaches and ants visited us on second night / We requested apartment change – second apartment was dry, light, clean, no “animals” etc.

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Convenience location and wonderful staff!

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    The location on the beach was fantastic, accomodation was very
    comfortable, pool was excellent, all staff were very pleasant and
    helpful, reception staff were brilliant. Close proximity to town was
    also a bonus. Airport is only a 5 minute taxi journey from resort

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste


    Guest rating

    Value for money on half board. Accommodation is good but basic. OK just for sleeping, very quiet. All that is provided are bathroom towels and soap. TV but only Sky news and CSN in English.
    Plenty of food but bland, good breakfast but lunch/dinner very little daily change. Ideal for families as lots and lots of young children, especially at meal times. No entertainment; lounge, bar, TV etc. Village only 5 minutes walk away. Good mini market on site, daily papers arrive at 9am. Ideal for those that just want to laze around on the beach all day then have an early night. If you want to explore, a car rental is essential, these are reasonable but shop around.

    United States of America, 
    August 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Nice location, plenty of facilities

    The room we were given was musty with a fungal smell.
    The kitchen had insects crawling on worktops and kitchen utensils were of poor quality and supply.
    Had we being staying more than one night I would have requested a different room.

    United States of America, 
    July 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    thankyou we really enjoyed our stay and the beach bungalow was a lovely retreat with excellent view of the beach pool etc. although it is a very big resort we particularly liked the liitle more privacy option of the bungalow as opposed to the hotel room. thanks again we always come up trumps with your hotels dave and ruth cherrett

    United States of America, 
    July 2018

  • missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Very well located for the beach and town – modern apartments –

    United States of America, 
    July 2018

  • org/Review”>
    missingBarcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Hotel – Caleta De Fuste



    Rooms were big and comfortable, nice and quiet. Beautiful surroundings, big balcony, great food and service. Great beaches. Amazing


    United States of America, 
    July 2018


What is the distance from the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo to Caleta De Fuste city center?

The unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo is located in Caleta de Fuste district in the very heart of Caleta De Fuste.

Are there any landmarks close to the Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo?

Top-rated landmarks in Caleta De Fuste include La Guirra Beach as well as Castillo, placed within 1.2 miles and 0.5 miles from the Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo respectively. El Puerto (0.6 miles) is also worth a visit.

What is the nearest airport to Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste?

Fuerteventura airport lies within 0. 5 miles of Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste and is reachable with a 15-minute drive.

Does the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo have parking on site?

Yes, guests of the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo can leave their car in parking onsite.

What dining options are available in the hotel?

The hotel features 2 restaurants for on-site dining, among them a la carte restaurant El Camarote featuring Spanish cuisine as well as El Castillo, famous for its international menu. If you prefer to dine outside, don’t miss a chance to visit Restaurante Buena Costa and La Paella just 600 feet away.

What is the timeframe for check-in and check-out in the Caleta De Fuste resort?

Guests of the Caleta De Fuste resort can check in from 3 PM to 11.59 PM and check out from 12 PM.

What are the booking prices at the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste?

The prices at the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste start from €83.

What payment methods are accepted in the 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo?

At the 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo guests can pay using American Express, Visa and Mastercard as well as other payment methods.

Which facilities are included in the rooms of the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo?

Most rooms of the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo include a balcony and a lounge area as well as a safety deposit box and smoke detectors provided for guests’ security.

Is there free internet in the resort?

Yes, the resort provides WiFi in public areas free.

Does the staff at the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo speak any foreign languages?

Yes, the staff of the unique 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo can help you in German, English, Spanish and Italian.

Can we annul our booking in the 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste?

The 4-star Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo Caleta De Fuste offers free cancellation.


Avenida Del Castillo, S/N,
Caleta De Fuste,

View map


TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

read all 6296 verified reviews

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating

6of 21 hotels in Caleta de Fuste

Good to know

Check-infrom 15:00-23:59FREECheck-outuntil 12 pmFREE

PetsPets are not allowed.

+ More- Less

Getting around

+ More- Less

Need a shuttle?

You can book a shuttle, once your reservation is complete.

Tip: Consider options with free cancellation to stay flexible in light of the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.

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Barcelo Fuerteventura Castillo, Canary Islands, Fuerteventura, Caleta de Fuste

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Barcelo Castillo Beach Resort is on the eastern coast of Fuerteventura, the second largest of the Canary Islands. The hotel’s tropical gardens meet the sands of Playa de Castillo beach, a bay where you can sunbathe on the sands or swim in the sea. The hotel has six swimming pools in total, including four pools and two kids’ pools for children to splash around in while you swim or bathe on the terrace. There’s a range of activities to take part in at the hotel, including aerobics, aqua aerobics and beach volleyball. There’s also a multi-sports court that can be used to play football and tennis. If you want to enjoy a workout, the hotel has a gym, or if you want to relax, there’s an off-site adult-only spa. Here you can indulge in beauty treatments such as manicures, pedicures and facials. You can also unwind with a massage, or visit the sauna or Turkish bath. Barcelo Castillo Beachhosts daily entertainment for the entire family to enjoy, including live shows. There’s also separate entertainment just for kids. Afterwards, you can relax with a drink in the sports bar or pool bar, or take a walk to the marina at the tip of the bay.

Barcelo Castillo Beach is next to Playa de Castillo and 500m from Caleta de Fuste. The curved beach is one of the main attractions of the town, where you and your family can play in the sand or sea. If you want to get away from the beach for a while, Caleta de Fuste has a couple of street markets where you can browse for souvenirs. There’s also a shopping centre 2.4km from the hotel with a range of shops. From Caleta de Fuste you can visit the island’s capital of Puerto del Rosario, which is 12km north of the resort. It also has shopping malls, and is best known for its street murals and a park full of sculptures. The area is also known for its production of salt, and you can find out how its extracted and processed at the Salt Museum, a short walk from the hotel.

Barcelo Castillo Beach Resort has a 2 buffet restaurants that are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurants also hosts theme nights when it offers Italian, Asian, Spanish and traditional Canarian cuisines. There is also an a la carte restaurant that serves lunch and dinner with a Mediterrranean touch.

The hotel has clubs for different ages, including a kids’ club for ages 4-7, a junior club for ages 8-11 and a teen club for ages 12-14.

The rooms at Barcelo Castillo Beach Resort are bright with modern decor. They each come with individually controlled air conditioning, TV and a fridge.

This hotel is popular! Rated very good by 8255 people on Tripadvisor

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Aloha Bay Caleta in Caleta de Fuste, Fuerteventura, Spain. Book Aloha Bay Caleta

Caleta de Fuste

134 hotels

Dates for viewing prices






  • 0 rub – 3350 rub 20
  • RUB 3350 – RUB 6690 29
  • RUB 6690 – RUB 10000 32
  • 10000 rub – 13400 rub 30
  • 13400 rub + 23
Number of stars
  • 106
  • 2
  • 6
  • 6
  • 9
  • 5
  • WiFi 126
  • TV 127
  • Air conditioner 29
  • Mini-Bar 7
  • Parking 110
  • Restaurant 26
  • Bar 29
  • Pool 128
  • Fitness 18
  • Bath/Shower 107
  • Refrigerator 115
  • nine0046

    Type of allocation
    • Villa 67
    • Apartment 15
    • Vacation home 15
    • Hotel 14
    • Resort hotel 3
    • Aparthotel 2
    • Leisure complex 2
    • Homestay 1
    Attractions Caleta de Fuste

    Fuerteventura Golf Club 2. 1 km.

    House Museum of Don Miguel de Unamuno 11 km.

    Ecomuseum Alcojida 19 km.

    Los Charcos Beach 38 km.

    Eskinso beach 56 km.

    Cofete beach 59 km.

    Airports Caleta de Fuste

    Fuerteventura Airport 6 km.

    Lanzarote-Arrecife Airport 66 km.

    Photos and description provided by the hotel and not verified by the service. nine0005

    Guest rating at Aloha Bay Caleta :

    Hotel reviews →

    Free Wi-Fi Parking

    • Description
    • Numers
    • Reviews
    • Violescence
    • Location

    In all apartments there is a fully equipped kitchen, a flat-screen TV, a living room with a sofa, a living room and a divinee. the machine. A dishwasher, microwave, fridge and kettle are included. nine0005

    Aloha Bay Caleta is located 400 meters from Castillo Beach. It offers a terrace and apartments with a patio and free WiFi.

    Room price
    from 5 690

    Choose a room in Aloha Bay Caleta

    Address: Juan Evora Suarez, 11A, puerta 1,2,3 y 4, 35610 Caleta de Fuste, Spain


    4 Availability:


    Enter your arrival and departure dates for booking Aloha Bay Caleta :

    Room types in Aloha Bay Caleta

    Balcony Dishwasher Patio Private bathroom

    Wi-Fi is available in public areas and is free of charge.

    Services and facilities : Outdoor furniture, Tiled / marble floor, Toaster, Electric kettle, Towels, Kitchenware, Dishwasher, Washing machine, Terrace, Patio, Refrigerator, Socket near the bed, Fan, Clothes dryer, Dining room outdoor area, TV, Private bathroom, Tea/Coffee maker, Flat-screen TV, Linen, Microwave, Oven, Sofa, Stovetop, Clothes hanger, Iron, Private entrance, Wardrobe or closet, Cleaning products, Balcony, Private apartment in an apartment building. nine0005

    Parking options available.

    Read more

    Prices and Availability


    Balcony Dishwasher Patio Private bathroom

    This apartment has a balcony, sofa and patio.

    Wi-Fi is free in public areas.

    Services and facilities : Sofa, Oven, Flat-screen TV, Linen, Microwave, Private flat in building, Balcony, Cleaning products, Wardrobe or closet, Clothes hanger, Iron, Private entrance, Stove, Private bathroom room, Tea/Coffee Maker, Refrigerator, Socket near the bed, Terrace, Patio, Dishwasher, Washing machine, Tv, Outdoor dining area, Clothes dryer, Fan, Electric kettle, Toaster, Outdoor furniture, Tile/marble floor, Kitchenware accessories, towels. nine0005

    Parking options available.

    Read more

    Prices and Availability


    Balcony Patio Private bathroom Inner courtyard view

    Wi-Fi is available in public areas and is free of charge.

    Services and facilities : Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Socket near the bed, Patio, Terrace, Fan, Inner courtyard view, TV, Clothes dryer, Outdoor dining area, Toaster, Electric kettle, Stovetop/marble floor, outdoor furniture, towels, kitchenware, linens, microwave, flat screen tv, sofa, oven, private entrance, iron, clothes hanger, stovetop, private flat in building, balcony, cleaning products, wardrobe or closet , Tea/Coffee maker, Private bathroom. nine0005

    Parking options available.

    Read more

    Prices and Availability


    Balcony Patio Private bathroom Inner courtyard view

    Wi-Fi is available in public areas and is free of charge.

    Services and facilities : Washing machine, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Socket near the bed, Terrace, Patio, Fan, Inner courtyard view, TV, Clothes dryer, Outdoor dining area, Toaster, Electric kettle, Stovetop/marble floor, outdoor furniture, towels, kitchenware, microwave, linens, flat screen tv, sofa, oven, private entrance, clothes hanger, iron, stove, balcony, private flat in building, cleaning products, wardrobe or closet , Tea/Coffee maker, Private bathroom. nine0005

    Parking options available.

    Read more

    Prices and Availability


    Prices and availability


    Sunday 18 December
    Daytime +17,
    at night +15


    no precipitation
    East wind, 1 m/s

    Weather in Fuerteventura

    Reviews of Aloha Bay Caleta 3*

    Add a review of Aloha Bay Caleta

    Choose a number in Aloha Bay Caleta

    in the hotel

    • Rooms for non -smokers

    • issued accounts

    • Smoking throughout the territory

    • 9000 9000 9000


    • Patio

    • Coffee/tea


      Personnel Says

      Registration Rules for Aloha Bay Caleta
      • Registration time (Check-IN):

        16:00-23:30 Check-out time:

        07:00 – 10:00


        This property will not host hen, stag or similar parties. nine0005

        Please inform Aloha Bay Caleta in advance of your expected arrival time. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or contact the property directly using the contact details found on your Booking Confirmation.

        A security deposit of € 150 is required upon arrival. Payment is by credit card. You will receive the deposited amount within 7 days. After checking the condition of the accommodation, the deposit will be fully returned to your bank card. nine0005

        Minimum entry age: 18 years old

      Choose a number in Aloha Bay Caleta

      Location of the hotel Aloha Bay Caleta

      Nearest hotels

      La Casita di Fuerte



      2 840 per night

      La Casita di Fuerte is located in the center of Castillo Caleta de Fuste, just 500 meters from Caleta de Fuste Beach. It features an outdoor pool, garden and sun terrace. nine0005

      Prices and Availability

      Broncemar Beach



      55 reviews

      7 110 per night

      Just 300 meters from Caleta de Fuste Beach, the Broncemar Beach Aparthotel is built in the form of a small village with pedestrianized streets, squares and gardens.

      Prices and Availability

      Caleta Amigos 6B


      Looking for the comfort of home: Caleta Amigos 6B is located in Antigua. These apartments are located 15 km from the city centre.

      Prices and Availability

      Choose a number in Aloha Bay Caleta

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What popular attractions are close to Aloha Bay Caleta?

      Nearest attractions:
      Fuerteventura Golf Club (2.4 km.) , House Museum of Don Miguel de Unamuno (11 km.) , Ecomuseo Alcojida (19 km.) , Los Charcos Beach (38 km.) , Esquinso Beach (56 km.) , Beach Cofete (59 km) Jandia Golf Club (60 km)

      What are the check-in and check-out times?

      Check-in at Aloha Bay Caleta is possible 16:00 – 23:30, check-out 07:00 – 10:00.

      How far is it from to the nearest airport?

      Nearest airport Fuerteventura Airport is 6 km away.

      Search and booking hotels

      Attractions near the hotel

      Fuerteventura Golf Club 2.4 km.

      House Museum of Don Miguel de Unamuno 11 km.

      Ecomuseum Alcojida 19 km.

      Los Charcos Beach 38 km.

      Eskinso beach 56 km.

      Cofete beach 59 km.

      Jandia Golf Club 60 km. nine0028

      Lanzarote Golf Resort 63 km.

      Rancho Texas Park 63 km.

      Nearest airports

      Fuerteventura airport 6 km.

      Lanzarote-Arrecife Airport 66 km.

      Fuerteventura Airport

      Fuerteventura International Airport (Spanish Aeropuerto de Fuerteventura) is the only airport on the island. Every day it receives dozens of charter flights from Europe and the neighboring Canary Islands. Almost all tourists get to the island through it. nine0005

      Puerto del Rosario Airport has only one huge two-story terminal that accepts international and domestic flights. On its territory there are shops, restaurants, a currency exchange office, bank offices, luggage storage, car rental, a children’s playground and a first-aid post.

      Fuerteventura (FUE) airfare calendar

      With this calendar you can buy tickets to Fuerteventura at the best prices. There are no direct flights from Russia, most tourists fly to Fuerteventura with a transfer in Tenerife. The most popular domestic flights are from Madrid and the Canary Islands Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Binter Canarias and Canary Fly fly between these islands. nine0005

      The airport receives flights from many international airlines and low-cost airlines: Lufthansa, Air Berlin, Air Europa, Germania, Germanwings, Easy Jet, Finnair, Ryanair, Vueling, Austrian Airlines, Iberia, Norwegian and others.

      Online board of the Fuerteventure Airport (Schedule schedule)

      HMT time zone (winter/summer): 0/+1

      IAT Code: Fue


      Spend airports: ;+34 928 86 06 00

      Official website of the airport: www.

      the administrative center of the island and 7 km from the resort of Castillo Caleta de Fuste. From the airport, you can take the highway to the resorts of Corralejo and the Jandia Peninsula.

      The public transport system on the island is poorly developed, so most tourists prefer to travel by taxi or rent a car at Fuerteventura airport and get to their hotel, house or villa on their own. nine0005

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Tenerife honeymoon hotels: The Most Romantic Hotels in Tenerife

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 12:30 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

The Most Romantic Hotels in Tenerife

Enjoy the largest of the Canary Islands from these hotels | Courtesy of Melia Hacienda del Conde /

Leon Beckenham

14 December 2017

While Tenerife may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of a romantic break, it’s a popular destination with honeymooners and offers a great selection of hotels catering to loved-up couples. Here’s our pick of the best places to stay on the island for a romantic break.

Royal Garden Villas

Courtesy of Royal Garden Villas /

The Royal Garden Villas simply ooze romantic exoticism, with a sumptuous combination of Asian-inspired decor, tinkling fountains, flower-filled hallways and objets d’art sourced from the four corners of the world. This small but very high-end complex has just 28 individually styled villas, finished in an opulent mix of rich fabrics and feng shui-arranged furnishings, each with its own pool. Views are equally swoon-worthy, with terraces overlooking the Atlantic or spectacular mountains.

Europe Villa Cortes


Courtesy of Europe Villa Cortes /

Taking much of its inspiration from a colorful Mexican hacienda, this luxury resort hotel in Tenerife is a popular bolthole for romancing couples and even the odd celeb. The 151 rooms are spacious and sumptuous, with some opening onto balconies with gorgeous sea views. Top-end suites also feature rooftop panoramic terraces with Jacuzzis and daybeds. Facilities include a luxury spa, six eateries and a waterfall swimming pool, while fun Mexican-themed elements include lifesize Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) figures and a faux Mayan temple topped with a Catholic chapel. It’s a romantic, playful and luxurious package all set on the sunny south coast on Tenerife’s popular Playa de las Americas.

Botanico Hotel and the Oriental Spa Garden

Courtesy of Botanico Hotel and the Oriental Spa Garden / Booking. com

As its name suggests, this flamboyantly Thai-inspired hotel in Tenerife is set in wonderful exotic gardens brimming with botanical specimens and other tropical flora, plus a carp pond and a resident black swan. Inside, the hotel is decorated with furniture and artworks from the owner’s personal collection, mostly produced by local artists. There are incredible views over the valley to Tenerife’s Teide Mountain, while facilities include high-end dining, an extensive spa and a swimming pool with a waterfall. Couples can treat themselves to some seriously upscale suites, with romance-friendly amenities such as 24-hour room service, thick bathrobes and whirlpool-tub terraces for alfresco soaking à deux.

Hotel San Roque

Courtesy of Hotel San Roque /

Set in a 17th-century typically Canarian manor house with earth-red walls, immaculately tasteful styling and period charm in spades, the Hotel San Roque is hands down one of the finest on Tenerife. Individually styled rooms are brimming with original touches such as Rennie Mackintosh furniture, while some feature whirlpool tubs; the suite set in the watchtower boasts a rooftop terrace with sea views. A lovely secluded courtyard has a swimming pool and an alfresco dining patio, but to top it all, as an adults-only hotel it makes the perfect setting for a romantic break for two.

Hotel Rural La Quinta Roja

Courtesy of Hotel Rural La Quinta Roja /

The former residence of the marquis of the same name, La Quinta Roja is now a fabulous hotel in Tenerife, providing one of the finest examples of baroque architecture on the island. The building dates back to the 16th-century and overlooks a lovely historic square in the coastal town of Garachico. A lovely leafy courtyard and guest rooms brimming with period charm complete a genuinely unique property.

Melia Hacienda del Conde

Courtesy of Melia Hacienda del Conde /

Couples looking for a romantic and luxurious getaway located well away from the busy resorts should head to the Meliá Hacienda del Conde. This child-free boutique-style property is set in the quieter and unspoiled west of the island, albeit overlooking an 18-hole golf course. The look is traditional Canarian colonial and the vibe is distinctively relaxing, with tiered terraces and exotic gardens providing plenty of spots for peaceful seclusion. For the full-on romantic experience, splash out on the Hydro Junior Suite with a spacious terrace and Jacuzzi tub, which provides stunning views of the sun setting over the sea.

Parador de Las Canadas del Teide

Courtesy of Parador de Las Canadas del Teide /

If you’re looking for a dramatic setting for romance, the Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide is situated 2,000m (6,562ft) above sea level in a volcanic crater 16km (10mi) wide in Tenerife’s Teide National Park. It offers a charming mountain-lodge vibe finished in plenty of exposed wood and volcanic rock, plus a roaring fire to add to the snug feel. There are 37 cozy guest rooms, a heated indoor pool and two restaurants serving local cuisine. For stellar romantic moments, two telescopes and a huge swathe of clear skies provide perfect conditions for stargazing with your loved one.

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Best Honey Moon Locations | Say I Do To Tenerife

  • Experiences, Tenerife

If you’re looking for the perfect place to get married or celebrate your honeymoon, it’s difficult to think of any better option, at least in Europe, than Tenerife.

Year-round fabulous weather (who wants to have wedding photos with grey skies and a soaking wet wedding dress?) and a long list of gorgeous venues and hotels to stay in, plus, of course, the chance to combine your wedding and honeymoon in one. Chances are your guests will be only too happy to travel to the Canaries for a wedding, too. And if all that wasn’t temptation enough, you’ll also find that it costs a lot less than in most other European countries. It’s a win-win in every aspect.

But don’t take our word for it. We chatted to one of the Canaries’ premier wedding planners, Miryam Batista from D-Bodas to find out why you really should say “I do” to Tenerife!”

Tell us a bit more about the type of weddings you can have in Tenerife…

“You can have almost every wedding imaginable, from quiet romantic elopements to 3-day cultural extravaganzas of different nationalities and faiths. Gay weddings, Hindu ceremonies, Chinese weddings, Buddhist celebrations, vegan weddings, you name it. Being such an established destination, there’s a wide network of professionals and suppliers that are on hand with years of experience to take care of absolutely everything, with services available in several languages.

“In terms of venues, you’re spoilt for choice: beach weddings on the sand; colonial estates; among banana plantations; luxury hotels; beach clubs; in the mountains; whatever you’re looking for, whatever you envisage for your big day, you’ll find it.”

What makes Tenerife such an ideal honeymoon destination?

“So much more than people realise! Whenever I talk about Tenerife as tourist destination, I always say the same thing: so much of Tenerife is unknown. What most people associate it with is usually its coastline, tourism resorts and good weather. But Tenerife offers so much more to be discovered, which is what makes is such an ideal destination to spend a romantic honeymoon: Traditional Canarian culture and architecture in small, unspoilt villages; untamed nature that you won’t see hardly anywhere else in Europe; different landscapes and climate conditions; ancient forests; delicious cuisine and a fantastic range of services that make a honeymoon in Tenerife a completely unique experience.

Two pieces of advice for a perfect honeymoon?

“Firstly, make sure you choose the right hotel, with everything you need to really enjoy yourselves there – it’s not the time to worry too much about the cost. Go for extra special touches, after all it’s not any old holiday we’re talking about!

“But also get out there and discover the true essence of the island – you’ll never forget it!”

Any extra-romantic experiences that you recommend for couples?

“Yes, there are so many! A private yacht charter to do some whale and dolphin watching off the coastline, even swim with turtles; a relaxing trail through some of the stunning nature in Anaga; a romantic seafood dinner next to the ocean in Buenavista del Norte as you watch the sun set over the ocean…

And if you had to choose just one honeymoon activity in Tenerife?

“I can’t think of anything more romantic than to head up to Teide National Park and contemplate the infiniteness of our universe in one of the cleanest skies on the planet. The stargazing you can enjoy is simply breath-taking.”

If Tenerife is the perfect honeymoon destination, we like to think that Baobab Suites is the perfect honeymoon hotel. Stunning suites, intimate surroundings, gorgeous views and extra special touches such as a private Jacuzzi on your terrace, your own swimming pool…if that isn’t a fabulously romantic way to start your new life as a married couple, we don’t know what is!

La Siesta Hotel 4* (Playa de las Americas, Spain), book a hotel tour – prices 2022, reviews, photos of rooms, hotel rating.

La Siesta Hotel 4* (Playa de las Americas, Spain), book a hotel tour – prices 2022, reviews, photos of rooms, hotel rating. Download atAvailable at

Select date, room, type of meal and number of nights

All rooms

  • safe: in the room, chargeable (deposit)
  • Internet: Wi-Fi, chargeable
  • minibar chargeable
  • bath
  • room service: daily
  • telephone
  • air conditioning: yes
  • change of linen: 3 times a week
  • hair dryer: yes
  • room service: extra charge
  • TV1:0 , 10% with terrace)
  • sofa (sofa bed)
  • change of towels: on request
  • floor: tiles
  • TV: satellite

Entertainment in the hotel

    Table tennis is paid

  • jacuzzi paid
  • rental tennis missiles and goals for a fee
  • darts free
  • Massage paid
  • billiards free
  • Turkish bathhouse (hammam) is paid
  • sports site free center for a fee (3 treatment rooms)
  • animation free of charge
  • tennis court for a fee (hard surface)
  • sauna for a fee
  • gym free of charge
  • Petank free
  • Tennis Court Lighting Paratuas
  • Aquaerobika free
  • shooting (free)
  • Beauty Salon (paid)
  • Internet angles (paid)
  • Internet Wi-Fi in the cabin (free)

Hotel grounds

  • restaurants: 1 (El Drago – buffet, international cuisine, show cooking, themed dinners, dress code for men is required for dinner)
  • snack bar (by the El Bohio pool)
  • bars: 1
  • conference rooms: 2 (for 255 people)
  • laundry (extra charge)
  • fax
  • shops
  • park
  • outdoor pools: 9010 heated 90 2 : 1 (for a fee)
  • car rental (and bicycles, for a fee)
  • Wi-Fi for a fee
  • terrace (for sunbathing)
  • hairdresser
  • TV room
  • post office
  • for a fee
  • currency exchange

For children

  • children’s pools: 1
  • children’s club (Magic Park is divided into 2 zones: children’s club 4-9 years; 11:00-16:00 – free of charge, children only accompanied by parents; Parque Recreativo – slot machines for adults and children, billiards, bowling, everything is paid)
  • animation program for children
  • children’s menu in the restaurant
  • children’s disco
  • high chairs in the restaurant: yes
  • baby cot: free of charge

Reviews of the hotel

8. 1

Excellent hotel

Good wellness hotel. Located close to shopping malls and the beach.

The rating is based on 3514 reviews of travelers who were at this hotel by TrustYou

  • Location9.3

    Excellent location. Near the beach and great shops in the city center. Excellent sightseeing opportunities with restaurants and bars nearby. Average parking. Average parking prices.

  • Service8.2

    Competent staff, especially good service in the restaurant, excellent child care. Good animation team. Great front desk staff, obnoxious bar staff. Great housekeeping, bad management. The booking process is not very well organized. Excellent hotel security. Excellent room service.

  • Internet7.1

    Fast and inexpensive Wi-Fi.

  • Breakfast6

    Average breakfast.

  • Cleanliness6

    Clean pool area and relatively clean rooms. The hotel facilities are clean. The bathrooms and dining room are dirty. The sports areas and the wellness center are not clean enough.

  • Amenities6

    Relatively new amenities. Great terrace and lobby area. The architecture is not particularly pretty.

  • Room5.8

    Generally clean rooms with nice views from the balcony. Old rooms in poor condition with poorly stocked minibars. TVs, beds and other furniture do not impress. Small rooms with dirty bathrooms.

  • Food5.7

    Mediocre expensive restaurant. Average menu but seafood dishes are excellent. Bad desserts and fruits, the dining area is dirty. Bad side dishes and appetizers. Normal salads. Vegetarian food.

  • Drinks5.3

    Standard bar. Not very high quality alcohol drinks. Not very good service at the pool bar.

  • Comfort5.2

    Reasonably comfortable rooms, bathrooms of a normal size. Noisy room, bad beds.

  • Wellness area5

    Poor fitness room, but good wellness area. Not a very good sauna. The sports areas and the wellness center are not clean enough.

  • Value for money4

    Value for money could be better. Food prices are a little high. Internet is free.



Barcelo Santiago 4 ★


Be Live Adults Only Tenerife (Adults Only 16+) 4 ★



90 Palace000 Cleopatra Hotel Spain hotel tour – prices 2022, reviews, photos of rooms, hotel rating.

Cleopatra Palace Hotel 4* (Playa de las Americas, Spain), book a hotel tour – prices 2022, reviews, photos of rooms, hotel rating. Download atAvailable at

Select date, room, meal type and number of nights

In all rooms

  • SEF: in the room, free
  • Room Service: around the clock
  • Air conditioning: there is
  • bath 9000
  • Cleaning number: daily
  • phone
  • 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 : yes

  • mini-bar for a fee
  • Internet: Wi-Fi, free of charge
  • change of linen: every 4 days
  • change of towels: on request
  • desk
  • TV: satellite

Entertainment in the hotel

  • rental of tennis rackets and balls for a fee de Arona)
  • table tennis free (deposit)
  • spa center chargeable (SPA Mare Nostrum at the Cleopatra Palace Hotel: indoor pool, jacuzzi with sea water, Turkish bath, sauna, terrace)
  • Animation free
  • tennis court for a fee (2 courts)

Territory of the hotel

  • hairdresser (paid)
  • Snec-bar (Marco Antonio)
  • Bars: 2 (bar-restaurant vitaminas in the basin; on the terrace of Mare Nostrum Resort)
  • laundry for a fee
  • restaurants: 3 (main: buffet, show cooking; restaurant in the Mediterranean Palace hotel: buffet; beach club restaurant)
  • cafe 1 (Hard Rock)
  • poolside towels: free of charge
  • pools: 3 (outdoor pools within the Mare Nostrum Resort complex with fresh water, fountains, jacuzzi)
  • poolside umbrellas, sunbeds, mattresses: free of charge
  • free parking (subject to availability)
  • Wi-Fi free

For children

  • baby cot: on request, free of charge (or playpen)
  • baby stroller: on request, for a fee (deposit)
  • children’s pool: yes (opposite the kids club)
  • kids club (Club Mare Kids at Mare Nostrum Resort: 6 months to 16 years old)
  • children’s circuit
  • swimming, roller skating, riding lessons for children

Hotel reviews

9. 6

Pavel G.

I bought a tour to Spain for 10 nights


I really liked the hotel. 95% of the British, and far from being poor, but all pensioners. The hotel is calm and quiet. The ocean is 10 meters from the hotel. All liked it. The only place for a youth party Hard Rock Cafe at the hotel. It’s all dancing and partying. The hotel is like a museum.


Excellent hotel

Excellent wellness hotel. Fantastic service. Excellent location. Lovely beach.

The rating is formed on the basis of 1876 reviews of tourists who were in this hotel service TrustYou

  • Beach9.7

    Clean beach.

  • Location9.5

    Excellent location. Location near the center, beaches, restaurants, bars and shops. Average parking. Easy access by car, inexpensive parking.

  • Service9.2

    Excellent cleaning service, attentive maids. Professional service at the front desk and in the restaurant.

Landkarte teneriffa: Teneriffa Karte + sehenswerten Orte • Reisen nach Spanien

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 12:18 am


Категории: Miscellaneous

Teneriffa Karte – Wanderkarte, Landkarte, Autokarte, Detailkarte

Je nach Zweck und Urlaubsart gibt es viele unterschiedliche Karten für Teneriffa:
Wanderkarten, Autokarten/Straßenkarten, Stadtpläne und allgemeine Freizeitkarten, die sich sowohl zum Wandern als auch zum Radfahren, Biken/Mountainbiken als auch für Ausflüge jeder Art eignen. Für jeden Urlaubswunsch ist die passende Inselkarte im Angebot.

Zudem liegt vielen Reiseführer eine herausnehmbare Karte bei, auf der schon viele Ausflugsziele markiert sind. Deshalb entscheiden sich viele Urlauber einfach für einen Reiseführer, bei dem die Karte schon dabei ist. Je nach Verlag liegt eine Detailkarte oder nur eine grobe Übersichtskarte bei. Achten Sie dafür einfach auf die Beschreibung des Guides und er Karte bei amazon.

Teneriffa Erlebnisführer mit Stadtplänen

Freizeitkarte mit Stadtplänen und Freizeitmöglichkeiten – 1:115000

Wenn Ihr nächstes Urlaubsziel die wunderschöne Kanarische Insel Teneriffa ist und Sie nicht so genau wissen, was es dort alles zu sehen gibt, dann ist dieser Erlebnisführer Teneriffa in der deutschen Ausgabe genau das richtige. Freizeiteinrichtungen finden Sie auf der Kartenrückseite.

Teneriffa hat viel mehr als Strände zu bieten. In dem Erlebnisführer Teneriffa finden Sie einige sehr schöne Anregungen, z.B. lohnenswerte Museen, Ausflugstipps, eine Beschreibung des Teide Nationalparks, Hinweise auf die besten Tauchreviere und noch vieles mehr.

Wenn Sie gerne wandern, dann gibt es im Erlebnisführer außerdem einen Wanderweg zum alles überragenden Teide, dem höchsten Berg ganz Spaniens.

Für Ihre Städtetouren nach Puerto de la Cruz, Los Cristianos, in die Hauptstsadt Santa Cruz oder nach La Laguna finden Sie detaillierte Stadtpläne. So wissen Sie immer, wo Sie sind.

Der Erlebnisführer Teneriffa ist sehr zu empfehlen und sollte in Ihrem Reisegepäck nicht fehlen.

Zum Reiseführer: Teneriffa Erlebnisführer mit Stadtplänen

Teneriffa Autokarte

freytag & berndt Auto + Freizeitkarte 1:50. 000

Wer auf Teneriffa individuell urlauben möchten, braucht eine gute Karte, beispielsweise die Auto & Freizeitkarte vom Verlag Freytag und Berndt.

Diese Karte im Maßstab 1 : 150 000 ist eine grosse Hilfe für alle, die mit einem Mietwagen verschiedene Ausflüge rund um die Insel unternehmen möchten. Diese Autokarte ist eine der genauesten und zeigt auch die Autobahnverbindung zwischen Norden und Süden der Insel. In der Autokarte ist auch eine Landkarte enthalten.

Der Auto & Freizeitführer von Freytag und Berndt beinhaltet Strassenkarten der wichtigsten Städte und Orte der Insel Teneriffa sowie eine komplette Strassenkarte der ganzen Insel. Falls Sie es satt haben sich auf Teneriffa zu verfahren und sich mit kleinen, ungenauen Strassenkarten herumschlagen zu müssen, könnte diese Strassenkarte das Richtige für Sie sein.

Die üblichen Landkarten der Insel, die man kostenlos in Touristeninformationszentren und Hotels bekommt, sind nicht sehr genau. Zudem zeigen sie nur die wichtigsten Verkehrsstrassen.

Zur Teneriffa-Karte: Teneriffa Autokarte

ADAC Karte Kanarische Inseln

Damit man auf allen Inseln den Durchblick hat, gibt es vom ADAC eine Landkarte der kanarischen Inseln.

Die Karte ist faltbar und daher sehr bequem und einfach mitführbar. Die Maße der ADAC Karte Kanarische Inseln betragen: 25,5 x 13,2 x 1,5 cm. Die Landkarte den kanarischen Inseln wurde im Maßstab von 1: 150.000 erstellt.

Auf der Karte sind sowohl Autobahnen als auch Schnellstraßen und Landstraßen sowie kleine Pisten und Wege eingezeichnet. Da auf den kanarischen Inseln in Sachen Verkehrsystem und Infrastruktur in der letzten Zeit viel verändert worden ist, kann es sein, dass das eine oder andere Detail nicht mehr akutell ist.

Da man auf den Kanaren sehr schnell und einfach von Insel zu Insel reisen kann, bieten sich den Urlaubern viele Möglichkeiten zum so genannten Insel-Hopping.

Die Karte ist gut geeignet wenn man die Inseln per Mietwagen erkunden möchte. Auf diese Weise gehen Sie auf Nummer sicher und kommen schnell an Ihr Ziel. Die Karte verfügt über ein Ortsregister und enthält außerdem eine Kennzeichnung landschaftlich besonders schöner Ausflugsstrecken.

Zur Karte: ADAC Karte Kanarische Inseln

Kompass Karten Teneriffa

Wander- , Bike-, Freizeit- und Straßenkarte

Die Kompass Karte Teneriffa mit Wander-, Bike-, Freizeit- und Straßenkarte ermöglicht dem Teneriffa Urlauber Ausflüge auf eigene Faust zu unternehmen. Damit sind Sie nicht auf organisierte und geführte Wandertouren angewiesen zu sein.

In dieser Kompass Karte für Teneriffa finden Sie genaue Angaben über Fahrstrecken und können sich so sehr gut auf der Insel orientieren. Von Vorteil ist vor allem, dass es für Wander- und Bikestrecken sehr genaue Angaben zu den Höhenmetern gibt, die sehr einfach abzulesen sind. Was die Straßenkarte betrifft sind die Distanzen und Kilometerangaben ebenfalls sehr genau. Dies ist vor allem für die Anfahrt und Freizeitplanung von großer Hilfe. Damit man auf Teneriffa das Maximum an Ausflügen und Aktivitäten unternehmen kann, sollte man sich einen Mietwagen nehmen.

Die Kompass Karte beinhaltet einige Wanderungen in landschaftlich verschiedenen Gegenden. Es sind Forstwege, Schotterpisten und Wanderwege in der Kompass Karte eingezeichnet. Des Weiteren finden Sie auf der Karte auch Tipps zu anderen Freizeitgestaltungs- und Ausflugsmöglichkeiten. Es ist in vielen Sport- und Freizeitgebieten interessante Information auf der Kompass Karte Teneriffa vorhanden.

Mit der Karte können Sie sich in allen Disziplinen wie Wandern, Biken und anderen Freizeitaktivitäten gut auf der Insel Teneriffa orientieren.

Zur Karte: Kompass Karten Teneriffa

Hildebrand’s Urlaubskarten Teneriffa

Der Kartograph Volker Hildebrand hat 1980 im Seipp Verlag die Reihe Hildebrand’s Urlaubskarten gestartet. Die Karten sind speziell für den Tourismus gestaltet worden und enthalten deshalb auch genau die richtigen Informationen.

Die Hildebrand’s Urlaubskarte Teneriffa ist im Maßstab 1:100000 und farbig sehr schön und klar dargestellt. Sie beinhaltet zum einen die plastische Geländedarstellung der Sonneninsel Teneriffa mit touristischer Legende. Zum anderen befindet sich auf der Rückseite ein Stadtplan mit Straßenverzeichnis von Santa Cruz de Tenerife sowie interessanten Länderinformationen in deutsch, englisch und französisch.

Zur Karte: Hildebrand’s Urlaubskarten Teneriffa


Bei finden Sie spezielle Karten für Teneriffa:

Wanderkarten für Teneriffa

Rad-/Mountainbike-Karten für Teneriffa

Freizeitkarten für Teneriffa

Straßenkarten für Teneriffa

Stadtpläne für Teneriffa


. ..sowie auch Reiseführer mit Teneriffa Karte:

Reiseführer mit Karte für Teneriffa

alle Reiseführer für Teneriffa




Manchmal werden wir gefragt, ob es Karten für Teneriffa Nord oder Teneriffa Süd gibt. Bei allen momentan im Handel erhältlichen Karten ist die gesamte Insel enthalten, sowohl der Norden als auch der Süden der Insel.




Stadtplan von Teneriffa | Detaillierte gedruckte Karten von Teneriffa, Spanien der Herunterladenmöglichkeit

Kultureller Ausflug durch Teneriffa – was zu sehen

Die Hauptsehenswürdigkeit und das ständige Wahrzeichen der Insel ist der Teide Vulkan. Alle Interessierten können an den Abhängen des Vulkanes spazieren und die unglaublich schöne Marslandschaft genießen. Neben dem Vulkan erstreckt sich den märchenhaft schönen Nationalen Park. Was die architektonischen und kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten betrifft, muss man das Auditorium Teneriffa erwähnen. Dieses … Öffnen

Attraktionen, Spaß, Unterhaltung und aktive Erholung

Der Loro Park ist das am meisten besuchte Unterhaltungszentrum der Insel. Das ist ein großer Komplex, auf dessen Territorium der schöne botanische Garten, der Zoo und der farbenreiche Zirkus gelegen sind. Ein ganzer Stolz des Parks ist die große Sammlung der Papageien. Insgesamt gibt es etwa 3,5 Tausende von denen im Park. Die Gäste des Parks müssen unbedingt beim lokalen Pinguinarium vorbeischauen, das ein … Öffnen

Küche und Top-Restaurants

Die Feinschmecker müssen unbedingt in einem der lokalen Restaurants den Vieja Fisch bestellen, der laut den Kenner der auserlesenen Gerichte die einzigartigen geschmacklichen Qualitäten hat. Wer die klassischen Speisen bevorzugt, kann muss den Thunfisch kosten. Unter den typischen lokalen Gerichten ist der Sama Fisch verbreitet. Das Gericht «came de fiesta», dessen Titel man wie «festliches Fleisch» … Öffnen

Traditionen, Mentalität und Feste in Teneriffa

Nach der Wahl der Königin geht die festliche Prozession durch die Straßen, die sich in die Volksveranstaltungen verwandelt und wird erst am Morgen des nächsten Tages beendet. Noch ein erwartetes Ereignis des Feiertages ist die Parade, an der die Ortsbewohner und die Gäste der Insel teilnehmen. Ihre Teilnehmer brauchen nur die farbenreichen Karnevalkostüme anziehen. Die grandiose Parade, die in Santa Cruz 1987 … Öffnen

Reiseführer zu Teneriffa

Die Fülle von Höhlen ist ein charakteristisches Merkmal von Teneriffa. Die Windhöhle ist die größte in Europa und die am meisten besuchte. Wie Forscher herausgefunden haben, wurde es vor mehr als 27000 Jahren durch einen großen Vulkanausbruch gebildet. Die Höhle selbst ist ein unterirdischer Komplex von unglaublichen Ausmaßen. Seine Besucher können wunderschöne Terrassen und Kaskaden sehen, die aus … Öffnen

Tipps für Reisende

2. Fast in allen großen Städten der Insel gibt es die touristischen Büros, einige von ihnen befinden sich in den Hotelkomplexen. In den touristischen Büros können die Reisenden die interessierenden Informationen über den Kurort bekommen und das Erholungsprogramm planen, sowie, die Karten für die Veranstaltungen bestellen. 3. Spanisch gilt als die offizielle Sprache, viele Ortsbewohner sprechen auch Englisch … Öffnen

Pisos en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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499. 000

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    Sale 57.000

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      312. 00004

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      504 mts

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    Sale 85.000

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      2400 mts

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    Sale 115. 000

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      0 mts

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    Sale 115.000

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      0 mts

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    Sale 160. 000

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    170. 000 – 6%

    Sale 174.000

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      104 mts

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    179. 000 – 3%

    Sale 189.900

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      247 mts

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    199. 900 – 5%

    Sale 199.500

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      142 mts

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    Sale 199. 500

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      145 mts

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    Sale 220. 000

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      137 mts

    + INFO

    240. 000 – 8%

    Sale 220.000

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    50. 000€

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    140. 000€

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      393 mts


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    Sale 24. 000 €

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      137 mts

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    50. 000 € – 14%

    Sale 50.000 €

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      43 mts

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    Sale 50. 000 €

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      70 mts

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    53. 000 € – 6%

    Sale 50.000 €

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    Sale 54.048 €

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      89 mts

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    84. 522 € – 36%

    Sale 58.109 €

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    Sale 76.000 €

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      434 mts

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    Sale 79. 000 €

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    How hot is it in lanzarote: Best Time To Visit Lanzarote | Lanzarote Weather

    Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 11:42 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht: Captain Glenn Shephard, New Girlfriend Danelis Visited Spain’s Canary Islands

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    The Below Deck Sailing Yacht captain and Danelis enjoyed “playing tourists” in Spain’s Canary Islands.

    Brad Witter

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    Below Deck Sailing Yacht‘s Captain Glenn Shephard might just be having the adventure of a lifetime. He and his new girlfriend, Danelis, have been traveling the globe together, and let’s just say it appears the new couple has been going the distance in more ways than one.

    Most recently, Captain Glenn shared photos from their cozy couple’s getaway to Spain. “It’s those crazy kids again, this time we find them in the Canary Islands, playing tourists at the Mirador Del Río, overlooking the lovely island of Graciosa, in Lanzarote,” he captioned a series of December 2 Instagram photos, joking, “Sure looks like they’re having fun.”

    In the comments, Below Deck Sailing Yacht‘s Colin MacRae wrote, “Does this mean we don’t have to pretend you’re single anymore cap?” to which his boss replied, “So Busted,” adding a laughing-crying emoji.

    View this post on Instagram

    A post shared by Captain Glenn Shephard (@capt_glennshephard)

    Two days later, the Below Deck Sailing Yacht captain also posted “a few more” pics from their getaway, including one of Danelis in a festive sleigh. “The highlight was the sea caves of Ajuy, on the west coast,” he reported back, noting that “the waves were really pumping.”

    View this post on Instagram

    A post shared by Captain Glenn Shephard (@capt_glennshephard)

    In the few short weeks since Captain Glenn made their relationship Instagram official in mid-November, he and his new girlfriend have traveled everywhere from Barcelona to Mexico City, where they walked the red carpet together in formal attire at the NBCUniversal Experience at Jardin Santa Fe, and later visited several local historic sites.

    After eagle-eyed fans thought they’d spotted an engagement ring on Danelis’ finger, the Below Deck Sailing Yacht captain was quick to shut down those rumors, while still indicating how serious their relationship had already become.  “Neither of us are married nor engaged, but I can report we are very much in love, and for us, that’s what counts,” he clarified in an updated caption on a November 20 post. “PS for those that sent us congratulations, I can assure you they were not wasted, our relationship is worth celebrating.”

    Days later, they made a “quick stop” back in Palma, Spain, “to take in the Christmas lights on Passeig del Born,” before heading off to Paris to visit some Christmas Markets and drink hot spiced wine with friends. In the November 22 post’s caption, Captain Glenn made another joke about the engagement rumors. 

    “PS I had to Photoshop that ring out so the ring spotters don’t go off the rails again,” he joked in the caption, adding a diamond ring and crying-laughing emojis.

    At this point, a proposal already doesn’t seem that far out of the question though, so stay tuned!

    Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht on Peacock and the Bravo app.

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    Glenn Shephard

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht


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    Hyatt To Expand Luxury Portfolio Across Europe, Africa And The Middle East By Over 30% Through 2025

    A strong pipeline of luxury openings and development projects signals Hyatt’s continued commitment to catering to high-end travellers in new and desirable markets


    6 December 2022

    Hyatt announces continued global growth of its luxury brand portfolio with a robust pipeline of highly anticipated openings over the next three years across Europe, Africa and the Middle East (EAME). The 13 hotels set to join Hyatt’s esteemed brands including Park Hyatt, Andaz, Grand Hyatt, Thompson Hotels, Miraval Resorts & Spas, and The Unbound Collection by Hyatt will debut in some of the world’s most sought-after destinations including the U. K., Spain, South Africa, Austria, Finland and more. By 2026, these hotels will increase Hyatt’s luxury brand footprint in EAME by over 30% in key growth markets that matter most to guests, World of Hyatt loyalty program members, customers and owners.

    As leisure travel continues to drive recovery in many parts of the world, Hyatt remains committed to catering to high-end travelers to meet the rising demand for luxury travel experiences. Following a strong year of luxury hotel openings in 2022, including La Zambra, part of The Unbound Collection by Hyatt brand in Costa Del Sol, 7Pines Resort Sardinia, part of the Destination by Hyatt portfolio, and the debut of the Thompson Hotels brand in Spain with Thompson Madrid, Hyatt’s luxury inventory currently accounts for approximately 25% of Hyatt’s distribution in EAME. Hyatt’s anticipated openings through 2025 signal its commitment to creating more story-worthy experiences and unforgettable stays that exceed the expectations of the luxury traveler.

    “Hyatt’s heritage is luxury; it is in our DNA. Our luxury brands across Europe, Africa and the Middle East set a global benchmark for delivering personalized and engaged service, and world-class offerings that cater to the high-end traveller,” said Javier Águila, Group President, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Hyatt. “The global luxury travel market is seeing remarkable growth as recovery continues, and the EAME region expects to capture a large portion of this segment. Our impressive pipeline of luxury properties and growing portfolio of diverse brands signals Hyatt’s commitment to thoughtful brand growth in desirable destinations and further reinforces Hyatt’s position as a leader in luxury hospitality.”

    The strategic growth of Hyatt’s luxury portfolio throughout EAME will feature key milestones such as the opening of four Park Hyatt branded hotels including the return of the Park Hyatt brand to London; the introduction of the first Hyatt-branded hotel in Helsinki with the debut of The Unbound Collection by Hyatt brand in Finland; the introduction of the Andaz brand to Lisbon; and the unveiling of the first Miraval luxury wellness resort outside of the U. S., located on Saudi Arabia’s Shura Island. Each new property has been carefully selected to complement Hyatt’s elevated luxury brand portfolio, encapsulating Hyatt’s signature of unprecedented, immersive luxury experiences, inspired by the vibrant cultures and stories of their locations.

    Planned luxury openings through 2025 include:

    Park Hyatt

    • Park Hyatt Johannesburg (Johannesburg, South Africa) Following an extensive refurbishment of the iconic Winston Hotel in Rosebank overseen by award-winning global designer Yabu Pushelberg, Park Hyatt Johannesburg will reestablish the Park Hyatt brand in South Africa. Set to open in early 2023, the hotel will showcase every aspect of luxury through its thoughtful redesign, with 30 guestrooms and suites, a spacious restaurant with al fresco offerings, and a sophisticated bar with an open-air courtyard.
    • Park Hyatt Marrakech (Marrakech, Morocco) Bringing a personalized, luxury experience to the impressive Al Maaden residential and leisure development, Park Hyatt Marrakech will be the first Park Hyatt hotel in Morocco. The stunning 181-room property is slated to open in early 2023 and will be set against the spectacular backdrop of the Atlas Mountains and feature a Moroccan garden-inspired 18-hole golf course, designed by award-winning golf course designer, Kyle Phillips.
    • Park Hyatt London River Thames (Nine Elms, LondonExpected to open early 2024while marking the return of the Park Hyatt brand to London, Park Hyatt London River Thames is poised to become one of the city’s premier riverside hotels. Located in the One Nine Elms development directly opposite Westminster, the hotel’s 203 tastefully designed guestrooms and suites and exquisite events spaces will reintroduce the Park Hyatt brand’s considered and refined sense of luxury to the U.K. capital.
    • Park Hyatt Riyadh Diriyah Gate (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Expected to open in 2025, Park Hyatt Riyadh Diriyah Gate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be part of the much-anticipated Diriyah Gate Development overlooking Al-Turaif’s UNESCO world heritage site. Over 2.5 square miles (7 square kilometers) of Diriyah will be transformed into one of the world’s foremost historic tourism destinations offering guests a refined home-away-from home and new ways to experience the history of Saudi Arabia.


    • Andaz Doha (Doha, QatarLocated in the center of vibrant West Bay, and set to open in early 2023, Andaz Doha is part of the city’s iconic skyline of architectural ‘œuvre d’arts’. Bringing lifestyle, locally inspired design and contemporary art to a new level, the hotel will offer 256 rooms with 32 suites and four Royal suites, 56 residences, a signature restaurant, a Singaporean street food restaurant and a jungle-themed bar, an outdoor pool, a fully equipped fitness studio, and more. In close proximity to most embassies, financial institutions and luxury shopping malls, Andaz Doha is beating with the heart of Doha.
    • Andaz Lisbon (Lisbon, PortugalExpected to open in 2024, Andaz Lisbon will incorporate the rich culture and heritage of Lisbon through locally inspired architecture and design. Located in the center of Lisbon’s bustling Baixa district, it will offer guests an exciting new luxury lifestyle hotel in the Portuguese capital. Guests will be able to enjoy cocktails and local dishes at the hotel’s rooftop restaurant, bar, and Andaz Lounge, and relax and rejuvenate at the spa and fitness center.

    Grand Hyatt

    • Grand Hyatt The Red Sea (Shaura Island, Saudi Arabia) This 430-room Grand Hyatt hotel on Shaura Island, the hub of the ambitious Red Sea Project on Saudi Arabia’s west coast, is expected to open in mid-2024. This luxury resort hotel will represent the largest of 11 hotels set to open on the island and will occupy a prime position within this innovative tourist development. Grand Hyatt The Red Sea will be the second Grand Hyatt hotel in the Kingdom and the seventh Grand Hyatt hotel in the Middle East, marking an important milestone in Hyatt’s strategy for brand growth in the region.
    • Grand Hyatt Limassol (Limassol, Cyprus) The first Hyatt hotel on the island of Cyprus, the 300-room Grand Hyatt Limassol luxury resort is expected to open in 2025 and signifies Hyatt’s continued brand growth in Europe’s leading travel destinations. The new-build beachfront resort will be situated at a Blue Flag beach east of Limassol, one of the island’s most cosmopolitan cities. With a prime beachfront location on the southern coast of the island and 300 bold, light-filled rooms offering sea views, Grand Hyatt Limassol will be a captivating destination.
    • Grand Hyatt Lanzarote (Lanzarote, Spain) Expected to open in 2025, Grand Hyatt Lanzarote will be located in the premium tourist region on the island of Lanzarote and will provide stunning coastal views. Guests can look forward to spectacular design, iconic experiences in breathtaking settings and superior service and amenities to match.

    Thompson Hotels

    • Thompson Vienna (Vienna, Austria) Slated to open in late 2024, Thompson Vienna will open as part of a landmark development bringing a new KaDeWe high-end department store to the Austrian capital. World-renowned architects OMA and interior designers Tara Bernerd & Partners will design the sophisticated lifestyle hotel, creating an immersive destination inspired by the distinctive characteristics of the city.

    Miraval Resorts & Spas

    • Miraval The Red Sea (Shura Island, Saudi Arabia) Scheduled to open in late 2025, the 180-room luxury wellness resort, Miraval The Red Sea will introduce the wellness brand’s signature mindfulness-based wellness practices to a new corner of the world, empowering guests with tools and inspiration to find balance and support their emotional and mental wellbeing. Located on Saudi Arabia’s Shura Island, the central hub of the highly anticipated new hospitality development, The Red Sea Project, the new Miraval resort will pave the way bringing transformative wellness experiences and the largest spa in the Red Sea destination.

    The Unbound Collection by Hyatt

    • Grand Hansa Hotel Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) Scheduled to debut in mid-2023, Grand Hansa Hotel Helsinki will join The Unbound Collection by Hyatt portfolio as the first Hyatt-branded hotel in Finland. Situated in the heart of Helsinki on one of the city’s most famous streets, the world-class hotel will fuse heritage with modern elegance, with 219 rooms and five suites, three dining options including a two-story bar, and a lavish day spa with three different saunas and a soothing lounge area.
    • Hotel in development (Crans-Montana, Switzerland) The luxurious 41-room boutique hotel is expected to join The Unbound Collection by Hyatt brand in December 2023 and will inspire unforgettable memories with its Swiss Chalet cuisine and front row sporting experiences. The property will be located in Crans-Montana, one of the most prestigious and well-established year-round mountain destinations in the Swiss Alps and is also known for one of the most important golf tournaments on European soil.

    Hotel Openings

    Canaries, Lanzarote, Caldera Blanca/Caldera Blanca, Cuervo/Volcan del Cuervo

    11/27/2017, Monday, day 9.
    Today we leave Tenerife and fly to the island with martian landscapes of Lanzarote. Lanzarote is little known to the general public, but the “gourmets” of tourism appreciate it for its unearthly landscapes and the creations of the world-famous Cesar Manrique. In Lanzarote, the first time they arrive most often with a one-day organized excursion from Tenernife, but this is much more expensive for a family. And most importantly, you will not be shown Caldera Blanca, Volcano Cuervo, Montana Colorada, etc. Some people get sick of Lanzarote and come there every year. I remember once at home we watched a popular travel program and the presenter talked about how unusual, but very inaccessible and expensive the island is. Looking at the stunning landscapes, we thought then that, unfortunately, we would definitely never get to Lanzarote. But, as they say: “who wants – looking for means, who does not want – reasons.” A little ingenuity and perseverance and funds turned out to be needed quite a bit. We managed to buy tickets for Lanzarote round trip for $40 (with luggage 23 kg). We rented an inexpensive apartment with one room. We took food in our luggage for 1.5 days (in Lanzarote, food is 2 times more expensive than in Tenerife). But most importantly, we were able to solve the main quest that the Canary Islands offered us on this trip – we managed to book a walking tour with a national park guide along the Termesan track of the Timanfaya volcanic park! And it’s free.
    So, at 07.30 we leave for the northern airport of Tenerife (departures to Lanzarote only from there). The road to the airport on the TF-1 highway took about 1.5 hours. Fortunately, when approaching the capital of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz, the road bypasses the city, there are continuous traffic jams in the capital. There are also traffic jams on the bypass, but tolerable. We have a departure at 11.45 local airline Canaryfly. The airport has a strict screening and control despite the fact that the flight is local, between the islands.
    The following installation is installed in the airport hall. Do you know what is most unusual about it? That’s right – a man studying a stand with a travel bag is also a mannequin.

    Aircraft ATR-72 and service pleasantly surprised, clean, beautiful, pleasant stewardesses. In flight 50 minutes. They offer free water. You can take any seats on the plane, despite the fact that specific seats are indicated in the boarding passes. The only thing that spoiled the impression was that strong turbulence was observed during the entire flight. Oh, those short flights at low altitude, how we dislike them!
    When flying to Lanzarote, it is better to land behind and to the left as you enter, then the whole of Lanzarote will be visible.

    Baggage is issued instantly. In Lanzarote, we ordered a car from the same company as in Tenerife. About car rental in the Canary Islands and Lanzarote. We get a car at the airport and go to settle. As soon as we left the airport, we were immediately stunned by the surrounding landscape. Feeling like you’ve landed on Mars! Without exaggeration. This Mars is inhabited, against the background of a black and brown landscape, squat snow-white Martian base-houses are scattered. People are not visible. There were people at the airport, but then they disappeared somewhere. And here we are alone, driving among the hardened lava to our base.

    Strange thoughts come to mind, is it possible to breathe here without a spacesuit? In a state stunned by landscapes and sensations, we get to the village of Mancha Blanca, where our house is supposed to be located (15 minutes drive from the airport). There is no one here either, the streets are empty, there is no one to ask. Luckily, a local janitor showed up, we ask where our house number is, they are a little confused with this. “Martian” in overalls animatedly tells us something in Spanish for about ten minutes, miraculously we somehow understand where to go. Apparently, we can already communicate on a mental level, incl. and with aliens
    We settle in apartments, which include a living room combined with a kitchen, a toilet / shower, a bedroom. The bedroom overlooks the courtyard of the grill bar, which is owned by the owner of the apartment. This made us tense, but the owner says that there will be no problems, the restaurant is closed today. As in Tenerife, no one works here on Sundays. The apartments are clean, tidy, very interesting design in the style of local ethno and history. Even antiques, utensils and tools are presented. There are many books and albums on the table that tell about the volcanoes of Lanzarote, about the difficult history of these places, about how in ancient times people learned to survive in such harsh conditions. Now we know for sure that people will survive on Mars.
    We ask about the owner where he will recommend us to go on the island. We have several routes, but it is important to start with the most interesting. He recommends that you definitely go to the Cuervo volcano trek and the Caldera Blanca trek. These tracks are located on the territory of the Timanfaya National Park, but you can visit them freely, without permission, for free. It’s not far from the place where we live to the start of these tracks, about 10 minutes. We have a quick lunch with home-cooked food and leave.
    The village where our house is located is already located in the Timanfaya National Park. Drive to the start of the tracks for about 15 minutes, no more. The start of the trails starts mainly from the road, there are exits to the parking lot. I must say that in Lanzarote, in this part of the island, it is impossible to park, except in special places. The edge is missing. The road with excellent coverage without the slightest flaw, laid in the middle of a continuous lava field.
    By the way, local volcanic rock was used to make the pavement for the road. There is a two-lane road and if you need to stop, then you will occupy the entire lane. The exits are made only in those places where there are trails and tourist attractions, so driving along the road it is easy to guess that if there is an exit, then there is a trail.
    Drive along LZ-67 until turning right 29. 043469 -13.694448
    Our first stop is Caldera Blanca. Description of the full route Caldera Blanca/Caldera Blanca with map and gps coordinates here:
    Blanca circular caldera
    Here is a long circular route, but we shortened it, first we passed a small peak with a crater, then climbed to a large peak, at the top we didn’t go anywhere, but turned around and went back the same way, the mileage turned out to be much less, and we also saw all the main things. In addition, the wind was so strong at the top of the crater that it was not comfortable to go around the crater in a circle, the wind simply pulled trekking sticks and hats out of hands. Other tourists followed the same route. On this track from asphalt there is an exit to the dirt road, on a good dirt road we go 300 meters to the parking lot. There are a lot of cars in the parking lot, there are few places, in case there is nowhere to park – there is a lava field all around.

    The photo was taken from the parking lot, you can see the beginning of the trail.
    In the parking lot, on the ground we see a lot of broken car windows, is it possible that they already steal on Mars?! We go along the path through the impressive lava fields, then the path takes us to the left, climbing to the top of the volcano, climbed to the top. Before us is a huge light-colored caldera and a gorgeous view of the entire Timanfaya park from a height with an overview of almost 360 degrees. To the left is a path along the edge of the Blanca caldera / Caldera Blanca, along which you can go to look at another part of Timanfaya. This is a fantastic landscape.

    The Blanca caldera is a must-see. This is the best track, in our opinion, in Lanzarote. The strongest wind is blowing. We’re going down.
    Caldera Blanca/Caldera Blanca trail total time is 2.5 hours at our pace. The trail is technically easy, there is a climb.
    Trekking poles make it easier to climb, but get in the way when walking on a path through lava, so they have to be folded.
    Next stop Volcano del Cuervo. Description of the route Volcano Cuervo, starting points, gps coordinates, map:
    Volcan del Cuervo
    The trail starts from the road. Cuervo / Volcan del Cuervo is a black, low volcano with an expressive caldera inside. The trail goes around the volcano without climbing to the top, you can go into the caldera. The entrance to the caldera Volcano Cuervo / Volcan del Cuervo will be closer if you go counterclockwise. The time for passing the Cuervo volcano trail in a circle at a very fast pace with entering the caldera is 1 hour 30 minutes (although the information board indicates 1 hour, which is clearly not enough). It’s impossible to get lost. The route is very easy, passable with any children. If time is limited, you can not go around the volcano in a circle (there is nothing interesting there), but go straight to the caldera, moving counterclockwise, then the whole inspection will take you about 30-40 minutes.

    We liked the route. Such a visual little black volcano for easy walks at sunset, before going to bed. After admiring the sunset on Mars, we go in search of the beach recommended by the owner and Google. It turned out to be Playa Mejias beach, gps 29.12003/-13.64124.

    The beach is very beautiful and large, with a gorgeous view and picturesque waves, in the distance the island is probably Graciosa / La Graciosa, the driest island of the Canary Islands, located near Lanzarote. There are many surfers on the beach in the distance. Unfortunately, it is impossible to go into the water, solid sharp stones. Perhaps, where the surfers rode and there was some kind of loophole for entering the water, but it was too late, we did not begin to explore. On the way, on the way back, we passed through a place where everyone seems to swim – “El Rio” gps 29.11387/-13.65349. These are artificial sand backwaters, creeks. We tried to go into the water, but it was shallow, and even dark by this time.

    Things to do on canary islands: 20 Top Attractions & Places to Visit in the Canary Islands

    Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 11:14 pm


    Категории: Miscellaneous

    Outdoor activities in Canary Islands

    Canary Island, sustainable tourism paradise

    The Canarian paradigm offers the ecotourist some possibilities that are far from the commonly accepted stereotype of what the Canary Islands represent: Sun and beach.


    Ecotourism in the Canaries exceeds the imagination on countless occasions . Discover volcanoes, lava landscapes that seem to be brought from extraterrestrial planets that contrast later with almost jungle forests, pine forests on which you lose sight. Dunes that will make you remember the desert, beaches that are envy all over the world. Natural spaces where you can enjoy endemic species as picturesque as the Dragos, the Sabinas or the Blue Finch in the Teide. Without forgetting, of course, good weather guaranteed.


    Ecotourism in the Canary Islands, without a doubt, will make you discover a paradise , a world still unexplored and virgin in its vast majority.


    If the Canary Islands have anything that is not common in other parts of the world, it is the patent biodiversity among them. All without exception present the sustainable tourist with a unique idiosyncrasy .


    Starting with the province of Las Palmas, we have Lanzarote. An island that César Manrique turned into a work of art. Touring the volcanic lava landscapes, visiting the Cueva de Los Verdes or Los Jameos del Agua are undoubtedly an obligation for those who want to know the nature of the Canaries.


    Fuerteventura will transport you to a paradise of sand, a land where you lose sight and the contrast of yellow and blue colors prevails wherever you go. Jandía, one of his treasures.


    And Gran Canaria, the capital of the province. Explore the Roque Nublo in the bowels of the island, the aboriginal caves in Gáldar … A world unknown to the urban tourist. If ecotourism is your thing, you will be surprised.


    On the other hand, the province of Santa Cruz. Undoubtedly the most tropical islands of the Canary Islands. Starting with La Palma, the only astronomical paradise in the world. An even better culture. Its popular festivals, the best in the Canary Islands.


    El Hierro and La Gomera, a rural paradise for the lover of virgin terrain. Undoubtedly the best preserved islands in terms of natural terrain. Night walks on lost trails will take you to another planet.


    And of course, Tenerife, capital of the province. The ecotourist will discover that sustainable tourism takes place here. Climbing the Teide will make you realize how small we are.

    6 reasons to enjoy Canary Islands with sustainable tourism

    # 1 Discover a virgin land

    Ecotourism in the Canary Islands presents the possibility of discovering a land that is little exploited by man. Although it is becoming less and less, you still have time to know what islands are like after being generated by explosions of volcanoes millions and millions of years ago.


    # 2 Really knows the Canary Islands

    Everyone who really knows the Canary Islands knows that behind there is much more than just sun and beach. Its people are proud of the climate, but without a doubt also of the most rural places, unique in the world. If you want to discover the Canaries, you must discover its villages.


    # 3 The Sun is not alone on the beach

    Because of course, who said that the weather in the mountains is not good in the Canary Islands? Even in its wildest version, tourists will find a time of luxury regardless of the time of year in which they travel. To take into account, right?


    # 4 The heart of the Canary Islands is not on the coast

    Every island, and its corresponding islanders, generally feel love for some part of their island. When you ask them what part in particular is that they feel love, they will rarely say the beach. The heart is in the center.


    # 5 Aid to sustainable development

    Canarias stands out among other things, for its constant effort to highlight and develop sustainable tourism. Many rural hotels or activity companies strive every day to promote the green part of the islands. You can help them.


    # 6 Be different from the rest

    Everyone says he goes to the Canaries on the beach. Why do you have to do the same? Since you are, take advantage. Great discoveries are made in an unexpected way. Let them tell Columbus, who, by the way, has a house-museum in Gran Canaria.


    So, do you join the adventure?

    Things to do in Tenerife on the Canary Islands: our top picks

    If you have read the different articles we have written about Tenerife so far, you may have the impression that we are just hiking;)… So we reassure you right away, it’s not quite true! After 4 months spent on the island at Nine Coliving, we had a lot of favorites for activities or things to do in Tenerife and we will be happy to share all this with you!

    You’ll see, if you decide to come and visit Tenerife, you will not be.

    Note: if you are looking for more information about Tenerife, when to leave, accommodation etc…, we let you take a look at our general page dedicated to Tenerife.

    Table of Contents

    The best things to do in Tenerife:

    1. The Santa Cruz Carnival
    2. Go eat in a Guachinche
    3. The historical center of La Orotava
    4. Teide volcano and the national park
    5. Black sand beaches on Tenerife
    6. The Gordejuela water elevator
    7. The historical center of La Laguna
    8. The Anaga Mountains
    9. Whale and dolphin watching
    10. The nicest villages on Tenerife
    11. Explore Masca
    12. The Corona Forestal
    13. surf and kitesurf
    14. Try barraquito
    15. Star watching on Mount Teide
    16. Street Art in Puerto de la Cruz
    17. swim in a Charcos
    18. Watch Sunrise over the clouds – Teide by night
    19. Our Tenerife Map

    The Santa Cruz Carnival

    You certainly know the Rio carnival…. Well, the Santa Cruz de Tenerife carnival is the second most popular in the world after Rio. And you know what? We had never heard of it before we came to Tenerife. So as we really wanted to live this experience, we fixed our departure from Tenerife just after the day of the big parade and I can promise you that we didn’t regret it.

    The carnival in Tenerife is 1 month of total madness throughout the island with a climax in the 5 days preceding the mardi gras which see hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Frankly, we loved the atmosphere! The big parade was superb, there are lots of stages with live music all over the city, absolutely everyone is dressed up and dancing in the streets… to live once in a lifetime!

    la reine de carnaval

    another carnival queen

    Team nine coliving au carnaval déguisée en “digital douchebag”

    big parade

    How to get to Tenerife?

    The easiest and best option is to get here by flight. There are several options of airlines coming to Tenerife from various places in Europe. To find the best deals we recommend you take a look on skyscanner.

    Note: If you are coming from Spain or if your hometown offers great deals to the main spanish airports, then it’s clearly worth taking a look at Vueling as well. They have great deals from the mainland to the islands!

    Go eat in a Guachinche

    You may not know it, but Tenerife is a wine-producing island (there are even some very good ones in our opinion;)). And so a Guachinche was originally a place close to the vines that was used by winegrowers to sell their own wine. Over the years the Guachinches have evolved into small restaurants that serve a simple and typical Tenerife cuisine while selling the wine produced on the spot.

    In general there is no menu and the waiter will give you the daily specials live (good time guaranteed if your Spanish is not quite perfect yet ;)). You will find dishes like Queso asado (goat cheese grilled on the stove with Mojo), Ropa Vieja (meat simmered with potatoes), papas arrugadas (potatoes in salt with Mojo), lots of meat… all served with the house wine and for a very small price. However, if you are a vegetarian, Guanchinche might not become your all time favorite… there are clearly not many “meat-less” options there.

    Our favourite Guachinches (you will find them in yellow on the map at the end of the article):

    • Guachinche El Cubano: Our favorite! Located in the middle of the vineyards 10 minutes from La Orotava, we advise you to come in the late afternoon to enjoy the sunset. And don’t forget to test their Ropa Vieja!
    • Guachinche La Casona: A sure value also found in the heights of La Orotava in the middle of the vineyards.

    L’ami Ed en mode Ogre avec sa costillas

    la fameuse Ropa Vieja

    The historical center of La Orotava

    sunset in le Orotava

    La Orotava… our favorite little town where we lived for 4 months. This was no coincidence, of course! The first time we passed through it, we immediately loved the old historic centre with its beautiful wooden balconies and colourful facades. As the small town is not by the sea, there are very few tourists staying there (they only pass during the day) and the atmosphere is very pleasant and local. There are also lots of nice little restaurants and bars (we’ll talk about it a little bit further down)… in short, a real crush for us and we immediately decided to stay longer.

    If you pass by La Orotava, don’t miss the central square with its breathtaking view, the Victoria gardens, the casa de los balcones, perhaps visit a museum and end your day with a small tasting of local wines and tapas at De Pata Negra restaurant…. guaranteed fun!

    La Orotava

    Plaza La Orotava

    Campervan or Motorhome rental

    We didn’t do it in Tenerife, but since we bought our van the Dahu, we really want to come back to Tenerife and discover the area with our campervan. The island lends itself really well if you want our opinion. 🙂 If you want to rent one directly on the island (probably the easiest solution), then you can go to the website Yescapa. They offer camper vans rented directly by van owners (with all required insurances). Otherwise you can also check the camper van rental company Campstar.

    If you want more details about how to rent a van or a motorhome, you can also check our complete guide below
    Read our RV rental guide

    Teide volcano and the national park

    The Teide Volcano Park and its 3718m of happiness… I think we can say that we have explored it in length, in width and across! It must be said that the landscapes that can be admired on and around the Teide are simply exceptional… you really have the impression of being on another planet up there and the possibilities of hiking are numerous.

    Enough chatter, to help you visit this little wonder of Tenerife, we have concocted 2 articles for you:

    1. Our advice to discover Teide in all its aspects with lots of hiking ideas
    2. A detailed post on the ascent of the Teide (by night and during the day)

    fenêtre sur la volcan Teide

    la route qui monte depuis La Laguna jusqu’au Teide

    Benoit au sommet de la montagne Guajara avec une vue à tomber sur le Teide

    Samara au coucher du soleil

    L’ombre triangulaire du Teide sur le Pico Viejo au lever du soleil depuis le sommet

    Notre copine Faustine au bord du cratère du Pico Viejo

    Silhouette au sommet du Teide

    If you would like to do some activities at Teide, you can also have a look here. On GetYourGuide you can find a lot of activities like night tours, paragliding flights or tickets for the cable car.

    Black sand beaches on Tenerife

    You will most likely have noticed it already, but Tenerife is a volcanic island (Teide is an active volcano) and therefore most of its beaches are black! So you may know that Fabienne is not a big fan of swimming and Ben can’t keep still on a beach for more than 15 minutes… but despite that, after 4 months spent on Tenerife, we have some beautiful beaches to advise you in our order of preference (they are also on the map at the end of the article):

    1. Tamadite Beach: a beautiful beach that is only accessible by foot in Anaga with a fresh water basin (very rare things in Tenerife) in the river next door.
    2. Ancon an Los Patos Beaches: 2 beaches not far from Puerto de la Cruz which are magnificent but above all very quiet
    3. Almaciga Beach: A very nice beach in Anaga just next to the villages of Benijo and Almaciga in Anaga
    4. Bollullo Beach: One of our favorite little walks that we did with Lara (the topo is in this article)… a very nice beach with a view of the Teide. To do rather during the week because on weekends there are a lot of people.

    Plage Tamadite

    Plage Los Patos

    Fabienne et Lara à la plage Ancon

    selfie à la plage Bollullo

    la plage Almaciga

    The Gordejuela water elevator

    This now abandoned building was in fact an old water elevator that operated a flour mill at the beginning of the 20th century. Located on the way of a beautiful hike from the San Pedro viewpoint (the gpx trace is in this article), this place will delight fans of photos and urbex.

    Gordejuela water elevator

    The historical center of La Laguna

    San Cristobal de la Laguna was in fact the first capital of Tenerife and is in my opinion the most beautiful city on the island with La Orotava. Its historic centre, which dates back to the 15th century, is protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As the historic centre is only pedestrian, it is nice to stroll around and have a drink on a terrace and enjoy the pretty coloured facades of the buildings.

    We recommend a short visit to the history museum, which is located in a beautiful old house and is free of charge. And if you have the courage to climb to the viewpoint of San Roque, you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the whole city.

    Note: if you come by during the holiday season, you will see that in La Laguna they don’t laugh with Christmas decorations;) (we like it or we don’t like it)

    graffiti dans les rues de La Laguna

    in the old center of la laguna

    christmas lights

    on aime ou on n’aime pas

    The Anaga Mountains

    Lara and Fabienne in the Anaga Mountains

    Ahhhhh the Anaga massif is also one of our favorite places in Tenerife! Located on the northeast point of the island, it is a small pearl for nature and hiking lovers, where you will find steep but also very green landscapes (it is the wettest region on the island), small hamlets here and there, and also the most impressive roads on the island (with the one that goes to Masca).

    As with the Teide, we explored this massif in every nook and cranny. We did a lot of day hikes but also a 4-day hike with our tent and we enjoyed every minute of it. You will find all the detailed information about our hikes in Anaga here:

    1. Our ideas for day trips in Anaga
    2. Our 4-day trek in Anaga

    végétation de l’Anaga

    Le Teide et la Laguna depuis le massif de l’Anaga

    La couleur de cet arbre!

    l’impressionnante forêt de l’Anaga

    Vue de la côte nord de l’Anaga

    Whale and dolphin watching in Tenerife

    The waters south of Tenerife are home to many species of whales, killer whales and dolphins. We did not personally go to observe them but several friends of the coliving were there and came back absolutely delighted with their discoveries of cetaceans. On the other hand, it is better to use the services of an ethical and responsible company that respects these animals. The best way to avoid disturbing the wildlife is of course to go for a sailboat tour and not a motorboat!

    Find a tour on Civitatis

    The nicest villages on Tenerife

    Un petite ruelle du centre du village de Garachico

    There are a lot of small villages worth a stop during a road trip in Tenerife. One thinks in particular of Garachico, a small seaside village well known for its Charcos (natural swimming pools where you can swim). There is also Icod de los vinos and its famous thousand-year-old dragon tree, Masca and its breathtaking route over the cliffs or the small villages of Anaga such as Taganana and Chamorga. In short if you pass by one of these villages, take the time to stop to stroll through the alleys and have a drink. 😉

    Explore Masca (on foot and by car)

    Masca is a small village perched in the heart of the Teno massif overlooking 600m cliffs. The road to reach the village is really impressive and if you can, you are advised to stop at the differentviewpoints along the road. However, the road is narrow and it is sometimes difficult to cross… especially since there are quite a few tourist buses that pass through Masca. So a word of advice, come in the morning instead, this will allow you to avoid the crowd.

    Otherwise there are also beautiful hikes to do in the surroundings of Masca. You may have already heard about the “barranco de Masca” which goes down to the seaside (the path was closed because of a landslide during our time on the island)…. We went up to the Masca viewpoint, a 4-5 km walk along a cliff that is really worth a visit (more details and GPX map here)

    vue sur la route de Masca

    Au-dessus des gorges de Masca

    If you are looking for a tour in the area you can have a look at this one. This tour combines a hike with a baot tour.

    Stop at the Corona Forestal

    The Corona Forestal (or forest crown) is actually a large protected pine forest that surrounds more or less the Teide volcano to an altitude of about 2000m. I really like this area which offers many possibilities for walks and where few people stop. I am thinking in particular of the spot along the road that leads to the Teide from La Laguna or the forgotten corner on the other side of the volcano called Samara. Look at how beautiful it is with the dancing clouds.

    surf and kitesurf in Tenerife

    If you like water sports, you won’t be disappointed in Tenerife. El Medano is a very famous spot for kitesurfing.  There are several rental companies that also offer introdction courses to this sport. It  will most likely take you at least 3-4 days to do an introduction. For surfing there are many good spots all around the island (Bajamar, Puerto de la Cruz, Almaciga…) and you can do a 2-hour initiation for 30-40€. Book your lesson here

    Try a barraquito

    a barraquito without alcohol

    Barraquito is a typical Canary Islands coffee recipe. The classic to prepare with a good dose of condensed milk, a little (a lot) liqueur 43, an espresso, milk foam sprinkled with cinnamon. We tasted this version of the barraquito on the evening of the 3rd rainy day of our 4-day trek in Anaga… and I can promise you that it warmed us up right away. But if not, you can drink a barraquito at any time of the day because its alcohol-free version is also very popular.

    Star watching on Mount Teide

    milky way behing Roque Garcia

    The island of Tenerife is known to have the clearest sky in Europe with very little light pollution… It is the ideal place to admire a starry sky like you have never seen before and observe the Milky Way. To do this nothing simpler… just wait for a new moon evening (there must be as little moonlight as possible to observe the stars) and drive up to the Teide. Then find a quiet place (for example at the Roques de Garcia car park or along the road that leads up to the Teide from La Laguna to the observatory) and simply enjoy the show.

    And if you want to take beautiful pictures of the starry sky, don’t forget to have a tripod (I use this one which is ultra light), a wide angle lens with a beautiful aperture (I have a Laowa 15mm that opens at f2) and a body with a fairly large sensor (full frame or aps-c).

    If you want to know more about the stars, it is also possible to make a guided night hike. More info and booking here.

    Street Art in Puerto de la Cruz

    Puerto de la Cruz is not necessarily the most interesting city in the north of Tenerife in our opinion (many seaside resorts, large hotels etc…). But there is one thing that should not be missed in Puerto: the huge graffiti that adorn the walls of the city’s historic centre. See for yourself because it’s worth a look! (the graffiti map is here)

    mon graffiti préféré à Puerto

    Swim in Charcos

    Charcos are actually natural pools dug into the island’s volcanic rock and filled with tides. You can swim there at medium tide and enjoy their often crystal clear water.

    Watch Sunrise over the clouds – Teide by Night

    In Tenerife there is often a sea of clouds that forms around the Teide volcano between 1000m and 2000m above sea level. One thing that is really worth it is simply to get in the car and get up the volcano for sunrise or sunset over the sea of cloud. The lights are just crazy at these moments and the landscapes take on a whole new dimension.

    lumière du soir au-dessus des nuages

    Les amis Faustine et Rémi au sommet du Teide pour le lever du soleil

    coucher de soleil à Samara

    Our Tenerife Map

    You will find on this map all the things I told you about above and much more.

    Car rental
    As we told you in our other articles, the best way to get around Tenerife is to rent a car. Outside the Christmas and New Year period when prices are soaring, it is possible to have a car for 10-20€ per day on the rentalcars site (on our side we paid about 300€/month).See on RentalCars

    Where to stayTo find a place to stay, we recommend you take a look at the map below. There are many different apartments and hotel options on Tenerife and by using the filters (date, price range) you should be able to easily find your perfect place to stay. You can also check on Hotelscombined which compares some of the main hotel booking website
    Check out Hotelscombined

    I think with all this you should have something to do during your holiday in Tenerife.

    March europe weather: Europe weather in March 2023: How hot & sunny?

    Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 11:08 pm


    Категории: March

    UK and Europe daily weather forecast latest, March 23: Largely fine with cloudy and breezy conditions, rain to move into western Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland

    UK’s weather forecast

    According to Sky News, Tuesday will be largely fine, if rather cloudy and breezy, but rain over the Atlantic will move into western Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland later. Looking further ahead, the rest of the week looks more unsettled, turning briefly colder on Friday.

    BBC Weather has forecast the hot weekend weather will not continue in some areas as clear skies bring morning frost to regions outside of built-up towns and cities with strong gales to come at the end of the week.

    BBC weatherman Matt Taylor said the UK is expected to be dry for much of the week as a weather front brings cooler temperatures away from the highs of 17-18 degrees we saw on the weekend in some areas. Mr Taylor added that morning frost would damage “tender plants” warning some gardeners should think about bringing their foliage inside. Generally, the UK can see milder weather for much of the week as an Atlantic flow of wind hits the country with many experiencing strong gales.

    Photo: Sky News

    Appearing on BBC Breakfast, Mr Taylor said: “Sunday isn’t looking that bad out there because for most of you, it will be another dry day today. And even though it’s been pretty grey for some of you a better chance of some sunshine, those in the sunshine yesterday saw highs of around 18 degrees.”

    “But we won’t quite see those sorts of temperatures today and that’s because through the night and into this morning we’ve seen this weather front push its way southward. Not much on it but it has introduced slightly cooler conditions across the north but also thinner cloud which should break up a bit more easily.”

    “What we also have throughout today is more breeze across the north of Scotland and down the eastern coast. So a chillier feel here compared with yesterday but elsewhere some of the morning cloud will break up. Some sunny spells best of which throughout the day will be in parts of southern Scotland. Northern England winds, lightest here, a southwesterly breeze blowing in towards the northwest later that could just bring one or two light showers.”

    “But for the vast majority said it’s going to be a dry day temperatures down on the highs of yesterday probably see the peak somewhere around the southwest midlands and southeast Wales of around 13-14 maybe 15 degrees.”

    “But for most around nine to 11 Celsius. So we finished the day of the drying up, we go into tonight largely dry there will be some clear skies around a few mist and fog patches forming. Not much in the way of wind and with those clear skies around prepare for a chilly night Sunday.”

    High pressure will bring clear skies and frost in some rural ares (Image: BBC )

    “I know some of you may have gone into the garden this weekend with the dry weather dominating but if you put out any tender plants frost possible away from the towns and city centres. Monday, high pressure but it’s still keeping things dry but it’s slipping a bit further south and that allows an Atlantic flow of wind.”

    “Once again, you see those southwesterly winds pick up across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland through the day nothing too strong but it will bring just a few spots of rain every now and again.”

    “The cloud could be thick enough towards the coast of western England and Wales for one or two showers but for most another dry day, any patchy mist and fog clears, some sunny spells which is a little bit on today. A little bit milder across eastern areas as we see those southwesterly winds which will pick up further as we go into Tuesday.”

    “A dry day for most, sunny spells around clouding over later towards the west and by that stage the winds really will be picking up because the gales develop as we go through Tuesday night into Wednesday.”

    “And so through Tuesday night, Wednesday, we will see some rain arrive not much pushing its way east with another patch of rain pushing in through Wednesday, Thursday.

    On March 23

    According to Weather Online, high pressure shifts south on Tuesday allowing for some fronts to move in to northern and western areas. This will bring more in the way of cloudy skies to many parts of the country with the exception of southern areas of England where we’ll see the best of the sun. Patchy rain is expected over far western parts of Scotland, as well as western Ireland and Northern Ireland. Dry elsewhere. Highs at 9 to 13C.

    Generally dry with a good deal of cloud and some sunny intervals. Becoming windier in the north-west with rain moving east across Northern Ireland and western Scotland during the afternoon, Met Office reported.

    Photo: Weather Online

    Outlook for Wednesday to Friday

    Unsettled with strong winds and showers in northwestern areas, while mostly fine with variable cloud elsewhere. On Friday heavy showers overspread the UK, with these turning wintry in the northwest.

    Europe’s weather forecast

    Dry and bright for much of Spain and Portugal. Some patchy cloud and isolated showers to the north. Early showers clear from the Balearic Islands and Sardinia to leave a dry and fine day here. Sunny skies for Corsica and northern Italy. Cloudier for central and southern Italy and Sicily with scattered showers here. Heavy rain, sleet and snow clears slowly east from the Balkans and Greece.

    Dry and fair for much of France, cloudier further east. Variable amounts of cloud but generally dry for the Low Countries and Germany. Patchy sleet and snow fades over the Alps to leave a dry and fine day for Switzerland and Austria. Dry and fair for Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

    Cloudy but mostly dry for Denmark and Sweden. Early sleet and snow fades over the Baltic States to leave a dry and bright day here and for Finland. Rain and sleet continues to affect western parts of Norway – staying drier and bright further inland.

    Darren Bett stated that Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and parts of the Balkans will face tough weather conditions on Monday. However, the BBC meteorologist stated there will be some sunshine in Europe as Cyprus and Turkey are set for warm weather.

    Mr Bett said: “There is high pressure in the northwest of Europe and low pressure that has been running its way steadily eastwards through the Mediterranian. We have still got some sunshine in Cyprus and parts of Turkey. There are showers to the north, getting much wetter in Bulgaria, Romania and northern parts of Greece and into the Balkans. Not just rain but some snow, possibly blizzards with some strong winds as well.”

    Darren Bett is a meteorologist for BBC Weather Europe (Image: BBC)

    BBC Meteorologist Matt Taylor told BBC Breakfast that the UK will see rain pushing through on Wednesday and Thurday.

    Mr Taylor said: “Monday, high pressure but it’s still keeping things dry but it’s slipping a bit further south and that allows an Atlantic flow of wind. Once again, you see those southwesterly winds pick up across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland through the day nothing too strong but it will bring just a few spots of rain every now and again.”

    “The cloud could be thick enough towards the coast of western England and Wales for one or two showers but for most another dry day, any patchy mist and fog clears, some sunny spells which is a little bit on today.”

    “A little bit milder across eastern areas as we see those southwesterly winds which will pick up further as we go into Tuesday. A dry day for most, sunny spells around clouding over later towards the west and by that stage the winds really will be picking up because the gales develop as we go through Tuesday night into Wednesday.”

    “And so through Tuesday night, Wednesday, we will see some rain arrive not much pushing its way east with another patch of rain pushing in through Wednesday, Thursday.”

    The Met Office has forecast colder temperatures and unsettled conditions towards the end of March.

    The Met Office state: “There is a risk of morning frost and fog patches, particularly in the west. Daytime temperatures will potentially be colder than average in the south, particularly the southeast at first, where showers may be wintry at times, and on the milder side elsewhere.”

    “The end of the period will most likely see another period of unsettled weather, with spells of rain and some strong winds crossing all parts of the UK, interspersed with drier and brighter interludes. Temperatures are expected to be at or slightly below average for this time of year by the end of the period.”

    On March 23

    Photo: Weather Online
    UK and Europe daily weather forecast latest, March 19: Fairly cloudy, less warm with morning rain over central and northern England

    The UK is forecasted to be fairly cloudy and less warm on Friday. Morning rain over central and northern England will tend to fizzle out …

    UK and Europe daily weather forecast latest, March 18: Mostly dry and cloudy but rain to affect eastern England and northwest Scotland

    Thursday looks mostly dry and cloudy, but rain may affect eastern England and northwest Scotland again. Meanwhile, cold weather set to hit over much of …

    UK and Europe daily weather forecast latest, March 17: Mostly fine with plenty of sunshine for most parts in the UK

    The UK is forecasted to have a fine day with plenty of sunshine for most parts, but eastern England will be cloudier. Meanwhile, cold weather …

    Snow shortage threatens Alps with wet winter season

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    Image source, EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock

    Image caption,

    This was the scene just before the new year as Adelboden prepared to host the Alpine Skiing World Cup on 6 January

    By Imogen Foulkes

    BBC News, Bern

    They have been holding their breath in the Swiss resort of Adelboden, as New Year temperatures in Switzerland hit a record 20C – the highest ever north of the Alps in January.

    Many wondered if next weekend’s ski World Cup would go ahead, as the usual snowy slopes were mud and grass.

    Even at 2,000m (6,500ft), the temperature was above freezing.

    In the end, the famous Chuenisbärgli piste has been approved for use for the big slalom events.

    It took the help of an army of snow cannon, as well as a slight drop in temperature at the top of the run. But when the world’s top men’s skiers hurtle across the finish line, they will be on artificial snow.

    Across the Alps, the unseasonably warm wet weather has put a real damper on the start of the ski season.

    The word for it here is Schneemangel or snow shortage. There’s a phrase for when the snow is plentiful too – das weisse Gold – white gold. It’s a reflection of how many alpine communities depend on winter sports for their livelihoods.

    Image source, Getty Images

    Image caption,

    Skiers at this resort in Seefeld in western Austria are urged to stick to the slope

    This January, they are having to rethink.

    In Austria, the resorts around Salzburg last had snow a month ago. In Chamonix in France, the snow cannon are idle because the water to fuel them is in short supply.

    In Switzerland, some resorts have even opened their summer biking trails rather than try to offer winter sports. Others have simply shut down their ski lifts indefinitely.

    Climate experts suggest we should not be surprised by this January weather. Global warming, they have long warned, will cause warmer, wetter winters. But as with the shrinking of the Alpine glaciers, the rate at which ski resorts become unviable seems to be accelerating.

    Just a few years ago, Swiss resorts were warned that skiing below 1,000m was, over time, likely to become impossible as global temperatures rose. But this week, the resort of Splügen, at 1,500m considered “snow safe”, shut down until further notice.

    Image source, ANTHONY ANEX/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock

    Image caption,

    These Swiss snowboarders are having to deal with far less of the white stuff than they would like

    Hacher Bernet, the director of Splügen’s ski lifts, graphically showed Swiss journalists why he had taken such a difficult decision.

    Picking up a lump of snow from the slope, he held it out: not fluffy white powder, but a lump of dripping slush.

    “It’s really too wet, like in spring. For skiing, the snow needs to hold together – there’s just too much water in this, it’s impossible.

    The highest resorts are staying open for now, but with the help of more and more snow cannon pumping out artificial snow.

    That uses up vast amounts of water, which is not ideal when Switzerland has been carefully preserving water this winter in order to be able to generate enough hydropower to replace gas power shortages caused by the war in Ukraine.

    In the long term, a new study by the University of Basel warns that higher resorts will have to rely increasingly on artificial snow to survive, raising their water consumption by up to 80%. This could cause conflict between the winter sports industry and local communities, whose energy comes from hydropower.

    The study also predicts a huge increase in the cost of skiing, as resorts switch to ever more expensive and artificial ways to preserve their slopes. By the end of the century, it is feared that skiing, if it is still a sport at all, will be confined to the very rich.

    As a result, anxiety is mounting across the Alps. After two years of reduced income because of the pandemic, winter resorts have been banking on a return to normal.

    In February and March, schools in Europe break up for the winter “ski week”. Tens of thousands of families will head to the mountains expecting to ski. Snow needs to come, soon.

    But for now, the weather forecast remains warm and wet.

    Are you experiencing a lack of snow on your winter holiday? Tell us how it is affecting your plans by emailing: [email protected].

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    • Austria
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    The weather in Europe on New Year’s Eve broke temperature records – RBC

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    Record-breaking warm weather is recorded in Europe for the beginning of January – up to 19 degrees Celsius. So, the night of December 31 became the warmest for Prague in the entire century-long history of observations. This greatly reduced the use of gas

    Photo: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

    On January 1st, Germany reached 16 degrees Celsius, a record high for January, while Poland, Switzerland and southern and eastern France recorded 19 degrees Celsius, German weather service Deutscher Wetterdienst said on Twitter. nine0003

    The previous record for Warsaw was five degrees lower, forecasters said.

    Warm weather on the night of January 1 was also in the Czech Republic. The meteorological service of the republic Český hydrometeorologický ústav (ČHMÚ) indicated that at night the air warmed up to record levels in the entire history of observations since 1925, the thermometer scale rose above all in Prague and the Central Bohemian region – up to 17. 6 degrees Celsius.


    Bloomberg notes that warm weather has reduced European natural gas consumption and prices, with no cooling expected in most regions, mitigating the risk of power outages and regulation due to reduced fuel supplies from Russia. In addition, wind speeds increased in several regions of Europe. Bloomberg calculations show that thanks to this, on Wednesday, January 4, Germany will receive almost a record amount of electricity from wind energy.

    Much of Europe and the US will experience above-average temperatures in the coming weeks for the next few weeks, according to Bloomberg. Moderate weather was established until mid-January and in most of the territory of the largest buyer of gas – in China. nine0003

    European gas storage facilities are now 84% full, well above the five-year norm for this season of 70%, the agency said, citing the Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators in Europe.

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    British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to allow employers to sue unions and fire employees who strike in order to combat strikes in the country.

  • Senator Pushkov called Poland’s criticism of honoring Bandera in Ukraine a formality

    Senator Aleksey Pushkov commented on the reaction of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to the celebration in Ukraine of the birthday of Ukrainian nationalist leader Stepan Bandera. nine0003

  • Le Pen announced the closure of a number of enterprises in France due to increased energy prices

    France is facing a “price explosion” for electricity, causing many French businesses to either shut down or face bankruptcy.

  • Estonia plans to develop a mechanism for the transfer of Russian financial assets to Kyiv

    Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu, in an interview with Postimees, said that Estonia plans to independently develop a mechanism for transferring frozen Russian financial assets to Ukraine.

  • Human rights activist Baraka: Europe realizes that it was deliberately dragged into the conflict with Russia

    The words of the grandson of the former French President Charles de Gaulle Pierre about the conspiracy of the Western countries against Moscow demonstrate the true mood of the Europeans, who realized that they were specially drawn into the confrontation with Russia. This opinion was expressed by human rights activist Ajamu Baraka. nine0003

  • Merci beaucoup, monsieur de Gaulle!

    “If the main idea of ​​Gaullism is the priority of national interests over everything else, then the main idea of ​​modern French power is the priority of “general European” interests and values ​​over national ones. Pierre de Gaulle also has a lot of complaints about “European values”.

  • A complicating factor: why Poland continues to insist on Germany paying reparations for World War II

    The reluctance of the German authorities to discuss the issue of paying reparations to Poland for the damage caused to it by the Nazis during World War II demonstrates Berlin’s disrespect for the Poles, said Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Arkadiusz Mulyarchik. He accused Germany of a policy of double standards and promised to continue seeking compensation. According to estimates by the Polish authorities, Berlin owes Warsaw about $1.3 trillion. Analysts believe that such demands have no legal basis, since the issue of reparations was settled in the post-war years. According to experts, the Polish authorities, with the help of such rhetoric, aimed more at the domestic audience, expect, among other things, to increase their rating. nine0003

  • RTBF: tougher Western sanctions have not affected the daily life of Russians

    The tightening of Western sanctions against Russia has not affected the daily life of Russians, Louis Portal, correspondent for the Belgian television and radio company RTBF, reports from Moscow.

  • The European Commission said that EU gas storage facilities are 83% full

    EU gas storage facilities are currently 83% full, European Commission spokeswoman Dana Spinant said at a press conference in Brussels.

  • Gazeta Polska: on the Polish TV channel TVP showed the inscription “Heroic Defense of Russia”

    On the air of the Polish TV channel TVP showed the inscription “Heroic Defense of Russia”. This was reported by Gazeta Polska.

  • Gas prices in Europe fell below $750 per thousand cubic meters

    Exchange prices for gas in Europe fell below $750 per thousand cubic meters.

  • In Poland, they announced a note from Germany about the lack of intention to negotiate reparations

    The German government has declared in a diplomatic note that it has no intention to negotiate reparations with Poland for damages from World War II, the Polish Foreign Ministry said. nine0003

  • Out of place

    “He made a mistake. I didn’t see that behind the care of Ukraine, Europe hides only one big and main desire – to topple huge Russia and divide its resources among themselves. And now no one needs him. Maybe there will be people who can sympathize with the duped French mercenary who was left without a leg. But … let him say thanks that, unlike many other foreign mercenaries, he survived. nine0003

  • Hyena is a cautious animal

    “Why, since 1953, the Poles kept quiet and only massively drove to their damned neighbors to earn money, taking with them wagons of building materials and home appliances, which were five to ten times cheaper than in Germany? Answer: because they were afraid of the growing power of the FRG and, of course, the post-war curator of the FRG – America.

  • La palma canary islands holidays: Travel guide La Palma, Canary Islands, eco, rural tourism, winter sun

    Опубликовано: January 30, 2023 в 10:58 pm


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    Our holiday destinations

    Holidays in La Palma

    Unwrap, in this guide, everything you need to know about tourism in the island of La Palma. La Palma is also known as “La Isla Bonita” due to its spectacular landscapes. This beautiful island has many legends related to its large forests of laurel and its refreshing and melodical springs of water.

    The island of La Palma has been proclamed Biosphere Reserve also because of its forests, tiles and its beautiful coves and volcanic cones. In La Palma you will be able to travel large paths either by foot, by bike or on horseback, either way you’ll have an unique experience. Admire the spectacular views from the stunning Natural Parks and protected areas, such as the Caldera de Taburiente, where you will find spectacular views from the the top that sometimes reaches above the clouds.

    In La Palma you can also find some interesting theme parks, such as Jardín de las Aves or the Maroparque, where you can learn curiosities about the world’d fauna and flora.

    Because of the clarity and cleanliness of the sky at night, La Palma is also an ideal Island to observe the stars. In Roque de los Muchachos, a sightseeing spot at more than 2,420 meters of altitude, you will be able to see one of the most important astrophysical observatories of the world, where scientists from all over Europe come to study the universe.

    If you want to take a look at hotel offers in La Palma or make a free-commitment reservation click here.

    Recommended Excursions:
    What to see in La Palma:

    • Barlovento
    • Breña Alta
    • Breña Baja
    • El Paso
    • Fuencaliente de La Palma
    • Garafía
    • Los Llanos de Aridane
    • Puntagorda
    • Puntallana
    • San Andrés y Sauces
    • Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • Tazacorte
    • Tijarafe
    • Villa de Mazo

    • Beaches in La Palma
    • Museums in La Palma
    • Natural Parks
    • Theme Parks
    • Caldera de Taburiente National Park
    • La Fajana Natural Pools – Barlovento
    • La Laguna Volcanic Crater – Barlovento
    • Maroparque Zoo – Breña Alta
    • Los Cancajos Beach – Breña Baja
    • San Antonio Volcano – Fuencaliente de La Palma
    • Roque Teneguía – Fuencaliente de La Palma
    • La Zarza and the La Zarcita Cultural Park – Garafía
    • Paraíso de las Aves – El Paso
    • La Cumbrecita Viewpoint – El Paso
    • La Caldera de Taburiente Camping Site – El Paso
    • Palmex Cactus – El Paso
    • Puerto Naos – Los Llanos de Aridane
    • La Palma Wine House Museum – Los Llanos de Aridane
    • La Glorieta Square – Los Llanos de Aridane
    • Benahorita Archaeological Museum – Los Llanos de Aridane
    • Belmaco Archaeological Park – Mazo
    • Casa Roja Museum – Mazo
    • Cubo de la Galga – Puntallana
    • Casa Luján Museum – Puntallana
    • El Regente Hydraulic Mill Museum – San Andrés y Sauces
    • Los Tiles Woods – San Andrés y Sauces
    • Salazar Palace – Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • Santa Catalina Castle – Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • La Palma Insular Museum – Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • La Palma Naval Museum – Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • Banana Museum – Tazacorte
    • Jurado Ravine (Barranco del Jurado) – Tijarafe
    • Jieque Cauldron (Caldera de Jieque) – Tijarafe
    • Casa del Maestro Ethnographic Museum – Tijarafe
    • Roque de los Muchachos
    • Las Nieves Natural Park
    • Cumbre Vieja Natural Park
    What to do in La Palma:
    • Scuba Diving
    • Hiking
    • Horse Riding
    • Cycling
    • Theme Parks

    Flight Offers:

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    Hotels in La Palma

    Book now your Hotel or Apartment in La Palma:

    • Hotels in Santa Cruz de La Palma
    • Accommodation in Los Llanos de Aridane
    • Hotels in Breña Alta
    • Hotels in Breña Baja
    • Hotels in Puerto Naos
    • Accommodation in Tazacorte
    • Hotels in Fuencaliente de La Palma

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    90,000 rest on the island of La Palma: weather, attractions, beaches, volcano

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    Events and Weather in Spain

    Holidays on the island of La Palma: weather, attractions, beaches, volcano – Canary Islands, Spain

    La Palma is surrounded by eternal greenery all year round

    The island of “La Palma” is located northwest of the rest of the Canarian archipelago with a population of 86,000, of which 18,000 live in the capital of Santa Cruz de la Palma,
    Capital of the island of Santa Cruz de la Palma

    a 20. 000 in the city of Los Llanos de Aridane. The name “isla bonita” or “magnificent island” has long been attached to this island – as the greenest and most flourishing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire archipelago.

    The age of La Palma is about 3-4 million years. The lowest point is at a depth of 4000 meters under water, and the highest is at an altitude of 2426 meters above sea level. Today it is the most active volcanic island. nine0027

    Half a million years ago in ulcan Taburiente collapsed along with a giant landslide, forming a crater with a diameter of 8 km Caldero de Taburiente .
    Caldera de Taburiente National Park

    Today it is a national park, where tours have been conducted since 1954. True, in order to take part in them, you need to measure your physical capabilities, because you will need a lot of strength during this journey. As many as five hours are needed to conquer the summit of Pico de la Cruz. nine0027

    Since the Spanish occupation, 7 crater eruptions have been recorded. In particular, the active volcano “Cumbre Vieja” is located in the southern part of La Palma. At the moment it is dormant, and the last eruption here happened in 1971.

    Active volcano of La Palma “Cumbre Vieja”

    The capital of the island is its main port from the promenade “Avenida Maritima”. The streets of the city are decorated with elegant buildings of the 17th and 18th centuries, such as the Salazar Palace and the Church of St. Sveta”. nine0026 Embankment of the island “Avenida Maritima”.

    Plaza de España is located in the center of the city. Every smoking tourist will be honored to bring home high-quality handmade cigarettes from local tobacco, which can be purchased at a specialized museum.

    The longest beach of the island with volcanic black sand is called “Puerto Naos” , located in the town of the same name.
    Have you seen black sand? Go to Puerto Naos

    This pretty resort enjoys 3,300 hours of warm sunshine a year. Cafes, bars and restaurants, lined up along the line of the beach, friendly invite tourists to relax and refresh themselves. In search of a family holiday, it is worth heading to Charco Verde Beach, which is just 2 km south of Puerto Naos.

    If you want to know what the weather will be on the island during your trip, read about the weather in the resorts of Spain here .

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