The International British Yeoward School

 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Monthly Archives: January 2023

British in canarias: British Consulate Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 5:15 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

‘The Canary Islands continue to be the favourite destination of the British’ –

2/16/22, 9:51 AM

By Canarian Weekly


Yesterday morning (Tuesday), the “Brexit and the Future of Tourism” meeting took place in Adeje, with the mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, the British Ambassador, Hugh Elliott, the Councillor for Tourism of Adeje, Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, and the Vice Consul of Tenerife, Helen Keating, all discussed the future of the British tourism market, the one that supplies the most visitors to the Canary Islands.

The ambassador assured that “The Canary Islands continue to be the favourite destination of the British, we want to return. Before the Covid pandemic, five million British people chose the Canary Islands as a tourist destination to enjoy their holidays, which is why we hope to return to those figures as soon as possible, and I think we will achieve it because, during 2021, the archipelago was once again the Spanish destination most in demand by the British”.

In addition to thanking the work and the constant connection with Costa Adeje as a destination, Elliott reiterated that the United Kingdom positively values the relaxation of the measures applied to minors, who can now return on holiday to the Canary Islands by carrying out a PCR test.

Mayor Fraga said “Adeje and the United Kingdom have a long tradition, both from a tourist and residential point of view, even economically. This meeting opens a path for work in this new scenario, which includes diplomatic relations, therefore, we intend to establish a system of dialogue and communication that allows us to offer the best, both from the point of view of tourists and residents”.

In 2019, the British market accounted for 45.4% of Costa Adeje’s market share, explained the Mayor, who reiterated that “this meeting represents an important commitment for our tourism sector which has become stronger with everything that has happened, and that has been possible thanks to the investment, effort, and professionalism of everyone in the sector, which continues to maintain the standards of quality, sustainability, and reaffirms its essence: we are a sun and beach destination, an indisputable natural environment with a hotel and complementary offer of excellence”.

Regarding the tourist forecasts, Fraga added that they are “very good”, because “there is less uncertainty due to the pandemic” and the situation is beginning to “normalize”, for which he believes we are “entering an irreversible stage” of recovery of normality.

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The British in Puerto de la Cruz

When asked the best place to go for a holiday in Tenerife you will always get those who say visit Puerto de la Cruz because the tourist area is authentic and you rarely see many Brits.

While it is true that much of the south of the island was purposely built mainly for the needs of the Brits, hence the Sunday Roast and the Full English Breakfast, the British never actually conquered the Canaries until the mid-1970s.

The famous Admiral Nelson tried in 1797 but gave up after losing part of his arm off the coast of Santa Cruz. Winston Churchill considered it during World War II but gave up the idea as he hadn’t enough Americans to lend a hand and didn’t actually get around to visiting the island until 1959. However, despite the idea that Puerto de la Cruz is one of the most authentic places on the island to gain a true Canarian experience the British community has left its mark in many different corners of the area.

The Canary Islands and England have been closely linked for centuries. As far back as the 1500s, Shakespeare was talking about the world of Canarian wine that was already being exported to England along with bananas and tomatoes. Since then there had been a few bumps in the road but these were smoothed out and revitalized especially since the 19th century when aristocratic and bourgeois tourism arrived in search of relaxation in a climate that was so temperate all year it improved their health.

Puerto de la Cruz has always been among the favourite enclaves of the British. The town still preserves a small community of British natives and descendants, as well as architecture that echos the homes that the British always built in the colonies and dominions of the British Empire.

If El Sitio Liter garden spoke, we could probably learn a good part of the history of the English community of Puerto de la Cruz. The exact date of construction of the colonial house is not known, but the first known owner was John Pasley, a wine merchant in the 18th century. Pasley had no children so sent for his nephews to help run his business. They arrived in 1774 and stayed for almost fifty years, living with a view from the front of the house of the Atlantic Ocean and from the back of a garden that was increasingly admired by visitors for its colours, brightness and ‘British-ness’.

In 1836 the property changed hands to the British academic Charles Smith, who rented the house following his arrival on the island to find a cure for his health. His descendants lived in the house until 1996 and during all those years it remained a meeting place for British visitors. Among them, William Wilde, father of Oscar and doctor to Queen Victoria, the famous astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth. Others who visited the gardens were the British artist Eileen Agar and her friend Dalí and then in 1963, the Beatles came for a holiday which made the town a magnet for a younger set of tourists.

One of its most illustrious visitors was Agatha Christie, who visited in 1927, during her stay at the ‘Hotel Taoro’, then a landmark for the British community. There she finished her novel The Mystery of the Blue Train and wrote The Man from the Sea which was staged in Puerto de la Cruz.

The current owner of Sitio Liter, John Lucas, although born in Gran Canaria is British with a British passport, and although he has a Spanish wife he has an absolute British bearing and speaks perfect English.

Lucas and his wife, Marty Sánchez, have dedicated their time to caring for the garden that is open to the public. Dotted with busts and references to its illustrious visitors, the garden has more than 250 varieties of beautiful orchids. For those who want to sit and enjoy a deeply rooted British tradition at the end of a visit, there is a cafeteria where it is possible to have a good English tea with a slice of cake.

The Anglican Church very close to the ‘Hotel Taoro’, was built in Puerto de la Cruz in the late 1880s because from the total number of 4,000 inhabitants more than 500 were British and they wished somewhere far more English to celebrate their religious services than the barn they were using. Designed by Walter Wood and inaugurated in 1891 the design of the church is unmistakably British, exactly like many churches in the old country and much of the money raised to build it came from the Anglican community in London. Today it is an important meeting place for the British community and on the first Saturday of each month, there is a flea market.

The English cemetery managed by the Anglican Church has origins that date from between 1669 and 1673, which makes it the oldest Protestant cemetery in Spain. Until it arrived, the British were thrown into the sea when they died. 

It cannot be denied that more than 30,000 books in English in a small Canarian tourist town is thanks to the hard work of the Brits. Founded in 1900 the English Library has played a very important role in the life of the British community and is said to be one of the best English-language libraries outside of Britain.  The building style is also reminiscent of many English houses.

A meeting point for the 340 British members and 40 volunteers over the years it has also opened up to foreigners interested in learning English. Open Monday and Friday afternoons and Wednesday and Saturday mornings. It is very pleasant to sit in the garden, at whose tables you can see people chatting, having tea or reading the English press.

So despite being typically Canarian, like the Rupert Brooke poem …

There’s some corner of a foreign field that is forever England. 

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Cats, puppies and vampires. What British tourists are asking Foreign Office

Photo credit, NurPhoto via Getty Images

Photo caption,

The Foreign Office regretted that they could not advise on stray cats

Are there vampires in Poland, which of the Argentinians is best to marry and where hand over a piece of wood found on the shore? The British Foreign Office has collected the strangest questions that consular workers have to listen to from Britons abroad (mostly tourists).

The authors of the compilation remind you that you should only call the British Consulates hotline in emergency situations.

In total, British consulates received more than 330,000 calls for help in 2018, the Foreign Office said.

Diplomats helped more than 3,400 UK citizens who ended up in hospitals and 4,900 who were arrested by local police.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has printed nearly 30,000 temporary travel documents for those who have lost their passports abroad.

But there were many strange, and sometimes frankly stupid requests.

  • 10 Strangest Stories of 2018

A British man in the Netherlands, after watching the film Braveheart, called diplomats to ask questions about the film’s plot.

Another Briton applied to the consulate in the Canary Islands with a request to influence the hotel administration to give him another room – a stray cat climbed into his room and urinated on the bed.

Someone called the British embassy in the US to find out which of the participants in the show Strictly Come Dancing voted for last night.

A man wanted to find out if there were vampires in Poland because a woman he met online asked him what his blood type was before their first date.

Another asked the Foreign Office to put in a good word for him in front of a massage parlor in Bangkok: he fell asleep during a massage session and feels he shouldn’t be paying for the service.

Image caption,

A Briton inquired about the results of the TV show Strictly Come Dancing at MFA

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A man called the British Embassy in New Delhi asking when the embassy would open, as he had heard somewhere that a vegetarian sausage was sold there.

Another Briton in Italy asked the embassy to help organize his wedding, recommend a florist and get tickets to meet Pope Francis.

The consulate in Kuwait was called and asked if someone from the diplomatic mission would like to adopt their puppies.

A caller to the consulate in Buenos Aires asked for a list of Argentine women who would suit him as a bride.

Another asked where he could take a piece of wood found on the beach, which he thought might be a wreck of an old British sailboat.

“I regret to say that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot give advice on vampires, stray cats or TV shows. And, alas, we have nowhere to store vegetarian sausages,” said a representative of the Foreign Office.

“If you find yourself in an emergency while in another country, please contact the nearest British embassy or consulate and our staff will do their best to help you,” the diplomat added.

The Canary Islands tourism business was hit by the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook

The Canary Islands will suffer more than other regions of Spain from the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook. This is indicated by the statistics of the tourism sector of the archipelago.

Thomas Cook was the second most visited tour operator in the Canary Islands. In addition, it is the British who traditionally form the largest tourist flow in this direction. According to the region’s tourism corporation, 457,000 British citizens rested on the islands in August, which is about 24% of the total number of tourists.

As of September 25, 35,000 Thomas Cook customers remained in the Canary Islands. As RATA-news was informed by the Tenerife hotel association Ashotel, in order to resolve the situation, on September 24, meetings were held in Madrid between the president of the organization, Jorge Marichal, and representatives of the Canarian and state administrations, as well as members of political parties.

Ashotel has asked the government to take a number of immediate measures, including reducing fuel surcharges for flights to and from the Canary Islands, reducing ticket prices between the islands and mainland Spain, and launching a special advertising campaign in the UK, Germany and the Scandinavian countries before the start of the winter season. The association also recommends that the authorities postpone until the end of the summer season 2020 the period for paying social security contributions for employees of tourism companies in the Canary Islands. For hotels that suffer losses due to the liquidation of Thomas Cook, the association offers to provide an interest-free credit line. In addition, it is planned to create an organization that will help collect debts incurred in connection with the liquidation of Thomas Cook. Also, Ashotel considers it necessary to exempt the Canary Islands from the tax on kerosene, which may be introduced in the European Union after 2020.

According to the Spanish airports operator AENA, last year Thomas Cook Airlines transported about 640,000 people to and from Tenerife alone, ranking sixth in the ranking of carriers in terms of the number of passengers. The special attention of industry experts to benefits for air carriers may be caused not only by the liquidation of the British tour operator, but also by the situation with the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair.

High season spain: Best Time to Go to Spain by Rick Steves

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:26 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Best Time to Visit Barcelona Spain In 2023

Last updated on January 02nd, 2023

Barcelona is a city located on the coast of Northeastern Spain and tastes the Mediterranean Sea on its eastern side. This cosmopolitan city is a unique place thanks to its outdoor markets, churches, restaurants, sun-kissed beaches, and architectural structures.

The fascinating culture and history of Barcelona makes it a popular tourist target in Europe.

It offers more than a city can; it is an expressive rollercoaster ride. It is adorned with something for all its visitors. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, a wild party animal, or a culture vulture, Barcelona won’t disappoint. Let’s discover the best times to visit this city.

Quick Overview – Contents
  • The Best Time to go to Barcelona
  • Best Season to Visit Barcelona
  • Weather in Barcelona
  • Seasons to Travel to Barcelona
  • Cheapest Time to go to Barcelona

What is the Best Time to go to Barcelona ?

# Barcelona in January | # Barcelona in February | # Barcelona in March
# Barcelona in April | # Barcelona in May | # Barcelona in June
# Barcelona in July | # Barcelona in August | # Barcelona in September
# Barcelona in October | # Barcelona in November | # Barcelona in December


January – A Chilly Month That Does Not Accommodate Many Tourist Activities

January is a chilly and cold month for Barcelona, with temperatures reaching as low as 5°C (41 °F) to a maximum of 14°C (57°F). This, however, does not limit the carrying out of activities here. The proximity of Barcelona to the sea makes humidity levels to be high, and the sun almost out. Thus, the cold does not dampen the plans of visitors.

This pleasant weather of January is suitable for sun-bathing and walks throughout the city. At this time, the large herds of visitors are absent, and as an extra incentive, the present visitors can take advantage of the post-holiday vends. January is, therefore, an excellent time for visitors who do not fear to abandon the beaten paths.

If you are an outdoor fanatic, you can visit some architectural marvels like Casa Vicens, Sagrada Familia, Casa Mila, and Casa Batllo. You can as well ride a cable car and go visiting aquariums in Europe.


February – Not So Good Weatherwise but Features Plenty of Remarkable Festivals

The weather condition of Barcelona in February is quite unpredictable, with some days cloudy, others cold, and others sunny. The maximum temperature levels are usually 14°C (57°F), with a minimum of 5°C (41°F).

With the spring season knocking, Barcelona experiences an average of 5 hours of exposure to sunlight and moderate-to-heavy rainfall. While February may not be the best time to visit this Spain city, festival lovers are likely to enjoy the month.

February hosts significant carnivals and festivals that allow visitors to experience Barcelona as locals. It is the perfect timing to participate in yummy tasting experiences offered by restaurants that prepare traditional dishes with unique ingredients suitable for the season.

With only a few crowds in the streets of Barcelona, the city seems naked at this time, thus allowing visitors to behold its glory.

3. March – Pleasurable Experiences that Mark the Beginning of Tourist Seasons

Visiting the Spain city in March is a good idea. This marks the beginning of tourist seasons thanks to the pleasant weather conditions. It is relatively warm with a maximum temperature of about 16°C (61°F) during the day. The temperature may drop to a minimum of approximately 7°C (45°F), and you can expect at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.

It is usually a suitable time to absorb the vibe and local culture of the city. The days of this month are guaranteed to be quite long and lazy. However, with the sunny conditions, you will get this to be an ideal time to sightsee the waters of the Mediterranean by kayaking, swimming, or surfboarding.

Additionally, this amiable weather conditions will give you a good view of the architectural lounge and marvels of the numerous cafes to the satisfaction of your heart. Strolls in the city’s multi-hued street ways are good for relaxing as there are fewer vacationers to compete with.

4. April – An Excellent Month, but Avoid Holidays, When Applicable

The weather conditions of April are perfectly pleasant and thus tourist-friendly. The sun is not only warm but also soothing without the humid of summer. The average maximum temperature of daytime is around 20°C (67°F). On the other hand, the temperature can drop to a minimum of 13°C (55°F).

Expect an average exposure of 6 hours to sunlight every day. While this seems to be idyllic for tourism, the city experiences some brief and unexpected rain showers. This is why April may be an excellent month but not very perfect for the holidays.

Generally, Barcelona can best be explored on foot. You can go for a walk from the Gothic quarter to Gaudi’s works since you will not find a better time to do so. These cold temperatures in the late evenings and early mornings demand light layers like a light sweater, scarf, umbrella, and jacket.

5. May – The Best Overall Month for Visitors in Our Opinion

Barcelona, in May prides the wonderful weather conditions that allow tourists to explore almost all the areas of the vibrant city. Temperatures average between 20°C (68°F) – 25°C (77°F) and hence warm and sunny days.

May features clear skies that accommodate various outdoor activities like walking sports, water sports, sightseeing, and much more! Since the month marks the onset of summer, it is the perfect time to visit Barcelona thanks to the pleasant weather.

You can also experience fun from outdoor parties, musical events, and live performances that make it a memorable time for both local, regional, and international tourists. Explore the city on foot and have some exotic beverages and food along the way.

Beach lovers and water babies should not miss visiting the city at this time since the sea waters come with an excellent temperature that is best for swimming throughout the day.

6. June – Perfect for A Summer Travel

June marks the beginning of summer in Barcelona. It features a day time temperature of around 27°C (80°F), which may drop to a minimum of 20°C (68°F) during nights.

However, the humidity in June is moderately high because of the proximity that the city has to the Mediterranean sea. You will experience all the fun activities of this summer season and have a lovely time relaxing in the resorts and cafes.

Whether you have traveled alone, with friends, or with family, the burst of activities gives a perfect travel. This time is usually idyllic for cultural events and traditions. Be sure to pack caps, sunscreen, hats, and scarves that will protect you from getting tanned when outdoors.

Do not forget your swimwear for water sports and beach activities. Carry skirts, shorts, capris, and summer dresses for your daily wear. A light jacket for evening wear will also be appropriate. The traditional meals prepared during this time include Paella, Pisto, and Esqueixada.

7. July – One of Best and Perfect Time to Visit Barcelona

If there is one of the best times to visit this Spain city, it is the month of July. This month attracts numerous tourists from all over the world because day times are longer than the night times.

The sea temperature tends to be soothing and ranges from between 23°C (73°F) -24°C (75°F). The afternoons are hotter, with temperatures reaching an average of 30°C (86°F). Though seldom, erratic rainfall may be observed.

Since day hours are longer, be sure to make the most out of your time during the day. The sun shines hard until 7.00 pm hence a wonderful opportunity to explore various attractions. You can attend free concerts such as the Parcs and Musica festivals that are often held in open-air venues from June to the end of August.

July will allow you to participate in water-related activities. You will, therefore, need to make your sunscreen a best friend lest you get sunburns from the harsh sun rays. Even though crowds exist during this time, you will still get a merry affair from the city.

8. August – Best Time for Visitors Who Love to Indulge in A Sparkling Nightlife

As the temperature rises, more tourists opt for nocturnal adventures. This, in turn, brings out the attractive side of the city. With the tourist volume still high, Barcelona still drips with charm in August.

The heatwaves become more frequent, but the day hours gradually decrease. The likelihood of rain is usually very low in August, but the humidity levels remain typically high.

The temperatures make August a busy month, with the city displaying its gastronomy and architectural heritage. If you love late hours, you won’t have to bear a boring night since Barcelona boasts a lively nightlife.

The beaches in August are worth dying for. This is usually a high season that sets the city in its full swing and makes it thrive more in tourism.

9. September – Excellent Month, Great for Those Seeking Fewer Visitors

In September, Barcelona starts to witness the end of the summer. Temperatures decrease with an average maximum of 26°C (79°F) and an average minimum of 20°C (69°F).

However, rain is still a rare event in September. Instead, the entire month experiences sunny days. The sea temperature is as high as 24°C, and you will still participate in water sports activities.

The end of September announces the onset of autumn or fall. The vibrant, colorful foliage begins to decrease, but the lovely sunny days and low temperatures make it a good time to visit the city.

This is a shoulder season that leaves the city with locals and a very small percentage of tourists. It is excellent for those seeking fewer visitors. You can stay outdoors throughout the day and go swimming in the tranquil sea or bask under the calm sun rays.

10. October – Great Month, Excellent Selection of Local Festivals and Events

Barcelona is peculiar in being the Catalonian Capital City of Spain. For this reason, it lives to meet the standards of being the center of events, festivals, art, architecture, and much more.

October is an off-season for most tourists, and so, you can unhurriedly explore your places of preference without crowded alleyways or long queues. During this time, prices for the best accommodation and airfares prices are lowest.

The month makes a great time to attend outdoor events and festivals.

11. November – Enchanting for Less-Crowd Lovers

Barcelona city in November has two main advantages. First, it has lower temperatures around 18°C (65°F), and thus traveling around the city is very easy and more pleasant as compared to hotter months.

Secondly, it marks the end of the tourist season, and this makes admission into attraction sites simple. Additionally, Barcelona this month is very charming, with lesser crowds.

The outdoor events are calm and quiet but still hold a jovial atmosphere. Book tickets to shows and attractions and enjoy the unbeatable discounts and offers.

12. December – Best for Tourists Escaping the Maddening Rush of Tourists to Enjoy the Original Traditional Glory

Averagely, the maximum temperatures in the city in December is 15°C (60°F), with a minimum temperature of around 9°C (49°F). December is the perfect time to visit Barcelona when the Catalan breeze paired with the correct extent of sunshine.

The blue winter skies of December make the city very beautiful. The streets are usually decorated for Christmas preparation while the town rings with nativity and Christmas markets.

This is also the best time to taste Spain’s traditional food that is made with seasonal ingredients. Some of the special events carried out in December include special markets, fountain shows, and ice skating rink.

Many attractions during this season offer free access, whereas others offer the cheapest deals.

What’s the Best Season to Visit Barcelona Weather-wise

The best time to visit Barcelona Weatherwise is subjective. However, most people prefer visiting the city from April to July and September to November. This is because, during this time, the day and night weather is neither too warm nor too cold.

These two periods offer stable weather with a very lower humidity level than the summers. The periods are perfect for staying outdoors and museum hoping. Honeymooners can be sure to enjoy the weather during this time.

Additionally, the periods are considered to be tourist-friendly because the sun is usually warm and soothing. The weather conditions are very conducive and allow you to achieve much more and have plenty of fun than you would during the other temperatures.

However, if sightseeing is your primary focus, the weather condition between March to May and September to November will be suitable for your travel. Enjoy your stay as you stay in Barcelona!

Weather in Barcelona

This energetic city relishes moderate climatic conditions throughout the year as the Mediterranean Sea influences it.

The seasonal changes are slightly discernable from year to year. The below guide explains the seasons in the city and how each of them feels. Take a look!

Barcelona in Spring

In spring, the weather feels warm since the sun is mild. This cool weather tunes locals to a festive mood. While it may not be the appropriate time for them to bring out their swimsuits, spring is the perfect time for locals to explore all the corners of the city by walking around. The most common festivals during this season include Easter and any other parades. In short, the spring season is like watching the city through a calm shade of shaded sunglasses.

Barcelona in Summer

Summers in this city are hot and dry. This season embodies the Barcelona spirit excellently. Even though the sun is hot, it does not produce a dampening spirit in the city. Instead, it generates a high spirit for outdoor activities like street parades, concerts, and festivals. The season attracts tourists who love beach parties and the history, culture, and cuisine of the city. Known for the large crowds of tourists and high temperatures, the summer season is the best time to experience the city.

Barcelona in Autumn

Autumn features some occasional rains and cloudy weather. This, in turn, takes away the grime off the city. The temperatures reduce, and trees stop shedding. This shoulder season is thus ideal for exploring the city without crowds.

Barcelona in Winter

Are you looking for the best destination to enjoy your Christmas fervor and the New Year festivals? Barcelona in Winter is sure to suit your Christmas needs and preferences. During this time, the sea is deplorable, and this takes away a significant attraction in Barcelona. However, the shopping sales and Christmas markets are valuable makeup. Be sure to keep warm during Winter as you enjoy the cheapest deals in town.

Seasons to Travel to Barcelona

Peak Season in Barcelona

The peak season in Barcelona is also the high season of the city. This high season registers the highest number of visitors. It begins in May and runs to early September. This is the best season for those who desire to enjoy the Barcelona spirit.

With the days longer than nights, the city buzzes with plenty of outdoor events that run to as late as 9.00 pm. The beaches are warm and comfortable, allowing both locals and visitors to participate in a wide variety of water activities.

The peak season is often characterized by long queues and large crowds in attraction sites. The prices of all these activities and accommodation rates are often skyrocketing and competitive.

The markets also offer various goods to tourists, and you can buy a souvenir here. It is worth noting that if there is any best time to visit Barcelona, it is during this peak season.

Low Season in Barcelona (Cheapest Time to go to Barcelona)

This season starts in November and runs to early March. The low season in Barcelona witnesses a drop in prices, especially in flights and accommodation options.

It is a great time to be in Barcelona since you will not experience the long queues and crowds that may inhibit your personal space. These seasons are marked with frequent drizzles and chillier temperatures that do not allow you to spend time on the beach.

You will, however, find a charming spot in a café sipping hot coffee or chocolate. This is the best time to experience luxury without the chance of being distracted.

Low seasons are also characterized by social amenities brimming with locals. Visiting Barcelona during this time will be best for you if you love the cultural heritage of the Barcelonans. It is easy to uncover the intimate places and cultural bars that feature the true gems of the city.

Mid-Season in Barcelona

The mid-season is also referred to as the shoulder season. It runs from late March to the end of April and also from late September to October.

The season boasts the best of the two worlds, the high season and the low season. It comes with plenty of festivals that are carried out in spring, late summer, and early autumn months.

During mid-season, tourist crowds are thin, and the weather is ideal. Prices are yet to hit the peak at this time since kids are back to school, and the crowds subside. While you will neither need your bikinis nor your sunscreen, you will require light wrap-ups for your evening strolls.

The weather is very pleasant, and thus very ideal for travelers who want a relaxed and peaceful travel in Barcelona without the noise of major events. If this defines you, you can visit Barcelona in any of the two mid-seasons.

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When is The Best Time to Visit Spain?

Without a doubt, Spain is one of the most exuberant, enjoyable countries to visit in Europe. Spaniards are known for being passionate yet sophisticated, and they always seek to live life to the fullest. In addition, Spain has everything from snowy mountains to sun-drenched beaches to posh cities, which makes renting a car in Spain a great idea. You’ll definitely want to make sure you find the best time to visit Spain to make the most of this unforgettable country.

When Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Spain?

Some people may not realize that Spain is the second largest country in the European Union, and it can be separated into distinct climate zones that have fairly different weather and temperatures throughout the year. In terms of deciding on the best time of year to visit Spain, you can divide the country into three regions: the sunny and warm Mediterranean coast; the dry, hot, semi-arid region of the southeast; and the mild yet rainy northern coast along the Atlantic. Cities in the interior of the country, like the capital tend to be influenced by the closest predominant climate zone, as well as altitude. The varying climates mean you’ll always find a good time to go to Spain; Barcelona is one of the best European cities to visit in April, and Madrid is one of the best places to visit in Europe in October.

If you can only travel during a certain time of year, take that into consideration as you make your plans. Of course, the beautiful cities along the southern coast of Spain are wonderful for swimming and sunbathing in the summer, but July and August tend to bring large crowds to the beaches. If you’re not a fan of hot weather, consider heading north and renting a car in Bilbao or Santiago de Compostela, which are cooler than the south in the height of summer. Anyone who’s very averse to hot weather should definitely avoid cities like Seville, Madrid, and Cordoba; in summer, these cities regularly see temperatures above 90ºF for days or weeks on end.

For travelers who want to try to avoid the crowds, you should try to travel to Spain the shoulder or off season. Spain is an incredibly popular tourist destination for Europeans from colder countries, and August is their prime vacation time. Traffic becomes intense and hotels as harder to find as travelers from France, Germany, and the Netherlands flock to Spain’s sunny shores. Traveling in the months before or after the summer rush guarantees fewer crowds, lower prices, and comfortable weather. If you can travel in the winter, the Costa del Sol and Almeria are great places to visit; they’re still balmy, but unlike other tourist towns, most businesses remain open because a number of northern Europeans spend their winters there. Winter is also the perfect time to travel for ski enthusiasts because the Pyrenees, in the northeast of Spain, are snow covered from October to June.

A great way to determine the best time of year to go to Spain is to plan your trip around the country’s lively festivals. Spanish celebrations are fun, raucous, and sure to please. Some of the best festivals to attend include the running of the bulls in Pamplona, the tomato-crazy Tomatina in Buñol, Las Fallas in Valencia, or spending semana santa in Seville.

The Best Time to Travel to Spain

With so many different places to travel and such a wide variety of things to do, it seems like any time is the best time to travel to Spain! This is great for tourists because all you need to do is figure out what you’d like to do most, and then design your amazing Spain vacation around those activities. Before you travel, learn all you need to know with advice and tips in our Spain Travel Guide, or find inspiration in our Spain Road Trip Planners.

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when and why to go. Useful life hack


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Temperamental Spain is ready to receive guests at any time of the year, as beach, ski, and sightseeing holidays are popular here. nine0003

Those tourists who plan to purchase tours to Spain from Ufa should familiarize themselves with the existing seasons in order to choose the most optimal period for their vacation.

  • The high beach period starts at the beginning of summer and lasts until the beginning of October. During this period, tourists go to the resorts of mainland and island Spain. The influx of tourists to the ski resort is celebrated on New Year and Christmas holidays.
  • The low season is popular with holidaymakers who want to experience the culture and history of Spain. Without a crowd of intrusive tourists, you can relax in March, April, October and November. nine0008
  • The velvet season comes at the end of the bathing season, at the beginning of September. At this time, there are fewer tourists on the beaches, the weather becomes milder and the cost of tours is gradually reduced.
  • The excursion season lasts all year round. At any time of the year, vacationers can visit architectural sights, enjoy gastronomic delights and get acquainted with the rich culture of Spain.
  • The swimming season on the Mediterranean coast lasts the entire summer season. The most popular resorts are Canaries, Costa Blanca, Costa Dorada. nine0008
  • Ski season starts in November and lasts until March. At the Sierra Nevada resort, the slopes close in May. Active tourists can ride on well-groomed snow-covered slopes and plan interesting excursions.
  • The season of hot discounts falls on summer and winter time. Shopaholics can make great shopping at an affordable price from June to August and into January. The exact dates of the start of sales can be found on the websites of Spain.
  • The bullfighting season starts in March and lasts until October. Everyone who wants to see the confrontation between desperate matadors and ferocious bulls should go to Madrid, Bilbao or Zaragoza. nine0008
  • The world-class exhibition season takes place in Barcelona and Madrid. Art connoisseurs can purchase tours for November, April or March, when there are most exhibitions and presentations.
  • Festivals in the country are held throughout the year, but most of the holidays take place in winter, spring and summer. The most enchanting are the April Fair, the March of the Drummers, the Fayas festival and numerous wine and gastronomic festivals.

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The UAE is one of the most popular winter destinations where you can fly direct flights from different cities of Russia.


New Year in Turkey!

Change your usual New Year’s Eve celebration at home for a cool holiday program of Turkish hotels and your favorite all-inclusive meal concept. nine0003

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nine0000 12 benefits of a holiday in Spain

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  1. The beaches in Spain are some of the best in Europe. There are more than 1700 of them in total. There are long and open to powerful waves, but there are also small bays, where the water warms up perfectly all year round, sandy and pebbly. Almost all have a blue flag, evidence of environmental cleanliness. Developed infrastructure makes it possible to relax comfortably and engage in water sports. nine0003

  2. It washes a chain of beaches in the east of the country – Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol and Costa Dorada, etc. Clean, transparent, warm and quite salty. By the way, it includes two smaller seas – Alboran and Balearic. But travel agencies usually do not go into geographical nuances.

  3. The excursion program is very extensive. You can visit a wine tasting or go to the famous monastery of Montserrat, to the miraculous icon of the Virgin, see the house of the great Salvador Dali, the Pablo Picasso Museum, go to a medieval jousting tournament or enjoy the show of color-musical fountains in front of the National Palace in Plaza España. nine0003

  4. An unforgettable national flavor is expressive and open people, strongly gesticulating in conversation and friendly. This is a siesta from 12 to 15 hours – during it, life in the country freezes. This is an incendiary flamenco dance, an exciting sound of castanets and marvelous sounds of a guitar.

  5. Every year, thousands of tourists come to watch the exciting fight between a brave matador and ferocious bulls. This spectacle has inspired many artists, poets and musicians to create great works. Having seen once this cruel, but bewitching holiday, it is already impossible to forget it. nine0003

  6. This is a dream city over which the Creator himself stretched out his hands – his bronze statue has been standing on Mount Tibidabo for more than a century. The appearance of the capital of Catalonia has been formed for centuries. Today it amazes with an abundance of real treasures of architecture, the Roman Gothic Quarter, the bustling Ramblas, a giant aquarium.

  7. The magnificent capital of Spain will not leave anyone indifferent. Although this Castilian city is the youngest in Europe, it has many majestic castles and palaces, the current residence of the king, wonderful parks and exquisite fountains. And the Prado Museum houses paintings by the greats Rembrandt, Goya, Velasquez and Titian. nine0003

  8. Residential buildings, parks, the famous Sagrada Familia… The architecture of Antonio Gaudi, a genius ahead of his time, is a symbol not only of Barcelona, ​​but of other cities of Catalonia. It seems that magical creatures lurk behind fantastic curved facades and billowing roofs. No wonder the creations of the master are called a frozen fairy tale.

  9. Spanish cuisine is rightfully considered one of the attractions of the country. Each region offers its own culinary delights. But you should definitely try the classics – spicy tomato gazpacho soup, the pride of paella housewives, the famous meat delicacies jamon and chorizo. And local wines have a rich bouquet, are diverse and at the same time are quite affordable. nine0003

  10. In Spain, life does not stop even at night. Resort towns do not sleep until morning. But the most prestigious youth parties are held on the island of Ibiza. Thousands of fans of club life from all over the world come here. And the holiday lasts all day. Golden youth have fun, go to mega discos and clubs, sit in numerous bars.

  11. Amazing Spanish Disneyland. Small copies of the Mediterranean, Ancient China, Polynesia, the Wild West and Mexico have been created over a vast area. Each of the corners is perfectly stylized for its prototype. In any one you can visit the rides or admire the colorful shows. nine0003

  12. It is especially pleasant to make purchases, especially during the sales period, which falls on the high holiday season. In Spain, leather is of excellent quality, excellent shoes, interesting models of clothing, including designer ones. You can raid both chic outlets and inconspicuous little shops or luxury boutiques.




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Puerto santiago tenerife weather forecast: Washington, DC Weather Forecast and Conditions – The Weather Channel

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Weather Puerto de Santiago, Canary Islands, Spain long-term weather forecast

Saturday, Dec 24


22 / 15°C

0.0 mm image/svg+xml 9 km/h
17 °C 12 am
18 °C 6 am
21 °C 12 pm
18 °C 6 pm

sunrise 7:56 am
sunset 6:17 pm


During the day clear. The highest temperature 22 °C. At night cloudy. The lowest temperature 15 °C.

Interactive map weather Canary Islands, Spain







Meteogram is being loaded

Time State Wind Pressure Humidity Dew total


Fog Low






Saturday 12/24/2022

12 AM

7 PM 

clear 17. 0  °C 0.0 mm   4 fps 3 mph
1024 hPa 83 % 14 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 AM

1 AM 

clear 18.2  °C 0.0 mm   1 fps 1 mph
1022 hPa 85 % 15 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%
12 PM

7 AM 

clear 21.6  °C 0.0 mm   9 fps 6 mph
1023 hPa 52 % 11 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 PM

1 PM 

clear 18.9  °C 0.0 mm   4 fps 3 mph
1021 hPa 70 % 13 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%

Sunday 12/25/2022

12 AM

7 PM 

cloudy 16. 5  °C 0.0 mm   5 fps 3 mph
1021 hPa 60 % 8 °C 45 % 0% 6% 0% 42%
6 AM

1 AM 

clear 17.2  °C 0.0 mm   6 fps 4 mph
1019 hPa 52 % 7 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%
12 PM

7 AM 

clear 21.9  °C 0.0 mm   11 fps 7 mph
1019 hPa 30 % 3 °C 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0%
6 PM

1 PM 

partly cloudy 18.4  °C 0.0 mm   7 fps 5 mph
1016 hPa 71 % 13 °C 14 % 0% 14% 0% 0%


Puerto de Santiago, Canary Islands, Spain – information

State: Canary Islands, Spain

GPS coordinates: 28. 2367; -16.8434

Time zone: Atlantic / Canary
time difference in hours with time in NY is -1 hours



Altitude: 2 m

The administrative part:

  • Canary Islands, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Cruz De Tenerife

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Weather Puerto de Santiago, Canary Islands, Spain. Weather forecast Puerto de Santiago.

Puerto de Santiago – weather nearby – bigger cities

  • Tanque, 9. 0 mi
  • Los Silos, 9.1 mi
  • Playa de las Américas, 14 mi
  • San Juan de la Rambla, 16 mi
  • San Miguel, Canary Islands, 17 mi
  • Los Realejos, 18 mi
  • Realejo Alto, 18 mi
  • San Sebastián de la Gomera, 19 mi
  • San Isidro, Canary Islands, 21 mi
  • La Orotava, 22 mi
  • Güimar, 25 mi
  • La Victoria de Acentejo, 27 mi

Puerto de Santiago – weather nearby – the closest place

  • Los Gigantes, 0.5 mi
  • Playa de la Arena, 0.5 mi
  • El Varadero, 0.8 mi
  • Punta Tamaímo, 2.1 mi
  • Tamaimo, 2.5 mi
  • Alcalá, 2.6 mi
  • El Malpaís, 2.8 mi
  • Chío, 2.8 mi
  • Lomo de Masca, 3.3 mi
  • Los Picachos, 3.3 mi
  • El Retamar, 3.4 mi
  • Las Manchas, Canary Islands, 3.4 mi

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Weather forecast for Puerto de Santiago is supplied by MET Norway Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

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Astronomical information Puerto de Santiago

data are always in the local time

Sun and light

 Dec. 24, 2022 

Sunrise:  Sunset: 

7:56 am

6:17 pm

Noon:  Length of day: 
1:06 pm 10:21
Start of civil twilight*:  End of civil twilight*: 
7:29 am 6:44 pm
Start of nautical twilight*:  End of nautical twilight*: 
7:01 am 7:12 pm
Start of astronomical twilight*:  End of astronomical twilight*: 
6:32 am 7:41 pm
* What is Twilight?

Moon and moon phases

Moonrise:  Moonset: 

12/24/2022 9:12 am

12/24/2022 7:33 pm

Next new moon:  Next full moon: 
01/21/2023 01/06/2023

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Sea water temperature Puerto de Santiago today

This data the coastal Puerto de Santiago sea water temperature today, tomorrow and the upcoming days. Besides, you can also get information about the weather and surf forecast, as well as the data on sunrise / sunset and moonrise / moonset at a given point on any given day.

Water temperature in Puerto de Santiago today is 22.2°C. Based on our historical data over a period of ten years, the warmest water in this day in Puerto de Santiago was recorded in 2009 and was 21.7°C, and the coldest was recorded in 2008 at 19.5°C. Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago is expected to drop to 20.6°C in the next 10 days. December average water temperature in Puerto de Santiago is 21.1°C, the minimum temperature is 19°C, and the maximum is 23°C.

The swimming season in Puerto de Santiago lasts from April to February. During those months, Puerto de Santiago water temperature does not drop below 20°C and therefore suitable for comfortable swimming. The average water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in winter reaches 20.2°C, in spring 19.8°C, in summer the average temperature rises to 22. 3°C, and in autumn it is 23.4°C.

Puerto de Santiago water temperature now

Sea temperature


Sunrise and Sunset

19 December 2022
today temp
18 December 2022
yesterday temp



Surf Forecast in Puerto de Santiago for today

Another important indicators for a comfortable holiday on the beach are the presence and height of the waves, as well as the speed and direction of the wind. Please find below data on the swell size for Puerto de Santiago. We calculate the swell size based on the mean wave height (trough to crest) of each third highest wave. For more information on surf forecasts for the next ten days, please visit sea state forecast Puerto de Santiago. Data in table shown for 19 December 2022, time in GMT 0 format (you can change the time zone on the sea state forecast page)

0-3 h 3-6 h 6-9 h 9-12 h
4′ 1″ 4′ 2″ 4′ 2″ 4′ 1″
1. 24 m 1.27 m 1.27 m 1.24 m
12-15 h 15-18 h 18-21 h 21-24 h
4′ 0″ 3′ 10″ 3′ 9″ 3′ 8″
1.21 m 1.18 m 1.15 m 1.12 m

Surf report in Puerto de Santiago

Puerto de Santiago weather forecast

Current temperature and weather

Data in a table show Puerto de Santiago temperature today (19 December 2022). For more information and forecast for a few days, go to the weather forecast Puerto de Santiago

0-3 h 3-6 h 6-9 h 9-12 h
17.3°C 14.8°C 13.5°C 19.2°C
12-15 h 15-18 h 18-21 h 21-24 h
22.7°C 23.1°C 20.8°C 18.5°C

Puerto de Santiago water temperature by month

These figures shows the average, minimum and maximum monthly sea temperature in Puerto de Santiago. In addition to the table values, the graph below displays of changes average surface temperature during the year. Values are calculated based on the data over the past 10 years. Using them, you can check the water temperature in Puerto de Santiago on any day of this period that interests you. Click on the month link and you will see a table for each day, or alternatively you can view the temperature curve of the month and select 2 different years you want to compare, either in a table or as a curve

Month Avr Min Max
January 20°C 18.4°C 21.6°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in January
February 19.4°C 18.2°C 20.7°C cold
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in February
March 19.3°C 18.1°C 20.8°C cold
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in March
April 19. 7°C 18.2°C 21°C cold
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in April
May 20.4°C 18.9°C 22.1°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in May
June 21.5°C 19.8°C 23.6°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in June
July 22.3°C 20.6°C 23.7°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in July
August 23.1°C 21.9°C 24.5°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in August
September 23.9°C 22.7°C 26°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in September
October 23.7°C 22°C 25. 2°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in October
November 22.6°C 20.6°C 24.3°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in November
December 21.1°C 19°C 23°C warm
Sea water temperature in Puerto de Santiago in December

Chart monthly average water temperature in Puerto de Santiago

Where is the warmest sea water in the world?

Planning a vacation on the beach and want to enjoy the warm sea, choose the day of the year, region and the minimum comfortable sea/ocean temperature that interests you. As a result, you will get a list of countries and cities in which the average sea temperature on this day over the past 10 years exceeds your chosen value

  • Region:
    AfricaAsiaAustralia and OceaniaCentral America and the CaribbeanEuropeMiddle EastNorth AmericaSouth America
  • Date (day and month):
  • Water temperature:

 Average temperature 
 Maximum temperature

Nearby beaches and cities

The nearest beaches and cities from Puerto de Santiago with the water temperature today, as well as the air temperature and the state of the weather during the day and the average wave height for today

Water Weather Wave
Los Gigantes 22. 2°C 23°C 1.21 m
Playa de la Arena 22.2°C 23°C 1.21 m
Guia de Isora 22.3°C 21°C 1.21 m
Playa San Juan 22.3°C 21°C 1.21 m
Alcala 22.3°C 21°C 1.21 m
Marazul 22.4°C 22°C 1.13 m
Costa Adeje 22.3°C 22°C 1.13 m
Playa de las Americas 22.3°C 22°C 1.13 m
Adeje 22.3°C 22°C 1.13 m
Playa Paraiso 22.3°C 22°C 1.13 m

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Bbc weather santa cruz tenerife: Santa Cruz – BBC Weather

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Santa Cruz – BBC Weather

BBC Weather

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14-day forecast

Forecast – Santa Cruz

Day by day forecast

Sunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a moderate breezeLight cloud and a moderate breezeSunny intervals and a moderate breezeLight rain showers and a fresh breezeThundery showers and a gentle breezeLight cloud and a moderate breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeLight cloud and a gentle breezeLight rain and a gentle breezeLight rain and a gentle breezeLight cloud and a gentle breezeLight cloud and a moderate breeze

Environmental Summary

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Hour by hour forecast

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Monday 9th

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Environmental Summary

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset


VHUVVery High

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



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Observations – Santa Cruz/El Trompillo

Observed at 14:00,

Sunday 8 January

Thick Cloud

Thick Cloud

33°33° C92°92° F

Wind speed9Miles per hour14Kilometres per hour, SW9Miles per hour14Kilometres per hourSouth Westerly

Observation Station: Santa Cruz/El Trompillo (Lat: -17.7667 | Long: -63.1667)









125tu8uxk10.″>Wind speed:

Miles per hourKilometres per hour

Santa Cruz de Tenerife – BBC Weather

BBC Weather

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14-day forecast

Forecast – Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Day by day forecast

A clear sky and a gentle breezeSunny and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeLight rain and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny and a gentle breezeSunny and a gentle breezeSunny and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny intervals and a gentle breezeSunny and a gentle breeze

Environmental Summary

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Hour by hour forecast

Last updated

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Friday 20th

Last updated

Environmental Summary

Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



Sunrise Sunset



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ps50s1ziry.″>Europe weather

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Observations – Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Observed at 17:00,

Sunday 8 January

Not available

Not available

20°20° C69°69° F

Wind speed9Miles per hour14Kilometres per hour, E9Miles per hour14Kilometres per hourEasterly

Observation Station: Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Lat: 28.4667 | Long: -16.2667)









Weather in malaga end of march: Málaga March Weather, Average Temperature (Spain)

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:07 pm


Категории: March

Malaga, Spain – March Weather

What’s The Weather Like in Malaga in March?

Temperatures usually begin to climb in March in Malaga but they are moderated by the Mediterranean Sea to the south, which is close to its coolest at this time of year. But it’s still a good time to visit to avoid the tourist crowds and get a good deal on flights and accommodation.

Is It Warm In Malaga In March?

On average the temperature rises to a daytime maximum of 19°C and falls to an average overnight minimum of 9°C. Frosts are extremely rare and snow has not been recorded during March although it sometimes snows in the mountainous area to the north of Malaga.

How Much Does It Rain In Magala In March?

March is typically quite a dry month, but it rains occasionally, with an average precipitation total of 49mm over six months in March.

Sunshine Hours In March

Sunshine tends to be quite abundant during March with an average total of 218 hours per March, which equates to an average of just over 7. 0 hours a day.

How Warm Is The Sea in March in Malaga?

The average sea temperature lags the warming trend over the land and averages just 16°C, which is a bit nippy for swimming.

Hotels for Malaga in March

There are many reliable accommodation options at Malaga.

Vincci Malaga

The Vincci Malaga at Calle Pacifico, 44, 29004 is set on Malaga’s sea front promenade and has a contemporary design and has a large continental breakfast selection, and offers 4-star accommodation.

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio by Marriott

The AC Hotel Malaga Palacio by Marriott at Cortina Del Muelle 1, 29015 overlooks the old town and the cathedral, and has 4-star accommodation.

Hotel Villa Guadalupe

A good romantic retreat is the three-star Hotel Villa Guadalupe at C/ Bandaneira 6, Urb. El Atabal, 29190.

Hotel Domus

There are many good budget options, including the 1-star Hotel Domus (reputed by some reviewers to be worthy of 2 or 3 stars) at Juan Valera 20, 29017, which serves a continental breakfast and has a terrace and bar.

Campsite la Buganvilla

Malaga is also close to some good camping sites and the Campsite la Buganvilla at Marbella, 29600, offers good access to many nearby facilities and a range of amenities on-site.

Beaches for March for Malaga

March is not one of the better times of the year to hit the beach, as the seas are at their coolest at this time of year, but on a fine day the weather is often warm and sunny enough to enable a relaxing trip.

Los Melilleros Beach

A good nearby blue flag beach is the family-friendly Los Melilleros Beach at Benalmadena.

El Candado

While outside Malaga, the El Candado beach offers a good view of the coast and is protected by two water barriers, and is ideal for windsurfing.

Restaurants and Bars for Malaga in March

There are many high-quality restaurants around in Malaga.

El Cortijillo

A good family-run Spanish-themed restaurant is the El Cortijillo restaurant at Avda Cadiz, La Cala de Mijas.

Horizon Bar

For a British-style option, the Horizon Bar at Avenida de Antonio Machada, Benalmadena Costa is generally regarded as one of the best, which serves Irish-style breakfasts and a range of traditional pub foods including steaks and burgers.

Cafe-Concerto Puerto Oscura

The Cafe-Concerto Puerto Oscura at Molina Lario, 5 is a relaxing 19th-century style cafe which features live chamber music in the background.


Fans of flamenco dances are unlikely to be disappointed visiting Amargo at Calle Franquelo 3 on an evening between Thursday and Sunday, when the locals perform flamenco and salsa dances and live Spanish music.

Things to Do in Malaga in March


The Alcazaba, located at C Alcazabilla s/n, 29015, is arguably the most significant of Malaga’s historic landmarks and features well-restored and well-maintained castle ruins. Two of its original three walls remain, and visitors pass through an ancient defensive castle entrance on the way into the main grounds.

The castle boasts some gardens, palaces and courtyards and some good views around the periphery of the fortress. There is also a small archaeological museum on-site, which features exhibits of Roman pottery and statues.

Arabic Baths

Those who fancy a massage can try the Arabic Baths at Calle Tomás de Cózar 13 in the centre of Malaga. These are well-decorated and have historic artefacts, providing pleasant historic hamann surroundings. There are dry heat and steam rooms, and cooler rooms with basins and fountains for cooling off after heating up in the steam rooms.

There are many massages offered although it is strongly recommended to book in advance to ensure availability. Massages include the Turkish Massage with water, olive oil soap and a horsehair glove. The most high-end and expensive massage is a 50-minute chocolate massage. Yum!

Malaga Weather in March | Thomas Cook

Malaga Weather in March | Thomas Cook

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Avg weather in March


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11 Hrsper day


129 mmper month


73 %avg


7 Mphavg

Malaga weather March

What’s the weather like in Malaga in March?

With a delightful Mediterranean climate, the Malaga weather in March is very mild and often warm, with lots of sunshine. This popular Spanish resort could see some light showers during your stay but visitors love the fantastic spring climate.

Geographical influences

Set on the sunny Andalucia coastline, in the heart of the Costa del Sol, the city of Malaga enjoys a year-round warm Mediterranean climate. The mild sea temperature in March helps to keep temperatures high inland. Some early mornings may see fog patches drift across from the Mediterranean in spring.


With an average high temperature of 20°C, you’ll find the weather in Malaga in March lets you get out and about to explore the beautiful resort and its beaches. The sun will shine for around eight hours from 12 hours of daylight. In late March, the sun rises at 7.15am and sets at 7.30pm. With average rainfall of 52mm, you’ll need to pack an umbrella for the short showers. The sea’s average will be 16°C so you probably won’t be going for a swim, but may fancy a paddle. The wind speed’s light and the UV index is low to moderate, but take care on sunnier days in March.

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Weather in Malaga in March 2023-2022 🌊 and water temperature at “365 Celsius”

According to our rating system, which is confirmed by the reviews of tourists who have visited Spain, the weather is bad in Malaga in March, this month’s rating is 3.3 out of five.

Temperature in Malaga in March


Average temperature during the day: +18.0°C
Average temperature at night: +11.3°C
Sea water temperature: +14. 7°C
Number of sunny days: 23 days
Rainy days:
2 days
16.1 mm

Monthly weather comparison in Malaga
Water temperature in Spain in March

Should I go on vacation in March?


The climate is unfavorable, there are few tourists. According to our data, the weather in Malaga in March and the water temperature is bad. At this time, the cold sea has an average temperature of +14.7°C. There is practically no rain, about 2 days per month, 16.1 mm of precipitation falls. Sunny weather lasts at least 23 days. According to the reviews of tourists who have visited Spain, you should not go on vacation to Malaga in March. nine0003

    Please note:

  • Weather in Malaga in February:
    rating 3.2 (out of 5),
    air +16.0°C , sea: +14.0°C,
    rain 0 days
  • Weather in Malaga in April:
    rating 3.7 (out of 5),
    air +21.8°C , sea: +16.0°C,
    rain 2 days


  • for 3 days
  • for week
  • for 10 days
  • for 14 days
  • for the month
  • for weekend
  • water for 14 days
  • for 5 days
  • for 7 days
  • 2 weeks
  • today
  • tomorrow
  • water now
  • nine, 2020, 2021: the maximum air temperature reaches +21. 7°C, the minimum recorded values ​​are +14.4°C. Night temperature in Malaga in March drops to +14.1°C…+8.2°C. On average, the difference between day and night is 6.9°C. What is the weather forecast in Malaga at the end of March and the beginning of the month indicated on the chart, in Spain almost everywhere the situation is similar.


    Water temperature in Malaga in March

    Weather forecast and sea water temperature in Malaga in March ranges from +14.0°C to +15.5°C. At its lows, it can be considered not comfortable for swimming adults and children. In the previous month, the sea is colder by about 0.7°C. Next month the water is 1.3°C warmer. In March, according to tourists in Malaga, the climate is not very suitable for recreation, also due to the uncomfortable temperature of the water in the sea almost anywhere in Spain. nine0003


    Rating, rainy days and precipitation in March and other months.

    The rating in a period of five months fluctuates from 3.2 to 4.2 points. The number of rainy days in March is 2, and it ranks 1st for this indicator for the year. Precipitation is 16.1 mm, which is the 7th place among all months. At the same time, in the previous period, 0.5 mm more rainfall, in the next month, 8.3 mm more. The weather in Malaga in March in the first and second half of the month is shown in the summary table for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 years.

    Wind speed

    The average speed in March is 3.8 m/s with maximum wind gusts up to 5.9 m/s.

    Climate summary


    nine0008 +16.9°C

    nine0008 +14.0°C


    nine0008 +20.2°C

    nine0008 +14.7°C


    nine0008 +16. 7°C

    nine0008 +14.8°C


    nine0008 +17.6°C

    nine0008 +14.9°C


    nine0008 +20.8°C

    nine0008 +15.3°C


    nine0008 +20. 4°C

    nine0008 +14.9°C


    nine0008 +16.4°C

    nine0008 +14.8°C


    nine0008 +17.6°C

    nine0008 +14.8°C

    Day Day air temperature Water temperature
    1 +17. 6°C +14.4°C
    2 +14.5°C
    3 +14.7°C
    4 +16. 1°C +14.1°C
    5 +18.3°C +14.3°C
    6 +14.5°C
    7 +16. 4°C
    8 +17.8°C +14.9°C
    9 +16.4°C +14.6°C
    10 +14.6°C
    11 +18.2°C
    12 +17.1°C +14.5°C
    13 +15. 9°C +14.4°C
    14 +14.5°C
    15 +18.7°C
    16 +20. 3°C +15.2°C
    17 +21.6°C +15.4°C
    18 +15.1°C
    19 +18. 2°C
    20 +20.2°C +15.2°C
    21 +20.9°C +15.5°C
    22 +15.3°C
    23 +19.7°C
    24 +20.6°C +14.9°C
    25 +21. 7°C +15.4°C
    26 +14.6°C
    27 +18.1°C
    28 +19. 3°C +14.3°C
    29 +14.4°C +14.4°C
    30 +14.8°C
    31 +20. 2°C

    Weather now



    Feeling: +16°C

    SZ 2m/s

    Precipitation: 0%

    10 day / 14 day forecast

      Pay attention to other cities:

    • Mallorca weather in March
    • Malgrat de Mar weather in March
    • nine0064

      Weather, temperature in Malaga, Seville, Marbella, Andalusia at the end of March (season 2023)

      Malaga is a province in Andalusia. Its administrative center with the same name is located in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula on the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea, 100 km from the Strait of Gibraltar.

      This is one of the most fashionable resorts in Spain. And although the low season is still going on, the weather in Malaga in March is getting better every day, promising tourists a wonderful holiday. nine0003


      • What is the weather like in Malaga in March?
      • Air and water temperature
      • Weather conditions
      • March holidays
      • Should I go?
      • How to dress?
      • What to do in early spring in Spain?
      • Beach holidays
      • What to see and do?
      • Holidays and festivals

      What is the weather like in Malaga in March?

      The first month of spring in the resorts of Spain is especially pleasant for those who like to hike, go on excursions and sea cruises, get acquainted with the sights.

      Read also in our article about the weather conditions in the province of Malaga in the last month of winter – February.

      back to content ↑

      Air and water temperature


      Approximately the same weather in the famous resorts of Sunny Beach:

      1. Nerhe ;
      2. Torremolinos ;
      3. Benalmadena ;
      4. Fuengirola and others.

      And the climatic indicators of Spain throughout the year can be found in the following article.

      to contents ↑

      Weather conditions

      • Daylight hours lasts 11.4 – 12.6 hours;
      • 23 days during the month sunny ;
      • 1 or 2 days raining ;
      • Precipitation is 17.9 mm.

      March is one of the windiest months, but the average wind speed is not higher than 4 meters per second.

      March holidays

      Of course, March in Spain will not attract beach lovers, but will please those who do not need the heat, but are interested in new experiences. nine0003

      Should I go?

      Malaga is one of the most expensive resorts in Spain, so it makes sense to visit here in the low season, when there are few tourists and prices are quite reasonable.

      This time can be devoted to getting acquainted with the history and culture of Spain in general and Malaga in particular. Hardly will leave anyone indifferent :

      1. visiting museums;
      2. walks along the old streets;
      3. interesting finds in antique shops, of which there are many.

      The famous painter, sculptor and director Salvador Dali was born in Spain, museums are opened in his honor in the cities. Read here exactly where you can visit the exhibitions.

      At this time, there are sales of famous brands for the pleasure of shopping lovers. Getting to know the local cuisine will also cost less than in the high season. You will have to pay less for hotels and air travel. nine0003

      minuses of include only the cool sea, in which only the most daring tourists can swim. But walking along the beach, the opportunity to breathe in the healing sea air is useful and accessible to everyone.

      back to content ↑

      How to dress?

      The choice of clothes is dictated by the weather and ‘s vacation plans.

      • During the day, is warm enough to wear a T-shirt with short sleeves.
      • Morning and evening is useful for a sweater, sweatshirt and even a windproof jacket.
      • In case of rain you may need an umbrella or a raincoat with a hood.
      • Comfortable clothes and shoes are indispensable for walks and excursions .
      • Just in case , you can put something smart in your suitcase.

      back to contents ↑

      What to do in early spring in Spain?

      The beginning of spring in Spain is the time of flowering when the air is filled with pleasant aromas. nine0003

      Almond blossoms in Andalusia, a sight so mesmerizing that tours are organized to visit the almond groves.

      Beach holidays

      The weather is warm enough to sunbathe and sunbathe . The sea has not yet warmed up, so there are few daredevils who can plunge into it. But you can swim in hotels where there are pools with heated sea water.

      Alhambra Palace, Prado Museum, Montserrat Monastery – what other sights you can visit in Spain, read here. nine0003

      back to contents ↑

      What to see and do?

      In Malaga you can find entertainment for different tastes . So you can:

      1. visit local attractions , for example, the XIV fortress in Gibralfaro, the Alcazaba palace-fortress, built in the 11th century;
      2. see the performance of in the Roman theater during the time of Emperor Augustus;
      3. get to know local wines and cuisine;
      4. visit the museum of Pablo Picasso who was born in Malaga;
      5. take a walk in the Botanical Garden .

Loro parque orca show: Loro Parque | Hello Canary Islands

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:06 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Video: SeaWorld-owned orca whale ‘beaches’ herself after Loro Parque show

Theme Parks


| Fox News

Video of a captive killer whale beaching herself for more than 10 minutes on a concrete slab has reignited animal activists in the fight to free marine mammals used as entertainment. But the theme park that keeps the mammal said it’s “totally natural behavior.”

The video, posted by Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project (a non-profit dedicated to the welfare and protection of dolphins that, when possible, aims to free captive sea mammals) last week, shows a SeaWorld-owned orca named Morgan lying motionless on the concrete at the side of her tank after performing in one of three daily shows at Loro Parque, a zoo and waterpark located in Tenarife, Spain. The incident occurred on May 16 and some of the tourists who witnessed the beaching say footage indicates the orca was trying desperately to kill herself.

Morgan on concrete slide-out, Loro Parque, 05/16 from Dolphin Project on Vimeo.

Some visitors to the park were said to have taken selfies with the killer whale behind them while she lay on the concrete.

“Looks to me as if she’s trying to take her own life, I don’t blame her :(,” a commenter wrote under the video.

“Release the orcas!!! Their place is in the ocean!!! Shame on the humans who exploit them,” another wrote in French.

Orcas occasionally beach themselves for short periods while hunting, but their internal organs and muscles can be crushed by their weight if they stay on land for too long, according to zoologist David Lusseau of the University of Aberdeen.

“While we cannot explain the reason for her behavior, the juxtaposition of a previously-wild orca against the stark backdrop of the park’s performance area is unsettling, to say the least,” The Dolphin Project said in a statement.

“Sadly, Morgan was still out of the water by the time the videographers had to leave.”

On Saturday, Loro Parque released a statement regarding Morgan’s condition.

“It is absolutely illogical and absurd to assume that the length and the quality of such video would be sufficient to make a conclusion and declaration of such nature,” says the statement regarding the video. “A voluntary stranding is a natural behavior of orcas living in the wild… The orcas at Loro Parque are trained to leave the water on their own accord. This behavior is used for manifold purposes, for example, for presenting the animals to the public, for conducting corporal check-ups, for inspecting their blowholes, as well as for testing hearing abilities of the orcas.”

This file photo provided by Dolfinarium shows the female orca named Morgan as she is placed in a sling to be hoisted by crane into a container on a truck at the Dolfinarium in the Netherlands, ahead of her transfer by plane to amusement park Loro Parque on the Spanish island of Tenerife in Nov. 2011.
(AP File Photo)

Loro Parque says that when the animals are given free time, they often like to jump out of the water and it is a “totally natural behavior.”

“To speculate that this represents a sign of stress demonstrates utter ignorance about the natural behavior of this species.”

Unlike the five other orcas at Loro Parque, Morgan was born in the wild. Severely emaciated, she was captured in Dutch waters under a “rescue, rehabilitation and release” permit in 2010 and sent to Loro Parque in 2011. Two months ago, Morgan was recorded banging her head repeatedly into a metal grate in the Loro Parque medical pool. In a statement following that incident, the park said, “The video published by the Dolphin Project on its website is a new attempt at manipulation through exaggeration and dramatization of a completely normal situation in which there is no problem for the animals.”

But PETA says Morgan’s behavior signals a much larger issue.

“Morgan was captured from the sea six years ago and has been fighting hard against the trials of her captivity ever since. Her behavior shows that she is frantic to get back to the ocean home that she remembers and misses,” PETA Foundation Director of Animal Law Jared Goodman told via email.

“At Loro Parque, where she is “on loan” from SeaWorld, she is treated as a possession and used for profit. She has been attacked by incompatible orcas dozens of times a day, has smashed her head into a gate over and over again, and has now beached herself in absolute desperation. SeaWorld needs to release this suffering orca and the others it holds captive to a seaside sanctuary now.”

SeaWorld, which does not have an official affiliation with Loro Parque but lent Morgan to the Spanish facility in 2011, told via email that the animal’s actions constitute normal whale behavior and she will continue to “be part of the park presentations as normal.”

“Loro Parque is a respected zoological institution, and our two organizations manage the care of these killer whales cooperatively. We consult regularly with them on veterinary care, husbandry and training, and have enjoyed a long association with them on conservation programs, animal rescue and scientific research. Morgan receives regular health and wellness exams from a team of veterinarians and animal care specialists, and is currently healthy and thriving. In fact, she continues to grow and gain weight at a healthy rate since her rescue in 2010 when she was found alone and emaciated. There are no concerns with Morgan sliding out as shown in the video as the whales do this with some regularity.”

But the Free Morgan Foundation says Morgan lives in “horrific conditions” at the waterpark and provides a timeline on its website that it claims illustrates her suffering “and the indignity that she is exposed on a regular basis, having to perform tricks for food.”

Keto: The Other Whale Who Killed His Trainer

Two killer whale trainers were killed by orca, two months apart. Alexis Martinez was killed by the adult male orca Keto at Loro Parque in Tenerife, Canary Islands, on Christmas Eve 2009, just 62 days before Dawn Brancheau’s death at SeaWorld, in Orlando, Florida on February 24th 2010. Brancheau was killed by another adult male orca, named Tilikum.

Since Brancheau’s death, SeaWorld orca Tilikum, who has been involved in the deaths of three people, has become undoubtedly one of the most recognized orca alive in captivity. His life-story has been turned into a book and documentary film, both including sections on Martinez and Keto, which have helped expose the tragedy at Loro Parque. However, our knowledge of Keto’s history and our understanding of his current state pales in comparison to what we have come to know about Tilikum.

The ‘Other’ Tilikum

Dr. Naomi Rose, marine mammal scientist with the Animal Welfare Institute, believes location and media attention have influenced this focus.

“It’s a sad fact that when Alexis Martinez was killed, the incident did not get any media attention at all. There was only one small Spanish media mention of his death and that was it. The owner of Loro Parque must have considerable influence over the Tenerife media, because the news simply did not leak,” Rose states.

Rose reveals that, after the Dolphin Project’s Ric O’Barry announced the death of Martinez on the Larry King Show, Larry King was unable to confirm the news, even with a staff member conducting a Google search for more information during a commercial break.

“Ric’s revelation on the Larry King Show was a complete shock to me (I was watching it live),” Rose recalls, “Within days it was confirmed by other sources but even still, it never got the media attention that Dawn Brancheau’s death did, not until Blackfish was released.”

After Brancheau’s death, the USA’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited SeaWorld for exposing trainers to ‘struck-by and drowning’ hazards, as well as other safety violations. SeaWorld’s knowledge of the death of Martinez at Loro Parque was called into question during the court hearing that followed when SeaWorld challenged the citation. A summary of the hearing by The Orca Project suggests that SeaWorld changed their protocol in dealing with such incidents.

Instead of routinely pulling their trainers from the water for a long period of time immediately following the attack by Keto, SeaWorld waited two days before acting on the news and in the case of the Florida facility, the trainers remained out of the water for only one day. Waterwork at Loro Parque was immediately (and is still) suspended.

“I honestly think the lack of attention to Alexis’ death was one of the most unethical things SeaWorld ever did,” Rose upholds, “They knew about it, yet SeaWorld never said a word to the US media, despite it being one of their captive-born whales who killed Alexis. If Dawn hadn’t died nine weeks later, it’s hard to know if anyone outside of Tenerife to this day would know about Alexis’ death.”

Swimming Under the Radar

In 2011, former SeaWorld trainers Jeff Ventre and John Jett released a paper investigating how Keto and Tilikum have expressed the stress that the captive environment places them under. A video of Keto enduring an endoscopy procedure at Loro Parque was also made available, documenting an example of the stress he endures in captivity. The same year, Tim Zimmermann, journalist and associate-producer of Blackfish, wrote Blood in the Water. The article documented Martinez’ death, as well as life at Loro Parque for the four SeaWorld orca who had been transferred there.

A recent article from journalist and orca advocate Elizabeth Batt explored the report issued after Martinez’ death. Batt’s article details the events leading up to the attack by Keto. Despite this, there is still very little available in the way of media updates about the current quality of life and state of welfare that Keto is experiencing at Loro Parque.

Batt thinks there might be a simple explanation, “Aside from being involved in the death of Mr. Martinez, we just don’t know as much about Keto as we do about Tilikum. We don’t know how many other incidents Keto has been involved in and we can’t talk with trainers who have recently worked with Keto, like we have been able to for Tilikum.

Keto performs unnatural behaviours in daily orca entertainment shows at Loro Parque
Sam Lipman


It is of no surprise to Batt that news of Keto and the death of Martinez evaded public attention for so long.

“Consider the things we wouldn’t have discovered but for the OSHA versus SeaWorld trial. The video of the attack on Ken Peters, for instance,” Batt says.

The death of Daniel Dukes in 1999 is also another case Batt believes worthy of closer investigation. Dukes’ night-time death went reportedly unobserved at SeaWorld, Florida, where he was found dead one morning, draped over Tilikum’s back.

“All the cameras they have at SeaWorld and they didn’t capture anything. The checks allegedly done by trainers every night on the animals, including respiration checks, which involve far more observation than a passing glance. Yet nobody saw anything?”

What do We Know About Keto?

So what do we know about this other orca who killed his trainer? We know that Keto was born on June 17th 1995 at SeaWorld, Florida. His mother Kalina, the original ‘baby Shamu’, was a hybrid captive-born orca, conceived from Icelandic and Southern resident bloodlines.

Keto’s sire Kotar, who died before Keto’s birth, was a wild-captured orca of Icelandic origins. In 1999, at just under four years of age, Keto underwent his first transfer to SeaWorld, California. Little over one year later, Keto was moved again, this time to SeaWorld, Ohio and ten months after that, he was relocated to SeaWorld, Texas. Keto was still only five-years-old at the time of this third transfer. He has been moved an alarming number of times and Keto is one of only a few orca to have been kept at all four SeaWorld parks.

On February 13th 2006, Keto was flown to Loro Parque from SeaWorld, Texas, along with another male, Tekoa. At the time, Keto was aged ten and Tekoa only five-years-old. Kohana and Skyla, two females, were also relocated, at the same time, to Tenerife from SeaWorld, Florida. They were aged three and two respectively at time of transfer.

The Loro Parque orca have been described as the most dysfunctional group of orca in captivity, all having been removed from their mothers at an incredibly young age (something that would be highly unlikely to happen in the wild).

“Keto has been bounced around from park to park and perhaps there is a clue there?” Batt observes, referring to Keto’s aggressive disposition.

Since Keto’s transfer to Loro Parque, he has sired two calves with Kohana. Adán was born in 2010, when Kohana was only eight-years-old. Adán still resides at the Tenerife facility. Vicky, conceived only four months after Adán’s birth, was born in 2012 and died at just ten-months of age. Both calves were rejected by their mother, resulting in rearing intervention by park staff.

Dr. Ingrid N. Visser, orca biologist and co-founder of the Free Morgan Foundation, has spent many hours at Loro Parque, gathering evidence about their treatment of recently wild-caught Norwegian orca Morgan. Visser has found it increasingly difficult to observe Morgan and the other orca outside of the entertainment shows that run four-times daily at the Orca Ocean stadium.

Morgan is continually shadowed and harassed by Keto
Dr. Ingrid N. Visser/


Loro Parque trainers do their best to keep interactions from the public’s watchful eye,” Visser explains, ” When I first started going to Loro Parque to observe Morgan, it was possible to see her between shows, but now [Loro Parque’s owner] has ordered park maintenance staff to build high fences and install canvas barriers around the orca tanks. Clearly, he and the staff have things to hide.”

A History of Aggression

Currently, weighing in at around 3,400kg and measuring about 5.6m in length, Keto’s issues with trainers have a consistent, albeit small dataset of events on record.  Visser has gleaned, from various sources, four other events where Keto has displayed aggressive behaviour towards his trainers.

The first attack occurred in September 1998, when Keto was only three-years-old. Open-mouthed, with his teeth exposed, he pushed his trainer around the pool at SeaWorld, Florida. A similar incident occurred in March 1999, just days after Keto was moved from Florida to SeaWorld, California. Again, open-mouthed, Keto swam into his trainer.

In December 1999, still at SeaWorld, California, Keto snapped at his trainer during a training session. It wasn’t until August 2002 that another incident was officially recorded for Keto, when he again swam into his trainer, open-mouthed, this time at SeaWorld, Texas. The next event (that we know of) proved fatal: the death at Loro Parque. Should these previous attacks have acted as a warning?

As an adult male, Keto has one thing in common with all the other captive male orca: he has a completely collapsed dorsal fin.  But this is where publicly available information about Keto is exhausted.

Not much is known about how Loro Parque staff have been responding to Keto since the death of Martinez.

“If you asked me if they treated Keto differently than the other orca then my logical assumption would be ‘of course, he is a known killer’,” Visser says, “but it is worth keeping mind that they also treat Morgan differently, keeping her locked in the extremely small medical tank for prolonged periods.”

The medical tank Visser refers to has a dimension of 12.4x7x4.2m (bearing in mind that Morgan is more than 4m long). Trainers have also been observed holding Keto in the small medical tank by himself for the duration of the orca entertainment shows, as well as placing the 19-year-old male in the same tank as the considerably younger Morgan, in attempts to impregnate her.

A Watchful Eye on the Future

Although difficult to say for sure with such little evidence, life doesn’t seem to have changed too drastically for Keto since he killed Martinez. Trainers can still be seen interacting with him and ‘petting’ him during the orca shows, even so far as kneeling in the slide-out area next to him. Is this a wise move? In Rose’s expert opinion, it is not possible to say whether Keto might kill again.

Loro Parque trainer pets Keto from the slide-out area in the main pool during an orca entertainment show
Sam Lipman


“We can speculate all we want, but we cannot know what is going on inside a captive orca’s head. We might know if an animal is depressed or engaged, as depression has symptoms, as do engagement and alertness. But we can’t tell if they are ‘happy’ or ‘sad.’ The more sophisticated the cognition of a species, the less we can speculate about what any individual of that species thinks and feels.” Rose is, however, clear on one thing, “If anyone ever gets into the water again with Keto, they are taking an incredibly foolish risk.”

Keto and Tilikum aren’t the only orca in captivity to show aggressive tendencies. In fact, Visser reminds us that there are countless catastrophic stories to be told about the orca lost inside the captive display industry.

“No matter which orca you look at, Keto, Morgan, Kiska (in Marineland, Canada), Lolita (in Miami Seaquarium, Florida), Tilikum himself or any of the 53 orca currently in captivity, they all have extremely tragic stories to be told,”Visser continues, “If the facilities who currently hold them truly do care, as they continually claim, we can only hope that they will do the right thing and remove these orca from concrete tanks, stop breeding them, act like responsible custodians and allow them to live out the rest of their lives in dignity and with a better quality of life.”

Keto is held in the small medical tank at Loro Parque for the duration of an orca entertainment show
Sam Lipman


It is difficult to say what the future will hold for Keto going forward and, without public pressure, it does not seem likely we will find out. The path of his life in captivity is, however, inevitable and it cannot be forgotten that Keto will be unlikely to reach the maximum longevity of 60 or 70 years of age that his wild counterparts can and do achieve.

He is unlikely even to reach 30 years, the mean life expectancy for males in the wild. In the meantime, Keto will continue to reside as a member of the world’s most dysfunctional group of captive orca. We can but hope the outlook for the Loro Parque orca soon improves and drastically too.

Loro Parque : Travel notes of the bird

Traveling with children is always fun. I mean the fact that children will have to be entertained, otherwise whining and whims are inevitable, threatening to spoil your entire holiday experience. On the island of Tenerife, there are a lot of opportunities for entertaining children, and today I will tell you about the most famous of them – Loro Parque. Loro Park is a huge area that is home to many animals and birds.

At the entrance to the park, we were greeted by a pleasant Thai-style pagoda, near which golden and not very small fish swam in a small lake. nine0003

Attention! There are many more photos (70 pieces). If traffic allows you, be sure to check it out. They are worth it 🙂

The park owes its name to parrots (from the Spanish “loro” – parrot) and there are really a great many of them here. All kinds of colors and types, large and small, talking and just squeaky. There are traditional parrots in cages, there are extensive pavilions where, if you’re lucky, you can even feed them. Well, for those who are not enough, they prepared a special attraction where parrots perform circus numbers. nine0003

Parrots can ride minimotorcycles, buy minisoda in miniautomatic machines. The performance is interactive, children are also invited, but only a few people who are lucky. Max was lucky and, in addition to participating in one of the numbers, he got Loro Park’s signature cap.

As in many similar parks, performances here are held according to the schedule, which can be obtained at the entrance. In order to be in time everywhere, you need not to yawn and keep track of time, as each show is worth watching. nine0003

After the parrot show, we immediately ran to the dolphin show. We have already gone to such performances more than once, but despite this, we enjoyed the spectacle and skill with pleasure. Trainers and their pets never ceased to amaze us with amazing tricks and jumps. Killer whales followed the dolphins, but in another pavilion we immediately ran there. Killer whales are something incredible. Huge animals with such grace performing the most difficult somersaults are just fantastic. Yulia and Max sat down in the so-called “splash zones”, that is, places where all the splashes fly. It was wet, but very close to see. I sat in a strategically convenient place – higher, so that the shooting turned out to be on a larger scale 🙂

A killer whale jumps almost instantly and is very difficult to catch in flight.

After each trick, the killer whale seems to be waiting for approval and basking in the rays of glory 🙂

Crown number – crawling out of the platform, which turned out to be quite easy for such a carcass.

Showed up closer to the audience.

Closer angle

Top in water

Waving to the audience

Reward for the trick – half a bucket of fish

Rolling on the side

Enchanting jump

How do you think they liked it?

Killer whale carcass, rear view

After running around various shows, I had to take a break from rest and Max enjoyed running and lying on the children’s slide.

While he is resting, I will show you some pictures of the local flora

This flower is called “Bird of Paradise” and is quite common in the Canary Islands.

And this is another native of the Canary Islands, I don’t remember the name.



Then we went into the aquarium, where, in general, there was nothing else besides beautiful fish and sharks.

The only place where parrots can be seen not in a cage is a large tree, entangled in a net, climbing into the crown of which you can get very close to incredibly colorful parrots and other birds. Birds do not particularly trust visitors, and therefore my TV came to my aid again.

After walking along the branches of the tree, we went outside and were very surprised by what we saw. Right next to some kind of mirrored building, a crowned crane was walking. He and his reflection in the mirror gave me an amazing shot. nine0003

And the most amazing thing, no one tried to grab him by the tail, although there were a great many children in the park.

Literally five meters from the crane, we found a lizard that looked at us suspiciously, but did not run away.

Passed by the pen with meerkats – no cages, only safety glasses. This meerkat stood on the lookout while relatives took food.

Leopard is also behind glass, though not very clean.

We caught a giant turtle feeding. The breadwinner, judging by his physiognomy, does not really like this process.

A chic tiger also rested in a spacious enclosure. The telephoto lens made it possible to take a photo of almost portrait quality. But my obsessive attention frightened off the predator and he contemptuously retired.

His albino counterpart is also excellent and much more calm, although he may have just been napping.

Monkeys, as always, delighted with their human facial expressions and world sorrow of their emotions.

The last show we went to was fur seals. Yes, it is familiar and happens almost everywhere, but this did not make it less interesting and funny. The cats are cool, yes 🙂

At the end of our walk, we looked into one of the largest penguin nurseries in Spain (yes, you heard right). For penguins, a special refrigerator has been created here, where they feel comfortable. They are covered with artificial snow and the water is cooled. Well, they feed from the belly, what can I say 🙂 This sad girl in the photo is responsible for the feeding process. nine0003

And in this huge jar, ten meters high, apparently, food for penguins is stored.

This is the end of our walk through this amazing place, where we will undoubtedly return again and again. It remains only to say that the pleasure of visiting will cost you 32 euros for an adult and 21 euros for a child.

This story is one of a series of stories about our trip to Tenerife in January 2011.

All photos are clickable, just click on any photo and view in good quality

(c) Ptah

Holidays with children on your own. Loro Park (Tenerife, Spain) – show of parrots, dolphins and killer whales

Tenerife has a park that has attracted an insane number of visitors – 40 million! Loro Parque in Tenerife is a commercial project by Wolfgang Kiesling that turned out to be an absolute success. Tourists come here with pleasure, especially this place is popular with families with children, but just for those who love animals, it will be extremely interesting here. nine0003


It can be said that it all started in the childhood of Wolfgang Kiesling. When he was still a boy, he came to his father to consult with him about what kind of pet he should have. Father, without hesitation, said that it was a parrot, because parrots do not eat much, and if they are taught different tricks, then it will still be possible to earn money. After this incident, Wolfgang became interested in these birds and over the years his love for them only grew stronger.

For some time the future owner of Loro Park lived in Thailand. There are quite a few natural parks where you can communicate with these birds. Arriving in Tenerife with the idea of ​​investing family money in a profitable business, Wolfgang noticed that it was warm and comfortable here, so parrots would like this climate. This is how the idea of ​​creating a park for parrots on the island was born. Over time, it was called Loro Parque, in Spanish “loro” – “parrot” .

The idea was that people would come to see the parrots, enjoy their fun and interesting show, and then buy yellow baseball caps made especially for the park and with its logo. The idea turned out to be quite profitable, and the children enjoyed spending time here. At first, the area of ​​Loro Park was not so big, only 1.3 hectares. With the growth of popularity, the area of ​​the park also grew. Now it is 13.5 hectares. The collection of parrots also increased and now 4 thousand of these birds live in Loro Park.

What to see in Loro Parque?

Entering Loro Park, you will immediately see buildings in the style of Thailand. This is a feature of the park. The materials for their construction were brought from Thailand itself. Then your attention will definitely be attracted by a pond with Japanese carps, you can feed them. If you throw a piece of bread at them, the water will boil, and a real fight will begin between the fish. But this does not mean that they are hungry, just very greedy.

Next, you should go to the stand with information about the performances or read it in the booklet. Check the map and decide which route you will take. The performances on the territory of Loro Park are designed so that you can see everything in a day. But if you plan the time correctly, you will be able to see almost the entire territory. nine0003

In total, 4 shows are held in Loro Parque: parrots, killer whales, fur seals and dolphins . Each show runs for half an hour and several times. For a long time, the parrot show was the hallmark of the park, but now the killer whale show attracts more attention. These predators appeared in the park in 2006. And they became so popular that they even changed the logo of the park for them. Representations of killer whales are always different, because these are animals with character, and trainers have to reckon with their opinion.

Marine life performances are not complete without splashing water. If you sit in the front rows (the so-called Splash Zone), you will definitely get wet, so either get ready to walk around the park in wet clothes or buy a cape in advance for 3 euros and put it on. It is better to come to the performances 20 minutes in advance in order to take the best seats and get full enjoyment from the show. nine0003

In addition to animal shows, Loro Parque has a lot to offer.
One of the most interesting places is a makeshift Antarctica. different kinds of penguins live here . Their territory is large, and they even think that they are at home. With the help of snow cannons, 12 tons of snow is created per day, which falls on animals in the form of fluffy snowflakes. The penguins are doing great, eating fish and looking through the glass at the tourists watching them.

You can’t even pass by Aquarium with a wide variety of fish. There is even a tunnel, 18 meters long, passing through which you can see sea giants and smaller fish in all its glory and from all angles, and, in general, feel like you are in the underwater kingdom.

Quiet areas of tenerife: Quiet Hotels in Tenerife – Quiet Hotels

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:04 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Spend time with our kids and enjoy a remote and quiet area in Tenerife, Spain

In a remote and quiet area, a Romanian family of four who lives in Tenerife needs long-term help – a minimum of four weeks – with the unschooled kids.

This help involves NO minding the kids; they are pretty independent – 5- and 10-years young, girl and boy. 

What we need is just playing with them, making them laugh and having a wonderful time, funny activities, involving them in artistic ventures, painting, playing instruments (if you have the skills), singing, and, in the meantime, teaching them English. So, we are looking for NATIVE English speakers. Natives and only natives, please!

If you speak some Spanish will help you catch them in the activities; however, if you don’t speak any Spanish or Romanian, but you have the skills to teach them English without translation, that’s great.

The patient with the kids is MANDATORY. A background in alternative education is appreciated.

You will get your own space, a bedroom with a bathroom separated from the main house to have your privacy. Besides, the kitchen you will use to prepare your meals is also distinct from the home and the main kitchen. However, you’ll share the kitchen with our Airbnb guests. 

Our offer will fit if you’re natural with children and if you like to spend a few hours a day (4-5 hours/5 days a week) in their company. Also, it’s perfect if you want to be alone, take long walks in the forest, practice meditation, stillness, and mindfulness.

Please read to learn more about our family and the place we live in:
– The kids have sports classes (basketball, swimming, gymnastics) and piano in the afternoons.

The adults speak Spanish and English (not very fluent) as foreign languages; The kids, however, only speak Spanish as their foreign language – the smaller one just started to learn it, so she is not fluent yet.

– We are vegans, so we are trying our best to live a compassionate lifestyle and not do any harm when eating, shopping for clothes, cosmetics, personal care, medicine, when entertaining, or something else.  That means the food we provide you for your stay with us is plant-based, so you’ll get the staples: pasta, rice, legumes, potatoes, oats, vegetal milk, fruits, and veggies.

– We are healthy and fit, not vaccinated, and against vaccination, so we ask only for not vaccinated people.

– We have a dog and a cat;

– We work from home, my husband has different projects, like managing surf and kayaking renting, newspapers; and I, the woman of the house, being involved in blogging, writing, illustrating, and painting.

– We live in a small village in the north of the island – El Amparo, Icod de Los Vinos. It’s not far away from the ocean; the closest beach is less than 5 km away, that’s like 15 minutes by car or an hour and a half on foot. Our house is in the mountains, though, and the access road is steep (all the residents of the village have cars (and no bicycles).

The closest bus station is around 1 km away, and there are only ten daily buses scheduled. Our house is next to the woods, genuinely lovely for long walks in nature, even starts trails for hiking.

Our place is quite remote, suitable for nature lovers who seek rest and peacefulness.

The closest town, Icod de Los Vinos, is around 3 km away. Puerto de la Cruz is the next in size and distance (25 km away), which is quite enjoyable for visiting, going to the beach, or shopping. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the island and an important commercial center, is 60 km away. 

As everywhere you go on the island, the views are spectacular from our place, both to the ocean and the Teide volcano. 

– The weather is fine with over 200 yearly sunny days. The winters are cold for a subtropical island. From November till April, the temperature can drop below 10 degrees Celsius at night and below 15 during the day. It can rain a lot in some years and not much in others.

The house has a heating system. Living up in the mountains at around 650 m altitude, the temperature difference can sometimes be over 6 degrees Celsius from our place to the beach. So, it can be chilly up in our neighborhood, but quite wonderful weather down on the beach. Actually, apart from a few days/year that is freezing or pours, you can go to the beach and swim each month of the year. The ocean temperature is around 17 degrees Celsius in the Winter and 22 in the Summer.

10 Best Hotels near Los Gigantes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2022

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Best hotels near Los Gigantes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Barceló Santiago – Adults Only

4.1/5Very Good100 Reviews

0.67km from Los Gigantes

Wow, what a great find Barceló Santiago was. Today is our last day of six at this hotel and it was brilliant. A little more pricey than others but well worth it. • Absolutely stunning views. It’s definitely worth a little extra for a sea view room. The feeling of walking into our room on Monday with the curtains shut and pulling them apart to reveal the view was the most amazing surprise. The cliffs of Los Gigantes are breathtaking and I couldn’t stop looking through the window. • Good location. There are a good number of shops and restaurants around the hotel. Not an overwhelming amount but good enough for us. Express supermarket just outside the hotel was handy, however the sun cream is so expensive there so if you run out, I’d suggest going to Lidl about 10 minutes up the hill where it isn’t overpriced. We liked walking toward the port of Santiago where there is a small beach and lots of shops and restaurants. It only takes 15-20 minutes and it’s not too hilly. You can also walk the other way towards La Arena which has many more restaurants, bars and shops and a larger beach. Just outside the hotel we visited Alfonso’s bar and Torreón which both do lovely food, we would recommend giving them a go. • Super clean and tidy. The hotel feels very new and the entire place is well kept. The cleaners do a wonderful job in the rooms and the communal areas. • Friendly staff. The staff are very cheerful and all speak good English as well as other languages. The restaurant and bar staff are quick to serve you drinks to your table which is nice. • Food. Although the majority of the food was the same each night they did make an effort with themes. Mexican night was a personal favourite and the food was generally well cooked and always hot. My partner enjoyed the meat and fish on offer each night, however I ate mostly different stuff as I am vegan. I managed to find plenty to eat at lunch and dinner though – lots of salads and veg was available as well as beans, lentil dishes, potatoes and bread. You do have to be careful with the labels on food though. Things had vegan labels but listed egg or dairy in the allergens so just be wary of that if you need to be. Breakfast does get a bit boring though as you are restricted to toast, tomatoes, spinach and beans because mushrooms might have meat added or cheese is put on the potatoes. • Drinks. If you are fussy with drinks, it’s probably worth going for all inclusive plus. My partner and I like cocktails on holiday but they weren’t great. They are the typical all inclusive pre-mixes that aren’t the best so the premium ones are probably better. I ended up sticking to soft drinks and spirits because that seemed to be the safer option. • Outside areas. There are multiple large pools which is ideal in a large hotel like this. There were always enough sun beds too which was nice, never had to worry about those annoying people who reserve sun beds all day and you never get a chance at using one. •Entertainment. We par


Landmar Playa La Arena

4.1/5Very Good103 Reviews

1.54km from Los Gigantes

My wife and I stayed here for a week at the beginning of October, the transfer from the airport to the hotel was a nightmare; It was an Easyjet package which included transfers, in the blurb it said the transfer would be no more than eight stops & 90minutes ours took 2.15 hours and 17 stops. Not the fault of the Hotel. Our first room was on the top floor, room 773, it had a side view of the sea and mountains. while having a shower our first evening I noticed that the shower head was hanging off the wall and the door was a bit wobbly, when my wife had her shower the door came off in her hands. This is not good for a 4 star Hotel. We complained at reception and were quicky moved to another room the following day. The new room was 588 above the bar area and was quite noisy until the bar closed at midnight but it did get the sun most of the day and had lovely views over the pools and sea. The food in the buffet was good and there was always a large selection to choose from it did look a bit like a canteen so most evenings we tried to get a table outside which was a bit more romantic. You could serve yourself to wine or have it brought to you by the waiting staff, the rosé wine we found very nice. We tried both the Tapas and the A La Carte restaurants, again they were both good. We watch some of the shows in the Show room, they were OK, but we did spend most of our evenings in the Hello Bar drinking Gordons Gin and Cava. The main pool opened at 9am but the quiet pool did not open until 10am which we thought was very late as we like to get an early start roasting ourselves. The hotel is in a nice quiet area with only a couple of minutes walk to the local shops and the beach. If we were to go back to Tenerife we would stay at this Hotel again.


Landmar Costa Los Gigantes

4.3/5Excellent100 Reviews

1.29km from Los Gigantes

Be Live Family Costa Los Gigantes is set in Tenerife’s Puerto de Santiago. This luxury complex has a spa, tennis courts and 6 outdoor swimming pools that are heated in winter.The hotel has wonderful views of the Atlantic Ocean and the island of La Gomera. The impressive Los Gigantes Cliffs are less than 1km away.The Be Live Family Costa Los Gigantes has a garden and terrace with sunbeds. There is also a kids’ club, a large games area and a cinema. Wi-Fi is available in the main building at an extra charge.The hotel’s spa has an indoor pool, steam bath and hot tub. It also features a relaxing area, ice fountain, floating pool and a sauna. For adults only, there is also a fitness centre, and various beauty and massage treatments.The hotel offers spacious suites, all with a private balcony or terrace. All rooms are air-conditioned, and have a living area with a flat-screen TV, mini bar and private bathroom.


Klayman Diamond Aparthotel

4.7/5Outstanding53 Reviews

0.29km from Los Gigantes

Apartamentos Diamond is set 250 metres from Los Gigantes Beach and Port. It offers an adult and children’s outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and apartments with furnished terrace and scenic sea views.The air-conditioned accommodation features stylish decor. Lounge-diners include plasma satellite TV, sofa bed and dining table, while modern kitchenettes have microwave, oven and toaster.A buffet breakfast is served daily and the cafeteria bar offers drinks, snacks and set menus. There also are several bars and restaurants within 10 minutes’ walk.The complex offers car and bike rental. Diving and snorkeling are popular nearby, and the Los Gigantes Cliffs are 250 metres away.Diamond is 10 minutes’ drive from the Abama Golf Resort and 25 km from Playa de las Americas. An airport shuttle is available for an extra fee and Tenerife Sur Airport is 40 minutes’ drive away.


Royal Sun Resort

4.4/5Excellent100 Reviews

0.33km from Los Gigantes

Set by Los Gigantes Cliffs, Royal Sun Resort Tenerife features outdoor swimming pools with fantastic panoramic views of the coast. The resort offers stylish apartments with private, furnished terraces.Each apartment at Royal Sun Resort includes a lounge area with sofas and flat-screen satellite TV. The kitchen is equipped with an oven, microwave and dishwasher, and the bathroom has a circular bath tub and free toiletries.By the pool is Oasis Abraxas bar, and the resort also has a range of other bars with live entertainment, as well as the sophisticated Regency Restaurant.Royal Sun Los Gigantes has a gym and a squash court. Safes, a laundry service and Wi-Fi internet are available at an extra cost. Staff can provide tourist information and help arrange car rental or airport transfers. Royal Sun Apartments Los Gigantes is 1.5 km from both Los Gigantes Harbour and Puerto de Santiago.


Red Level at Gran Melia Palacio de Isora – Adults Only

4.8/5Outstanding100 Reviews

4.61km from Los Gigantes

This adults-only oceanfront complex offers a personalised butler service in all rooms. The outdoor pool has Balinese beds and hydromassage loungers. Each room has a private terrace with ocean or garden views.Red Level at Gran Melia Tenerife is an exclusive private area of the Gran Melia Palacio de Isora & Spa. Guests have access to all hotel facilities, including a wide range of international restaurants, 8 bars, including a beach bar, a lagoon-style infinity pool and tennis courts.All guests at the Red Level receive free access to the gym, as well as one Ritual de Aguas spa circuit per stay. This includes hydromassage pools, flotation tanks, saunas, Turkish baths and chromotherapy in the Spa by Clarins. Each spacious, elegant room at the Red Level comes with a Nespresso coffee machine, an iPod dock and free WiFi. Bathrooms include a hydromassage shower and an over-sized bath tub.The exclusive Red Level lounge has a free bar in the early evening, and offers free tea and coffee all day. It also includes a poolside bar service and a business centre.There is direct access to Alcalà Beach from the hotel. 40 minutes’ drive from Las Ca?adas del Teide National Park, and 35 minutes from Tenerife Reina Sofia Airport. The centre of Alcalá is a 10-minute walk away.Please note that all guests at this hotel must be 18 years old or older.


Gran Melia Palacio de Isora

4.4/5Excellent101 Reviews

4.61km from Los Gigantes

My partner and I just spent an all-inclusive week at the Gran Melia Palacio de Isora and it was wonderful. It is a large and beautiful resort with a phenomenal pool(s) and great restaurants, but what really elevated our stay was the staff. Everyone from the grounds crew to the reception staff were friendly, welcoming and incredibly helpful. There are a few people we wanted to say an additional thank you to for going above and beyond: 
Jacqueline and Angela – They are the best hosts! So friendly and accommodating, it was always a pleasure to be greeted by their smiling faces! Estefani – best bartender and server at the Tiki Bar during the day! Aziz – the host at L’Olio, amazingly friendly! Luca – a great and friendly bartender, those spicy Caprioskas were delicious! Francisco – the best server during the evening entertainment, always professional! And a final shoutout to Noelia, Rosalie, Derby, Devora, Ale and everyone else who’s names we didn’t get, thank you for your outstanding service throughout our trip. We will definitely be back.


Pensión Alcalá

3.6/526 Reviews

4.84km from Los Gigantes

The Pensión Alcalá is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. Visitors to Alcala will find that the Pensión Alcalá is a fantastic accommodation choice. In terms of transportation, Tenerife South Airport is approximately 38km away. The nearest airport is Tenerife South Airport, approximately 38km away. This hotel is located near many of Alcala’s attractions including SATYADEV, Diversion and Playa La Jaquita. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. Guests of this Alcala hotel can make use of the parking facilities.


La Casona del Patio

4.6/5Outstanding50 Reviews

6.45km from Los Gigantes

We stopped here for lunch a couple of years ago and had always planned to come back for an overnight stay. COVID-19 put paid to that last year but the Hotel kept our reservation open and we finally made it this week. It is a beautiful boutique hotel in a small town at the foot to El Teide. Perfect for exploring the Teno mountains, Saintiago valley and El Teide itself. The staff were so friendly and helpful and despite having to wear masks, their smiles shone through and made you feel immediately at home. Our room was a decent size with a lovely bathroom. After a long days hiking I certainly appreciated a soak in the bath rather than a walk in shower. The breakfast buffet covers all the usual options and tevening meal menu was small but varied with interesting choices. The Friday evening Hake was a particular highlight alongside the cold cauliflower soup. The staff asked if I wanted mine warm, perhaps sensing that cold soup is not a particularly British thing, but I wanted to enjoy as the chef intended. All I can say is perhaps cold soup should become a particularly British thing. The wines were local and the size of the after dinner brandies would have won the approval of my mum. It is a great place to stay and if you want to see different aspect to this amazingly varied holiday island then please consider this place as a luxurious base camp for onward exploration


The Ritz-Carlton, Abama

4. 3/5Excellent105 Reviews

9.25km from Los Gigantes

We spent 4 days in one of the Villas and had wonderful time there. The hotel has an exceptional location and, even if small, a wonderful beach with reserved spaces for hotel guests. There is a great variety of restaurants and all the personnel is committed to offer the best experience. Just to name some of them who took particular care of our stay: – Adriana reception – El Mirador restaurant: Patrizia and Lucia super dinner and breakfast service. We had 2 dinners and all the breakfasts, had to wait long time for the first dinner but that was exceptional situation and eventually all went great! – Main pool: Jorge (George) who guide us along the resort – Txoko restaurant great tartars, did not like the meat taste. Superb service – Room service Vicky – Kabuki restaurant: Shuttle Gustavo, Cristina waiter, Jaime & Antonio maitre Thank you all for an incredible stay


Caserio Los Partidos

4/5Very Good49 Reviews

9. 27km from Los Gigantes

Caserio Los Partidos is located in San Jose de los Llanos. Set in the countryside, this bed and breakfast offers rooms with a fireplace and a free continental breakfast.Each room has 1 double bed, a seating area arranged around the fireplace, TV, and a private bathroom with a bath.This property includes a shared lounge, and guests have access to the kitchen. The terrace includes outdoor furniture and views of the surrounding mountains.You can find the beaches of Puerto de Santiago a 30-minute drive from Caserio Los Partidos. Tenerife Sur Airport is 53 km from the property.


La Casa Nova

4/5Very Good18 Reviews

14.79km from Los Gigantes

With a stay at La Casa Nova in Adeje, you’ll be convenient to Las Galgas and Golf Costa Adeje. This hotel is within close proximity of El Pinque and Ajabo Beach.Take advantage of recreational opportunities offered, including an outdoor pool, an indoor pool, and a fitness center. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, babysitting/childcare, and a picnic area.At La Casa Nova, enjoy a satisfying meal at the restaurant. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Breakfast is available for a fee.Featured amenities include multilingual staff and luggage storage. Free self parking is available onsite.Make yourself at home in one of the 30 guestrooms.


Reviews of Hotels near Los Gigantes in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

FAQ about Hotels near Los Gigantes

  • What are some popular economy hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife?

    Apartamentos Miranda
    is a popular economy hotel with good ratings.

  • How much do hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife cost?

    Based on hotel prices on, the average cost per night for hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is USD 301. Hotel rates change often; this price is for reference only.

  • Which hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife are suitable for families or travelers with kids?

    Many people who travel with families or kids to Santa Cruz de Tenerife choose to stay at
    Landmar Playa La Arena, La Casona del Patio and Aparthotel Los Dragos del Sur
    . These hotels are also priced inexpensively.

  • What hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife are suitable for couples?

    Whether you’re going on a honeymoon or a vacation with your partner,
    Apartamentos Miranda, Vigilia Park and La Casona del Patio
    are some of the top hotels chosen by couples.

  • How much do hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife cost on the weekend?

    Based on hotel prices on, the average cost per night on the weekend for hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is USD 399. Hotel rates change often; this price is for reference only.

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Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife, Costa del Silencio

  • Information on the apartments and cost
  • Eenpages and services
  • Conditions Conditions
  • Reviews of guests (16)

Apartments entirely



Washing machine

Free Wi-Fi



You can get a Genius Discount at Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife! To save on this property, just sign in.

Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife is located 2 km from Playa Colmenares Beach in Costa del Silencio. It features an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour front desk. It features a private pool, a garden and free private parking.

The apartment features 2 bedrooms, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, an equipped kitchen with a microwave and a fridge, a washing machine, and 1 bathroom with a bidet. Towels and bed linen are available at an additional cost.

Offers a terrace. Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife has a children’s playground. Nearby you can go cycling.

Tenerife South Airport is 8 km away.

Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife has been welcoming guests since Dec 3, 2019 2018.

Distance in description calculated using © OpenStreetMap

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Most Popular Amenities & Services

2 swimming pools

Free WiFi

Free parking

family rooms

Non-smoking rooms

Benefits of this option

Excellent Location: Highly rated by recent guests (9. 1)

Free private parking on site

Select dates to see availability and rates.

Type of accommodation



bedroom 1 ::

2 single beds

bedroom 2 ::

1 Big double bed

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Beaches nearby

FAQ about property

See what other guests are asking to learn more about this property.

  • Hi, I’m hoping to visit August 24th 2020 it states that some things may be restricted or cancelled can you tell me which things pls and if the pool will be open etc? Thanks

    si sarà aperta

    Reply December 21, 2020

  • Hi, can you please tell me what is the speed of the Internet in the flat? We consider doing the home office from there for a couple of weeks

    Hello, you won’t have any problems. We have a connection with Moovistar. Fiber 200 Mbit Speed ​​

    Reply January 17, 2022

Landmarks nearby *

Travel Proud

This property is Travel Proud certified for inclusive hospitality.

Most Popular Amenities & Services

2 swimming pools

Free WiFi

Free parking

family rooms

Non-smoking rooms


Free private parking on site (reservation is not needed) .

  • Parking spaces for people with disabilities


Wi-Fi is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.

Eat when it suits you

  • High chair for children

  • Dining table

  • Coffee machine

  • Cleaning products

  • Toaster

  • Plate

  • Oven

  • Kitchenware

  • Electric kettle

  • Kitchen

  • Washing machine

  • Microwave oven

  • Refrigerator

  • Kitchenette


  • Underwear

  • Wardrobe or wardrobe


  • Toilet paper

  • Towels

  • Bidet

  • Towels/bed linen extra charge

  • Bath or shower

  • Private bathroom

  • Private bathroom

  • Toilet

  • Hair dryer

  • Bath

  • Shower

Seating area

Here everyone will be together

  • Dining area

  • Sofa

  • Seating area

  • Work table

Media and technology

Fun for everyone under one roof

  • Flat screen TV

  • Cable channels

  • Satellite channels

  • TV

Amenities in the room

Extra comfort

  • Socket near the bed

  • Sofa bed

  • Clothes dryer

  • Folding bed

  • Clothes hanger

  • Hypoallergenic

  • Mosquito net

  • Tiled/marble floor

  • Separate entrance

  • Ironing accessories

  • Iron


  • Entirely wheelchair accessible

  • Premises entirely located on the ground floor


Time to unwind

  • Garden furniture

  • Outdoor dining area

  • Outdoor furniture

  • Private swimming pool

  • Patio

  • Balcony

  • Terrace

  • Garden

2 pools

    Pool 1 – outdoor
    Is free!

  • Open all year round

  • No age limit

  • Infinity pool

  • Pool/beach towels

  • Sun umbrellas

  • Pool 2 – outdoor
    Is free!

  • Open all year round

  • No age limit

  • Infinity pool

  • Pool/beach towels

  • Sun loungers/beach chairs

  • Sun umbrellas

Health services

  • Children’s pool

  • Sun loungers/beach chairs

  • Outdoor bath

  • Solarium

Food and drink

  • Coffee/tea maker

Sports and recreation

  • Beach

  • Water park

  • Mini golf

  • Snorkelling

  • Horse riding

  • Diving
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge

  • Cycling

  • Hiking trails
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge

  • Canoe

  • Windsurfing

  • Fishing

  • Golf course (within 3 km)
    Additional charge

  • Tennis court
    Beyond the territory
    Additional charge


enjoy the view

  • Inner courtyard view

  • Garden view

  • View from the window

Building characteristics

  • Private apartment in an apartment building

  • Freestanding

Reception desk

  • Invoices issued

  • Private check-in/out

  • Luggage storage

  • 24 Hour Front Desk

Entertainment and family services

  • Outdoor playground

  • Children’s playground


  • Mini market (on site)


  • Air conditioner

  • Non-smoking throughout

  • Heating

  • Family rooms

  • Non-smoking rooms


  • Video surveillance outside the building

  • Video surveillance in common areas

  • Key entry

The staff speaks these languages

  • English

  • spanish

  • Italian

Accommodation conditions

Dreaming the Sun, Tenerife takes special requests – add them in the next step!

check in

From 16:00


Until 10:00


Cancellation and prepayment policies vary by apartment.
Please enter your dates of stay and review the booking conditions for the requested room.

Refundable security deposit

A security deposit of EUR 200 is required upon arrival. Payment is in cash. You will receive the deposited amount at the time of check-out. Once the condition of the property has been checked, the deposit will be fully refunded to you in cash.

Beds for children

Child Policy

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children aged 2 and over are considered adults at this property.

To see exact prices and availability, please enter the number of children in your group and their age when searching.

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0-1 year old

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Age limit

Minimum entry age: 18 years old

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“Quiet Hours”

“Quiet hours” for guests (when you can not make noise): from 22:00 to 10:00.


Pets are not allowed.

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This facility is managed by an individual. European Union consumer protection laws may not apply when booking with professional landlords.

TOP 10 best cities in Spain to live

  1. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. City on a beautiful island.
  2. Alicante. Major city in the Costa Blanca.
  3. Tarragona. A city called Little Rome.
  4. Playa de Aro. Calm and cozy.
  5. Guardamar del Segura. A city with relatively affordable real estate.
  6. Valencia. City for a beautiful life.
  7. Salou. Popular place for immigration.
  8. Seville. Rich for the rich.
  9. Palma de Mallorca. A city without the poor.
  10. Madrid. Promising and advanced.

And be sure to tell separately about Barcelona. After all, it is considered one of the best Spanish cities for living.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife – a city for a beautiful life

Having been in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, you might think that permanent residence here will become a real paradise. The population growth trend really proves it.

The climate in the city can be called comfortable: in the summer months, the heat rarely happens, the thermometer rarely rises above 30°C. In the coldest month, the temperature is kept at around 15°C. However, do not forget that the local climate belongs to the tropical desert, which means low rainfall.

It is not easy to find affordable housing in Tenerife, as there are a lot of all kinds of villas and large houses on the island that cost fabulous money. For a small house with an area of ​​160 m², you will have to pay 250 thousand euros. If you are interested in apartments of 50-60 m² near the sea, you will have to pay 100 thousand euros. Accordingly, the rent cannot be called low either.
Transport is well developed, there are many bus routes. The island is focused on the service sector, there is also an oil refinery, although most immigrants are employed in services.

Alicante – the heart of the Costa Blanca

Moving to Alicante attracts travelers with bright prospects. The city is really large, which is noticeable even upon arrival at the airport. A lot of rave reviews are caused by the dynamics and standard of living – Alicante seems to many a vibrant metropolis that can please with its architecture and natural landscape. Everything here looks like permanent residence will be perfect.

The main emphasis in the economy of the authorities is on the seaport and tourism. Export directions are very developed, especially the sale of wines, olive oil, products, tobacco. On the territory of the city there is a cement procurement plant, the products of which are in demand even outside of Spain. Alicante, unlike the same Santa Cruz de Tenerife, will delight you with a variety of housing. Housing construction is actively underway here, so supply balances demand. The average cost of 1 m² is a little over 1000 euros. For a LUX-level apartment, you will have to pay much more – from 1,700 euros per 1 m².

Tarragona – Little Rome

The city is called Little Rome because it has many interesting sights. If you decide to move, you can always visit such iconic places as the Tower of the Monks, St. Antonio Avenue, the Roman Circus and much more.

Tarragona is a fairly quiet city, there are no large industries, although there is a port of great economic importance. The 15 km long beach accessible to every resident is a great help, but the cost of living in the city is quite high. In general, it can be called in terms of prices comparable to Barcelona. The audience here is also appropriate: wealthy yachtsmen, business figures, stars of various sizes. An ordinary well-furnished apartment of 50 m² costs 90 thousand dollars. On average, the minimum price for 1 m² is 1300 euros.

Playa d’Aro is an interesting city to live in

Playa d’Aro is considered one of the most peaceful cities in Spain, where life is measured. People usually come here to relax, which is quite understandable, because the long beaches are ideal for walking.

Playa de Aro has the status of a resort, and tourists tend to visit very prominent sights, such as the Benidormiens castle and the temple of the Virgin Mary. Obviously, in this scenario, the bulk of the population is employed in the service sector. Expensive resort – expensive real estate prices. In Playa de Aro, the cost of 1 m² is close to 2,000 euros. A cheaper option can be found in neighboring Girona, and inexpensive Blanes is also nearby.

Guardamar del Segura – outpost of Valencia

Another example of a resort town where you can buy great real estate at relatively affordable prices. The cost in a prestigious area for a bungalow (similar to a townhouse) with an area of ​​80 m² starts from 100 thousand euros.

Guardamar del Segura has quite a large population, most of them Valencians. If you are familiar with Spanish, then you know firsthand that the Valencian dialect is different from the main state language of the country. However, now this trend has begun to decline sharply, so if you still decide to move, you should not expect significant problems in terms of language. Representatives of the service sector and beach lifeguards are in demand in the city.

Valencia – beckoning to move

Valencia is considered one of the most popular cities for permanent residence among Russian and Ukrainian residents. People from other CIS countries also come here. An average of 2 million people live in the agglomeration. Valencia receives a huge number of ships every year thanks to the container port, designed for large-capacity transport.

Climatically, Valencia is perfect for the life of most residents of the CIS. In winter, it is cold only at night, and during the day the air temperature reaches 20°C. In summer it is quite hot, but still the temperature is quite acceptable – from 28 to 34°C.

Valencian and Spanish are spoken in Valencia. True, you can hear the first one only in schools. In general, Valencian is not very widely spoken, even considered a vulnerable language.

Speaking about the contingent, it should be understood that Valencia is considered an expensive city, so wealthy people live here, including people from Russia and Ukraine. A number of magazines refer the city to the third in terms of living standards, which is explained by:

  • the presence of a developed education sector;
  • established trade;
  • research centers.

Most of the working Valencians are employed in the service sector, just over 5% work in manufacturing, literally 2% are agricultural workers.

Qualification is highly valued in the city. Workers are constantly required in the port and at the Ford plant. Qualified employees can receive 2,000 euros a month, however Valencia has a high youth unemployment rate. Most at the start have to work for 1000 euros per month. Valencia used to be famous for construction, but now the construction business is in decline.

You can rent housing for 400-500 euros per month, the purchase price is 2000 euros per 1 m². But this is more likely to apply to areas where immigrants from Romania and gypsies of various stripes live. Good areas (Botanico and Viveros) have real estate that costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

Salou – chosen by immigrants

The resort town of Salou is located in Catalonia. The population here is very small, which has both positive and negative sides. The competition is relatively low, but there are few jobs. Usually employees are required here to work in water parks, amusement parks, including the famous PortAventura, which is large in scale. Lifeguards are in demand, as a lot of tourists who love beach holidays come here.

The reverse side of city life may seem quite unattractive. Senegalese live in Salou, who are often seen in various kinds of illegal activities. There are frequent clashes between Africans and the police, as a result of which capture operations are carried out. Sometimes there are real street fights. Still, Salou enjoys a reputation as a family resort, so the authorities are doing their best to prevent such incidents. Housing in the city is considered quite expensive – an average of 2,000 euros per 1 m².

Seville – a fairy tale for a rich immigrant

There is a wonderful city in Andalusia that attracts immigrants, this is Seville. The population here reaches 700 thousand people, each inhabitant has access to the beautiful sea, the historical center with architectural monuments. Summer in Seville is hot, the temperature can stay at around 30-35°C for two months. But the humidity level is low, but by winter it begins to rise. The winter maximum is 15°C.

Few immigrants from Ukraine and Russia live in Seville. If you decide to settle in the city, it is better to choose areas where as few tourists come as possible. The assessment of the level of quality of life, according to many experts, is at a low level. In terms of tourism, Seville is great, but for permanent residence, this city is suitable only for those who have enough money. It is not easy to find a job in the city, the construction boom has long ceased. However, the cost of housing and food is low. Seville is safe, there are many prospects. The city’s GDP is very high, however it is still recovering from the 2008 crisis. The average price for renting a home starts from 200 euros, and the purchase will cost from 1000 euros per 1 m². This is one of the lowest rates in all of Spain.

Palma de Mallorca is a great option for permanent residence

There are few Russians and Ukrainians here. The tourism sector in Palma de Mallorca is not very developed, because the season lasts a short period of time. Only from June to October it becomes really comfortable. The city is considered prosperous, clean, measured way of life has a positive effect on the well-being of citizens. It is often contrasted with Barcelona or Madrid. There are few homeless people, and there are no outcasts at all.

A small number of tourists also plays into the hands, and high earnings and well-developed infrastructure contribute to comfort. Wealthy tourists arrive in Palma de Mallorca, who are ready to pay a lot of money for good service. Most of the tourists are Germans and British. The cost of housing is approximately 500 euros per month for a typical one-room apartment. The purchase of real estate will cost 2,000 euros per month per square meter. Moreover, these are inexpensive options, where buying a home in the historical center or near the beach area will cost more.

Madrid is a worthwhile city to live in

Madrid is one of the major cities in Spain. More than 3 million people live here, and taking into account the population of the agglomeration, almost 6. 5 million people. In summer it is about 30°C, and in winter it is 5-10°C. Madrid is almost the only city in Spain where snow can fall.

Representatives of Latin America live in the city, there are many Russians and Ukrainians. Residents of the CIS countries are employed in the construction industry, and Romanians compete with them. I must say that Ukrainians and Russians are in good standing with construction companies.

Madrid’s advantage lies not only in the fact that here you can earn good money, but also get an education. The city is included in the Top 100 megacities of the world, occupying the golden mean, and even moving towards the first place from time to time. They see excellent prospects for investment and business development in it. For a successful life in Madrid, you need to know English and Spanish. Diplomas from the CIS countries are rarely accepted, although education in Madrid is considered not the best. Such a policy is explained by the need to provide jobs for young people who, for some time after graduating from a higher educational institution, are looking for a job.

Barcelona is the most popular city for immigration

Most immigrants from all over the world tend to live in Barcelona, ​​preferring it to other Spanish cities. As a result, the city has more than one and a half million people, the agglomeration has about 5 million. It is profitable to get an education, work and relax here. The climate contributes to a comfortable life. Temperatures rarely drop below 10°C in winter and reach 30°C in summer. In winter, it sometimes snows at night. There are few rainy months, the water is warm almost all year round, except for winter.

It is important to know about Barcelona that this city is 50% religious. In recent years, there has been a trend of Islamization. It is predicted that in the coming decades the number of atheists and Muslims will begin to prevail over Catholics.

There is no Russian community as such in Barcelona. However, on the forums you can find a lot of people who will help with advice on how to get comfortable in a new country. Many Russian and Ukrainian businessmen have appeared in Spain over the past decades. It should be taken into account that the local Spaniards speak the Catalan dialect, which is considered one of the main languages. Knowledge of Catalan can be required in almost any company. Chances to get a job in an international organization are less than in Madrid. Many emigrants from the USSR are employed in the service sector.

An international agency ranks Barcelona highly in terms of living standards, including it in the third ten most comfortable cities to live in. Although many tourists who decide to move are disappointed. All this is due to the unceasing hype and crowds of tourists arriving in Barcelona all year round. However, the level of earnings often offsets all other shortcomings. There is a good chance to get a well-paid job, but the prices in the metropolis are quite high.

The level of safety has conflicting assessments. For some time there was a surge in crime, which turned out to be associated with a drop in living standards caused by the global crisis.

Average temperature in fuerteventura in august: Fuerteventura Weather in August | Thomas Cook

Опубликовано: January 31, 2023 в 4:03 pm


Категории: August

Weather in Fuerteventura during August



Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

August is the perfect time to take a holiday in Fuerteventura. A slight increase in cloud cover can give some respite from the hot summer sunshine, but days are largely sunny and nights pleasantly balmy. We’ve looked at the most up-to-date weather data for Fuerteventura, covering the last 12 years up to 2022, plus we’ve asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about Fuerteventura weather in August.

How warm is it in Fuerteventura during August?

August is typically the warmest month in Fuerteventura. The temperature reaches around 25℃ during the daytime, falling away to 21℃ at night. The UV index will be high at this time of year, so protection against skin and eye damage is needed.
Try to limit exposure between 10am and 4pm. Apply broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every few hours, even if it’s cloudy, or more frequently after sweating or swimming, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses too, and bear in mind that bright surfaces, such as sand and water increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in Fuerteventura during August?

On average, in August you’ll see rain on just one day in the month. In other words, you shouldn’t see any of the wet stuff. You’re not likely to see a thunderstorm during your trip.

How warm is the sea in Fuerteventura during August?

The water temperature around Fuerteventura reaches a pleasant 22℃ during August. While generally considered warm, some people might find it a little on the cool side on entering the water.

Things to do in Fuerteventura

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Weather in Fuerteventura

Our month-by-month guide to the weather and climate in Fuerteventura

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Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


Fuerteventura weather in


✈️What to see in Fuerteventura in 7 days

Fuerteventura is a Canary Island located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Africa, and belonging to Spain. The capital of the island is Puerto del Rosario. It presents a varied territory, the inland areas are mainly mountainous and arid, while the coast is characterized by kilometers of pristine beaches. On the other hand the island of Fuerteventura is famous for its beaches and water sports, such as surfing and diving.

Are you thinking of the Canary Islands as your next destination? Here then what to see in Fuerteventura in 7 days!


  1. 1 day
  2. 2 day
  3. 3 day
  4. 4 day
  5. 5 day
  6. 6 day
  7. 7 day
  8. How much does a week cost in Fuerteventura
  9. Before leaving: useful tips
  10. User questions and comments

1 day

The first day on the island is an opportunity to stop in one of the main tourist destinations of Fuerteventura, namely the town of Corralejo, located in the far north. It is a popular destination for lovers of the sea and those who practice windsurfing and kitesurfing, given the exposure to the wind of this beach.

In the morning we advise you to reach the Parque Natural de Corralejo, overlooking the ocean and where the Grandes Playas are located, an immense series of beaches bathed by crystal clear waters, this place is a real paradise.

You can have lunch at Chiringuito Grandes Playas (average cost per person € 15,00), and then continue south and visit the small individual beaches that form the Grandes Playas, starting from Playa del Médano, Playa de los Matos, Playa Larga, Playa del Viejo, Playa del Pozo, Playa Bajo Negro. Choose the one that suits you best and spend a few hours in complete relaxation!

The town of Corralejo it also boasts a vibrant nightlife, the best in Fuerteventura. Most of the restaurants are located on the main streets of the center. In the evening, reach this place and stop for dinner at I 3 Calici to drink an excellent Italian prosecco and a good plate of pasta (average cost per person € 30,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 12 km / 17 min by car
  • Places visited: Parque Natural de Corralejo (free), Grandes Playas Corralejo (free)
  • Daily shopping: € 45,00
  • Corralejo: safari tour aboard a quad or buggy
  • lunch at Chiringuito Grandes Playas (Get directions), dinner at I 3 Calici (Get directions)

2 day

Puerto del Rosario is the capital of Fuerteventura and a port city of incredible charm. It is located along the east coast of the island and over time it has become an important trading port that preserves traditional style buildings and areas with modern tourist infrastructures.

In the morning we advise you to visit the historic city center with the Parroquia de Nuestra Senora del Rosario and the Miguel de Unamuno House Museum. The latter is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00, admission is free.

For lunch you can stop at Casa Tono Restaurante (average cost per person € 20,00) and then reach the seafront where the Parque Escultorico, an area of ​​Puerto del Rosario rich in open-air art, here there are sculptures and murals to admire and photograph, it is accessible 24 hours a day.

In the evening you could continue to enjoy the city, with its characteristic whitewashed houses, in the Centro de Arte Juan Ismael area and have dinner at Restaurante El Cangrejo Colorado (average cost per person € 20,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 1,9 km / 23 min
  • Places visited: Parroquia de Nuestra Senora del Rosario (free), Casa Museo Miguel de Unamuno (free), Parque Escultorico (free)
  • Daily shopping: € 40,00
  • lunch at Casa Tono Restaurante (Get directions), dinner at Restaurante El Cangrejo Colorado (Get directions)

3 day

Caleta de Fuste is another place very popular with tourists. It is located on the east coast of Fuerteventura, very close to the airport and the capital Puerto del Rosario. It is also a choice to stay due to the peaceful atmosphere and the calm sea.

In the morning you can reach the town and, being very small, dedicate yourself to strolling through its streetsamidst luxury hotels and resorts, numerous shops and restaurants. Reach the Castillo, always accessible and free. Then you could also stop at the Centro Comercial Montecastillo for a few hours of shopping, from which you can admire the sea and the surrounding areas. This place is full of restaurants than clothing stores, stop for lunch at Bollywood Spices, a restaurant with typical Indian cuisine (average cost per person € 15,00).

In the afternoon we advise you to continue south and stop at Hornos de Cal de la Guirra, a tourist attraction located very close to Playa de la Guirra and the port of Caleta de Fuste. These are industrial ovens characterized by masonry walls up to 3 meters thick. About 10 minutes by car is the Salt Museum Salinas del Carmen, open from 9:30 to 17:30, it will make you experience a historical journey that takes up the fundamental stages of the salt marshes of the island of Fuerteventura.

You can then stop for dinner at Restaurante Los Caracolitos (average cost per person € 20,00).
For the evening, head back towards the center of Caleta de Fuste and reach Paseo Maritimo Promenade, which is nothing more than a kilometer-long walk along the bay. But here the simple walk will be unforgettable, in fact you will come across the Great Wall of Chipmunkmania, where many small squirrels will run between your feet in search of food or a caress.

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 10,6 km / 2 h 10
  • Places visited: Castillo (free), Centro Comercial Montecastillo (free), Hornos de Cal de la Guirra (free), Salt Museum Salinas del Carmen (€ 6,00), Paseo Maritimo Promenade (free), The Great Wall of Chipmunkmania (free)
  • Daily shopping: € 41,00
  • lunch at Bollywood Spices (Get directions), dinner at Restaurante Los Caracolitos (Get directions)

4 day

The village of Morro Jable is a jewel of the island. It means fishing village and, together with nearby Jandia, they are among the largest tourist centers of Fuerteventura. A large clear beach with fine sand is the main attraction of the area, behind which stretches of protected salt marshes extend.

In the morning we advise you to visit the old town of Morro Jable, which boasts traditional restaurants and craft shops. Also visit the Turtle Nursery, a turtle conservation center, free and open only in the mornings from 10:00 to 13:00.

Here you can have lunch at Restaurante Piccola Italia with an excellent pizza (average cost per person € 15,00).
After continue towards the beach with the crystal clear sea, chosen by many families to spend their holidays due to its location protected from ocean currents. Here you can relax and maybe take a bath, he comes also practiced snorkeling and diving.

In the evening you can continue reaching the seafront of the nearby Playa de Jandia, and dine at the Restaurante Salvaje, the dishes are treated in detail, from taste to presentation (average cost per person € 20,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 4 km / 52 min
  • Places visited: old town (free), Turtle Nursery (free), Playa Morro Jable (free), Playa de Jandia (free)
  • Daily shopping: € 35,00
  • lunch at Restaurante Piccola Italia (Get directions), dinner at Restaurante Salvaje (Get directions)

5 day

Another beach among the most famous of the Canary Islands is Playa de Sotavento, located along the southeast coast of Fuerteventura. The turquoise waters of this beach are subject to tides, when it is low tide the sand gives life to small dunes, while at high tide small shallow pools of salt water are created. As the name suggests, this location is subject to wind waves that they favor sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing.

Start the morning admiring the landscape from Mirador De Sotavento, a panoramic terrace. Then leave the car in the nearby parking and reach the first entrance of this long beach, that is Risco del Paso, tourists appreciate it very much, it is considered one of the most beautiful of the whole island of Fuerteventura. We recommend that you bring your own lunch if you want to spend the day on the beach, as this area is characterized by unspoiled nature and there is a lack of restaurants and clubs.
In the afternoon continue towards the neighboring one Playa Lagoon beach.

End the day by moving in the nearby town of Costa Calma, a beautiful seaside location. Here you can stop for dinner at La Taberna el Camino, located near the beach and where you can taste excellent dishes (average cost per person € 10,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 11,4 km / 19 min by car
  • Places visited: Mirador De Sotavento (free), Playa Risco del Paso (free), Playa Lagoon (free)
  • Daily shopping: € 10,00
  • 1 day tour of the southern area
  • packed lunch, dinner at La Taberna el Camino (Get directions)

6 day

For your sixth day of this week you can leave the island of Fuerteventura and reach that of Lobos, located to the north. Book your return ferry from Corralejo directly online for € 15,00. We advise you to take the one that leaves at 10:00, in order to have more time to enjoy the landscapes of the hinterland and the beaches of this exceptional protected natural area.

In the morning reach the meeting point, which is the port of Corralejo, board the ferry that will take you to Lobos Island and enjoy this 15 minute trip. Once you land, visit the natural park, which is home to 130 plant species, a variety of bird species and beautiful beaches. In the morning you could dedicate it to visit the Las Lagunitas reserve.

For lunch, go back to the ferry terminal area and stop by Chiringuito Lobos Antonito El Farero (average cost per person € 20,00), the only restaurant on the island so you must book in the morning too!
Then continue enjoying some time on the beach, perhaps in the Playa de la Caleta and Playa De La Concha De Lobos. If, on the other hand, you are in the mood for a bit of trekking, you can explore the different areas of the islet made up of 6 square km of landscapes and unspoiled nature.

The return time of the ferry can be agreed, the last one leaves at 18:00 so you have the possibility to return to your accommodation in the evening. For convenience, you can stop for dinner in a restaurant near the port of Corralejo, perhaps at the Los Compadres restaurant (average cost per person € 15,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 4,8 km / 58 min
  • Places visited: round trip ferry to Lobos (€ 15,00), Las Lagunitas reserve (free), Playa de la Caleta and Playa De La Concha De Lobos (free)
  • Daily shopping: about € 45,00 per person
  • Lobos Island: Round-Trip Ferry from Corralejo Dolphin Half-Day Tour Lobos Island Diving & Snorkeling
  • lunch at Chiringuito Lobos Antonito El Farero (Get directions), dinner at Los Compadres (Get directions)

7 day

The last day in Fuerteventura can be dedicated to the towns of Tarajalejo and nearby Giniginamar, which are located along the east coast of the island. So enjoy one a day of total relaxation among beautiful beaches!

In the morning you can reach the small typical village of Giniginamar and immerse yourself in its streets until you reach the beach, the Playa de Giniginamar. It is a very quiet and uncrowded beach.

In the afternoon, ten minutes by car, you can go towards Tarajalejo and have lunch at the typical Mediterranean cuisine restaurant La Barraca (average cost per person € 20,00).
Then touch the Playa Negra which, as the name suggests, is famous for being characterized by black sand of volcanic origin. This beach is particularly popular with locals.

To conclude, in the evening, as well as enjoying the streets of this town, you can stop for dinner at Restaurante Adeyu and enjoy a good pizza (average cost per person € 20,00).

In summary:
  • Distance traveled: 15,7 km / 23 min by car
  • Places visited: Playa de Giniginamar (free), Playa Negra de Tarajalejo (free)
  • Daily shopping: about € 40,00 per person
  • lunch at La Barraca (Get directions), dinner at Restaurante Adeyu (Get directions)

How much does a week cost in Fuerteventura

NB: The prices expressed in the table above are to be intended “per person”.

Fuerteventura offers many low cost possibilities, starting from accommodation to restaurants. Furthermore, being an island mainly characterized by beaches, there are not many attractions to visit, such as museums or art galleries. A tip we give you regarding transport, it is convenient to rent a car to get around the island of Fuerteventura in complete tranquility, with a cost of about € 100,00 for seven days!

  • starting from € 90,00 –
  • Hotel and b & b starting from € 50,00 per room –
  • 3 hour dune buggy tour entrance ticket to Oasis Park cultural tour and tapas
  • Total cost of a week, flight included: from € 620,00 per person

Before leaving: useful tips

  • When to visit Fuerteventura: from June to October perfect weather, in general all year round temperatures are around 20 ° cn minimum of about 14 ° – find out more
  • the airport is located on the east coast, 5 km from the capital Puerto del Rosario, with direct connections from Italy. From the airport to get around there are buses, taxis and car rental (recommended)
  • there are solutions for all needs and budgets. The best areas are along the coast, we recommend Corralejo, Caleta de Fuste or Morro Jable
  • Getting around: the island must be visited and discovered independently, so renting a car is ideal. Alternatively, there is no shortage of local buses and they are cheap, around € 4,00.
  • Recommended cards and passes: there are no passes for the island, but you can find many offers regarding experiences and activities to do, such as the trekking tour in the north part, or the dolphin tours on the island of Lobos

Weather in Fuerteventura on August 14. Weather Forecast Fuerteventura

  1. Weather
  2. Spain
  3. Canary Islands
  4. Fuerteventura
  5. Weather on August 14

Altitude – 283m | 28°21′36″N,14°3′0″W | Map (OSM)


16:30Clear10 m/s SW

Wed Dec 7 2022 16:56 (GMT +00:00)

  • Wed


    Cloudy with clear spells

    min +17


  • Thu



    min +19


  • Fri

    Dec 9

    Light rain

    min +18


  • Sat

    Dec 10


    min +18


  • Sun

    11 Dec

    Cloudy with clear spells

    min +18


Fuerteventura Climate Normal August 14

  • +21°

  • +24°

  • +27°

  • minimum

  • medium

  • maximum



August 14, 2022

0:00 3:00 6:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Temperature °C


+21 ° +21 ° +21 ° +22 ° +25 ° +27 ° +24 °

6 м/с 6 м/с 7 м/с 7 м/с 8 м/с 8 м/с 7 m/s
pressure mmHg 738 737 737 737 738 738 737 737







sharm el sheikh,








in the warm embrace of the passing summer

The unique climate of Spanish Tenerife has been surprising and attracting travelers for many years. It is incredibly clean, spring-like fresh. And even when all the seaside resorts are languishing in the heat and heat, Tenerife is doing well in August: in the hottest month of the year, it pleases with the morning coolness and does not allow the daytime sun to heat up the air too much.

Kidpassage will tell you about the peculiarities of the weather and recreation on the island at the end of summer and answer the question of whether it is worth coming here in August with children.

Holidays in Tenerife in August: the advantages and disadvantages of the trip

Amazingly beautiful landscapes, the majestic Mount Teide and bewitching beaches with dark sand – all these are just additional bonuses to your trip to the sunny Spanish island. Reviews about holidays in Tenerife in August are always positive: a warm ocean, no scorching heat and an incredible number of places you want to visit. Let’s add some more “for” in favor of the trip.

  • The end of summer is the hottest time on the island, but there are no abnormally high temperatures here, usually it does not rise above +28 °C.
  • Tenerife has a huge selection of attractions and excursion sites for travel lovers.
  • Most fruits ripen in August, they are incredibly juicy, fragrant and tasty here. In addition to traditional watermelons, melons, oranges, bananas and mangoes, you can try unusual exotics.

There are practically no shortcomings of travel, except for increased tourist activity and the associated price increase. In addition, sometimes cold currents come into the ocean, and then it can be cool to swim, but it will be possible to visit the natural attractions of the island.

Weather in Tenerife in August

Interestingly, the end of summer on the island only opens the high season: the ocean warms up well only by the beginning of autumn. The weather in August – September is consistently warm, without sweltering heat, allowing you to take walks and excursions, alternating them with a beach holiday.

The weather in early August is usually not hot, but very sunny, with temperatures not exceeding +25 °С. At night it is cooler – up to +16 ° С, so for an evening walk it is worth putting on jeans and taking a light jacket or windbreaker with you.

The daily temperature in Tenerife in mid-August fluctuates between +23 °C to +28 °C, occasionally rising above +30 °C. Night coolness on the island is a common thing, so the temperature of about +16 ° C does not surprise anyone. However, it happens that at night the thermometers rise to +25 ° C, although this is rather an exception to the rule.

The weather in Tenerife at the end of August remains the same warm, with no significant downward trend in temperature. During the day it is from +20 °С to +26 °С, at night the thermometers do not fall below +15 °С.

Air and water temperature

Due to the unique climate of Tenerife, there is no sudden change of seasons, no critical cold snaps and no winter in the usual sense. The beach season is shifted to the end of summer – autumn, which ensures the influx of tourists to the island at this particular time.

Air temperature in Tenerife in August

The average daytime temperature in Tenerife in August is +25.7 °С, and at night it is about +19.7 °С, so both beach and sightseeing holidays will be comfortable. The weather at this time is so versatile that it can be difficult to choose between a beach or a guided tour.

Water temperature in Tenerife in August

The average water temperature in the Atlantic off the coast of Tenerife by the end of summer is +23.1 ° C and remains at the same level until November, so the beach season on the island lasts quite a long time.

Swimming in warm waves will be comfortable even for the smallest travelers, except for those days when cold currents come to the coast.


By local standards, August is a fairly rainy month, with about 83.5 mm of rainfall in late summer, the most of the year. However, only three days are rainy, so excess moisture will not spoil your plans, but will only slightly refresh the lush island vegetation.

Sunny, cloudy, overcast days

Tenerife has 12.7-13.5 hours of daylight in August. At the end of summer, the island enjoys the sun for 25 days (83% of their total). There are a little more than four days with variable cloudiness (13%), and only one day during the month is overcast (3% of the total number of days).

Beach holidays

Despite the fact that Tenerife is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic, not every beach is suitable for a safe holiday. Do not forget about the strength of the ocean current and waves. Although this is remembered by those who took care of the improvement of the beaches. Usually, all places for recreation are equipped with powerful breakwaters or are located in bays in order to protect vacationers as much as possible.

Las Teresitas beach

The most beautiful, comfortable and clean beach, located near the capital of the island, is popular with vacationers for a reason. Parallel to the coastline, along its entire length, there is a large breakwater, ensuring the absence of waves. The entrance to the water is gentle, but the depth increases quickly. The sand on the beach is light yellow, imported, the resting place is located in the bay, surrounded by rocks.

The infrastructure is not very developed: on the beach you will find only a couple of bars and free parking. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants in the nearby small village. The road from here to the best observation deck will take no more than five minutes of driving up the serpentine.

Fanabe/Torviscas beach

This coast is considered the longest on the island – about a kilometer. In fact, this is one beach, divided into two parts, smoothly turning into each other. The sand near the coast is gray, the oceanic power is tamed by a breakwater. This place is quite crowded and suitable for any category of vacationers.

There are enough bars, restaurants, children’s water activities, souvenir shops, kiosks with local sweets and soft drinks. Shower, toilet, sun loungers and umbrellas are paid, there is free access to an open shower.

Excursion holidays in Tenerife

The main attraction of the island is its unique nature, captivating with its originality, lush vegetation and real Martian landscapes of volcanic landscapes. It is impossible to be bored on the island – here you can easily find something to your liking.

  • Entertainment in Tenerife for children and adults

Teide Volcano

The majestic mountain crowned with a crater is visible from almost anywhere in Tenerife. No wonder the Teide volcano is considered the highest point in Spain. The unusual nature, the combination of solidified lava, molten rocks and incredible cypress forests make this place truly unique. In early August, the weather for such an excursion will definitely be comfortable.

You can choose an easy, but no less scenic option to climb the crater – a funicular ride on a cable car. The route from the foot of the volcano to its summit takes about 10 minutes. During this time, two funiculars with a capacity of 22 people overcome the path of 2 km, revealing all the beauties of the island.

Siam Park

The real pride of Tenerife, Siam Water Park, occupies 18.5 hectares and is the largest in Spain and Europe. Here you will find an incredible number of Thai-style buildings, the longest “slow river”, rides that made it into the record book, and artificial waves up to 3 m high, attracting experienced surfers here.

The founder of Siam Park was so passionate about Thai culture that, among other things, he even recreated the famous “Floating Market” here. The smallest visitors will be delighted with the mini-city of attractions built for them.

A ticket for a second visit to the park can be bought on the spot, then it will cost four times cheaper. In addition, you can save money if you purchase a Twin ticket to Siam and Loro Park.

The park is open throughout the year, and if the weather is very warm in mid-August, in winter both the artificial beach and the pools are heated to a comfortable temperature.

  • Siam Park: description and photos

Loro Parque

Despite the fact that the name means “Parrot Park”, in fact, Tenerife invites you to a huge zoo of 13.5 hectares. This place is more like a subtropical garden, which has become home to more than 4 thousand individuals of various representatives of the parrot family and other animals collected from all over the globe.

The park hosts four shows featuring parrots, killer whales, dolphins and fur seals. In order to be in time for everything, use the map and move along the most profitable route, moving from one performance to another. Such a walk will be an excellent alternative to a beach holiday at the end of August. Expect to devote at least half a day to excursions.

  • Loro Parque: park features, photos and opening hours

For visiting with children we also recommend:

  • Eagles Park
  • Dolphin show at Aqualand
  • Auditorio de Tenerife
  • Museum of Nature and Man
  • Monkey Park

Holidays, events, festivals

The Canary Islands is a place where you will not leave a good mood, not only thanks to the sun and warm ocean. Holidays in Tenerife in August will not let you get bored, they will swirl in a whirlwind of hot dances, surprise with fireworks and definitely create an atmosphere of universal unceasing fun.

Fiesta de la Candelaria

At a time when the island did not yet belong to Spain, the locals once found a statue of the Virgin Mary carved from dark wood on the ocean shore. In honor of this event, every year on August 15, the islanders celebrate the Fiesta de la Candelaria. It begins the night before with a costumed procession to the coast and a performance. All night the gates of the church are not closed, so that those who wish can honor the Candelar Mother of God. During the festive day, theatrical performances, fairs and folk festivals take place on the streets. By tradition, guests and participants will enjoy an impressive evening fireworks display.


Throughout the year, except for November and December, romerias take place on the island – festive processions in honor of one of the saints or the Virgin. So, in the middle of the month, the Canarians honor Saint Roch of Montpellier, who protected the city from a rampant plague in the 16th century. And on the last Saturday of August, locals thank St. Aurelius Augustine, who once saved an entire city that was left without water.

Traditional street festivities, wine tasting, free food, noise and fun are the essential attributes of these wonderfully atmospheric events. You will only have to join them to feel the local flavor and enjoy the holiday.

Prices for holidays in August

“Island of Eternal Spring” is not hot only in relation to the weather, but you can’t say the same about tourist activity. The end of summer is considered the beginning of the high season, and its peak occurs in the first autumn months, so the prices in Tenerife in August behave accordingly – sometimes going down, then going up depending on the calendar time of the year.

Price of tours

By the end of summer, tour operators are slightly reducing the cost of tours in order to increase it again by September. So, compared to July, the price of travel becomes 6% less, but by the beginning of autumn it grows again.


Airfare prices are also dropping slightly. Compared to July, tour operators reduce the cost of flights by 4% and maintain this trend in September. However, this is more likely due to the end of the active vacation period than to a decrease in the tourist influx.


The average cost per person per night drops from 117 euros in July to 74 euros in August, a difference of 37%. If you want to save even more on your vacation, it is better to purchase package tours to reduce the total cost of accommodation.

    Meals and transfers

    The local cuisine is extremely diverse and is a mixture of Spanish, French, Portuguese and even North African. The geographic location also made a direct contribution to its formation, and therefore seafood in Tenerife is always fresh and tasty.

    Be sure to try wild sea bream, large tuna, marlin, vieja — they are boiled or fried and served with various sauces. However, it should be noted that the prices for fish dishes are an order of magnitude higher than for meat ones.

    Those with a sweet tooth should try fig jam, palm honey and the local frangoyo dessert, which is made by brewing flour, milk and eggs.

    British and Norwegian breakfasts are popular here. The first includes eggs, bacon, juice, coffee, toast and jam, the second option complements salmon or smoked sausage, and it costs three times as much.

    Transportation in Tenerife is well developed and is represented by buses, and in the capital – by trams. Getting anywhere on the island is not difficult if you know some of the nuances.

    • Tickets are bought from the driver, and if you buy two ways, you will receive a discount.
    • If you are afraid that you will not be able to explain at which stop you will need to get off, write its name and show it when entering the transport.
    • Many streets on the island have one-way traffic, so buses in opposite directions can leave from the same stop. Pay attention to route names.

    Tips for traveling with children

    When planning a vacation, you should take into account all the factors so that both you and your baby are comfortable. But if you chose August for your trip to Tenerife, then you don’t have to worry – the weather will not bother you with heat, and the ocean will not upset you with storms. Long walks can be combined with a beach holiday and sightseeing.

      Don’t forget to put some warm clothes in your suitcase for evening walks – the nights are cool at this time. But you shouldn’t refuse sunscreen either: ultraviolet combined with a light breeze can easily burn the baby’s delicate skin.

      There is enough entertainment for children on the island, you will not be bored. On the contrary, you will have to plan your holiday program in such a way as to have time to visit as many interesting places as possible. Our selection of family entertainment in Tenerife can be found in this article.

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+28 ° 6 м/с 5 м/с 5 м/с 6 м/с 6 м/с 6 м/с 6 m/s 6 m/s
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